Buddhist Principles That Made Your Life Completely Zen
Buddhist Principles That Made Your Life Completely Zen
A significant part of the peace, determination and happiness I feel can be traced back to the perspectives offered by Buddhism. Your life can be really and absolutely Zen if you adopt and practice four Buddhist principles. Watch to know these principles...
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Living With Your Regrets
Everybody has some regrets, but the issue is not having regrets, but are you a pig wallowing in mud. If not, you need to get over and keep. How to do so? Watch to know...
Living With Your Regrets
Everybody has some regrets, but the issue is not having regrets, but are you a pig wallowing in mud. If not, you need to get over and keep. How to do so? Watch to know...
Want to be Decisive-Avoid These Cognitive Biases
Decision-making under pressure is a core leadership skill needed in life, and business. To be decisive you have to get rid of bias and be absolutely inured to other extraneous influences. Watch to know these biases that the are biggest impediments…
Want to be Decisive-Avoid These Cognitive Biases
Decision-making under pressure is a core leadership skill needed in life, and business. To be decisive you have to get rid of bias and be absolutely inured to other extraneous influences. Watch to know these biases that the are biggest impediments… -
Overcoming Your Fear Of Failure
One of the biggest roadblocks to success is the fear of failure. Fear of failure is worse than failure itself because it condemns you to a life of unrealized potential. How to overcome this bugbear of fear of failure. Watch to know.
Overcoming Your Fear Of Failure
One of the biggest roadblocks to success is the fear of failure. Fear of failure is worse than failure itself because it condemns you to a life of unrealized potential. How to overcome this bugbear of fear of failure. Watch to know. -
Four-Step Process to Prevent Negative Thoughts from Ruining Your Day
We have observed that negative thoughts take a heavy toll of our productivity and sap all creativity. Watch to know the process to prevent such negative thoughts from ruining your work…
Stop Believing These 7 Brutal Lies That Kill Your Success
Most people could achieve success if they'd only let go of the false beliefs that hold them back. But, sadly, most people won't do it. With that in mind, here are 7 simple, terrible, brutal, self-defeating lies that people tell themselves to torpedo their own success--along with how to stop believing them. Watch to know.
Stop Believing These 7 Brutal Lies That Kill Your Success
Most people could achieve success if they'd only let go of the false beliefs that hold them back. But, sadly, most people won't do it.
With that in mind, here are 7 simple, terrible, brutal, self-defeating lies that people tell themselves to torpedo their own success--along with how to stop believing them. Watch to know. -
Use 'the Mayday Rule' to Become Exceptionally Persuasive
Most people who hear "mayday" probably don't realise its origins; they just know that it means, "I'm having big trouble and I need help now!" I have converted this cry for help into a rule that if adopted can enable you to become more persuasive. Watch to know…
Use 'the Mayday Rule' to Become Exceptionally Persuasive
Most people who hear "mayday" probably don't realise its origins; they just know that it means, "I'm having big trouble and I need help now!" I have converted this cry for help into a rule that if adopted can enable you to become more persuasive. Watch to know…
In this digital age and mad competition, the attention span is getting shorter and shorter and that has an adverse effect on creativity and productivity. Watch to know what is attention span and how to enhance and elongate attention span.
Things You Must Quit Doing Now To Be More Successful
Most of us grew up hearing the mantra “Don’t be a quitter,” and we’ve internalized it to the point where we feel guilty even if we don’t finish a book that’s boring us to death. Our parents weren’t entirely wrong in saying that persistence is necessary for success, but sometimes quitting is the most effective course of action. Watch to know….
Ditch these phrases to sound more assertive
Your being assertive depends on your use of words and phrases, along with your body language. You need to ditch such phrases that make you look weak or timid. Listen to know…
Stop Overthinking and Make Better, Faster Decisions
Fast decisions are the need of any organization as delay can be fatal. And even in ordinary day-to-day life, quick decisions are the way to success. Watch to know how to do so…
Six Questions That Successful People Ask Themselves
Where success is concerned, mindset is important and this mindset is the result of ingrained habits. I have observed and practised six questions that should be asked by people who desire to be successful Listen to know…
Six Questions That Successful People Ask Themselves
Where success is concerned, mindset is important and this mindset is the result of ingrained habits. I have observed and practised six questions that should be asked by people who desire to be successful Watch to know…
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