
  • Alma Lara was born in Mexico and moved to USA 25 years ago. She has three beautiful kids. In 2011 her personal and professional life was transformed after receiving their son’s diagnosis of Autism. Sharing her journey with other families gave her the opportunity to inspire others and be an example of strength and hope. Alma realized that she wanted to help families that were going through what she experienced with her son and decided to become a life coach. She received her certification in 2015. Her learning experience as a life coach gave her the tools to help others as she was able to transform her own struggles with Autism into incredible opportunities of growth; through this process she was able to understand how to enjoy life even in challenging times.


    In this episode, you will learn how Alma Lara grew and found blessings through her son’s diagnosis with Autism, her daughter’s challenging rehab from alcoholism, her divorce and now recently her other son’s revelation that he is trans. 



    Shame is a huge part of why people don’t share the difficult moments (7:15)I feel my mission is to share all of life’s moments so we can also see that these difficult moments are also blessings (7:28)People can see through my sharing that there is another way to view their own struggle, their life (8:02)When my son was first diagnosed, I was very scared. I was not who I am today. I was determined to heal him, but I realized he healed me (8:37)In the process, I realized that there’s nothing wrong with my boy, he has helped me to find my purpose in life (9:40) What happens if everything is taken away from you? You lose your job, your kid dies, someone gets sick…you lose that identity (10:58)If you get to find out who you really are, what this thing that will walk with your no matter where you go, it completely transforms you in a very positive way (11:30)I’m the one who needed this awareness, I’m the one who needed to transform myself (12:00)Autism is a hard diagnosis but it was a blessing for me and my family (12:17)I think parents who have kids with any special needs is just an opportunity for us as parents to look into ourselves, our faith (13:55)Meeting gay people I worked with changed my life and my relationship with religion and God. (15:51)The more I know about trans kids and their struggles, it breaks my heart as a mother (19:34)It breaks my heart to know that not all trans kids are supported by their parents. It broke my heart to know that is the main reason why they are suicidal or think their life is not worth it (20:06)If a parent can not look into your eyes and you can not feel accepted and loved, the chance of getting support inside is very small (20:26)I think parents need to think about the courage their children are having when they tell you who they are (23:00)



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  • Leanne was five months pregnant when a blackout made her faint and fall to her bathroom floor while her other two children were sleeping and her husband was away on a business trip. Despite being awake, Leanne couldn't move, so she started to bargain with God. She stayed on the floor for more than 5 hours until she managed to take herself to a hospital. But that was only the start of the nightmare. The doctors couldn't tell what her condition was, but they gave her 5 years to live.

    She had some sort of degenerative condition on her brain, making her forget how to light the stove or open a cracker bag. After some years, things weren't getting better. Until one day, two years before the doctor's deadline, Leanne simply decided she wasn't dying anymore and that she would use the number 5 to change everything.

    Leanne Kabat is the author of The 5 Seasons of Connection collection. Her books take us right into those crucial minute-by-minute interactions where we either draw closer together or push further apart. Her first book helps parents connect on a deeper level with their kids, her second book goes into the most profound adult relationship we have, guiding couples out of Winter and towards their deepest love and truest connection, and her third book helps entrepreneurs overcome fears of success and failure to build a business on their brilliance. Leanne developed the 5 Seasons framework as a result of a medical diagnosis in 2006 that gave her five years to live, challenging her to truly live a life she loved. Fifteen years later, she’s happily raising three teens and excited to visit her 50th country when it's safe to do so.

    In this episode, we talked about Leanne's inspiring life story and how she managed to always choose to be in a better place. We also talked about the period of her life when she thought life was sliding through her fingers and how she came up with her 5 seasons life approach. Leanne spoke about the importance of planting seeds of kindness and love and about taking care of our emotional gardens to have them ready to grow the right seeds.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    How do we decide? How do we believe when we don't believe? (20:10)So when people are in winter, and they can't believe what they want is possible. How do you guide them through the "I want it, but I don't believe it"? (26:52)Are there any tips for how to pull the weeds of our gardens? 41:35)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    Laying on the floor for hours. The beginning of Leanne's nightmare (4:21)Throwing away the meds. The day Leanne decided she wasn't dying anymore (11:12)Leanne's 5 seasons. Winter, Fall, Summer, Spring, and Crossroads (14:15)Going for a hunt. Looking for slight evidence of positive change (31:08)The power of making intentional choices (39:57)


    5 Seasons Life websiteBook: Leanne Kabat - The 5 Seasons Connection to Your Business BrillianceBook: Leanne Kabat - The 5 Seasons Connection to Your Love PartnerBook: Leanne Kabat - The 5 Seasons Connection to Your Child: Lead Your Family from Chaos to Connection

    Connect with Leanne:

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  • Join me in this solo podcast for a deep dive into how you can have and experience more Joy in your life! As we grow through this uncertain time, I think it is essential to come deeper inside of ourselves and experience our true divine Nature so that we can feel firmly rooted in ourselves even when everything around us is shifting. 

    In this episode, you will learn: 

    Is it possible or even appropriate to have so much Joy when so many people are suffering? (3:09)My answer is again and again, YES! (3:25)Our Joy can be used to embolden those who are suffering to keep going (3:50)Even if we are going through a hard time, we can experience Joy that sends a bolt of light and energy that allows us to keep going (4:27)Joy can be learned as a skill and cultivated daily (4:50)How to develop Joy on a daily basis. How to reframe a situation (5:04)Can you feel the Joy knowing that the universe has your back? (6:28)Develop Joy by experiencing Gratitude on a daily basis (6:33) Kindness will grow your Joy (8:10)Generosity will grow your Joy (8:58)A smile willful you with Joy (9:50)Joy is our essential nature (11:11)Where is your attention? (12:22)What intention are you holding? (13:38)Joy is an inside job (14:46)Joy increases our immunity (17:11)Simple activities you do on a daily basis to increase your Joy (17:58)

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  • Lis Bensley and I had the opportunity to sit down and talk about her debut novel, THE GLIMPSE.  In THE GLIMPSE, Lis  paints an incredibly moving and emotionally engaging story of an artist who is struggling to find her way. A sophisticated, unsentimental and beautifully written story of art, empowerment and the bonds of maternal love. 

    THE GLIMPSE is also a beautifully nuanced study of the relationship between a mother and her teenage daughter. If the earlier narrative of failing to make it in New York is told in broad strokes then the second half of the novel turns on seemingly slight but emotionally intense moments. 


    Lis Bensley has written for The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, Elle Décor and The Santa Fean, among others. She's been an arts journalist for several years, and also a single mom of two boys. Both of which informed her novel.  

    The Glimpse has been awarded the Independent Press Distinguished Fiction, the Literal Lion Gold Award and the IPPY Silver award for best regional fiction. Lis currently lives in Santa Cruz with her sculptor husband.

    In this episode, you’ll learn: 

    During the abstract expressionist era of art (1943-mid 1950’s) it was the kiss of death to have a child for women artists and in many ways this continues today. 80 % of all collections in museums today are composed of work done by men. As a woman, there’s always a tug in my mind that you can go deeply into your fictional world but you can’t totally disappear because I’ve got to remember to come out and deal with my life and children (7:37)Writing fiction you bring a lot of emotionality to it, this was a new skill to learn because as a journalist you do not do this (10:53)Writing a novel is like driving home in the dark without headlights on, you can’t see very far ahead but if you keep going, you’ll get there (11:03)I’d sit down every day and say, Just write a scene, don’t worry about where it’s going (11:19)If we could apply that idea to life, just be in one scene at a time. We have the moment now and that’s what we have to count on, so make the most of it (11:55)

    Questions I asked: 

    Were there personal issues you felt compelled to work through in this body of work? (5:52)Have you ever painted yourself given how visceral and alive the painting is within your story? (9:09)Did you ever worry about how the mother character would be portrayed? (15:03)Did you evolve as a person as you worked through the book? (10:20)Did you feel an intersection between your own healing and your art as you worked through this book? (13:00)

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  • This week I talk about how I first began to connect with angel beings of the light as a young girl in my dream state. I share how you can easily connect with your Spirit guides and beings of the light. 

    Do you wish you had more guidance? I believe that we all have the ability to connect with Spirit and spiritual beings of the light. 


    What you will learn in this episode: 

    So much of this journey of connecting with our Spiritual guides and beings of the light is an undoing, an unlearning of what we’ve been taught (4:45)How can we begin to connect with our Spirit guides and spiritual beings of the light (4:58)What are some of the ways these beings of light may show themselves to you? (5:41)To show me that they are in agreement with what I’m talking about when I’m working with patients, they will show me little sparks of light (5:57)You may have a feeling that someone is passing by your arm or your back (6:12)You may suddenly have a feather appear on your doorstep or in front of you as you are walking (6:23)Angels may use someone else as a way to deliver an answer to you (6:58)You may receive a phone call out of the blue from someone you haven’t heard from in a very long time with information for you (7:19) You may experience them in your dream state (7:36)You may experience a clear, distinct voice in your head (8:28)Thank your guides for showing up in your life, allowing you to hear them and to know them (8:56)Write out the answers you receive, even if it’s not what you want to hear, overtime, you’ll be amazed at the guidance you have receivedA Sound Healing to go deeper in yourself, making it easier to connect with your guides and beings of the light (11:24)

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This solo episode is all about learning to TRUST ourselves, our life path when it absolutely feels like we are falling apart, like our lives are falling apart. And…I want you to know that you are not alone. You are in very good company. Right now, our culture, our planet and each one of us is going through a huge shift in consciousness, whether you are aware of it or not and it is affecting each one of us in varying ways. As old ways of being, old institutions and old constructs are being deconstructed, so are we. Sometimes, it feels like we are falling apart but be assured that we are also being offered many new ways of being and many new beginnings. 

    Let’s dive in! 

    In this episode, you will learn: 

    That you are far more on track than you may imagine. (1:56)I want you to consider, that you are being taken to your next edge of growth (2:20)You are being guided to a place where you have never been before (2:30)Being brought to your next level of growth, you are dying, your old way of being is dying (3:18) so that you can fully open to your new way of being in the worldI’m being asked to walk into the forest, without a map and fully TRUST (17:05)Perhaps we’re all being shown a new way of being (17:32)To Trust without seeing the end result, to trust without seeing the whole path (18:30) and take the small stepsIf you’re not getting all the downloads you might be used to, don’t worry that something is wrong (20:40)

    Some questions I asked: 

    What can you do if you’re in the middle of this transition of growth? (4:05)How can we Trust the Universe when we feel like we’re being dragged by the biggest undertow and we’re certain we’ll drown? (5:53)How can we TRUST when nothing feels quite right? (6:09)What makes me believe we live in a benevolent Universe? (6:35)What would bring you some Joy? (20:03)

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  • Elizabeth Marberry is a Dance Studio CEO, Podcaster and Former Professional Dancer who built her six figure dance studio business, Wedding Dance Coach, from a Craiglist ad and a brilliant idea. 

    Her podcast, Strut It with Elizabeth Marberry, is a place where creative CEO’s & entrepreneurs circle up and get real about how hard and deeply rewarding this whole forging your own path thing is.She helps business leaders to dance with the flames of uncertainty, self-doubt, and money scarcity as they build the business empire of their dreams… so that they no longer fear the fire, but welcome the heat. 


    Elizabeth’s passion lies in inspiring others to dance FULL-OUT in business and life! 

    In this episode, you will learn: 

    Elizabeth uses standing proud as a practice because she realized that so many women don’t give themselves enough credit and we don’t celebrate our wind and don’t take a pause and look at how far we’ve come (3:30)When you can own your power and you can celebrate and celebrate publicly, it gives other women permission to celebrate their accomplishments. Shout it out loud because we need more positive energy in the universe (3:46)How did you find your genius in social media? (4:47)With our businesses, we can over strategize to the point that we don’t even create content because we become paralyzed (5:20)There’s lots of ways you can use video for marketing. You can use short form video to communicate you–your energy, your vibration, your message (6:33)No excuses, Just do it. Just start putting it out there…have it be imperfect. I did a video, I hadn’t showered, had no bra on, my hair was in a braid and I almost didn’t post it. The post has like 250,000 views. (8:03)As humans, we are so deeply lonely, and we are longing to feel less alone. The way to connect the dots is to be truly authentic and imperfect. And I think the imperfection is actually quite magnetizing because people can see themselves in that (8:20)Befriend your inner critic. (9:08)When you inner critic rises up, you can use the Truth Rant: What is actually true? (11:23)You can dance or shake your fear and self-doubts out (12:24)Your business initiates you. Your business will bring up everything–the light and the dark. All your strengths and your weaknesses (19:27)By doing something new and tying your name ot it, you better believe you’re going to feel vulnerable (20:12)My nervous system is writing me a thank you letter (28:26)

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  • Jessica Riverson is an Intuitive Coach and Business Priestess who helps spiritual entrepreneurs heal their shadow self and step into their higher self. Through her programs, masterminds, retreats and high level private mentorship she has helped her clients build multi 6 and multi 7 figure businesses based on their spiritual genius. Jessica specializes in feminine energy, energy healing, hypnotherapy, past life regression and badass messaging and marketing that is so seductive, her soul mate clients keep coming back forever. Her passion is to show you exactly how to create this too!

    Jessica so generously shared her journey in which she went from operating solely out of the masculine principle to opening to the feminine principle and then learned to integrate the two important ways of being in approaching her business that she now teaches to other business owners. 

    In the episode you will learn: 

    Whatever I put into this I will get out of it (6:28)She has always invested heavily in herself, even when she didn’t have any money (7:35)She had a rough few years growing her coaching practice, but as a single mom she didn’t feel that she had the option to not be successful at it (10:37)Permission To Charge was her first brand (10:59) and she gave women entrepreneurs, especially heart-centered healers permission to charge. (11:32) If you don’t charge well it’s going to be really hard. We get a Divine download from God that says, “Start a business and then we never listen again.” (13:36)Often people have been very successful somewhere else, then they start a coaching business or healing practice and then all their emotional stuff comes up and that’s why I work with people (14:44)I approached my business feeling like I had to push out the world, I felt snappy with my kids, felt like I had to cut off emotionally so I could focus (16:05)Eventually, she found a woman’s circle and learned a different way, but then the fear arose, how am I am going to get my business done if this is feminine energy. (19:25)One of the things she teaches in her marketing is to allow yourself space so that you can get the divine downloads, being able to trust them and knowing what strategy to put around that (20:31)After she exhausted herself from being so mean to herself, she came to the conclusion that everything she does is spiritual, everything has spiritual backing, everything is soul aligned. I came back to why I wanted to start this business to begin with and started listening to God, Source and stopped blaming and shaming herself (21:12)An example of how Jessica is currently working with a client and her business in the new energetic/intuitive manner (26:15)How can we play on social media and use it as a fun tool rather than a have-to (30:18)You have a soul group you are here to serve and they are around you all the time, knowing this your nervous system can calm down (30:39)

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  • Join me for an inspiring and uplifting conversation with Tama Kieves. Tama, an honors graduate from Harvard Law School dared to leave her lucrative partnership track at a prestigious law firm to follow her dream of becoming a writer. We had the opportunity to discuss many of the amazing insights from her most recent book is Thriving through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear of the Unknown and Making Change Work for You.

    If you are ready to go where you have never been before, then you will want to dive into this juicy episode! 

    In this episode, you will learn:

    “It’s ok to feel as though you don’t know what’s going on. You don’t. You can’t supervise creativity, alchemy, reinvention, evolution, and the divine flower rearrangement of your life.” (4:48)How do we let go of control especially when we want to know what’s going on. (5:06)How do we TRUST? How do we TRUST CREATIVITY? (5:49)With UNCERTAINTY all your usual ways fail. We think, if only I work harder, if only I kill myself trying,  if I deny my feelings, if I just be what everybody else wants me to be, then it will all work out. (6:00)UNCERTAINTY pushes us to a place where we have to let go and we have to TRUST that there is something else going on. (6:32)We are born for these times, we have the resources within us to deal with it. There is something in each of us that came to rise in a way that we have never risen before. (6:52)One of the best practices is to know that there are always two different voices within us, the voice of FEAR and the voice of LOVE. The voice of FEAR can sound very practical like it’s the voice of good judgment. (9:34)We are here at this time to learn how to follow that instinctive voice that will take each one of us to places we could never have imagined. (16:19)What do you love? What lights you up? (21:41)


    Sign up for Tama’s FREE class Dare to Decide: Making the Most Important Decisions of your Life  at course in Miracles with Tama KievesPurchase all of Tama’s books for just $50 at  

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  • Meet Jennifer Eby A Business Owner, Leader, Superconnector, and Change-Maker. 

     I was an Overachiever. I was a Perfectionist. I was a self-proclaimed Workaholic.  I really never knew my own self worth. I believed I had to push harder to make a difference, to make more money. In the midst of those awesome qualities. I was losing myself. Overgiving. Overdoing. Losing balance in my life. Missing out on what was really important. With failed relationships, and a couple of challenging diagnosis, I knew something had to change. In 2020, my gifts started to show up for me. My intuition became even stronger. I became a Reiki Master and developed a solid meditation and self-love practice, as well as a literal tree-hugger.


    Have you ever felt like Jennifer: 

    "I just want him to show up. I want him to knock on my door. I just want him to be here. But I don't want to go onto the dating apps because I think dating online for me after 50 is a very different ballgame than when you're in your 30's or even 40." 4:14


    My 3 steps to bringing your true soulmate to you. A formula I have used myself and shared with countless women with amazing outcomes. 

    Step 1: Identify the theme around your issue of attracting men. For example, in my own history, I attracted unavailable men. 6:28

    Are you ready to show up for the relationship you desire? 7:07

           So, in this first step, often what you’ll find is whatever you say about the men you tend to date and the common theme you find is often an issue within you. Is that a part of you? 8:29

    We get into relationships to grow.  9:23

    In the next step, we begin to work with our fear and with our younger selves. We tend to attract aspects of our initial love bond, with say our mom and dad so that we can heal our initial love wound. So, for example if you had a parent who didn’t show up for you, there will be a tendency to attract people who don’t consistently show up for us. Also, we will need to learn how to show up for ourselves. 12:42

    Step 3: Write down all the qualities that you want in a man. Then get that list down to the top 5 qualities and then from there, choose the #1 quality that you absolutely need in a mate. And trust that by focusing on that #1 quality, you will attract a man who will be absolutely perfect for you in every way. It’s truly uncanny but I have witnessed this again and again. 16:01

    What would be your #1 quality? 18:49

    Envisioning Daily: Wake up everyday and before you open your eyes, imagine your perfect soulmate there with you, allow it to sink into your body. As you go about your day, imagine him calling you, sharing your day with you, then imagine him coming over for dinner and get into the details until it feels so real. 20:32

    Envision until you feel as though he is going to walk through the door! Have fun with it! 23:18


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  • Michael Andre Ford is an Angel Intuitive.  His unique ability to pull back the veil means people get to meet, hear & see Angels, Spirit guides and other well-known compassionate figures. As Michaels moves energy, you transition out of your thinking and into your heart where ALL is truly possible.

    Join me in this surprising conversation with Michael Andre Ford about Angels and how you can open yourself up to receiving the wisdom from the angelic realm. What I thought would be a more prescriptive conversation about how one opens up to hear their angels,  what Michael offered up was more of a philosophical approach to opening yourself up: “Slow down, smile, allow yourself to get out of your thinking brain and move into your heart.” 

    Michael’s greatest gift is not in being a channel for the angels to speak through him but rather in being a conduit for people to hear the angels speak themselves. He says that most people can easily and readily hear the angels he works with. 

    Some questions I asked:

    What was your first experience with seeing angels?  5:45

    What do people need to do most in order to open to angels? 7:07

    How do I know if I’ve gotten out of my brain and into my heart? 9:45

    In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

    Michael’s unusual first experience seeing angels: A pink roman candle exploded in his living room. He later learned that she was the angel called Joy and brings so much to others in her high peppy voice when she shows up for people. 5:44If people would just take a breath, or smile a little bit more, and think 5-10% less per week, that could even just be a walk, we could open more into our hearts. 7:14We are constantly challenged with change and that’s our opportunity for growth. 8:11All those things we think we can’t do, half the time we really could do. 9:15The heart doesn’t need the details, it just loves. 10:15Stop asking the questions that take you away from the heart. 20:50It’s the act of letting go and getting into your heart,  enjoying the moment and laugh. 22:07You can be happy right now for absolutely no reason whatsoever. 22:35



    Book: Listening to Angels:

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  • Throughout this episode,  I have been noticing a lot of my patients dealing with exhaustion and a general lack of motivation. It really got me pondering what is really going on. As I sat with this question it dawned on me that the past 2 years, we have had so many things to deal with and so many disappointments that I don’t think we have either acknowledged or even begin to process. In this investigation, I stumbled upon my own disappointment and as I acknowledged it and began to process it, my energy started shifting. So, I began exploring this with my patients and sure enough, they too began to feel better. This episode explores the gift of acknowledging our disappointments big and small so that we can begin to move on in our lives. 

    Listen as I ponder and answer my questions to these answers: 

    Are people dealing with a sense of chronic disappointment built up over the last 2 years? (2:08)Even though it can look discouraging right now in the world, I believe we are in a transition toward an even better place in the future (3:16)We have to begin to deal with a sense of disappointment at all that we gave up over the last 2 years so that it doesn’t keep running in our bodies and psyche, giving us the impression that nothing that we want will ever happen(3:37)Take a moment and just check-in and see if you have unacknowledged disappointment lurking below the surface (4:04)Notice what emotions rise to the surface when you feel your disappointment (4:54)Upon my own inquiry, I realized how disappointed I was in having my one-woman show canceled due to Covid from opening on theatre row in NYC (5:35)I created a story attached to my unfelt/unacknowledged disappointment as many of us often do (7:21)If we can begin to feel our feelings, we can move the energy and move from there (9:57)Anyone who has been super successful has had to deal with setbacks and disappoints but the difference is is that they don’t allow themselves to stay down for forever(11:06)How to create a new story (11:55)How we relate and respond to the situation is where we have power (12:49)A nightly ritual of Gratitude(17:32) 

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  • Anne Tucker is the creator of Business Energetics and the Authentic Expression test, transmitter of the Nine Angelic Frequencies Series, and a channel for angelic wisdom. Her work is designed to help you see and understand your creative purpose, and to express it through your work so that you not only feel fulfilled, seen, and appreciated, but you also unlock the success you're capable of. Anne is helping to redefine business for a spiritual age, where the work we do becomes a conscious pathway to our own spiritual development.



    In the episode, we talked about how someone awakens to become a channel. Anne had an unusual path into becoming a channel as she found herself looking out at the world through her friend’s eyes who was a thousand miles away on a plane. Anne explained how she had to learn how to hold the angelic energy that she was called to channel. We talked about how collectively, we are definitely going through a messy time but on the other side of this difficult time that it will be amazing, filled with so much light.


    Some questions I Ask:


    ·  Does everybody have the ability to connect with angels? (9:33)

    ·  What’s a simple way people can connect with their guidance? (11:33)

    ·  Is there a way for people to hold hope through this difficult period? (23:54)


    In this episode, You Will Learn:

    ·  That everyone has their own connection to their higher self (9:44)

    ·  Everyone has their own guardian angel (9:51)

    ·  The easiest thing to channel (13:32)

    ·  The collective purpose of this time (20:12)

    ·  A grounding exercise (21:43)


    Anne’s Angelic Channeling about this time (24:16)


    Connect with Anne Tucker:

    Facebook: Spirit Means Business

    UTube: Anne Tucker:


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  • You're ready for change.....Here’s the best way to bring the changes you desire. 

    There is no doubt that we are now living in one of the greatest moments in the world. Covid has heralded in enormous changes into our daily lives. As if that weren’t difficult enough, we are constantly being bombarded with far too much media that keeps us up on all the changes happening on the political, economic and cultural levels on almost a minute to minute basis. It seems there’s almost too much change to absorb and deal with. Before we can bring about the changes we are desiring, it’s important to deal with and release the feelings you may be sitting with inside yourself from the last two years. 

    In this episode, I explore how even changes we wish to bring into our lives, often come with complicated emotions. Change is the great disruptor that allows us to know ourselves in a brand new way. But we need to know how we can deal with the changes as we're going through them.

    On the other side of the uncomfortable feelings is a brand new version of ourselves. (4:23)What is the story you are telling yourself about the change in your life? (6:17)Imagine that which we are wanting as if it is happening already. (7:26)A simple next step in your imagining work if imagining what you are wanting is too big a step (7:59)An example of how I brought my husband into my life. (9:17)Start with the notion that the universe has your back. (10:21)Have gratitude for what you are desiring to bring into your life. (10:39)Release your fears to the universe. (10:52) Have you allowed yourself to feel your feelings about the last two years? (13:21) Whatever we are feeling in our bodies is how we’re vibrating (16:14)

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  • From its very beginning, the year 2020 presented itself as a challenging year for me. In January, I broke my leg skiing, which forced me to remain seated for 13 weeks. As someone who loves and needs to be in constant movement, those three months felt like an eternity. Then, my mother got very ill, and as the pandemic forced every major city into lockdown, the play I had been working on for the last three years got canceled. I was devastated, but that wasn't all; in June, my mother passed away.

    I remember feeling terrible, in total darkness. Even after grieving and getting used to a new reality without my mother and accepting her death, I fell into a creative blockage. I thought the worst had passed and that I was ready to start flourishing again, but I was wrong; there was still work to do.

    In this episode, I go deeper into the story of why and how I decided to start this podcast. This show was born from an artistic need, from a call of connection with my creative self, and I believe by sharing this side of my story, I can help others feel inspired. We go through the details of the journey that led to this particular moment in my creative path, what helped me regain my connection with the creative part of me, and how immensely grateful I'm for it.

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    Starting 2020 with the wrong foot (3:17)How lockdown took away more than three years of work (5:07)How I navigated my mother's death and how my body reacted to it (7:07)Getting dry as the desert in the third chapter. Where did my creativity go? (11:33)We don't necessarily grow in the light (16:13)Have patience. Your prayers are being answered (21:15)Personal growth is hard work; there are no shortcuts to it (23:12)


    Astrologer: Leslie Gifford 415-548-8848Psychic: Keith Sheldenport: Life Coach: Nancy Carlstrom: nancy@nancycarlstrom.comTo book a session with me: 206-938-8441 or

    If you are feeling stuck creatively:

    Book: Stephen King - On WritingBook: Steven Pressfield - The War of ArtBook: Lisa Cron - Wired for Story

    If you are feeling stuck in general or despairing:

    Book: Anne Lamott - StitchesBook: Byron Katie - Loving What IsBook: Pema Chodron - Getting Unstuck

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The fitness industry and, more specifically, the weight loss part of it, tends to be a soulless place, where it is more about bullying yourself into dieting and exercising. This approach is very effective for some people, and it works, but a significant portion of us feel completely disconnected from it. Luckily, there are ways of losing weight without forcing ourselves into strict diets and exhausting workouts, a compassionate and soulful approach - and our guest, Adam Walsh, will tell us all about it. 

    Adan Walsh is a fitness coach, educator, and specialist in helping busy entrepreneurs get fit and lose weight without draining their time and energy. After his brother passed, Adam knew that although hitting the gym wouldn't solve his problems, being healthy and feeling better about himself would definitely help him navigate that heavy loss. In his community, The Lean Professionals, Adam supports those struggling with weight loss by helping them understand the fundamentals of nutrition & training. He creates simple routines to help his coachees enjoy the journey and get long-lasting results. 

    In this episode, Adam shared his unique approach to fitness and weight loss. He shared his experiences while trying to get in shape and understanding that forcing himself to work out wasn't practical. He explained the importance of avoiding bullying ourselves into hitting the gym, how an informed approach to wellness, and how our own body and mind work grants better and long-lasting results. We also talk about the relationship between health and weight loss, weight loss and emotions, three practical ways to measure our progress in weight loss without complicated equipment, and much more. 

    Some Questions I Ask:

    You approach weight loss from a very soulful place. And I'm so curious, what got you here? How are you, so young, this soulful? (3:12)What advice do you have for people like me who want to see quick results and get very frustrated? (8:28)Do you think there are things that people can use in addition to counting calories and exercise in this weight loss journey? (16:11)When you work with people, do you do anything with the mindset and visioning? (21:37)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    About Adam's approach to fitness without judgment but understanding ourselves (2:36)It is possible to lose weight and stay healthy (8:35)What happens to our metabolism when we diet, and how that affects our progress in weight loss (13:30)Three simple methods to measure the improvement in our weight loss journey at home (18:40)


    The Lean Professionals Facebook Group

    Connect with Adam:


    Let's Connect!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • If we have to compare our feelings to a nature's element, they would definitely be a river's current. They are an unstoppable force, not a single person can control them, and any attempt to block them would be infructuous; they'll simply find a way to get through and continue their path. However, there is an appropriate way to deal with our feelings, and our guest, Maggie Clark, kindly agreed to take us through her journey of discovering how to deal with her feelings healthily and effectively.  

    Maggie Clark is a Tarotist, Author, Spiritual Teacher and Coach, and Host of the Psychic Evolution podcast. She has over 25 years of experience in Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, Remote Healing, Reiki, and other hands-on techniques. Maggie is also the Founder of Tarot Evolution, Craniosacral, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Spiritual Counselor at The Essentials of Life Wellness Center. 

    In this episode, our conversation spins around the importance of giving ourselves space to feel our feelings. Maggie kindly shared bits of her past, the realization of not being deeply connected with her feelings, and the journey that led her into becoming who she is today. We also go through a step-by-step process to help us be in closer contact with our feelings, and Maggie gifted us with an incredible Tarot reading. 

    Some Questions I Ask:

    I wanted to backtrack a little bit because I know you came to this through your own experience. How did you arrive at helping people to feel? (3:01)For people who are willing to jump in the river of feelings. What's the Promised Land, if you will, of feeling one's feelings? (12:17)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    The relationship between feelings and fear (4:13)The importance of stopping and allowing ourselves to feel (7:54)All forgiveness is self-forgiveness (15:52)Maggie's gift: a Tarot reading for what's going on, and how can we work with the energy produced by our feelings (23:48)


    Tarot Evolution websitePsychic Evolution podcast

    Connect with Maggie:


    Let's Connect!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I'm so excited about today's episode because I have something extraordinary to share. We talk a lot about healing in this show, and I want to demonstrate how it looks in practice. So today, to provide a helpful resource and take a closer look into the first steps of the healing journey, I brought a snippet of a healing session with one of my clients. 

    In this episode, we start with the basics: mastering the art of listening to our bodies. We explore why we forget to pay attention to what we want, need, or desire for our lives. We also talk about how what our parents expect from us distorts our perception of who we really are, what we want to achieve in life, our goals and desires. Finally, we perform a short yet effective breathing exercise to help us let go of the noise and learn how to listen to our heart and what it needs and wants.  

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    Healing and having fun go hand in hand (3:44)We can have "wants." Discovering the power of giving ourselves permission (7:27)What do I WANT IN THIS MOMENT (9:44)Once we learn to listen to our body, we are ready to listen to our heart (13:20)How to get used to understanding what our body needs (17:50)

    Let's Connect!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • There is no doubt that the world is in the worst place any of us can remember. The sensation of imminent collapse is getting stronger every day, to the point that many of us opted to just stop watching TV. That is how things are; those are the facts. However, we can choose to look at this brutal reality differently. This suffocating existence can also be seen as an opportunity to grow, let go of the pain that no longer serves us; it can be seen as an awakening to a whole new level of ourselves. 

    Today's episode is special; I've decided to make it a little bit more personal than usual, still as purposeful as always. We look at the challenging times we are going through not from a place of discouragement but from an optimistic perspective, figuring out the tools we can use to get the best out of this crisis. I share valuable resources to help us find our exact place first and then exploring our thoughts and feelings. We also talk about the importance of meditation, creativity, and at the end, I offer a short session of sound healing. 

    Hop on and join me on this adventure to save ourselves from this suffocating, squeezing reality. 

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    How things are in the world and what it provokes on us (4:17)What can we do if we feel we are about to explode (6:23)About the vital importance of acknowledging exactly where we are standing (11:01)Now that we know where we are, what can we do (13:26)Why we must know how to identify if our emotions are really ours (19:19)A moment to take a pause and receive a sound healing session (30:57)

    Let's Connect!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Although meditation became kind of a buzzword in the last years, and we have started hearing a lot about it since the beginning of the pandemic, the general opinion is that it is an extremely hard thing to do. For most of us at this point, training and taming our monkey mind, or lowering the volume of the chatter in our brain are easier said than done. James Brown, our guest for today's show, believes that right there lies the problem of finding meditation hard: for him, meditation is about being; it is not another item in a to-do list. 

    James Brown is a Meditation Teacher, founder of Vedic Path Meditation in San Francisco, and the FLOW Meditation online program developer. James walked away from his 25 years career in advertising as a Creative Director to embark on a two-year study program capped off with a four-month intensive in India, studying with Vedic masters. James is considered one of the world's leading experts on this Vedic approach to meditation. His calling is to teach simple, easy, and powerful meditation techniques to as many people as possible. 

    In this episode, we dive deep into the world of a more straightforward and compelling approach to meditation. James kindly answered some questions from the audience; he shared details of his journey into meditation and how it changed his life. We also talk about breathing as a diving board, why meditation is so hard for people, and how to make it easier. We reflect on why comparing our interior with someone else's exterior is pointless, and, in addition, James guided me through a short practice session of Vedic Meditation that made tears come down flooding my face. 

    Join James and me on this trip towards these simple yet potent meditation techniques. 

    Some Questions I Ask:

    When you walked away from your career as Creative Director, people must have looked at you like, you're doing what? (12:10)How is your meditation technique different than the rigid meditation that people have in their minds? (13:29)Do you think that one reason people resist meditation is that maybe they don't want to feel what's underneath? (33:48)

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    James brilliantly reflects on the world as it is right now and the return to normality (5:11)From feeling like a fraud to becoming a Meditation Teacher (8:40)How can using breathing as a diving board be a game-changer in our meditation experience (15:36)Distractions are welcomed in Vedic Meditation (37:54)What is the correct dose of meditation (43:42)


    Vedic Path Meditation websiteFLOW Meditation websiteFLOW Meditation Free LessonBook: Hermann Hesse - Siddartha

    Let's Connect!


    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.