In the spirit of Ramadan, a podcast that will bring you a step closer to Quran and nurture understanding of how to apply a timeless message from 1400 years ago in modern times
Coba nyanyikan dua tembang nasyid lawas Raihan "Iman Mutiara" dan "Damba Cintamu" semoga berkenan.
الموسوعة الحديثة لتلاوات الشيخ المنشاوى-التلاوات الاذاعية المتفرقة
يمكنكم التواصل على هذة الصفحة للاقتراحات
يمكنكم التواصل على هذا الايميل للاقتراحات
[email protected] -
A lecture in English in which the lecturer mentions some Islamic texts that handle the issue of music.
A deeper dive into oneself to act responsibly and challenge the modern day notions of ‘Doing what feels right’
Ambil positif nya buang negatif nya semoga bermanfaat :)
Di Podcast ini akan dibahas berbagai hal dengan penyelesaian yang memuaskan akal, dan menentramkan hati.
Sengaja dibuat untuk menemani lelahnya kalian dan penatnya hari-hari kalian.
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Saleh As-Saleh in which he explains the status of prayer in Islam and its importance in this world and the hereafter.
الوعد الحق الجزء الثاني- الشيخ عمر عبدالكافي
Podcast pertama ini membahas tentang emosi. Mau tau ? Yuk langsung aja dengerin!
Selamat datang di Podcats " SANTRI OFFICIAL " Semoga menambah wawasan kita di dalam ilmu agama Islam dan sebagai bekal beramal dan bekal akhirat. Aamiin. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/santriofficialpodcast/support
Assalamu 'Alaykum! Peace be upon you!
Welcome to Botswana's first Muslim podcast.
Join us as we interview guests from many diverse backgrounds as we do our best to unravel 'wisdom'.
No sermons here; the focus is on having conversations that speak to our nature as human beings.
We encourage our listeners to keep an open mind.
Hosting any person does not mean a wholehearted endorsement of any of their views, be they religious, political or otherwise. The team behind The Scholar and The Student will not be held personally liable for any controversial/damaging statements. -
This podcast brings to the global community the life giving, life saving teachings and tips of the honorable Elijah Muhammad. From "How To Eat To Live" to messaging the black man to get up and do something for himself.
mengaji surat yasiin