The Western & English Sales Association (WESA) provides the world’s largest trade events for retailers, manufacturers, and sales representatives of the Equestrian Industry. In this podcast, we feature exclusive interviews and with noteworthy Western/English personalities, retailers, and exhibitors who you’ve always wanted to talk to! Don’t miss out on all the news for manufacturers and retailers of the Equine industry!
Of het nou gaat om werk of om liefde: communication is key. En daarom kan je maar beter geen Engelse spreekwoorden gebruiken. Dat communicatie de sleutel is, geldt al helemáál voor Danique Bossers en haar vriend Pieter Musters, die samen een bedrijf én een gezin moeten runnen. Maar in de waan van dag blijven er altijd zaken liggen, die zeker wel aandacht verdienen. In Unfinished Business bespreken de partners de zaken, die in de afgelopen week onbesproken zijn gebleven maar niet onbesproken mogen blijven.
🎙️Geproduceerd door Tonny Media.
🌶️ Volg Unfinished Business op Instagram en TikTok.
Redactie: Nina KievitsAudiovormgeving: Raymond van de LaarArtwork: Geeske BoudesteinHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
De gezelligste podcast over opvoeden, ouderschap en al het moois en lelijks dat daarbij komt kijken! Met opvoedtips en sterke 'Ik ken iemand die...'-verhalen van Nynke de Jong, Alex van der Hulst, Hanneke Hendrix en Anne Janssens.
Ben je een nieuwe luisteraar? Welkom bij de club! Wat gezellig! Begin hier > https://vriendvandeshow.nl/ikkeniemanddie/posts/ben-je-een-nieuwe-luisteraar
Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson is for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to learn what it takes to build a successful business. Lisa walks you through exactly what it takes to create passive income, how to build an online audience, how to improve your marketing for your business, and how to launch your products and services so that your ideal customers are ready to buy. Each episode with Lisa is designed to help you take immediate action to make money, by teaching you the simple steps and most important strategies for starting, scaling and marketing your online business.
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, two of the most well-known experts in the content marketing space, talk about the latest content marketing trends and discuss how businesses can use content to attract and retain customers. Each podcast show features a discussion of content marketing headlines, rants from Joe and Robert on what's going on in the industry, and a "This Old Marketing" example from the past (that we can learn from). Always useful, entertaining and never more than 60 minutes.
Sean D'Souza made two vows when he started up Psychotactics back in 2002. The first was that he'd always get paid in advance and the second was that work wouldn't control his life. He decided to take three months off every year. But how do you take three months off, without affecting your business and profits? Do you buy into the myth of "outsourcing everything and working just a few hours a week?" Not really. Instead, you structure your business in a way that enables you to work hard and then take three months off every single year. And Sean walks his talk. Since 2004, he's taken three months off every year (except in 2005, when there was a medical emergency). This podcast isn't about the easy life. It's not some magic trick about working less. Instead with this podcast you learn how to really enjoy your work, enjoy your vacation time and yes, get paid in advance.
"Sigrun is like the FEMALE James Bond of Online Marketing! ...a True INTERNATIONAL Woman of Mystery...and Inspiration!" - James Wedmore, host of the Mind Your Business podcast....Discover through inspiring stories, case studies, and interviews how you can create your own lifestyle business. Sigrun shares the ‘7 Stages of a Profitable Online Business’ and other proven strategies that help you turn your passion into profits. Her featured experts include entrepreneurs like James Wedmore, Kimra Luna, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Jasmine Star, Rick Mulready, Jill Stanton, Zach Spuckler, Kate Erickson, Natalie Sisson, Mark Schaefer and many more. Learn from Sigrun and her experts how to master your mindset, uplevel your marketing, and succeed with masterminds....Sigrun holds four Master’s degrees; in architecture, computer aided architectural design, computer science and an MBA from London Business School, in addition to having been certified as a Dale Carnegie trainer. She was CEO in technology companies for a decade before she decided to become a lifestyle entrepreneur after a chronic illness. Today she lives in Iceland and Switzerland while also traveling the world and working on her multi-million dollar lifestyle business. Sigrun is the creator of SOMBA, the MBA program for online entrepreneurs, and runs Mastermind Days and Retreats in Iceland and Switzerland, in addition to her signature Mastermind Groups, SOMBA Momentum & VIP Mastermind.
Join our twice-weekly show as host Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project, shares proven business strategies, expert interviews, and no-fluff advice for growing an online business—your way.
With millions of downloads and recognition from INC & Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, this podcast is a must-listen for small business owners, service providers, course creators, and digital product sellers ready to take their business to the next level.
Discover how to:
✔ Launch digital products & online courses that convert
✔ Build a profitable email list that drives daily sales
✔ Create simple, effective sales funnels & automations that sell for you
✔ Design sustainable marketing systems that actually work—without burnout
No gimmicks. No outdated tactics. Just real strategies that help you create more income and impact.
📌 Grab free resources & show notes at bossproject.com/podcast -
Jill and Josh Stanton are a couple of wanderlusters and lifestyle business owners hell-bent on helping 9-to-5'ers take their day job and transform it into an online business.
In this show Jill and Josh dish out actionable tips, answer your burning business questions and speak to other online entrepreneurs who have taken their 9-to-5's and used them to create the business of their dreams.
It's a mix of valuable business advice, candid interviews, stories from the trenches and a curse word thrown in here and there for good measure.
Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show! -
In de podcast VSR onderzoeken journalist Doortje Smithuijsen en merkstrateeg Perre van den Brink de vragen waar het moderne leven nog geen antwoord op heeft. Zitten er te veel mensen in therapie? Waarom lukt het daten via apps niet meer? En waarom worden voetballers niet meer kaal? Met behulp van experts, gasten en jou, onze trouwe luisteraar, ontrafelen we de tijdgeest en bieden we houvast aan jonge mensen in de stad.
Iedere donderdag om 16.00 een nieuwe aflevering.
Volg hier VSR op Instagram om op de hoogte te blijven.
Abonneer je hier op onze Substack nieuwsbrief.
Artwork: Hester Lincke
Audiodesign: Jaro Heijster
Kluun en Yvanka pakken door! Inmiddels heeft Kluun’s boek ‘Help, Ik Heb Een Puber!’ een geel zusje gekregen: ‘Hoera, Ik Heb Een Puber!’. En wat blijkt? Net zoals in de puberteit zijn nog lang niet alle problemen opgelost. Daarom trekken ze in dit nieuwe seizoen alles uit de kast om opnieuw de meest grappige, ingewikkelde, gênante en confronterende vragen te beantwoorden over de puber(s) in jouw leven.
Hiervoor schakelen schrijvers Kluun en Yvanka van der Zwaan opnieuw de hulp in van een hele lading experts en bekende puberouders, maar zetten ze nog wat extra kracht bij door ook toekomstige puberouders en puberopa’s en -oma’s uit te nodigen. Komen zij er toch niet uit? Dan is daar gelukkig altijd nog de (uitgebreide!) puberpoule voor goudeerlijk, ongezouten commentaar.
Wil je zelf een onderwerp aandragen of heb je een andere tip? Volg ons via @helpikhebeenpuber en stuur ons een berichtje!
The Futur Podcast is a show that explores the interesting overlap between design, marketing, and business. Our host (and CEO of The Futur), Chris Do, hold candid conversations with inspirational people from the worlds of design, technology, marketing, business, philosophy and personal development. These conversations go deep. With the aim of understanding who these incredible people are, what drives them to do what they do, and what can we--the listener--learn from it all. Visit thefutur.com/podcast for show notes and additional information from each episode.
Want to learn how to get booked and paid to speak — consistently? The Speaker Lab podcast features business tactics, speaking tips, and insider strategies from Grant Baldwin, The Speaker Lab coaches, and some of the world's most successful speakers.
You'll learn how to find speaking gigs, build relationships in your industry, negotiate higher speaker fees, and grow your speaking business. Every week, this podcast will give you key insights and practical advice from speakers who have been there and done that and can help you take the next step in your speaking journey. Whether you’re just getting started as a paid speaker or you’re a veteran speaker looking to build and grow your business, The Speaker Lab Podcast is here for you!
Are you a mom who is ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life? A few months before a big milestone birthday, host Julie Neale, a life and leadership coach, community builder and mom to two high-energy boys, decided to stop sidelining her dreams and become the hero of her own journey. She created this show to help light her way by gathering words of wisdom and lessons learned from other mothers further ahead on their quest. Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, engaging mindfully with their children (E), passionately and purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), investing in themselves (I), and connecting to a strong support network (C). Come along with Julie and you are sure to find some treasures of your own.
Curhat Babu adalah Curhat BApak & iBU.Kami mengerti bahwa menjadi orang tua itu .. well,.. "seru".Kadang membahagiakan, kadang menantang.Kadang lucu, kadang mau marah. Sehingga, curhat itu penting. Dan selain itu, kadang kita pun layaknya "babu" anak kita.Oleh karena itu, kami di sini hadir untuk mendengar curhat para BaBu lain di luar sana.Bukan untuk menghakimi,Bukan untuk menasihati,Cuma sekedar berbagi.It's okay to complain, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to cry, it's okay not to be okay.Kami tunggu emailnya di [email protected] IG kami, @curhatbapakibu
Dé podcast over verhalen, meningen en de wetenschap achter opvoeden
Na ruim 650.000 listens en gesprekken met meer dan 50 experts, is het tijd voor een serie afleveringen vanuit a mother’s gaze. Daarom presenteren we deze zomer: Vrouw’en – vrouw-zijn door de lens van het moederschap. In deze spin-off van Mama’en – De Podcast gaat Nina Pierson, samen met bekende vrouwen, op zoek naar antwoord op de vraag: hoe blijf je als vrouw bij jezelf, als je ook een moederrol te vervullen hebt? Openhartige gesprekken over je hart volgen, vrouwelijke seksualiteit én wat er nodig is om een betekenisvol leven te leiden. Als moeder, maar bovenal als vrouw. Het is hoog tijd dat we onszelf, onze eigen wensen en behoeftes op de eerste plek zetten, want vrouw-zijn is óók een werkwoord.
Adverteren bij Vrouw'en of Mama'en? Mail naar: [email protected]
De We love communities Podcast is voor iedere ondernemer die een eigen online community wil (uit)bouwen en op zoek is naar inspiratie en concrete tips om direct van start te gaan. Jouw podcast host is Maartje Blijleven, #1 bestseller auteur, keynote spreker en al 20 jaar digital community expert voor bedrijven als Endemol, KLM en Facebook. In deze podcast hoor je hoe je met je eigen online community een grote groep fans om je heen creëert die niet kan wachten om klant te worden zonder moeilijk gedoe.
Meer info: https://welovecommunities.nl -
Are you tired of doing everything around the house and not having any time for yourself?
Do you wish your house would stay organized, where you didn’t have to clean up rooms full of toys and clutter, and fold laundry every night?
Are you looking for an easier way to keep track of activities, schedules and school calendars?
You desire simple systems that MAKE YOUR DAYS EASIER! If you’re dreaming of how to simplify and not feel overwhelmed with basic household tasks and mom duties all the time, you are in the right place!
In this podcast, you will break free from comparison of perfection that is all over social media and be empowered to create custom routines that will enhance your life so that you can enjoy more and stress less. Every episode is full of actionable steps that you can implement in your home. It’s time to STOP doing it all yourself and get the kids involved with daily cleanup and chores to bring some sanity back to you.
I’m Lauren from Intentional Edit and I’m happy to have you here! I know all about the struggles of trying to do it all and feel like there isn’t time left over for yourself or anything that you really want to be doing! Working hard and running out of energy midday is exhausting! It doesn’t have to be that way and busy moms really can turn it all around.
You deserve to stop the feelings of being overwhelmed, burned out and exhausted by implementing the systems and solutions I use for simplicity in my home and with clients. As a mom, former teacher, turned professional home organizer and lifestyle coach, I’m here to share simple solutions that work for busy families.
The Intentional Edit Podcast includes decluttering and purging strategies to eliminate the clutter in your home, easy meal planning, how to manage family schedules, getting kids on board with organizing and so much more! Join me for engaging episodes, Tip Tuesday segments, and guest interviews with organizing, simplification and home experts to make your home and life function and flow.
Every episode is designed to help you create systems that remove the overwhelming, unorganized parts of life and allow you to live a life of intention. If you are at the end of your rope, don’t know where to start, but want solutions that stick, you are in the right place!
It’s time to declutter, simplify, and organize your home and keep it that way! Learn how to implement systems and routines and take actionable tips and tricks that bring simplicity to your life and home.
I’m here to help you say goodbye to overwhelm, chaos and an unorganized lifestyle. Join me for the Intentional Edit Podcast and start living a life that you love!
Ask Your Question for a Future Tip Tuesday Episode – www.intentionaledit.com & Click the RECORD NOW Button!
Sign up for Intentional Edit emails here
Simplified Home Masterclass - A self-paced program that takes you through every step of decluttering and organizing your home and setting up systems and routines that allow for long term organization and simplicity for everything!
Meal Planning - The only meal plan you need to simplify dinners and get dinner on the table most nights. Learn how to make a reusable meal plan and grocery list that is custom to your life. Save time and money with this meal planning system.
1:1 coaching with Lauren – A custom plan just for you! Topics include decluttering, organizing, time management, home routines & systems, daily/weekly schedules and more.
Join the Facebook group for The Intentional Edit Podcast Listeners
Connect with me...
Website - www.intentionaledit.com
Instagram @intentionaledit
Pinterest @intentionaledit
Facebook @intentionaledit
TikTok @intentionaledit -
Wij bouwen een club. Een club waar iedereen kan meedoen aan het wielrennen. Van beginner tot professional. We hebben een Eerste Team en teams voor de leden van de club: weg, baan, eracing, granfondo en offroad.Het punt op de horizon is duidelijk. Als eerste professionele wielerclub aan de start staan van de Tour de France. Niet als wielerploeg maar als club! Dit is het ongefilterde verhaal achter de schermen.