Light and Medium Tier plyos might be something you hear about a lot when it comes to dynamic training. Matt breaks down things down even further with relation to a poston instagram on training stiffness. -
This too was all part of an upcoming podcast on Jake Tuuras Jacked athlete podcast, where Matt and Jake go deep into whether plyos achieve structural changes to tendons and tissue.
Tickets for the Plus Plyos NYC seminar at Moment PTP, March 22-23rd, are linked here - BUY NOW
Get our latest program for bridging static to dynamic rehab and training - Return to Dynamic Movement Program
As always check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs:
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | YouTube
This episode takes a change of gears. Originally intended to focus on reactivity, Matt was swayed by social media to shift his attention to the barefoot shoe discussion after being flooded with questions and comments suggesting a lack of understanding of plyometrics due to the shoes he wore while coaching in an Instagram post.
Matt dives into the technical details of footwear considerations for training, exploring the ideas behind ancestral movement, modern urban flooring, and his experiences in the Middle Eastâfurther shaping his views on unshod movement and training.
Tickets for the Plus Plyos NYC seminar at Moment PTP, March 22-23rd, are linked hereâonly 5 tickets left! - BUY NOW
Get our latest program for bridging static to dynamic rehab and training - Return to Dynamic Movement Program
As always check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs:
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | YouTube
Fehlende Folgen?
Hop on the poddy is back!
This time with a different twist. Matt McInnes Watson takes you through the last year without the podcast, what he's been up to and his recent move to Knoxville Tennessee.
The topic for this podcast goes into dynamic movement and plyometric considerations for bigger athletes, those that weigh more and are potentially taller.
As always check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs:
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | YouTube
Episode number 40 of Hop on the Poddy brings our first female guest, Dr Jill Zimmerman and what a great first episode this was!
Rehab and movement specialist, Jill, brings her wealth of experience as a Physical Therapist, teacher and mentor to make this a really valuable and informative episode for coaches who feel they have gaps in anatomical and postural knowledge.
How the pelvic floor may affect performance and EVERYTHING else Key focuses for health longevity How injuries arenât always biomechanics issues Seeing past industry forced postures and positions
Covered in this episode:Links for this episode:
Find Jill on Instagram, here
Check out Jill's app, here
& as always, visit for the best plyometric and dynamic movement training out there.
Connect with us on socials: Instagram | YouTube | Facebook
I got the boys back together to go over our hottest topic of 2023 - the Achilles tendon.
Our original chat all about the Achilles on Jake's Jacked Athlete podcast is one of his top episodes of the year, so what better way to start 2024 than to hop on the poddy together to provide some new takes from our collective experiences.
Covered in the episode:
Trying to understand achilles ruptures The analgesic effect - Is it all itâs made up to be? How our opinions have changed on Achilles rehab Calf raises - being overdone and not executed properlyLinks for the this episode:
Check out David Grey's work, here
Check out Jake Tuura's work, here
& as always check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs:
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
This episode was recorded at the end of 2023 and marks the last podcast of a big year! Iâm joined by my buddy Brandon Accardi to chat over the highlights and look ahead to what 2024 has in store for us. Covered in the episode:
What LTAD looks like to us - Is it a sequence of experiences rather than just physical development? Moments that shape maturity for athletes and coaches Recap of my time with the Atlanta Braves and throughout the year in general 2024 projectsLinks for this episode:
Check Brandon out, here
Check out Plus Plyos, here
Connect with us on socials:
Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn
Weâre back with a bang this week with Coach and Physical Therapist Jonny Stahl. Jonny specialises in helping runners rehabilitation into performance and is someone with a fantastic lens on how to get the body moving effectively and efficiently.
Jonny shares some incredible insights in this podcast around the nervous system response when putting people into positions they struggle with and how to move this into comfort, especially mid-stance! This ones full of thought provoking gems, so donât miss it.
Covered in this episode:
Are feet the missing link in runners' rehab, or is it much bigger than this? Nervous system responses to max propulsive stances - How a client started sweating and elevating their HR with just a simple split stance position Fulfilment through the things you love, rather than the things that are being pushed upon us online - as the âoptimisedâ lifeLinks for this episode:
Follow Jonny on Insta, here.
Check out Jonnyâs new âRunnerâs Pain to Performance Blueprintâ, here.
Go to for the best plyometric and dyanmic movement programs out there.
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn
This week's podcast is with world renowned Speed Coach, Jonas Dodoo. We spoke about our upcoming joint upcoming venture - a plyometrics biomechanics course, using the Speedworks framework and vuemotion technology to track data.
Covered in the episode:
PSR - projection, switching & reactivity and itâs crossover from sprinting to plyos Agile coaching - why one of your athletes ran fast but another didnât How hyper focusing on a world class acceleration can often dent your max velocityLinks for this episode:
Check out Jonas on Instagram, here.
Check out Speedworks' instagram, here.
Visit the Speedworks website, here.
As always, go to for the best plyometric training out there. Join thousands of athletes and coaches using our systems on our brand new app!
Enroll in the Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.
& connect with us on socials: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
We're going full circle this week with my first ever guest, Angus Bradley, back on the poddy to deliver his awesome insight into the sport and performance world. Covered in this episode: Angusâ next athletic challenge and building a community that can take on any athletic endeavour Angus' lens of plyometrics through compression and expansion models A little rant on French contrast training Links for this episode: Check out Angus' work, here. Visit to join the +FAM Enroll in my Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here. Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Itâs great to be back on the poddy - and this week I'm joined by Sam Portland owner of Speed By Sportland. Sam, of course, brings his wealth of knowledge around speed training and we dive into how increasing speed can be a lot harder than we think when it comes to impacting someones sport.
Covered in this episode:
When increasing someones speed, how does it influence things like control and catching skills, decision making and even decelerating ability Finding that right footing to influence a defender Why a yard/meter of separation might be more valuable then increases in max velocity Samâs love for Strictly Come Dancing/Dancing with the starsLinks for this episode:
Go check out Sam on Instagram, here.
And check out his work, here.
Join a worldwide community of dynamic movers on the Plus Plyos app -
& Enroll in the Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | YouTube | Facebook
A solo episode from me this week as I go through lots of exciting news and questions from YOU.
News about the Plus Plyos App Launch Discussing a new mini course with Speedworks Answering questions from a recent Instagram Q&A, including:
- How do you program volleyball in-season when jumpers knee is a huge problem?
- Did I ever expect plyos to make me rich?
- What are the best rest periods for plyometrics?Links for this episode:
Visit Plus Plyos for the best plyometric programs out there:
Use code 'applaunch' before Oct 18 to get our programs for just $29.99Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
This week on the poddy I chatted to Hunter Crine. Hunter is a man of many talents - strength coach, kettlebell expert and Founder of Kettlebell Coach University. I could chat to this guy for hours, you'll love this one.
Covered in this episode:
Hunter's personal background and how that's made him the coach he is today Transferring skills and discipline from sport to business and vice versa Adapting how you communicate with athletes to build the best relationship for success Showing up and grinding for the right opportunity Movement longevity for lifeLinks for this episode:
Check out Hunter on Instagram, here.
Click here for KBCU.
As always, check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric programs out there.
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
This week's podcast brings to you one of parkour's top athletes, Callum Powell. Being involved in the sport from it's very early days and part of the parkour group, Storror, gives him a unique insight into the huge changes and developments parkour has seen over the years.
Covered in this episode:
A deep dive into the different types of landings and jumps in parkour Figuring out load management in a sport that has no real structure to play and practice How to track volume and intensity in such a complex sport Athletes leading the sport of parkourLinks for this episode:
Check out Callum on Instagram, here & check our Storror, here.
As always, go to Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs out there:
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.
& connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
For this week's episode I spoke with Scot Prohaska, performance coach and owner of Southern California based training facility, Procode 6. Scot truly has a wealth of knowledge, having worked with Olympic medalists, Super Bowl champions and pro athletes across the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA and UFC.
His experience provides some of the best insights into how he coaches within his facility today. This is a must listen!
Covered in this episode:
What modern day coaches struggle with in their development Lessons from being mentored by Charles Poliquin and how others are destroying his work A homage to the late Dr Yessis and Scot's implementation of the 1x20 system Scot's relentless want to question everything and continue to learnLinks for this episode:
Check out Scot's Instagram, here and Procode's Instagram, here. Website:
As always, go to Plus Plyos for the best plyometric and dynamic movement programs out there:
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | YouTube | Facebook
Brandon and I caught up after a little break between our last poddy together. We had plenty to discuss, so this one is a belter!
Covered in this episode:
Our last workouts on death row Copycat mentality vs true rationale behind using someone else's work Having a bias you stand by and building systems and beliefs that are your own The value that comes out of running the same program more than once...And of course, a good old rant inbetween
Links for this episode:
Find Brandon on instagram, here & all his links, here.
As always, check out Plus Plyos for the best plyo programs out there:
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
& Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
On the poddy this week is Ryan Hopkins, performance coach and owner of Soho Strength Lab in NYC.
Covered in this episode:
Ryanâs reflective coaching toolbox idea for understanding how your current philosophies have been created Should you have slight differences in your program structure from generation to generation? Ryanâs speed influences and how he structures his knowledge of track into team sports and American Football Where everyone is missing the key KPIs behind sprint posture drillsLinks for this episode:
Ryan's mentorship, The Performance Paradigm can be found, here.
Or check him out on Instagram, here.
Go to Plus Plyos for world renowned plyometric and dynamic movement programs:
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Another solo podcast this week after a bit of an unexpected break. I get into the following:
Life update - World Athletics Champs standout performances, illness and visiting family Plyometric volume prescription - not all movement volume is created equally, be a coach - eyes, ears, tech and calculating volume based on movement thresholds Starting with stick landings? The severity of stopping all momentum, intensity of movement vs stress placed on the tissue and killing reflexive tendenciesLinks for this episode:
As always, check out Plus Plyos and join thousands of athletes on our dynamic movement programs -
Enroll in my Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here.
& connect with us on socials: Matt's Instagram | Plus Plyos Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
This week on the poddy we have Olympic Weightlifting expert and owner of Ronin Strength, Khrys Speed.
Covered in this episode:
Implementing Deep Tier plyometrics in Olympic Weightlifting The value of changing the overload stimulus to velocity, opposing heavy loads in weightlifting Building plyos and landings into general health and fitness Building a community based training programLinks for this episode:
Check Khrys out on Instagram, here and find his links, here.
Get the best plyometric programs on the planet, here.
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn
A solo podcast from -yours truly- this week, as I go through a snippet of the presentation I've put together for the 2023 Compound Performance Virtual Summit.
Covered in this episode:
Why learning zones debunk typical plyometric progressions Light/Medium Tier and Deep yielding and why these areas are so great at teaching natural reflexive actions Understanding what we need to learn to access higher levels of performance with intense plyometrics How learning zones help to develop access to the full gait cycle Links for this episode: Get tickets to the 2023 Compound Performance Virtual Summit, here. Check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric programs out there: Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics course, here. Connect with us on socials: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn -
Brandon joins me on the poddy again this week, as part of a regular on-going catch up we'll have together.
Covered in this epsiode:
Foot revelations Does butt wink lead the foot into max propulsion? Gaining reflexes from relaxtion Re-cap on the Plus Plyos Amsterdam seminar Reflections on my mentor Erik's style of coaching'Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.' - Bob Marley
Links for this episode:
Check out Brandon's LinkTree, here.
Check out Plus Plyos for the best plyometric programs out there:
Enroll in our Introduction to Coaching Plyometrics Course, here.
Connect with us on socials: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | LinkedIn
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