
  • Hello Soul Family, I've been working hard at finalizing a few details on my website, along with a Schedule of Events-where to find me and what you can expect me to be posting/where I'll be on a daily basis.

    The first important detail of note is: I'll be posting GUIDED MEDITATIONS, if not daily then close to it.

    In this episode I get you familiar with my Guided Astral Meditations, and go over a few important things to understand about my meditations.

    So if you haven't done my meditations before, or even if you have, please take a listen to this podcast episode so you can get the full instructions on information about what to expect going forward with these mediations.

    AND-sometimes these meditations will be live via either my website, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube.

    VERY SOON I'll have a Schedule of Events Calendar on my website to know when and where to find me and that will be posted in the next day or so.

    It's always a good idea to follow/subscribe to me everywhere so you don't miss anything I post.

    Be Well Dear Ones...And,

    Live In Love.


    My Podcast Page

    My Websites

    Healing & Spiritual Guidance, Psychic Advice via Email, Phone or Live Video-Tarot & Oracle

    Art: Professional Prints & Instant Digital Downloads


    Instagram-Photos of the diagrams, figures and cards:


    I'm donating my services to Healthcare workers as well as those who have COVID-19. See my website for details.

  • Soul Family,

    We've entered a new time for the podcast. Now I'm back weekly with Dave Haskins of Universal Signals Astrology. Expect a new podcast on Monday's from here on out!

    Find Dave at & on



    I onboarded Dave to work with me in my Evolve Now Program, and once that happened it immediately began evolving, and after 3 months of working on channeling and creating the program-it is 99% ready to launch.

    In this episode, we discuss being guided to work together, and how this process of collaboration has gone for us

    We talk about Scorpio season, what that's about, what to expect and how to navigate this time and the next week and into the Stargate on 11.11-11.21.2021.

    Highlights we get into are: The New Moon on 11.4, Venus in Capricorn, Mercury In Scorpio, and lots more.

    I facilitate a channeled, Guided Astral Meditation--Your Energy Wings. Work with Mother GAIA, your Spirit Guides and LOVE energy to open up and work with your Heart Chakra to engage your Energy Wings.

    I know it'll make you feel FANTASTIC, and it's exactly what we need to navigate the incoming energies for November.

    Subscribe, rate and share with your friends and family, Soul Family as guided.

    Sending Love & Healing Vibes,

    Love, Health & Wealth,



    Shaman-Mystic-Psychic Physical Empath Medical Medium-Natural Born Energy Healer

    "I can feel in my body what you feel in your body, exactly how you feel it--then I can fix it."

    Lightworker & Earth Angel

    Instagram: Infiniti_963

    👉STARSEEDS THE ALPHA CENTAURI-Channeled Information For The Lightbody Collective


    For info on our MONTHLY STARGATES watch this video:


    Video #1: Are You An Empath? Info & Quiz

    Video #2: Empaths & Narcissists

    Video #3: Empaths & Meat-Why It's So Bad For You

    🆕 ANIMAL & PET PORTRAITS! Created in Pencil, Digitized & Colorized. As low as $100. See my website for details and to order yours today!

    💚 Visit my website, The Healing for private reads, available via email, video or Live on Zoom at a wide range of price points to fit your needs and means.

    🤩 Distance Energy Healing-Eliminate pain, chronic illnesses and connect deeper than ever spiritually. I offer several options for the highest level of distance energy healing and clearing.

    😇 Serious Soul? The Evolve Now Program is meant to deeply clear, heal, ground, connect and so much more.

    Booked through July, next available program start, August, 2021

    🧚🏻‍♂️ I offer a Free 2 hour Evaluation/Consultation with a Mini Energy Healing. Let’s meet and see if this is right for you.

    🔮 Other Offerings: tarot & oracle readings, psychic advice, mediumship, channeling, free ebooks on Empaths, Psychic Attack, The Spiritual War & The Importance of Cord Cutting, my podcast, healing for animals, counseling for Empaths, Spirit Animal Oracle & Pet Portraits.

    🦋 Visit the following for links to my various platforms including my Podcast, my articles & stories on

    🥳 Donations are gratefully accepted via my website.

  • Fehlende Folgen?

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  • Hello Soul Family, Here's a brand new meditation for connecting to your Light Body, going into a safe place with The Light Body Collective and connecting, activating and expanding your Energetic Wings. It truly is a beautiful space and practice.

    The meditation officially starts about 20 minutes in.

    Approximately 60 minute meditation. Can be done at anytime of the day.

    Your Energetic Wings are so helpful in many ways. For better energetic flow in your body, it's best to be intentional about your Energetic Wings, to use them for reaching out and connecting psychically & telepathically, for healing and claring of your body and others, to wrap up yourself up in...

    Every human has the potential to do this- regardless of your Soul Origin, however, if you are a "winged" Soul like any Angelic, Fae, Galactic who has wings this practice may be more intense for you as you tap in to those energies as well.

    If you have a hard time working with this energy, this is an indication that you need to bring more power back into flow and maybe back into your system. Cord cutting from a person or situation, trauma or event will help. Go to Ep. 83 for that practice.

    Please continue to work with your Wings on a regular basis on your own and know that we will be doing that here as well.

    Be Well Dear Ones...And,

    Live In Love.


    My Podcast Page

    My Website

    Healing & Spiritual Guidance, Psychic Advice via Email, Phone or Live Video-Tarot & Oracle

    Art: Professional Prints & Instant Digital Downloads

    MY NEW YouTube-Infiniti-The Healing Butterfly-ALL NEW VIDEOS will be posted on this new channel.

    Instagram-Photos of the diagrams, figures and cards:


    I'm donating my services to Healthcare workers as well as those who have COVID-19. See my website for details.

  • Hello Soul Family, In this episode I get into how it is for those of us who have been through Self Healing and calling upon our past understanding of being physically uncomfortable or in pain as our “new bodies” continue to evolve.

    As my body filters, transmutes and upgrades-from the inside out-my skin is showing the signs with these “energetic welts” as I’ve talked about in a previous podcast.

    I give an update to what’s going on, where I’ve gotten new welts which is at my Wing area-and I discuss a bit about what Energetic Wings are, how they work, what it's like to have them activated either suddenly or slowly and why wings are attributed to Angelics and the dynamics of their Divine Energy Bodies.

    The meditation I mention in this podcast for activating your Wings that can be found on my old YouTube Channel, however I forgot that it's part of another activation and I'm being guided to keep them separate at this time, so I will be doing a new updated version of the meditation focusing on our Energetic Wings. Stay tuned!

    Be Well Dear Ones...And,

    Live In Love.


    My Podcast Page

    My Website

    Healing & Spiritual Guidance, Psychic Advice via Email, Phone or Live Video-Tarot & Oracle

    Art: Professional Prints & Instant Digital Downloads

    MY NEW YouTube-Infiniti-The Healing Butterfly-ALL NEW VIDEOS will be posted on this new channel.

    Instagram-Photos of the diagrams, figures and cards:


    I'm donating my services to Healthcare workers as well as those who have COVID-19. See my website for details.

  • Hello Soul Family,

    Today’s meditation centered around Cord Cutting. Of course, this is very timely with what's going on at this time. We have The New Moon at the end of the month and is in alignment with the information that came up in my NEW Weekly Energy Update that I did yesterday on my new YouTube Channel, Infiniti-The Healing Butterfly.

    As a lot is coming up for The Collective to be cleared, healed and released at this time. We're being guided to go within and find the truth of us, to possibly connect to ourselves and to peace on a different level than we have before.

    So, whether or not that's for US to work on, or we are connected to others and if they are dealing with fear and negative energy and that is associated with a situation that you are connected to-you will feel that, it will tap in to you on some level. This mediation gets into how that works.

    There's two componnents of this: Both can work together or independantly, depending on the situation.

    Acknowledgement/Releasement/Letting Go/Forgiveness

    Cutting Cords

    There's also a section on my website that you can take a look at, “Energy Cords & Detachment” you can read more about that on my website,

    In tomorrow's meditation we will work with a Detachment Meditation. Until then, go as guided to identify what needs to be worked on, as we discuss in this meditation.

    Tap into your COLOR for today. Don't forget to research & connect!

    Be Well Dear Ones...And,

    Live In Love.


    My Podcast Page

    My Websites


    Instagram-Photos of the diagrams, figures and cards:

  • Well Soul Family, it only took me more than two and a half years to record a trailer for my podcast.


    Infiniti: Your Faerie Godmother: Worldwide Shamanic Quantum Healing

    You can find me at my original website: The Healing Butterfly! .

    Free E-books:

    The Essential Empath GuidePsychic Attack & Negative EnergyThe importance of Cord Cutting

    Divinely Guided, Light Encoded Art Prints & Instant Downloads

    My new website, My Faerie Godmother:

    Ascension & Soul Counseling Programs & Journeys for more about me, my programs & offerings and to schedule a consultation.

    Follow me on Instagram @Infiniti_963

    Follow me on Medium @Infiniti_963 for my articles & stories

    Infinite Love & Blessings,



  • Podcast Episode #148, Create With The Messenger's | Your 3rd Eye | The Psychic Clairs | Journals

    Hello Soul Family,

    In this episode, I introduce you to a few new articles, and The Messenger's Publication.


    The Messenger's Publication

    Write For The Messenger's

    Infiniti's Medium

    Want to be a writer on The Messenger's?


    Infiniti: Your Faerie Godmother: Worldwide Shamanic Quantum Healing

    You can find me at my original website: The Healing Butterfly! .

    Free E-books:

    The Essential Empath GuidePsychic Attack & Negative EnergyThe importance of Cord Cutting

    Divinely Guided, Light Encoded Art Prints & Instant Downloads

    My new website, My Faerie Godmother:

    Ascension & Soul Counseling Programs & Journeys for more about me, my programs & offerings and to schedule a consultation.

    Follow me on Instagram @Infiniti_963

    Follow me on Medium @Infiniti_963 for my articles & stories

    Infinite Love & Blessings,



  • Ep. 146, 8.8.2022: The Lion's Gate Soul Journey & Live Event

    Hello Soul Family,

    I'm so happy once again to be facilitating another LIVE EVENT for 8.8.2022, The Lion's Gate.

    However, this year what I have been guided, and channeled to put together for us is on another level. YAY!

    Go to Instagram to watch my live broadcast from Sunday about The Lion's Gate, 2022.

    If you joined me for the 2.22.2022 event, you will have a good preview of how things will go for this galactic gateway journey. But LOTS MORE!

    A Soul Journey Storybook, Step-By-Step Guidance for Cutting Energy Cords, Light Gate Creation with Artwork Creation.

    With this 8.8 experience is access to a private, dedicated forum to connect with other participants and download your weekly channeled Spirit Walk meditations for specific energy work and activations leading up to the main event on 8.8.2022.

    When you register for the journey, you'll be working in multiple ways to disconnect, reconnect, clear, heal, integrate, and stabilize your energy leading up to 8.8.2022, so you can maximize 8.8.2022.

    Review the full details for this Soul Journey that begins on 7.8.2022 on my website or on

    Registration is open now here,

    Thanks in advance for listening, reading and sharing!


    Infiniti: Your Faerie Godmother: Worldwide Shamanic Quantum Healing

    You can find me at my original website: The Healing Butterfly! .

    Free E-books:

    The Essential Empath GuidePsychic Attack & Negative EnergyThe importance of Cord Cutting

    Divinely Guided, Light Encoded Art Prints & Instant Downloads

    My new website, My Faerie Godmother:

    Ascension & Soul Counseling Programs & Journeys for more about me, my programs & offerings and to schedule a consultation.

    Follow me on Instagram @Infiniti_963

    Follow me on Medium @Infiniti_963 for my articles & stories

    Infinite Love & Blessings,


  • Ep. 145, How The Truth & Justice Prevailed: Johnny Depp v Amber Heard

    Dear Soul Family,

    It might seem "off brand" that I was guided to something like the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial, and I would agree--however, given my history with narcissists and domestic abuse, it made perfect sense as to why I would be guided to watch this trial.

    The trial opened allowed the world to see The Truth--that Johnny is the victim--the one being abused. .

    In this episode, I preview a bit of why I wrote the following article, now published.

    Which is the unofficial part 2 to my recently published article:

    I hope that these articles offer a different spiritual insight when it comes to the issues of abuse, being a victim of abuse, and what it's like to be on the other side of it, for those lucky enough to get there.

    Thanks in advance for reading and sharing, and I look forward to your comments.


    Infiniti: Your Faerie Godmother: Worldwide Shamanic Quantum Healing

    You can find me at my original website: The Healing Butterfly! .

    Free E-books:

    The Essential Empath GuidePsychic Attack & Negative EnergyThe importance of Cord Cutting

    Divinely Guided, Light Encoded Art Prints & Instant Downloads

    My new website, My Faerie Godmother:

    Ascension & Soul Counseling Programs & Journeys for more about me, my programs & offerings and to schedule a consultation.

    Follow me on Instagram @Infiniti_963

    Follow me on Medium @Infiniti_963 for my articles & stories

    Infinite Love & Blessings,


  • Hello Lovely Soul! Happy New Moon!

    In this episode, I get into the current energies, and pull Oracle messages from The Mystical Shaman Oracle & The Hidden Worlds Oracle.

    Messages of intense and fierce power of THUNDER & SPRING coming through to carry us to our destinies--we are told to be prepared for what is coming.

    The last couple of minutes is a clip of the channeled meditation for the New Moon.

    You can download the entire meditation here for $3.33.

    In this meditation:

    Channeling and instructions from GAIA

    Your entire Spirit Tribe, Guides & Guardians

    Working with your 3rd Eye and Heart Chakras.


    Activating your 3rd Eye Antenna: learning to isolate and dissolve negative incoming frequencies and vibrations.


    Working with Air, Diamond Crystal fractals & Your Light to create exceptionally strong


    GAIA give us an incredible gift of LOVE to integrate through our entire bodies.


    It's always my honor and pleasure to do this work and bring you the most high-vibe Divine information possible.

    Thanks for listening, may your New Moon bring you infinite love & magic!

    The Healing


    Shamanic Quantum Healing

    Ascension & Soul Counseling

    Psychic Advice. Mediumship. Channeling. Meditations.

    Spirit Animal Connections.

    Free E-books.

    Art Prints & Instant Downloads.


  • I'll be LIVE on YouTube today, at 3:30 PM PACIFIC to go through each SIGN OF THE ZODIAC for MESSAGES FOR JULY!

    Join me for Tarot & Oracle messages & guidance from our Guides & Guardians-what we need to know for the month of JULY for each SIGN OF THE ZODIAC!

    I'll be tapping into with decks featuring:

    The Angels, The Archangels, The Dragons, Ascended Masters, Faeries, Mermaids, The Hidden Worlds,

    Sacred Geometry, Crystal Healing, Archetypes, and various Tarot decks as guided for each sign.

    I really hope you're guided to join me for this LIVE for JULY, I'm super excited about it.

    I'll be starting with CANCER the sign we are currently in. Happy Birthday to all CANCER's out there. I plan on giving about 15-20 minutes for each sign, back to back. Join me for the entire LIVE, or you are welcome to try to time being around for your sign. Don't forget that it's important to know what's going on with your SUN, MOON and RISING signs.


    Come watch the readings for those you know and love.

    YES! I'm looking for a gathering of LOVELY SOULS to ring in JULY, 2021 with POSITIVE, LOVING ENERGY.


    I live for interaction in LIVES, and love comments, and questions. If you can't make it to the live, please check it out when you can. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT your thoughts and experience with the readings on the video on YouTube. That will help the algorithm and allow more people to see it.

    Have a fantastic JULY!

    Sending Love & Healing Vibes,



    Shaman-Mystic-Psychic Physical EmpathMedical Medium-Natural Born Energy Healer

    Lightworker & Earth Angel

    "I can feel in my body what you feel in your body, exactly how you feel it--then I can fix it."




    👉 STARSEEDS THE ALPHA CENTAURI-Channeled Information For The Lightbody Collective


    For info on our MONTHLY STARGATES watch this video:


    Video #1: Are You An Empath? Info & Quiz

    Video #2: Empaths & Narcissists

    Video #3: Empaths & Meat-Why It's So Bad For You

    🆕 ANIMAL & PET PORTRAITS! Created in Pencil, Digitized & Colorized. As low as $100. See my website for details and to order yours today!

    💚 Visit my website, The Healing for private reads, available via email, video or Live on Zoom at a wide range of price points to fit your needs and means.

    🤩 Distance Energy Healing-Eliminate pain, chronic illnesses and connect deeper than ever spiritually. I offer several options for the highest level of distance energy healing and clearing.

    😇 Serious Soul? The Evolve Now Program is meant to deeply clear, heal, ground, connect and so much more.

    🧚🏻‍♂️ I offer a Free 2 hour Evaluation/Consultation with a Mini Energy Healing. Let’s meet and see if this is right for you.

    🔮 Other Offerings: tarot & oracle readings, psychic advice, mediumship, channeling, free ebooks on Empaths, Psychic Attack, The Spiritual War & The Importance of Cord Cutting, my podcast, healing for animals, counseling for Empaths, Spirit Animal Oracle & Pet Portraits.

    🦋 Visit the following for links to my various platforms including my Podcast, my articles & stories on


    🥳 Donations are gratefully accepted.