Reframe Of Mind cuts through the platitudes and gets to the core of living authentically, challenging our assumptions and improving mental health with the guidance of good science, philosophy and learning from other people’s lived experiences.
Louise and Andy unravel their own stories in a fight against toxic positivity, finding that space where the truth no longer hurts so much, and healing can take place. -
Introducing The Black Country Blokes, a podcast that dives deep into the topics of mental health, disability, and the ups and downs of life in general. With hosts Lee Cadman and Kev Dillon leading the way, each episode brings a wealth of insights and perspectives to the table, thanks to the addition of guest experts from various fields.
The Black Country Blokes isn't just another podcast - it's a safe and welcoming space where listeners can feel heard, understood, and empowered to tackle life's challenges head-on. From mental health struggles to navigating life with a disability, the conversations are honest, raw, and always thought-provoking.
Join Lee, Kev, and their guests as they share their experiences, challenges, and victories in a way that inspires and uplifts. With a blend of humor, vulnerability, and expertise, The Black Country Blokes is the podcast that will leave you feeling seen, heard, and ready to take on the world. Tune in today and join the conversation!
Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/bcb.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Herzlich Willkommen in meiner Welt der Poesie. In meinen Gedichten geht es um meinen Weg zum Seelenglück.
Es geht um erlebte, erlöste, uralte und immer wertvolle Gefühle des Glücks, der Liebe und auch der Angst. Ebenso beschreiben meine Gedichte einen Heilungsweg und Gedanken über das Leben. Einige sind leicht wie ein Schmetterling, andere sind sehr intensiv. Es freut mich, wenn sie Dich berühren.
A twenty something having conversations with here self and sometimes with others 🤙From my heart directly to yours Hope you will like it and it will help you 🫂🫶
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
هنا و الهيه بودكاست بالدارجة غنسافرو فيه و نعاودو كاع داكشي اللي فالداخل ديالنا. هنا و الهيه، انا و انتوما. هنا و الهيه، حنا و هوما. هنا و الهيه، غدا و اليوما
Salut moi c'est Léa et bienvenue sur mon podcast Petit soleil :)
Je t'invite à me rejoindre dans cette nouvelle "safe place" ensoleillée où on va parler de tout et avec bienveillance : moments de vie, anecdotes, angoisses... Bref toutes les questions que se pose une jeune fille de 20 ans ! Alors respire, arrête de te prendre la tête, mets tes écouteurs et c'est parti. J'espère que Petit soleil illuminera ta journée qu'elle soit grise ou ensoleillée. En attendant on se retrouve sur Instagram @petitsoleil.podcast
Des bisouuuuuus et à dimanche
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Du studierst Medizin und hast keine Lust mehr, dich dauer-angespannt und gestresst durch dein Studium zu zwingen? Dann bist du hier richtig! :) Ich bin Felicitas, Ärztin und Anti-Stress-Coach für Medizinstudierende. In diesem Podcast nehme ich dich an die Hand und zeige dir, wie du dein Medizinstudium endlich entspannter meisterst - trotz der ganzen Anforderungen. Ich teile mit dir die Dinge, die mir am meisten geholfen haben, um den ständigen inneren Stress und Druck endlich zu überwinden, mich von meinen gefühlt 1000 To-Dos zu befreien und endlich wieder mehr Zeit für mich zu haben - und für die Dinge, die mir wirklich Freude machen. Denn es ist möglich, nicht den ganzen Tag am Schreibtisch zu verbringen oder sich selbst permanent unter Druck zu setzen und trotzdem die Prüfungen gut zu meistern - auch für dich! <3 So schön, dass du hier dabei bist! Alles Liebe, Deine Felicitas.
Anti-Stress-Coaching für Medizinstudierende: https://felicitassaal.com/coaching
Bitte beachte, dass die Inhalte in meinem Podcast keine medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Wende dich bei gesundheitlichen Fragen bitte immer an einen Arzt vor Ort. -
David and Sherie talk about self-worth, sexual addiction, betrayal trauma, depression, anxiety, and other therapy issues. Each podcast is a different topic of conversation with tools, guidance, and help for navigating these complex problems. Learn more at https://www.twotherapiststalking.com.
Divagation d'une future trentenaire en quête de sens et de réalisation personnelle !
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Bonjour Friends! Welcome to the Whole Body Optimism Podcast for Healthcare Professionals! Here we dive into the modern way of whole-body clean living. Whole Body Optimism is not just about positive thinking, it’s a way of life. It’s about nourishing not just our minds, because true well-being goes beyond just positive thinking. It’s about nurturing our minds, bodies, and our souls in true harmony. Join the journey of exploring this harmony as we unlock the secrets to living your best and most authentic life. In some episodes, I will focus on reviewing the latest scientific journal articles that I think are exciting, some episodes I will be interviewing healthcare providers and some episodes will feature interviews with experts in clean living. I will also be adding many practical, life hacks, DIY, clean pantry swaps, and simple habits to help you optimize your whole health. Whether you’re looking to boost your energy, improve your mood, enhance your relationships, or simply live your best life, ’Whole Body Optimism’ is here to provide the tools, insights, and motivation you need.
Be sure to subscribe and click the link in the podcast notes for free tips, tricks, and clean swaps on Instagram and facebook! I get excited when I get a subscribe, like, and a follow! A 3fer! See ya real soon.
Read the Terms of Use before listening to the Whole Body Optimism Podcast. This podcast is for entertainment, informational, and general educational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. -
Des discussions avec des personnes qui m'entourent de près comme de loin, ou juste moi-même en train de papoter.
L'idée derrière tout ça, c'est de se motiver mutuellement à devenir une meilleure version de nous-mêmes !
Dans ce podcast, on partage des moments de vie, où on a réussi à surmonter des obstacles, et même nos petites astuces pour se booster.
Parce que franchement, qui a dit qu'on ne pouvait pas s'inspirer les uns des autres, peu importe notre âge, notre situation ou d'où l'on vient ?
On discute de tout : des hauts, des bas, et de ce qui nous fait vibrer. Parce que je suis convaincue qu'on a tous quelque chose à s'apporter et à apprendre des autres. On se soutient, on s'encourage, et surtout, on se dit que même quand ça semble compliqué, on n'est pas tout seul 🫶🏾
Donc si t'as besoin d'un boost de motivation, d'entendre des histoires qui donnent la pêche, ou juste de te sentir connecté.e, Et si on s'inspirait, est là pour toi.
Alors, rejoins moi et ensemble, on va explorer comment devenir la meilleure version de nous-mêmes, un pas à la fois. Parce que, sérieux, c'est ensemble qu'on est les plus forts ! ✨
Tu peux aussi me retrouver sur Instagram :
@elaurajs ou le compte du podcast etsionsinspirait
Bientôt sur TikTok et Youtube ⏳
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
يا ولدي .. جالِس ربّك بأسمائه؛ تَرَ ألطافاً عجيبة..
اسَتغرِق في الدّعاء بها؛ يتبدَّى لك ما خَفِي عنك، وتَرقى بك من الحَسَن إلى الأحسَن !
يا بني، تُوقِظ الأسماء الحُسنى الأرواحَ لأُمنياتها، والظَّمأ لكلّ اسمٍ لا ينتهي، حتى تنتهي الحَوائج إليه !
والله بالأسماء يُطوى لك ما لا يَطويه حَوْلُك، وتَقطِفُ من الغاباتِ ما تَشاءُ ؛ لو بَلغتَ حال: (وكُنتُ يدَه التي يبطشُ بها)!
يطول الطريقُ دون الأسماء الحسنى، ولا نَصل !
انوِ صُحبةً للأسماء، تُبَلَّغْكَ إليه، وعش معه أنسَ التَوسُّل ..
والله لو اعتكفتَ إليه، لرأيتَ كيف يُغرفُ لك الفضل غَرفاً ! وإنّ الله إذا اختصَّك بالصُحبة، فقد بلغتَ من القُرب مَبلغاً -
هل تجدين أنّ الأمومة صعبة وتربية الأطفال فيها تحديات كثيرة؟ هل تتساءلين عن الطرق الأنسب لمساعدتهم في مراحل نموّهم وتطوير مهاراتهم؟ هل تتحضّرين للأمومة وتبحثين عن مرجع للمعرفة عن المرحلة القادمة؟ بودكاست "ببساطة ماما" يُناقش مواضيع متنوّعة عن التربية ونمو الأطفال بشكل علمي وعملي مع أخصائيين في مجالات مختلفة. كما ويقدّم أنشطة لتطبيقها مع الأولاد لقضاء أوقات هادفة معهم. مقدمة البرنامج جوانا نصرالله هي أم لولدين، اختصاصية بالعلاج اللغوي، حائزة على ماجستار بتقويم النطق واللغة، مدرّبة جامعيّة وممثلة بالمسرح الإرتجالي.كل نهار ثلاثاء تُبَث حلقة جديدة من "ببساطة ماما" على الراديو، وتُعرض الحلقة على البودكاست نهار الأربعاء.للمزيد من المعلومات والنصائح التربوية العملية، لأي سؤال أو تعليق، تابعي صفحة "ببساطة ماما" على فايسبوك وانستغرام.
بودكاست ثري وعميق .. مع الدكتور أنس ابن عوف - استشاري الأمراض النفسيةيصحبنا فيه مع رحلة مع الأمراض النفسية، عن مدى شيوعها ، أسبابها وأعراضها ومخاطرها ولاشك علاجهافأهلا وسهلا بكم ..
🎙Your Attay b nعnaع podcast — sweet, مشحر, addictive & بكشكوشتو
What if we lived our life on purpose instead of living it by default?
My name is Manal Bernoussi. I am a multi-passionate mom of twins and a corporate executive in Casablanca, Morocco, living and sharing my personal development journey.
The purpose of this podcast is to grow and serve while creating impact by supporting you, connect to your true self, and awaken to your own personal power. You are maybe leading your business, your team, your family, or maybe you are leading yourself to the next level.
Leaders On Purpose is for anyone that is looking to make a change, create impact and lead from a place of worthiness, authenticity and service.
I'll be inviting inspiring people, beautiful souls, from all backgrounds and nationalities to inspire us to live our true purpose and create real impact. -
Welcome to The Coaching Podcast – coach for success in both sports and business. I'm your host, Coach EM, known as The Energy Coach and Activation Speaker, recognized globally for unleashing human potential. Join me as I engage with top sports and business coaches worldwide, delving into the essence of greatness in coaching. Through thought-provoking and coaching-specific questions, we explore the commonalities and differences between coaching in sports and business.
My conversations with coaches delve into the heart of coaching, offering practical tools that empower both coaches and leaders. Whether you're navigating the boardroom, coaching on a tennis court, or leading a team on the sporting field, our discussions provide valuable insights and strategies for continuous improvement. Tune in to The Coaching Podcast and elevate your coaching game for success in every arena.
Un podcast de l'Etat de Vaud - Direction générale de la santé.
Être en bonne santé mentale, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
C'est un état de bien-être mental qui nous permet d'affronter les sources de stress de la vie, de réaliser notre potentiel, de bien apprendre et de bien travailler, et de contribuer à la vie de la communauté, selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé.
La santé mentale, tout le monde en a une. Selon les jours, elle se porte plus ou moins bien et évolue. Elle fait partie intégrante de notre santé, au même titre que notre santé physique. Nous pouvons en prendre soin et l'entretenir.
Réalisation: Maé Biedermann, de RADAR RP
Illustration: Sylvie Hoenger