Mesačný podcast spoločnosti DATALAN – o technológiách, ktoré nás bavia a živia, nových tech možnostiach súčasnosti a trendoch budúcnosti, a ľuďoch, ktorí sú v IT fakt dobrí.
Počúvajte nás vždy posledný deň v mesiaci – na ajtaci.datalan.sk
Moderuje Maroš Košík. -
In this podcast series we explore, together with many of its architects and key contributors, the amazing new philosophy of enkelfähig and the positive impact it will have on our businesses as well as the lives of the people working in them.
Pohľad na ľudí, kultúru, inovácie a technológie v spoločnosti Aston ITM.
This podcast gets behind the desk of influential leaders in insurance and InsurTech who are driving change and innovation in the sector.
Every week, I will meet a new tech leader to find out more about their background and career to date. How they arrived in the insurance space, what they love about the sector, their views on where its headed and a deep dive into the person behind the desk! -
Jsem softwarový inženýr, investor do disruptivních inovací, bitcoinový nadšenec. Mým cílem je napsat kvalitní a objektivní informační email každý týden, který bude mít přidanou hodnotu jak pro investory, tak i pro nadšence do osobních financí.
roman2.substack.com -
Welcome to Insurance Pulse, a podcast forum where iptiQ leaders share and discuss the latest global insurance trends. Insurance Pulse is hosted by iptiQ by Swiss Re, we are a B2B2C insurer focused on brand distributors. A unique player in the insurance industry that combines the risk expertise and superior capital of traditional insurance providers, with the digital first makeup of start-ups to deliver fair value products.
Diskutujeme o tom ako fungujú úspešné startupy. 💸 Snažíme sa priblížiť nielen začínajúcim startupistom, ale aj podnikateľom, ktorí zvažujú rozbehnutie startupu, čo ich čaká vo svete rizikového kapitálu, na čo si dať pozor, na koho sa obrátiť po radu a hlavne ako sa dá ambiciózne budovať startup a nevyhorieť popritom.
Za týmto podcastom stojí 🚀 Warper - venture builder, ktorý má pomôcť startupom pripraviť sa na vstup investora a následný rýchly rast.
🖥️ Web Warperu nájdeš na www.warper.eu
✉️ Otázky nám posielaj na [email protected] -
Product with Panash is your regular product management rendezvous with leaders and operators across Europe and beyond to learn about their craft, how they built successful products and unpack the frameworks and secrets they’ve used in delivering growth for their businesses.
When did you say ”THAT’S IT! I’VE HAD IT!”? Time to Disrupt and Interrupt with host Karla Jo. Every week KJ interviews professionals who are disrupting their industries and altering economic networks that have been antiquated with bull-headed predecessors holding up the progress.
KJ delves into uncovering more from industry rebels and innovators that you didn’t know you needed in your life. -
The Sales Prescription Podcast Series is a cutting edge education series around Complex Sales Process, Sales Development, Transactional Sales, Sales Leadership, and Marketing strategies. Both the art and science of selling are explored and discussed in this educational and entertaining series of podcasts.
Welcome to Steel Stories by U. S. Steel. From market insights to industry trends, we will delve into the wealth of knowledge with world-renowned experts and industry thought leaders who will share their unique perspectives on global events shaping the future of steel. References to “greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)” throughout podcasts, in the context of U. S. Steel’s GHG reduction goals, refer to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Podcast o technologickom práve. Sme vaša advokátska kancelária pre digitálnu dobu.
Welcome to B2B Tech Marketing Talks podcast presented by Filament.
This series is tailored specifically for B2B marketing leaders working in the technology industry. In each episode, we will bring you insightful interviews with leading marketing and channel leaders.
Our engaging conversations cover a range of topics related to B2B tech marketing, including the latest B2B marketing trends, effective partner marketing strategies, data-driven marketing and best practices for channel marketing.
Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights, fresh perspectives and practical advice from experienced marketing leaders who have successfully navigated the challenges you face daily.
So, tune in and join us for a stimulating and engaging conversation about B2B tech marketing! -
Podcast Zero One Zero One je zameraný na objavovanie fascinujúceho sveta technológií a ich uplatnenia v riešení biznisových výziev. Tento podcast je pre všetkých, ktorí majú záujem o to, ako technológie menia svet podnikania. V každej epizóde sa sústredíme na príbehy seniorov z technologického odvetvia, rozoberáme ich úspechy aj neúspechy a ukazujeme, ako tieto osobnosti formujú technologickú komunitu.
V tomto podcaste nájdete nielen zaujímavé rozhovory, ale aj cenné lekcie a postrehy, ktoré môžu byť užitočné pre každého, kto sa chce dozvedieť viac o tom, ako technológia ovplyvňuje svet biznisu a ako môže prinášať pozitívne zmeny. Zero1Zero1 je tu pre každého, kto chce byť na čele technologického pokroku a inovácií.
Budeme radi za akýkoľvek feedback, návrh na tému alebo hosťa. Kontaktovať nás môžete na [email protected] -
Podcast o stavebníctve a produktivite.
OKR coaching, advice, tips, and encouragement — bite-sized
thelittleokrnewsletter.substack.com -
Wired magazine, internationally recognized for its technological vision, and DNAi, a startup cultivating digital evolution by integrating AI into sector-specific DNA, invited the world's best minds for a deep talk about AI's impact on our society. Join us as we go beyond the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence, uncovering its limitations and great potential.
Subscribe to stay updated. -
We (John and Daniel) are co-founders of a small software development agency. This is a recording of our weekly "state of the company" call where we discuss the nitty gritty details of running our business day-to-day.
Want to work with us? Reach out at thunk.dev -
In a landscape fixated on quick wins, host Neeta Bidwai explores how successful leaders & organizations balance short-term demands with long-term vision.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Forward Thinkers Show is a podcast hosted by Coral Miniel that aims to redefine the global narrative in business and technology. Featuring conversations with forward-thinking leaders from diverse backgrounds, the podcast captures unique insights and groundbreaking ideas. The Forward Thinkers Show aims to inspire, educate, and connect with the ever-evolving global business and tech community. Each episode promises to unveil new perspectives, promote continuous learning, and contribute to the collective dialogue propelling the future of global business, technology, and entrepreneurship.
Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC252VCiMbdGyDpAnl2OhwxA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forwardthinkersshow/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/forward-thinkers-show/