
  • Ask With Faith 1

    Matthew 7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

    As I'm going to prepare this message, the Lord said to me to talk about asking, I never know what to share on asking, because it is normal thing that we ask something from God, until God lead me to started writing and He pointed out to ASKING WITH FAITH.

    Do you ask in faith or you ask because you think you deserve it? Or even in doubted mind that let me just ask if He's going to give me. Devil watches us and is our accuser of all time.

    Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.

    Ah! Holy Spirit filled this place. That you ask for something from God doesn't mean you deserve it, because of our unrighteousness some times. And God can even tarry in giving us of what we asked , and . Looking at Abraham, Father of Faith, what significant thing can you see about him, why is it called the father of faith, he experience all sort of Test of Faith but He trust God.

    I won't limit what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Brethren (readers) even though I know so many people get bored reading long post, but I tell you this isn't just post, it a guide for you and I.

    You see what Hebrew 11:6 says, it is impossible to please God without faith. If you want to do God's work you must do it with faith. The disciples that receive the power of The Holy Ghost on the of pentecost. Having got some research on that. It is cleared that the disciples didn't receive Holy Ghost until Jesus ascension to heaven after 40 days of His resurrection and it took another 10 days to wait for the power of the Holy Ghost.

    The significance there is that they waited with faith and they received with faith, even Mary the mother of Jesus now knows the mystery behind His Son Jesus Christ, she has to waited with them in faith to receive which Jesus Christ has told them they will receive.

    Brethren, enjoying the communion that God is serving us this day. A sincere question to you.

    DO YOU EVER ASKED WITH FAITH, or you asked because you deserve it. Yes you may deserve it but don't test God rather ask with faith and ye shall receive it.

    Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
    God had ordained us to work in His way, God has principles and ways of working (manifesting)
    I pray the Lord reveal Himself to me to show you the principles of God. We can not know it all, but as Moses saw the back side of God he can also show us is magnificent of His work so that, we don't stress ourselves unnecessarily on things not matter.

    I pray the Lord fill your heart this day. Amen.


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  • Welcome to today's episode of Daily Communion With God on Who Is Now Ready Podcast Show. I pray you will be blessed in Jesus name. Amen

    Welcome to Day 1 of Daily Communion With God in year 2022. I pray as you listen and share this podcast, your life will never remain the same. Amen


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  • “Do not work for the food that disappears, but for the food that remains to eternal life—
    the food which the Son of Man will give to you.  For God the Father has put his seal of approval on him.”
    —John 6:27

    Have you ever considered that everything you and I can see and touch is ultimately going to pass away? We live in a perishable world; it is all subject to decay and destruction. That’s a sobering thought! However, the things of heaven are imperishable; they will last forever! And we can store up our true treasure in heaven.

    Jesus said, Jesus said, “But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and devouring insect do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20). Do you want to be rich in the next world, the real world, the world that will last forever? If so, you need to be actively converterlating the perishable items of this world into the imperishable treasures of the world to come.

    Converterlators understand that we all live in a time bubble that can pop in this perishing world at any time. When that happens we will find ourselves in a totally different paradigm. The wise person realizes that in the end, all of our earthly time, talent, and treasure is going to perish. The Apostle Paul made this point clear when he said, “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it” (1 Timothy 6:7). Think of it, everything we know and love about this world will eventually be gone!
    This eternal focus was at the core of Paul’s teaching. He set his eyes and his heart on the eternal because he knew that the world as we know it is temporary and wasting away. Paul’s eyes were fixed on eternity, and he conducted his life accordingly.

    Each one of us has to make a choice: Do we want to enjoy life within the Lord’s framework so our lives can echo into eternity, or are we going to live our lives dedicated to the temporary values of this perishing world?

    As we study the Bible, we discover we are in the middle of two totally different value systems that are striving to win our commitment and loyalty. The first is what we call the perishable world system, and the second is the imperishable eternal realm. Paul tells us,

    “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” —1 Timothy 6:17–19

    The world system is doing everything it can to consume all of our temporary time, talent, and treasure, enticing us to invest all of them into stuff, activity, and experiences that in the end of life will have no eternal value. For the most part, the world system is held together by force, greed, and power. It caters to developing a self-centered life, a self-first mindset; it is bent on finding significance in power, fame, status, and accumulation of wealth. A wrong emphasis on these things often destroys the lives of people and their loved ones.
    Self, fame, status, personal wealth: these often become idols in the lives of many people, even those who profess to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. These things take the place that God should have in our lives. In many instances the world system emphasizes striving to get more for doing less. Get as much stuff as you can so you can retire from work, and have a life of ease doing what you want to do when you want to do it. It does everything it can to keep us from thinking about the eternal aspect of life.
    On the other hand we have the value system of the heavenly realm revealed to us by the person of Jesus Christ emphasizing a life of love, giving, and serving. This involves work that leads to glorifying God, building treasure


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  • On one faithful afternoon of Monday, November 8, 2021. Holy Spirit came to me and start showing me things about how well people are prepared for Jesus coming.

    Holy Spirit directed me to see those gathering talking about businesses and some children playing Alomo bitter's bottle as a ball while some youth gathered practising table tennis on a short bench made for sitting. A bike man that was passing by, Holy Spirit showed me, some men standing, a woman frying potatoes, yam and beans cake, a woman cutting vegetables, a lady fixing nails while some were receiving calls, some are walking just as I was walking home, some are in their car and Holy Spirit said, They are not ready. After I heard the same voice says you are not ready. That is... Those pointed at and I also was not ready. The question was - Who Is Now Ready?

    Haaa including me? I asked myself. Holy Spirit said Yes! Then I start to check myself, I discovered I failed to preach on the bus while going to work and even when coming back. Then I said to myself could this be the reason why I'm not ready, I tried checking myself again if there is any sin in my life. I asked myself these questions - have I looked at a lady with open breast today, or look at their buttocks, but I tried waving my eyes from it, I replied myself. Have I lied today? Have I caused someone to be angry or someone angry at me... Where exactly do I come short of the glory of God I asked myself, it was bitter inside my heart but it shows outside of me by my face that things were not going alright with me. I was confused, I squeeze my face if you jam with me that period... You will know that something is going on with me. I was not happy. I was trying to find my fault or where I'm faulty, but I didn't get to understand where and how. I suggested that maybe my unknowing sin or a long time sin, sin that I cant remember. Maybe it was the one that has stood my way. Hmmm

    I was on this till I got home... Dropped my bag and thank God for bringing me back home.

    Immediately after the prayer Holy Spirit told me to pen the question down... But that was when I picked my phone start checking my messages until I forget... He reminded me in the night, I once said it in the hear of a brother we are together but because his mind was not with me... He was busy pressing his phone, he never asked me what Holy Spirit asked me to pen down.
    Because I was very weak I find it difficult to pen it down while I did some other things that night, there was an ads scripts I was to write, which I wrote that night but ignore to write the question Holy Spirit told me to write.

    I stopped thinking about the question and the voice that told me I was also not ready and was doing my things, not knowing Jesus himself will come in my dream... I didn't see him but He solemnity speak one word... Which you are going to hear in the narration of my dream.

    My Dream that night of 8th November 2021 to 9th November 2021 morning goes like this.

    It was clear that the world was not in good shape anymore, people were just doing as they like. Bad things were happening as Devil was using his demons to torment the world.

    Then a man came to me, in that dream, it was like the man was my friend, so we have a discussion and he bang into his life experience. He said he was not happy that he has not been promoted. He was just stagnant in that office where he was working. He had already given up with his speech with me. In that dream, I encouraged him not to give up. all this our discussion was by a high way (expressway).

    So after word of encouragement, I told him I will be praying for him. So I crossed to another side of the road. As if I want to board a bus back to where I was coming from. But I saw an interesting film show and at the same time was tormenting. I saw policemen piercing through youth with drilling machines in their hearts. I was shocked and thought that what kind of judgment are they giving these people, then one turn back to the.....


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  • Who Moved My Cheese?

    Motivational story podcast by Daniel. Powered by DELIGHT TV. Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life. The story describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two "Littlepeople", during their hunt for cheese. In today's episode of Who Moved My Cheese? Am going to podcast on how, How tough about his past fear, how he has let his fear to overwhelm him and draw him back in the Cheeseless Station C. Todays Episode is so motivational and inspiring. Please Subscribe to my YouTube channel and always share this podcast link with your friends. Enjoy your week-end.


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  • Hello Dear Listeners,

    Good evening to you, hope your day was fruitful?

    Last week on Dream It podcast show we had the continuation Who moved my cheese? Story Eps 2 which was a eyes opening..

    This week am continuing with Eps 3. From last week episode we see, how Hem was looking at his friend wearing his own running gear shoe, going for change.

    Its my pleasure to let you know that in this episode..
    There is much to learn it's not just a story.. It's a story that touches the heart and changes the mind. You will going to see how Hem made the choice to change, thought
    it wasn't easy. But you will see how he overcome his fear and thought in this episode, and how you also can apply the same formula to any challenge you may be facing.

    Thank you for listening

    You can also listening to other episodes from that link above.


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  • We all strive towards outcomes at work, at home and in our communities because we believe they will make us (or those we love) happy.

    It might be a good job, a loving relationship, money or possessions. It might be better health or spiritual peace of mind.

    And it can feel wonderful when we eventually get them. Those things become cornerstones in our best-laid plans for the future.

    Yet life is constantly changing and sometimes it blocks (or even undoes) things we expect, feel we deserve or have worked so long and so hard to accomplish.

    But because we fear starting again, looking foolish or that we might end up somewhere worse, we often don’t want to change when things begin changing around us.

    We deny change has arrived or was coming. We get frustrated and start to blame others. We cling to what was, instead of what simply now is.

    And the more important whatever’s-at-risk feels, the more desperately we try to hold on.

    We seethe with impotent stress and vexation. We think more about what could go wrong than go right. We let our fears grow out of control then control us.

    But the fact is, like it or otherwise, that the world is constantly changing. And while not all change is good or necessary it always creates new opportunities, whether we recognise them immediately or not.

    That’s why it’s important to learn how to deal with change. That’s why it pays to learn how to adapt to new circumstances.

    That’s why you need to listen to this podcast and subscribe to it 

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  • Who Moved My Cheese? is a short, light-hearted parable about change, by best-selling author, Dr. Spencer Johnson. It follows the physical and emotional journeys of four characters – Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw – as they search, find, lose and must rediscover their favourite food, cheese, in a large, twisting maze. Perfect for you if:

    You’re going through a difficult change at home or at work.You know someone who’s stuck in a rut and just can’t seem to move on.You’re looking for an uplifting book you can devour in a couple of hours.


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  • Short Note

    Hello dear listeners,

    Welcome back to today's show of Rich Dad Poor Dad on Dream It Podcast Show, I am Daniel Abolaji. And before I go into today's episode of Rich Dad Poor Dad.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is a story narrated by Robert T. Kiyosaki and this story is dedicated to all parents everywhere, a most important teacher. In this story am going to will learn what the Rich Teach their kids about money and that the poor and middle class do not! Just like I was not taught but I have to discover it myself... Hallelujah.  In this episode, you will learn HOW MONEY WORK FOR RICH AND HOW POOR PEOPLE WORK FOR MONEY, are you shock! Don't be I got you covered....

    DOES SCHOOL PREPARE CHILDREN FOR THE REAL WORLD? "Study hard and get good grades and you find a high paying job with great benefits" that's all what parents used to say. But I will tell you this Sir Ma, Uncle, sister, ore that friend listening to me.. Getting good education and making good grades no longer ensures success, and nobody seems to have noticed, while some people noticed it, those who came back from NYSC but still trying to secure a job yet he or she didn't get.. Abi those who finished HND and and still looking for company to employ them.

    Today we are facing global and technology change as great or even greater than those ever faced before. No one has a crystal ball, but one thing is for certain: Changes lies ahead that are beyond our reality. Who knows what the future brings? But whatever happen, we have two fundamental choices: play it safe or play it smart by preparing getting educated and awakening Your Own and your children's financial genius.

    In these episodes you will learn how to avoid One of Life Biggest Trap. You will learn how to control your emotions of fear and greed.. Cause if you let emotion of joy and desire and greed take over or react in your life instead of you to think... You will end up being poor... I believe you're seeing or hearing what others are missing... So I will huge you not to miss this opportunity.

    Before I end today's episode of Rich Dad Poor Dad, cause of time... I will hint you some content that will be discuss in this story aside from what I have shared earlier. I'm going to share with you how the  Rich Men don't work for money - Why Teach Financial Literacy? - How To Mind Your Own Business  - The History of Taxes and Power of Corporations - How and Why the Rich Invent Money - Work to Learn - Don't work for money  - And for beginners like us will also learn in this episode how to Overcome Obstacles

    So why bother developing your financial IQ? Because if you do you will prosper greatly. And if you don't this period of time will be a frightening one. It will be a time of watching people move boldly forward while others cling to decaying life rings.

    Today, I find so many people struggling, often working harder, simply because they cling to old ideas. They want thing to be the way they were; they resist change and that's why I also planned to tell a Story of WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? I believe after you hearing the lesson from the story you will know how to adapt to change. I know people who are losing their jobs or their house, and they still have to blame Technology or the economy or their boss. Sadly they fail to realize that they might be the problem. Old ideas are their biggest liability. It is a liability simply because they fail to realize that while that idea or way of doing something was an asset yesterday, yes and yesterday is gone. And today you need to listen to my podcast... Alright that will be all for today's episode.. 

    Thank you for listening... Please feel free to drop your message below you can as well send email to [email protected] or call 08168421702. Bye..... See you in my next episode.

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  • Who Moved My Cheese? Tells us a parable, which you directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty. This story tells us about Parts of All of Us. The Simple and The Complex. The four imaginary characters depicted in this story - The Mice: "Sniff" and "Scurry", and the Little People: "Hem" and "Haw" who are intended to represent the simple and the complex parts of ourselves, regardless of our age, gender, race or nationality. Sometimes we may act like Sniff, Who sniffs out change easily, or Scurry who scurries into action, or Hem who denies and resits change as he fears it will lead to something worse, or Has who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing can lead to something better! But whatever part is us we choose to use, we all share something in common: A need to find out way into the maze and succeed in changing times. Stay tune with Dreamt It Podcast Show don't forget to visit my YouTube channel and subscribe. Episode 1 will be released on Saturday 20th June, 2020


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  • Dream It Podcast show will be a weekly podcast show which I be sharing an interesting stories, like true life story, story from books, topic discussion, motivational audio content etc. I will also interview some amazing speakers to share their stories, educate and motivate my listeners. My hope is to share my passion and to build a community to achieve their beautiful goals.


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  • This Podcast has risen to be "The Voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straights" You will be blessed as you listen


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