
  • Navigating the tender complexities of Mother's Day after loss is a journey no one should walk alone. As I open up about Mother's Day without my mom, you'll be invited into a space where acknowledging our feelings becomes a transformative practice, and self-care is revered. The episode takes you through a grounding exercise to calm the nervous system and a deeply personal letter to my late mother, illustrating the therapeutic potential of writing for emotional healing. As we cherish memories and confront the complexities of regret and longing, you, too, might discover writing as a cathartic outlet for your challenging moments.

    Through heartfelt sharing, we broaden the conversation to managing emotions amidst loss, introducing the concept of 'feelings fitness' as an essential component of overall wellbeing. After a brief hiatus to realign, I'll be back to affirm my commitment to supporting you through grief and emotional growth. We'll explore the importance of holding space for our own emotions and those of others during life's poignant milestones, fostering emotional resilience. Join me in a journey of reflection and discovery, where every listener's story of loss and healing is honored.

  • The journey of grief is a path paved with unspoken words and lingering memories, a theme poignantly captured in 'Things I Wish I Told my Mother.' As I opened the pages of Susan Patterson and Susan DiLallo's moving narrative, the echoes of my own mother's absence enveloped me. The book's powerful climax mirrored an emotional rollercoaster that's all too familiar - the intricate dance of a mother-daughter relationship, the longing for one more conversation, one last embrace. Join me as I recount how the act of letter writing, both to my late mother and from her to me, brought solace and a profound sense of connection, revealing the unexpected strength found in the depths of loss.

    This episode isn't just about the tearing sorrow of what's left unsaid; it's about the unexpected gifts of understanding and the sufficiency of what was given. Through my own reflections and the heartrending truths unearthed within Patterson and DiLallo's fiction, we'll explore the nuances of forgiveness and legacy. As we navigate the tender revelations of a mother's confession and a daughter's acceptance, I invite you to consider the power of letters that reach beyond the veil, piecing together the legacy of love in the words we never got to say.

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  • As I open the pages of my heart, revealing the scars left by the loss of my mom, this episode is a testament to the healing that comes from embracing our grief and regrets. My journey through mourning has been marked by moments of profound self-discovery, found within the sacred space of grief counseling and the introspective act of confession. The candid conversation you're about to hear is not just my story, but a shared human experience, an invitation to walk alongside me as we consider the transformative power of confronting the remorse that often accompanies loss.

    Join me as we unpack the layers of emotions tied to inauthentic interactions, distance in times of need, and the selfish fears that can cloud our judgment. No words can encompass the entire path to forgiveness and understanding, but as we navigate these chapters together, there is solace to be found. Through my reflections on the past, I hope to offer you comfort and guidance, illuminating the importance of seeking support and using our love and cherished memories as a beacon through the pain, toward a more compassionate and forgiving future.

  • Embarking on a journey through the heart's deepest valleys, I find myself uncovering treasures amidst grief's shadow. In my latest exploration, I invite listeners to join me as we wade through the five stages of loss with Taylor Swift's music as our guide, reflecting the spectrum of emotions from denial to acceptance. I open my heart, sharing personal insights on striving to live authentically and balancing ambition with the creation of lasting memories. This heartfelt conversation is an open door to the vulnerability that comes with loss and the transformative potential it holds to live more wholly and meaningfully.

    In the pursuit of happiness, especially after a loss, I draw from the well of my own trials and the unbridled joy of the young minds I once nurtured as an educator. Our discussion pivots to cherishing life's fleeting moments, while not allowing the smaller worries to cloud the beauty before us. Through personal anecdotes and shared experiences, this episode is an outstretched hand to those seeking to honor the legacies left behind by finding joy and the good in every day. Tune in for a heartfelt exchange that might just redefine your chase for happiness in the quieter corners of life's second act.

  • As we traverse the heart-wrenching path of mourning, today's segment of Growing Through Grief exposes the raw emotions of losing my mother. My voice may tremble, but my story unfolds the agonizing steps through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and the eventual, though reluctant, acceptance. I share the jolt of despair that gripped me upon hearing the news, the fury at my mother for hiding her illness, and the guilt that clawed at me for not being by her side sooner. There are moments of quiet bargaining and a suffocating depression, where even the simplest tasks become insurmountable.

    But grief is not a journey taken in solitude. This episode also emphasizes the healing power of connection, the catharsis found in poetic words, and the solace of cherished memories. I invite you to discover how the act of holding onto mementos, sharing poignant stories, and seeking the presence of those who have also felt this sting can fortify our spirits. As we delve into these shared experiences, it becomes clear that the process is not about burying our feelings but about nurturing our ability to grow through them, together. Join me as we continue to weave through the tapestry of loss, learning, and ultimately, living with the love that remains.

  • Charleston, South Carolina: a tapestry of history and the backdrop to memories of a love that transcends time. Embark with me on an emotional expedition as I revisit the cobblestone memories of my late mother, reliving the cherished traditions and family milestones that continue to echo through the streets of this storied city. From the nostalgic carriage rides to the familiar red couch at Wild Dunes Resort, every moment is a step on the path of remembrance, each with the power to evoke her enduring presence. Join me as I recount the laughter-filled shopping escapades on King Street and how, despite the passage of years and the absence of one dear, the essence of family and tradition remains unbroken, cradling us in comfort.

    Cast your line into the tranquil waters of this episode, as I share the serene moments of spring fishing at the Isle of Palms, where the catch is more than fish—it's a connection to a past rich with love and life lessons. I discuss how the places we visit with those we hold dear become sacred spaces in our hearts, serving as conduits to the spirits of those who are no longer with us. Through anecdotes of dolphins dancing in the wake and photos that speak a thousand words of love, I reveal how travel and the act of creating unforgettable memories can be a salve for the soul, intertwining forever with our being, and keeping the legacy of our loved ones vibrantly alive.

  • Have you ever clutched an object that instantly transported you back to a cherished moment with a loved one? Our latest episode in the Growing Through Grief series gently unwraps the emotional layers surrounding linking objects, those precious mementos that tether us to the memories of those who have passed. I invite you into my world of healing as I share the poignant tales behind a can of Diet Coke, a treasured prayer box charm, and the everyday items that keep my mother's spirit close. It’s a conversation about love, legacy, and the poignant power of the tangible.

    Join me as we navigate the currents of loss, holding fast to the physical pieces that map our journeys with those we've loved and lost. From the joyous sparkle of sapphire rings to the comforting grip of a Kate Spade purse, these are more than possessions—they're the story-holders of our lives. As we delve into the significance of a diamond cross and the memory-laden poinsettias, I encourage you to reflect on your own linking objects. You're warmly invited to share your narratives, weaving a tapestry of remembrance that celebrates the enduring connections we forge with those who have shaped our stories.

  • As I blow out the candles this year, the glow is bittersweet; my heart aches for my mother, who always crafted magical birthdays. Yet, her love lingers in the traditions she bestowed—like the cherished birthday corner—that now resonate deeply in my family's celebrations. This episode is a tender voyage into the "Gifts of Grief," a realm where sorrow carves space for appreciation and memories become a guiding light. Through personal narratives, I unveil how my mother's legacy of thoughtful gifting continues to weave through the tapestry of my life, keeping her spirit brilliantly alive in every ritual and moment of gratitude.

    Embarking on a heartfelt exploration, I'm thrilled to share the commencement of our "Growing Through Grief" series, setting sail on a journey to embrace and understand the complexities of loss. I extend an invitation to you all, my companions in grief and growth, to join the conversation on our Feelings Fitness Facebook and Instagram pages. Together, we'll traverse the contours of healing, finding solace in shared experiences and the unexpected gifts nestled within our own stories of grief. Tune in as we seek the comfort of community and the growth that emerges from our collective narratives.

  • Have you ever marveled at the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly? That breathtaking transformation is akin to our 52-week expedition towards personal growth in home, health, happiness, and habits—a journey we're compressing into an electrifying 52-day recap. As your guide, I'm eager to share the pivotal moments that have shaped our collective evolution. We tackled life's winding roads with gusto, and now, we're gearing the engine for an even more exhilarating trip along the highway of Feelings Fitness 201.

    Buckle up for a dynamic review of the past year's discoveries and breakthroughs, all while paving the way for the wisdom that awaits us in Feelings Fitness 201. No guests, just us, as we revisit and reinforce the knowledge that fueled our journey. Whether you've been my navigator from the start or you've just hopped in for the ride, this reflection is your perfect primer for the year ahead. Together, we'll navigate the road to an enriched well-being and cultivate habits that promise to drive us toward pinnacle success.

  • Ever caught yourself wondering where the hours go? This week's Feelings Fitness episode will transform your relationship with the clock, as I take you through my own journey of mastering time management. With life's pace quickening, especially after parenthood, I've stumbled upon strategies that shifted my daily grind into a well-oiled machine of productivity and purpose. Imagine starting your day already poised for success because you've embraced the art of 'mise en place'—a culinary concept that, when applied to life, means setting your intentions and tools for the next day before your head hits the pillow. This isn't just about getting things done; it's a deeper dive into living with intention, letting go of chaos and embracing the moments that truly matter.

    We're nearing the end of our year-long quest for holistic fitness, and this 51st episode is a heartfelt call to action to take control of your time. Learn how tracking your day can be illuminating, putting 'big rocks' first can revolutionize your to-do list, and how batching tasks might just be the productivity hack you've been seeking. But that's not all—time blocking could be the game-changer you need to carve out space for your priorities. As we share and reflect on these time management revelations, I encourage you to join me in this commitment to make every tick of the clock count towards a more fulfilling, balanced, and intentional life.

  • Embark on a mission to conquer the holiday hustle and glide into the new year with a winning strategy for success. I'll take you through the art of crafting SMART goals, providing a roadmap to achieve your aspirations in 2024 with precision and purpose. As we wrap up our 52-week expedition, I offer a sanctuary of stress-relief with a mini movement exercise, inviting you to unwind through meditation and conscious breathing. Together, we'll narrow down our ambitions, setting our sights on one impactful goal, bolstered by actionable micro-goals, ensuring a year of meaningful triumphs and personal growth.

    As your guide and fellow traveler on this year-long odyssey, I've transformed my struggles with time management into lessons that fuel our collective journey toward a balanced life. We'll revisit the highlights of our transformative road trip, reminiscing about the pivotal episodes that have carved our path to a healthier home, a happier mind, and habits that support our well-being. By the end of our session, you'll be equipped with the tools and clarity to be the hero of your own story, setting a SMART goal that resonates deeply with your pursuit of a life well-lived. Join me as we forge ahead, ready to embrace the joy and potential of the year to come.

  • Have you ever felt the powerful pull of a vision that's purely your own, crafted from your deepest desires and aspirations? That's the journey we're guiding you through this week, as we put a creative spin on manifesting your future. This episode of Feelings Fitness is your personal workshop for creating a vision board that will serve as a beacon for your ambitions, illuminating the path to a life that resonates with your soul.

    Join us as we wrap up our year-long exploration of home, health, happiness, and habits with a deep dive into the art of visualization. I'll share my own meditation technique to help you uncover and clarify the vivid images and emotions that define your dreams. You'll learn how to translate these inner revelations into a tangible and inspiring vision board. Let's make our dreams visible together and set intentions that pave the way for a future filled with achievement and contentment. Your aspirations are waiting to take shape—let's give them a canvas to come alive.

  • As I stepped through the familiar doorway of my childhood home, the air was heavy with both nostalgia and loss; Thanksgiving this year marked not just a gathering of family, but also a poignant remembrance of my mother. The house, still echoing with the essence of her love, became a sanctuary where traditions she cherished brought her memory to life. In our latest episode, I unfold the emotions of this homecoming, revealing the solace found in the spaces and rituals that my mother left behind. We pay a visit to the adoration chapel, where her spiritual legacy is eternally honored, and I share how embracing our spiritual foundations can guide us through the shadows of grief.

    This week's conversation is a testament to the enduring power of love, as we navigate the bittersweet transformation of holidays after a loss. Echoing the sentiments of Liz Newman, we acknowledge that the constancy of love weaves through the changing tapestry of traditions. I invite you on an intimate exploration of the past year's journey—from the depths of sorrow to the peaks of spiritual connection. Together, we reflect on the importance of nurturing our spiritual well-being and the strength we draw from it to move forward, carrying the legacy of those who have departed in the warmth of our continued celebrations and memories.

  • Embarking on a spiritual odyssey, I found myself confronting the essence of emotion and character within the soul - all framed by the loss of my dearest mother. This week's reflection is steeped in the profound respect for spirit as we weave through the threads of memories, rituals, and the yoga mat as a sanctuary for inner dialogue. As I narrate my journey of grief and healing, there are moments of poignant vulnerability interspersed with uplifting realizations about the continuity of spirit and the legacy of love.

    As the Thanksgiving table beckons me back to South Carolina, laden with the weight of nostalgia and the absence of a beloved presence, I share how traditions become a vessel for keeping my mother's spirit vibrantly alive. This episode isn't just about my story—it's an invitation to find comfort in the shared human experience of loss and to recognize the resilience of the spirit in the face of sorrow. Join me as we celebrate the transformative power of spiritual health and the tender rituals that honor and sustain us through life's cycles.

  • Embark on a transformative health odyssey with us as we reflect on a year's worth of cultivating vibrant well-being. Imagine seamlessly integrating life-enhancing habits into your daily routine—nourishing meals that delight your taste buds, rejuvenating sleep that leaves you refreshed, and physical activities that make your heart sing. This episode is not just a recap but a celebration of the discoveries we've made and the collective wisdom we've gained. We'll unwrap the joy found in the simplicity of these practices, alongside the profound impact of choosing non-toxic personal care and household products. Yoga enthusiasts and newbies alike will appreciate our exploration of its holistic benefits, and we'll demystify the balance of proteins and complex carbs to fuel your body and mind.

    Revel in the revelation of how the food we eat influences our emotions, shining a spotlight on the gut-brain axis and its pivotal part in our mental health. Tune into a treasure trove of practical tips that promise to elevate your mood and nourish your spirit through dietary choices. As we share key takeaways from our past 52 episodes, you'll be inspired to foster habits that resonate with your desired state of being—fit in mind, body, and spirit. Together, we'll look back at the insights that have shaped our journey to wellness, and I'll guide you through actionable steps to invigorate your health routine without getting lost in the science of nutrition. So, join us for an episode that's as much an invitation to reflect as it is a call to vibrant living.

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed by stress and wished there was a simple, effective way to manage it? Join us on a journey back to the powerful strategies we explored in our 52-week road trip for mind, body, and spirit fitness. This week, we're honing in on mental wellness and the positive habits that can transform your mind. We'll walk you through mindfulness practices like stream of consciousness writing, which can unearth and address the roots of your stress, and loving-kindness meditation, a science-backed method for cultivating peace and well-being.

    Our discussion delves into the intricate workings of the brain, shining a light on the role of the amygdala in emotional responses and how breathwork techniques can be your secret weapon against emotional spirals. Whether you're revisiting these strategies or discovering them for the first time, this episode is crafted to provide you with a toolkit for emotional regulation and a healthier mindset. You'll leave with practical tips to train your brain to focus on the positive and problem-solving aspects of life, ensuring that your journey towards mental fitness is as engaging as it is enlightening.

  • As we bid farewell to October on Feelings Fitness Monday, we're not just turning a page on the calendar—we're reinforcing a year's worth of transformative habits that have nestled into the corners of our homes and hearts. This episode isn't merely a reflection; it's a consolidation of our year-long journey, where I share nuggets of wisdom from history's greats like Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln, and arm you with strategies that ensure the habits we've cultivated continue to thrive.

    Uncover the secrets behind making habits stick, as I reveal practical tips ranging from the power of a 30-day challenge to the simplicity of starting with an effortless task like making your bed. It's an episode filled with motivation, recommendations for impactful reads such as 'The One Thing' and 'Atomic Habits', and the subtle art of turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. For seasoned listeners and newcomers alike, join me for a session that's all about stoking the fires of habituation and setting the stage for continued health and happiness in the coming year.

  • Have you ever felt like a solo act in the grand circus of home management? This week on Feelings Fitness Podcast, we're spinning the chore wheel with a sense of humor and sharing how to stop juggling everything alone. We're tackling the all-too-familiar household imbalance and offering a playbook for equitable chore distribution. By embracing the strengths and preferences of each family member, we break down the art of transforming mundane tasks into a symphony of cooperation. No matter if you're a singleton with a penchant for outsourcing or a family unit striving for harmony, we've got the strategies to share the load.

    Join us as we reflect on our year-long journey, distilling 52 weeks of wisdom into an energizing 52-day challenge. We'll let you in on how to effectively manage daily duties without the solo struggle. With tales from our own homes and a sprinkle of laughter, we reveal the magic behind a visible family task list and the power of picking chores that align with individual quirks and capabilities. Tune in for an episode that promises not only to lighten your laundry basket but also to lift your spirits, paving the way for even more joyous adventures in 2024.

  • Embark on a transformational journey with us as we revisit the year's most impactful habits for home well-being, condensed into an enlightening 52-day adventure. This week, as we cruise into the final quarter, we're homing in on cultivating mindful practices that will revolutionize the way you interact with your space from morning till night. Discover how to start your days tech-free, responsibly engage with personal media, and embrace device-free meals, all while fostering a serene and present home atmosphere.

    We're not just talking about habits; we're equipping you with practical swaps for a healthier household. Say goodbye to air-freshening toxins and hello to essential oil-infused wool dryer balls. Learn how a simple book — "Salt, Lemons, Vinegar, and Baking Soda" by Shay Zekowski — can guide you to a less toxic cleaning regime, and why swapping out plastic dishware for stainless steel could be your next best move. Join us as we share these tips and more, ensuring you leave feeling inspired to integrate mindfulness into your daily life for a truly harmonious living environment.

  • As our 52-week journey of self-improvement draws nearer to the finish line, I'm struck by the transformative power of persistence. Whether you've overhauled your lifestyle or simply tuned in to our weekly musings, you've played a pivotal role in creating a community dedicated to fostering health, happiness, and positive habits. This episode takes a heartfelt look back at the milestones we've reached together. We gear up for the final quarter, sharing in the triumph of personal growth and the small victories that add up to monumental change. Embrace the spirit of reflection as we celebrate the progress each and every one of us has made.

    October arrives with its own unique blend of festive cheer and thoughtful planning, and this session is no different. I open up about transforming last year's emotional challenges into this year's streamlined decorating endeavor, bringing joy and efficiency to my home. We underline the importance of a robust planning system, ensuring that every family activity—from cozy movie nights to jovial pumpkin patch visits—is savored to the fullest. Join me as we honor traditions, remember the spirits of loved ones, and find comfort in the legacy they leave behind. This episode isn't just about ticking boxes on a calendar; it's about infusing our daily lives with meaning and cherishing the festive tapestry we weave through our seasonal celebrations.