
  • Dija Ayodele has made her name pushing the aesthetics and beauty industries to better serve people of color. She is founder of West Room Aesthetics in London, a clinic whose mission is to consistently elevate the skincare experience for women of color and to champion accessible skincare.

    As well as being a Glamour Magazine columnist, she is also founder of the award-winning educational platform, Black Skin Directory, which connects people of color with expert skin care professionals.

    And in 2021, she published Black Skin: The Definitive Skincare Guide, which not only gives essential insights to women of colour on how to care for their skin, but also examines how history has shaped how black women have expressed themselves in beauty and skincare and looks at the very concept of identity.

    In this episode, we delved into some of the fascinating topics raised in her book; and discussed how clinic owners can create more inclusive practices, and how we can create a more inclusive aesthetic industry in general.

    Plus we discussed:

    >> Where the inclusion of women of color in the aesthetic industry has improved in recent years... and what’s still missing

    >> How skin therapists can build their confidence treating women of color, if necessary

    >> How diversity in aesthetics is different in the UK and US - and what British clinic owners can learn from their American peers

    >> Why she moved from a lucrative role in an investment bank to the aesthetics industry

    >> Why niching has not stopped women of all skin tones coming to her clinic - and what other clinic owners can learn from this

    >> How she markets with complete authenticity and keeps in touch with clients in unusual ways

    >> The unexpected impact that publishing a book has had on her clinic

    >> Dija’s biggest marketing challenge

    ...and more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    >> Black Skin - The book

    >> Dija Ayodele’s website

    >> West Room Aesthetics - Dija’s clinic

    >> Black Skin Directory

    Connect to Miriam:

    >> On Instagram

    >> On LinkedIn

    >> Via email

  • That’s why she founded Juvanni Medspa in Yonkers. She provides her patients with anti-aging services - including not just skin and body rejuvenation treatments but also weight management, nutritional advice and a focus on general health and wellness.

    In this episode of How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic, we discuss how she promotes this holistic attitude to patients, and why she believes that this is the future of aesthetic medicine.

    But first, we dived into Dr Din’s extraordinary life journey.

    She grew up in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and trained as a surgeon before travelling to America for an arranged marriage. It was here that she re-invented herself and found independence and freedom.

    Dr Din also founded Hagar’s Foundation, a non-profit that helps other single mothers find employment while taking care of their health. She has donated all the proceeds of her first book, Do We Really Need Botox? A handbook of Anti-Aging Services to the foundation.

    Plus we covered:

    >> Why she was determined to control her own destiny after a restrictive childhood

    >> Her father’s role encouraging her to get an education and become a surgeon

    >> Starting again in America - completely from scratch

    >> Why becoming an entrepreneur with her own clinic was ‘liberating’ for her

    >> Why patients are increasingly open to the connection between general health and skin health...

    >> ...And why she doesn’t try to persuade patients if they’re not interested in her anti-aging philosophy

    >> The gutsy move that has made her clinic marketing a success

    >> The emotional reason she founded a foundation to help single mothers

    ...And more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Juvanni Medspa website

    Dr Din on Instagram

    Juvanni Medspa on Instagram

    Juvanni YouTube channel

    Connect to Dr Din on LinkedIn

    Do We Really Need Botox? A Handbook of Anti-Aging Services by Dr Sofia Din

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  • And also one of the most adventurous! He grew up in Ireland during the troubles, and later travelled the globe - smuggling cars from Germany to Turkey, witnessing the fall of the Berlin wall, living in Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad, working as a ship’s surgeon in California and with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia.

    On his return to Dublin, he founded Ailesbury Clinic, where he was a pioneer in the very early field of aesthetic medicine. He became known for his research on the influence of Botox on the brain and nowadays is consulted by doctors worldwide on dermal fillers complications.

    Patients have flocked to his doors, including, famously, Michael Jackson. And in 2018, he was given a special MyFaceMyBody Award in recognition of his scientific contribution to Aesthetic Medicine.

    What many people don’t realize is that Dr Treacy has had downs as well as ups in his career.

    When the financial crash occurred in 2008, his global chain of more than 20 clinics collapsed, leaving him to start almost all over again.

    In today’s episode, we talk openly about what that was like, what he learned from the experience about how to scale an aesthetic clinic - and how to deal with tough times.

    Plus we discussed:

    >> Where his wanderlust came from...

    >> How he persuaded the banks to loan him the money for his first clinic, even though they’d never heard of aesthetic medicine

    >> Why he had the confidence to open an aesthetic clinic when the concept virtually didn’t exist

    >> Why scaling up doesn’t necessarily mean opening more clinics

    >> 3 lessons he learned about how to run different branches of your clinic efficiently

    >> Why he intends to work until 70 - or beyond...

    ...And more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Ailesbury Clinic website

    Ailesbury Clinic on Facebook

    Connect to Dr Treacy on LinkedIn

    The Needle and the Damage Done - Amazon US / Amazon UK

  • It’s here that his career took an unusual turn... Rather than starting up his own practice from scratch, in 2013 he bought an established practice in San Francisco, which he has been growing ever since.

    In this episode, we’re going to talk to him about why he made that decision, and how he took another doctor’s practice and successfully made it his own.

    Dr Kaplan is also founder of Buildmybod Health, a website and iPhone app with a price estimator, which allows patients to get estimates for the procedures on their wishlist - before they book a consultation.

    We talk about why other doctors are so resistant to revealing their prices upfront - and why Dr Kaplan believes they’re wrong.

    Finally, listen to Dr Kaplan reveal the piece of advice he took from me on email marketing to his patient list - and why he was surprised at the results he saw (but I wasn’t!) 😊

    PLUS we discuss:

    >> Why he requires patients to be vaccinated before attending clinic - and how patients have reacted

    >> How he managed to purchase his practice - without the help of an outside consultant

    >> How he valued the clinic he was buying

    >> The most important criteria he looked for, when searching for a practice to buy

    >> Should the previous owner stay on during a transition period? Why Dr Kaplan changed his mind on this...

    >> How he prepared the clinic’s existing patient base for the change in ownership - and the surprising % of patients he retained, 5 years after the takeover

    >> The biggest mistake he made with the clinic’s staff during the transition

    >> The biggest shock he experienced as a first-time clinic owner

    >> How he’s built a database of 15,000 leads through a form on his website

    >> Why he is absolutely upfront with patients about the price of his procedures, from the moment they contact him

    ...and more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Pacific Heights Plastic Surgery website:

    Dr Kaplan on Instagram:

    Connect to Dr Kaplan on LinkedIn:

    Buildmybod Health:

    Buildmybod Health on Instagram:

  • While he is still the business owner, the surgeons have a path to partnership and maintain considerable control of their own careers:

    “Corporate medicine has changed the way things run. You’re running through so many patients, it’s not fun anymore. It’s got to be fun. And so you have to create an environment where people are excited to come to work and get to practice the way they want to.

    “I’m not even 40-years-old yet. I’m a younger buck in this whole changing environment. So somebody has got to put their neck out there and say, ‘[Physicians’] Ownership of their destiny is critical’.”

    In this edition of How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic, we discuss how Dr Paul’s business model works.

    He started his practice just 6 years ago, using a “wheel-and-spoke” model of satellite offices throughout Texas to get known far beyond his “hub” office in Austin. Then, gradually, he turned some of those mobile offices into full-time locations.

    We talked about the pressures and opportunities of fast expansion - and how he dealt personally with the shift from solo provider to owner of a major business, so quickly.

    PLUS we discussed:

    >> Why he chose a rare speciality - ocular facial plastic surgery - and some of the heartbreaking cases he’s treated

    >> Why he expanded into minimally invasive aesthetics, even though he was very well niched

    >> His vision of a clinic of top experts - and how that works in practice

    >> How he balances giving his people a sense of independence, and maintaining a team feel

    >> How he ensures that his team members understand the business side of the practice - not just the medical side

    >> Why he creates a business plan for every new device he purchases - and the steps he takes to launch each new treatment successfully

    >> How satellite offices helped him understand his community - so he could grow faster

    >> The 3 channels he considers essential for aesthetic clinic marketing

    >> The biggest challenge in his marketing

    >> The biggest trend he sees in medical aesthetics right now

    ...And much more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Austin Face & Body:

    Austin Face & Body on Instagram:

    Austin Face & Body on YouTube:

    Connect to Dr Paul on LinkedIn:

    Idea AUSTIN:

  • Avron Rubin is founder and CEO of ClarityMulti, a platform to help aesthetic clinics of every size manage their data better...

    ...and use it to create a more personal, welcoming experience for their patients.

    In this episode, he shares some simple ways you can use data to run your clinic more efficiently and to grow faster (even if you’re not that interested in technology and the very concept of “managing data” scares you!)

    Avron was previously general manager of The Facial Rejuvenation Clinic (now Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia), the largest medical cosmetic clinic in the Southern Hemisphere. We discussed how he helped build this mammoth clinic and some of the lessons he learned along the way.

    He struggled to find a platform that fulfilled the clinic’s needs both for practice management and marketing - and the idea for ClarityMulti was born.

    PLUS we discussed:

    >> The most useful data to collect if you’re a smaller clinic

    >> How to use your tech as an “early warning system” to alert you of potential problems with patients

    >> How to get staff to engage with your technology (2 ways)

    >> Why your marketing platform and patient CRM must be linked

    >> How to use tech to provide a smoother patient journey

    >> Why you should hire an outsourced IT expert to manage your systems

    >> How growing clinics can be hampered by the way they did things in the past - and how to let go of legacy issues

    >> The most important lesson smaller clinics can learn from The Facial Rejuvenation Clinic’s success

    >> How he would market a clinic in a way that stands out, if he were just starting up

    ...And more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    ClarityMulti website:

    Connect to Avron Rubin on LinkedIn:

    Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia:

    Discover the 4 pillars of Aesthetic Immersion Marketing:

  • In this episode, we talk about how Dr Jegasothy recruits good people, and some special measures she has in place to keep them motivated and loyal.

    Born in Sri Lanka and raised in Pennsylvania, Dr Jegasothy follows in the footsteps of parents and grandparents who were all physicians.

    She has her own degrees from both Harvard and Yale universities, and is Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of Miami Frost Department of Dermatology.

    Dr Jegasothy has been on the Editorial Panels for Aesthetic Dermatology and Skin & Aging for a number of years and has an extensive profile in local and national media.

    Plus we discuss:

    >> Why her father steered her away from a business degree... But she’s still obsessed by the business side of her practice

    >> The two most important qualities to look for when you recruit new team members

    >> Her interview process, step-by-step

    >> Why she tries to keep staff numbers low

    >> Why she involves her staff in all her clinic’s big decisions

    >> How she incentivizes staff to help grow her practice

    >> How she’s helped patients get used to be treating by someone other than her

    >> What she’s learned about marketing after launching her own skincare line

    >> The biggest gap she sees in the medical aesthetics market

    >> The most valuable treatment launched in the last decade - and the new treatment she’s most excited about

    ...And more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    The Miami Skin Institute:

    Miami Skin Institute on Instagram:

    Connect to Dr Jegasothy on LinkedIn:

  • And that’s how she became a patient advocate, helping other plastic surgery patients navigate the highly complex choices available.

    On today’s episode of How I Scaled My Aesthetic clinic, we discuss the lessons that your clinic can learn through her extensive work with patients...

    For example, why patients sometimes pick the wrong clinicians… What they often don’t understand about their procedures…. And the common mistakes that clinics make in communicating with their patients.

    Much of our discussion focused on how clinic owners can make their marketing both effective and ethical:

    PLUS you’ll hear:

    >> The red flags she missed when she chose her own plastic surgeon

    >> Why patients find it hard to pick the right surgeon or cosmetic doctor - and the easy steps you can take to make it easier for them

    >> Why too many patients have no idea what to expect from their plastic surgery

    >> The real reason too many surgeons don’t have adequate protocols for post-op care for their patients… And how to get started

    >> How to market more responsibly and ethically to your patients, to help them make better decisions about their procedures

    >> Why COVID is leading patients to make rash decisions about their aesthetic procedures

    >> The most impressive patient care she’s seen from America’s top surgeons

    >> How a concierge service can help your clinic treat patients more sensitively

    ...And much more.

    Links mentioned in this podcast:

    Michele’s website:

    Michele’s podcast, the Nip Tuck Talk Show:

    Connect to Michele on LinkedIn:

    Michele’s Facebook page:

  • He is co-owner of Skin Body Soul MedSpa, a rapidly expanding chain of 4 aesthetic clinics in Iowa and Minnesota, built entirely around a membership model.

    In today’s podcast, Brandon reveals the secrets to making a membership model work for your clinic, as well as the commercial lessons he’s learned from his other businesses and applied to his medspa chain.

    Most impressively, Brandon lives in Lake Tahoe, NV, more than 1,000 miles from his nearest Medspa locations. Not only is this not a disadvantage, says Brandon, it’s key to making his medspas run efficiently and profitably.

    Plus we discuss:

    >> Why medspa owners should remove themselves from the day-to-day running of their business

    >> The decisions that no medspa owner should ever give up

    >> The 5 key KPIs to monitor as your clinic grows

    >> Why he felt there was an opportunity in the market for a membership-based medspa

    >> How he sells his membership program to patients

    >> Why so many membership schemes fail - the mistake most clinic owners make

    >> Why he makes his patients sign a 12-month contract

    >> The #1 lesson he’s learned from running a pub, which has helped improve the operations of his medspas

    >> How improving his communication with his team increased his profitability

    >> Why he decided to open a new medspa location during the pandemic

    >> The biggest business opportunity for aesthetic clinics right now - which is barely being noticed!

    >> His 2 key tests for every social media post for his businesses

    ...And much more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Skin Body Soul website:

    Tipsy Putt pub:

    Connect to Brandon on LinkedIn:

    Attract more Body Sculpting patients: I’m putting together a new case study group for clinics that want to get ahead of the game and attract high-quality Body Sculpting patients through their doors. Just email me right back, with “Case study group” in the subject line.

  • How did she do it? For much of that period, Emily did very little marketing and relied mostly on word-of-mouth.

    In today’s podcast, we talk about how to build a world-class aesthetic clinic at rapid speed - as well as the difficulties of fast growth.

    Emily has also become a well-known business coach for other clinic owners. And she is vastly ambitious for her business going forward. Her motto is: “Scottsdale to Singapore by 2024” - so this is just the beginning!


    >> Emily’s simple method to generate referrals, which helped build her business

    >> The secret cost of using word-of-mouth to generate new business

    >> How she “sells” higher prices to her patient base - and finds plenty of patients who are happy to pay more

    >> How to use a bottle of ketchup to help your staff understand exactly how you want things done in your clinic (yes, really)

    >> The art of running a million-dollar consultation

    >> What every medspa and aesthetic clinic should learn from Nike’s marketing

    >> What she teaches other practitioners about great customer service

    >> Why moving locations is a much bigger deal than most clinic owners realize - and how to manage a move without it damaging your business

    >> Why clinic owners should be on Clubhouse - and how Emily’s using it to grow her business

    >> 2 small steps clinic owners should take to make the most of Clubhouse

    >> Her golden rule for making sure her time isn’t eaten up by social media

    >> The famous businesswoman who she considers her role model - Probably not who you might expect!

    ...and more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Esthetic Solutions website:

    Esthetic Solutions on Instagram:

    Connect to Emily on LinkedIn:

    Attract more Body Sculpting patients: I’m putting together a new case study group for clinics that want to get ahead of the game and attract high-quality Body Sculpting patients through their doors. Just email me right back, with “Case study group” in the subject line.

    Case Study: Click here to discover how clinics from Honolulu to LA to London are attracting unprecedented numbers of Threadlift patients...without spending thousands on advertising

    Special Report: 1 Year after COVID, 15 leading aesthetic clinic owners reveal how they’re growing their practices a year into the pandemic

  • He has a thriving cosmetic surgery practice, performing around 1,000 major cosmetic procedures each year.

    But unlike many of his most successful peers, he’s not based in one of the largest urban centers but in Louisville, Kentucky - the 29th largest city in the US (population 618,000).

    In today’s podcast, he reveals how he built up his practice despite being a complete outsider when he first arrived in Louisville.

    He generously shares specific marketing tactics he uses to generate millions of dollars of revenue each year - including details of his annual Open House event and membership program.

    And he explains how he’s cultivated a famously loyal team - including several staff members who have been with him for over 20 years. (Plus: His biggest hiring mistakes - and how he rallied his team together once these individuals left.)

    Dr Calobrace is also co-owner of Beauty Through Science, the highly popular conference for Key Opinion Leaders, now in its 19th year.

    This year, BTS will be taking place in Miami between June 17-19, after a last-minute switch from Stockholm due to Coronavirus restrictions. (It will be a hybrid event, with a virtual platform as well.)

    We discussed the challenges of moving back to in-person conferences after a year of Zoom meetings, as well as how the program has changed to reflect the current concerns of aesthetic clinic owners as the pandemic recedes.


    >> How growing up in modest circumstances affects the way Dr Calobrace practices

    >> Why you need to be able to take risks to grow your business.... and when that’s no longer appropriate

    >> How the financial crisis in 2008 changed the way he managed his practice - and helped him get through the Coronavirus crisis

    >> The biggest challenge of going from one location to three

    >> Why most clinics expand too early - and why Dr Calobrace waited nearly 20 years to open another location

    >> The threat of “energy vampires” in your clinic

    >> Dr Calobrace’s guiding principle for hiring the right people... And how to rectify if you get it wrong

    >> Working with a spouse - the one role they must never take in your clinic

    >> How he uses a glossy print magazine to generate new business

    >> The secrets to his annual Open House, which typically generates millions in revenue

    >> How he uses his loyalty program go generate over $100,000 a month - Find out how it works

    ...and more.

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Beauty Through Science (June 17-19, 2021) -

    CaloAesthetics Plastic Surgery Center -

    Calospa on Instagram -

    CaloAesthetics on Facebook -

    Connect to Dr Calobrace on LinkedIn:

  • In today’s podcast episode, Dr Ilyas explains why she felt a merger was the best option both for her personally and for her business.

    And she reveals how she chose the right buyer, how she navigated the sale process and the challenges and benefits she experienced once the sale was complete. Plus, what it feels like to be an employee again after years of working for herself!

    Also in this episode:

    >> Why the number of clinic mergers and acquisitions is increasing - and when other aesthetic clinic owners should consider it

    >> The mistake made by most groups trying to buy her out, which wrecked their chances

    >> The 3 most important factors she looked for in a buyer. (Not what you might expect)

    >> How she helped her staff transition through the merger process

    >> The surprising reason she never followed up the references provided by her buyer

    >> The benefit of merger which she never expected (but which happened immediately)

    >> The challenges of merger she’s still struggling with

    >> The shock which forced her to expand her practice, after years working alone

    >> Why she decided to focus on building the practice brand rather than her personal brand - and how this decision paid off

    >> How she grew her practice by networking with her medical peers - and the specific actions she took which generated referrals

    >> How her patients’ questions lead her to establish her own clothing line

    >> The original way in which she balances work and home life

    Resources mentioned in the show:

    Erum Ilyas Dermatology practice

    Amber Noon, Erum Ilyas's clothing line

    Erum Ilyas Instagram page

  • During our discussion, Misti reveals the secret of her success, the multitude of barriers she faced in order to launch her treatment, and demonstrates why it’s so important to clearly define the market you want to enter before you even set up your practice.

    Misti Barnes is the perfect example of why it’s never too late to be a successful entrepreneur. She only entered the aesthetic industry in her 40s.

    Also in this episode:

    >> Her fascinating journey towards becoming an entrepreneur – she once used to write murder mysteries!

    >> What drove her to focus on non-invasive aesthetics

    >> Why she believes that the traditional approach to hair loss is lacking

    >> Why Coronavirus has resulted in more opportunities in hair restoration - including for aesthetic clinics and medspas

    >> The formal exercise Misti went through before settling on her niche

    >> How she launched her own hair restoration product without any experience in product development

    >> Why you should never give up on your passions, even when the door is repeatedly slammed in your face – a truly inspiring story!

    Resources mentioned in the show:

    Ideal Skin Clinic by Misti Barnes

    Celustrious Hair Rejuventation

    Misti Barnes Instagram page

  • In today’s episode of the How I Scaled My Aesthetics Practice podcast, we discuss what it’s like to run such different practices at the same time.

    Dr Johnson also reveals the lessons he’s brought from the wounds care side to the aesthetics side, how the two sides of his business support each other and how diversification has helped him survive the COVID crisis.

    Dr Johnson’s aesthetics practice also has an unusual business model, where providers in his clinic can be put on a partnership track.

    During our interview, he talks about why this model is win-win for both parties, and how to get your part-time providers to promote your clinic online (as well as themselves) so that everyone’s brand is strengthened.

    Also in this episode:

    >> How Dr Johnson supports underserved communities in his area, typically patients of color

    >> Why he’s deliberately trying to work with providers of all ethnicities

    >> The critical business lesson he learned from his father, who was a dentist for over 45 years

    >> How he picks strategic partners for his practice. It’s not just about aesthetics skills

    >> The key to managing his time while running not one, but two busy practices

    >> His biggest marketing challenge - which has nothing to do with social media… and a lot to do with his location!

    And much more…

    Resources mentioned in the show:

    Capital Aesthetic and Laser Center website:

    Capital Aesthetic and Laser Center Instagram feed:

    Comprehensive Wound Care Services website:

  • “We incentivize patients [to give referrals], but we hesitated putting a formalized referral program in - you know, refer one patient, get a $25 gift card. I think that’s cold.

    “So what we do is surprise patients… When they come back in, we tell them we noticed they left us a review and here’s a free treatment. Or we send them a bottle of wine. We try to make them happy without them knowing to expect it.”

    Dr Buford also sits on the advisory board of, one of the industry’s leading review sites.

    He explains how to use the platform - and similar sites - most efficiently to generate more business for your clinic, as well as how to separate qualified leads from time-wasters.

    This nationally recognized speaker has also recently launched his own training academy, the Core Aesthetics Training Institute, and is known for his no-nonsense guide to managing and growing a plastic surgery practice, Beauty and the Business.

    Also in this episode:

    >> Why clinics that are booked weeks ahead aren’t actually doing as well as you think

    >> Why Dr Buford routinely gives his cell phone number to patients

    >> The unusual marketing book which has helped him retain patients - this is a must-read!

    >> How to build a patient base you really want to serve - and attract patients you genuinely like

    >> What he learned about fostering customer goodwill from Nordstrom’s

    >> How to balance being personal in your marketing and retaining the patients’ respect

    >> The question from his publicist which changed the direction of his clinic forever

    >> How he promotes virtual consultations in a way that makes them attractive to patients

    >> His process for screening out time-wasters who apply for virtual consultations… Before they ever speak to him

    >> Why he bought a new building for his practice at the height of the COVID pandemic

    >> Why he’s launched a virtual training institute - and the future of virtual training

    And much more…

    Resources mentioned in the show:

    Beauty by Buford:

    Core Aesthetics Training Institute:

    Buy the book, Beauty and the Business:

    Dr. Buford’s Instagram feed:

  • This world-renowned dermatologist is a former president of American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, and is known for his pioneering work with cutting-edge technology.

    His practice, Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York and New Jersey, recently became a division of Schweiger Dermatology Group, where he is now Director of Cosmetic Dermatology and Clinic Research.

    “I was attracted to the field because for me, laser has meant the combination of physics and interacting with human beings. And I love both of them.”

    During our interview, Dr Goldberg discusses the three most impactful treatments from the past 30 years, as well as the trends and opportunities you can expect to see in 2021 - and beyond.

    He also reveals how the Coronavirus pandemic changed his career trajectory - and the one part of running his own practice which he was delighted to give up!

    Also in this episode:

    >> The most important step that allowed Dr. Goldberg scale his clinic

    >> The marketing approach he swears by - and the common marketing tactic which he thinks is a waste of money

    >> How studying law helped Dr. Goldberg become a better doctor

    >> What Mikhail Gorbachev’s wife revealed to Dr Goldberg about the famous birthmark on his forehead!

    >> The most surprising questions he’s asked as a legal columnist in the Dermatology Times… Plus, the legal issue he wishes clinic owners would pay more attention to

    >> Why aesthetics providers focus too much on beauty… And what they should focus on instead

    >> Why you should spend 10 minutes each day thinking about what you’re doing before you start work

    And much more…

    Other resources

    Schweiger Dermatology Group:

    Schweiger Dermatology Group (SDG) Clinical Research Department Research Clinic:

    Skin and Lasers website:

    Skin and Lasers Instagram feed:

    Dr Goldberg’s column in Dermatology Times:

  • The surprising thing?

    It barely touches on aesthetics. Instead, it features the stories of inspiring ‘regular’ women who have overcome incredible challenges or found a way to live ‘huge’ lives.

    “Our business is all about empowering women… If you build a space where women want to be, they will be loyal to you,” she says.

    That’s something Carrie has excelled at. Since 2004, she’s built Utah’s most successful chain of medical spas, Elase. They are the #1 provider of Botox, laser hair removal and body sculpting in the state.

    Carrie is also the COO of National Institute for Medical Aesthetics, which offers certification and continuing medical education for licensees in the aesthetics industry across the US.

    In today’s episode, we discuss how hosting a podcast can bring in new patients - even if it’s not about aesthetics!

    Carrie also reveals how she built her thriving chain of aesthetic clinics, despite having no medical background.

    Also in this episode:

    >> How Carrie turned “empowering women” from a marketing slogan into a principle that infuses everything her business does

    >> Why empowering staff should come before empowering patients (and how to do it!)

    >> Why your marketing doesn’t always have to be about selling… or beauty

    >> What to do when staff resist changes you know are necessary for your clinic

    >> Why your marketing should feature lots of ‘regular’ women - not just models, stars and very successful people

    >> How a podcast can transform the way you think about your practice

    >> Who makes an ideal guest for your podcast?…. Her choices will surprise you!

    >> Why doctors should stick to treating patients, and leave the selling to others

    >> Why you should treat patients on a separate day from their consultation

    >> How Carrie onboards her staff - it’s not about a day or week but an entire year of training! (PLUS: The surprising skills she teaches her team)

    >> The one book that every ambitious clinic owner should read (it has nothing to do with aesthetics)

    And much more…

    Other resources

    Elase Medical Spa:

    National Institute of Medical Aesthetics:

    She’s Simply Amazing Podcast:

    She’s Simply Amazing Instagram feed:

    Elase Instagram feed:

  • “I found those that did their homework after the conference had an amazing event. They actually sold devices. They actually sold skincare products” says Dr Gold, founder of Gold Skin Care Center and Tennessee Clinical Research Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

    Dr. Gold is not only a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon but a respected educator. He credits his successful 30-year career to his decision to teach other doctors.

    He lectures across the world and before COVID was travelling several times a year to China where he is visiting Professor at three separate hospitals.

    In this week’s episode, he discusses how teaching dermatology has helped to cement his reputation and also reveals why you should be paying a lot more attention to virtual events.

    Also in our podcast:

    >> Why social media doesn’t work for him… And the marketing tactic that does.

    >> The biggest criticism patients have of him (And why he doesn’t mind too much…)

    >> The hardest lesson he ever learned as a doctor

    >> How his experience leading aesthetic conferences has helped his career

    >> How he built up his enormous practice from scratch, after moving to Tennessee and not knowing a soul locally!

    >> Why he insists that his nurse practitioners and other members of his team all have to write scientific papers

    >> How he coped when his clinic dropped from 250 patients a day to just eight at the height of COVID

    >> How he balances running his clinic with a hectic lecture schedule and organizing three annual conferences

    >> The key lesson he learned from his mentor, which he believes led directly to his success…

    …And more!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Dr Michael Gold’s clinic:

    5CC World Congress:

    SCALE Meeting:

    DASIL Conference:

  • That’s what Dr Benji Dhillon and Dr Mark Hughes have done.

    During this inspiring podcast, Dr Dhillon (on the medical aesthetics side) reveals the challenges and triumphs of their first year of business together…

    Plus some surprising lessons he’s learned about setting up a brand-new surgery and getting it off the ground.

    Also in this week’s episode:

    >> Why you need to treat your dental and aesthetic practice as two separate businesses – even when you combine them

    >> The key to converting social media inquiries into bookings - Dr Dhillon says he’ll never outsource this

    >> Why you should always share your business figures with your staff

    >> How to ensure that your consultations result in new business - An insight Dr Dhillon picked up while working in some of the largest clinics in London

    >>The secret to having a happy team - This is more important than financial compensation

    >> The most important test to give your potential hires – And it has nothing to do with CVs, references or aptitude tests

    >> Why getting the right marketing agency on board on board from day one is crucial to the success of your practice

    >> Why being happy is the key to running a successful business

    And more…

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Define Clinic:

    Benji Dhillon website:

    Define Clinic Instagram page:

    Benji Dhillon Instagram page:

  • When clinics have difficulty filling their schedule, “typically they’re not differentiated… They have nothing different to communicate, no story that differentiates them. So how compelling will they be on social media and other channels?

    “Because if you market and advertise an average product, you’re going to have average or less-than-average outcomes.”

    In this week’s episode, Dr Mulholland explains exactly how he differentiated himself, becoming one of Canada’s best-known and most successful aesthetic doctors.

    He’s had an unusual journey, initially making his name as a professional hockey player before moving into medicine in his late 20s…

    …And eventually starting his own practice without a penny to his name.

    Over the past 25 years, he’s built his clinic into Canada’s largest private laser skin center and pioneered treatments like Bodytite and the Pan G Lift.

    He’s also become a well-known presence on national TV, regularly appearing on shows like The View and The Today Show (as well as Real Housewives of Toronto, on which his wife stars).

    Our conversation focused on his core marketing principles. You won’t want to miss his description of his weekly marketing meeting with his team!

    Also in this week’s episode:

    >> The 3 lessons Dr Mulholland learned as a hockey star… Which have helped him build a better clinic

    >> The book which helped him launch his clinic… You’ll be shocked when you hear what it is!

    >> Why clinics are too focused on lead-generation… And what they should focus on instead

    >> 3 ways to differentiate yourself in a crowded market… And to distinguish yourself on social media

    >> How his marketing team makes up ground when they’re behind on sales

    >> Why you’re fooling yourself if you believe that patients aren’t coming to you because you’re “too expensive”… Here’s the real reason why

    >> The key difference between an aesthetic practice and a medical practice – something many doctors who open aesthetic clinics overlook!

    >> How to get more repeat business from your existing patients… It’s all about having the right systems in place

    >> Dr Mulholland’s one big career regret. (It’s not what you might think….)

    …and more.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Inbox Express: Our library of proven marketing emails for aesthetic clinics and med spas, designed to nurture your relationship with your patients (including during the Coronavirus crisis) and get them into your clinic again and again.

    Case Study: Click here to find out how one clinic owner made an additional $183,000 from a tiny email list of just 3,000 people.

    SpaMedica website:

    SpaMedica Instagram page:

    Stephen Mulholland Wikipedia page: