
  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Katherine Warnock, known as the vice president of the original content series The Chosen! She was also previously the head of Faith and Family content ay MGM studios and helps to steer growth through the innovative content creation. She has worked with elite brands such as Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers, Sony, and Ford to name a few!

    Katherine was a high school teacher and went on a mission trip to Mozambique. It was there that God placed on her heart that she'll be working in Hollywood, despite having absolutely no experience in Hollywood at all. In her words, she was simply a high school teacher who just said yes!

    Katherine talks about the good, the bad and the ugly of Hollywood, and realising that she really did not expect what she saw. But God taught her to love people better and not judge, and she strives to love people wherever she goes. She also shares the importance of understanding your 'why?' when it comes to being in the entertainment industry.

    She explains that she's not in Hollywood to conform, she's there to be the light and so, unlike most people who see the darkness of Hollywood, she sees the hope that God sees! She highlights the need to trust God, even if it means not moving up as fast as you want, but knowing that like God did with her, He takes you higher, even if it takes a little longer, than you would go if you conformed and joined in what Hollywood expects of you!

    Listen here as Katherine explains that it is important for actors or professionals in the entertainment industry to hear God's voice, to be in a community who is NOT in the industry who will be able to see from an outside perspective what is right or wrong so not to make you compromise, let God shape your character, and invest deeply and richly and lavishly in his presence. If you want impact and you want authority and people to trust you and testimonies and His favour to come forth, this will be an overflow of His presence in you!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

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  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Director, Producer and Screenwriter Brannon Hollingsworth, who created Brainy Pixel and has created a range of animations including in Cubekins, Righteous Warriors and Molly's Memory Verse. He is also passionate about teaching, speaking and supporting the industry!

    Brannon never planned to be in entertainment but started off as a 'closet creative'; wanting to create stories and animation and was always doing as such. He then started a Youtube Channel with his business partner Michael, where they taught children how to draw and paint, which later then formed Brainy Pixel.

    About 5 years ago, they were ready to pack up as they found the business to be unfulfilling and while it was going well, they found it to be lacking purpose. But then after an Abraham-Isaac moment, they made the decision to put the business on the alter, gave it to God,, sought, prayed and continiously give it to God as an offering, and had a new found love for it which has catapulted Brainy Pixel to what it is today as they continue to be humbled and obedient to Christ.

    Brannon didn't begin following Christ until 33 years of age, but here he shares his testimony and also shares the casting process of finding the right artists for their content, and shares advice on how to deal with not booking work in an industry that is super competitive!

    As also promised in this episode, here is the link to the Brainy Pixel mailing list! Subscribe and be the first to find out what they're up to, and what's to come!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews actor, director and writer Sarah LeJeune whose credits include Amazing Grace, Lifemark and Deadly Sins to name a few.

    Sarah grew up in a Christian household, and she knew from a very young age about the significance of a relationship with Christ. It was in her early 20's that after a wrestle with God about her career that she layed down her talents and gifts and projects to Him, and let Him take over. Today she is an actor, director and writer who is passionate about glorifying God in all that she does!

    Sarah shares the importance of having faith and surrounding yourself with people of faith, a tribe, who pray for you, who you can pray for, and who you can stand together with particularly during times where God appears to be silent and is working in the background!

    Sarah also talks about the importance of knowing your talents and gifts, emphasising that we are all different! So we can bring them together to do God's work and glorify all that God can do together! From this, Sarah has created resources to help others in her non-profit Project Brickworks with her mom who help to connect people with those different gifts and talents to the Lord and to one another, understanding that connection is everything!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Award Winning actor Venus Monique whose credits include The Raven Series, Tiny Ocean Tails and Vindication! Venus also created Personal Powerhouse, a Christian company building the backbone and confidence of women in the film industry!

    Venus grew up in church, and really pursued God in late high school having met people who were fun AND Christian, realising that being a Christian can in fact be fun! And has been walking with Christ ever since.

    Venus never liked acting throughout high school, but in College as she was going about her day and walking through the grounds, God put acting on her heart and knowing that that was not her own desire, and how randomly the thought came, she knew it was God calling her and she simply said okay! This has led to her today being the successful actor that she is!

    Venus shares the significance of her faith as she has pursued her calling. She shares the importance of being obedient and faithful throughout your career where God has taken you down, and shares some fantastic advice for other Christians in the entertainment industry, particularly when it comes to rejection and boundaries which is faced by actors everyday! She also shares about Personal Powerhouse and how it came to be!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Award Winning Actor Todd Terry, known for Vindication, Jesus Revolution, Running the Bases and Pursuit of Freedom to name a few!

    This conversation goes into the importance of keeping God close when acting and the importance for christians to not only focus on acting in Faith-Based content but also being the example of Christ on secular projects too, understanding that God wants us to reach the unsaved.

    Todd shares his experience of being in the secular hit show Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, and his need for discernment. He shares the importance of discipleship generally, and some great advice for anyone who is a Christian and either is, or wanting to pursue a career in acting.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Actors and Coaches Justin Sterner and Amber Sterner who are known for Running the Bases, Lifemark and many more!

    Justin describes his journey from having movie making as an idol, to the point of where he realised that Hollywood will not give him purpose, but the Lord will, and together, Justin and Amber made a commitment to make only content that is faith based and family based; something that glorifies the Lord and that they would be happy with their children seeing.

    They talk about the importance of understanding your identity in Christ when you are working in the film industry, to be mentored, and to be willing to learn and delve deeper into what it means to have Christ in the centre when working in film.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Actor, Director and Producer Brett Varvel, known for Running the Bases, American Underdog and Pursuit of Freedom.

    Brett at 5 years old gave his life to Jesus and since that day has passionately pursued him. He was also captivated by the movie Back to the Future, which led him to his passion of filmmaking and acting which he does today! His first short film was created to depict his coming to Christ and his journey which came first place in the state, and at the award ceremony, incredibly, a janitor who had seen his film surrendered his life to Christ, leading Brett to undertand his purpose of creating films and using his gifts and talents to edify Christ and proclaim the gospel through film.

    Brett shares advice to actors about how to stand out in auditions when you are a needle in a haystack so to speak! He also talks about the need for good headshots, but ultimately, the need to wait and trust in the Lord through the whole process.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join us as your host Alan Shires interviews Director, Producer and Writer Jarod O’Flaherty who is known for the hit Christian TV show Vindication as well as My Son and We Were There!

    Jarod gave his life as a young boy, but it wasn’t until later in high school when he recommitted his life and got involved with all that he could in his church. As technology began to improve, he became involved in filming and editing media for the church, and ultimately this led him to doing what he does today!

    Jerod shares advice to other Christians from a storyteller perspective about the need to not compromise when it comes to taking work that goes against our faith and against God, and also the importance of family support.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "Not only do you have to have faith in God but you also need to have faith in yourself, just do it!"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews talent agent Linda McAlister, founder of Linda McAlister Talent!

    her journey started with her daughter who was booking acting jobs but did not have an agent, and so Linda was encouraged by a casting director friend to become her daughters agent. Over time, this became a great passion for her and today she is a successful talent agent who has forwarded actors for popular names such as The Chosen and Dragonball!

    Linda talks about her journey as an agent, and the way that her faith has guided her and defined her role and the way she approaches how she works with those on her roster. She emphasises the need to be an example of Jesus, emphasising the need to understand that everybody's journey is different, and that no one of us are perfect, nor do we have the right to judge those we work with. She also explains the two-way relationship that needs to be had between actors and agents, and gives some sound advice on what to expect from an agent, and how to get the most from having one!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "Christians have gotta get together and learn how to do it in the most excellent way and become our own industry, we gotta do what we do, and make Hollywood come to us, and make our stuff so good that Warner brothers want it!"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Today we have a double portion! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews filmmaker, producer, writer and director Antionette McCoy and husband director, producer and filmmaker Duane McCoy.

    Duane knew from the young age of 7 that he wanted to follow the Lord, and Antionnete found the Lord in her early 20's when, been about to commit suicide due to her life spiraling, a devine encounter happened in that she felt prompted to turn around and call a relative who she barely knew, whose number she didn't even know she had, who took her to church that evening and from there she found her faith and has passionately pursued the Lord ever since! Together they are a couple who passionatly follow Christ together! Their journey into entertainment began from a dream that Duane had about the end times, where he felt the holy spirit prompt him to create their first film. They had no background in filmmaking, but God implanted in them a passion, brought to them the opportunities they needed to learn along the way and they just did it! Fast forward to the present day, they run Legind Studios and have just released Dark Prince!

    Listen as they share about Dark Prince, about their journeys and the amazing advice they have for other Christians wishing to pursue a career in entertainment.

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    Legindstudios YouTube page

    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "start spending time with God and just follow him to the best of your ability and just enjoy the detour because God is the only one that can change times and change seasons"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews former NFL star Sterling Harris who today is a motivational speaker, author and preacher.

    Sterling shares his incredible journey from being in the NFL, going to prison, finding the Lord on a personal level and to now being a passionate son of Christ with an incredible ministry. This episode reveals some key differences between religion and a personal relationship with Christ, with Sterling's experience of both sides. He shares about how the grace of God has led him through the other side of bad decisions made, and how Christ now has centre stage in his life allowing him to be able to see the best decisions in front of him.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "They say that Satan owns the airwaves, well by gosh it's time we take them back. I tell my team we are the tip of the spear...our mission field are the lost."

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews Sean Doherty; producer, founder and CEO of Sharpened Iron Productions who produced What Remains.

    Sean began his career in politics having been challenged by his college professor at the young age of 18 to run in California, which he did, and got elected! But 38 years down the line in 2019, God put it on his heart to delve into entertainment and to do it for Him! This is where Sharpened Iron Productions was birthed.

    Sean talks to us about what Sharpened Iron Productions stands for, and also gives us a background on his faith and some fantastic advice for actors who are, or are wanting to, pursue a career in the entertainment industry to put their gifts to use to share the good news!

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "Not everyone is gifted, so for anyone choosing any kind of career, really you have to undertstand who you are and what your gifts are to be able to plug yourself into the position that you will be able to blossom best at"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews cinematographer James Burgess whose credits includes The Dark Places and Pursuit of Freedom.

    James started primarily in documentaries which helped him to develop his sense of storytelling, and always found that he has had an underlying subtextual desire to tell stories which led him to faith based films. He also has an incredible gift of seing frames and making them come to life.

    In this episode, James tells us his background and where his journey in following Christ began, and gives some fantastic advice for others wishing to pursue a career in entertainment.

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    This episode is sponsored by Bright Horizon Pictures

  • "We forget about the forty years in the wilderness, we forget that if God is calling us, he didn't call us by accident, and the dreams he gave us, he didn't give to us by accident, he's very intentional from when we were in our mothers womb"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews casting director and founder of Christian Casting Laura Mae Poore!

    Laura Mae grew up as a Christian and felt called from a very young age to be a missionary. She also has a passion for music and began training to be a music teacher, but quit college to be with her husband. She later found herself taking up music again, only was encouraged to pursue acting as a means of broadening her opportunities, and it was from this that God showed her about a lack of representation for Christians when it came to the entertainment industry - many Christian actors either did not have Christian agents, or knew where to go when trying to pursue roles in Christian entertainment. This was where Christian Casting was birthed, and Laura Mae is passionate about educating, directing, supporting, encouraging and guiding christian actors in their journey to establishing their calling from God in the entertainment industry.

    Alongside this, Laura Mae is an advocate for mothers to have the opportunity to follow their dreams, and is an incredible example of this herself, being that she does all the above with Christian Casting, alongside singing, comedy and acting, with EIGHT CHILDREN!

    In this episode Laura Mae shares with us how she does it, first and foremost! and gives some fantastic advice to others, particularly mothers wanting to, or currently pursuing a career in entertainment while following Christ

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  • "Even waiting is active, the word waiting is like intertwining your heart, so there's an activation even if you're waiting for a role, there's still that faith thing that's like okay, in this waiting process I'm going to prepare"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews worship leader and voiceover artist Meredith McCoy Mauldin, who is famously known in the anime world for being the voice of Android 18 in the Dragonball series', and in the church world for pioneering the worship and songwriting culture and being the founder of the label and publishing company SongLab at UPPERROOM.

    Meredith has a background in theatre and always believed in God having leant on Him after the passing of her father at a young age, but had a true encounter with him when she got married. In turn, Meredith laid down her dream of acting, and she and her husband sought after the Lord more by becoming missionaries in the Middle East. Upon their return, Meredith became heavily involved in worship with UPPEROOM who were planting a church, with Meredith directing the worship, starting their label, songwriting, and executive producing their first few albums. However, God had other plans, telling her to lay down everything she was doing there and instead, focus on going back into entertainment!

    Today Meredith has a successful career in entertainment, more specifically in the voiceover world and anime, and is still a figure leader in worship both with UPPERROOM and on an individual level. Listen here as she talks to us about how these two worlds, while different in some ways, are very similar in others, and the advice she gives us and others who are, or want to pursue a career in worship leading and/or acting.

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  • "What would happen if we thanked God for the jobs we didn't get? What would happen if we thanked God for protecting us from something that wouldn't have been good for us?"

    Hello and welcome to Faith and Famous the Podcast! Join your host Alan Shires as he interviews producer, writer and director Nathan Scoggins whose credits include The Least of These, Perfect Summer and What Remains.

    Nathan had a terrifying experience at 3 years of age where he fell into the pool and nearly drowned. It was here that his journey into seeking the Lord began with the support of his Dad who was a pastor. In college his faith was solidified and he found himself falling in love with film and movies and learnt to put his dream into motion, resulting in his taking a faith step into moving to Hollywood and becoming the successful producer, writer and director that he is today!

    Nathan shares his experience with dealing with failures - which anyone in the entertainment industry will understand is a huge challenge we have to face on a daily basis, if this is you, you're not alone! He shares with us the importance of being able to apologise to people, to live in generosity and not poverty, and gives fantastic advice for other Christians who are working in, or pursuing a career in entertainment!

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