
  • Introduction:

    Welcome and thank you for tuning in to the Greatness from Small Beginnings podcast.Introduction of the theme: The importance of mindset in achieving greatness.Mention of Father's Day and Men's Health Month.

    Key Points:

    The 1% Difference:Reference to a coach's book about the 1% difference between people.Emphasis on the potential to be great within everyone.Intentional Thinking and Mindset:Explanation of the catchphrase: "The best way to total health is intentional thinking."Importance of positive self-talk and mindset in achieving greatness.Examples from top tennis players and Kobe Bryant's work ethic.Personal Reflections:Keith shares personal anecdotes about fatherhood and grandfatherhood.Discussion on the importance of mental and physical health for men.Legacy and Long-Term Thinking:The importance of thinking about and planning for one's legacy.Challenges younger listeners to start considering their legacy early on.Retirement and Continued Contribution:Critique of the traditional concept of retirement.Encouragement to continue contributing and building legacy in later years.Call to Action:Encouragement to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.Importance of health (physical, mental, and spiritual) in achieving one's potential.

    Resources Mentioned:

    References to studies and books on mindset and greatness.Mention of previous podcast episodes related to fatherhood and men's health.


    Summary of key takeaways.Encouragement to apply the discussed principles in daily life.Call to action to think deeply about one's legacy and make intentional efforts towards health and greatness.


  • Episode Overview:

    In this episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricate world of fatherhood, sharing his personal journey and experiences. With Father's Day around the corner, Keith explores the concept of being a good father through the lens of servant leadership. He discusses practical tips, challenges, and the rewarding aspects of fatherhood.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the episode's theme: Fatherhood and Servant Leadership.Personal anecdotes and experiences from Keith's own journey as a father.The importance of being a servant leader in the context of family and fatherhood.Practical tips for being a supportive and effective father.Overcoming common challenges faced by fathers.The impact of fatherhood on personal growth and development.Resources and references for further reading on servant leadership and parenting.

    Resources and References:

    Book: "The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership" by James C. Hunter.Article: "The Importance of Servant Leadership in Parenting"Podcast: "The Dad Edge Podcast", focusing on fatherhood and leadership.


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  • In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," host Keith L. Callaway delves into the concept of self-competition and its critical role in achieving personal and professional greatness. Inspired by an article from The Tuttle Twins magazine, Keith shares valuable insights on how to embrace challenges, overcome failures, and continually strive for improvement.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Introduction: Keith explains the inspiration behind the episode and the importance of discipline and competition.Article Reading: A reading of the *The Tuttle Twins* article on competition and perseverance.Self-Competition: The benefits of competing against oneself rather than others.Personal Experiences: Keith shares personal anecdotes, including his journey of running a marathon and the lessons learned from it.Practical Advice: Tips on how to practice consistently, set personal records, and achieve incremental progress.Encouragement: Keith's motivational message encouraging listeners to pursue greatness in their daily lives.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Tuttle Twins magazineVarious social media platforms for finding motivational content

    Call to Action:

    Keith encourages listeners to think about what they want to achieve, set their own goals, and work diligently towards them. Remember, "you were built for more than average."

  • In this solo episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, Keith L. Callaway delves deep into the emotional and psychological challenges faced by entrepreneurs and founders. Drawing from a poignant poem titled "I Am a Founder," Keith reflects on his personal experiences, sharing valuable lessons learned over his 40-year journey in business.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the Episode:

    Launching on a Monday morning to inspire and set the tone for the week.Focus on the emotional and psychological struggles of founders and business owners.

    Reading of "I Am a Founder":

    A series of statements capturing the emotional journey of a founder.Exploration of themes such as the desire for admiration, avoidance of conflict, and the perpetual state of anxiety.

    Keith’s Personal Reflections:

    The conflict between wanting to be admired and achieving results.The impact of avoiding conflict on personal and professional relationships.Lessons from his own entrepreneurial journey, including contributions to "The Joyful Entrepreneur."

    Balancing Business and Personal Life:

    The concept of "dad guilt" and the pressures of providing for the family.Strategies for managing time and maintaining close relationships.Reflections on the importance of gratitude and a mindset shift post-COVID.

    Lessons Learned and Advice:

    The importance of planning and time-blocking to achieve balance.Encouragement to maintain close relationships and seek mentorship.Insights into dealing with anxiety and the importance of self-compassion.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Re-reading of "I Am a Founder" to encapsulate the episode's themes.Promotion of the Founder Conference in Virginia Beach, VA.Motivational closing with a call to action inspired by Zig Ziglar.

    Relevant Resources:

    "The Joyful Entrepreneur" on AmazonFounder Conference details


    Zig Ziglar quotes and motivational insightsEd Mylett's perspective on entrepreneurial guilt
  • Show Notes:

    In this episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricacies of achieving greatness through focused thinking and strategic time management.

    Keith shares personal anecdotes and insights from renowned thought leaders like John Maxwell, offering valuable lessons on how to manage a busy schedule, time block effectively, and remove distractions.

    This episode also explores the concept of servant leadership and the importance of genuine connections in personal and professional growth.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to the Episode:

    Importance of flexibility in a busy schedule.Balancing passion projects with professional responsibilities.

    2. The Thinking Side of Greatness:

    Emotional and practical aspects of scheduling and time management.Personal reflections on balancing a podcast with professional duties.

    3. Insights from John Maxwell:

    Authenticity in leadership and public speaking.Key takeaways from "How Successful People Think."

    4. Strategies for Focused Thinking:

    Removing distractions and effective time blocking.Importance of focused thinking and goal setting.Tools and methods for maintaining focus and tracking progress.

    5. Personal Stories and Examples:

    Anecdotes from personal experiences and interactions with mentors.Lessons learned from balancing different aspects of life and career.

    6. Call to Action:

    Encouragement to listeners to assess their own thinking and goal-setting practices.Inspirational quote from Zig Ziglar to motivate listeners to pursue greatness.

    Resources Mentioned:

    "How Successful People Think" by John MaxwellQuotes and teachings from Zig Ziglar
  • In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway explores the profound impact of servant leadership. Learn how putting others first can transform your leadership style, foster a collaborative work environment, and lead to personal growth.

    Keith shares personal anecdotes, insights from John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar, and a biblical story about King David and Saul. Tune in to discover how servant leadership can help you achieve greatness.

    Key Points:

    Humility and Selflessness: Serving others demonstrates key qualities essential for leadership.Building Trust and Loyalty: Prioritizing others' needs fosters respect and collaboration.Positive Work Environment: Valuing team members creates a supportive and productive atmosphere.Understanding Needs: Effective leaders understand and address their team's concerns.Inspiration and Motivation: Serving others drives team members towards a common goal.Empathy and Inclusivity: Creating a culture of empathy enhances team dynamics.Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Serving others leads to personal and professional growth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    John Maxwell’s teachings on leadershipZig Ziglar’s motivational quotes"A Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards

    Biblical Reference:

    Keith relates the story of King David and King Saul, illustrating how David’s servant leadership and humility led to his eventual success as king, despite Saul’s opposition.

  • Join us on "Greatness From Small Beginnings" as we explore the powerful story of Eduardo and Aida Norell, whose journey from the streets of Cuba to the heart of America is nothing short of miraculous. In this episode, hosted by Keith L. Callaway, you’ll hear a tale of love, faith, and perseverance that challenges the very definition of greatness.

    Discover how their profound faith and humble beginnings have crafted a life of deep impact and purpose. Tune in to uncover the strength behind the struggles and the victories that often go unseen.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Eduardo and Aida's initial life and challenges in Cuba.The role of faith in Eduardo's transformative life decisions.Aida's transition from a medical professional in Cuba to working in a U.S. jail.The broader implications of their life choices on family and legacy.Insights into humility, service, and the true meaning of greatness.

    Mentioned Resources:

    The Bible (specifically the Book of John)References to influential Christian teachings and personal anecdotes that have shaped their lives.
  • Show Notes:

    In this deeply personal episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith delves into the profound impact of daily scripture writing, focusing on 1 Chronicles 29:11-13.

    This episode explores:

    The Power of Daily Rituals: Keith shares his morning routine of writing down verses and the impact on his spiritual and personal growth.Reflection on Divine Majesty: Discussion of King David's prayer and its relevance to personal and spiritual greatness.The Concept of Dominion and Stewardship: Insights into taking dominion in life as instructed in the scriptures and its application in modern life.Importance of Recognition and Gratitude: How acknowledging God's sovereignty can align our daily intentions and actions.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Keith mentions several translations and interpretations of the scripture, providing a broader understanding of its meanings.

    Discover how integrating scripture into daily life can bring about a deeper understanding of greatness from small beginnings. Subscribe, like, and comment to join the conversation and deepen your own journey.

  • In this insightful episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith delves into the art of effective management. Drawing on an email from business coach Kevin Weir, Keith shares 10 transformative tips that promise to elevate your management skills. From understanding personal strengths and weaknesses to fostering team spirit and resilience, these tips are not just about managing others but also about personal growth and leadership development.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Self-awareness in Leadership: Knowing your strengths and limitations.Building Team Relationships: Understanding team motivations and fostering a supportive environment.Goal Setting: Collaboratively setting personal and professional goals with your team.The Power of Praise: The importance of affirmation and its ratio to corrective actions.Communication Customization: Adapting your style to fit team needs for more effective leadership.Private vs. Public Interactions: The strategic approach to feedback.Celebrating Success: Boosting morale through public recognition and fostering resilience.Consistent Processes: Implementing regular meetings and performance reviews to enhance team performance.Team Collaboration: Encouraging a cooperative work environment aligned with company core values.Continuous Learning: Investing in team education for skill development and value enhancement.


    Mentioned business coach, Kevin Weir.Insights on biblical virtues such as gentleness and kindness from Galatians 6.
  • Show Notes:

    In this enlightening episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," host Keith L. Callaway sits down with David Green, a multifaceted entrepreneur from Lethbridge, Alberta. They delve into David’s rich journey of self-improvement, entrepreneurship, and the relentless pursuit of greatness.

    From starting a club in grade school to navigating the complexities of running several businesses, David shares invaluable lessons on growth, the significance of family, and the profound impact of lifting where you stand. This episode is a testament to the power of aspiration, resilience, and the endless possibilities that come from dreaming big.

  • Show Notes

    In this deeply introspective episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway delves into the personal battles that often stand in the way of achieving greatness. Reflecting on his struggles with concentration, conceptualization, and interpersonal relationships, Keith opens up about the inner conflicts that challenge us all.

    Drawing inspiration from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's profound insights on commitment and providence, this episode explores the transformative power of overcoming judgment and embracing the struggle. Keith shares his journey towards self-awareness and the critical realization that judgment often clouds our vision and hinders our growth.

    By committing to self-improvement and fostering a non-judgmental perspective, we can unlock our full potential and step confidently towards our greatness. Listeners are invited to reflect on their struggles, question their judgments, and embrace the challenges that come with striving for ambitious goals. Keith concludes with a powerful call to action, urging everyone to take initiative, set SMARTER goals, and pursue their path to greatness with unwavering determination.

  • Show Notes:

    Welcome to this solo episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings" with Keith L. Callaway, where we dive deep into the essence of achieving greatness against the odds. In today's episode, we explore the pivotal insights from Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret," examining how the opposite of courage and greatness is not failure but conformity.

    We discuss the critical perspectives on success, education, and financial independence, challenging the conventional pathways laid out by society.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Earl Nightingale's definition of success and its relevance today.The significant impact of non-conformity on achieving greatness.The importance of setting goals aligned with one’s core values.Success stories and lessons learned from non-traditional paths.Practical advice for listeners aiming to break free from the average.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Earl Nightingale’s "The Strangest Secret" recording.John Maxwell's "How Successful People Think."

    Tune in to reshape your understanding of success and discover how to forge your own path to greatness.

  • Join Keith L. Callaway in an enlightening episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," where he sits down with Eduardo Norell to explore the intersection of family, relationships, and business. Uncover the pivotal moments and decisions that pave the way from humble beginnings to remarkable achievements.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights on brand management, the transformative power of social media marketing, and the enduring value of perseverance and vision. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, this conversation promises to inspire and guide you on your journey to greatness.

    Show Notes

    In this special episode, Keith L. Callaway engages in a profound conversation with Eduardo Norell, delving into the intricacies of family, relationships, and entrepreneurship. Through a narrative that stretches from the humble beginnings to significant accomplishments, they unravel the essence of building a brand and identity in the competitive realm of business.

    Key discussions include:

    The power of vision and perseverance in overcoming early-stage business hurdles.The critical role of branding and identity in business growth and recognition.Insights into leveraging social media and marketing strategies for business expansion.Personal anecdotes of growth, learning, and the impact of mentorship.The importance of balancing professional ambitions with personal values and relationships.
  • In this thought-provoking episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway embarks on a solo journey through the concept of choosing your hard in life. With the backdrop of an inspiring poster, Keith delves into the unavoidable challenges that come with pursuing greatness, making wise decisions, staying fit, and building lasting legacies.

    This episode is not just a reflection but a clarion call to embrace the hard paths that lead to a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Whether it's about fitness, financial wisdom, or fostering deep relationships, every choice comes with its own set of challenges.

    Join us as we explore how choosing your hard can pave the way to living a life of greatness and purpose. Don't miss this insightful discussion that promises to motivate, challenge, and inspire.

    Show Notes:

    In this solo episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, Keith L. Callaway dives deep into the essence of making hard choices in life and the impact of these choices on our path to greatness. Reflecting on a meaningful poster titled "Everything is Hard. Choose Your Hard," Keith explores the dual nature of life's challenges, from being your best self to making wise decisions, and how these choices shape our destiny and legacy.

    The episode offers profound insights into:

    The significance of choosing between being your best and being your normal. - The intricate balance between making wise and poor decisions.The challenges of staying in shape versus the ease of falling out of it.The discipline required for personal growth and the ease of complacency.The long-term vision for impacting future generations through today's decisions.

    This episode is a call to action for listeners to embrace the hard choices that lead to growth and greatness, guided by wisdom, discipline, and a purpose-driven life.

  • Keith L. Callaway talks with his son Billy, owner of Core Paving & Excavating LLC in Alaska. This episode dives deep into the definition of greatness, the resilience required to push through challenges, and the unique perspective of running a family-owned business in one of the most rugged environments.

    Billy shares invaluable lessons on work ethic, overcoming setbacks, and the integral role of faith and fitness in maintaining balance. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or seeking motivation to overcome your own hurdles, this conversation sheds light on the path to achieving greatness against all odds.

    Show Notes:

    Introduction to Billy Callaway: Insight into Billy's life in Alaska, his family, and his journey in business.Defining Greatness: A personal take on what greatness means in the face of adversity and the importance of pushing beyond comfort zonesThe Callaway Way: A look at the family's unique approach to overcoming challenges and the ethos that drives their decisions and actions.Business Insights: Lessons learned from starting and scaling a paving and excavating business in the harsh conditions of Alaska.Overcoming Setbacks: Billy shares his experiences with difficult business decisions, personal growth, and the importance of resilience.Faith, Fitness, and Family: A discussion on how faith, physical well-being, and family values shape personal and professional life.Looking Ahead: Billy's vision for the future, both for his family and his business.


    Core Paving & Excavating LLCInsights from pioneers of Antarctica and EverestTCS Conference insights
  • Join us as Keith L. Callaway sits down with Jason Callaway, owner of Callaway Construction and his son, to discuss the intertwining of business success and personal growth.

    In this heartfelt conversation, Jason reveals his journey toward achieving greatness through consistency, the importance of valuing relationships, and the pivotal role of faith in guiding his path.

    Discover the Callaway blueprint for building a life of purpose and success, one step at a time. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to construct a meaningful legacy while overcoming the daily challenges of life and work.

    Show Notes:


    In this episode, we dive into the philosophy that guides Jason Callaway, both in his business and personal life. As the owner of Callaway Construction and Keith's son, Jason shares his insights on building a successful business, overcoming everyday challenges, and the pursuit of greatness through consistency and setting high goals.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Jason's definition of greatness: Pursuing our best through consistent efforts and overcoming daily challenges.The importance of showing up every day and tackling tasks, even when they seem mundane or difficult.Jason's struggles with consistency and planning, and how he's working to overcome them.The significance of maintaining and valuing relationships over mere financial gain. - The role of core values and standards in both family life and business.How faith and spirituality provide a foundation for facing life's challenges and building a legacy.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Tom Reber's contractor coaching for winning the moment.
  • In this enlightening episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, Keith L. Callaway sits down with his son, Caleb Callaway, the visionary behind Ascend Coffee in Indianapolis.

    Diving deep into the essence of greatness and the personal journey of establishing a business with purpose, Caleb shares his story from the initial dream of missionary work to opening a coffee shop that serves as a beacon of community and love.

    Discover how Caleb’s mission-driven mindset and passion for coffee turned Ascend Coffee into more than just a café, but a place where every cup tells a story of connection, love, and the universal language of coffee.

    Caleb also opens up about the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship, the unique concept behind Ascend Coffee, and his future dreams that extend beyond the confines of Indianapolis. This episode is a testament to the belief that greatness truly comes from small beginnings.

    Check Ascend Coffee here:

  • Join us on this episode as we dive into an inspiring conversation with Alexander Gonzalez.

    Discover how he transformed his life by overcoming personal trauma, losing 84 lbs, and finding his purpose. Learn about his journey from a struggling individual to a successful Ketopreneur and Social Audio Influencer.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to turn their challenges into opportunities for growth and greatness.

    Reach Alexander Gonzalez on IG: @not_the_fat_dad

    Show Notes:

    Introduction to Alexander Gonzalez - Social Audio Influencer, Ketopreneur, and publicist.Discussion on overcoming past trauma and abuse.Alexander's weight loss journey and its impact on his life.Exploration of his definition of greatness and success.Insights into his role as a husband and father.His work in helping others through transformation.Building a $6M+ business and leading a team.Experiences and impact as a Social Audio Influencer on Clubhouse.
  • Dive into an inspiring journey with Anthony and Stephanie Byson, the entrepreneurial spirits behind Anthony’s Asphalt LLC. Starting with just a $700 truck, they've paved their path to success in the asphalt industry. In this episode, we explore the highs and lows of their business journey, the power of leadership, and the impact of community and faith. Join us and uncover how small beginnings can lead to greatness.

    Show Notes:

    Introduction to Anthony and Stephanie Byson, owners of Anthony’s Asphalt LLC.Discussion on starting a business with humble beginnings, including their first $700 truck and innovative solutions.Insights into the growth and challenges of their business journey, including the recession period.Exploration of leadership and teamwork within their company.Reflections on long-term business planning and legacy.The significance of community, faith, and personal growth in their entrepreneurial journey.

    Guests Info:

    Anthony and Stephanie Byson are the proud owners of Anthony’s Asphalt LLC in Dexter MI, established in 2009. They love teaching people how to find more freedom through the same pathway in the asphalt industry that we did!

    Website Info:



  • In this captivating episode of 'Greatness From Small Beginnings,' host Keith L. Callaway welcomes the remarkable father-son duo, Jacob and Kevin Cunningham.

    Dive into their unique story as we explore Jacob's entrepreneurial journey, starting at just 17 years old during his high school summers, leading to the establishment of his thriving business, Black and Yellow Asphalt Solutions. Now at 20, Jacob, alongside his father Kevin, continues to redefine the family business landscape.

    Discover their insights and experiences in managing a successful family enterprise. Don't miss this blend of youthful ambition and seasoned wisdom!

    Visit their website at for more information.

    #YoungEntrepreneur #FamilyBusiness #PodcastEpisode

    Show Notes:

    Introduction: Host Keith L. Callaway welcomes guests Jacob Cunningham and his father Kevin, delving into the dynamics of their family-run business.Key Discussion Points: Exploring generational perspectives in business, handling disagreements, and fostering mutual respect and growth within the family business.Highlights: Personal anecdotes and key moments from Jacob and Kevin about their journey together in business.Conclusion: Essential takeaways and advice for those navigating family business challenges.