An interview recorded on 5th May 2020, by Mr. Mohamed Farouk of the World After Corona initiative. The video and the World After Corona page can be found here:
Follow up links about what I was referencing: The work of prof. Tim Garrett linking total global accumulated wealth and energy demand, also highlighting Jevon’s Paradox Some great presentations from Dr. Nolthenious on climate change and our future Fossil fuel expansion being greater than all the renewables we’ve ever built:
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Dr. Richard Nolthenius has a background in thermal engineering and astronomy. He currently runs the Astronomy Program at Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz California. He also lecturers and has been a visiting researcher for UC Santa Cruz since 1987. He describes his professional transition in to climate science as “quite a shock, not necessarily a pleasant one”!
Dr. Nolthenius suggests that Professor Tim Garrett’s work on linking global wealth and energy consumption has not been given the attention it deserves, Dr. Nolthenius also concludes that the only way to advert the increasingly critical climate change situation is in line with Prof. Garretts publications and therefore requires sharp, rapid cuts to our use of fossil fuels.
To achieve this end Dr. Nolthenius has compiled a list of 7 Policy Mechanisms which he will discuss in Part one. These include:
Tax and Dividend End government subsidies to fossil fuel companies Trade sanctions against all countries who do not enact Tax and Dividend or end fossil fuel subsidies. Devise an efficient mechanism to impose Tax/Dividend on all externalized costs. Tax consumption, not income. End Child Tax Credit, and promote policies which economically discourage population growth. Amend the Constitution.Dr. Nolthenius explains exactly what the above may involve, and discusses ideas for getting them implemented with a million person Occupy DC movement.
In Part Two Dr. Nolthenius highlights potential technological ‘band aids’ (and their short falls) which could potentially be implemented alongside the Policy Mechanisms discussed in Part 1. These include:
Energy technologies (PV, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal and Nuclear). Carbon Capture and storage Artificial capture of CO2 from the atmosphere via ‘Air Capture’ Climeworks commercially operated Air Capture CO2 machine. BECCS – BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration.Dr. Nolthenius also points out how even if we ended all our carbon emissions today, the effect of Thermal Inertia would still cause global temperatures to rise.
Part 3 covers GeoEngineering including:
Permafrost Carbon How do we choose? Solar Radiation Management ‘Butterflies’ Asteroids with dust secretion Reflective Aerosols Refreezing the Artic using pumped sea water. ‘Loan Shark’ methods that won’t work long term Why there is no ‘Magic Bullet’Reference is made by Dr Noltheius to "E.C.S", although not covered in the series this stands for Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity. More information on this is available in Dr Noltheniuss presentation 'Earth Climate Change in One (very long) Lecture' available here:
Many thanks to Dr Richard Nolthenius for joining me for this 3-part series, I hope I can discuss more issues with him in the future. I highly recommend visiting his website where there is a wealth of information available: . His Collage lecture presentations (powerpoint and pdf versions) relevant to the topics covered can be found at: .
Professor Tim Garretts work as discussed can be found here:
All 3 parts where recorded Friday 27th October 2017.
Join in the discussion on my website:
Fehlende Folgen?
Dr. Richard Nolthenius has a background in thermal engineering and astronomy. He currently runs the Astronomy Program at Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz California. He also lecturers and has been a visiting researcher for UC Santa Cruz since 1987. He describes his professional transition in to climate science as “quite a shock, not necessarily a pleasant one”!
Dr. Nolthenius suggests that Professor Tim Garrett’s work on linking global wealth and energy consumption has not been given the attention it deserves, Dr. Nolthenius also concludes that the only way to advert the increasingly critical climate change situation is in line with Prof. Garretts publications and therefore requires sharp, rapid cuts to our use of fossil fuels.
To achieve this end Dr. Nolthenius has compiled a list of 7 Policy Mechanisms which he will discuss in Part one. These include:
Tax and Dividend End government subsidies to fossil fuel companies Trade sanctions against all countries who do not enact Tax and Dividend or end fossil fuel subsidies. Devise an efficient mechanism to impose Tax/Dividend on all externalized costs. Tax consumption, not income. End Child Tax Credit, and promote policies which economically discourage population growth. Amend the Constitution.Dr. Nolthenius explains exactly what the above may involve, and discusses ideas for getting them implemented with a million person Occupy DC movement.
In Part Two Dr. Nolthenius highlights potential technological ‘band aids’ (and their short falls) which could potentially be implemented alongside the Policy Mechanisms discussed in Part 1. These include:
Energy technologies (PV, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal and Nuclear). Carbon Capture and storage Artificial capture of CO2 from the atmosphere via ‘Air Capture’ Climeworks commercially operated Air Capture CO2 machine. BECCS – BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration.Dr. Nolthenius also points out how even if we ended all our carbon emissions today, the effect of Thermal Inertia would still cause global temperatures to rise.
Part 3 covers GeoEngineering including:
Permafrost Carbon How do we choose? Solar Radiation Management ‘Butterflies’ Asteroids with dust secretion Reflective Aerosols Refreezing the Artic using pumped sea water. ‘Loan Shark’ methods that won’t work long term Why there is no ‘Magic Bullet’Finally, in Part 3 Dr. Nolthenius takes some time to explain how economics is related to climate change, and why we need to stop our obsession with Growth. The work of Prof. Tim Garrett / “The Garrett Relation” is expanded upon and discussed.
Reference is made by Dr Noltheius to "E.C.S", although not covered in the series this stands for Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity. More information on this is available in Dr Noltheniuss presentation 'Earth Climate Change in One (very long) Lecture' available here:
Many thanks to Dr Richard Nolthenius for joining me for this 3-part series, I hope I can discuss more issues with him in the future. I highly recommend visiting his website where there is a wealth of information available: . His Collage lecture presentations (powerpoint and pdf versions) relevant to the topics covered can be found at: .
Professor Tim Garretts work as discussed can be found here:
All 3 parts where recorded Friday 27th October 2017.
Join in the discussion on my website:
Dr. Richard Nolthenius has a background in thermal engineering and astronomy. He currently runs the Astronomy Program at Cabrillo College, Santa Cruz California. He also lecturers and has been a visiting researcher for UC Santa Cruz since 1987. He describes his professional transition in to climate science as “quite a shock, not necessarily a pleasant one”!
Dr. Nolthenius suggests that Professor Tim Garrett’s work on linking global wealth and energy consumption has not been given the attention it deserves, Dr. Nolthenius also concludes that the only way to advert the increasingly critical climate change situation is in line with Prof. Garretts publications and therefore requires sharp, rapid cuts to our use of fossil fuels.
To achieve this end Dr. Nolthenius has compiled a list of 7 Policy Mechanisms which he will discuss in Part one. These include:
Tax and Dividend End government subsidies to fossil fuel companies Trade sanctions against all countries who do not enact Tax and Dividend or end fossil fuel subsidies. Devise an efficient mechanism to impose Tax/Dividend on all externalized costs. Tax consumption, not income. End Child Tax Credit, and promote policies which economically discourage population growth. Amend the Constitution.Dr. Nolthenius explains exactly what the above may involve, and discusses ideas for getting them implemented with a million person Occupy DC movement.
In Part Two Dr. Nolthenius highlights potential technological ‘band aids’ (and their short falls) which could potentially be implemented alongside the Policy Mechanisms discussed in Part 1. These include:
Energy technologies (PV, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal and Nuclear). Carbon Capture and storage Artificial capture of CO2 from the atmosphere via ‘Air Capture’ Climeworks commercially operated Air Capture CO2 machine. BECCS – BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration.Dr. Nolthenius also points out how even if we ended all our carbon emissions today, the effect of Thermal Inertia would still cause global temperatures to rise.
Part 3 covers GeoEngineering including:
Permafrost Carbon How do we choose? Solar Radiation Management ‘Butterflies’ Asteroids with dust secretion Reflective Aerosols Refreezing the Artic using pumped sea water. ‘Loan Shark’ methods that won’t work long term Why there is no ‘Magic Bullet’Finally, in Part 3 Dr. Nolthenius takes some time to explain how economics is related to climate change, and why we need to stop our obsession with Growth. The work of Prof. Tim Garrett / “The Garrett Relation” is expanded upon and discussed.
Reference is made by Dr Noltheius to "E.C.S", although not covered in the series this stands for Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity. More information on this is available in Dr Noltheniuss presentation 'Earth Climate Change in One (very long) Lecture' available here:
Many thanks to Dr Richard Nolthenius for joining me for this 3-part series, I hope I can discuss more issues with him in the future. I highly recommend visiting his website where there is a wealth of information available: . His Collage lecture presentations (powerpoint and pdf versions) relevant to the topics covered can be found at: .
Professor Tim Garretts work as discussed can be found here:
All 3 parts where recorded Friday 27th October 2017.
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Tim Garrett is Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Utah who's research focus is the physics of clouds. Professor Garrett joins Steven to discuss his work, and model, which shows a consistent link between the global economy and climate change.
Professor Garrett's model indicates the constant requirement of 9.7 Watts to support every $1000 (adjusted to the 1990 Dollar) means it is impossible to decarbonise the economy and prevent catastrophic climate change within six decades.
Steven and Tim discuss why Jevon's Paradox supports this position and means that as we constantly strive for energy efficiency, ironically, the more energy we use.
To find out more on Professor Garrett’s work please visit
For an additional explanation provided by Dr Richard Nolthenius please view his presentation here:
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The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) is a 'radical' environmental movement who believe that the voluntary choice to not create more humans is the only viable method to save the planet from environmental catastrophe.
In this Episode of the Environmental Professionals Postulating Podcast, Steven is joined by Les Knight, the founder / discoverer of VHEMT.
The main object of the movement, based on environmental arguments, is the voluntary choice to not create new humans.
To find out more about VHEMT visit their website at
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Karim M. Morsy, Co-author of a recent publication titled "Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: Revealing the Impacts of Climate Change" joins Steven to discuss the effects Climate Change upon an often ignored, vital eco system.
To read the full publication, click here or visit .
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Luke and I discuss the pro’s and con’s of eating meat, specifically the environmental impacts of our demand for meat.
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I am joined again by my wife Iv, so you don’t have to listen to my monotonous tones constantly.
It turns out Climate change isn’t just causing the glaciers to melt and driving 200 species to extinction every day, it’s also a major threat to international security.
According to Major General Munir Muniruzzaman who is the chairman of the Global Military Advisory Council On Climate Change, climate change could spark major wars “completely destabilising” the world and forcing millions of people to become refugees.
In addition to that report from GMACCC, the Center for Climate and Security has published a report titled “Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene.”
The report identifies 12 "epicenters," or categories, where climate change could trigger major global conflict. Any one of these 12 issues could cause significant disruption, but taken together these epicenters can present a serious threat to international security.
Non-state actors are already weaponising water to control local populations, either through diverting scarce water sources or as the Islamic State group did when it seized the Mosul Dam in Iraq and threatened to destroy it, they gained leverage to devastate downstream population centers.
Egypt has already threatened Ethiopia with air strikes over damming the Nile River. I believe it was the Obama Administration that referred to Climate Change as being a ‘threat multiplier’. And The Center for Climate and Security report stresses why mitigating climate change should be the highest priority for governments and institutions around the world.
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Luke & Steven discuss some potential impacts of the United Kingdom exit from the European Union, specifically with regard to managing environmental issues across the UK.
There's no denying that the majority of current UK environmental law has come down from the European Union (EU). The EU has introduced policies and laws dealing with all sorts of wide reaching issues, the UK Environmental Law Association gives the examples of industrial and agricultural pollution, waste, water quality, air quality, nature conservation, environmental damage and climate change.
Luke and Steven cover aspects such as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Common Fisheries Policy, and the Paris Agreement.
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Steven and Iv discuss the already present effects of Climate Change on the Philippines. We discuss the impact of increased extreme weather events on agriculture, President Duterte, along with the recent news that his Environment Secretary was pushed out by big money.
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Today I’ll be updating you guys, and girls, and other, on some news items regarding Trump, the record 20 million pound fine levied against Thames Water, Brexit and Climageddon.
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How will the Trump Presidency effect local, national and global Environmental Policy? Climate Change? Local level clean up operations? Legal enforcement? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? The Paris Agreement? ....
Get answers to those questions by joining Steven and Luke who discuss what the new President of the United States has done so far with his Executive Orders, what he's planning to do and other issues for Environmental Management that have been raised as a result of the 2016 Presidential Election.
In part two we look at whether the Trump Administration will actually have that great an impact, are things as bad as they seem when placed in the context of the potential Clinton Presidency?
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How will the Trump Presidency effect local, national and global Environmental Policy? Climate Change? Local level clean up operations? Legal enforcement? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? The Paris Agreement? ....
Get answers to those questions by joining Steven and Luke who discuss what the new President of the United States has done so far with his Executive Orders, what he's planning to do and other issues for Environmental Management that have been raised as a result of the 2016 Presidential Election.
In part two we look at whether the Trump Administration will actually have that great an impact, are things as bad as they seem when placed in the context of the potential Clinton Presidency?
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I was joined by Laura Franklin of start-up Social Enterprise Management Consultancy Sovenco to discuss the realities of starting your own business.
All episodes coupled with (quite frankly utterly bizarre) computer generated transcripts, and the option to leave comments on each episode are available on my website: - see you there!
Steven is joined by Professor Emeritus of Arizona University, Dr. Guy McPherson. Guy is the worlds leading authority on Abrupt Climate Change leading to Near-term Human extinction.
Guy believes the Environment will change so rapidly over the coming decade that the Earth will become Mars-like. Guy speculates that it will be highly unlikely the human species will survive. Steven and Guy cover positive feedback loops that could have already sent the earth past it's tipping point, including the effect of Methane and water vapour in the atmosphere. The science behind the claims and why it's too late to stop the inevitable along with recent news and research articles are highlighted to show the increase of extreme weather events and the records for climate change we (unfortunately) keep breaking.
In the first quarter of the episode, Prof. McPherson does slightly misrepresent the work of Prof. Tim Garrett, for clarification, please listen to Ep 012 - A discussion with Professor Tim Garrett. For an interview with Science journalist Scott K. Johnson pointing out the downfalls of Guy McPhersons position, check out this episode of the Radio Ecoshock Podcast. Other criticism can be found here, and here.
All episodes coupled with computer generated transcripts, and the option to leave comments on each episode are available on my website: see you there!
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