In this episode Colleen and Lisa interview Archie, a person in long term recovery from alcohol and substance abuse. Archie shares the difficulties and sadness of growing up in an alcoholic home, following the path of his father into alcoholism, his years of addictive chaos, and how God plucked him out of all of it and brought him to a life of light and purpose. His story beautifully contrasts the destructive depths of the disease of addiction, with the exquisite joy of recovery through Jesus Christ. Archie's story can inspire your heart with amazement at the power of Christ's Atonement, and an increase in your own personal devotion.
In this episode Lisa and Colleen interview Seth and Nicole, a couple in relationship recovery. They briefly share their own recovery process, and then move to a discussion about the recovery of their marriage through attending a Recovering Couples Anonymous meeting and working the 12 steps for their coupleship. Their story illustrates the healing and miracles that are possible not only for us as individuals, but also for our relationships through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode Lisa and Colleen interview Wendy Hales, a person in recovery from alcoholism. Wendy recounts an incredible story of how she was lifted from a life of hopelessness and shame to a knowledge of God's love for her and a relationship with Jesus Christ that she thought could not be possible for her. Her journey has brought her to seek first and foremost to be of maximum usage to God. Wendy's words will touch your heart and inspire you to continue on in your own journey with greater hope and faith in Christ and His power to heal and redeem us all.
In this episode we get the opportunity to hear from Ali. Ali is the wife of Chaz who was our guest in episode 70. Ali joins us to tell her own story of healing and hope as the wife of a pornography addict. She shares her journey of working the twelve steps for herself and her marriage and the joy and happiness her and Chaz have found both individually and together.
In this episode we get the opportunity to hear from Chaz, a person in recovery from lust and pornography addiction. Chaz speaks about many different aspects of his journey including the power that came into his life as he overcame fear and began to share his story. His path of recovery testifies of a loving Savior who has truly become a personal friend.
If you would like to share your story on this podcast please contact us at [email protected] -
In this episode Colleen and Lisa cover the final appendix materials of the book, including several pages grouped together as Twelve Step Information. These pages were added to the book in 1991 coinciding with the establishment of Heart t' Heart, an LDS Twelve Step addiction recovery organization. Colleen and Lisa give some background information about these materials and a brief summary of their purpose, bringing us to the end of the content of the book!! Can you believe it?!?!
Then Colleen and Lisa give this announcement concerning the future of the podcast.
We will continue to make episodes for the He Did Deliver Me From Bondage Podcast, consisting of interviews featuring .....YOU!!! We invite anyone who would like to share their story and journey of recovery and deliverance, no matter where you are at in that journey, to write us at [email protected]. We are excited for the opportunity to hear many more stories of deliverance and recovery through the power, mercy, and Atonement of Jesus Christ! -
In this episode Colleen and Lisa discuss another doctrinal essay found in the appendix titled Discussion On Opposition. This essay is referenced on page 133 in the chapter that focuses on Step 10. The essay itself is Colleen's personal capturing of the scriptures 2 Nephi 2: 11-13, and discusses the absolute truth that there is opposition in all things.
In this episode listeners get an opportunity to listen to a recording of Benjamin's Promises, a doctrinal essay written by Colleen and found in the appendix. Benjamin's Promises takes a close look at Mosiah chapter 4, and the principles and promises it contains.
In this episode Colleen and Lisa discuss the very last section of the chapter titled I Was Desirous That My Family Should Partake. They cover four "pointers" from Colleen on how to continue on this journey that you have begun by going through this book and working these steps. The four pointers are scripture study, prayer, ordinances, and personal revelation. Colleen shares a few words about what an epilogue to the book would be like today and then both Lisa and Colleen outline what the next few podcast episodes will contain as they make their way through the appendix to the end of the book.
In this episode Lisa and Colleen interview Jana. Jana has experienced many challenging things in her life including sexual abuse, struggles with weight, recurring depression, and the infidelity of her spouse. She shares her story of healing and recovery through many modalities that all point to Christ. Her incredible testimony of Christ and His power to love, change and heal us is inspiring. She is truly an ambassador of hope!
In this episode Lisa and Colleen Finish their discussion of Step 12 and the chapter I Was Desirous That My Family Should Partake. They share how the awakening that we have experienced brings us to know that Christ is central to everything and that He is the way. This journey and this work are Christ's. We are becoming a people who in the words of President Nelson, will Let God Prevail. He is the way to endure to the end. Colleen shares her powerful experience of writing these words and bringing the chapter and the writings of the steps to a conclusion, and her testimony that Christ is the conclusion!
In this episode Colleen and Lisa again continue their discussion of Step 12 and the chapter I was Desirous That My Family Should Partake. They progress through the sections of the chapter covering the desire that comes to all of us who have been truly awakened, to share this message with others. As we share this message of hope in Christ, we bless the lives of others, and simultaneously are also blessed to keep our own recovery.
In this episode Colleen and Lisa continue their discussion of Step 12 and the chapter I Was Desirous That My Family Should Partake. An awakening has happened as we have worked the steps and has brought us to the true principles found in step 12. Colleen and Lisa begin with a focus on repentance and share their insights that Steps 4-9 are all repentance steps, steps that have the power to take us from half measures to the true change of being born again in Christ.
In this episode Lisa and Colleen discuss the first part of the chapter I Was Desirous That My Family Should Partake. They share their personal insights and experiences relating to step twelve, with an emotional beginning, as they prepare to discuss this last step. They focus on the concepts of being born again and awakened to the reality that recovery is all about Christ and His strength and His power.
In this episode Lisa and Colleen share their personal capturing of the scriptures found on pages 158-160, in the section titled "Preparation for Discussion of Principle Twelve: I Was Desirous That My Family Should Partake." These scriptures prepare us for the concepts we will discuss and learn in Step Twelve: Having experienced a mighty change and having awakened unto God as a result of our sincere repentance demonstrated in taking these steps, we were willing to become instruments in carrying this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
In this episode Lisa and Colleen present their own thoughts and experiences on the practice of meditation. Lisa shares her journey of experiencing guided meditations and practices and how involving God and Christ in these experiences has led her to improve her conscious contact with them. She leads listeners through some brief, guided meditations and shares a simple pattern anyone can use to create a their own practice of meditation. Colleen adds her own experiences learning about meditation, sharing powerful quotes and ideas from some amazing spiritual authors. She emphasizes the inspiration and revelation that come from the meditative practice of capturing the words of the scriptures and prophets. This is bonus content you won't want to miss!
In this episode Colleen and Lisa interview Stacey. Stacey takes us on a journey through her story of living with multiple addictions in addition to bipolar disorder. After years of struggling she finally finds sobriety, but her story doesn't end there. She courageously follows the direction of the Holy Ghost to return to church, repent, and experience the healing power of the Savior's Atonement. Stacey's story will touch your heart and give you added courage to put your faith in the Lord and follow His plan for you.
In this episode Colleen and Lisa wrap up the discussion of the chapter Counsel With The Lord In All Thy Doings. They weave in their own insights about the principles found in the chapter along with current quotes from modern prophets and apostles and personal experiences. They testify of the importance of personal revelation and that each and every one of us can have our own individual relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and be led by them all our days.
In this episode Colleen and Lisa discuss the middle of the chapter Counsel With The Lord In All Thy Doings. They continue to share their insights and experiences about developing a truly personal relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, emphasizing the importance of receiving personal revelation for ourselves. Revelation that is heart deep, and personal is the way we can endure the challenges of mortality with faith and hope.
In this episode Colleen and Lisa discuss the first third of the chapter Counsel With The Lord In All Thy Doings. They share personal insights and experiences relating to step eleven, describing the importance of developing a personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ. Both hosts weave in personal experiences, words from AA, and messages from our most recent General Conference . A theme emerges that we are all toddlers in this journey of mortality and we have an absolute need for "continuous contact," with Christ to progress along this journey.
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