
  • The healthcare industry is facing significant staffing shortages, leading to high turnover rates and substantial costs for practices in both clinical and non-clinical roles. In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, Jennifer discusses how your marketing department may hold the key to resolving your staffing and retention issues.

    Tune in to this special episode of the DrMarketingTips Show from the Missouri MGMA to learn recruitment and retention strategies that integrate marketing tactics with operational practices.

    By building a positive company culture and actively managing online reputations, practices can create environments that attract and retain top talent.

    What You'll Learn in This Episode:

    Healthcare’s Retention Problem: Insight into the staffing crisis in healthcare, including statistics on job vacancies and the high cost of turnover.Recruitment Strategies that Work: How marketing and HR can collaborate using targeted ads, dedicated landing pages, and recruitment videos to reach potential candidates effectively.Building a Positive Company Culture: The role of day-to-day interactions and management in fostering a workplace environment that supports retention.Tactics for Retention and Engagement: How operations and HR can implement employee surveys, management training, and marketing tactics like contests to improve employee engagement.Measuring Success: Methods for tracking vacancy rates, turnover numbers, employer review scores, and employee feedback to gauge the effectiveness of strategies implemented.
  • A new patient just discovered your practice and booked an appointment! What if you got these notifications in your inbox everyday? That’s quite possibly the future with new automated patient engagement programs.

    Did you know 63% of patients now prefer to book appointments digitally, a notable change from conventional methods like phone calls, which only comprise 38.8% of appointment bookings? There’s also been 338% increase in telemedicine appointments since 2019, showcasing the digital shift in patient preferences. It’s clear the world is moving to digital-first.

    In this episode “Evolution of Healthcare Media: New Strategies for the Social Era,” hosts Jennifer and Corey explore the dynamic shift of healthcare communication from traditional methods to contemporary digital platforms like Meta and TikTok. With a focus on the impact of social media and online channels, this show focuses on how these tools have transformed patient engagement and practice visibility.

    This episode is invaluable for doctors and practices seeking to stand out in the new digital-first world. Understanding these trends and strategies will help in attracting new patients, retaining current ones, and enhancing overall patient satisfaction.

    Listeners will also gain insights into developing effective social media strategies, the importance of content types, and the future of healthcare media involving AI and wearables.

    Tune In to Learn:

    The transition from traditional to new media: Discover how healthcare promotion has evolved from radio and billboards to interactive platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.The significance of interactive engagement: Learn why two-way communication with patients can lead to higher satisfaction and engagement.Content strategies for social media: Get tips on what to post, from patient testimonials to day-in-the-life clips, and why video content is essential.The future of healthcare media: Explore how AI, wearables, and integrated healthcare media landscapes are shaping the future of patient engagement.Practical steps to enhance your practice's digital presence: From using AI for content creation to tailoring your media strategy to your audience's needs.
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  • In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, hosts Jennifer and Cory explore how artificial intelligence is changing and innovating healthcare marketing. One way that AI is reshaping marketing strategies is by facilitating hyper-personalization and significantly impacting various operational tasks.

    For doctors, healthcare professionals, and other medical marketers aiming to stay at the forefront of industry advancements, this episode shows you how to leverage AI to enhance efficiency and creativity for marketing your medical practice.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    Understanding AI’s Impact: Gain insights on how AI can change workplace cultures and marketing strategies in healthcare.AI Solutions: Learn how AI is being used to tackle common challenges in the industry.Real-World Applications: AI tools are helpful for simplifying tasks like content creation, streamlining patient experiences, and even internal operations, making practices more efficient and responsive.Strategic Integration of AI: Learn about the strategic considerations necessary when integrating AI into healthcare marketing and operations, including how to identify opportunities for AI to solve specific problems.Navigating the Challenges of AI: Understand the management adjustments required when adopting AI technologies, such as distinguishing between human and AI-generated communications and maintaining quality control.
  • In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, co-hosts Jennifer and Corey talk through the essential tactics and strategies that medical practices need to market their practices and stay competitive in 2024.

    With a focus on understanding your practice's unique value proposition, defining patient personas, and leveraging various channels to attract your target audience, this episode offers guidance for medical professionals looking to refine their marketing efforts and establish a strong, patient-centric brand.

    The healthcare industry has undergone significant changes in 2024, shaped by advancements in technology, staff retention problems, and shifting patient behaviors. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has simplified some aspects of marketing while introducing new complexities and challenges.

    Watch this episode for invaluable insights into adapting your marketing strategies to meet the demands of the modern healthcare consumer, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, digital presence, and patient engagement.

    What You'll Learn This Episode:

    The Importance of a Strong Value Proposition: How to articulate and reinforce your practice's core values across all platforms.Patient Personas Revisited: Understanding and tailoring your messaging to specific patient groups for more effective marketing.Choosing Digital Channels for Growth: Strategies for optimizing your digital marketing efforts to enhance long-term growth, loyalty, and quality engagement.Navigating the Impact of AI: An exploration of AI's evolving role in healthcare marketing and how to harness its potential while navigating its challenges.Trust-Building with Content: Tips on creating content that builds trust with your audience, fosters a positive patient experience, and reinforces your brand's message.Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing available data and technology to make informed marketing decisions and improve patient outreach.
  • Episode 327 of The DrMarketingTips Show brings practical social media marketing advice for doctors and medical practices based on new data. Hosts Jennifer and Lexi, Senior Client Services Manager at Insight Marketing Group, discuss key takeaways from the Social Media Marketing World Conference and how medical practices can use these insights to their advantage–especially when trying to reach patients and get more engagement.

    This episode offers a number of resources to medical practices and healthcare professionals looking to use social media more effectively. You’ll hear about engagement strategies, content ideas, and the latest marketing trends to pay attention to for your medical practice.

    What You'll Learn in This Episode:

    Authenticity in Social Media: Why it’s important for doctors and practices to be relatable and genuine on social media, especially as digital marketing and patients start using AI. Short-Form Video Content: How platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are shaping patient engagement.Choosing the Right Platforms: Which social media platforms best reach different patient demographics and which ones to use for your practice. Content Strategies: Tips on repurposing content and utilizing various content formats to fill your social media calendar. Tools for Content Creation: Easy tools like CapCut and in-video AI for efficient content creation.
  • Did you know that 73% of Gen Z and 74% of Millennial workers seek employers that offer robust mental health support? In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, hosts Jennifer and Corey take a look at the evolving role of healthcare marketing in human resource departments at medical practices. Marketing strategies can significantly enhance HR efforts in recruitment, staff engagement, and building a positive workplace culture.

    You’ll also learn how to integrate marketing and HR to address modern challenges like the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for efficient communication, new approaches to workplace dynamics, and other innovative ways to engage with your practice’s staff.

    The conversation underscores the necessity of adapting marketing techniques to improve employee experiences, leverage new technology for both retention and recruitment, and promote a culture that aligns with your practice’s values.

    Tune In to Learn:

    The merging of healthcare marketing and HR roles to enhance employee engagement and recruitment strategies.Utilization of AI and chatbots for efficient communication and to address HR tasks, such as answering FAQs and assisting in the onboarding process.Tailoring approaches to meet the preferences and expectations of different generations in the workplace, particularly focusing on Gen Z's unique needs.How to bring awareness with marketing and emphasize support through workplace programs and partnerships with local mental health organizations.The significance of feedback and coaching in fostering a supportive environment that encourages professional growth and personal well-being.How to promote HR initiatives and your practice’s benefits, ensuring employees are aware and make the most of the resources available to them.
  • Having a reputation management strategy is no longer just about collecting good reviews. It's about understanding and implementing the technology that can streamline this process and provide insightful data for continuous improvement–ultimately delivering patients through your digital front door.

    In the first part of DrMarketingTips’ reputation management series for medical practices, we explored new trends, improving reviews, and what data matters most in practice reputation management. In this second part, co-hosts Jennifer and Corey share advanced strategies and tools that medical practices can use to easily monitor, track, and improve their reputation scores and patient-reported outcomes.

    Take a deeper look at leveraging technology in reputation management for your practice and see how just a few tools can significantly impact your practice’s digital presence for the better.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    Integrating Star Ratings in Ads: Discover the impact of linking your Google star ratings to your digital ads and how it can set you apart from competitors in search results.Automating Review Solicitation: Understanding the importance of automating the review solicitation process and its role in generating frequent, fresh reviews which are favored by search engines.Analyzing Competitive Data: Learn about your competitors’ data and get valuable insights for strategizing your own reputation management.Patient-Reported Outcomes: See how to increase patient engagement through digital surveys and how they can be used for internal improvements and external marketing.The Importance of Net Promoter Score (NPS): Get insights into how NPS scores can be used as a differentiator and a tool for continuous improvement.Google Seller Ratings: Explore how integrating Google seller ratings can enhance your ad visibility and provide social proof to prospective patients.

    Innovative Uses of Patient Feedback: How to effectively utilize patient feedback not just for reputation management, but also for improving patient experiences and even in recruitment strategies.

  • Have you googled your medical practice lately? Is your profile and map location accurate? What else could you do to direct patients to your practice so they see your glowing reviews? In part 1 of our reputation management series for medical practices, co-hosts Jennifer and Cory walk you through improving reputation management especially for today’s digital audience.

    Did you know that 40% of patients won’t visit your practice if your data is wrong? It could be because your website link has a 404 or your pin location is wrong. This episode sheds light on the intricate balance between actual patient reviews and accurate online data and the impact of these elements on a practice's reputation in the digital world.

  • Looking for insights into market research, audience personal development, and content development for your practice? In this episode of The DrMarketingTips Show, co-hosts Jennifer and Cory focus on the art of prompt engineering for AI content creation, tailored specifically for doctors, medical practices, patients, and other marketing strategies for healthcare.

    While AI is smart, it still needs a human touch. They share expert strategies for crafting precise prompts to guide AI tools in generating authentic, brand-aligned content for healthcare audiences.

    The discussion underlines the importance of editing and fine-tuning AI outputs to ensure they resonate with the nuances of medical communication and talking to different patient audiences.

    For healthcare professionals looking to embrace AI in their marketing efforts, the episode also introduces a valuable resource and guide to prompts: ChatGPT prompt pack with over 100 prompts. You can use this prompt pack to research, design, and streamline all types of medical content and strategy, including patient research, website content, advertising, social media, email marketing and much more.

    Tune Into This Episode to Learn:

    How to use AI and ChatGPT to enhance your medical practice content without losing the human touch When and what you should use AI for in healthcare marketingSteps to craft the best prompts to get better results and how to use the ChatGPT Medical Marketing Prompt Pack The importance of training your AI on your practice and patient personas How ChatGPT can now access and research in real-time, speeding up your ideation and content creation processWhy human oversight is necessary to personalize content and remove AI “jargon”
  • How is your content marketing game for your medical practice? It’s shaping into a pivotal time for practices that can create the best content.

    In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, hosts Jennifer and Corey share how to balance an increase in content marketing and the rapid adoption of generative AI in healthcare. They discuss the increasing sophistication of search engines in identifying AI-generated content, emphasizing the need for original, high-quality material.

    However, content marketing is more competitive than ever. Medical practices and providers also need to maintain a consistent content stream across various platforms, from websites to social media, while optimizing for effective patient communication and SEO.

    Tune In to Discover:

    The importance of original, high-quality content for SEO and patient engagement.How search engines are becoming more adept at identifying AI-generated content.Strategies for practices that want to maintain content consistency across various channels, including websites, social media, staff, and patient communications.There is a need for human oversight in AI-generated content to ensure it is on-brand, non-plagiarized, and authentic.The challenges posed by the rapid pace of content generation and the role of AI in raising the bar for content quality.Practical tips for healthcare marketers in leveraging AI while maintaining authenticity in their content strategy.
  • In episode 321 of the DrMarketingTips Show, co-host Jennifer Thompson talks with Jennifer Taggart, Vice President of Client Services at Insight Marketing Group, about the importance of using video in medical practice marketing. They discuss how video content can be used to engage patients and promote healthcare professionals, specifically doctors.

    Drawing on her background in commercial acting, Jennifer Taggart provides valuable advice on how healthcare providers can feel more comfortable in front of the camera and use video content effectively in their communication strategies. The episode highlights video content's practical applications and benefits in healthcare marketing.

    What's in this Episode

    Don’t Sweat the Prep: How doctors can prepare and get comfortable with subject matter when facing the camera.Expect Unexpected Questions: Strategies to handle unexpected questions and control the conversation gracefully.Common Camera Fears: Discuss doctors' fears when on camera and how to address them.Techniques for Effective Delivery: Tips on pacing, using pauses, and having bullet points to enhance speech delivery on camera.Practice Makes Perfect: Learn how to get comfortable speaking through practice, which aids in delivering content more naturally and confidently.Utilizing Teleprompters: Teleprompters can help ensure key points are covered effectively.Customizing Content for Different Platforms: Tailoring video content for various social media platforms for maximum engagement.Simplicity in Video Marketing: Demonstrating that simple, direct video content can often be more effective than elaborate productions.Audience-Specific Content: The importance of creating video content that speaks directly to the intended audience segment.
  • Planning an event for your medical practice? Do you want to engage more physicians so they know to refer to your practice? In this episode of the DrMarketingTips show, we discuss the importance of events for medical practices. Event marketing is one of the best ways to network and spread awareness about your medical practice and providers.

    From holding an event to opening a new location or introducing a new physician to celebrating an anniversary, events aren’t just about attendance. These events create opportunities to deepen relationships with referring physicians, your staff, and the local community.

    Learn about healthcare event marketing strategies, including how to prepare, what to do on the day of the event, and how to launch post-event strategies.

    Tune In to Become a Medical Event Marketing Expert:

    Define Clear Goals: Identify the purpose of the event—whether it's a new physician introduction, community engagement, or relationship-building with referrals.Targeted Invitations: Craft personalized invites, both digital and printed, and follow up via phone calls or emails to maximize attendance.Inclusive Outreach: Engage referring physicians, staff, community leaders, and potential patients through tailored invites and personal connections.Contingency Planning: Develop backup plans for contingencies like weather, delayed vendors, or unforeseen issues to ensure smooth event execution.Employee Engagement: Involve staff as ambassadors, ensuring they're identifiable and actively participating in the event to boost the practice's image.Capture the Moment: Assign someone to take photos/videos during the event for post-event content and social media highlights.Post-Event Engagement: Follow up promptly with attendees via email, sharing event highlights, photos, and videos to sustain connections and showcase what they missed.
  • Trying to run a new advertising campaign but not getting any traction? In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, Corey and Chad talk you through what’s happening in digital advertising trends and new hurdles medical practices face in reaching new patients as advertising platforms update their terms and restrictions.

    New privacy restrictions are constantly being updated but without viable advertiser support from platforms like Meta and Google, posing challenges to advertisers aiming to craft effective campaigns. Medical practices often need to work with an agency who has a Facebook (Meta) Ad representative or Google Ad Support account to even get a response.

    Join us as we share the reasons behind ad rejections, shifting ad policies, and actionable strategies to avoid restrictions so that your practice can continue to use social media advertising and Google ads.

    Tune in to discover:

    The evolving nature of ad platforms and the challenges faced by advertisers.Strategies for verification and transparency required by advertising platforms.The impact of privacy laws on ad tracking and strategies to comply.Common reasons for ad denials and unexpected hurdles in digital advertising.Best practices to avoid ad rejections and navigate platform restrictions effectively.Tools, resources, and tips to stay updated and manage evolving ad policies efficiently.
  • The newest episode of DrMarketingTips Show features Corey and Jennifer as they dive into a candid conversation about the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in healthcare marketing. After attending leading industry conferences focused on content marketing trends and artificial intelligence, we show you how to harness the power of AI to supercharge your marketing efforts.

    Here's what we explore in this episode:

    AI as Your Marketing Doppelganger: AI can be your virtual assistant, making you a better marketer. You can leverage AI to generate content, brainstorm ideas, and enhance your marketing strategies by providing it with the correct prompts and guidance.Training AI for Success: The quality of AI output depends on the prompts you provide. We discuss the importance of setting the stage for AI and giving it context and specific instructions to achieve desired results.The Value of Prompt Packs: We introduce the concept of prompt packs, which are detailed starting points for AI. These packs guide AI in creating content, whether writing a press release, designing images, or producing other marketing materials.Using AI for Image Generation: AI isn't limited to text; it can also help create images. We share how to use AI for image generation and provide tips on optimizing your prompts for great results.Hiring Marketing Coordinators: If you're considering hiring a marketing coordinator or specialist, ask them about their AI knowledge and willingness to use these tools. AI is becoming a standard in the industry, and you want team members who embrace its capabilities.

    In the evolving healthcare marketing landscape, AI is a powerful ally that can make you more efficient, creative, and strategic. Tune in to discover how to make AI work for you and enhance your marketing efforts.

  • In our latest episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, learn about the ever-evolving world of SEO for your medical practice, including top trends in SEO and how to navigate the changing landscape to boost your online presence with Google. .

    Join our co-host, Corey along with special guest and digital marketing expert, Chad, for this discussion on SEO strategies and best practices that will help you stay ahead of the game, including how to create “experiences” on your website that Google is looking for.

    Tune In to Discover:

    The importance of engaging and unique content.The impact of AI-generated content on SEO.The need for fact-checking AI-generated content.The value of targeting your audience, not just traffic.Using video to enhance your content and engage your audience effectively.The shift from trying to trick the system to following best practices.

    Enhance your website’s SEO, develop a better content strategy, and improve your online visibility with the latest insights and tips from our healthcare marketing experts.

  • In our newest episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, we’ve invited Patty Pugh, CEO of Expert Medical Advisors and 20+ year practice management veteran, to talk about how she uses just 2% of her budget to hire a marketing agency. Patty shares invaluable insights to guide you in selecting the ideal healthcare marketing agency for your practice.

    Join us as we explore the world of healthcare marketing and gain insights into the essential strategies and best practices to make an informed decision about your practice's online presence.

    Tune In to Discover:

    How to choose a healthcare marketing agency that aligns with your practice's goals.Evaluating a marketing agency's track record and experience in the healthcare sector.Ensuring trustworthiness and accountability in your partnership.A comprehensive range of marketing services to boost your practice's success.Measuring the ROI of marketing efforts and ensuring they add value.Questions to ask potential marketing agencies.Building a long-term, successful partnership with your chosen agency.
  • Welcome to “WebSights,” the DrMarketingTips Show’s special dive into the intricate world of medical practice websites! As your practice’s digital gateway, your website plays a pivotal role in fostering patient relations, ensuring trust, and driving effective conversions.

    After guiding practices through 300+ episodes, Jennifer and Corey zero in on website mastery in this curated season, arming you with actionable insights – from ADA compliance nuances to SEO strategies and content creation prowess. Don’t miss this concentrated dose of website wisdom!

  • In this episode, we're tackling a critical concern for businesses in the digital age: safeguarding your Facebook Business Manager against hacks and security breaches. Join us as we delve into the world of online security and discover essential strategies and best practices to keep your business's online presence secure and resilient.

    Tune In to Discover:

    How to safeguard your Facebook Business Manager against hacks and security breaches.Best practices to protect your business's online presence.Potential consequences of security breaches, such as data loss. Practical security measures and tools to protect your Facebook. Communicating with your team and understanding the importance of employee training in preventing security threats.Proactive security measures to stay ahead of potential risks.

    If you have questions about Facebook security and how to protect your business online, check out this episode and learn from our recent experience.

  • In this episode, we're diving deep into a crucial, yet often overlooked aspect of healthcare marketing: how to market to your team internally. Discover how focusing on communicating with your team can transform your medical practice, making it run smoother and more efficiently with these tried and true strategies and tactics.

    Listen in as Jennifer and Corey discuss why internal marketing is the backbone of a well-functioning practice, and find out how your practice can thrive when your team is informed and engaged.

    Tune in to discover:

    Practical strategies for implementing internal marketing using tools and resources you already haveHow to measure and report on the effectiveness of your internal marketing effortsTactics you can use to communicate with your team such as the intranet, memos, posters, TV loops, newsletters, bulletin boards, and moreTips to avoid silos within your organizationWays you can address diverse communication styles and cover your bases The role of a potential Workplace Development Committee

    Unlock the secrets of internal marketing and transform your team into a well-informed and engaged workforce.

  • In this episode, recorded live from this year’s Florida MGMA conference floor, we share the good, the bad, and the ugly when finding the perfect giveaway items to make a lasting impact for prospective referrals, partners, attendees, and even employees.

    From understanding what's popular today as you prepare for budget season to breaking down why some things just don’t work anymore, join Jennifer and Corey as they provide a comprehensive guide to elevating your practice's visibility and engagement through thoughtfully chosen giveaways.

    In this episode, you'll explore:

    The best and rest of giveaway items: What's popular and what to avoidTailoring giveaways for different occasions and audiences like events, referral visits, and employee appreciationBudget-friendly strategies to prepare for conference and event giveawaysThe relevance and staying power of a thoughtful giveawayInsider advice on avoiding common giveaway pitfalls and clichés

    Unlock the secrets of impactful giveaways and transform your practice's presence at events and conferences.