
  • "Encore" is what we say to request, encourage or beg a performer to return to the stage. Although we are using it in a sense that sort of means the same thing as it can in French, it is NOT used like this in French. In French, it is "bis!"

    So where does that leave the poor wanna be French speaker? Let us explore the ways together today; all that "encore" can be. You will be amazed!

    Our brand new, hope-filled (may travel begin again in earnest!) e-course is French Abroad! In one easy place, find all you need to know and know how to say to enjoy your next voyage!

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

  • Land of French, land of snow, what else do you not know about Canada and in particular, that bit of it that is Quebec? If you come from France, you learn of the Great Separation that almost was, the New France Quebec could have become, that there are bears and cabins in the woods, and great, peaceful expanses of wilderness. As a US citizen, I know almost nothing of the very European metropolis that is Montreal. 
    Today's guest brings us the music, literature, film, sports, and fine cuisine of this sliver of heaven in the north. Charles André Marchand, a gifted author, sports radio host at 91,9 Sports, journalist, interpreter, actor, and more, kindly agreed to sit down and chat with Thierry and me, and we discovered just how cool (how French for Thierry, how French AND North American for me) is the land of Quebec, and how much one life can contain. All three of us being fervent fans of being outdoors for ice-skating, skiing, and walks in the winter woods, we also connect over the weather. Join us for a rollicking walk through the quartiers of Montreal, football, history, and culture.
    Books by Charles André Marchand, first, his latest work of fiction, Arcade et Gail, Volume One, Les Amours Impossibles, and Volume Two, co-authored with Katherine Girard. I cannot wait to read these, a copy has been sent to me...merci! 
    His latest non-fiction works are two volumes of Pégre QC, a history of the underworld of Quebec which was simply fascinating, the most fast-paced non-fiction I have read in ages. These are in French, as are his earlier works, but if you are looking for a good audiobook to slow down and listen to, Pègre Quebec is a great choice. 
    Canadian music suggestions from today: Harmonium, Charles le Bois, Plume Latraverse, Fiori Seguin. The quartier of Montreal known also as N.D.G. for No Damn Good, is Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.
    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the newsletter below and the podcast, s'il vous plaît!
    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!
    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.
    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.
    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]
    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at frenchdialogues
    Angela's blog on France, language learning, travel, and everyday adventures:

  • Fehlende Folgen?

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  • Have you made and kept or maybe already made and broken your resolutions for this new year? Does anyone do that in France? A tiny episode all about the subject and its cultural implications here and abroad. 

    Our brand new, hope-filled (may travel begin again in earnest!) e-course is French Abroad! In one easy place, find all you need to know and know how to say to enjoy your next voyage!

    French from today:

    journal de femmes/feminine magazines, le premier mois/the first month, de l'année/of the year, jurer/to swear, promettre/to promise, prendre la décision/make a decision, faire une résolution/make a resolution.

    Next up, an interview on all things Canada; music, literature, and memorable criminal trials of Quebec. Join us for a wide-ranging conversation with Charles André Marchand, legendary sports radio host, author, and interpreter. Subscribe below to listen as soon as it comes out.

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, language learning, travel, and everyday adventures:

  • This is the fourth and final episode in our series on the traditions for Christmas and more in France. I promised a gift that will go out to our newsletter subscribers (because you cannot publish a free thing this beautiful in the podcast notes!), so here is the link for signing up for the newsletter, in case you are not already a member of Commence le Dream: Sign up for our newsletter here!

    French from today's show:

    Le gui/mistletoe

    Le hou/holly

    La mousse au chocolat/does it need a translation? 

    Joyeux Noël/Merry Christmas!!!

    Our brand new, hope-filled (may travel begin again in earnest!) e-course is French Abroad! In one easy place, find all you need to know and know how to say to enjoy your next voyage!

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life: 

  • Our Holidays in France series continues with a special interview with or entretien avec Dominique Weiner. I am just tickled to have had the opportunity to speak with Dominique. She is a lovely human, an excellent French interpreter, and a friend, but a long-distance one that I do not know as well as I would like. Despite this, (malgrĂ© cela) she was kind enough to open up on a topic that is very private for much of the population in France, religion and her own Jewish traditions. Presenting...Hanukkah in France in the middle of a country celebrating Christmas. Merci, Dominique! who can be found on Linked In under: Dominique Stora-Weiner.

    French from today's show:

    Un cadeau de fin d'année (an end of the year gift, used in France rather than "a gift for Hanukkah")

    Bonne fĂȘte! (Happy holiday!) 

    Bonne année! (Happy New Year!)

    Hebrew from today: 

    Ś—Ö·Ś’ Ś—ÖČŚ Ö»Ś›ÖŒÖžŚ” Ś©Ś‚ÖžŚžÖ”Ś—Ö·

    Happy Hanukkah! 

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Episode 2 in our Holidays in France series. What happens in France on Christmas Eve?  

    French from today's episode: les huitres/oysters le saumon/salmon les rillettes de veau/veal dish la bĂ»che de NoĂ«l/yule log dessert la messe de minuit/midnight mass En attendant/in the meantime Je vous souhaite une bonne fĂȘte/I wish you a happy holiday! If you are looking for more French, check out our lessons for home and abroad. 

    Our brand new, hope-filled (may travel begin again in earnest!) e-course is French Abroad! In one easy place, find all you need to know and know how to say to enjoy your next voyage!

    For families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French! 

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language. Coming January 1: French Abroad: all you need to travel in style and French! 

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language. Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. 

    Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. 

    AND Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected] You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream  (photos of la bĂ»che de NoĂ«l, the dog, and more Christmas) Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life: A Homeschool Story

  • Want to know what happens in France for the holidays? We begin a 4-part series on Christmas and all of the fun that happens in December; decorations, food, fun, expressions, and even a little on Yule and Hanukkah. 

    French from today:

    Les fĂȘtes de fin d'annĂ©e: the holidays

    Noël: Christmas

    Samedi / Saturday

    Vendredi / Friday

    Le réveillon / Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve...the gathering part

    La veille de Noël / Christmas Eve

    Le sapin de Noël / Christmas tree

    La crĂšche / the Nativity scene (the word is also used for daycare centers for babies)

    Les chaussures / shoes (and only one is put out per person under the tree)

    If you are looking for more French, check out our lessons for home and abroad. For families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Happy Thanksgiving, we are grateful you are here with us: loyal listeners, friends, and family. Today we discover together what is known across Canada as the equivalent but different holiday there; Canadian Thanksgiving or le Jour de l'Action de GrĂące. It was not always all Pilgrims and Native Americans all over North America.

    French from today's episode:

    La moisson/harvest

    La recolte/harvest

    La reconnaissance/gratitude

    Rendre grĂące Ă  Dieu/thank God

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • As we continue our series on games, the topic of today's episode is "Le Mille Bornes". Race your kids and relatives to the finish line with this almost-vintage card game, dropping in helpful obstacles along the way, in French or in English, see below. 

    French from today's podcast:

    Types of cards:

        Hazards / Attaques

    Out of gas / Panne d'essence Accident / Accident (ah yes, same word) Flat tire / Pneu crevé Stop / Feu rouge Speed limit / Limite de vitesse

        Remedy / Parades

    Gasoline / Essence Repairs / RĂ©parations Spare tire / Roue de secours Go / Feu vert End speed limit / Fin de limite de vitesse

        Safety / Bottes

    Extra tank / Citerne Driving ace / As du volant Puncture Proof / Increvable Right of Way / Prioritaire

        Distance cards / Cartes Ă©tapes

    25 / vingt cinq 50 / cinquante 75 / soixante quinze 100 / cent 200 / deux cents

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you, away from a screen. Delivered online, to be used face to face. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes speaking another language as natural and useful as your native tongue. You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Chouette! Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your ears, your vocal cords, and your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be prepared for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    Angela's blog on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Outside games are de jour as we enjoy the beautiful days of autumn here in the Midwest, but also inside ones, because our weather can include cold, rain and snow mixed in with the warmer bliss. In today's show, we discuss France's favorite sport, a card game and how to ask a friend to play with you, how to accept, and how to refuse.

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue. You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your life with French!

    French from today's podcast:

    le football/le foot/soccer, on joue au foot?/want to play soccer/football?, pas maintenant, j'ai la flemme/not now, I am feeling too lazy, tu veux jouer aux Ă©checs? do you want to play chess?/voudrais-tu jouer Ă  la belotte?/would you care to play belotte (a card game)? oui, merci, avec plaisir/yes, thank you, that would be lovely, tout Ă  l'heure, je digĂšres/later, I am busy digesting. 

    Qui commence?/who's first? je suis le premier/I am first, qui a gagné? who won?/qui a perdu?/who lost? (This, in my Southern France view, would be for a game of pétanque out in the courtyard.)

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Remember the games played with nothing more than a spot to hide or a playground with a pile of snow, maybe a couple of small, glass balls? We recall and give you the names for those games in French too. One we did not mention, MY favorite: dress-up. What is that in French, mon chĂ©ri? 

    I think we would say "se dĂ©guiser". Let's look at the games of our childhood and expressions for playing them; with kids, for kids, in French. À vos marques. PrĂȘts. Partez.

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids. We help you create the space, time, and connections that bring French alive chez you. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue. You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill your life with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together and unplugged. Course for those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • How language shaped the life of one artist.  I just spent the day with an extraordinary human. I feel more likely to be loving, to appreciate beauty, to honor the true in each person in my life, to explore art in new ways, listen to more music work on my French grammar. This is a feat, and I want you to have the opportunity to hear her in the interview we just completed as well; Lana March, poet, artist, photographer who has chosen the light in all aspects of her life. This interview was a joy to do, I hope you like meeting Lana March as much as we have. You can find her on Facebook at Lana March and correspond with her via DM. 

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • In today's episode, I hold my first insightful interview with a French-speaking person, my husband Thierry Chenus. I try to uncover from his experience, the advantages of speaking a foreign language. Stay tuned later this week as our very first guest, the poet, artist, and photographer, Lana March, joins us for an interview that will leave you with a sense of joy, a will to be a more loving human, and the desire to pay attention to the beautiful; art, music, and light. Read about it here: When Love Meets Art.

    As always, check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • There is a delightful place in France called "la mercerie", where you can find all sorts of wonderful things; from adorable buttons to yarn, fabric and more. Learn how to ask for what you need, from lessons to supplies in this marvelous boutique. 

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of the two of you, hanging out and speaking together in French is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun, and immediate for you with our French at Home: a Conversation or French at Home: a Debut offerings. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time.

    French from today's show:

    Bonjour monsieur / good morning, sir. Bonjour madame / good morning, madam. Bonjour mademoiselle / good morning, miss. Proposez-vous des cours de tricot ? / Do you offer knitting classes? Non, je suis désolée ? No, I am sorry. Oui, tous les samedis à 14:00. / Yes, every Saturday at 2:00 PM. Que puis-je faire pour vous aujourd'hui ? / How can I help you today? Je voudrais de la laine fine. / I would like lace-weight yarn. Par ici. / Over this way. Et voilà, le bonheur. / Ah, happiness.

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Rendez-vous can be a secret and fascinating assignation, or much, much more mundane. After all, you might have a "rendez-vous chez l'occuliste" or an eye doctor appointment. Today, we'll take a look at the fun kind, when and where to meet up with a friend.  

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of the two of you, hanging out and speaking together in French is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun, and immediate for you with our French at Home: a Conversation or French at Home: a Debut offerings. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time. 

    French from today: 

    Dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi / Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday On se voit ce soir ? / Shall I see you this evening or should we meet up tonight? Je te rejoins Ă  dix-huit heure pour l’apĂ©ro, translates to “I’ll join you at 18:00 hours for a drink,” or at 6:00 pm. Midi: noon  1: treize heures  2: quatorze heures  3: quinze heures  4: seize heures  5: dix-sept heures  7: dix-neuf heures  8: vingt heures  9: vingt-et-une heures  10: vingt-deux heures  11: vingt-trois heures  12: minuit (midnight)  Parfait, on se retrouve oĂč ? / Perfect, where should we meet?  Je passe te chercher. / I’ll pick you up.  Prenons-nous rendez-vous pour huit heure et demi chez Pierrot ? / Let’s say 8:30 at Pierrot’s. 

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Let's head to the art table today, or maybe it is the writing/knitting or crafting table in your house, or a blanket out on the lawn. Paint? Model? Write? We give you the requests and answers to do it French.

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of including the marvels of French in your life as you hang out together as a family is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun, and immediate for you with our French with Kids program. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time.

    French from today's show:

    Voudrais-tu peindre ou sculpter ce matin?/Would you like to paint or sculpt this morning?

    Je voudrais sculpter l’argile./I want to do clay.

    TrĂšs bien, viens prendre une boule./Very well, come get a ball.

    Je voudrais faire de la peinture./I would like to paint.

    Va chercher le papier./Go get the paper.

    Va chercher le stylo plume./Go get the fountain pen.

    Va chercher les crayons de couleur./Go get the colored pencils, or crayons.

    Un instant, je prends la laine et mes aiguilles./One moment, I am getting my yarn and needles.

    Is it in the kitchen?/Dans la cuisine?

    In the living room?/Dans le salon.

    In the dining room?/Dans la salle Ă  manger?

    Outside at a table?/À la table dehors?

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Today's show is about a family-friendly outing one might find in any country around the world; the zoo. There is so much scope for vocabulary and so many things about which to exclaim, c'est beau!

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of including the marvels of French in your life as you hang out together as a family is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun, and immediate for you with our French with Kids program. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time.

    French from today's show:

    As-tu fait pipi, mon cƓur?/Did you go potty, sweetheart?

    Bien sûr, papa./Of course, daddy.

    Mets tes chaussures, mon grand./Put your shoes on, hon.

    C’est fait, maman./I did, mommy.

    Regarde; l’aigle, l’élĂ©phant, la giraffe, l’oiseau, le singe, la tortue, le zĂ©bre/Look at the eagle, elephant, girafe, bird, monkey, turtle, zebra.

    Au revoir les loups./Good-bye wolves.

    Au revoir les tigres./Good-by tigers.

    Au revoir les hippopotames./Good-bye hippopatamus.

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary, and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Navigate an ordinary and delightful outing in a French-speaking country today, let's go see a show and have a fabulous time. 

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of including the marvels of French in your life as you hang out together as a family is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun, and immediate for you with our French with Kids program. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time.

    French from this episode:

    Je souhaiterais acheter deux billets, je vous prie, monsieur.

    I would like to buy two tickets, please, sir.

    Vous ĂȘtes priĂ© de ne pas marcher dans l’herbe./Please do not walk on the grass. 

    Vous ĂȘtes priĂ© de bien vouloir patienter./Please hold.

    Çela vous fait trente-cinq Euros, madame./That will be 35 Euros, madame.

    Suivez-moi, je vous prie./Follow me, please.

    Merci bien./Thank you.

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids,  to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of  French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a  blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready".  Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point, and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary and the thrill of another language.

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow"  button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Today we take you an outing for just the two of you, or more if your children enjoy bookshops. Browse the category French men most is most likely not what you are thinking it is. Have a coffee, talk about cover art, learn how to say "good" and get the masculine/feminine pronunciation of this little word down pat. You can do it!

    If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of the two of you, hanging out and speaking together in French is what you desire, let us make it easy, fun and immediate for you with our French at Home: a Conversation or French at Home: a Debut offerings. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time. 

    French from today's episode:

    As-tu envie d’aller Ă  la librairie? Would you like to go to the book shop? Yes! That is one of the biggest false cognates we love to forget! 

    Oui, ça me ferait trÚs plaisir. Yes, I would be delighted.

    Le b.d./a genre explained in the podcast

    Chez nous, le cafĂ© est bon. The coffee is good here (in our place, could be home or simply your favorite cafĂ©). 

    Une bonne chaise. A good chair. 

    C'est joli(e). It is pretty.

    C'est laid(e). C'est moche. It is ugly.

    À demain! See you tomorrow. 

    Check out our lessons for families: French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of French into your life. Don't wait: speak today, the way that makes it natural and useful like your native tongue! You are already having a blast with French with Kids? Add in one of the following to bring your couple into full French communication too. Fill chez vous with French!

    French at Home: a Conversation  Be ready for your next trip, do not wait one more day to "be ready". Now is the time: learn and practice request and response together the screen-free way. For those who perhaps spoke French once upon a time and need to refresh and reinvent the language.

    For beginners: French at Home: a Debut We walk you through it, request and response, short, to the point and always relevant, building confidence, vocabulary and the thrill of another language. 

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast with the "subscribe" or  "follow" button. AND

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Add to the comments below or send questions and comments here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life:

  • Today we are featuring sections of an article from, on the delicious Saint-Émilion Macaroons. We hope you will enjoy it.

    P.S. If you know you will not take the plunge alone, but this lifestyle of the two of you, hanging out and speaking together in French is what you  desire, let us make it easy, fun and immediate for you with our French at Home: a Conversation or French at Home: a Debut offerings. Start now, today, and fill your day with the French you've  always dreamed you would speak again...or for the first time.

    French words for the episode:

    the wine, le vin macaroons, les macarons specialty, spĂ©cialitĂ© dark, colorĂ© Parisian cousin, cousin parisien many storefront windows, de nombreuses devantures the medieval city, la citĂ© mĂ©diĂ©vale the authentic recipe, l’authentique recette inherited, a hĂ©ritĂ© the fabrication secrets, des secrets de fabrication of this cookie, de ce gĂąteau made up, imaginĂ© the religious community, la communautĂ© religieuse egg whites, blanc d’Ɠufs these little cookies, ces petits biscuits tasty disks, disques savoureux minuscule shop, minuscule Ă©choppe placing them in a box, mettent en boĂźte sold the day before, les ventes de la veille will gobble them up, les avaleront the foodies, les fins gourmets coffee, un cafĂ© a glass of champagne, une coupe de champagne a glass of wine, un verre de vin fresh fruit, fruits frais an ice cream, une glace

    Check out our lessons for couples at home or French with kids, to learn, prepare for your dream trip and simply bring the joy of French into your life. Don't wait one day more!

    French at Home: a Conversation (be ready for your next trip, practice now, together, never with a screen.):

    French with Kids: Bring the joy of French into your family's day the fun, quick, and easy way (screen-free!).

    Don't miss another episode, video, blog post, or special offer on classes. Subscribe to the podcast or hit "follow" and

    Sign up for our newsletter here!

    Feedback? Requests? We would love to hear from you! Send letters here: [email protected]

    You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at commence_le_dream

    My blog on learning French:

    And on France, homeschooling, language learning and life: