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    We're back!! One time only!! At least until season 2 releases. or we get bored.

    While we prepare season 2, we look back on season 1 and answer all your burning questions! And we do it with our VERY good friend Robert Walker of the podcast Dungeons, Dragons, and Psychology and author of "Session Zero: the DMG to Writing Great Campaigns in any System". Please check him out on his website, on Apple, Spotify, and Instagram!

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Hello Traveler! You've made it to the end of our journey. There's been twists and turns, mostly due to the players not knowing what they're doing and getting sidetracked, but we finally reached the end!! No no, don't cry! I promise, after a short haitus, we will be back!!! Season 2 babyy!! But let's worry about the here and now. The gang finally has their big bad cornered with some pretty lights. What are those doing? Will they finally make him see reason, or will they have to convince him using their fists? What happened to Dalton's soul?? It's all finally be answered right here, right now. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the season finale of DUNNGEEEONNNN RRAAADDIIOOOO HOOOUUURRR!!
    We SINCERELY thank you for listening and really hope we put a smile on your face! This project has meant so much to us and we could only do it with YOUR support! Please be sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tiktok for updates on season 2! And if you've enjoyed us this far, we would GREATLY appreciate if you would rate and review on Spotify and Apple. It helps you share us with strangers. But also share us with friends! Or enemies! Want to support us even further? Ok ok, twist my arm, I'll tell you. We have a patreon! Full of episode bloopers and extended intros from season 1, Jeffcast (podcast episodes made exclusively by Jeff!), Special one-shots, and so much more! Links to everything below :) Bye for now ~ (but not forever)

    Instagram @Dungeonradiohour
    Threads @Dungeonradiohour
    Tiktok @Dungeonradiohour
    FB @Dungeonradiohour
    Twitter @Dungeon_radio
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Are you guys ready for our final episode of Season 1 of Dungeon Radio Hour? Barely remember anything that's happened so far? We've got your back! Here is a full recap of everything from episode 1-49 to prepare you for the epic finale. What will happen to Jeff, Dalton, Alissa, Mike, and Andrew? Will they survive this final challenge? Will they finally get to go home? Tune in to find out.

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

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    OMGGGGGG guys we're in the finale part 2! And who knows how many parts this finale will have! Maybe like, 7 probably. Nahhhhh we really are finishing up and hopefully you're coming out of this meal feeling satisfied. I mean, we REALLY stuffed this bird with carbs and useless calories. There's barely anything nutritious in this show! But they're so tasty, even if they lack vitamins......anyway, I don't really know what analogy i'm making anymore. Last we left off, there was a BIG reveal. So big I don't even want to say it here, but, you know what i mean. *wink* we have a little secret together. And it was bad. And scary. And now the gang had to roll for initiative???? In what's probably their final battle???? Will they make it out alive? Will they save Dalton? HOW do they save Dalton? It's all possibly answered here in the next serving of DUNNGGEEOOOONN RRRAAADDDIIOOOOO HHHOOOUUURRRR!!!

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    *sniff* it's all coming to an end! The gang has been through so much!! And so many twists and turns along the way! Did you listen to the last episode?? If you haven't yet I HIGHLY recommend going back and catching up as there was a BIG thing. Like super big. The gang found Arnold and the room of portals! Will they finally get to go home? Will they save Dalton?? How will they escape this realm?? All your questions will finally be answered as we head into our season 1 finale. As we make our way to the end, we want to thank you, dear listener, for following along up until now. I know we've talked about it on the show before, but we are truly truly grateful you have joined us for this crazy ride. We weren't sure how this would go but we just knew we wanted to have fun and make something creative. And we did! And we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you SO much for listening. I truly hope we've made you laugh, cry, and feel everything in between. And we hope we see you for season 2.

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    WILD. JUST WILD. Mike is back to life, thanks to Jeff. They moved on through the castle and found Razzles!!! Alissa's BFF! And she wants to show them something? But she's stuck in this sticky goo so she has to telepathically show them. We finally get to see what happened when the gang fell through the portal, and the aftermath on the other side. What have their spouses been doing this entire time? Did they even notice they were missing? Who is taking care of their pets???? Tune in and find out in this week's episode of DUNNGEEOONNN RRAADDIIOOOO HOOUURRR!!!

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    WHAT. IS. HAPPENING?!?!?! Did you listen to the last episode?? DID YOU??? You better go back and listen because MAJOR things are happening!! And we hate spoilies. When we last left our heroes, they had successfully taken down Annora, but lost Mike in the process. I KNOW. You read that right. This was supposed to be silly fun times, "listen in your car and not have a care in the world" kind of podcast, not this shit! The gang has finally defeated the big bad, but at what cost??? What will they do without their comedic relief? Will Jeff be able to handle his Aunt's death? Where do they go from here?? Tune in for another exciting tale of DUNGEEOOOONNNN RRAAADDIIIOOOO HHHOOOUUURRRRR!

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    WHAT. IS. HAPPENING?!? The gang is taking this pretty seriously for once. They have a gnome from the mirror, they have weird unseen servants flying about (that aren't so unseen? feels like a plot hole? its in the name that they're unseen?? eh, they make the rules how they want), they have a map that's been tracking them without consent!! A lot of clues but how do they match up? It's time they finally confronted Annora! Will they have the guts to stand up to her? Where exactly is Dalton being kept in this prison? Who really is the Mad Mage?? Tune in to find out in an another amazing tale of DUNNGEEOONNN RRAADDDIOOOO HHHOUUURRRR

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Dang guys, we're nearing the end and we are FINALLY seeing some stakes! The stakes? They're sharp. And real. And in the hands of Buffy can be really scary for vampires!! Oh wait, that's another show. and the wrong definition of the word "stake". So back to this show!!! The stakes are high in this new episode. Our gang found a dead Neznar, which only introduced more questions than answers! Who killed Neznar? Who was he working for? Whose dungeon is this? Will Alissa's metal detector amulet help them finally find Dalton? Find out in this new episode of DUNNGEEEOONNN RRAADDDIOOOO HHOOOUUURRR!!!

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Merry Christmas ya filthy goblins! That's what they say in Home Alone, right? Maybe it was Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Or maybe Home Alone 3, no descriptive subtitle needed. Just Home Alone 3. And noooo further Home Alone movies were made. None at all. At least that's how the Home Alone universe lives in MY head. Man, Joe Pesci being a villian is crazy right? I really knew him for his work in My Cousin Vinny. Underrated movie i say! ........ANYWAY what's happening in this show you may ask? Who knows really. My brains tuned out for the holidays. And since we had a 3 part christmas episode last year, we decided to save you on this one and stick to the plot. Wherever the plot is. Oh yeah! We last left our adventurers with Alissa alone on the other side of the magic runes and Mike and Andrew singing about themselves. Sounds about right. Will our adventurers find each other again? What other mysteries will they find in this strange lair? Who is the Mad Mage???? Don't change that dial, it's time for DUNGEEOONNNN RRAADDDIOOOOOO HOOOOUURRRRR

    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Oh no! A scary mirror! Our gang has braved many things and they can now check Jeff's bedroom off that list! They found his journal that revealed that Annora and Neznar are working together and maybe also have a relationship going on? Super gross. Now to journey inside of Aunt Annora's mirror and find what lurks below. Will they find out why Aunt Annora is so keen on Neznar? Why was her shop abandoned? Where are Jeff and Arnold???? Perhaps we'll find out in this week's episode! Don't change that dial, it's time for DUNNGEEOONNN RAAADDIOOO HOUUUURR!!!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Hey all! Apologies for the audio quality in this episode, our recording system decided to not work and we didn't realize until well after. But we don't let that stop us! In this episode, our gang braves the most treatcherous area they ever come across: Jeff's bedroom. What gross, weird things will they find in this lonely man's lair? (Also, if you've listened to Jeffcast on Patreon, theres a little easter egg for you in here!) Will they learn any more about what exactly happened in the shop? Where do they go from here? It's all here in the latest episode of DUNGEON RADIO HOOOUUUURRRRRR!!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!! Pretty ominous title, huh? We're really getting into some nice, sweet, juicy plot here in this episode! It's nice and tender and medium rare, just how you like it. Unless you're a crazy person who wants their plot well done! THAT'S NOT WE DO THINGS HERE! This is barely cooked but still super delicious!! Anyway, i think that analogy got away from me. The gang! They've been caught in a frozen spell by Neznar and have now awakened in a strange new place. And Alissa gets a little visit from a friend. What secrets will they unearth about Neznar's plot? Will it lead them closer to Dalton probably maybe finally? It's all here in the next thrilling tale of DUNGEEOONNN RAADDIOOOO HOUUUURR!!!!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Need a little scare today? We've got the perfect episode for you! When we last left our "couragrous" heroes, they were playing pranks on Neznar in his office. You know the usual. A bucket of water balanced on top of the door, worms in the bed, everything moved an inch to the left. You know, common pranks! Anyway, it would have been SO funny, except Neznar interrupted them. And right when Andrew befriended (ha, get it?) some little buzzing bees. What will happen to the gang now that they've been caught? Will Neznar fall for any of their shenanigans? Will anyone die??? Knowing our group, possibly. But to find out, you'll have to not change that dial! It's time for another thrilling tale of DUNNGGEEEEONNNNNN RAAADDIIOOOOO HOOOOOURRRRRRR
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    BOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Naw, it's me-Jeff! You're in for a real treat in this spookytabular, sexytabulous, Spookyween surprise special bonus episode!! We're letting the Jeffy out of the Patreon cage for this festive season, so cozy on in it's time for JEFFCAST!


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    Helllooooo all you miscreants and molerats, how are you doing this fine day? Our gang would likely say it is NOT their favorite moment as we left them trapped in a room of goblins last episode. But don't worry, they gots a spell to help them sneak past. They leveled up and are all excited to try out them new spell slots babyyyyyy. But even still, if they get past these goblins that's not the only terror this castle holds. What else is lurking in the shadows of the next room? Will they find answers to Dalton's wereabouts, Neznar's plans, or even how to get back home? Probably at least one of those will be answered, but who knows for sure, in another amazing episode. Don't touch that dial, it's time for another tale from DUNNGEEEOOONNNN RRAAAADDIIIOOOO HHHOOOOUUURRR!!!!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Welcome baaaaacckkk to another wacky tale of midadventure! We catch back up with our lovable oafs right as they encounter a slithery creature. But what sort of creature is it? Probably not one you're thinking of. Or maybe you are, i'm not in your head. What if I was though. Wouldn't that be spooky? Quick, let me see if i can read your mind........cactus........the Marvel Cinematic Universe.......a warm brookie. See? Crazy how accurate that one. and now i need a sweet treat! Anyway! Our friends are in quite a pickle! How will they escape? Will the goblins find them before the creature does? Will they find out what Neznar is up to? Where even are they in this castle? Find out here for another thrilling adventure in DUNNNGEEEOOONNN RRAAADDDIIOOOO HOOOUURRRRR!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    It's another episode!!!!! Of our show!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!! The gang is IN IT in this one. They just left that super spooky dragon Corpheus who made them promise to spy on Neznar (who they don't like, so it's cool) and find out who's making portals to other realms, also where and why and how and what. Our bumbling adventurers follow the secret path Corpheus opened up for them just to then end up in battle with some Goblins!!!! It's episode 1 all over again! How will the gang make it out this time? Will Andrew's thigh be ok? Who will do the cleverest quip? Tune in to find out! Don't change that dial, it's time for DUNNNGEEEOONNNN RRAAADDIIOOOO HOOUUURRRRRR
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    Support the show

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Helllooooo all you sentient teacups and train whistles. Don't touch that dial, because we're coming at your with another episode! When we last left our harrowing adventurers, they found themselves in the Underdark (although do they realize that? probably not) with some strange zombie-esque townspeople all heading towards an ominous foreboding tower. The gang clearly won't follow them into obvious trap, right? Clearly you've never met our adventurers. Plus, Alissa's pocket brooch is beeping in that direction, which means Dalton must be close! Will our team solve the mysteries of the Underdark? Will Mike find some new statue to harrass (he hasn't done that in a while and is prolly hankerin)? Will Arnold finally give up on this clueless gang? Tune in to find out! DUNGEON RADIO HOOOUURRRRRR

    Also, BIG THANKS to Ashley Boyd for being our 2nd witch in the commercial <3
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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    Welcome to another exciting tale of your favorite bumbling idiots in a magical realm! They're really doing their best goblin impressions in this one, and it's.....something! The gang has followed the goblin path to a goblin town. But....where are the goblins? Is this what the seer meant when she said they were on the right path to finding Dalton? Was this worth losing their memories? Don't change that dial, it's time to find out in another episode of DUNNGEEEOONNN RRAAADDDIIIOOOO HHOOOUUURRR!!!!
    THIS SHOW IS NSFW AND NSFK (Not safe for kids. sorry kids!)

    Our DM is Dalton Rusher-Riddle
    Our Players are Andrew Gehrlein, Michael Adair & Alissa Adair
    Theme song by Dustin Hook
    Sound effects from Zapsplat and Pixabay
    Background music by Pixabay and Nerdius Maximus

    Please check out our Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, AND NOW PATREON on our linktree to keep up with the latest DRH news!

    Bye for now~

    A merry group of queers face their fears in a fantasy world where social norms aren't the only thing thrown out the window. Join our cast as they daintily slay the most insidious of creatures their dungeon master Kris puts in their path. Check them out here! 

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