
  • In this episode I welcome two Miles Christi Seminarians, Andrew and Owen. We talk about their story, some great New Year’s resolutions, and how to apply the Fifth Commandment to life in College. Don’t miss this lively and enjoyable episode!


    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 and SE Electronics V7 microphones, with a ZOOM H6 recorder.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I address some of the issues concerning the Fifth Commandment as it applies to “end of life issues” and situations. I address euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the question of the “ordinary and extraordinary” therapeutic means that should or may be used for prolonging the life of a terminally ill patient.


    - Here you will find some ideas given by the NCBC on how to set up a "Health Care Proxy" and an "Advance Medical Directive" (scroll to the END of the document): link

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2276 to 2283 AND 2295 to 2301.

    - Article by the USCCB on “End of Life” issues (see chapter FIVE),

    - NCBC document with a summary of “End of Life” moral principles:

    - Vatican Document on End of Life issues, with words of Pope Pius XII:

    - Article on the “Principle of Double Effect”:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB microphone.

    - Intro music from

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  • In this episode I welcome Dr. Janet Smith. Janet Smith recently retired from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI, where for nearly 20 years she held the Father McGivney Chair of Life Ethics. She has published and spoken on the Church’s teaching on sexuality and on other moral issues. She has served on one Vatican Council and two Vatican commissions. She writes regularly for various Catholic publications and does interviews for both Catholic and secular media outlets. More than two million copies of her talk, “Contraception: Why Not” have been distributed. We talk about ectopic pregnancies, the “principle of double effect” and more! Don’t miss this amazing and enlightening episode!

    - Dr. Janet Smith’s website: , where you can get a free copy of her talk “Contraception: Why Not”.

    - During the interview, we spoke about the St. Paul VI Institute, founded in 1985 by Thomas W. Hilgers, MD, as an EXCELLENT alternative to “in Vitro Fertilization” (IVF).

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 1897 to 1904 AND 2270 to 2275.

    - Article on the “Principle of Double Effect”:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB microphone via Squadcast.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I welcome Fr. John of God, a priest of Miles Christi, as we reflect on several applications of the Fifth Commandment (“Thou shall not kill”) in our lives. We talk about the illicit manipulation of embryos; the permanent and unchangeable teaching of the Church about the evil of abortion; in what cases the “principle of double effect” can be applied to preserve the life of a mother, and many other interesting topics! Listen in to get a glimpse into the richness of the Catholic teaching on promoting and protecting the well-being of unborn children!

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 1897 to 1904 AND 2270 to 2275.

    - Article on the “Principle of Double Effect”:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 XLR dynamic microphones and Zoom H6 portable recorder.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I reflect on several applications of the Fifth Commandment (“Thou shall not kill”) in our lives. Listen in to get a glimpse into the richness of the Catholic teaching on promoting and protecting the well-being of our neighbor, their lives and their souls!

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 1897 to 1904 AND 2258 to 2287.

    - Here is the Church Document “Donum Vitae” of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith:

    - Here is a good article on why IVF, cloning and the manipulation of human embryos is immoral:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I reflect on several applications of the Fifth Commandment (“Thou shall not kill”) in our lives. Listen in to get a glimpse into the richness of the Catholic teaching on promoting and protecting the well-being of our neighbor, their lives and their souls!

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 1897 to 1904 AND 2258 to 2287.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I reflect on how the Fourth Commandment—“Honor your Father and your Mother”—applies to the relationship between the duties of the Government and the obedience of the citizens in our human society. Listen in to get a glimpse into the richness of the Catholic teaching on civil society!

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 1897 to 1904 AND 2234 to 2257.

    - Here is a short biography of St. José Sanchez del Río:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I welcome Bro. Daniel Heffernan. We discuss the Fourth Commandment “Honor Your Father and Your Mother”, and the implications and duties that it imposes both on children and parents in the family. We look in particular to St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (Eph 6:1-2). We also consider the family as the basis for the whole human society.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2196 to 2257.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 XLR dynamic microphones, and a ZOOM H6 portable recorder.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I welcome Fr. Matthew Maxwell, and we discuss the Third Commandment, “Keep the Day of the Lord holy”. We speak about the meaning of the Sabbath in the Old Testament, and how the Church started to celebrate the Day of the Lord on Sunday, the day the Lord rose from the dead. We also discuss what are the obligations imposed by this Commandment, how and when missing Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin, and how to sanctify the Day of the Lord.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2168 to 2195.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode I welcome Fr. Matthew Maxwell, and we discuss the Second Commandment of the Decalogue: “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain.”

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2142 to 2167.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode we discuss the fact that the veneration of images and statues is good and holy, and it is NOT forbidden by the First Commandment, on the contrary, it has been solemnly and definitively approved by the Church in the Council of Nicaea, in 787 A.D.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2129 to 2132.

    - Link to Benedict XVI discourse on St. John Damascene:

    - Here is an article on the different levels of adoration and veneration of God and the saints (distinction between “latria” and “dulia”):

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • We are celebrating the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Pope Francis dedicate a three-year jubilee to this devotion, from December 2023 to June 2025. This is why in this episode I speak about the Apparitions of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary, and how to practice this great devotion.

    - I encourage you to read this book: “The Devotion to the Sacred Heart”, by Fr. Croiset, S.J.

    - Here is the Link to the encyclical Haurietis Aquas, by Pope Pius XII:

    - This is the ACT OF CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART, by St. Claude de la ColombiĂšre:

    “My adorable Redeemer, I give and consecrate myself totally to Thy Sacred Heart in the fullest and most complete way of which I am capable. Nail me to Thy Cross by my Baptismal Promises, by the duties of my state of life and by my resolution to serve Thee always. I renew all these before heaven and earth in Thy Sacred Heart. Thy holy service is for me an easy yoke and its bonds do not burden me. Moreover, I would desire to fasten even more closely its tight knots. Therefore, I embrace the beloved cross of my vocation even unto death. It shall be all my delight, my pleasure, my glory. God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world is crucified to me, and I to the world. Thy poverty shall be my treasure; Thy sufferings my delight; Thy Person, my only love. I will never abandon Thee, my Savior; I will unite myself intimately with Thee. I do not fear the narrow path of holiness, because Thou art my light and my strength. I hope, therefore, O my Lord, that Thou will make me firm to resist all temptations and that Thou will make me victorious over all the enemies of my soul. Continue to stretch out Thy hand over me, and to bestow Thy favors upon me. By Thy Blood, by Thy Wounds and by Thy Sacred Heart, I implore Thee, O adorable Jesus, by this act of consecration grant that I may become a new creation of Thy love. Amen.”

    - ENTHRONMENT of the Sacred Heart in the house:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode we discuss several sins against the First Commandment like tempting God, Sacrilege, Divination, Magic, Occultism, Atheism and Agnosticism, and why it is important for you to know about them!

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2110 to 2128.

    - We discuss similar topics in Episode 32 (The problem with Magic), and Episode 16 (God and Divine Providence). These links connect you with the episodes in Spotify. Or on YouTube-Episode 16.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode we reflect on the obligation that, as a result of the First Commandment, individual persons and societies and their leaders as well, have to recognize and obey God, Jesus Christ, and even accept and recognize the Catholic Church as the Church established by Christ. We mention the examples of St. Louis IX King of France, St. Ferdinand III King of Castile and Aragon, Blessed Karl of Austria and Gabriel GarcĂ­a Moreno President of Ecuador.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2104 to 2109.

    - Books on Gabriel García Moreno: “Gabriel García Moreno, Regenerator of Ecuador” by Maxwell-Scott, and “García Moreno, President of Ecuador” by Berthe.

    - You can also read about Blessed Karl Emperor of Austria in the book “Humans of Heaven” by Jana Zuniga Pingel.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • St. Monica prayed with perseverance and hope for the conversion of her son—who eventually became not only baptized Catholic, but also a priest, a bishop and a saint, now known as St. Augustine. Hope in God, love for God, adoration, worship and fidelity are all attitudes included in the First Commandment. In this episode I look at some of the sins against the First Commandment like presumption, despair, indifference, lukewarmness, occultism and hatred of God among others.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2090 to 2109.

    - Regarding the persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua:

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • In this episode, after talking a bit about the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I discuss the First Commandment, and some of the sins against it, particularly, sins against faith.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2083 to 2094.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • The Commandments (or the Decalogue) were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24). We can read about this in the book of Exodus and Deuteronomy. They must be understood within the context of God’s Covenant with Man. God gives us the gift of his Commandments not as a burden or a limitation, but to guide us to eternal life, to show us the easiest way to Heaven.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2064 to 2082.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • Wouldn’t it be great to be told some ten simple steps to get to Heaven? Well
 that is what the Decalogue (also called “the Commandments”) is—TEN STEPS given by God to man so we may have a path to get to Heaven! Today we will speak about the Commandments in general, and where the current wording comes from.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2052 to 2082.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • Today we take a look at the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. He wrote the “Spiritual Exercises”, and is the Master of the Spiritual Life for Miles Christi. He’s an example of a man who was very much immersed in a worldly lifestyle, but by the grace of God was converted, and went on to become a great saint. We also reflect on some of his most important spiritual teachings.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2044 to 2046.

    - Here is the AUTOBIOGRAPHY of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). His feast day is July 31.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from

  • Today, after taking inspiration from the Didache, and the example of the Martyrs of Abitinae (A.D. 304), we look into the five Precepts of the Church, which are part of the law of the Church for all baptized Catholics.

    - You can find these topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, numbers 2041 to 2043.

    - Here’s a homily by Pope Benedict XVI that touches on the example of the Martyrs of Abitinae.

    - Fr. Patrick Wainwright is a priest of Miles Christi, a Catholic Religious Order.

    - Visit the Miles Christi Religious Order website:

    - This Podcast’s Website:

    - To learn about the Spiritual Exercises (silent weekend retreat) preached by the Priests of Miles Christi, visit:

    - Recorded at Miles Christi “Family Center” in South Lyon, Michigan.

    - Planning, recording, editing, and publishing by Fr. Patrick Wainwright, MC.

    - Gear: SHURE MV7 USB dynamic microphone.

    - Intro music from