
  • Everyone of us have a network.

    A group of people who could become clients, who could open doors for us, who could pass us referrals or at least could talk about our business to others.

    But how well do you use this network?

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm going to walk you through how to think of your network, how to build your network and how to activate your network the real way.

    No need to be salesy

    No need to go to networking events every day

    No need to spend hours and hours on social media platforms

    If you're ready to take your network activation to a new level, then tune in today

    Visit to learn how we can transform your LinkedIn Marketing and help you generate new business month, after month, after month.

  • Sales is often the hardest part for most service professionals

    Whether it's not wanting to be too pushy or it's not wanting to have awkward conversations, most service businesses find it hard to find their sweet spot with sales.

    However... That doesn't have to be the case when you re-frame what sales is and what sales is actually about.

    In this weeks 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm joined by 2 good friends as we explore conscious selling and how to instantly improve your sales results.

    In this episode we go through some simple mistakes that most people make with their sales and how to fix them immediately.

    We also look at the sales process and how to fine tune that so that anyone in your business can take it over.

    Tune in today and start improving your sales.

    Here's is the guide to the 7 mistakes of selling:

    Here is the page to find out more about the conscious selling course starting soon

    This is their first client facing launch, so for our network you can get a special beta price 60% off from what the price will be after Beta, so this is definitely a really good time to join!

    It's in Beta because they want Case Studies, Testimonials, and feedback on the program before we go into our first full launch!

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  • Being a service business usually means that you rely upon your service being fantastic.

    You rely upon referrals and having clients that talk about you.

    And you rely on word of mouth and organic marketing.

    As a service professional / service business I'd go a step further and say you are in the business of human relationships and not (insert whatever it is that you do).

    Every service business is in the industry of H2H and when we understand why and more importantly how to use that in our marketing, nurturing and delivering then your business will grow.

    Tune in to this weeks 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast as we show you how to become a H2H ninja

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • Finally we got some LEADS... But is your thinking of what a lead really is killing your conversions and turning them into clients?

    95% of the time, it is a big, fat YES it is!

    A lead is not someone who is ready to hand over their credit card and buy your product or service.

    A lead is simply someone who has identified a pain point within them and now is in the searching stage for a solution.

    Unfortunately, because we see leads the wrong way, we scare them away or even worst, we do the wrong things in helping them make a decision to want to use our solution.

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast let me change your thinking of what a lead really is and how to bring them from I have this point point to I can't wait for you to help me.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play

    PS: Don't forget to join us for our October masterclass where we will show you how to bring a minimum 50+ new, warm, qualified people (leads) into your pipeline. Grab a spot right here -

  • One of the biggest problems for most businesses is understanding where their ideal clients hang out, were their pot of gold is hiding and what to do when they find that pot of gold.

    It is one thing to say I'm going to do Facebook Ads, Google Ads, SEO, Networking, etc, but are you really tapping into your pot of gold?

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today Podcast' I'll walk you through not only how to find your pot of gold, but the key element you need to turn the pot into the real riches (lots of clients).

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Join us for our next Masterclass as I walk you through our framework for generating 100+ new registrations (leads) into every webinar / masterclass we run -

    ** Ready to put 50+ new leads a month into your pipeline with NO paid ads? Find out more here -

  • Way back since the 1900's there were places for business owners to gather and talk to one another about business.

    As the years have gone on we've moved from the saloons, to networking events and conferences and today we have the Juggernaut that is social media.

    But... With the loss of it being face to face and the art of conversations quickly diminishing are you actually doing it correctly?

    In todays "Get More Referrals Today" podcast we explore the art of messaging and conversations through the social media platforms available to us.

    There is an art and NO it's not sending others a long winded message inviting them to use your service.

    Lets explore how to do it right and more particularly without sounding like a robot or a douche bag.

    If you are on social media then having conversations and sending messages is a MUST and a fantastic way to grow your business quickly.

    PS: Take a look at how we can put more registrations into your webinar / masterclass each month and create you more conversations on your social media platforms right here -

  • Are you one of those people that spend the average 8 mins a day on LinkedIn or 28 minutes a day on Instagram or 1hr 38mins on Facebook?

    Whether you are or you aren’t you been told by many people that your business needs to post, interact and been seen on these platforms.

    But is it a waste or time or great advice to be posting everyday and being seen on all the major platforms?

    In this ‘Get More Referrals Today’ podcast we are going deep and showing you first hand how to make social media actually work by considering these 3 important factors.

    Don’t make another post until you have this strategy in mind.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • Besides Marketer's just about every other business hates having to find new leads and turn them into clients.

    It would be great to be able to just have interested people talk to you and you can work out if there is a fit or not.

    That's what a 'Client Acquisition System' should do.

    To build one you need 3 elements and in this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'll walk you through exactly what they are and how to create them yourself.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..

    And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...




    Google Play

    ** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -

    ** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -

    ** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -

    ** If you are ready to build your own Client Acquisition System then take a look at how we can help you do that –

  • Finding strategic partners to grow your business is a great marketing strategy

    Right now there are hundreds, if not thousands, of your potential clients sitting in other people's audiences

    All you need to do is find them and create win/win opportunities with these people

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast let me walk you through the 4 steps to our Strategic Partner framework and why changing your thinking what you can do with your potential partners is key to your success.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • Over the past decade of helping businesses get more referrals I'd say THIS is the biggest problem that I see others make.

    A referral is someone you know, sharing your business and solution to someone you don't know and them coming into your world for you to nurture and talk to.

    The mistake then, is not having what we call an 'attraction tool' for those people that you know to share, promote and circulate to the people that they know.

    And trust me, it isn't very hard to fix!

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today Podcast' let me walk you through the #1 key to getting hundreds of level 7 referrals per month for your business.

    Growing a business does not need to be hard when you understand this.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • TRUST... It really is the key to business and being able to survive in business.

    BUT, what actually is it?

    Most people talk about trust as if it's a thing.

    Just hand me a plate of trust please.

    But the fact is, trust isn't a thing, it's a feeling.

    It's a feeling that allow people to feel a connection and bond with you.

    When this occurs they then say 'I trust you'.

    When you understand this, you will also start to understand how you can build trust with anyone at a drop of the hat.

    Imagine being able to build trust with prospects, clients, referral partners, team and everyone else that your business comes across.

    Tune in to this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast and I'll show you exactly what to do to make people feel a sense of trust towards you FAST.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • One of the best ways to grow a business is through creating strategic partnerships.

    The ability to leverage into other people's audience is just smart marketing.

    The problem however is that most businesses just don't create the sorts of opportunities that they want.

    They get frustrated with the lack of action and often just find it easier to do it themselves.

    When you create the right sort of strategic partnerships and you put in place the right sorts of action plans to help one another then growing your business becomes easy.

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast, lets talk strategic partnerships and how to do it the right way.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..

    And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...




    Google Play

    ** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -

    ** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -

    ** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -

    ** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • If you are wanting more leads then this episode is for you.

    Every form of marketing is about LEVERAGING into other people's audiences

    HOWEVER how you do it, makes a HUGE difference to your overall success.

    Tune in and find out why whether you pay (advertising) to leverage into an audience or you get endorsed really matters and how this little thing called 'transfer of credibility' and make the world of difference to your results.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

  • Marketing can be a confusing word, what activities should you be doing? Where should you be doing them? And how to I make my marketing work so I get new clients?

    Instead of worrying about all of those questions lets make it much easier and ask ourselves this.

    How do I bring people wo have the pain point I solve into my world!

    In this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm going to separate how to attract new leads and then what to do to nurture those leads so that they want to become your client.

    No matter what sort of business you have this episode will help your thinking around what you should be concentrating on each day.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: We Help Our Clients By…

    Building them strategic partner networks and tripling their referrals.Filling their pipeline full of qualified prospects who are ready to work with them.Building them client retention systems and doubling the lifetime value of every client.Showing them how to brain chemicalise their business delivery, so that they Stand Out in their market.
  • If you are in business then you know social media is a MUST to get exposure, be seen and hopefully snag a few more clients.

    The only problem is, that for most, it's a lot of effort for very little return and there is a simple reason why!

    The strategy and key action is wrong. We focus on telling rather than involving and therefore 'posting content' becomes the key action where in fact it really is the last.

    In this weeks 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'll show you exactly what you need your social media managers or team to focus on (even if that is you) and how this simple tweak can make a huge difference in getting new clients of social media.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..

    And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...




    Google Play

    ** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -

    ** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -

    ** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -

    ** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: Come join our next masterclass and discover new ways to get clients at

  • Getting leads for your business is a MUST!

    But, unfortunately it never seems as easy as what people make it out to be.

    They tell you to get a lead magnet

    Share that lead magnet out to the world

    And like magic you should have new leads and new clients.

    But, that just doesn't happen.

    Here is why... It has nothing to do with your lead magnet (most the time) and everything to do with your understanding of what your lead magnet is suppose to do and how to think of an actual lead.

    In this episode of 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm going to dive deep into the thinking you need around prospects, lead magnets and how to make your lead magnet a winner instantly.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Come to our next masterclass and learn how to grow your business through strategic partners, referrals and filling your pipeline with prospects - ** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -

  • Most people believe that if you do a good job that that is enough for others to send you referrals.

    Unfortunately, that is not quite correct.

    Without a doubt you MUST provide a great service or product BUT there is more to it.

    If you want to increase your referrals and start running campaigns that will help you get more referrals then you need to listen to this weeks podcast.

    There are 3 key things you need to learn about the 'other person' and what really makes someone becoming a refer for you.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..

    And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...




    Google Play

    ** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -

    ** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -

    ** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -

    ** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: We Help Our Clients By…

    1. Building them strategic partner networks and tripling their referrals.

    2. Filling their pipeline full of qualified prospects who are ready to work with them.

    3. Building them client retention systems and doubling the lifetime value of every client.

    4. Showing them how to brain chemicalise their business delivery, so that they Stand Out in their market.

  • Depending on who you speak to MARKETING can mean something different to every single one of them.

    Marketing is paid traffic, it's SEO, it's networking, it's putting up social media posts, it's doing video's

    NO it is none of them!

    Marketing is all about how you bring a person who doesn't know that your service exists and has the pain point that you solve into your world.

    When we simplify marketing down to the basic principals it becomes a lot less daunting of what to do and how to do it.

    So, in this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast I'm going to break down what Branding, Marketing and Sales is all about and make it really easy for you to put a strategy around each of them going forward.

    Remember, If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: We Help Our Clients By…

    Building them strategic partner networks and tripling their referrals.Filling their pipeline full of qualified prospects who are ready to work with them.Building them client retention systems and doubling the lifetime value of every client.Showing them how to brain chemicalise their business delivery, so that they Stand Out in their market.
  • YES!!! You've got someone who is interested in becoming your client, so what do I do next?

    NO, don't just keep sending them your emails or messages showing your solution or trying to make yourself look like a genius.

    It's tapping into the wrong part of the brain.

    What you need to do is brain chemicalise them and get them seeing you as a person they trust, a person they can bond with and a person that can make their life better.

    Unfortunately, the way most service businesses nurture their prospects is horrible.

    They constantly send them emails or messages that are wrong or just annoying and they forget the most important reason why a prospect will actually buy from you.

    Tune in to this weeks 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast as we take your tactical nurturing to a new level.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: We Help Our Clients By…

    Building them strategic partner networks and tripling their referrals.Filling their pipeline full of qualified prospects who are ready to work with them.Building them client retention systems and doubling the lifetime value of every client.Showing them how to brain chemicalise their business delivery, so that they Stand Out in their market.
  • Marketing is such a loose term for businesses and one that frustrates many, as they try to unlock this secret.

    The simple fact is there is no secret and 99% of the time your marketing is not working because you don't actually understand the 'set up and system' that is required for any marketing to work.

    You see marketing is not just using a channel like FB ads, social media posting, networking, referral groups, SEO, etc, etc, etc and watching leads come in.

    Marketing that works requires 3 key elements and when done right will ensure that you have a new qualified prospects to talk to every day.

    Tune in to this 'Get More Referrals Today' podcast as I show you exactly why you don't have a lead generation problem, but a system problem with your marketing.

    If you loved the episode, it would be amazing if you could share it to another handful of people or even leave a review on your favourite podcast platform..And remember don't forget to subscribe to us on...ITunesSpotifyYouTubeGoogle Play** Don't forget to come and join us in the "Referrals For Service Based Professionals Tribe" -** Grab your free guide "How To Get 100 Clients In The Next 12 Months All Through Referrals" -** Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for great tips to becoming more profitable in your business each week -** If you are ready to transform your referral systems take a look at how we draw out the Million Dollar Referral system in this quick video –

    PS: We Help Our Clients By…

    Building them strategic partner networks and tripling their referrals.Filling their pipeline full of qualified prospects who are ready to work with them.Building them client retention systems and doubling the lifetime value of every client.Showing them how to brain chemicalise their business delivery, so that they Stand Out in their market.