Two Dudes Abiding
Brad and Alex discuss the finer points of Dudism, the chillest and slowest growing religion in the world. Inspired by the film The Big Lebowski, and loosely based on Taoism, The Purpose Driven Dude will give you advice on takin' 'er easy, how to get a toe, and what to do when the aggression in your life will no longer stand. -
Zen ist nichts Besonderes. Zen ist Alltag. Alltag ist Zen. Im Alltag zeigt sich, was an der Zen-Praxis dran ist. Es geht nicht darum, cool zu sein. Es geht nicht darum, in einer Robe auf einem Kissen zu sitzen und wie ein Samurai auszusehen. Es geht um etwas ganz anderes. Es geht um etwas ganz einfaches. Es geht um dich und mich. Jetzt, hier, in diesem Leben.
If you are a leader, be it a leader of self or a leader of many, who strives to be a force for good in the world, or if you are someone who is simply uncertain about what you really want and why it matters, then this podcast is for you!
The Joyful Journey Podcast is about finding clarity about who we choose to be and the life we want to live. It’s about tapping into our inner wisdom and accessing our highest selves so we make choices that are aligned with who we are and what matters most to us. By accessing our highest selves we also make choices that are best for our families, our communities and the organizations we represent.
Perhaps most important of all, by learning to tap into inner wisdom and access our highest self, we raise our vibration, unleash a great joy and heighten the collective consciousness.
That, my friends, is world changing and it all starts with you and me!
Welcome to the Joyful Journey Podcast. -
Ein Podcast der Wochenschrift Das Goetheanum.
The Queen’s Mentality, from Fem Entity, is a self-enlightenment podcast that will be discussing the many ways to honour your divine being. We break through the limits of patriarchal society and encourage the process of getting into your higher self.
This podcast will talk about ancient techniques of meditation and mindfulness and intertwine them with modern self-care routines, bringing on guest speakers through our Fem Entity Community to talk about their own journey of self-discovery and lots more!
Sit back, relax and let's get inspired. -
So Worthy is a weekly podcast about how to enjoy + plan your 20s and lead a Godly lifestyle. New episodes air every Tuesday, so hit that subscribe button now!
As unmarried women, Gabby shares all the things she wish she knew before starting in her 20s like:
how to follow God's plan and budget
how to plan for my dream career
how to have bold faith in our everyday jobs, careers, and businesses
Gabby knows our jobs, careers, and businesses can make the daily decision to follow Jesus tough. Every episode, Gabby encourages you to make the daily commitment to follow God in your career, manage your finances in a Godly way, and travel on a big time budget. -
Une minute quotidienne pour envisager l'essentiel.
Conférences et lectures dans les domaines de la philosophie, l'éthique, la sociopolitique, la philosophie de l'histoire, le symbolisme, l'histoire des religions, la spiritualité, la mythologie, les sciences, la musique, la psychologie, l'égyptologie, l'éducation, l'ésotérisme, les médecines alternatives, la transition, l'architecture sacrée...
The Christ-In Culture is a podcast that begins the discussion in which we recognize that our human desires draw us deeper into a relationship with Christ. Through this open dialogue we attempt to show that our culture is a manifestation of our longing for Christ even in the seemingly small and mundane aspects of everyday life. Using primarily sources of apparently secular media we hope to foster within others a familiarity in actively participating in this discussion in their daily lives.
Thoughts and opinions are our own and do not necessarily portray the teachings of the Catholic Church or the Diocese of Galveston-Houston. -
Viele paranormale Themen geistern durch die Gesellschaft. Das Geister Café versucht zu all diesen Themen Stellung zu beziehen. Themen wie Ghosthunting, Geisterjagt, EVP, Transkommunikation und noch vieles mehr wird nach und nach vorgestellt und besprochen. Dazu kommt noch Content von den Füfftys - Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit, sowie paranormal Creepypasta von Jack.... dem guten Geist des Cafés.
"Bitch, breathe!", offers a female perspective right in the center of life. What is life all about at this stage of the game? Turns out, it's still relationships, career, parenthood, spirituality and female empowerment but now, you've got experience...and you are going to work that sh** to no end because you don't have time to lose, girlfriend!
Wondering what your purpose was or is, or has it changed completely? What do you do with yourself after a major breakup or just facing an empty nest, a major career switch with either less or too much time on your hands? You have come to the right place. Let's explore and laugh through this magical and at times, confounding time together.
If you have comments, suggestions, or you'd like support while going through a difficult transition, breakup, aging or whatever it is, write to us at [email protected] -
Join mystic & farmer Wendy for conversations with others about their spiritual awakening journeys and the shifting consciousness of Humanity and Earth.
Abolitionists T. Russell Hunter, James Silberman, and Sam Riley take on the pro-life and pro-choice establishments the only way they know how - As harshly as truth and as uncompromisingly as justice.
The Booth is a practical guide to having quiet time with God. It abounds with biblical and modern-day examples of men and women whom God has used to change the world…
In einem monatlichen Rhythmus wird unser Gründungs- und Beiratsmitglied Murat Kayman im "unbequemen Gespräch mit einem Muslim oder einer Muslimin" über Themen sprechen, über die man nicht so gerne spricht.
"Das unbequeme Gespräch" der Alhambra Gesellschaft e.V. wird im Rahmen der Deutschen Islam Konferenz vom Bundesministerium des Inneren, für Bau und Heimat und vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge gefördert. -
As teorias da conspiração estão por todo o lado. Algumas divertem, outras assustam. Mas são (ou têm) sempre histórias fascinantes. Neste podcast, pomos o chapéu de alumínio e entramos, sem medos, na toca do coelho.Para ouvir com muito, muito cuidado.
Joko Winterscheidt und Sophie Passmann gründen den größten, exklusivsten Podcast-Club der Welt! Kann man sich nicht besser ausdenken, dachte Joko. Mit Mitgliedskarten, College-Jacken und A-Promis. Think Big! Das Problem: Bis jetzt hat niemand zugesagt. Und so sind die beiden bis auf Weiteres die einzigen Mitglieder. Es geht um Themen, die die Welt oder zumindest den Club bewegen. Entertainment, Karriere und das Leben in allen Lebenslagen. Mit dem “Sunset Club” betreten Sophie Passmann und Joko Winterscheidt Hand in Hand das wackelige Terrain zwischen Größenwahn und Selbstzweifel, aber immer der Sonne entgegen. Immer donnerstags.