Christa of Practical Astros joined me on Beltane for fun and interesting discussion of some simple magical practices that anyone can incorporate into their lives
Mercury is stationing direct alongside the asteroids Orpheus & Eurydike. Join Gary as he explores this Myth and its potential for healing, illustrated in the historical examples of Culpeper and Rilke.
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The Venus-Mars conjunction invites us to balance the feminine/masculine sides of our nature in a process known as Hieros Gamos or Sacred Marriage. Gary takes us through various components of the astrology and astronomy to inform our approach to this Alchemy
Marlene Seven Bremner re-joins us to talk about her excellent second book and we discuss the development of the Unconscious in the great Art movements and how this mirrors the movement through the Alchemical Opus. We also explore the 4 stage model of Alchemy, with the additional stage of Citrinatas (between Albedo & Rubedo).
Ronnie Pontiac joins us to share about the mythology, history/tradition and modern usage and interpretation of the enigmatic Orphic hymns and mysteries
Gary shares the Sumerian Creation story of Inanna & the Huluppu Tree as a metaphor for the Primordial energies that are activated during Venus retrograde. Just as the young princess rescues the sacred Tree from a storm, we may be called to rescue something sacred in our lives as Venus returns to the morning sky, in Leo.
Tune is as Gary explores the Mercury Elemental Year of Earth, as we navigate the Triptych of alignments in Virgo. We'll explore what this means astronomically, philosophically, spiritually AND look at what houses its activating for each sign.
Join me for a fun, informative and enlightening interview with the author of: Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy: The Emerald Tablet, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the Journey through the Seven Spheres -a most excellent overview and introduction to Hermetics
Leave the so-called "shadow" and step into the light! Herein we discuss the classic three colors and phases of alchemical transformation and explore ways to recognize and/or activate them in our lives, in order to ascertain and achieve the deeper purpose of Venus retrograde.
Come explore the history, philosophy and psychology of "othering" as well as the actual observable astronomy of Venus (as contrasted to fictitious "shadow" zones) for insights into the Retrograde process. At least 5 different Retrograde loops are identified and contrasted, with historical examples from the American Revolution to illuminate the current Leo loop.
Bruce Scofield joins us to discuss his new book. The convo ranges widely from cycles through astro-meteorology and philosophy. Something for everyone!
Venus and the Moon have two meetings within the asterism known as the "winter hexagon" to astronomers and as the Sacred Hoop in 1st Nations lore. This is also the place called the "Gate of Man" by neoplatonic philosophers, the place where we descend to Earth from the Stars. Come take a deep dive into the Constellations surrounding this point and the Major Arcana of the Tarot for clues how to work with these alignments.
The Venus-Mars sextile of March 11 is part of a larger drama unfolding through the Spring & Summer into Fall, when this sextile will be re-visited. Join Gary for a micro look at all the various dynamics of the current aspect and also how these fit into the macro view of the entire cycle, and indeed into a couple other cycles, larger still
The Venus Star Point switching signs is a relatively rare event. No one alive right now has ever witnessed a Sun-Venus cazimi in Libra! In this video, we'll focus on the Elements and how Libra tips the balance of the 5 Venus star points decidedly in favor of the Fire/Air signs. Then we'll compare this to some other historical periods for hints to what that could mean.
Renowned occult and esoteric scholar and author John Micheal Greer joins me to talk about his latest book, which tackles the important subject of Pluto's changing planetary status. This is a crucial conversation for astrologers, as we need to wrap our heads around the evolving Cosmos, and Greer's book sets an excellent and inspiring example.
Gary and John Michael take a look at the Ukraine situation using the classical astrology tool known as Ingress charts. Tune in for some fascinating analysis and timely examples of a powerful technique for forecasting World events
Today's Venus-Mars conjunction begins a new 6-7 year cycle for these planets and invites us to Re-Balance the polarities in our lives. This "hieros gamos" or sacred marriage can then become a powerful source of creativity and spiritual growth. We look at various modalities like astrology, tarot, & the medicine wheel for examples of what this process might look like.
Gary shares 4 different Astronomical perspectives of the Retrograde process, and shows how each point of view offers us new and different ways of understanding, finding and creating meaning from our retrograde experiences. This process of freeing our minds from the limitations of a single limited perspective reinforces what the Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn in Air signs are all about.
Gary explores the Ancient myth of Inanna & the Huluppu Tree to understand the powerful re-birth energies inherent in Venus retrograde.
Gary explores the Alchemical journey of Transformation which Venus' greatest brilliance is initiating, and gives us a general timeline as well as a qualitative experiential description of that process. Next we explore the contrast and tension between the two Saturn ruled signs, Capricorn and Aquarius, and how that might best be navigated.
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