
  • In this episode i am having morning coffee with the dearest Maitreya at his temple home in Rishikesh, India. Maitreya has been a Meditation teacher for more than 13 years. His deep spiritual practice and vast knowledge has taken him around the world to teach at festivals, retreats, conferences live and online. In this talk he shares about

    the importance of a regular meditation practice how to take your practice into your real life how shaking meditation can help shake out the tensions in body and mind  how to arrive in a non-judgemental heart energy and why this is the most healing medicine for this time Light and darkness: How Death Meditation helps you appreciate Life more


    Maitreya was born in small remote village of India, and raised by a spiritual family. As a child, his family brought him to an Indian master to be initiated. He was profoundly moved when he was introduced to meditation at the age of 13 by his father. As a teenager, Maitreya left everything behind in search of the truth.Following his many years spent in ashrams in India, Maitreya travels around the world to where longings of seekers manifest and serving takes place from heart to heart, sharing active and passive meditation inspired by Eastern masters. His teachings are largely influenced by Osho and Sri Ramana Maharashi, as well as other Himalayan masters. He is known for bringing humor, love and insight to his teachings.

    more about the Earth Medicine Podcast host via 

  • In this episode I am talking to Victoria (@victruyoga) who is inspiring women around the world with her knowledge and wisdom on female self-care.

    You will learn

    why it is so important to track your menstrual cycle
    how to recognize in which stage of cycle you are in
    how self-care rituals can change your perception of yourself and the world you live in
    what the power of intuition is about
    her own personal healing story
    how Victoria is enjoying sensuality and sexuality in a different way than ever before


    Victoria accompagnies women on their journey to re-establish balance in their bodies and find inner stability – in order to stay self-determined and equanimous in their daily lives and especially during challenging and uncertain times. With her gentle and tender approach she meets you where you are, welcomes the whole of you and encourages you to take the reins for your own wellbeing into your hands. She works with holistic methods from yoga as therapy, women’s selfcare informed yoga, breath work and traditional Hatha Yoga practices.

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  • In this episode I am talking to spiritual master, healer and teacher Maa Gyaan Suveera who is based at the banks of the holy river Ganges North of Rishikesh. Maa Gyaan shares her insights about Maya- the Goddess of Illusion and her divine job in this reality. You will learn about

    Goddess Maya and her play  Prakriti and Purusha: nature of reality  how to awaken the self and lift the veils of illusion  the path of self-enquiry different Yoga practices and their applications  what it means to cultivate reverence

    About Maa Gyaan Suveera:

    Mystic teacher-healer, a life coach and mentor, Maa Gyaan Suveera is a gifted yogini who lives by the banks of Mother Ganga, on the outskirts of Rishikesh. She is founder of the Ci Plus Meditation technique and the Cosmic Intelligence Evolutionary path. Her blissful joyous journey of over three decades into healing and teaching, has transformed her as a beacon to countless people. Her efforts hold high appreciation from people belonging to various spheres & walks of life. She is extensively engaged in conducting Workshops through India and abroad.

    Having mastered various applied versions of the healing streams that benefit people, ‘Energy’ is her core pursuit. She offers to teach more than 51 courses on Healing, Wellness, and Meditation. People from all parts of the world come for residential courses, one-on-one learning, individual processes, and take spiritual guidance from her. She conducts retreats which are personalized for an individual’s spiritual growth and complete blossoming. Maa also conducts Training programs for the new age of Humanity. These programs are customized for companies and organizations for grooming the employees, thus positively impacting integrity loyalty and productivity. The three layered pyramid designed for these training programs , offers evolutionary sharing with the middle and senior management levels. She is bringing up the Kirti Hermitage in Rishikesh. This is her home, a herbal sanctuary, where everyone experiences the phenomenal Nature at its best.

  • In dieser Episode lade ich dich ganz herzlich ein mit mir auf eine Yoga Nidra Reise zu gehen.

    Yoga Nidra ist eine Praxis, die dir hilft deinen Körper zu entspannen und deinen Geist zu nähren um nachhaltige Transformation auf allen Ebenen deines Seins zu erfahren. Die yogische Technik wirkt Stress, innerer Imbalance und Unruhe entgegen und unterstützt dich dabei in nur kurzer Zeit wieder in deine Mitte zu finden- 30 Minuten Yoga Nidra wirken wie 3-4 Stunden Schlaf.

    Ich persönlich empfehle Yoga Nidra mindestens 3x die Woche zu praktizieren. Für Menschen mit viel Stress: TÄGLICH.

    Hier findest du mehr von meinen Angeboten:

  • In this episode I find myself talking to Himanshu, a local Varanasi tour guide who has been sharing myths and stories about the holy city and its cremation grounds for the past 10 years. Himanshu was born and raised in Varanasi and has vast knowledge about local culture, tradition and practices that are being done in the spiritual capital of India. It is said that Varanasi is a portal to the other world, a place where the veils lift and the unfathomable reveals itself. It is the place where people come to die. For many of us on pilgrimage it has become the place that reminded us how to live. 

    In this episode we talk about 

    the holy city Varanasi: why people come here to die the four stages of life according to Vedic culture accepting and preparing for death how watching death makes you feel alive the process of cremation


    Himanshu works as a Freelance tour guide and can be contacted and booked via phone:  +919792023950

    To find out more about my yearly India pilgrimage, check out my website

  • In this episode I am speaking to the inspiring Sita Devi Dasi- an Indian doctor, dentist, spiritual coach and activist whose pioneer work has made a big impact in the lives of women in rural India. Sita leads the Women's empowerment and skill development workshop center at Govardhan Eco Village in Maharasthra, India and has empowered more than 2500 women from 50 villages to learn arts & crafts and earn their own money. Currently she is training women to upgrade their skills and make quality products of international standards in order to expand more globally and inspire other people to support and set up similar projects. 

    Sita Devi Dasi talks about 

    what brought her from city life to rural spiritual activism Women in rural India. Their role and every day life the development of her projects in rural India  Govardhan Eco-village: how a vision turned into a powerful manifestation that is changing peoples lives Bhakti & the power of faith 

    To learn more about Sita Devi Dasi and support her projects please visit: 


    INSTAGRAM: @gevwesdd

  • Yogis and Friends,  This episode is a special gift from me to you. A Yoga Nidra practice that will help you unwind, relax and get some extra rest. All you have to do is lie down, get comfortable and listen. 

     Benefits of Yoga Nidra:  

    relaxes and improves function of the nervous system  affects endocrine system which affects your hormones  helps your body regenerate and repair  decreases stress and anxiety  lifts your mood  opens the doors to work with subconscious patterns & the subconscious mind  20 minutes of Yoga Nidra = 4 hours of sleep 

    I would love to hear your feedback. Please find me via or [email protected] With love,  xx Alexia 

  • Eva Teja Kaur Tschiderer was invited once again to EMP after her part 1 session "YONIVERSE" in episode Nr #4.  In this episode we dive a little deeper into the topics of Yoni steaming, female sexuality and the female cycle. We talk about

    the importance of being tuned into your female cycle (and know about it as man!) the 4 phases of the moon and how we harmonize moon cycle with our menstrual cycle the benefits of Yoni steaming  female self care practices  how you become your own medicine woman by knowing about the cycles of nature and sex

    ABOUT EVA TEJA:  Eva holds space for women to return to their innate wisdom. She opens doors to accessing ancient techniques that are empowering, nourishing & healing in order to connect to your authentic self. Her offerings reach from Women Circles, Womb Healing Sessions and Moon Cycle Guidance, to Yoni Steaming, Kundalini Classes and Women's Retreats. You can find Eva in Vienna, Austria as well as online and internationally on one of her customized healing Retreats.

  • In this episode I am talking to world renowned Yoga teacher Talia Sutra from Israel. Her backbends have become her signature and message for the world.

    Talia talks about 

    the effect backbending has on the body & mind how you have to teach the world what you know best how to hold space for others the physical and emotional connection of backbending how the neck is the connection between animal and human expression how healing has to do with what we we believe in

    Talia Sutra has been practicing movement, dance, yoga, meditation and veganism since childhood. She sees nothing as external to her studies and has learned impeccable skill and technique from masters in the world of ballet and art alike. Talia has studied and practiced many forms of yoga including Bikram, Dharma, ashtanga and various forms of vinyasa. She has combined years of experience into her own unique blend of seamless, creative vinyasas and intense, focused hatha stillness. Her classes  inspire joy, alignment, breath and focus. She offers a deep understanding of traditional asanas and specializes in both the theory and practice of backbending postures, for which she has created a method.Talia believes that yoga practice is a window to self realization. Equally, she finds sensitivity, intuition and insight are to be found through connection with the seemingly ordinary world around us and that no teacher is greater than the one within.

  • For this episode I invited my dearest teacher Maa Gyaan again to speak to me about Mother Earth. Maa shares deep spiritual insight and teachings that question the way of living, connecting and saving the Earth. She talks about

    Why we don't have to save the Earth Internal vs external Dharma (purpose) the impact of positive vibrations & how collective consciousness works the impact of negative propaganda about the dying Earth  how donations are donations for your own happiness how service for the Earth should be celebration, prayers and joy

    About Maa Gyaan Suveera:

    Mystic teacher-healer, a life coach and mentor, Maa Gyaan Suveera is a gifted yogini who lives by the banks of Mother Ganga, on the outskirts of Rishikesh. She is founder of the Ci Plus Meditation technique and the Cosmic Intelligence Evolutionary path. Her blissful joyous journey of over three decades into healing and teaching, has transformed her as a beacon to countless people. Her efforts hold high appreciation from people belonging to various spheres & walks of life. She is extensively engaged in conducting Workshops through India and abroad.

    Having mastered various applied versions of the healing streams that benefit people, ‘Energy’ is her core pursuit. She offers to teach more than 51 courses on Healing, Wellness, and Meditation. People from all parts of the world come for residential courses, one-on-one learning, individual processes, and take spiritual guidance from her. She conducts retreats which are personalized for an individual’s spiritual growth and complete blossoming. Maa also conducts Training programs for the new age of Humanity. These programs are customized for companies and organizations for grooming the employees, thus positively impacting integrity loyalty and productivity. The three layered pyramid designed for these training programs , offers evolutionary sharing with the middle and senior management levels. She is bringing up the Kirti Hermitage in Rishikesh. This is her home, a herbal sanctuary, where everyone experiences the phenomenol Nature at its best.

  • This episode is featuring Dyson from @project_ocean_hawaii. Dyson is a 17-year old high schooler who has set up various projects tackling #plasticpollution on his home island Hawaii. Dyson's aim is to ban all single use plastic straws on the island and hence spreading more awareness about how much plastic we use in our everyday life. His project has taken him from speaking to classrooms full  of elementary school kids to big environmental congresses.  In this episode we talk about 

    the amount of pollution plastic straws cause in the ocean  #thestrawchallenge : how everyone can make a difference Dyson's impact in schools and all over Hawaii  why it is so important to speak about environmental issues   what drives Dyson's passion to make a difference Follow and support Dyson's project on instagram: @project_ocean_hawaii

    For further podcasts, feedback and to connect with me click here: Love Always,  Alexia

  • Eva Teja Kaur Tschiderer is Sacred Femininity Coach and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Her offerings include Women Circles, Womb Healing Sessions and Yoni Steaming. in this podcast she talks about 

     Female anatomy & body literacy: why it is so important to be able to name your body parts. All of them.  Womb wisdom: how to connect to the womb and 3 things that nourish her   Sacred sexuality & healing   Self care practice & Yoni steaming***  Yoniverse: why it is important to look at your yoni  

    *** Find a practitioner and get a consultation before you steam! Steaming with the wrong herbs can lead to heaving bleeding, too short cycles, itching, absence of the period and more. …………………… 

    ABOUT EVA TEJA:  Eva holds space for women to return to their innate wisdom. She opens doors to accessing ancient techniques that are empowering, nourishing & healing in order to connect to your authentic self. Her offerings reach from Women Circles, Womb Healing Sessions and Moon Cycle Guidance, to Yoni Steaming, Kundalini Classes and Women's Retreats. You can find Eva in Vienna, Austria as well as online and internationally on one of her customized healing Retreats.

  • This episode is featuring Christian Coelho, Forrest Yoga teacher, body worker, student of shamanism and passionate Salsa dancer.
    Christian opened the first Forrest Yoga studio in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) and is spreading his art of teaching and healing globally. 

    Christian talks about 

    The power of ceremony: what is it all about?  Yoga ceremony as medicine: How Yoga and Shamanism complement each other his approach to modern yoga  receptivity & healing: Leave space for magic the power of voice + he shares his favorite medicine song on the drum 

    About Christian: 

     Born/raised in Brazil and initially trained in Ashtanga & Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Christian found inspiration in the slower and intuitive style of Forrest Yoga.  Christian loves to create an environment where students can explore many aspects of yoga - physical, metal, emotional and spiritual - so they can listen to the voices of intuition and develop a growing relationship with themselves. Further, Christian uses the power of Native-American ceremony to inspire his life and to teach from a place of fullness, so his students are always welcomed and guided to his best quality of attention.
    After being based in London for 4 years, Christian moved back to his home-city of Rio de Janeiro to open his yoga studio in 2018, called Casa 111. 

    For more info:

  • In this episode I am talking to soulpreneur, yoga teacher, author and female empowerment coach Nives Gobo. Nives shares 

    -- what helped her em-Body knowledge

    -- her daily rituals

    -- how drumming is one of her most important daily practices to connect with the heartbeat of Mother Earth

    -- why it is important to live with the cycles of the Earth & Moon and your menstruation

    -- how her intuition shapes her life

    Find out more about Nives via or  or her book "Mondschön" (available in German language in all book stores and via amazon).

  • Funnel of Love with Maa Gyaan Suveera from the banks of the Ganga river in India. 

    Maa talks about

    the medicine of unconditional love  how your heart can never be broken what to do with longing and desire  techniques for evoking intrinsic love  the importance of spiritual sadhana and everyday practice