Sarah Rzemieniak, a Carolyn Costin Institute Certified eating disorder recovery coach, joins The Body Image Coach for a candid and open conversation on her work as a coach and shares some things she's learned along the way in her own recovery journey. We explore being helpful versus harmful in coaching work; identifying the eating disorder versus the "the healthy self;" resilience in recovery; the function of an eating disorder; and she shares some tools and inspiration for continuing along the healing path.
Anna is an empowerment coach, photographer and circus expert with a strong focus on social justice. She finds creative solutions to help people reclaim their bodies, their energy and their time. In this closing episode of The Body Image Podcast – for some time – Anna shares a warm, caring, authentic and passionate discussion with us. You won’t want to miss it.
More specifically, we talk:
Anna’s unique story, What is a social circus, Embodying your body when it has been weaponized, Finding joy in a recovery process in a safe setting, Why photos where you feel you “look hot” are helpful, Photos’ affect on our psychology, Fatphobia in our culture, Ending generational body harm, Why your kids and family need photos of you, Social justice and accessibility in work, and So much more!Anna's Website // Anna's Coaching - Self Care School // Anna's Newsletter
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Adrien Paczosa, RD, LD, CEDRD-S, joins The Body Image Podcast to talk triggers in eating disorder recovery. More specifically, we discuss: What does it mean to be triggered What happens to the body when we are triggered Why triggers aren’t always negative How to feel safe in your body when triggered Holding space as the the client and as the provider Self-compassion in recovery And more Practitioners, find Adrien at Fearless Practitioners
Find her group practice at iLiveWell Nutrition
Learn more about Corinne at
Marci Evans, MS, CEDRD-S, LDN, joins The Body Image Podcast to talk about the intersection of digestive issues, eating disorder recovery, and body image.
More specifically, Marci talks about:
What makes folks in eating disorder recovery susceptible to digestive issues? What’s a functional gut disorder? The prognosis for digestive issues in recovery Self-compassion and GI concerns Dealing with pain Unhelpful comments around digestive issues Some helpful things for GI issues What is problematic for recovery and digestive issues Gut directed hypnotherapy in recovery And so much much more.Learn more about Marci and her practice here.
Find Marci's online courses here.
Catie Lynch, LCSW, Therapist and Eating Disorder Coach, intimately explores the challenges of recovery from diet culture and an eating disorder in the context of being a new mom.
Inside season 4's final episode, we explore:
The postpartum experience in eating disorder and diet culture recovery Harmful postpartum body image messages Healing diet culture wounds External pressures women feel after giving birth Coping with big feelings Advice for mom’s struggling in their body after giving birth Catie’s experience with postpartum OCD Advice for new mom’s during Covid Catie’s personal experience of being a new mom And so much moreCatie's Website / Instagram / Facebook group: Body Image Healing Group with Catie
Find The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, MS, RD here.
In the second to last episode of season 4, Shira Rosenbluth, LCSW joins The Body Image Podcast to talk about why positive body image isn’t just about deciding to love yourself or your body. And in fact, how this notion can feel dismissive to individuals’ experiences in the fatphobic diet culture we live in today. In the show, we talk about grief in body image healing work, why recovery isn’t linear, and what food freedom really looks like.
More specifically, we discuss:
What does body image mean? Body image V embodiment Fatphobia and weight stigma in recovery and ED treatment Why healing shouldn't be reliant on the individual Why you can’t love yourself out of societal oppression Grief in body image healing work and in the pursuit of thinness Why recovery isn’t linear - from an ED or diet culture - and how it’s normal to feel hard What food freedom really means Unhelpful messages in diet culture Navigating social media in recovery The power of community for food freedom and body image And much moreLearn more about Shira here
Find all Body Image Podcast episodes here
Whitney Trotter, MS, RDN/LDN, BSN, RN, RYT, registered dietitian, nurse and yoga teacher shares how trauma impacts our relationship with food and our body.
More specifically, she talks about:
How she got involved in her work Trauma and the dietitian Trauma and eating disorders How trauma affects our relationship with food How trauma affects our relationship with our body Food insecurity and food How the body holds trauma Feelings and trauma Breath work around meals Grief and trauma in food and body healing work Recovery work between client and practitioner The importance of autonomy in food and body image work And so much moreLearn more about Whitney here.
Find all Body Image Podcast episodes here.
Dr. Heidi Dalzell, a clinical psychologist in the greater Philadelphia area, joins The Body Image Podcast to talk about eating disorder recovery in midlife women. Inside the show we explore eating disorders and trauma, life changes that make midlife women susceptible to eating disorders, a key question in recovery and finding hope.
We also explore:
Common threads in women recovering from an eating disorder How (and why) recovery often feels hard Barriers for midlife women in treatment and how to move beyond them Media, culture, and the natural aging process Why it’s never too late to recover And so much moreLearn more about Dr. Heidi Dalzell here
In this episode, Summer Innanen joins me, and we dig into why positive body image isn’t about ‘liking the way you look.’ We also explore separating your identity from your body size and food choices, strengthening your sense of self, and why accepting your body doesn’t mean ‘letting yourself go.’ Summer is a professionally trained coach through the internationally renowned Coaches Training Institute (CTI), who specializes in body image, self-worth, and confidence. She is the best-selling author of Body Image Remix and host of the podcast, Eat the Rules (formerly Fearless Rebelle radio).
More specifically, inside the show we talk about:
Why positive body image isn’t about 'liking the way you look' Why our value doesn’t lie in our aesthetic Separating your identity from your body size and food choices Understanding your beliefs about yourself Cultivating self-compassion in your thoughts and actions Why accepting yourself isn’t 'letting yourself go' How understanding intellectually that diet culture isn’t helpful is different than embodying this knowledge What does taking care of yourself mean? Why your health is not an obligation The privilege in taking care of ourselves Finding communityFind Summer here.
Learn more about the show host, Corinne, here.
Victoria Welsby, TEDx speaker, best selling author, and anti-diet, pro-fatty body acceptance coach, joins The Body Image Podcast to talk about moving through fatphobia in our diet-obsessed culture.
More specifically, Victoria explores:
What is fatphobia? Fatphobia and culture Fatphobic thoughts What is internalized fatphobia? How to move through fatphobia How fatphobia affects our culture Victoria’s personal body story Fatphobia in straight-sized V fat bodies Healing as fat person in our thin-obsessed culture Dealing with hard body comments And so much moreLearn more about Victoria here.
Learn more about the show host, Corinne, here.
Whitney Russell, MS, LPC-S, CEDS-S, a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist-Supervisor, talks about anxiety and moving beyond restriction in eating disorder recovery. Whitney is also a mom of four and the owner and founder of Brave Haven Counseling in Richardson, Texas.
Inside the show, we discuss:
What does restriction mean? Restriction beyond just food The unmet needs behind restriction Allowing yourself rest How to sit with vulnerability Food and anxiety How to step outside of diet culture Meeting unmet needs The importance of defining what health look like for you How and why to care for yourself and feed yourself when hunger cues aren’t there How eating disorders and restricting tendencies can exist in any size body, and Much moreWhitney's website / Podcast / Instagram /
Find full show notes & learn more at
Elizabeth Scott LCSW, CEDS-S, discusses the difference between body image and embodiment in this rich podcast episode. Elizabeth is an educator and psychotherapist whose work focuses on the intersection of embodiment, social justice, and mindfulness. She's the Co-Founder and Director of Training for The Body Positive as well as a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist and iaedpTM Approved Supervisor. And she trains mental health providers and dietitians to use her Big Hearted Embodiment model. This episode with Elizabeth is a treat.
More specifically, we talk about:
How the term “body image” is dissociative What embodiment means The difference between body image and embodiment Learning how to connect with our bodies and beauty Factors that promote embodiment How to “turn towards” ourselves How to trust the authority of your own body What is intuitive self-care? Cultivating a quality of self-kindnessLearn more about Elizabeth and her trainings here.
Kristina Bruce, Certified Body Trust Provider and Body Acceptance Coach, joins us for the concluding episode of season 3 (and it's an episode not to miss). Kristina delves into letting go of the thin ideal, privileges of being in a smaller body, weight stigma, what learning to accept your body really looks like, and so much more. Kristina also shares her personal food and body story and how she stopped equating her worth with her weight.
More specifically, Kristina talks about:
Her family's involvement in her feelings about her body and weight How her perception of her appearance affected her feelings of worth How people treated her differently when she lost weight (and what happened when the weight came back) How Kristina’s identity became wrapped up with health and wellness How food and striving to control her body affected her romantic relationship How Kristina stopped equating her worth with her weight and left diet culture Thin privilege Working with the fear of weight gain Weight science Changing the narrative around weight and health How to accept your body when weight stigma and thin privilege exists Finding value and worth outside of your appearance Helpful tools as weight gain happens And so much more!Kristina's website // instagram // facebook // YouTube
Learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, MS, RD, here.
Whitney Catalano, a registered dietitian who helps people stop dieting and take the power back from their inner bullies, breaks down why eating less is never the answer for binge eating. She explores why restriction and deprivation are so hurtful in healing from binge eating and what is helpful.
More specifically, inside the episode we explore:
- Whitney’s personal dieting story
- How you can have a good body experience on even the worst body image day
- Why our bodies need to be fed
- How our body doesn’t know the difference between a diet and food insecurity
- Emotions and eating
- Did the binge eating come first or the dieting?
- Guilt, shame and secrecy in binge eating
- When unconditional permission isn't enough
- Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) in making peace with food
- What’s absolutely not helpful in binge eating
- Why you may not be able to just rely on hunger cues
- Why acceptance is so key
- Letting go of control with food
- The intersection of childhood and dieting
Whitney's website // instagram // podcast // club TYB
Learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, MS, RD here.
We also talk about: How mindfulness is connected to body image work Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) & DBT skills The nuances of "emotional eating" Exploring what to do when "emotional eating" feels distressing to you Separating feelings and food (or disordered eating behaviors) Showing yourself grace Rachel's website // Instagram // Podcast To learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, click here.
Rachel Coleman, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, talks about mindfulness, food, feelings, and coping skills to respond to those feelings. -
Linda Tucker, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Body Image Recovery Coach, talks about shame resilience, the difference between body image healing and intuitive eating work, intuitive eating myths, and so much more. Throughout this conversation Linda provides so much context, nuance, and care. This is an episode not to miss!
Also in this episode we talk:
Why body image is more than just how you feel in your body The connection between shame and body image The systems of oppression in diet culture (and keeping them out of recovery work) Beginning to create a more flexible relationship with food Why intuitive eating work is not the same as body image healing work The difference between intuitive eating and instinctual and mindful eating Moving from a place of fixing to place of exploring Linda's website // Instagram Learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, here. -
Kim Hoban, Registered Dietitian, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor talks about body image and the transition into motherhood. She openly (and vulnerably) shares about her relationship with her body before, during, and after having her baby. She talks about your change in identity upon becoming a mother, connecting with your body after birth, and what to do when you want your pre-baby body back.
Kim also talks about:
Her personal body image story Identity and body image The importance of support The identity shift in becoming a mom Postpartum body image struggles How she began connecting with her body and belly again after her cesarean birth Finding joyful movement after having a baby What to do when you want your pre-baby body back Being gentle with yourself And moreKim's website // Instagram // Podcast
You can learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas, here.
Laura Westmoreland, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Certified Body Trust Provider, talks about how an injury impacted her body image. She shares what helped her move through the experience and how no matter who you are, we all have challenging body image moments and feelings. Laura also talks about how healing is an ongoing journey, the privilege of being in an able body, joyful movement, the experience of being embodied, and so much more.
Laura's website // instagram // facebook
Learn more about Corinne Dobbas, The Body Image Podcast host, here.
Katherine Metzelaar, Non-Diet Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and nutrition therapist talks about how our relationship with food is related to our relationship with our body, moving from fixing to being, grief in body image healing work, and the importance of compassion.
We also talk about:
What a personal body story is, The importance of body flexibility and what that is, How intuitive eating can be taken over by diet culture, Practical ways to nurture a more positive body image, and Much more!Katherine's Website // Instagram // YouTube Channel
Learn more about The Body Image Podcast host, Corinne Dobbas here.
Brie Shelly, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Registered Yoga Teacher, avid traveler, and positive social media advocate, talks social media, eating disorder recovery and body image.
Inside the show, we discuss:
Social media’s affect on mental health The pros and cons of social media on wellbeing Social media’s affect on body image and feelings about food choices How (and why) not to compare your individual eating disorder recovery journey to someone else’s Being mindful of what you share about your recovery journey online Tools to help protect yourself from comparison in your recovery journey The affects of social media "before and after" photos How to gain media literacy How to build mindfulness and awareness in your relationship with social media Helpful questions to ask yourself about social media Why in-person support and groups are so important in recovery And much more!Brie's Website // Podcast // Instagram
Learn more about Corinne and The Body Image Podcast at
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