
  • Fun fact: this was the 1st podcast episode I ever recorded!!! Canon event!!

    The seminal Harvard study on Adult Development found that close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives. Those ties protect people from life’s curveballs, help to delay mental and physical decline, and are better predictors of long and happy lives than social class, IQ, or even genes, the study found. Our relationships have a powerful influence on our health – so how do we enrich our relationships? Partly through deeper conversation.


    00:36: pro-tip – go to networking events where you know NOBODY

    01:26: why you should care about deeper conversations & connections w ppl

    02:11: staunch advocate of talking to strangers in this house

    02:42: serendipitous meetings with strangers

    02:51: the story of the beautiful stranger i met under the eiffel tower in paris

    06:35: second story of a beautiful stranger i met during the sunset in port melbourne

    07:42: meeting god through strangers

    08:14: the mindset that there’s ALWAYS something you can learn from someone

    09:26: when you reduce the multiplicity of a person into a series of labels, that’s a disservice to both you and them

    09:37: nobody is ever above or beneath you + some absurdism

    10:36: if you want to be interesting, be interested

    10:54: my favourite questions to ask ppl

    11:53: go first – smile first, compliment first, be vulnerable first

    13:18: approach conversations with the mindset of “how can i help this person?”

    13:55: on conversational card games like we’re not really strangers

    Recommended reading: longitudinal Harvard study, which began in 1938 and studied people over the course of their lifespan to investigate what drives happiness:

    Cover art: “The Dance” by Henri Matisse

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  • Trigger warning: i’m going to be talking about gender-based violence & r*pe culture in this episode. If the topic of violence against women brings up heavy emotions for you, please contact 1800 RESPECT in Australia, or Women’s Information and Referral Exchange, AKA WIRE, at 1300 134 130.

    Online spaces, algorithms & manfluencers are enabling the proliferation of misogyny -- which is leading to real-world terrorism. Here's some things we can do to solve this.


    00.40: TW – gender based violence & r*pe culture

    01.03: australia’s epidemic of gender-based violence

    02.05: misogyny is a multifaceted problem – economic, judicial, social, intersectional

    03.35: defining “the manosphere”

    04.17: communities within the manosphere

    05.01: manosphere overlaps with alt-right & far-right communities

    05.50: defining the “incel”

    06.17: memes & beliefs of incels

    06.59: the concept of “hypergamy”

    08.19: how the manosphere influences young men’s beliefs around women

    09.43: challenges faced by young men today

    09.56: N.E.E.Ts – men not in education, employment or training

    10.48: how young men dropping out of education have literacy issues

    11.55: paradox of social media – despite how connected we are, we’re more lonely than ever before

    12.45: how the architecture of social media feeds into the loneliness epidemic

    14.04: how loneliness feeds into nihilism which breeds misogyny and violence

    14.48: the radicalisation pipeline according to ex-incels

    15.11: how online misogyny leads to real-world terrorism

    16.49: director-general of ASIO on the changing face of terrorism

    17.29: potential solution #1 empathy


    18.43: gender binary is so intellectually lazy and restrictive tbh

    20.05: potential solution #3 – educating men on how a capitalist patriarchal system affects us all

    20.33: potential solution #4 – parental supervision online & video games

    21.14: potential solution #5 – critical thinking & literacy skills in identifying misinformation

    21.33: potential solution #6 – holding social media platforms to account for the content published on their platforms

    22.26: potential solution #7 – social media platforms should make their content algorithms public

    23.53: traditional media stoking gender wars & ragebait content

    24.10: potential solution #8 – social media age restrictions should be 16yo minimum + enforced

    Recommended reading: “Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age” by Donna Zuckerberg

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

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  • The visual culture of social media has a lot to answer for in regard to the almost pathological desire we have to save face and put our best foot forward at all times. And unfortunately, this makes us more fearful of the prospect of failing in public. Despite the stigma associated with failure, we should start celebrating it. Failure is never a loss. Failure is where you learn.

    In the spirit of celebrating failure, Natalie talks about moving overseas, not listening to her intuition, attempting 75 hard, and playing it safe in life.


    00.00: how social media lacks authenticity & honesty

    00.40: why we should start celebrating failure

    00.54: the japanese concept of kintsugi

    01.11: how social media makes us fearful of failing publicly

    01.51: attempting 75 hard

    06.59: one of the most dangerous approaches to life: playing it safe

    09.30: the “career” is one of the most stifling concepts created by humans

    11.33: being addicted to overstimulation (screens & nicotine)

    15.05: not listening to my intuition when i moved from australia to europe

    20.35: being a cuc* for goggins-esque, mind over matter attitudes lol

    Cover art: “Not to be reproduced” by Rene Magritte (1937)

    Recommended reading: “The body keeps the score” by Dr Bessel van der Kolk & “Make something wonderful” by Steve Jobs.

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

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  • Fun fact: I used to work in crypto. I used to get asked all the time to explain how blockchains work & what the real-world applications of crypto are, so here it is. No gatekeeping in this house! I also talk about the clusterf**k that are our governments and the value of deflationary assets in an economic environment where inflation has run away from us.

    Disclaimer: everything in this podcast is intended for entertainment purposes ONLY. It is not financial advice. I am not qualified to give financial advice. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not invest in anything without conducting your own research first. If you ever do decide to invest in crypto, you should be prepared to lose the entire value of your investment.


    00.41: disclaimer: i’m not an expert!!! this isn’t financial advice!!!!

    01.48: history of crypto

    02.31: bitcoin being the granddaddy of crypto

    02.46: explaining what a peer-to-peer network is using limewire LOL

    03.52: explaining what a blockchain is, in simple terms

    04.31: explaining consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work

    05.25: explaining consensus mechanisms like Proof of Stake

    06.43: explaining mining / staking rewards

    07.34: fun fact – trading algorithms that buy DOGE whenever Elon tweets abt it

    07.55: explaining decentralisation

    08.32: crypto is the silliest industry on earth

    09.05: explaining crypto culture e.g. bitcoin maxis & laser beam profile pics

    09.47: president biden accidentally endorses bitcoin

    10.53: watching my redundancy play out in real time cos of twitter beef

    12.19: personal anecdote - dickriding elon is also big part of crypto culture

    13.48: addressing common public misconceptions abt crypto

    14.04: myth #1 crypto is inherently worthless

    14.25: myth #2 crypto is only used for illicit means

    15.00: crypto adoption by major institutions & banks in australia

    15.16: explaining stablecoins

    16.48: myth #3 crypto is a bubble

    17.33: myth #4 crypto has no intrinsic value

    18.56: using ‘triangle of sadness’ film as an example of value

    20.37: critiquing capitalism & the fragility of our traditional finance systems

    21.00: the value of deflationary assets in a context where govts print money

    21.28: inventing money thru fractional reserve banking leads to inflation

    23.00: the US’ record debt of $34 TRILLION DOLLARS

    23.45: myth #5 crypto isn’t environmentally friendly

    25.30: myth #6 crypto isn’t regulated

    27.31: myth #7 crypto has no real-world use cases

    29.12: on greed & wealth creation within the crypto space & why i left the industry

    30.04: money is the most powerful religion in the world

    Cover art: "Bull run" by Beeple

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

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  • If you’ve ever wondered why every second person is running marathons & wearing adidas sambas, this episode is for you. Natalie draws on her experience as a former marketer to explain the psychological & philosophical mechanisms that drive desire – and influence all decisions that we make, from how we express ourselves, to certain lifestyle choices, and even our life path.


    00.00: big chungus

    00.30: monthly love letters

    01.11: are your desires your own? or something borrowed?

    01.37: my litmus test for gauging whether i’m overstimulated and need to touch grass

    02.00: social media makes everyone looks like CLONES

    02.15: what sambas and run clubs have in common

    02.50: rene girard, mimetic desire & desire as a social process

    03.49: the false assumption that we want things independently of others

    04.39: how any society coping with abundance, and not struggling with scarcity, will suffer from mimesis

    06.20: “clean girl aesthetic”

    07.00: gatherer instinct, but for beauty products


    08.49: i am not immune to mimetic desire and neither are you

    09.48: how to distinguish between desires you’ve borrowed & desires that will truly fulfil you

    10.57: the importance of developing your own values & philosophy that guide your decision-making

    12.10: social media & how it makes us obsessively aware of what other people have & want & how this is eroding people’s sense of self

    12.35: taking ownership of your desires & 5 chimp theory

    Cover art: “Envy. Reading in the park” by Ignacio Diaz Olano

    Recommended reading: “Wanting: the power of mimetic desire in everyday life” by Luke Burgis

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • I’ve never understood the overemphasis our culture places on finding happiness. Seeking pleasure and happiness is a mirage in the desert, making us run ever faster on the Western hedonistic treadmill. In this episode, we dive into the difference between happiness, joy and fulfilment; why having an awareness of what makes us feel fulfilled and gives our lives meaning is important, and some practical meditations we can do if we’re feeling stuck.

    What are you doing when you feel the most alive, uplifted, inspired? Who are you surrounded by? What brings you joy?


    00.00: channelling the big lebowski

    01.02: the importance of finding joy

    01.15: the difference between happiness, joy and fulfilment

    02.53: running as a prime example of the fulfilment that comes from delayed gratification

    03.55: why emotions shouldn’t be the primary metric of your decision-making

    04.33: THINGS I LUV – having an embodied experience of the world


    07.00: how streaming services like Spotify have made us lose touch with experiencing entire works of art (albums) as music artists intended

    08.16: THINGS I LUV – mood lighting, candles and being cozy af

    08.55: i am a romantic mf and you best believe i simp for myself

    09.30: THINGS I LUV – essential oils are so slept on

    10.31: THINGS I LUV – touch

    11.55: THINGS I LUV – creating things with my hands, like writing, cooking, baking or playing guitar

    13.33: THINGS I LUV – volunteering and paying it forward

    14.14: advice for when you’re feeling stuck – volunteer

    15.00: practical exercises for when you’re in a rut or don’t know what brings you joy

    17.20: you are responsible for your own wellbeing. don’t live your life on other people’s terms

    20.00: meditations + make sure to HAVE FUN THAT’S WHAT LIFE’S ABOUT

    Cover art: “Dancing Maidens” by Leopold Franz Kowalsky (n.d.)

    Recommended reading: ‘Man’s search for meaning’ by Viktor Frankl & “The gifts of imperfection” by Dr Brene Brown

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, Natalie discusses how death has become taboo in the West, leading to Silicon Valley’s anti-death movement. Death can be a positive guiding force in our lives – as a decision-making tool, emboldening us to become self-actualised and to express what’s truly on our hearts.

    What’s on your bucket list? Skydiving, hiking Everest base camp? Falling in love? What actionable steps can you take to make that vision a reality?


    00.00: how death can be a positive guiding force

    00.16: the West is arguably the most death-denying culture on earth

    00.44: my meaning of my hand tattoos


    03.27: death-positive movement

    04.11: death cafes

    04.55: personal anecdote & nihilism (me and the homies hate nihilism)

    06.20: how mindfulness towards death can appease our anxieties

    06.54: death as a decision-making tool

    07.20: steve jobs’ 2005 stanford speech

    08.16: silicon valley’s anti-death movement (cc: Bryan Johnson)

    10.18: distinguishing between what we should want and what we truly want

    11.19: speaking your truth

    12.12: how death can help us in self-actualisation

    12.59: facing our fear of death with courage

    13.47: absurdism & finding your own meaning

    14.29: bucket lists


    Cover art: Vanitas ou Allegory of human life, by Philippe de Champaigne (1646)

    Recommended reading:

    ‘All about love’ by bell hooks

    ‘The worm at the core: on the role of death in life’ by Dr Sheldon Solomon

    ‘Make something wonderful’ by Steve Jobs

    ‘Homo deus’ by Yuval Noah Harari

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

    Subscribe to Futurist Frequency on Substack for email notifications whenever a newsletter or episode goes live (instead of being on Zuck’s internet x) –

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Algorithms shape so many aspects of our lives without our conscious awareness of it: from human resources, through to banking and the rise of hyperpersonalised content and advertising on social media platforms leading to polarised echo chambers. Why should we care about algorithms’ impact on society? How can we ensure that our behaviours are not being excessively manipulated by algorithms and tech companies? How can we preserve our free will and cognition online? Natalie answers these questions and more in this episode.

    Cover art: “Algorithmic beauty” by Greg Lansky, a modern reinterpretation of Venus de Milo.

    Recommended reading: “Transparency of evil” by Jean Baudrillard.

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • What lessons have you learned in your lifetime? Any wisdom you'd like to share?


    00.00: ageing is a privilege

    02.00: when you wake up at 25 and you don’t have a smooth brain anymore

    02.48: welcoming existential crises

    03.55: trading life experience for youth

    05.27: listening to the wisdom of your body

    07.51: on tying your identity to a place, a person, an occupation

    09.43: challenging ancient beliefs

    10.45: cycle syncing & ADHD

    12.30: safety > chemistry, judging ppl

    13.27: you attract what you use to impress

    13.43: life is fleeting; running; being intentional; embodiment

    14.44: vulnerability; on “closure”; self-compassion; discipline as devotion

    16.56: volunteering

    18.16: instant gratification; my version of Occam’s razor; people pleasing; mental endurance

    19.18: auditing your influence

    19.42: wisdom you’d like to share?

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    * Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter –

    * Subscribe to Futurist Frequency on Substack for email notifications whenever a newsletter or episode goes live (instead of being on Zuck’s internet x) –

    * Join the community over on Instagram —

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Is your screen time over 6 hours per day? Struggling to focus and concentrate? Feeling flat, overtired and overstimulated? You may be suffering with a phone addiction. In this episode, Natalie talks about her journey being addicted to social media, how social media makes us paradoxically less social & present, the research illustrating the negative impacts of smartphones on society, the current state of the internet & the future of the internet, and practical strategies we can implement so that we're in control of technology and not the other way around.

    Futurist Frequency is a tech & wellbeing podcast that helps you disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself. With several years experience working within the technology industry, Natalie breaks down key tech trends that are shaping our societies, culture, and collective wellbeing, so that we can use technology more mindfully.

    Required reading (if you have the attention span hehe):

    “Digital minimalism” by Dr Cal Newport

    “How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy” by Jenny Odell

    Ask Natalie an anonymous question to answer on the podcast / newsletter:

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    Or subscribe to Futurist Frequency on Substack for email notifications whenever a new episode, newsletter or resources drop (instead of being on zuckerberg’s internet):

    Much love, from my screen to yours.

    Natalie x

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit