In this episode Shania, Moni, and Jazz start off the episode by giving a quick life update. Shonazzy also shares some of their favorite music genres and favorite small artists at the moment. They talk about what it's like to be in fandoms and the ups and downs of being fans of small artists.
In this episode Shania, Moni, and Jazz talk about how they became infatuated with the world of social media. They talk about how social media has shaped their generation, what their parents think of their obsession, making friends over the internet, and they flashback to their earlier days by talking about their first experiences with social media.
Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode Moni, Jazz, and Shania give details about what their school life was like and discuss their opinions on further education. They give insight on how they were as students, mention the pros and cons of school, their thoughts on college, how school affected their mental health, the differences between schools in Guernsey versus American schools, and talk about how views about education have changed throughout generations.
In this podcast episode Moni, Jazz, and Shania give their take on high school relationships, crushes, and dating as adults. They dive deep into the world of dating, share their stories in regards to their dating experiences (or lack thereof), and give their opinions on social media influencers and public relationships.
In this weeks episode Jazz, Shania, and Moni discuss all things related to spirituality such as law of attraction, angel numbers, crystals etc. They also give advice and talk about their experiences with spiritual methods and practices.
In today's episode we discuss issues regarding sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, and other topics that fall under that category. We also discuss the 97% of women who have been sexually harassed and we classify the forms of sexual harassment. If you are sensitive to topics such as these fill free to access the time stamps listed below and we hope you enjoy this week's episode!!
Time Stamps:
In the first episode of “el oh el our minds” Shania, Jazz, and Moni discuss who they are, how they met, how the podcast came to be, and their plans for future episodes.