
  • Hey ecofictologists, welcome to episode 65 of the Ecofictology podcast. This week we are chatting with Midge Raymond and John Yunker from Ashland Creek press and we are talking about their new book Devils Island, which launched in September, published by OceanView Publishing. We cover their inspiration, the experience of co-writing with your spouse and using environment as atmosphere in your writing. Enjoy!


    Devils Island:

    Book events:

    John Yunker:

    Midge Raymond:

    Ecolit Books:

    Ashland Creek Press:

  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 64 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week we are talking to a younger audience with our guest, Angela Mills, the author of the beautifully illustrated book Bobby the Brown Long-eared bat. I came across Angela while listening to a panel talk that the Bat Conservation Trust was putting on along with other authors who wrote childrens books about bats. And there were a few children on the call and it was absolutely heartwarming to see them engaging so much. I was excited to talk to Angela about what she thought was important when writing for kids and wanting to spark that bit of excitement in them for whatever species you’re writing about. Bobby did the job. You can find her book on her website and a portion of the profits go directly to The Bat Conservation trust so it’s doubly for a good cause. You can find the link in the show notes. I hope you enjoy.

    Angela’s website

    Bat Conservation Trust

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 63 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week I’m introducing you to Kaitlyn Elverson, the engagement officer for Bug Life in the UK, who I found through the talks she gave for Buglife on the folklore of insects and on myth and mystery of folklore in the history of wildflowers and trees. I was fascinated and excited as I always am to find someone who turns to storytelling as a way to find connection to nature. Kaitlyn is also an musician and I will be linking all her various social medias below and i highly recommend you check her out. She sometimes uses her music to convey a particular message about nature, so see if you can spot them. I very much enjoyed my interview with kaitlyn and i hope you do too.

    Folklore of Insects

    Myth, Mystery and Folklore Guided Walk

    Kaitlyn’s music:

    Kaitlyn’s social media:

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 62 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week you are getting a twofer as my dad likes to call them. You’re getting a little bit of a book review and then right on its heels, an interview with the author, one that i was downright giddy to do. The book? A Murder of Crows, the first book in the Nell Ward Mystery series. The author? Sarah Yarwood lovett, an ecological consultant who has put her knowledge and her experiences into a murder mystery novel. Can you see why i was excited? This book turned out to be my favourite book of 2022, i devoured it completely. And i loved nerding out with Sarah during our interview so prepare to learn a thing or two about bats. Or four or six things. I’m too excited for you to dive into the world of Nell Ward so i’m going to keep this intro short. As usual, you can find the video versions of these parts on my youtube channel, links are down below, i hope you enjoy.

    August and September reading wrap up | Monthly reads | Favourite ecofiction novel of Quarter 3!

    Bats, bats, bats! | Interview with Sarah Yarwood Lovett | Author of A Murder of Crows

    Join the Rewilding Our Stories discord server! If you want to find more ecofiction lovers like yourself, get recommendations and share resources, head over to and join our community!

  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 61 of the Ecofictology podcast! This episode was really just a giant brain dump of things that I had been thinking about, lots of ideas and mostly questions about how important is scientific accuracy in fiction. We’ve all had that experience where we read something outside of our field of expertise and think it’s really cool and well researched and then read something inside our field and think, well this would never happen its entirely unrealistic. But how much artistic license could we give the author in order to make it a compelling story? Where do we put those boundaries? And it probably depends on what the purpose of the piece of fiction is: to teach or not to teach? I filmed this collection of questions in two parts but have combined them together here so you can be overloaded with questions all at once, you lucky ducks, and I first talk about fiction where science communication is the goal and something called the CSI effect, and then about fiction that really isn't trying to teach you anything, but might have unintended consequences anyway of not being accurate or realistic. I talk about environmental disaster films and films that demonise predators like Jaws. In fact, I go on a bit of a rant about it. If you’d rather watch me do that than listen, you can find parts 1 and 2 linked in the shownotes. Also, if you have thoughts on this topic, please reach out to me because it’s something i really enjoy talking about! Enjoy the rant

    How important is scientific accuracy in fiction? | Science Communication | CSI effect | Part 1

    Scientific Accuracy in Fiction | Anti-Ecofiction | Demonisation of predators | Part 2

    CSI Effect papers

    Environmental Scientists on Vanity Fair

    Article on the effect of Jaws,think%20of%20sharks%20before%20then%3F&text=It%20lives%20to%20kill.,A%20mindless%20eating%20machine.

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 60 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week I am introducing you to a wonderful author, AE Copenhaver, who I had the great pleasure of talking to. This interview is a little different than others I have done because I wasn’t only interviewing her about her book, My Days of Dark Green Euphoria, which was published by Ashland Creek Press, you’ll recognise that publisher if you’ve been around for a while...but i wasn’t only asking questions about that, what i really wanted to talk to Athena about was the strength of messaging in ecofiction. When i first read the book which Ashland creek press sent to me, i was a little unsure whether i enjoyed it because the vegan messaging was so intense, until i realised that it was supposed to be over the top and satirical, more of a commentary on the angry vegan than actually saying this is how people should act. And then it became funny and more powerful. But it was such an interesting discussion and we really enjoyed ourselves, so i hope that comes across here. This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you want to watch us have this chat, which i would almost recommend because we laughed a lot and Athena is very engaging to watch, you can find the link in the shownotes. I hope you enjoy

    My Days of Dark Green Euphoria by AE Copenhaver

    Finding your audience with AE Copenhaver | My Days of Dark Green Euphoria | Strength of messaging

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 59 of the Ecofictology podcast! This is the final part of our Spells and Specialists episode with mauricio garcia and i have thoroughly enjoyed learning about perfumes and smells and all the wondrous things that he has taught us in previous parts. This part 4 is where we brainstorm a story to communicate all that wondrousness to the world and i have to say, i immediately want to write this story. I feel like i say that every spells and specialists episode but i got really excited about this and the story just came together so nicely! We explore themes of coming of age, fighting oppression, finding yourself, and all the while we teach readers about perfumes and smells. It’s fantastic. And of course i am joined by my wonderful cohost Clark Rowenson, the magic engineer, so be sure to check out his channel on youtube for more cool stuff on magic systems and his blueprint method we used in the last part. Get your storytelling hats on and enjoy.

    Mauricio Garcia’s website

    Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery

    Join the Rewilding Our Stories discord server! If you want to find more ecofiction lovers like yourself, get recommendations and share resources, head over to and join our community!

  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 58 of the Ecofictology podcast! I’m sure you’ve been waiting for this part of our Spells and Specialists episode with Mauricio Garcia where we build a magic system based on the art of perfumery and our seed crystal of “magically infused perfumes can gently alter aspects of reality as well as creatures, minds and bodies”. What a cracker of a seed crystal! And we do come up with a cracker of a magic system as well, and we totally don’t control ourselves when it comes to not jumping forward to part 4. In fact we finish this part with quite a lot of the plot already figured out so next week’s episode is going to be slightly strange. But of course this part 3 revolves around the magic system which we develop using the Magic system blueprint which my cohost clark rowenson developed and you can find more info on that as well as the video version of this episode on his youtube channel the magic engineer. This part does have the visual component of tweaking the blueprint as we go through the steps so i do recommend checking that out if you’re interested in how it all works. But i think you get most of it just by listening too so i’ll shut up now and let you get on with it, I hope you enjoy

    Mauricio Garcia’s website

    Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery
    Join the Rewilding Our Stories discord server! If you want to find more ecofiction lovers like yourself, get recommendations and share resources, head over to and join our community!

  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 57 of the Ecofictology podcast! This is Part 2 of our spells and specialists episode with Mauricio Garcia, the perfumer and aromatherapist who blew our minds last week teaching us all the cool stuff. As a recap, our main messages from part 1 were that smell is form of pseudo psychic messaging, that industry and scent create global connections, and that the process of perfumery is resource intensive and we have a responsibility to do it ethically and sustainably. Part 2 as you know by now is all about finding our seed crystal, which is a concept that my cohost Clark Rowenson came up with to distill all our thoughts down to a single sentence from which our inspiration will take off. You can find more about that and about magic systems in general on Clark’s youtube channel, the magic engineer, which is also where you will find the video of this episode. The link for that is in the show notes along with the link to Mauricio’s website and all that good stuff. Honestly i love the seed crystal we came up with and i hope you do too. Enjoy!

    Mauricio Garcia’s website

    Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery

    Join the Rewilding Our Stories discord server! If you want to find more ecofiction lovers like yourself, get recommendations and share resources, head over to and join our community!

  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 56 of the Ecofictology podcast! It is that time again, we are in for another treat and honestly I am so excited about this guest. Say the name of the show, Lovis, say the name of the show! This is a Spells and specialists episode and our guest is Mauricio garcia who is a designer, perfumer and certified aromatherapist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Honestly, the stuff we teaches us about perfumes, how to build them, analyse them, all the different concoctions you make with the plant matter, it will blow your mind. There is so much to know and so much that i’ve never thought about when putting on perfume and i thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Mauricio was an absolute joy, i could have stayed learning stuff about perfume from him for hours. And of course my wonderful cohost Clark Rowenson is with me, be sure to check out his youtube channel The magic engineer to find everything you could ever want about magic systems. And of course the videos for parts 2 and 3 of this episode. But i’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll stop now and let you get on with it, i hope you enjoy.

    Mauricio Garcia’s website

    Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 55 of the Ecofictology podcast! Today I am welcoming Cynthia Zhang, author of After the Dragons, and Mehitabel Glenhaber from The Greenhouse Affect, to the show. I absolutely loved this interview with Cynthia and Mehitabel, I learned SO much! We talk about non-Western fantasy tropes, eco-messaging across media, the power of comics to do climate communication and so much more! I have included links to their works in the show notes so please check them out, i highly recommend! As always, you can find the link to the video version of this interview on my youtube channel in the show notes, that is the edited version to make it match more the length that youtube viewers are willing to sit and watch but i have given you the full version here on the podcast, one of the reasons I wanted to start this podcast in the first place! I hope you enjoy

    Interview with Cynthia Zhang (After the Dragons) and Mehitabel Glenhaber (The Greenhouse Affect)

    Cynthia Zhang

    After the Dragons

    ARG game

    Mehitabel's website

    Greenhouse Affect

    Future Myopia

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 54 of the Ecofictology podcast! This minisode Monday, I am super excited to review After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang, it's an ecofantasy novel that I just fell in love with! It's published by Stelliform press, a small independent publishing press focused on stories about climate change, ecological destruction and our relationship with each other and nature in these times of change. It’s a near future dystopian novella about climate change, it has queer characters, and oh yes, there are dragons. On Wednesday, I will be welcoming Cynthia to the show to talk about her novella and we will also be joined by Mehitabel Glenhaber of the Greenhouse Affect so check back in for that! This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you prefer the visual medium, you can find the link in the shownotes. I hope you enjoy

    After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang | Ecofiction Book Review | SPOILER FREE

    After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang:

    Stelliform Press website:

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 53 of the Ecofictology podcast! As we delve further into ecofantasy, there is a genre that I haven't quite been able to place: Ecological Weird. Today I am sharing with you an interview i did with Mary Woodbury from, a wonderful resource if you are looking to learn more about ecofiction from around the world. You will recognise her from a previous episode, she’s been a great help to me as I made my way into this community and of course she and I started the rewilding our stories discord server, which you’ll find a link to in the show notes. She has done much more digging into what ecological weird fiction is, and has even written some of it herself and written articles on the subject, so I thought I'd better get her back on the channel to discuss this topic! This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you prefer the visual medium, you can find the link in the shownotes and I have listed lots of resources and links to the books she mentions in the description of that youtube video, more than I can include here so if you want a particular link, go and find that video and hopefully i have included it there. I hope you enjoy

    Resources: Weird fiction on 's database

    What is Ecological weird fiction? With Mary Woodbury

    Weird fiction on 's database

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 52 of the Ecofictology podcast! If you caught my book review of the ecofantasy novel The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson, you will know how much I enjoyed it and hopefully you are looking forward to hearing from the author himself! I had such a wonderful time chatting with him, he had so many wonderful insights about what fantasy can bring to the ecofiction conversation, how important it is to have this conversation across genres and how the heck do we market these books? You will find links in the shownotes to Joshua’s website and to his books, since the second in the series, The Endless Song, has been published now too. This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you prefer to see as well as hear Joshua talking about his books, you can find the link in the shownotes as well. I hope you enjoy

    Interview with Joshua Phillip Johnson, author of The Forever Sea, an ecofantasy novel!

    The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson

    The Endless Song by Joshua Phillip Johnson

    Author's website
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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 51 of the Ecofictology podcast! This minisode Monday, i am bringing you my book review of The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson. It is an ecofantasy novel that I got super excited about as soon as I heard about it, I think it was mentioned on the Writing Excuses podcast which I absolutely love and all but tripped over myself to grab it once i heard that it had a magic system involving music and had an ecological message. I am always looking for more ecological themes in epic fantasy and this book has pirates, monsters, a cool magic system, and water shortages due to finite resources. It’s perfect for me. This wednesday coming up, I will be sharing my interview with the author, Joshua Phillip Johnson, which was so much fun, he was great to talk to, so check back in on wednesday if you want to know more. As I am posting this on the podcast, the second book in the series, The Endless Song, has been published so you don’t even have to wait between book 1 and 2, you can just follow Kindred’s journey. This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you prefer the visual medium, you can find the link in the shownotes. The one I posted there was the edited, highlight reel version as it were, but this is the interview in full so I hope you enjoy.

    The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson

    Author's website

    Ecofiction Book Review | The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson | SPOILER FREE

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 50 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week I am digging into one of my favourite genres...fantasy! I love reading fantasy and I also love to write it. Pretty much all of my works in progress and ideas that are percolating in my head would fall into this genre. When i set about making this video I made the mistake of thinking there weren't that many examples of ecofantasy and am so happy to tell you that I was wrong! There's loads! This episode is a bit of an introduction and I really wanted to address the issue that some people have, thinking that fantasy isn't a "serious" genre because it is escapist. What's wrong with ecapism?! And I don't agree that it hinders the genre at all in being able to send some really important messages!

    This is an archived episode from my youtube channel so if you prefer the visual medium, you can find the link in the shownotes. I hope you enjoy

    Where is all the ecofantasy? Oh...there it is!

    Ecologists in fantasy: where are they?? How can they be used in ecofantasy?

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 49 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week, I am doing a short review of the book Sphinx by Andrea Dejean, immediately followed by an interview with the author herself. I really enjoyed my chat with Andrea, her experiences in French Guiana which is where this book takes place gives it such depth to the novel and teaches you so much about the ecosystem, the societal element of it, and the species of sphinx moth that ties it all together. So before i give away too much of it, i’ll just let you get on with it. This episode is one of the last that I posted on my channel, I think, so you can just about still catch the video version of this interview over on the ecofictology youtube channel. I hope you enjoy

    Find the book at Middle Creek Publishing:

    My FAVOURITE ecofiction novel in 2022 | Reading roundup October, November AND December

    Interview with Andrea Dejean | Author of Sphinx

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 48 of the Ecofictology podcast! In this part 4 of our Spells and Specialists episode with veterinarian Max Farmer, we brainstorm a story using our magic system and keeping in mind everything max wanted to communicate about his field of veterinary science and animal nutrition. I feel like this magic system, maybe more than any we’ve come up with so far, lends itself to SO many stories. We brainstormed one in this episode but i have several others bouncing around up there and i know that Max was quite inspired to use it in a project himself. And that is really rewarding, i would so love to have several stories using the same seed crystal, the same magic system, but be wildly different in plot and character. So if you, dear listener, feel inspired by one of the seed crystals or magic systems we create in these episodes, please feel free to take them and run with them, all we ask is that you tell us about it so we can gush about it. We do these episodes to inspire as well as to communicate so if they have done that for you, please do let us know! The video version of this episode can be found on my youtube channel if you prefer the visual medium, and you can find the link in the shownotes. I do show the storytelling chart on screen with the character, conflict, goal stakes and action columns but really, i dont think you need them to follow along. I hope you enjoy.

    Find and Follow Max at...

    His website:

    On Discord:

    On Facebook:

    And On Amazon:

    Treason, assassination and a senior dragon | Spells & Specialists with Max Farmer Part 4

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 47 of the Ecofictology podcast! This week is part 3 of our spells and specialist episode with Max Farmer who has taught us all about his work as a vet and animal nutrition, we’ve created a seed crystal for our inspiration to start to play and now we get to dive into building the magic system out of that seed crystal. To refresh your memory, the seed crystal was that people can bond with animals and monsters to gain their traits powers and weakness over time but they must maintain the health and wellbeing of their bonded, so you can already probably imagine that we had heaps and heaps of fun using the Magic System Blueprint, created by my cohost Clark, the magic engineer, to develop a magic system around it. As with all the part 3’s, this episode has a visual component, we play with levers and dials on Clark’s screen showing the blueprint, so if you want to follow along visually, you will find a link to the video on clark’s youtube channel in the show notes. However, i think you will be able to follow along just fine with the audio. Let’s build a magic system! I hope you enjoy

    Find and Follow Max at...

    His website:

    On Discord:

    On Facebook:

    And On Amazon:

    The Magic Blueprint for Our Chibi-Menagerie || Spells & Specialists w/ Max Farmer Pt 3

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  • Hey ecofictologists and welcome to episode 46 of the Ecofictology podcast! It is time to take everything we learned from Max last week about animal nutrition and veterinary science and distill it down into a seed crystal. If you want more detail on what a seed crystal is, either listen to earlier episodes of Spells and Specialists on this podcast or head over to Clark’s youtube channel, the magic engineer, where you’ll find lots of resources on this. I love the seed crystal we come up with in this episode, so many ideas flying through my head already! The video version of this episode can be found on clark’s channel as well, the links will be in the show notes. I hope you enjoy

    Find and Follow Max at...

    His website:

    On Discord:

    On Facebook:

    And On Amazon:

    When Pokemon Meets Veterinary Medicine || Spells & Specialists w/ Max Farmer Pt 2

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