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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Bianca Kotzen from South Africa. Bianca and I met a few weeks ago in Bali and have started talking about her incredible decision to build a life over there. She has now been living there for around 3 months and is still trying to figure out how her life is going to look like.

    In this episode, Bianca candidly shares her reasons for leaving South Africa and her pursuit of self-development and personal growth. She reveals how the constant underlying fear and alertness she experienced while living in South Africa became strikingly apparent once she left and then returned, facing the lingering anxiety that persists in the subconscious.

    Bianca delves into the realm of spirituality, exploring what we describe as the "Bali lifestyle." This includes practices like yoga, meditation, sound healing, chakra activation, women’s circles, and energy work. For those open to experiencing mindfulness and spirituality, often referred to as "WooWoo," there’s a wealth of opportunities to explore.

    She also discusses her journey as a copywriter working remotely, acknowledging that she hasn’t figured everything out yet. Her immense optimism and willingness to let her story unfold are truly inspiring.

    Tune in to experience a touch of Bali’s magic, along with a glimpse of the realities that tourists might overlook.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Simone Kronsteiner from Austria. Moni is currently traveling the world and found the time to share some of her amazing adventures with us. She already spent a year abroad after her bachelors degree but could never really stop thinking about going out into the world again to explore more.

    In this episode, we dive into her incredible experiences, starting with her time in India, where she completed a yoga teacher training course. Moni shares how the focus on herself, healthy living, and deep practices made a lasting impact on her. We also talk about what it was like for her to travel solo in India as a woman and the challenges and triumphs she faced along the way.

    From there, Moni takes us on a tour of her adventures through Nepal, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand, and more. One of the most profound parts of her journey was her time on a mindful farm in Vietnam, where she lived simply alongside a former monk. Here, Moni discovered powerful life lessons through conversations about Buddhism and learned to embrace peace and mindfulness. Her time there changed her life forever, leaving her feeling more at peace and connected to the world. Join us as we explore Moni's story of travel, self-discovery, and the wisdom she's gained along the way.

    You can see some of her amazing photos on her Instagram page:

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Angelo Minelli from Italy. Angelo moved to New Zealand to explore new opportunities with his passion for wine. Angelo is a wine specialist and was able to take on new responsibilities and learn new skills on a global level.

    In this episode, we sit down with a seasoned Italian wine expert who has spent his life immersed in the world of wine. From growing up in Italy’s renowned vineyards to exploring new horizons in Australia and New Zealand, his journey is a fascinating blend of tradition, adventure, and continuous learning. Along the way, he’s picked up a variety of skills, all while staying true to his passion for wine. Now, as a university lecturer in culinary arts, he shares his global experiences and knowledge with the next generation. Join us as we delve into his global wine adventure and discover the unique stories behind his journey from the vineyard to the classroom.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Reneel Singh from New Zealand who has very strong connections to his Fiji-Indian roots. That's why he decided to create an amazing, high quality song for and with his Fiji-Indian community and for the world!!! The song Jungli is out now for everyone to enjoy.

    In this episode, we dive into Reneel's childhood as a Fiji-Indian growing up in a less diverse area and the identity crisis that came with it. He started his career in law but soon realized his true passion lay in filmmaking and the entertainment industry.

    We had a heartfelt conversation about creativity and what it means to us.

    The highlight of this episode is Reneel's latest creation, Jungli, a song that inspires us to let loose, be wild and free, and just have a great time. Reneel dreams of this song being heard all around the world, and one day, becoming the entrance song for an Indian wedding!

    Can we manage to support him with his dream??? :)

    Please go and check it out and leave a comment below!

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Shalini Guleria from India. Shalini was born in India and moved to New Zealand with her family when she was 8 years old. She is very passionate about chemical and biological engineering and has done her PhD in cancer research in Melbourne, Australia. Her goal is it to ignite the interest of science in children and is doing so with her passion project "science box".

    In this episode, we dive into the story of Shalini and her family, who left their lavish lifestyle in India in pursuit of a better work-life balance in New Zealand. Struggling with homesickness, they decided to return to India, only to find the same challenges they initially fled. Determined to find a better future, they moved back to New Zealand, this time for good.

    Living abroad can be difficult and tough to navigate, but as Shalini's story illustrates, it's possible to change your mind and start over again.

    Shalini also shares her journey of pursuing a PhD and her passion for cancer research, which led her to leave New Zealand temporarily. On her Instagram channel, she inspires people worldwide with engaging science content, including tips, tricks, dos and don'ts, and useful tools and experiments.

    Her mission is to inspire the younger generation to learn more about science. Her message is clear: "No one is not smart enough for science!" and "Every kid deserves the opportunity to learn science." It’s not about making everyone a scientist, but about encouraging curiosity, teamwork, troubleshooting, and problem-solving—skills that are all very important in all aspects of our life. The result of her mission: Science box, a workshop like project to teach kids science!!!

    I hope you will enjoy this very inspiring episode.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Jing Zhang from China. Jing had some experience in traveling around before she made the big move to New Zealand with her partner Adam in 2015.
    She is now packing her life together again to make the next big move to Australia.

    This episode dives into a very personal, emotional, and vulnerable story from Jing's childhood, highlighting the impact of China's "One-child-policy" and the cultural preference for sons. Jing spent her early years trying to imitate being a boy to gain attention and love from her father, who eventually left the family under pressure from his own parents to have a son.

    Fortunately, Jing had a supportive and wise mother who raised her to become the fair, compassionate, and strong woman she is today. With a keen eye on the future, her mother always encouraged her to pursue a profession that could not be easily replaced by technology and AI.

    As a result, Jing studied Chinese medicine and became an expert in acupuncture. She has worked in this field for many years, experiencing firsthand the differences between practicing acupuncture in China and New Zealand. Jing holds a clear perspective on whether Chinese and Western medicines oppose or complement each other.

    Discover more about acupuncture and its benefits, including the remarkable results Jing has achieved where other methods have failed.

    To wrap up the episode, Jing shares some humorous anecdotes from her journey of learning English, overcoming challenges, and navigating misunderstandings that have deepened her understanding of Kiwi culture.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Rory Mitchell from New Zealand. In late 2021 Rory decided to pack his bag and move to Germany during the covid-19 pandemic. He is now living there happily ever after.

    In this episode, Rory provides valuable insights into his life as an expat in Germany.

    His dream of living abroad began when he went to Latvia as an exchange student in his teens. After establishing his career and financial stability, he finally took the leap of faith to move to Germany. Why did he feel ready to relocate in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? Rory shares several key reasons, with a significant driving force being a relationship.

    Rory was fortunate enough to afford buying a house in Germany, having sold his house in New Zealand before his move. He compares the home-buying processes in both countries, revealing astonishing differences, particularly the notorious German bureaucracy.

    He explains the visa that allowed him to work in Germany and how he obtained it, offering advice for anyone considering a move to Germany.

    Rory also discusses his journey of learning a new language, highlighting both his struggles and achievements. His major tip for language learners: Be persistent!

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Grace Chua from Singapore. Grace spent her early childhood in Singapore before moving to New Zealand with her parents when she was 9 years old. She then went back and forth from New Zealand to Singapore and vise versa. Grace spent an equal amount of time in both countries and is able to call both her home.
    Hi everyone,

    In this episode, Grace takes us back to her childhood days in Singapore and shares her experiences growing up in such a unique and diverse country. She delves into the cultural differences she encountered after moving to New Zealand, providing insightful reflections on her experiences.

    Grace's lifestyle of moving between two countries has shaped her to be adaptable, open-minded, and curious. During her frequent travels, she uses her home in Singapore as a base while exploring the world and bringing back new ideas and experiences that can benefit her current job.

    Curious about how she manages to travel so much and work simultaneously? Grace will share her secrets on making it work. It's definitely a skill worth learning!

    But remember, every story has two sides. We also discuss the challenges she's faced along the way, ensuring a well-rounded and honest conversation.

    If you've ever been curious about Singapore, this is your chance to learn more about this fascinating country.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    I'd like to share a brief reflection on the theme of community and belonging.

    Did you know that the absence of a sense of belonging can evoke feelings similar to physical pain? Conversely, experiencing a sense of belonging can foster happiness and a feeling of security.

    Growing up in a tight-knit community, leaving my home sparked a journey to fit in and find a sense of belonging elsewhere.

    Community plays a pivotal role in our lives. Despite the value we place on diversity, there's an inherent ease in connecting with individuals who share similar cultural and social backgrounds, as well as comparable life experiences.

    In this monologue, I aim to articulate my personal journey and observations regarding the immigrant experience, shedding light on the profound significance of community and the pursuit of belonging.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Maike Baessler from Germany. After finishing high school in 2009, Maike decided to take a gap year abroad before starting University. She went to Long Island, close to New York City, as an au pair through the agency "Cultural Care Au Pair" where she learned a lot about new cultures, childcare and she was able to improve her English.

    Important to notice: This has been 15 years ago and she has not been using much of her English skills since. ;)

    This episode features an interview with Maike, who embarked on a gap year journey as an au pair in Long Island, New York, fifteen years ago. Maike provides insight into the process of finding a host family in the US, highlighting the support she received from the agency throughout her experience. She explains the role of an au pair and delves into her daily responsibilities, offering a glimpse into her routine and activities during her time in the US.

    Maike candidly shares her initial challenges, including feelings of loneliness and cultural shock as she transitioned from Germany to an American Jewish household. She explores cultural differences and provides a deeper understanding of the Jewish culture she immersed herself in. Despite the initial hurdles, Maike reflects on how she gradually built strong bonds with her four host children, ultimately becoming an integral part of the family.

    Additionally, Maike opens up about maintaining a long-distance relationship during her time as an au pair and shares how she felt better by making friends during that year. As the episode ends, Maike offers valuable advice for aspiring au pairs, drawing from her own transformative experience.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi Everyone,

    Please welcome with me Smit Banker from India. Smit was born and raised in India and decided to move abroad to continue his studies. He came to New Zealand in 2018 and stayed here ever since.

    In this episode we will talk about a very sensitive topic: Arranged marriage!

    There are still a lot of forced arranged marriages out there and I do not support this!
    We are only talking about Smits point of view, his experience and his thoughts about it!

    According to 55% of marriages worldwide are arranged. 90% of marriages are arranged in India.

    Smit will talk about his way of growing up in India and what personal characteristics he thinks have played a role in the fact that he agreed to have an arranged marriages.

    The younger generation is wanting more and more "love marriages" (as they call it) but I have met a few who found comfort in the idea of having an arranged marriage. So, Smit is answering some of my questions around this topic and explains his situation as a freshly engaged man.

    He is also talking about his expectations of living abroad and what differences and similarities he has discovered.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Adrienne Jansen from New Zealand. Adrienne is a creative writing teacher, tutor, editor and writer of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. She also has been a writer for the famous Te Papa museum in Wellington for over 10 years. A big part of her work was teaching English to non-native English speaker and she worked closely with immigrants throughout her life.

    Find out more about her work:

    In this special episode, we delve deeper into Adrienne's fascinating journey and explore the compelling reasons driving her close collaboration with immigrants. Despite her modesty, Adrienne leads an inspiring life, and she kindly shares glimpses of her experiences and stories with us.

    Our conversation spans across some of Adrienne's notable literary works, including "I Have in My Arms Both Ways," "Borany's Story," "Migrant Journeys: New Zealand Taxi Drivers Tell Their Stories," "More of Us," and many others.

    As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and people travel across borders more frequently, fostering an open dialogue about immigrants is essential. Adrienne shows this ethos, maintaining an open heart and mind to extend a warm embrace to immigrants and facilitate their sense of belonging.

    At the core of their mission, Adrienne and her colleagues at 'Landing Press NZ' strive to amplify the voices of immigrants. This episode serves as a captivating discussion on the aspirations for immigrants' futures and the collective ambition for countries to remain inclusive and hospitable.

    Join us for an enlightening conversation on the profound impact of Adrienne's work and the shared vision for a more welcoming and inclusive society.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Daniel Gerardo Ytterdahl (Denial RC) from Norway. Daniel grew up in Norway as a son of a Filipina mother and a Norwegian father. He spent most of his childhood and teenage years in Norway before he made the move to the Philippines in 2012. Still living in the Philippines, he is now making a name for himself as Denial RC, a talented solo artist and rapper who loves rapping in different languages. He is also a member of several rap collectives like Agaron, Mo Thugs Philippines and Region 808.

    Please check him out!!! He is goooooood! :)

    This episode is a special treat for all the hip hop and rap lovers out there but of course everyone who is interested in music, travel, expat stories and things will hopefully enjoy it!

    Denial RC will tell us a little bit about his upbringing and early life in Norway and how his mom came all the way from the Philippines to settle down there.
    What it meant to grow up biracial;
    His experiences with racism;
    How his path lead to music and ultimately to rapping (Yea);
    Why he decided to move to the Philippines;
    How many different languages he is able to speak or rap;
    And he will dive into some differences between Norway and the Philippines he noticed.

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Richard Woolford from the UK. Rich started his journey in 2015 where he travelled to most Asian countries before he visited New Zealand and Australia. He went back home for a visit (and a longer stay during covid) and continued his full-time travels until the end of 2023. And where he went after leaving New Zealand he will tell us in this episode. :)

    You can also follow him and his video blog on YouTube where he is sharing breathtaking footage of amazing places. Great scenery and absolutely stunning views.

    In this episode Rich is telling us how he ended up in Asia and what made him change his mind and keep traveling for the past 8 years.
    He will give us some good advise on how to save money while traveling, what type of jobs there are, qualifications you need or don't need and more.

    The long list of countries he has visited is impressive and he will give us an insight on his 3 most valuable moments he could think of which gave him the "pinch me, am I dreaming?" moment!

    How does emotional support look like through full-time travel? And was it needed?...
    First encounter with anxiety and how he dealt with it...
    The complicated topic of while traveling...

    Enjoy! :)

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Doreen Ignacio-Abrigo from the Philippines. Doreen moved to New Zealand as a teenager after her dad spent three years in this country due to work. The whole family moved over and joined him in 2009. Now, Doreen has settled down and has started her own little family with having her little boy Joseph. She also started a little business where she sells her baking and some other treats through her page called "Magic shop" and has her own photography page called "Fiat Grace Photography". You can find them in the link below.

    In this episode we are talking about how it feels when one parent is living in a different country due to work and what impact is has.
    How it was for her to leave family members and friends behind.
    How difficult it was to find new friends in the new country.
    How community helped her to feel more like home.
    How motherhood changed her perception and priorities.
    How having the "Magic shop" and "Fiat Grace Photography" keeps her sane and secure.
    And she is giving us an insight of her hardest moments.

    Stay till the end to hear what her best advice is!!! :)

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    I thought it would be great to start this year with a proper introduction of myself by sharing my journey of moving overseas and living abroad.
    My awesome friend James helped me to make this episode special with his skill of being a photographer and vlogger. Please check him out!!!

    In this episode he is asking me all the questions my guests usually have to face. He is wanting to know all about my experience of different cultures, community, special moments, special places and more.
    We will discuss differences and similarities of my home country Germany and New Zealand.
    I will tell us all about my biggest hikes and what really pushed my boundaries.

    I hope you are excited to hear the first episode of 2024 :)

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

    I was interested in New Years traditions of other people, cultures and countries. So I asked some of YOU to tell me a little bit more about how you celebrate the new year.

    I sneaked in my own traditions as well but I haven't really been celebrating it in this way since I am in New Zealand.

    Please enjoy a little collection of New Years traditions! :)

    A big thank you to everyone who is listening to this show and who has been participating as a guest.

    I appreciate you all and hope to hear from you in the next year of 2024!!!

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Hanna :)

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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Coral Remiro from Spain. Coral has left Spain to live in London for 8 years where she also met her partner. As she wanted a career change from interior design to a more environmental job, like growing vegetables, they thought Australia and New Zealand would be good places to start this journey. They spent 1 year in Australia before they entered New Zealand in August 2019.

    In this episode Coral is talking about her decision of leaving Spain and "moving to London like half of Europe" as she says.
    What better place to try and become an interior designer than London, right?
    Well, she will dive into this experience with us and will share what made her consider a career change.

    Now, she is a manager of an organic farm and is super passionate about it. She told me all about the soil health and how microbiology is key.
    I am very interested in nutrition and how it is impacting our health, so it was super interesting for me to learn more about their way of farming and the impact it has on the vegetables they grow.
    What are they doing different to other farms?
    What is their concept?
    And are they offering courses and visits?

    Find all about the farm on Instagram:

    or on their website:

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate every single one of you!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Chandini Kumar from Kerala which is in South India. Cha came to New Zealand in March 2020, just 2.5 weeks before the major lockdown due to the outbreak of Covid19. Cha did her studies in aqua culture at the NMIT (Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology) in Nelson, on the South Island of New Zealand and is now living up on the North Island of the country.

    In this episode Cha is talking about her memories of going into a countrywide lockdown only a few weeks after she arrived in New Zealand. She is sharing her experience of studying during a pandemic and doing most of her courses online.

    What challenges appeared with this new type of learning?
    What did she miss out on?
    Did it have any positive impacts on her overseas experience?

    She will also dive into her journey of finding the right job and navigating the new life abroad.

    It definitely has changed her in more than only one way :)

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here again!


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    Hi everyone,

    Please welcome with me Richard Brown from South Africa. Richard was born and raised in South Africa by British parents before they moved to New Zealand in 1998. He studied law and has a great knowledge about legal topics like immigration, property and estate. Today, we might get an insight of the life of an immigration lawyer of New Zealand.

    Richi is talking about his journey of becoming a lawyer in a country he wasn't born in and how he ended up helping other immigrants by specializing in immigration law.
    He describes the feeling of being able to help other immigrants as fulfilling and an elation once the visa application has been approved.

    Richi is mentioning how important a work visa is today and what to look out for as an immigrant looking for a work place which can support your visa application. One of the most important aspects is to look for an accredited employer who is allowed to employ immigrants.
    How to find out which companies are accredited and how to become an accredited employer?
    What is the most important part in your work visa application?
    What is the best way of immigrating to New Zealand?
    Richard is going to answer all those questions and more, is giving examples of specific situations AND is going to answer the questions YOU always wanted to ask an immigration lawyer of New Zealand.

    He is mentioning his creative side which you can find at his you tube channel Strictly Fantasy:

    Feel free to connect with me on Instagram:

    or email me under:
    [email protected]

    You can find this podcast also under its own website:
    or on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podcast Index, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, Deezer and PlayerFM

    Thank you so much for being here again!
