Off to the races
Individual, pair and group work exercise for fluency practice. Speak to a friend in turns for speaking and listening practice with competitive drawing game!
Fehlende Folgen?
Need help preparing for your speaking test? Please share any speaking exam questions you are working on, and I’ll record my sample answer and publish it to the podcast. Write an email to [email protected] or send me direct message on my social media pages. I look forward to hearing from you!
Discussions about math build language and build relationships
Hear multilingual learners in class Build academic skills for analysis, reflection, self-advocacy, critical thinking, considering other perspectives, defending positions Build a supportive learning environment Have fun learning! -
Please join me on the Wisdom app 🙏
Reflections on overlooked fitness activities
Gift-giving, friendly matches, time off, time with family
I’m watching from the USA this year. Where are you watching from?
Please share your thoughts to [email protected] … Spotify Q&A … WisdomApp … Instagram @sebanswers … YouTube @sebanswers … Facebook @fluencyatyourfigertips
Thank you for listening! I'm happy to be part of your language learning process. Good luck reaching your goals!
Hi everyone! I hope you're as excited as I am to learn about video podcasts on Spotify! I've made these 1-minute video transcriptions with Anchor by Spotify. I previously published them to my Instagram. And, now you can watch them on the Spotify App.
This video is my TOEFL Speaking Model Answer for the following Question 1:
Some think that the internet provides people with a lot of information, while others think access to information creates problems. Which view do you agree with?
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Speech time: 45 seconds
Thank you for listening! I'm happy to be part of your language learning process. Good luck reaching your goals!
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