
  • In today's fast paced world of nervous system dysregulation and highly charged reactivity, it's rare to slow down, take a breath, and recognise when we are being hijaked by our emotions.

    When we feel triggered, charged, angry, or hurt - we tend to react impulsively. And hey - we all do it! Certain emotions take the wheel and we can end up spitting venom at the person we deem 'at fault' for this. We are in a state of fight-or-flight and the impulse is to react with whatever is alive for us.

    In that moment, our perceptions of the situation are greatly altered.

    The emotional charge prevents us from seeing the situation for what it is. We are seeing the situation through a distorted lens, one that is based on our own wounding and pain. At this point, there is no listening going on anymore. Our emotions and defence mechanisms are driving our behaviours, doing what they can to keep us 'safe'.

    In today's episode, Demi Lee and Anna-Maria share the power in being able to slow down, cultivate radical self-awareness and truly take responsibility for what we are feeling. The speak to the power of Parts Work, recognising which part of you is taking the wheel so you can slowly give that part love and find out where it's not yet free.

    This episode is for anyone who struggles with emotional reactivity and finds themselves going around in circles navigating conflict with the people they love. They offer a few tools and resources that can help you become radically accountable for your nervous system, for your wounding, and for where you are placing unfair assumptions or expectations on the people in your life.

    Our upcoming Perth and Byron Bay intensives has a few spaces available. Join us and claim one of the last few spaces here

  • Ancestral work is soul work. It is a pathway of resilience and the remembrance that we are the product of hundreds of thousands of years of knowledge, wisdom, patterning and trauma.

    Beyond our blood and relative ancestors, we are descendants of Mother Earth. Each of us holds an innate connection with her ecosystem. This connects us to an infinite spiral of wisdom, remembering, and a deep sense of belonging within the web of life.

    In today's episode, we unpack the power of connecting and reconciling with our lineage and family tree as well as deepening in relationship with plants, animals and elements as elders, teachers and ancient allies.

    This conversation is a passage of returning to our innate capacity to vibrate in harmony with the forces that have birthed us is to being, and permitted us to thrive here on earth for eons.

    This episode also explores the importance of understanding the impact we have on the generations to come and the responsibility we each hold to break free of lineage patterns that keep humanity bound, disconnected and unwell.

    Our 2024 Tour is open for enrolment now. Join Us:

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  • In a world obsessed with material possessions and financial status, the concept of being "rich" has been narrowly defined by the numbers in our bank account or in the material items we possess.

    Today's episode is a broadening and expansion of what wealth actually is - understanding that true richness transcends mere numbers and assets.

    In today's conversation, Demi Lee and Anna-Maria speak about the importance of embracing an abundant mindset, and remembering that true wealth lies within the richness of our energy, spirit, and relationship to life.

    They speak about the power of community and collaboration - and how they believe that having access to a supportive and colourful community is the highest currency.

    They look beyond the confines of our collective bank accounts and speak to importance of embracing the abundance that surrounds us - especially for those of us that have the privilege of having access to community, clean soil, clean water, a flourishing ecosystem, and the thriving of the elements.

    Wealth lies in the cultivation of gratitude and positivity - for it is in our gratitude and appreciation for life that true wealth blossoms.

    Sign up for our Berlin Immersion:

    Sign up for our Eclectica 2024 Tour here:

  • Can we stop bashing men and calling it ‘feminism’? Can we stop projecting the wounds we hold around some men, onto all men? Can we stop normalising or enabling blatant misandry?

    In today’s episode, Demi Lee and Anna-Maria dive deep into their journey of healing wounds with the masculine, and what it took for them to come into a space of deeply appreciating and bowing down to the brothers in their life.

    They share how their wounds with the masculine created distortion and impacted the lens they saw all men through. They speak to the ways this created separation, division, blame, and expectation.

    This episode speaks to how integral it is for both men and women to take responsibility for their own wounding, and understand how our wounds can create a distorted lens which can contribute to us to seeing the other through the lens of vilification, resentment, pain, and blame.

    From pioneering what was once a female-only empire, to now - having brothers in the Eclectica Container - they discuss the journey they embarked on to get to that place and how Women are not the only victims of ‘patriarchy’.

    Men have also had the life force beaten out of them by the same system.

    They have come from generations that were sent to war, and forced to come home and provide for their families with zero to minimal opportunity for integration or healing surrounding the trauma they experienced.

    It's time to dissolve of the walls of separation and the need to conquer or come out ‘on top’. Men play a pivotal and integral role in the healthy functioning of our society, and so this episode is a celebration of the brothers. We see you, we honour you, and we bow our heads in appreciation to you.

    Our Berlin Immersion has only three spaces left. Book your space here:

    To join our 2024 tour:

  • Let's speak about Cancel Culture. This cultural phenomenon where individuals deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner are ostracised, boycotted, shunned, fired, shamed, or exiled from the tribe.

    During today's episode, Demi Lee and Anna-Maria unpack the nuances of cancel culture and the ways in which shaming and cancelling people out often doesn't leave much room or encouragement for healthy dialogue, growth, respite, or reflection.

    Moreover, cancelling people instead of engaging with them in meaningful conversation prevents us from engaging with different perspectives which could potentially offer valuable insights into our own views — a crucial part of growing both as individuals as well as societies at large. When we engage in cancel culture we are sending the message that punishment trumps progress; that silencing someone is better than engaging with them constructively.

    People deserve space to evolve. To make mistakes. To behave from their wounding and to be 'wrong' from time to time. This is an intrinsic part of how we emotionally evolve as humans. However we can only do this when there is safety, an opening, and a calling people 'in' instead of 'out'.

    In this conversation, Demi Lee and Annamaria discuss how we can hold people accountable without cancelling them out. They discuss the importance of revillaging and what it means to offer spaces where people can unpack the nuances of their behavior without feeling shamed or punished for it through fear, bullying, intimidation, or publicly ostracising.

    Only 4 spaces left for our Berlin Immersion. Join us here:

    If you would like to enrol in our 2025 Melbourne-based Visionary Dance School, click here:

  • What does it mean to cultivate Embodied Eldership? What does it mean to transcend individualism and explore the realms of service and leadership through integrating loss and reparenting the younger parts of our psyche?

    In today’s episode, Anna-Maria and Demi Lee discuss the ‘elder’ as an archetype we can call upon. The emotionally wise part of ourselves who is universally valued as integral for the emotional and spiritual thriving of all ecosystems.

    An elder is someone we turn to for deep insight, wisdom, and awareness when we’re confronted with new challenges and need help. Not just someone who can zoom out of life like the eagle and gain perspective on the bigger picture, but someone who grasps it so well that they can help us make sense of it.

    In this episode, recorded outside on the Murray River in Bundalong amongst the elements and the birds, Demi Lee and Anna-Maria speak about the importance of integrating the seasons of self - from inner child, to teenager, to young adult. They discuss the value of reparenting these younger parts of ourselves in order to start embodying our inner sage or inner wise one, alongside the value in integrating grief and death as formative rites of passage.

    Want to train with Eclectica Hub? Join our 2024 Tour:

  • The Medicine Woman is an archetype within us all, yearning to be awakened.

    She calls us into radical responsibility and discernment, and reminds us to connect to the innate medicine that has always been woven into the cells of our bodies.

    The spark. The illumination. The power. The service.

    It’s all there - waiting to be seen, felt and claimed.

    During this episode, Demi Lee and Annamaria speak about the multidimensional force of the medicine woman archetype and how she often introduces herself to us after we have gone through huge, transformational passages of death and rebirth.

    The Medicine Woman tethers us to Spirit, widens the way we see the world, and calls us into deeper service, integrity, and space holding.

    In this conversation, Demi Lee and Annamaria touch on both the light and the dark that we begin to see with our entire body when connecting to the subtle realms of existence.

    They also share about the pathway of psychic sensitisation, the ON and OFF switch, the importance of energetic sovereignty, and what kind of boundaries and protocols are actually required to hold safer spaces - especially when working with shamanic energy.

    This episode is sponsored by Eclectica Hub's When Women Were Wolves Bali Retreat that will be held in Ubud, Bali in July 2024. Find out more here.

  • This episode is a deep and insightful window into the complex and delicate journey of healing from sexual trauma.

    Together we will unpack the nuances and difficulties one may meet with when facing sexual trauma - shared through the lens of our own personal experiences.

    In this session, we unpack our very vulnerable and complex journeys of reclamation and share about the deep impact this type of trauma can have on one’s personal agency, sense of self, and sense of safety within their bodies.

    In the rawness and vulnerability of this episode we hope that we can be a voice for those who have suffered at the hands of violation. We deeply feel the importance of raising this conversation in the public sphere and cultivating safe spaces of solidarity.

    If you have personally journeyed with a violation or you know someone who has - this transmission can offer you some resources for navigating and supporting the process of healing. Please be aware that this episode contains some sensitive and potentially triggering themes. Please tune into your capacity and feel into whether or not this content is digestable for you at this stage in your healing journey.

    Today's Episode is sponsored by Eclectica Hub's Latest Offering 'Sacred Business Foundations'. You can find our more here:


    - Vagina by Naomi Wolf
    - The Body Keeps Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
    - Call of the Wild by Kimberly Anne Johnson

  • At some stage in our lives we are bound to be thrown into the trenches of unimaginable loss, pain, heartache, and hardship.

    And it is through these confronting life challenges, that we often get to meet ourselves the most deeply.

    And that is where we find it. The gift of rupture.

    The gift of being bought to our knees and having our hearts cracked wide open.

    During this episode, Annamaria and Demi Lee share the importance of experiencing fractures or hardship in your life, and how it is through these initiations that you get to explore your pain as a teacher and emerge out the other side with more wisdom, depth, and medicine to share with the world.

    They share stories of some of their own personal ruptures, and speak to the importance of choosing to fully welcome in the tears of your devastation and surrender to the full breadth of your discomfort.

    Because after all - it you’re not willing to lean in and experience the full spectrum of pain, then how can you possibly expect to experience the full spectrum of pleasure?

    Today’s episode is bought to you by Eclectica School of WombCraft and Visionary Dance.
    Enrol for Level One here:

  • What does it mean to wholeheartedly embody your expression, your truth, and your sense of self in this world - and truly back yourself?

    What does it mean to value authenticity over your need to be liked? What does it mean to refuse to shrink yourself, to stand strong in who you are, to fully inhabit your spine, and essentially become unfuckwithable?

    During this episode Demi Lee and Annamaria speak about what it means to know yourself so deeply that other peoples energetic daggers or negative thought forms can’t touch you. They speak about the importance of becoming more and more comfortable with feeling disliked, with holding other peoples resentment or judgement, and how that is often a clue that you are living in alignment with your own principles, rather than other peoples.

    They offer insight into what it means to cultivate flexible yet sturdy boundaries, remaining receptive to other peoples experience of you, while ensuring you don’t compromise on your own inner knowing or self worth in the process.

    This episode is bought to you by Wilderness Within. You can find out more about their offerings at and can find them on Instagram here.

  • Annamaria and Demi Lee are back with a very rich and colourful Season 2 of Yurt Sessions - returning after a 3-month break tending to some very deep cracks and transformative initiations in their personal lives.

    In today's episode, they discuss their recent journeys being enveloped by profound loss. Over the past 3 months both Annamaria and Demi Lee have been uprooted into the realms of losing people they love, nursing parents through illness, and exploring their grief as a wild and uninhibited landscape. Through this initiation, amongst the pain in their hearts, they have both found grief to be a profound teacher and gift, and have returned back to the podcast to share all of their insight, heart, and tears.

    It is through this episode where they come together to continue integrating these humbling experiences of humanhood, sharing both the beauty and the pain - and how much we, as a western society, can learn through the support of the village and exploring grief as a rites of passage.

    Todays episode is bought to you by Eclectica School of WombCraft & Visionary Dance.

  • The womb is sacred. This space in a woman’s body houses her power, her autonomy, her creative fertility, her life force. It holds the codes of all the women that walked before her. It is the Portal that connects her to her deepest sense of instinct, inner authority, sovereignty, and boundaries.

    Being in deep listening and returning to the wisdom of your womb - through honouring your bleed, honouring your cycle, honouring the womb’s communication with you, and honouring birth - is an act of rebellion. Each time you listen to your womb, and lead from this space, you restore power to your lineage and transcend thousands of years of feminine oppression and shame.

    Throughout this episode, Annamaria and Demi Lee discuss all things womb sovereignty - unpacking the pill, blood shame, the menstrual cycle, sexual trauma, intuitive eating, sovereign birth, and what it means to truly live a womb-led life. Through 10 years of being devoted to unpacking dogmatic belief systems and learning to really trust this centre of instinct, both Demi Lee and Annamaria believe that it is every woman’s birthright to have her womb restored to its original sovereignty so that she can reclaim her inherent power.

    This episode is sponsored by Flow Intimates, who are renowned for their organic, leak-proof, period underwear. Find them on Instagram at @flow.intimates or their website

  • What does it mean to be a custodian here on earth? What does it mean to be a spiritual being having a human experience?

    We are all born, we live, then we die - nothing has ever been as certain. However, it is through the marvellous richness of life itself that we each have the opportunity to expand our definition of what love is, what pain feels like, what sacrifice means, what laughter can do - and truly understand the depths of our purpose here on earth.

    Demi Lee and Annamaria are so excited to be back and recording from Bali - after their recent break co-directing their latest Eclectica Hub Stage Production 'Humanity'. In this episode they unpack the depths they traversed through through birthing this stage production - as well as how the rawness of the human experience inspired them to birth this piece.

    This episode is sponsored by Flare Street. Please visit or follow them on Instagram at @flarestreet

  • Learning how to cultivate and maintain strong energetic boundaries and psychic privacy is just as important as upholding physical boundaries. Why? Because while most of us like to feel somewhat connected to the people around us, it doesn’t mean we want to spend our time carrying their energy or absorbing their stuff.

    The truth is, a lot of people, especially empaths, are the psychic sponges of the world. This means that most of us end up feeling extremely overwhelmed by the energies of other people. Limiting the degree to which you allow other people to impact your energetic space or emotional field is crucial for your wellbeing.

    During this episode, Demi Lee and Annamaria speak about the importance of protecting your energy and keeping your vibration high - despite other people's pain, projections or resentment that might be sent your way.

    They offer practical tips on how to become energetically 'unfuckwithable' - and what type of allies and protocols can support you in creating strong spiritual and energetic boundaries, and how to release other people’s emotions or pain from your system.

    This episode is sponsored by Embody Bee: or @embodybee on Instagram. To get a discount on their products, use our affiliate code: ECLECTICA10 at the checkout.

  • Before patriarchy, before colonialism, women depended on one another for survival. Cooking, caring, and being in service to one another was considered the norm, and paved a mutually beneficial way of existing.

    However, with the rise of male-centric Christianity in Europe in the middle ages, any woman in her power was deemed a 'witch' and burnt alive at the stake. This meant that as a woman living in these times, you had two choices: Betray your sisters and submit to the new way of living, or stand your ground and remain loyal - risking prosecution, torture, or death.

    The truth is, the wounds and intergeneration trauma from these times still bleeds in our culture today, making it very hard for women to feel truly safe around one another. The sisterhood wound lives in all of us. It is the reason we automatically make comparisons between ourselves and others. It is rooted in competitiveness, jealousy, envy, judgement, exclusivity, gossip, and speaking about one another rather than to one another.

    In today's episode, Demi Lee and Annamaria speak about the ways in which they've cultivated a level of self-mastery and deeply rooted trust within all of their close friendships, through embodying truth, transparency, honesty, compassion, unconditional love, and self-responsibility.

    Today's episode is sponsored by Flare Street. or @flarestreet on Instagram.

  • Breakups are a death. They completely dismantle us. Not just from each other, but from everything that once felt safe. And nobody can protect you from your suffering. You can't cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or even therapy it away. It's just there, and you have to endure it.

    However, there is deep power that can come with a broken heart. Broken hearts can lead to awakened souls. There’s no way to deny it. Every tear breaks you down, and cracks you open, and allows you to come completely undone, so you can weave yourself back together with more intention and stronger boundaries. With a better sense of who you are and what you want, and of how to reconcile with yourself deeply enough to be ready for it.

    During this episode, Demi Lee and Annamaria reflect on their own breakups and what the opportunity of reflection and hindsight has gifted them. Recognising that profound wisdom comes when you can reflect on why you attracted this partnership and what it was there to teach you. What needs to change within you to ensure your next relationship is different? In what ways did you contribute to the dysfunction that caused your relationship to break down?

    SONG: Elders by Verocoya

  • What does it mean to live in complete homeostasis and union with our body? What does it mean to reconcile with our body, and see it as our incredibly resilient vessel and companion for life?

    From a young age we have been taught that the size, weight, texture, or appearance of our form is linked to how desirable or loveable we are. There are very real systems and structures in place that profit off of body dysmorphia and the collective psychosis that living in our natural form is not enough.

    There has never been a broader spectrum of niche beauty products and procedures, from plastic surgery to anti-aging creams and fad diets, all reliant on the notion that beauty and youth are paramount to women’s happiness and self-worth.

    During this episode, Annamaria and Demi Lee unpack society's very real and concerning beauty ideals, the maiden-centric life stage we cling onto to avoid ageing, and discuss what it means to be a spirit fully inhabiting your body.

  • When we look at our health with a 360 degree lens and address illness on a metaphysical, holistic, and ancestral level - we not only explore the multidimensional aspects of healing, but can also often discover the root cause that led to the illness in the first place.

    Many of us are now coming to understand that we are not just a physical body. It is not enough to suppress the effects of illness with medication and just hope for the best. Our western system of allopathic medicine can offer emergency life saving surgeries, as well as subdue and control symptoms, yet the root cause is often dismissed.

    In today's episode, Demi Lee and Annamaria share the profound shifts they have both experienced in their health over the years, through considering it holistically, and exploring their trauma, their ancestry, their diet, their lifestyle, their belief systems, and their emotional bodies to establish the root cause of their illness.

    Podcast song: Elders by Vero Coya

  • In our western culture we are frequently encouraged to try not to think or talk about death and dying, but grief invites us to remember.

    On today's episode, Annamaria and Demi Lee share their experiences of grief, death and the spirit realm thus far- discussing what they have learnt and the wisdom they have accessed through meeting with these initiations of loss.

    The intensity of grief often strips us bare, ripens us, cracks us open, and shows us how deeply we loved. Let today's episode be a remembrance of that.

    Podcast Song: Elders by Verocoya

  • Why do we shy away from the erotic?⁠
    Why do we so often cast it into the shadows and bind it in shame?⁠
    And why is it that we judge sensual aliveness when we witness it in another?⁠

    Today's episode is a deep dive into the primal force of nature that is eroticism. Demi Lee and Annamaria share their journeys of growing up and exploring their sexuality, speak about their own imprints of religious dogma and social conditioning, and address the impacts of sexual trauma and how it can inhibit us from feeling safe to fully reclaim our eros.

    Our erotic nature is a gift, it is the force that christens our creative sovereignty.⁠
    When we dim its expression and condemn it in others, we limit our capacity to thrive.⁠