wisdomnounthe quality of having experience, knowledge, and good the quality of judgement - being wise.Wisdom is a powerful tool that is bestowed upon us as human beings through the experience and knowledge that touches the ones that come before us. It allows us to foresee things that are of benefit to our wellbeing, but also those that are of detriment. This month we celebrate the fact that the already existing wisdom that we have in life that as been passed down to us by our predecessors and also our ability to apply it in our everyday lives and thrive.
noun: life; plural noun: lives; noun: one's life; plural noun: one's lifesthe period during which something inanimate or abstract continues to exist, function, or be valid.As we embark on Season 2 of the Gratified Journey, we start off by celebrating the life that has been gifted to us. Life as we know it is tough on everyone. Let's learn to live it, love and enjoy it!
Fehlende Folgen?
bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
In the final instalment of Season 1, we take time to reflect on those who have carried us to where we are today. In reality, nobody has accomplished anything on their own and thus, we have to show our gratitude to those who have been our pillars in times of need. As we’ve entered 2023, let us lean on each other and push each other to new heights.
I would personally love to show my gratitude to each and everyone of you who have held me up from the beginning to where we are today, as well as those who've joined the family along the way. It has been one hell of a journey and I could not have done it without you. I appreciate you all for the support and belief you have given me to curate the music that feeds your soul.
a group of people living in the same place and/or the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.
Our community and the company we keep is what shapes the people we are and how we choose to co-exist. Being part of a community is something fundamental to human survival and thus the need to feel a sense of community gifts us with strength unfathomable to what we're privy to and it is for that we should cherish the feeling. Together, we are always stronger and as a result, more successful - we keep going and we keep giving thanks to those who make every part of our ecosystem worth it.
the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
It is most challenging to forgive those close to you if they injure or betray you. Sometimes the degree of trust broken dictates how easy or difficult it is to forgive. However, it is true that the easier we find it to forgive someone, the less likely it is that we will suffocate ourselves by harbouring ill will against the wrongdoer. It is a strength more than a weakness, and it is that strength that keeps us sane, an underrated form of self-love; something that is worthy of self-gratuity.
a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Opportunity is always around us. Opportunity is the potential progress and transitioning into something greater. When it comes down to it, it is what can make or break a particular stage in your journey but at the same time, it drives us to want more. Opportunity is a chance at changing your life. It’s a beautiful thing to experience and also to be gifted, as we all deserve it at some point so for that, we are grateful.
the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.
Growth is a stage in life that allows you to realise your true potential. It catalyses and propagates the dreams and manifestations we put unto our paths towards greatness. This is a time where we let go of our comfort and breathe light into expanding who we are ought to be - this is what separates the old you to your reinvented self, even in the slightest way. It's a measure of being a better version of yesterday's self, it's a measure of progress in YOUR journey to success - and for that, we are grateful.
/njuː bɪgɪnɪŋ/
The theme for this instalment rests on the shoulders of a fresh start. This symbolises a new beginning, a new chapter in your life allowing you to find your feet and keep moving forward. An opportunity to breathe new life into your world. This is a moment we experience every morning that we wake up and for this, we are stronger everyday. For this, we are grateful.
advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority.
In life, we often seek things while negating the fact that we don't have a path that will ensure we attain what we want or desire. It is important that in those moments, we seek guidance from those who have walked through and forged their own paths before you. On this installment, we credit our gratitude to those who've carried us through everything and have acted as springboards in everything and anything we do. We show our gratitude to those have moved mountains in ways we don't appreciate enough, in order for us to walk a clear path.
a fault, blemish, or undesirable feature.
We live day to day resenting a part of ourselves that makes us who we are, unbeknownst to us that these are the same things that make us beautiful. We chase perfection, thinking that we harness fault yet never give ourselves a platform to think about how there is no need to chase perfection, but rather nurture the imperfection as it is what makes us stand out within society.
Through this, we achieve self-awareness accompanied by self-love and confidence to be even greater. To that, we are grateful.
/ˈhapɪnəs/. noun. the state of being happy.
True happiness is an inner quality, a state of mind. This is the state of mind that manifests peace into your life. It allows one to immerse themselves in the full value of life and to process the rollercoaster it is with a clean and peaceful mind and soul. This month, we are grateful for the gift of happiness. The gift of creating it for ourselves but also sharing it with others - paying it forward. It's what keeps the world going at the end of the day.
freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.
Through the turmoil that we experience in this life, finding peace is something that is imperative. This is not to say that peace is found where there is no noise and turmoil. If anything, peace is found in the midst of all the pandemonium, in a place where your soul has found that tranquility. Protect your soul because it is your peace. Without it, we're on a path to deterioration. Prioritze yourself. Show up for yourself. Find solace in your own presence. Its the superpower we all need.
an intense feeling of deep affection.
This month we are grateful for the love that we are afforded around us but also, our ability to love ourselves.
Love is a kind of feeling that creates meaning and depth to our lives like nothing else can. It is essential to love, whether it be loving the ones around you, accepting love from the ones around you or establishing a love for yourself as the capacity to do so is what gives life its greatest significance.
Where there is life, there is love and where there is love, there is life - which breeds happiness.
I hope you enjoy this one.
noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. In this first instalment, we start of by embracing the journey we are embarking on. The theme? To be grateful.
Here, we aim to reflect on the paths we‘ve taken in order to lead us to a path of acknowledgement and appreciation for everything and everyone we’ve encountered, and the impact each has played in our enrichment.
Strap in, take flight and enjoy. #GratifiedSessions