
  • When you’re going through hair loss, one of the hardest parts can be trusting someone to help you. What if they don’t get it? What if they make everything worse? Or worse – what if they laugh? Our guest today is here to help ease your fears. If you’ve ever wondered what a hair loss specialist does or wanted to hear why people get into that field, this episode is for you. We had the opportunity to talk to Rachel Rivera, Kevin’s personal hair loss stylist and ask her what it’s like to do her job, building trust with clients, and helping them feel their best.

    From Salon Stylist to Hair Loss Specialist

    Most hair loss stylists begin their careers working in regular salon and then eventually transition into hair restoration, and Rachel followed that path as well. When faced with some of the typical challenges of being a salon stylist, she started to wonder if there was something else out there for her. She saw a job posting for HairClub, and she decided to go in for an interview to get an idea of what working there might be like. The rest was history - she knew specializing in hair restoration would be a challenge, but Rachel’s love of learning inspired her to pursue styling hair for people with hair loss!

    How This Hair Loss Stylist Connects With Clients

    Building trust with people who have experienced hair loss can be more challenging than with people who haven’t. Some folks have tried every internet remedy and are skeptical that any hair loss solution can give them the results they’re after. Others are scared to even reach out to ask for help from a professional - the stigma that surrounds hair loss can be paralyzing. Rachel has compassion for her clients and builds trust by taking the time to get to know each client as an individual, and by communicating extensively with them about what results they want and how they can get there.

    Finding The RIght Hair Loss Stylist Matters

    Hair loss stylists aren’t always easy to find! Hair loss specialists have a lot of knowledge about the way hair follicles work and can help you determine what kinds of hair loss solutions might be right for you. The average hairstylist may not have that level of education, so it’s important to seek out someone who can give you accurate information as soon as you begin noticing your hair loss. But it’s also important to find someone who you can see yourself working with over the course of years – as your needs change or your hair loss progresses, a stylist that knows you well can help you achieve the look you want and even experiment with changing things up if that’s what you want to do. If you’re looking for a new hair loss stylist, we hope you find someone as compassionate and knowledgeable as Rachel.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair system care and the associated routines can feel overwhelming when you’re already losing your hair and don’t feel like you have time to add another thing to your busy schedule. Today’s guest proves that caring for a hair system takes no more time than his hair routine back before his hair loss started. This week on HairPod, we sit down with NASCAR driver Kyle Weatherman to discuss his personal experience with genetic hair loss and his decision not to accept going bald. Beginning in his mid-twenties, Kyle faced the challenge of thinning hair head-on, deciding to take control with a solution that worked for him—a hair system.

    Hair System Care & Kyle’s Routine

    How much maintenance does a hair system require? In Kyle’s experience, it doesn’t take much more than having hair grow out of your head. He lives a fast-paced lifestyle (pun intended), and he finds his hair system surprisingly low-maintenance. Since he travels for races every week during his busy season, he needed a solution that wouldn’t be too cumbersome. Kyle has a stylist he has worked with who cuts the system and blends it with his hair, giving him a polished, natural look. Together, these factors keep him feeling confident, even on race days. That’s right - Kyle’s system stays under his helmet in a stock car, where temperatures can climb to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Tailoring Your Hair System to Your Unique Needs

    Everyone's hair journey is different because no two humans have the exact same needs. We all have different skin types, hair textures, and hair loss patterns, meaning hair solutions must be tailored to the individual they’re meant for. Kyle, for example, sweats quite a bit. Luckily, the stylist he works with determined which adhesive would work for him and offered a breathable lace option for his hair system to keep him comfortable. Finding a solution tailored to you is crucial, and working with an expert hair loss professional can help get you there.

    Hair Solutions and the Leap of Faith

    Going bald wasn’t an option for Kyle, as he doesn’t feel like himself without hair. He is grateful to other NASCAR drivers who have been so open about their hair loss issues and how they fixed them. His wife has also experienced hair loss, and she was a supportive voice, encouraging him to seek options and do something like this for himself. For those who don’t have a support network like that, Kyle wants anyone out there dealing with hair loss to take that leap of faith and book a consultation just to see if it’s a possible fit. As Kyle's story shows, there’s a solution out there for everyone, and sometimes, it just starts with a single step.


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    Frankie Muniz’s Hair Loss Journey on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

    Alopecia Awareness on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

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    @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

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  • Alopecia Universalis is a rare condition, and it can feel isolating to go through if you don’t know anyone who has been there. In honor of Alopecia Awareness Month, we’re bringing you a beacon of hope through our conversation with Ariel Rawlings. She is a remarkable individual whose alopecia universalis has led her down a path of advocacy and self-actualization, and she is also now a professional in the hair replacement industry, helping her clients with the empathy and heart that comes from knowing exactly what they’re going through.

    Alopecia Universalis: The Early Stages

    Alopecia universalis is a condition that leads to complete loss of body hair. For Ariel, this journey has been about more than just coping with physical changes; it’s been a path to understanding and embracing her identity. Aggressive hair loss can be a distressing experience, as it can sometimes indicate other health issues. While Ariel ruled out those issues by treating a hormonal thyroid problem, this helped move her closer to her diagnosis of alopecia. After her diagnosis, she still had to navigate presenting herself to the world in a way that felt authentic and natural to her. Ariel acknowledges that each person’s solution is as different as the next. Her story is a testament to her strength and the evolving nature of her self-acceptance.

    Advocating for Yourself with Hair Loss

    Hair loss affects many people for various reasons, and it’s important to rule out health problems early on. In the early stages of her diagnosis journey, Ariel had to advocate for herself with her doctor. Occasionally, medical professionals will not prioritize non-lethal issues like hair loss, and the responsibility falls on the person with alopecia (or their guardian) to be their advocate. By sharing her journey, Ariel hopes others can see what is possible when you become your own champion, working tirelessly to ensure you are heard, and your condition is taken seriously.

    Hair Loss Communities: Find Support

    A community can make all the difference when you’re struggling with hair loss. Ariel was fortunate to have many supportive people in her circle - her family and husband helped her through the emotions of losing her hair to alopecia universalis. However, not everyone has a community, and even those who do may wish to seek advice from people experiencing the same things as them. While alopecia universalis is rare and there is no medical cure, people have found many different ways to thrive with this condition. It’s important to seek out people who empathize with your plight and validate your emotions, and many online communities offer spaces like these.

    Ariel is now a professional in the hair replacement industry, empathizing with clients who are feeling the emotional burden of hair loss. Her journey remains an inspiring example of resilience and encourages those struggling with alopecia to embrace their true selves and find strength in the support of others. We’re honored to share her experiences on HairPod and hope her story resonates with you!


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Alopecia affects millions of people worldwide, including well-known figures like NASCAR driver Joey Logano. This week on HairPod, I connected with Joey in honor of Alopecia Awareness Month. By speaking openly about his experience, Joey helps shine a light on the realities of living with alopecia.

    Understanding Alopecia: More Than Just Hair Loss

    Alopecia is more than a cosmetic issue; it can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem and mental health. Typically, the condition presents as round patches of hair loss on the scalp, but it can affect any area of the body where hair typically grows. For those like Joey, being in the public eye while dealing with such a visible condition adds an extra layer of challenge. Despite this, Joey has embraced his journey, sharing his story to help others understand that hair loss is just one part of who someone is, not the defining factor.

    Alopecia Areata Awareness

    Joey’s openness about alopecia is more than just a personal story—it's a call to action. By talking about his experience and the use of a hair system, he encourages others facing similar challenges to feel less isolated and more empowered. Awareness is crucial because it helps dispel misconceptions, fosters understanding, and supports those affected. When public figures like Joey Logano use their platform to discuss alopecia, it encourages conversations that can change perceptions and build a more compassionate community.

    If You or Someone You Know Has Alopecia

    Alopecia Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate and uplift. If you know someone affected by alopecia, sharing stories like Joey’s can offer much-needed encouragement and solidarity. Let's celebrate those who face their challenges with grace and strength, reminding them that they are not alone. Together, we can build a world where we can experience confidence and community, even as we experience hair loss.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • In honor of Hair Loss Awareness Month, we put together an episode featuring some of the most impactful conversations we've had on the show so far. We wanted to share the insights we gained from this diverse group of guests, each bringing their unique perspective and experiences, but all united by the importance of finding the courage to talk about your hair loss.

    Thinning Hair in High School: Nick Wilkins

    Influencer and vlogger Nick Wilkins opens the episode by sharing his journey of coming to terms with hair loss. He discusses the emotional challenges he faced when he first noticed his hair thinning in his high school years. Nick struggled on his journey alone for some time before he reached out for support from a hair loss professional. Nick highlights the importance of seeking support from the people around you, and how impactful that can be.

    Hormonal Hair Loss: Lisette Davila

    Next, we revisit a conversation with Lisette Davila, who lost her hair as a result of an undiagnosed hormone imbalance. Lisette’s insights are invaluable for anyone who is searching for answers to explain their hair loss. She emphasizes the importance of seeking professional advice, even when it seems like there’s no hope. Her courage in advocating for herself helped her physician determine the root cause of her hair loss so that she could be treated accordingly, which helped resolve other health issues she was struggling with as well.

    Alopecia and Emotions: Claire Fullam

    Claire Fullam’s segment offers a heartfelt look at living with alopecia. Claire shares her struggles with this autoimmune condition that causes hair loss and the emotional toll it took on her. But her story is also one of resilience, as she talks about how she learned to live confidently despite her condition. Claire’s experience highlights the importance of mental health support in managing hair loss and reminds us that there is always a path forward when we lean on those around us for support.

    Confidence and Hair Loss: Jordan Pryor

    Jordan brings a fresh perspective with his discussion on the various hair solutions he tried and his candid approach to sharing his hair loss journey on social media. Jordan began wearing a men’s hairpiece in his early 20s and quickly caught the attention of many of his social media followers. Never one to shy away from the spotlight, Jordan helped to educate his curious followers on his hair loss system. Stories like Jordan’s can provide hope to those who are still trying to gain their confidence back. Whether you’re ready to speak openly on hair loss or you’d prefer to be discreet, you’re not alone.

    Don’t Let Hair Loss Define You: Steve Barth

    Finally, the episode wraps up with insights from Steve Barth, one of the founding fathers of HairClub. Steve shares his experiences from the early days of the company and how the way we view hair loss has changed over the years. His reflections provide a historical context, showing how far we’ve come in addressing hair loss and offering hope for continued advancements in the future.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair loss can happen to anyone, and it can deeply affect your confidence and self-image, even if you are a well-known actor like today’s guest. In this week’s episode of HairPod, I spoke with actor/stock car driver Frankie Muniz about his experience with thinning hair. While many fans might not be aware of his battle with hair loss, he came on the show to share his story in hopes that it can help others who are going through the same thing.

    Frankie Muniz’s Hair Loss Story

    Frankie Muniz recalls how, in his early 20s, he began to notice significant hair thinning even though he grew up with really thick hair. This unexpected change led him to try a variety of treatments, as so many do when they discover their hair loss. He acknowledges that these solutions are effective for many people, but he dealt with some of the rare side effects that the products can have, which left him feeling disheartened. He opted to shave his head for some time but still wasn’t happy with how he looked in the mirror.

    Frankie’s Transformative Decision

    Frankie’s journey changed completely when his wife encouraged him to make an appointment with HairClub. Despite his initial skepticism, he agreed to a consultation. The immediate results of his hair system left him emotional, as he finally saw a version of himself in the mirror that restored his confidence. “It was truly life-changing,” Frankie shares, noting how this newfound confidence positively impacted every aspect of his life, from his career to his personal relationships.

    Hair Loss: Breaking the Silence

    Frankie Muniz’s hair loss story is unique in that he is willing to speak openly about it, unlike many public figures who prefer not to. In an industry where appearance is often everything, many choose to keep their struggles private. Frankie, however, wants to break that silence. By sharing his story, he hopes to empower others to seek solutions without shame. His transparency serves as a powerful reminder that no one has to face these challenges alone, and that finding the right solution can truly be life-changing.


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    NIH: Effects of Minoxidil and Finasteride

    NHS: Side effects of Finasteride are rare

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair Loss Awareness Month is here! In this episode of HairPod, I sit down with friend-of-the-pod Dan Medeiros. Last time he was with us, he told us about how his hair loss got into a vicious cycle with his stress level - this week, he came back to help us celebrate Hair Loss Awareness Month and explain how he managed to get his confidence back after struggling with it for so long.

    Listen to Episode 008 with Dan Medeiros

    Hair Loss Awareness Month: Why It Matters

    Hair loss affects many people worldwide and touches all of our lives at some point. Its emotional impact can be profound. According to studies by PubMed and Monpure, 88% of women and 62% of men report that hair loss affects their emotional health. These statistics emphasize the importance of raising awareness about hair loss and supporting those affected. Hair loss affects not only one's appearance but also self-esteem and overall mental well-being. Embracing your hair loss journey is vital, and open conversations can help reduce the stigma surrounding this topic.

    Hair Systems and Hair Restoration

    Hair loss solutions should be as unique as the people who seek them. Dan uses a combination - he has a hair loss system and he uses hair restoration techniques. "Follow the instructions. Follow the path. It will work. Sometimes it takes longer than others," says Dan. He emphasizes the importance of persistence and following the path. Since embracing his hair system, Dan has gained immense confidence and has been instrumental in inspiring others in the hair loss community. The transformative power of hair systems is not just about regaining hair, but about regaining hope and inspiration. Hair systems today offer natural, seamless solutions that blend perfectly with your existing hair, making them nearly impossible to detect.

    Understanding Hair Loss Solutions

    It’s important to understand the cause of your hair loss and the hair loss solutions available so you can make informed decisions about your treatment. From medical treatments to hair systems, the options are vast. HairClub offers comprehensive consultations to help find the best path for each individual. It's essential to understand that the journey to regaining your confidence and hair is unique and personal. By seeking the right support and being persistent, you can achieve the best possible results. Understanding your options empowers you to take control of your hair loss journey.

    By raising hair loss awareness, exploring advanced hair systems, and understanding the diverse solutions available, you can find the right path tailored to your needs and regain your confidence.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • In this episode of HairPod, I sit down with UK-based trichologist Eva Proudman. We talk about the many potential causes of hair loss, hair thinning, and hair shedding. If you’re not sure what the differences between those terms are, make sure to listen in for that and more actionable tools you can use to help you navigate your own personal hair loss journey.

    Hair Loss: Eva’s Personal Experience

    Hair loss is a difficult thing to experience no matter when or why it happens. Eva’s journey began when she underwent bariatric surgery to manage her diabetes. While the surgery successfully put her diabetes into remission, it also led to significant hair loss as a side effect. This experience, coupled with her involvement in a program providing hair extensions for young cancer patients post-chemo, inspired her to transition from owning a hair extension company to becoming a trichologist.

    Trichologist Talk: Diagnosing and Treating Hair and Scalp Disorders

    As a trichologist, Eva Proudman specializes in diagnosing and treating hair and scalp disorders holistically. Trichologists consider various factors such as diet, stress, and medications when assessing patients' conditions. They undergo comprehensive training and use a differential diagnosis approach to understand patients' symptoms and provide effective, personalized treatment plans.

    Proudman explains the process of diagnosing hair conditions through patient accounts and clinical evidence. She discusses various conditions, including telogen effluvium, female pattern hair loss, alopecia areata, and autoimmune scarring conditions like frontal fibrosing alopecia. She emphasizes the complexities of diagnosing and treating multiple conditions in women and the importance of thorough diagnosis and tailored treatment plans.

    Hair Health: The Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle

    Throughout the podcast, Eva Proudman highlights the crucial role of nutrition in maintaining hair health. She emphasizes the importance of protein in supporting hair growth and recommends incorporating red meat, eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, dairy, nuts, beans, and legumes into the diet. Proudman also advises against excessive consumption of processed foods, fast foods, salt, and sugar, which can negatively impact hair health.

    In addition to nutrition, Proudman discusses the significance of stress management and quality sleep for overall hair health. Trichologists may refer patients to therapists or specialists for psychological hair-related conditions such as trichotillomania, and they encourage stress management techniques to promote hair well-being.


    What is Trichology? Episode 10 with Kate Holohan

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • On this episode of HairPod, I speak with long-term client and founding father of HairClub, Steve Barth. We discuss his hair loss journey, his work with HairClub, and the development of TrichoView. We dive into the story of HairClub and how it has continually aimed to address hair loss from all angles.

    From Hair Loss to HairClub: Developing Trichoview

    Steve’s hair loss led him to HairClub over thirty years ago. Originally a client, Steve eventually decided to pursue a career with the company. He loved working with HairClub and was an enthusiast from the start. There are almost as many reasons for hair loss as solutions; there are just as many types and stages. TrichoView was created as an analytical and diagnostic tool to help identify potential causes of hair loss and the current condition of the hair and scalp to form a more comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each individual's situation.

    HairClub’s Evolution: Trichologists, Hair Loss Therapy and Scalp Analysis

    Steve shares how he worked with trichologists to develop multiple offerings, including TrichoView, a diagnostic software system for in-depth hair and scalp analysis. The system allows HairClub to identify specific properties of the hair and scalp in addition to tracking progress. TrichoView was also implemented to identify accessible solutions for those in the earlier stages of their hair loss journey. Through the development of this system, Steve progressively changed HairClub's offerings from being primarily end solutions to addressing and monitoring all facets and stages of hair loss.

    HairClub Systems and Technology: Hair Loss Treatments and Hair Restoration

    Steve stresses the importance of seeking advice from a hair loss specialist, not just for the insight but for the emotional support. Having experienced hair loss himself, he knows how challenging the experience of hair loss can be, both emotionally and financially. He shares how he has always appreciated HairClub prioritizing anonymity and accessibility. He analogizes the pursuit of hair loss solutions to getting in shape or going to the gym, pointing out that hair loss can be frustrating because it feels out of control. It requires work and self-motivation to stay healthy and to find solutions, but it also takes guidance, education, and perseverance.


    Listen to Episode 016 to hear more from Steve

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • If you are starting to wonder if you should be concerned about your hair loss, this episode will give you some helpful insights into identifying hair loss early on and what you can do about it. In this episode of HairPod, our host Kevin Rolston delves into the early indicators of hair loss. Highlighting personal experiences and expert insights, Kevin discusses how subtle changes in hairline, volume, and scalp visibility can signal the onset of hair loss. Emphasizing the importance of early detection, he encourages listeners to take action to preserve hair health by exploring effective treatment options and professional advice early on.

    Indicators and Methods for Monitoring: Finding the Best Hair Treatment for Hair Loss

    Hair loss can greatly impact our lives and feelings of self-confidence, knowing what to look for early on can help those dealing with hair loss to have a plan, enabling them to address hair loss head-on. Offering practical advice, Kevin discusses strategies for managing hair loss effectively. From comparing photographs to monitoring shedding, changes in texture, and scalp health, he guides listeners in identifying the earliest signs of hair loss. By discussing advancements in hair loss treatments and technologies, Kevin inspires hope and optimism for those seeking solutions tailored to their specific needs.

    Seeking Hair Loss Treatments Early On: Is It Time to See a Trichologist?

    Kevin shares personal reflections and insights on the emotional aspects of experiencing hair loss while also offering specific examples of what hair loss looks like in the earlier stages. Drawing from his journey and those of previous HairPod guests, he explores the insecurities and challenges individuals often face when they begin confronting hair loss. By normalizing these feelings and discussing ways to seek support, Kevin aims to empower listeners to address their concerns openly and seek professional guidance with confidence.

    Know Your Options: Hair Restoration, Hair Transplants, Hair Loss Therapy

    Being aware of the early indicators of hair loss allows those experiencing it to find a suitable solution or discover an underlying health issue, ideally allowing them to restore their hair and their confidence without years of painstaking self-questioning and solution seeking! Kevin emphasizes the importance of community and support for individuals navigating hair loss. He encourages listeners to engage with HairPod’s platform and social media channels to continue the conversation, share experiences, and access valuable resources. By fostering a supportive environment, Kevin aims to empower listeners to take proactive steps toward managing their hair loss journey.

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • In this episode of HairPod, we dive into the world of hair systems with hair stylist Rachel Rivera. We explore the intricate process of maintaining and styling hair systems, shedding light on the importance of having a skilled personal stylist. Rachel has been a hairstylist for over twenty years and has worked with HairClub for the last thirteen. Kevin and Rachel share encouraging stories of helping people get their hair back and Kevin’s personal experience with a hair system. They also discuss common misconceptions about hair systems that can, unfortunately, keep people from trying them.

    Getting Your Hair Back: Hair Restoration with Hair Systems

    Getting a hair system can be transformative and powerful, but it can also be a vulnerable process. Hair systems stylist are there to guide their clients toward finding the right solution for their hair loss. Hair systems start as long, rock-staresque hair before being styled and cut for a sleek, personalized look. Rachel explains the significance of starting with longer hair, which allows the stylist to cut and shape it into the desired style. Rachel and Kevin reflect on the shock and awe clients (Kevin included) feel when they see themself with a full head of hair again!

    Managing Hair Loss, Balding, and Thinning Hair

    The conversation touches on the art of color matching to ensure the hair system blends seamlessly with the client's natural hair. Rachel elaborates on her process of selecting and blending colors, paying attention to changes over time, such as the addition of more gray hair. She explains the concept of "graduals" for clients who prefer a subtle transition to a full hair system. They discuss the maintenance routines necessary for keeping the hair system looking its best, including the importance of regular conditioning and using the right styling products. Kevin appreciates Rachel's personalized care, which addresses his specific needs, such as managing dry scalp and ensuring his hair system stays secure even with his active lifestyle.

    Hair System Maintenance and Styling Demystified

    Hair systems can radically change the way we look, and even if the results are perfect, it can still be a scary process - journeying into the unknown. Rachel shares her approach to building rapport with new clients, making them feel comfortable and informed throughout the process. The meticulous attention to detail provided by stylists like Rachel ensures that the hair system looks natural and flawless, a stark contrast to the obvious toupees of the past. It is an inspiring and enlightening conversation for anyone interested in hair systems.

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • In this episode of HairPod, outdoor enthusiast and former model Tyler Morehead shares his experience with hair loss and non-surgical hair loss solutions. Tyler expresses his original aversion to hair systems. We discuss the stigma and misconceptions that can get in the way of finding a solution and the things that helped open him up to new hair loss options. Tyler and Kevin discuss how their hair systems have come to feel like a part of them. Tyler shares some of the things he has put his hair system through as an active person with a love for outdoor adventures. The conversation highlights how finding the right solution can help you get your lifestyle back.

    The Stigma of Hair Loss, Hair Loss Solutions and Hair Systems

    Tyler had an accident early on that left him with a large scar on his head, as he started losing hair in his twenties the scar became more exposed, adding to the feelings of frustration and insecurity that are so common with hair loss. Tyler like so many others was not ready to embrace a hair system, and in many ways wanted to avoid the reality of his hair loss for as long as possible. He related balding to being old, and hair systems to his grandfather. Tyler saw hair loss as a barrier that would keep him from living his life the way he wanted. We discuss how even though things like hair extensions and permanent makeup have become very acceptable, especially for women, there is still a lasting stigma around hair loss and hair loss solutions. These norms and stigmas can limit the options we see for ourselves.

    Hair Balding Treatments For Active Lifestyles

    Beyond just the stigma Tyler discusses other things that kept him from trying a hair system or seeking solutions. He recalls his grandfather's hairpiece, and how it would come on or off for different activities or events. Tyler did not want to live like that. Of course, hair pieces fifty years ago are not what they are today. When Tyler finally decided to try a hair system after some encouragement from his mother, he was relieved to discover how much the technology had changed. He looked and felt like himself again, he finally had his hair back. Tyler shares how it has felt to embrace his his active lifestyle with full confidence that his hair system can keep up with him rain or shine.

    Regaining Confidence with Hair Restoration

    Tyler was beyond satisfied with his hair system and wished he had tried it sooner. He encourages listeners to seek advice early on and most importantly, be open-minded. It is important to note that there are a lot of different options. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for hair loss. Everyone is on their own journey. Talking with someone who can help you find the right fit for you can be a game-changer, restoring your confidence and helping you live your life to the fullest.

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair loss can have a significant impact on mental health, but unfortunately, this is often not given the attention it deserves. To complicate matters, mental health issues such as stress can even be the trigger for conditions related to hair loss. In this episode of HairPod, we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month by discussing the connection between mental health and hair loss with guest Claire Fullam, a trichologist from Dublin. Claire shares her story of living with alopecia, her struggles with addiction, and her journey to recovery. We hope her story provides inspiration and insight for those experiencing the emotional impact of hair loss.

    Claire’s Story - Alopecia and the Birth of Claire Balding

    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause rapid hair loss. It can be triggered by stress and can vary in intensity. Claire was hit hard and fast, losing most of her hair in less than two months. She tried all avenues and specialists, seeking a solution and explanation. During this initial phase of her hair loss journey, Claire also launched her social media persona, “Claire Balding,” to share her story and empower others, while at the same time creating her own network of support.

    It's Not Just Hair - Hair Loss, Trauma and the Path to Addiction

    Claire's hair loss was not only a result of the stress she was experiencing but also a contributor to it! Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can be challenging to manage because of the vicious nature of the stress cycle. Struggling with the pressures of motherhood, life, and her newly discovered alopecia, Claire found herself slipping into substance abuse. She shares her story and transformation, highlighting the need for support and community.

    Prioritizing Mental Health While Seeking Hair Loss Solutions

    Claire brings to light the emotional impact hair loss can have on the individual experiencing it. The pain of hair loss is difficult to understand for those who haven’t been there, but is a very real problem. Our hair is tied to identity, health, and security. The trauma of hair loss is real, and sometimes this only becomes apparent in hindsight. It is important to seek emotional support along the way. Claire shares how hearing others' stories has helped her and inspired her to share her experience with alopecia and addiction.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • This week, I’m bringing back the amazing story of Heather Brooke, a beauty pageant winner, licensed counselor, and author of the children’s book, “Where Is My Hair? A Trichotillomania Story for Children”. Heather grew up with trichotillomania and now she treats patients who are dealing with this disorder. In this episode from the vault, Heather talks about how she came down with this condition, how it impacted her throughout her life, and how she supports others with their own journeys.

    Understanding Trichotillomania: A Lesser-Known Cause of Hair Loss

    Hair loss is a common issue that many people face, but not all hair loss is the same. Trichotillomania is a lesser-known disorder that causes individuals to compulsively pull out their own hair, often as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma or extreme stress. Unlike other forms of hair loss that may be due to medical conditions, hormonal changes, or genetics, trichotillomania is sometimes rooted in psychological distress. Heather, a beauty pageant competitor and therapist, shares her personal journey with trichotillomania stemming from childhood trauma.

    Finding a Solution: Heather's Journey to Recovery

    For those dealing with trichotillomania, finding an effective solution can be a long and complicated process. Heather describes her journey through different types of treatment and medication, none of which provided a complete solution for her. Her preferred approach covers her bald spots, which also helps keep her from pulling her hair out in those spots as well so they have the opportunity to heal. This option not only concealed the effects of her trichotillomania but also instilled a newfound sense of confidence in Heather. She shares that seeing a full head of hair again was a transformative experience for her.

    Coping with Hair Loss: A Message of Hope

    Heather's story is a beacon of hope for others dealing with hair loss, whether due to trichotillomania or other reasons. She emphasizes that no one is alone in this struggle and encourages people to seek out solutions that work for them. As Heather has shown, solutions like hers can significantly improve one's quality of life by restoring both hair and confidence. Her journey underscores the importance of seeking help and exploring all available options. For those feeling lost and overwhelmed, Heather’s message is clear: there is hope, and effective solutions are within reach.


    Book a Free Consultation today!

    Check out Heather’s book, “Where Is My Hair?” on Amazon

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • On this episode of HairPod, we dive into the compelling narrative of Lisette Davila’s experience with hair loss treatments and hormone replacement therapy. Hair loss can happen for a wealth of reasons, but in Lisette's case, the cause was a hormonal imbalance. It took years for her to pinpoint this, though looking back, there were many symptoms to suggest hormones were a culprit. Discover her challenges, the stigma she encountered, and the hope she found through her courageous pursuit of answers and solutions.

    Confronting the Stigma: Hair Loss Treatments For Women

    Lisette recounts the gradual onset of her hair loss, once boasting thick, spiral curls she was proud of. The subtle thinning eventually became an undeniable reality, which of course, prompted a cascade of self-consciousness and anxiety. She didn't know why she was losing her hair. Because of the stigma around female hair loss, she was left feeling isolated, confused, and frustrated. Lisette shares that she even received unsolicited comments from coworkers and friends that magnified her insecurities.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy and Female Hair Loss Solutions

    Lisette shares her experience with hormone replacement therapy. She had a hysterectomy in her early 30s, which coincided with the onset of her hair loss, but Lisette was initially unaware of the potential connection. Her doctor confirmed that hormonal imbalances could very well be contributing to her condition. Lisette noticed significant improvements in her overall well-being within just two weeks of beginning her therapy. It addressed various symptoms associated with hormonal changes, including fatigue, insomnia, and issues with the skin and nails. However, Lisette's hair loss persisted, prompting her to explore additional solutions such as HairClub's offerings. She shares her experience with HairClub and the Trichoview hair analysis system.

    Health, Hope, and Hair Restoration

    Lisette emerged from her journey with renewed confidence. She extends a message of resilience and empowerment to others facing similar struggles. She encourages listeners to seek out professional guidance, see a hair specialist to help identify a suitable hair loss solution and a doctor to rule out any underlying health concerns. Lisette highlights the importance of having a plan and a community. Whether it's hormone therapy, hair loss therapy, or some other balding solution, the right option is out there.

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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair loss can significantly affect all aspects of our lives, and the solutions for hair loss haven't always been as advanced as they are today. In this episode, Steve Barth, an early client and one of the founding fathers of HairClub shares his experience with hair loss, early hair loss technology, HairClub, and the people who supported him along the way.

    Hair Loss and Self-Confidence

    Steve’s story began years before his involvement with HairClub. He had known since he was young that he had a genetic predisposition for hair loss and would likely be bald later in life. However, at just twenty-two years old, he wasn't ready. Hair loss can rob those experiencing it of their time, their money, and their ability to grow and explore the world with confidence; there is simply no way to know the impact hair loss might have on your life, especially as a young person just discovering who you are and who you want to be.

    Hair Loss Solutions and Balding Treatments in the ’70s

    Hairpieces, wigs, implants, and other hair loss therapies were quite different in the seventies. The technology was still in its early stages, and as you would expect, the options were limited. Steve shares his experiences with Jason Paul’s scientific approach to hair restoration, his introduction to Sy Sperling, and his path to HairClub.

    HairClub’s Approach to Hair Restoration

    Steve has been an integral part of HairClub from the start, and he shares with us what set the product apart then and now. Finding a hair loss solution that works for you can be challenging but not impossible. Steve acknowledges that everyone's hair loss is different, and naturally, so are their needs. He has worked with HairClub on developing various methods and solutions for people at all stages of hair loss.


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Experiencing hair loss at a young age, or any age, can be challenging; there are a lot of options out there, and finding the right solution often requires time and guidance. In this episode of HairClub, our host, Kevin Rolston, shares his experience with hair loss solutions.

    The Shock of Balding and the Hunt for the Best Hair Regrowth Treatment

    Like many of us, Kevin's hair loss was not just a physical change but also an emotional journey. It was a part of his family history, and he had always dreaded the day his hair would start to thin. So when he began balding at 26, it was not a shock, but it was still a challenge. Kevin took immediate action, trying over-the-counter topical solutions without much luck. In the early years of his hair loss, Kevin received some guidance and began taking Finasteride. The medication successfully slowed his hair loss for a time. As the years passed, Kevin noticed increased hair loss and began seeking new methods. It is important to keep in mind, that just because something works for a time, this does not mean it will work forever. The good news is there are many different options for all stages of hair loss.

    Searching for Hair Loss Solutions - Laser Caps and Hair Transplants

    Determined to have a full head of hair, Kevin tried laser hair therapy. He found it to be convenient and accessible. However, Kevin’s hair loss became more significant as he aged; he wanted a permanent solution. At this point, he decided to undergo a hair transplant procedure. He shares what this experience was like and some of the key things to look into when considering a transplant. Kevin was very satisfied with the results of his procedure for many years, but his journey wasn't over yet. His hair was still thinning, and Kevin decided to try another hair solution instead of continuing to pursue transplants.

    Not Sure Where To Go - Find A Hair Specialist!

    Kevin eventually found a solution that worked for him-a hair system that gave him a full head of natural hair. He was ecstatic; he felt young and confident again. Kevin recommends seeking the guidance of a hair specialist so that you can discover the solution that will work for your hair, your lifestyle, and your budget. It’s important to know all of your options. We hope Kevin’s experience will shed some light on your own - keep your chin up; the right solution is out there, and there are many different options to explore!


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    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • Hair loss can have a significant impact on mental health, but unfortunately, this is often not given the attention it deserves. To complicate matters, mental health issues such as stress can even be the trigger for conditions related to hair loss. In this episode of HairPod, we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month by discussing the connection between mental health and hair loss with guest Claire Fullam, a trichologist from Dublin. Claire shares her story of living with alopecia, her struggles with addiction, and her journey to recovery. We hope her story provides inspiration and insight for those experiencing the emotional impact of hair loss.

    Claire’s Story - Alopecia and the Birth of Claire Balding

    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause rapid hair loss. It can be triggered by stress and can vary in intensity. Claire was hit hard and fast, losing most of her hair in less than two months. She tried all avenues and specialists, seeking a solution and explanation. During this initial phase of her hair loss journey, Claire also launched her social media persona, “Claire Balding,” to share her story and empower others, while at the same time creating her own network of support.

    It's Not Just Hair - Hair Loss, Trauma and the Path to Addiction

    Claire's hair loss was not only a result of the stress she was experiencing but also a contributor to it! Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can be challenging to manage because of the vicious nature of the stress cycle. Struggling with the pressures of motherhood, life, and her newly discovered alopecia, Claire found herself slipping into substance abuse. She shares her story and transformation, highlighting the need for support and community.

    Prioritizing Mental Health While Seeking Hair Loss Solutions

    Claire brings to light the emotional impact hair loss can have on the individual experiencing it. The pain of hair loss is difficult to understand for those who haven’t been there, but is a very real problem. Our hair is tied to identity, health, and security. The trauma of hair loss is real, and sometimes this only becomes apparent in hindsight. It is important to seek emotional support along the way. Claire shares how hearing others' stories has helped her and inspired her to share her experience with alopecia and addiction.


    Follow Claire on Instagram

    Book a Free Consultation today!

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

  • For this episode, we’re bringing back one from the vault. Kevin Rolston and Joey discuss Joey's journey with alopecia, an auto-immune disorder that results in hair loss—Discover Joey's initial reaction to alopecia and how he found his ideal hair solution.

    Alopecia: It’s Not a Botched Haircut!

    After a regular trip to the barber, Joey’s wife noticed some patchiness in the hair on the back of his head. Over time, the lack of new hair growth in these areas became evident. A consultation with his dermatologist confirmed alopecia. Defined as an auto-immune disorder, the root cause of alopecia remains a mystery, though stress and genetics are speculated to be potential triggers.

    Testing the Hair System, NASCAR-Style

    Being a two-time NASCAR champion, a husband, and a father, Joey Logano leads a fast-paced life. He needed a hair solution as dynamic as him—and he found the perfect fit. Temperatures inside a stock car can be up to 30 degrees hotter than the outside air. Joey was pleasantly surprised when his hair system withstood the internal car heat AND his racing helmet. It didn’t budge!

    Nervous About Trying a Hair System?

    For those folks considering making that step to seek out a solution, Joey's advice is straightforward: Dive in. If you’re worried about the judgment of others, remember that the people who care about you will support you in improving your self-image and life!


    Book a free consultation!

    Follow Joey on Instagram @joeylogano

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music comes from SoundStripe.

  • Hair loss affects us all differently, but for many, it can be an isolating experience. In this special episode of HairPod, we look at how moms have been impacted by hair loss, whether they are experiencing it personally or seeing how it affects their kids. From our team here at HairPod, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of the moms out there!

    Trichotillomania - Getting Your Child the Help They Need

    Trichotillomania can go undiagnosed in children for years, just like it did in our first guest’s story. Heather Brooke is a behavioral therapist, beauty pageant winner, and model, and she shared how her grandmother and mother noticed her hair loss despite her attempts to keep it a secret. Her mother took quick action to help her get the care and treatment she needed, which led to her regrowing her hair before her school photos in her senior year of high school.

    Amniotic Band Syndrome - It’s Okay to Be Different

    When Abby shared her story about her hair journey, she told us about her amniotic band syndrome, which caused scarring on her scalp. Due to the scarring, Abby has been on her hair journey since she was a newborn. Thanks to the quick action taken by her mom, Abby never had to go to school without hair. Abby told us how challenging the experience was for her and how hard it also hit her mother. She came on the show to help parents see that even if their child experiences hair loss, they can still grow up happy and healthy.

    Motherhood and Postpartum Hair Loss

    Jessica-Marie Laurent is a mother and a hair replacement expert. She knew she could experience postpartum hair loss after she had her baby, but the emotions of it still hit hard. After a period of denial, she sought solutions to help get her on the path to regrowth. Many women don’t know that there are things they can do to mitigate and reverse postpartum hair loss. We hope Jessica’s story can help inspire them to seek the help they need!


    Episode 002 with Heather Brooke

    Episode 004 with Jessica-Marie Laurent

    Episode 006 with Abby Jensen

    Book a Free Consultation today!

    Where Is My Hair? - a children’s book about trichotillomania by Heather Brooke

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.