
  • Contributor: Travis Barlock MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Assessment of head and neck vascular injury due to blunt trauma

    Symptomatic patients require screening head and neck CT angiography

    EAST guidelines include the following criteria for a screening CT angiography in blunt head trauma:

    Unexplained neurological deficits

    Arterial nosebleed

    GCS < 6

    Petrous bone fracture

    Cervical spine fracture

    Any size fracture through the transverse foramen

    LeFort fractures type II or type III

    EAST guidelines include a grading scale for vascular injury:

    Grade I: Luminal irregularity or dissection with 25% luminal narrowing, intraluminal thrombus, or raised intimal flap

    Grade III: Pseudoaneurysm

    Grade IV: Occlusion

    Grade V: Transection with free extravasation


    Bensch FV, Varjonen EA, Pyhältö TT, Koskinen SK. Augmenting Denver criteria yields increased BCVI detection, with screening showing markedly increased risk for subsequent ischemic stroke. Emerg Radiol. 2019;26(4):365-372. doi:10.1007/s10140-019-01677-0

    Biffl WL, Moore EE, Offner PJ, et al. Optimizing screening for blunt cerebrovascular injuries. Am J Surg. 1999;178(6):517-522. doi:10.1016/s0002-9610(99)00245-7

    Kim DY, Biffl W, Bokhari F, et al. Evaluation and management of blunt cerebrovascular injury: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020;88(6):875-887. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000002668

    Summarized & Edited by Jorge Chalit, OMS3


  • Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Hemothorax: blood in the pleural cavity, most commonly due to chest trauma

    Treatment: thoracostomy tube for blood drainage

    helps to avoid clotting, scarring, and infection

    A recent study looked at patients with hemothorax who either received or did not receive thoracic irrigation with saline

    Evaluated incidence of secondary intervention, such as video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), for persistent hemothorax

    Patients who received irrigation had a slight decrease in secondary intervention frequency

    Multi-center study - all patients who had the irrigation procedure were at two centers

    Study limitation: variability in approaches at each location could be a confounder

    Technique that could potentially prevent future complications


    Carver TW, Berndtson AE, McNickle AG, et al. Thoracic irrigation for prevention of secondary intervention after thoracostomy tube drainage for hemothorax: A Western Trauma Association multi-center study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Published online May 20, 2024. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000004364

    Yi JH, Liu HB, Zhang M, et al. Management of traumatic hemothorax by closed thoracic drainage using a central venous catheter. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2012;13(1):43-48. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1100161

    Summarized by Meg Joyce, MS | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMS3


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  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    When it comes to hypoglycemia, the age dictates possible causes


    Hormonal deficiency

    Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (21-hydroxylase deficiency, 11β-hydroxylase deficiency)

    Primary or Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency leading to cortisol deficiency


    Inborn errors of metabolism

    Systemic infection (Under 30 days old should trigger a full infectious workup)


    Accidental ingestions

    Sulfonylureas such as glipizide or glyburide

    Older children

    Addison’s Disease (Hypocortisolism)

    Accidential or intentional ingestions

    Exogenous insulin

    How is it diagnosed?

    Child or infant


  • Contributor: Kiersten Williams MD, Travis Barlock MD, Jeffrey Olson MS3

    Show Pearls

    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are one of the leading causes of maternal mortality worldwide.

    Hypertension (HTN) complicates 2-8% of pregnancies

    The definition of HTN in pregnancy is a systolic >140 or diastolic >90, measured 4 hours apart

    There is a range of HTN disorders

    Chronic HTN which could have superimposed preeclampsia (preE) on top

    Gestational HTN in which there are no lab abnormalities

    PreE w/o severe features

    Protein in urine

    Urine protein >300 mg in 24 hours

    Urine Protein to Creatinine ratio of .3

    +2 Protein on urine dipstick

    PreE w/ severe features

    Systolics above 160 mmHg

    Diastolics above 110 mmHg

    Headache, especially not going away with meds, or different than previous headaches

    Visual changes, anything that lasts more than a few minutes

    RUQ pain, which could present as heartburn

    Pulmonary edema

    Low platelets, if

  • Contributor: Sean Fox, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Newborns may lose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first week of life

    Weight loss is greatest in exclusively breastfed infants

    Should regain birth weight by age 2 weeks

    Newborns should gain an average of 30g (1 oz) per day in the first 3 months of life

    Some will gain more and some will gain less

    Infants double their birth weight by 6 months of life and triple their weight by 12 months

    A 1-year-old should weigh on average 10 kg (22 lbs)

    A 3-year-old should weigh on average 15 kg (33 lbs)

    2-year-olds are between 10-15 kg on average

    Weight assessment can help determine causes of forceful vomiting

    Not all “projectile” vomiting is due to pyloric stenosis

    Some infants may experience vigorous vomiting from overfeeding

    Weight estimates can also provide information for quick decisions on medical management for children coming via EMS

    Helps to prepare medications and dosages based on predicted average weight


    Crossland DS, Richmond S, Hudson M, Smith K, Abu-Harb M. Weight change in the term baby in the first 2 weeks of life. Acta Paediatr. 2008;97(4):425-429. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00685.x

    Grummer-Strawn LM, Reinold C, Krebs NF; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Use of World Health Organization and CDC growth charts for children aged 0-59 months in the United States [published correction appears in MMWR Recomm Rep. 2010 Sep 17;59(36):1184]. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2010;59(RR-9):1-15.

    Macdonald PD, Ross SR, Grant L, Young D. Neonatal weight loss in breast and formula fed infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2003;88(6):F472-F476. doi:10.1136/fn.88.6.f472

    Paul IM, Schaefer EW, Miller JR, et al. Weight Change Nomograms for the First Month After Birth. Pediatrics. 2016;138(6):e20162625. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-2625

    Summarized & Edited by Jorge Chalit, OMS3

    Special thanks to the Carolinas Medical Center for their contribution to this episode


  • Contributor: Travis Barlock, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    SVT: supraventricular tachycardia

    Pharmacotherapy for SVT includes drugs that block the AV node, such as adenosine

    EKG criteria before adenosine administration in SVT

    Regular rhythm

    Monomorphic: ​​all QRS complexes are identical

    If the EKG is polymorphic, with QRS complexes displaying changing morphologies, it is unsafe to administer adenosine

    Adenosine can worsen polymorphic VTach and lead to VFib


    Ganz, Leonard I., and Peter L. Friedman. “Supraventricular Tachycardia.” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 332, no. 3, 19 Jan. 1995, pp. 162–173,

    Smith JR, Goldberger JJ, Kadish AH. Adenosine induced polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in adults without structural heart disease. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1997;20(3 Pt 1):743-745. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.1997.tb03897.x

    Viskin, Sami, et al. “Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: Terminology, Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Emergency Therapy.” Circulation, vol. 144, no. 10, 7 Sept. 2021, pp. 823–839,

    Summarized by Meg Joyce, MS1 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMS3


  • Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    How does an automated blood pressure cuff work?

    Automated blood pressure cuffs work differently than taking a manual blood pressure.

    While taking a manual blood pressure, one typically listens for Korotkoff sounds (turbulent flow) while slowly deflating the cuff.

    An automatic blood pressure cuff only senses the pressure in the cuff itself and specifically pays attention to oscillations in the pressure caused by when the pressure of the cuff is between the systolic (heart squeezing) and diastolic (heart relaxed) pressures.

    These oscillations are at a maximum when the pressure in the cuff matches the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and therefore the machines are most accurate at reporting the MAP.

    The machines then use the MAP and other information about the oscillations to estimate the systolic and diastolic pressures, which are less accurate.

    What should you do if you need more accurate systolic and diastolic blood pressures?

    Take a manual blood pressure.

    Get an arterial-line (a-line), which provides continuous data for the blood pressure at the end of a catheter.

    What happens if the cuff is too big or too small for the patient?

    If the cuff is too small it will overestimate the pressure.

    If the cuff is too large it will underestimate the pressure.

    What should you do if the cuff cycles a bunch of times before reporting a blood pressure?

    It probably isn’t very accurate so consider another method.

    Bonus fact!

    The MAP is not directly in the middle of the systolic and diastolic pressures but is weighted towards the diastolic pressure. The MAP can be calculated by adding two-thirds of the diastolic pressure to one third of the systolic pressure. For example if the BP is 120/90 the MAP is 100 mmHg.


    Benmira, A., Perez-Martin, A., Schuster, I., Aichoun, I., Coudray, S., Bereksi-Reguig, F., & Dauzat, M. (2016). From Korotkoff and Marey to automatic non-invasive oscillometric blood pressure measurement: does easiness come with reliability?. Expert review of medical devices, 13(2), 179–189.

    Liu, J., Li, Y., Li, J., Zheng, D., & Liu, C. (2022). Sources of automatic office blood pressure measurement error: a systematic review. Physiological measurement, 43(9), 10.1088/1361-6579/ac890e.

    Vilaplana J. M. (2006). Blood pressure measurement. Journal of renal care, 32(4), 210–213.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson, MS3 | Edited by Meg Joyce, MS1 & Jorge Chalit, OMS3


  • Contributor: Megan Hurley, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Heat cramps

    Occur due to electrolyte disturbances

    Most common electrolyte abnormalities are hyponatremia and hypokalemia

    Heat edema

    Caused by vasodilation with pooling of interstitial fluid in the extremities

    Heat rash (miliaria)

    Common in newborns and elderly

    Due to accumulation of sweat beneath eccrine ducts

    Heat syncope

    Lightheadedness, hypotension, and/or syncope in patients with peripheral vasodilation due to heat exposure

    Treatment is removal from the heat source and rehydration (IV fluids or Gatorade)

    Heat exhaustion

    Patients have elevated body temperature (greater than 38º C but less than 40º C)

    Symptoms include nausea, tachycardia, headache, sweating, and others

    Normal mental status or mild confusion that improves with cooling

    Treatment is removal from the heat source and hydration

    Classic heat stroke

    From prolonged exposure to heat

    Defined as a core body temperature > 40.5º C, though not required for diagnosis or treatment

    Presentation is similar to heat exhaustion with the addition of neurological deficits including ataxia

    Patients present “dry”

    Exertional heat stroke

    Prolonged exposure to heat during exercise

    Similar to classic heat stroke but the patients present “wet” due to antecedent treatment in ice baths or other field treatments

    Management of heat-related illnesses includes:



    Evaluation of electrolytes

    Antipyretics are not helpful because heat-induced illnesses are not due to hypothalamic dysregulation


    Casa DJ, McDermott BP, Lee EC, et al. Cold water immersion: the gold standard for exertional heatstroke treatment. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2007; 35:141.

    Ebi KL, Capon A, Berry P, et al. Hot weather and heat extremes: health risks. Lancet 2021; 398:698.

    Epstein Y, Yanovich R. Heatstroke. N Engl J Med 2019; 380:2449.

    Gardner JW, JA K. Clinical diagnosis, management, and surveillance of exertional heat illness. In: Textbook of Military Medicine, Zajitchuk R (Ed), Army Medical Center Borden Institute, Washington, DC 2001.

    Khosla R, Guntupalli KK. Heat-related illnesses. Crit Care Clin 1999; 15:251.

    Lipman GS, Gaudio FG, Eifling KP, et al. Wilderness Medical Society Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Heat Illness: 2019 Update. Wilderness Environ Med 2019; 30:S33.

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII | Edited by Meg Joyce, MS1


  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    What is Central Cord Syndrome (CCS)?

    Incomplete spinal cord injury caused by trauma that compresses the center of the cord

    More common in hyperextension injuries like falling and hitting the chin

    Usually happens only in individuals with preexisting neck and spinal cord conditions like cervical spondylosis (age-related wear and tear of the cervical spine)

    Anatomy of spinal cord

    Motor tracts

    The signals the brain sends for the muscles to move travel in the corticospinal tracts of the spinal cord

    The tracts that control the upper limbs are more central than the ones that control the lower limbs

    The tracts that control the hands are more central than the ones that control the upper arm/shoulder

    Fine touch, vibration, and proprioception (body position) tracts

    These sensations travel in separate tracts in the spinal cord than the sensation of pain and temperature

    Their pathway is called the dorsal column-medial lemniscus (DCML) pathway

    This information travels in the most posterior aspect of the spinal cord

    Pain, crude touch, pressure, and temperature tracts

    These sensations travel in the spinothalamic tract, which is more centrally located

    These signals also cross one side of the body to the other within the spinal cord near the level that they enter

    How does this anatomy affect the presentation of CCS?

    Patients typically experience more pronounced weakness or paralysis in their upper extremities as compared to their lower extremities with their hands being weaker than more proximal muscle groups

    Sensation of pain, crude touch, pressure, and temperature are much morelikely to be diminished while the sensation of fine touch, vibration, and proprioception are spared

    What happens with reflexes?

    Deep tendon reflexes become exaggerated in CCS

    This is because the disruption in the corticospinal tract removes inhibitory control over reflex arcs

    What happens to bladder control?

    The neural signals that coordinate bladder emptying are disrupted, therefore patients can present with urinary retention and/or urge incontinence

    What is a Babinski’s Sign?

    When the sole of the foot is stimulated a normal response in adults is for the toes to flex downward (plantar flexion)

    If there is an upper motor neuron injury like in CCS, the toes will flex upwards (dorsiflexion)

    How is CCS diagnosed?

    CCS is mostly a clinical diagnosis

    These patient also need an MRI to see the extent of the damage which will show increased signal intensity within the central part of the spinal cord on T2-weighted images

    How is CCS treated?

    Strict c-spine precautions

    Neurogenic shock precautions. Maintain a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 85-90 to ensure profusion of the spinal cord

    Levophed (norepinephrine bitartrate) and/or phenylephrine can be used to support their blood pressure to support spinal perfusion

    Consider intubation for injuries above C5 (C3, 4, and 5 keep the diaphragm alive)

    Consult neurosurgery for possible decompression surgery

    Physical Therapy


    Avila, M. J., & Hurlbert, R. J. (2021). Central Cord Syndrome Redefined. Neurosurgery clinics of North America, 32(3), 353–363.

    Brooks N. P. (2017). Central Cord Syndrome. Neurosurgery clinics of North America, 28(1), 41–47.

    Engel-Haber, E., Snider, B., & Kirshblum, S. (2023). Central cord syndrome definitions, variations and limitations. Spinal cord, 61(11), 579–586.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson, MS3 | Edited by Jorge Chalit, OMS3


  • Contributor: Megan Hurley, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Initial assessment of patients with severe burn injuries begins with ABCs

    Airway: consider inhalation injury

    Breathing: circumferential burns of the trunk region can reduce respiratory muscle movement

    Circulation: circumferential burns compromise circulation

    Exposure: Important to assess the affected surface area

    Escharotomy: emergency procedure to release the tourniquet-ing effects of the eschar

    Differs from a fasciotomy in that it does not breach the deep fascial layer

    PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure

    The positive pressure remaining in the airway after exhalation

    Keeps airway pressure higher than atmospheric pressure

    Common formulas for initial fluid rate in burn shock resuscitation

    Parkland formula: 4 mL/kg body weight/% TBSA burns (lactated Ringer's solution)

    Modified Brooke formula: 2 mL/kg/% (also lactated Ringer's solution)

    Less fluid = lower risk of intra-abdominal compartment syndrome

    Lactated Ringer’s solution is preferred over normal saline in burn injuries

    Normal saline is avoided in large quantities due to the possibility of it leading to hyperchloremic acidosis


    Acosta P, Santisbon E, Varon J. “The Use of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure in Mechanical Ventilation.” Critical Care Clinics. 2007;23(2):251-261. doi:10.1016/j.ccc.2006.12.012

    Orgill DP, Piccolo N. Escharotomy and decompressive therapies in burns. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(5):759-768. doi:10.1097/BCR.0b013e3181b47cd3

    Snell JA, Loh NH, Mahambrey T, Shokrollahi K. Clinical review: the critical care management of the burn patient. Crit Care. 2013;17(5):241. Published 2013 Oct 7. doi:10.1186/cc12706

    Summarized by Meg Joyce, MS1 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit


  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    What is NMS?

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

    Caused by anti-dopamine medication or rapid withdrawal of pro-dopamenergic medications

    Mechanism is poorly understood

    Life threatening

    What medications can cause it?

    Typical antipsychotics

    Haloperidol, chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, fluphenazine, trifluoperazine

    Atypical antipsychotics

    Less risk

    Risperidone, clozapine, quetiapine, olanzapine, aripiprazole, ziprasidone

    Anti-emetic agents with anti dopamine activity

    Metoclopramide, promethazine, haloperidol

    Not ondansetron

    Abrupt withdrawal of levodopa

    How does it present?

    Slowly over 1-3 days (unlike serotonin syndrome which has a more acute onset)

    Altered mental status, 82% of patients, typically agitated delirium with confusion

    Peripheral muscle rigidity and decreased reflexes. AKA lead pipe rigidity. (As opposed to clonus and hyperreflexia in serotonin syndrome)

    Hyperthermia (>38C seen in 87% of patients)

    Can also have tachycardia, labile blood pressures, tachypnea, and tremor

    How is it diagnosed?

    Clinical diagnosis, focus on the timing of symptoms

    No confirmatory lab test but can see possible elevated CK levels and WBC of 10-40k with a left shift

    What else might be on the differential?


    CNS infections

    Heat stroke

    Agitated delirium

    Status eptilepticus

    Drug induced extrapyramidal symptoms

    Serotonin syndrome

    Malignant hyperthermia

    What is the treatment?

    Start with ABC’s

    Stop all anti-dopaminergic meds and restart pro-dopamine meds if recently stopped

    Maintain urine output with IV fluids if needed to avoid rhabdomyolysis

    Active or passive cooling if needed

    Benzodiazapines, such as lorazepam 1-2 mg IV q 4hrs

    What are active medical therapies?

    Controversial treatments

    Bromocriptine, dopamine agonist

    Dantrolene, classically used for malignant hyperthermia

    Amantadine, increases dopamine release

    Use as a last resort


    Mortality is around 10% if not recognized and treated

    Most patients recover in 2-14 days

    Must wait 2 weeks before restarting any medications


    Oruch, R., Pryme, I. F., Engelsen, B. A., & Lund, A. (2017). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: an easily overlooked neurologic emergency. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 13, 161–175.

    Tormoehlen, L. M., & Rusyniak, D. E. (2018). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome. Handbook of clinical neurology, 157, 663–675.

    Velamoor, V. R., Norman, R. M., Caroff, S. N., Mann, S. C., Sullivan, K. A., & Antelo, R. E. (1994). Progression of symptoms in neuroleptic malignant syndrome. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 182(3), 168–173.

    Ware, M. R., Feller, D. B., & Hall, K. L. (2018). Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management. The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 20(1), 17r02185.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson MS2 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMSIII

  • Contributor: Travis Barlock MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Recent study assessed outcomes after ROSC with epinephrine vs. norepinephrine

    Observational multicenter study from 2011-2018

    285 patients received epineprhine and 481 received norepinephrine

    Epinephrine was associated with an increase in all-cause mortality (primary outcome)

    Odds ratio 2.6; 95%CI 1.4-4.7; P = 0.002

    Higher cardiovascular mortality (secondary outcome)

    Higher proportion of unfavorable neurological outcome (secondary outcome)

    Norepinephrine is the vasopressor of choice in post-cardiac arrest care


    Bougouin W, Slimani K, Renaudier M, et al. Epinephrine versus norepinephrine in cardiac arrest patients with post-resuscitation shock. Intensive Care Med. 2022;48(3):300-310. doi:10.1007/s00134-021-06608-7

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit

  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Opioid Epidemic- quick facts

    Drug overdoses, primarily driven by opioids, have become the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S. for individuals aged 18-45.

    In 2021, opioids were involved in nearly 75% of all drug overdose deaths

    The rise of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is much more potent than heroin or prescription opioids, has played a major role in the increase in overdose deaths

    What is Narcan AKA Naloxone?

    Competitive opioid antagonist. It sits on the receptor but doesn’t activate it.

    When do we give Narcan?

    Respiratory rate less than 8-10 breaths per minute

    Should you check the pupils?

    An opioid overdose classically presents with pinpoint pupils BUT…

    Hypercapnia from bradypnea can normalize the pupils

    Taking other drugs at the same time like cocaine or meth can counteract the pupillary effects

    Basilar stroke could also cause small pupils, so don’t anchor on an opioid overdose

    How does Narcan affect the body?

    Relatively safe even if the patient is not experiencing an opioid overdose. So when in doubt, give the Narcan.

    What if the patient is opioid naive and overdosing?

    Use a large dose given that this patient is unlikely to withdraw

    0.4-2 mg every 3-5 minutes

    What if the patient is a chronic opioid user

    Use a smaller dose such as 0.04-0.4 mg to avoid precipitated withdrawal

    How fast does Narcan work?

    Given intravenously (IV), onset is 1-2 min

    Given intranasal (IN), onset is 3-4 min

    Given intramuscularly (IM), onset is ~6 min

    Duration of action is 60 mins, with a range of 20-90 minutes

    How does that compare to the duration of action of common opioids?

    Heroine lasts 60 min

    Fentanyl lasts 30-60 min, depending on route

    Carfentanyl lasts ~5 hrs

    Methadone lasts 12-24 hrs

    So we really need to be conscious about redosing

    How do you monitor someone treated with Narcan?

    Pay close attention to the end-tidal CO2 to ensure that are ventilating appropriately

    Be cautious with giving O2 as it might mask hypoventilation

    Watch the respiratory rate

    Give Narcan as needed

    Observe for at least 2-4 hours after the last Narcan dose

    Larger the dose, longer the observation period

    Who gets a drip?

    If they have gotten ~3 doses, time to start the drip

    Start at 2/3rds last effective wake-up dose


    Flash pulm edema

    0.2-3.6% complication rate

    Might be from the catecholamine surge from abrupt wake-up

    Might also be from large inspiratory effort against a partially closed glottis which creates too much negative pressure

    Treat with BIPAP if awake and intubation if not awake

    Should you give Narcan in cardiac arrest?

    Short answer no. During ACLS you take over breathing for the patient and that is pretty much the only way that Narcan can help

    Just focus on high quality CPR


    Elkattawy, S., Alyacoub, R., Ejikeme, C., Noori, M. A. M., & Remolina, C. (2021). Naloxone induced pulmonary edema. Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives, 11(1), 139–142.

    van Lemmen, M., Florian, J., Li, Z., van Velzen, M., van Dorp, E., Niesters, M., Sarton, E., Olofsen, E., van der Schrier, R., Strauss, D. G., & Dahan, A. (2023). Opioid Overdose: Limitations in Naloxone Reversal of Respiratory Depression and Prevention of Cardiac Arrest. Anesthesiology, 139(3), 342–353.

    Yousefifard, M., Vazirizadeh-Mahabadi, M. H., Neishaboori, A. M., Alavi, S. N. R., Amiri, M., Baratloo, A., & Saberian, P. (2019). Intranasal versus Intramuscular/Intravenous Naloxone for Pre-hospital Opioid Overdose: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Advanced journal of emergency medicine, 4(2), e27.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson MS2 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMSII

  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Anticholinergics are found in many medications, including over-the-counter remedies

    Medications include:


    Tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline


    Antipsychotics like olanzapine

    Antispasmodics - dicyclomine


    Muscaria mushrooms

    Mechanism of action involves competitive antagonism of the muscarinic receptor

    Symptomatic presentation is easily remembered via the mnemonic:

    Dry as a bone - anhidrosis due to cholinergic antagonism at sweat glands

    Red as a beet - cutaneous vasodilation leads to skin flushing

    Hot as a hare - anhidrotic hyperthermia

    Blind as a bat - pupillary dilation and ineffective accommodation

    Mad as a hatter - anxiety, agitation, dysarthria, hallucinations, and others

    Clinical management


    Benzodiazepines for supportive care, agitation, and seizures

    Sodium bicarbonate for TCA toxicity due to widened QRS

    Activated charcoal if patient present < 1 hour after ingestion

    Temperature monitoring

    Contact poison control with questions

    Physostigmine controversy

    Physostigmine is a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor that can cross the blood-brain barrier so in theory it would be a useful antidote BUT…

    There is a black box warning for asystole and seizures when physostigmine is used this way

    Therefore it is contraindicated in TCA overdoses

    However, it is still indicated in certain anticholinergic overdoses with delirium


    Admission criteria include: symptoms >6 hours, CNS findings, QRS prolongation, hyperthermia, and rhabdomyolysis

    ICU admission criteria include: delirium, dysrhythmias, seizures, coma, or requirement for physostigmine drip


    1. Arens AM, Shah K, Al-Abri S, Olson KR, Kearney T. Safety and effectiveness of physostigmine: a 10-year retrospective review. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2018;56(2):101-107. doi:10.1080/15563650.2017.1342828

    2. Nguyen TT, Armengol C, Wilhoite G, Cumpston KL, Wills BK. Adverse events from physostigmine: An observational study. Am J Emerg Med. 2018;36(1):141-142. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2017.07.006

    3. Scharman E, Erdman A, Wax P, et al. Diphenhydramine and dimenhydrinate poisoning: An evidence-based consensus guideline for out-of-hospital management. Clin Toxicol. 2006;44(3):205-223. doi:10.1080/15563650600585920

    4. Shervette RE 3rd, Schydlower M, Lampe RM, Fearnow RG. Jimson "loco" weed abuse in adolescents. Pediatrics. 1979;63(4):520-523.

    5. Woolf AD, Erdman AR, Nelson LS, et al. Tricyclic antidepressant poisoning: An evidence-based consensus guideline for out-of-hospital management. Clin Toxicol. 2007;45(3):203-233. doi:10.1080/15563650701226192

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII | Edited by Jorge Chalit

  • Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD

    Educational Pearls:

    How fast does cellulitis recover?

    A recent prospective cohort study took a look at this question.

    The study included 300 adults with cellulitis (excluding those with peri-orbital cellulitis or abscesses) in two emergency departments in Queensland, Australia.

    They collected data from initial and follow-up surveys at 3, 7, and 14 days, and compared clinician and patient assessments at day 14.

    Improvement was fastest between day 0 and day 3, with gradual progress thereafter.

    At day 14, many still had skin redness and swelling, though warmth had often resolved. Clinicians reported higher cure rates than patients (85.8% vs. 52.8%).


    Cellulitis symptoms improve quickly at first but continue to linger for many patients.

    Patients and doctors often have different views on when cellulitis is fully cured.

    How should we counsel patients?

    Even on antibiotics, the margins of the cellulitis may continue to spread a small amount.

    Skin warmth should be the first symptom to go away.

    It takes time to get better. Only about 50% of patients believed their cellulitis was cured at 2 weeks.


    Nightingale, R. S., Etheridge, N., Sweeny, A. L., Smyth, G., Dace, W., Pellatt, R. A. F., Snelling, P. J., Yadav, K., & Keijzers, G. (2024). Cellulitis in the Emergency Department: A prospective cohort study with patient-centred follow-up. Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA, 10.1111/1742-6723.14401. Advance online publication.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson MS2 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMSIII

  • Contributor: Aaron Lessen MD

    Educational Pearls:

    A recent study assessed EMS treatment of high blood pressure in the field

    2404 patients randomized to prehospital treatment (1205) vs. usual care (1199)

    Included patients with prehospital BP greater than 150 mm Hg

    The treatment arm’s BP goal was 130-140 mm Hg

    The primary efficacy outcome was functional status 90 days out

    Stroke was confirmed by imaging upon hospital arrival

    On arrival, the mean SBP of the treatment arm was 159 mm Hg compared with 170 mm Hg in the usual care group

    No significant difference in functional outcomes between the treatment group and the usual care group (Common Odds Ratio of 1.00, 95% CI = 0.87-1.15)

    Post-imaging analysis revealed 46.5% of the undifferentiated patients had a hemorrhagic stroke

    Prehospital reduction in BP did reduce the odds of poor functional outcome in hemorrhagic stroke patients alone (Common Odds Ratio 0.75, 95% CI 0.60-0.92)

    Those with ischemic stroke had increased odds of poor functional outcome (Common Odds Ratio 1.30, 95% CI 1.06-1.60)

    Bottom line: it is challenging to identify the stroke type in the prehospital setting and therefore not necessarily helpful to treat the blood pressure


    1. Ren X, Zhang C, Xu P, et al. Intensive Ambulance-Delivered Blood- Pressure Reduction in Hyperacute Stroke. New England Journal of Medicine. 2024;390(20):1862-1872. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2314741

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit

  • Contributor: Taylor Lynch MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Overview: Sympathomimetic drugs mimic the fight or flight response, affecting monoamines such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine Limited therapeutic use, often abused. Types: Amphetamines: Methamphetamine, Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse MDMA (Ecstasy) Cocaine (Both hydrochloride salt & free based crack cocaine) Theophylline (Asthma treatment) Ephedrine (For low blood pressure) BZP, Oxymetazoline (Afrin), Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) MAO Inhibitors (treatment-resistant depression) Mechanisms: Act on adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. Cocaine blocks dopamine and serotonin reuptake. Methamphetamines increase stimulatory neurotransmitter release MAO Inhibitors prevent neurotransmitter breakdown. Symptoms: Agitation, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperactive bowel sounds, diuresis, hyperthermia. Severe cases: Angina, seizures, cardiovascular collapse. Diagnosis: Clinical examination and history. Differentiate from anticholinergic toxidrome by diaphoresis and hyperactive bowel sounds. Tests: EKG, cardiac biomarkers, chest X-ray, blood gas, BMP, CK, coagulation studies, U-tox screen. Treatment: Stabilize ABCs, IV hydration, temperature monitoring, benzodiazepines. Avoid beta-blockers due to unopposed alpha agonism. Whole bowel irrigation for body packers; surgical removal if packets rupture. IV hydration for high CK levels. Observation period often necessary. Recap: Mimic sympathetic nervous system. Key symptoms: Diaphoresis, hyperactive bowel sounds. Treatment: Supportive care, benzodiazepines. Use poison control as a resource.


    Costa VM, Grazziotin Rossato Grando L, Milandri E, Nardi J, Teixeira P, Mladěnka P, Remião F. Natural Sympathomimetic Drugs: From Pharmacology to Toxicology. Biomolecules. 2022;12(12):1793. doi:10.3390/biom12121793

    Kolecki P. Sympathomimetic Toxicity From Emergency Medicine. Medscape. Updated March 11, 2024.

    Williams RH, Erickson T, Broussard LA. Evaluating Sympathomimetic Intoxication in an Emergency Setting. Lab Med. 2000;31(9):497-508.

    Summarized by Steven Fujaros | Edited by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII

  • Contributor: Travis Barlock MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Wide-complex tachycardia is defined as a heart rate > 100 BPM with a QRS width > 120 milliseconds

    Wide-complex tachycardia of supraventricular origin is known as SVT with aberrancy

    Aberrancy is due to bundle branch blocks

    Mostly benign

    Treated with adenosine or diltiazem

    Wide-complex tachycardia of ventricular origin is also known as VTach

    Originates from ventricular myocytes, which are poor inherent pacemakers

    Dangerous rhythm that can lead to death

    Treated with amiodarone or lidocaine

    80% of wide-complex tachycardias are VTach

    90% likelihood for patients with a history of coronary artery disease

    In assessing a wide-complex tachycardia, it is best to treat it as a presumed ventricular tachycardia

    Treating SVT with amiodarone or lidocaine does no harm

    However, treating VTach with adenosine or diltiazem may worsen the condition


    1. Littmann L, Olson EG, Gibbs MA. Initial evaluation and management of wide-complex tachycardia: A simplified and practical approach. Am J Emerg Med. 2019;37(7):1340-1345. doi:

    2. Viskin S, Chorin E, Viskin D, Hochstadt A, Schwartz AL, Rosso R. Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: Terminology, Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Emergency Therapy. Circulation. 2021;144(10):823-839. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055783

    3. Williams SE, O’Neill M, Kotadia ID. Supraventricular tachycardia: An overview of diagnosis and management. Clin Med J R Coll Physicians London. 2020;20(1):43-47. doi:10.7861/clinmed.cme.20.1.3

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSIII | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit

  • Contributor: Aaron Lessen MD

    Educational Pearls:

    The case:

    A gentleman came in from a nursing home with symptoms concerning for sepsis. He was hypotensive, hypoxic, febrile, and mentally altered.

    His past medical history included previous strokes which had left him with deficits for which he required a feeding tube.

    Initial workup included some point of care labs which revealed a sodium of 165 mEq/L (normal range 135-145)


    What causes it?

    Dehydration, from insufficient fluid intake. This might happen in individuals who cannot drink water independently, such as infants, elderly, or disabled people, as was the case for this patient.

    Other causes of dehydration/hypernatremia include excessive sweating; diabetes insipidus; diuretic use; kidney dysfunction; and severe burns which can lead to fluid loss through the damaged skin.

    How do you correct it?

    Need to correct slowly, not more than 10 to 12 meq/L in 24 hours

    Can do normal saline (0.9%) or half saline (0.45%) and D5, at 150-200 mL per hour.

    Check the sodium frequently (every 2-3 hours)

    Will likely need ICU-level monitoring

    What happens if you correct it too quickly?

    Cerebral edema


    Bonus fact: Correction of hyponatremia too quickly causes osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS).


    Chauhan, K., Pattharanitima, P., Patel, N., Duffy, A., Saha, A., Chaudhary, K., Debnath, N., Van Vleck, T., Chan, L., Nadkarni, G. N., & Coca, S. G. (2019). Rate of Correction of Hypernatremia and Health Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, 14(5), 656–663.

    Lindner, G., & Funk, G. C. (2013). Hypernatremia in critically ill patients. Journal of critical care, 28(2), 216.e11–216.e2.16E20.

    Muhsin, S. A., & Mount, D. B. (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of hypernatremia. Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism, 30(2), 189–203.

    Summarized by Jeffrey Olson MS2 | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit, OMSIII

  • Contributor: Aaron Lessem MD

    Educational Pearls:

    Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is an antiviral medication used commonly to treat influenza

    Trials show that the medication reduces the duration of illness by less than 1 day (~16 hours in one systematic review)

    Benefit only occurs if taken within 48 hours of symptom onset

    Must be taken for 5 days

    A 2024 meta-analysis reviewed 15 randomized-controlled trials for the risk of hospitalization

    No reduction in hospitalizations with oseltamivir in patients over the age of 12

    No difference in high-risk patients over the age of 65 or those with comorbidities

    The authors note that the confidence interval in these populations is wide, indicating a need for subsequent studies in high-risk populations

    Oseltamivir is associated with adverse effects including nausea, vomiting, and neurologic symptoms

    The risk of adverse effects may outweigh the benefits of a small reduction in the duration of illness


    1. Hanula R, Bortolussi-Courval É, Mendel A, Ward BJ, Lee TC, McDonald EG. Evaluation of Oseltamivir Used to Prevent Hospitalization in Outpatients with Influenza: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2024;184(1):18-27. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.0699

    2. Jefferson T, Jones M, Doshi P, Spencer EA, Onakpoya I, Heneghan CJ. Oseltamivir for influenza in adults and children: Systematic review of clinical study reports and summary of regulatory comments. BMJ. 2014;348(April):1-18. doi:10.1136/bmj.g2545

    Summarized by Jorge Chalit, OMSII | Edited by Meg Joyce & Jorge Chalit