Podcasten for deg som vil skape en business og et liv du elsker - sprinklet med spiritualitet og magi. Hadde ikke det vært gøy?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hey Curl Pros! Welcome to our little corner of this podcast world where facts are favored over opinions and food goes in our bellies.
We are Aeleise (left) and Aishia (right), founders of Cut It Kinky + Black Girl Curls, licensed practicing natural hair stylists, brand agnostic curl educators, moms to tiny humans, upsetters of the Internet, and just your overall snarky aunties who really know our 'ish.
Curls Disrupted was started because mainstream beauty outlets weren’t teaching relevant or accurate to the women that look just like us. Women who spend thousands of dollars yearly and still unsatisfied with their natural texture and the services and products marketed to them.
We just want to give DOPE A** hair to natural hair wearers and set a quality standard for professional curl services and service providers. Join us as we disrupt the curl paradigm.
To learn more about us go to:
Consumer http://www.blackcurlmagic.com
Licensed Professionals http://www.cutitkinky.com -
Your clients are waiting for YOU - not someone like you, but actually YOU! Women Rocking Business is the podcast to help you get there. Learn how to take make money with your message while shining your light in a way that makes you irresistible to your ideal clients.
A Brief "How-To" guide about "How To Start a Business" in 8 easy to follow steps.
A practical "How To" guide on becoming an Entrepreneur
Der Business-Podcast für dich und all diejenigen, die mehr vom Leben wollen. Für Frauen, die den Willen haben jetzt mit ihrem eigenen Business zu starten und für Unternehmerinnen, die ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich weiter auf- und ausbauen wollen.
Businessaufbau einfach? Wie geht Unternehmensaufbau leichter, freudvoller und intuitiver? Wie nutzt du deine Energie und dein Potenzial maximal? Wie bekommst du mehr Klarheit, Unternehmer-Know-how und wie viel Struktur und Strategie ist für deinen Businessaufbau sinnvoll? Wie bleibst du an deiner Vision und deinen Zielen dran? Was ist wichtig für dein ganzheitliches Business Wachstum?
Selbstständigen Frauen und all jene, die es werden wollen, erfahren hier, wie sie mit ihrem eigenen Business immer freier, selbstbestimmter und unabhängiger werden.
Der Podcast verbindet Wissen und Inspirationen rund um das Thema Business, persönliche Weiterentwicklung, Bewusstsein und Spiritualität. Hier bekommst du Tipps & innere Klarheit, wie du in deinem Leben reich im Innen und im Außen sein kannst. Es gibt Interviews mit Menschen, die lieben, was sie tun und gerne ihre Erfahrungen weitergeben, die du für dich nutzen kannst. Lerne dir selbst und deinem Erfolg zu vertrauen!
Madlen Heller ist Spirit- und Businessmentorin, Gründerin von HellerZauber®, Visionärin und verliebt in ihr Herzensbusiness.
Mit mehr als 18 Jahren Erfahrung in der Selbstständigkeit, dem eigenen Aufbau von Offline- und Online-Business, begleitet & motiviert Madlen von HellerZauber® in ihren Programmen Frauen, die groß denken und bereit sind für Business & Expertenwissen, Mindset & Manifestation sowie Leichtigkeit & Freude.
Mehr Infos auf: www.hellerzauber.de
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madlenheller/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/lene.ler
Facebook-Seite: https://web.facebook.com/HellerZauber/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madlen-heller-b4122865/ -
Helping you thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments.
In this podcast I help you build and protect wealth through investing, real estate and an extreme dose of economics. -
Welcome to The FORDIFY Show, where soulful entrepreneurship meets purposeful success! Hosted by Emily Ford, a powerhouse entrepreneur and globally acclaimed speaker, this podcast is your go-to resource for transforming dreams into reality with authenticity, clarity, and unshakeable confidence. Since 2011, Emily has been inspiring entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and create impactful personal brands that reflect their God-given purpose.
Join Emily as she brings her vibrant energy and insights, sharing uplifting stories, practical advice, and engaging interviews with world-class guests. Whether you’re looking to elevate your business, align with your mission, or thrive in every aspect of life, The FORDIFY Show has the tools and inspiration to stand unshaken no matter the challenge, communicate with impact, and shine brightly in everything you do. -
If you're a business owner or an entrepreneur, whether in your first few years or growing fast you need skilled help to grow and scale properly.
Meet the VA kings, Chris & Jeff. They are the founders of a VAOCITY, where their primary focus is helping people like you acquire skilled, trained, and prepared assistants for your business to lift some of the heavy loading and at an affordable price.
This podcast is here to help you while scaling, learn about growing a culture of employees, and embrace the growing pains of your business. Jeff and Chris will be joined by friends, business partners, and rockstar entrepreneurs to show you exactly what it looks like when you commit to the growth of your business. -
Frilansskribenten är podden om frilansjournalistik – där du lär dig allt du behöver veta för att komma igång som frilansjournalist för magasin och tidningar. Djupdyk i allt från vinklar och ingresser, till hur du pitchar och vad du ska ta betalt för din artikel. Lotta Brunmark från Magazine Writer's Academy guidar dig i magasins- och tidningsdjungeln.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
CRR Radio is your podcast source of information all about Community Risk Reduction. Each episode features interviews with people who are using CRR in their communities and experts in a variety of fields, giving you information you can use!
The Simple Online Business podcast is for business owners who want to start and build profitable, sustainable online businesses. Host Samantha Siffring is a business coach and agency founder who is known for her simple and doable approach to business and marketing. She has helped hundreds of women start and grow profitable businesses in all industries. Each week, she brings straightforward tips, strategies, and mindset shifts that will get you moving forward in your business, whether you're just starting out or established.
The branding podcast featuring stories and lessons from entrepreneurs and brand builders, so you can get inspiration, insights, strategies and tactics as you create your own game-changing brand. Hosted by serial brand creator, entrepreneur, and founder of Antidote, Kendrick Co.
Did you know we determine everything about you from your voice? If you want to captivate the listener and command the space with a voice that makes people listen, this podcast is for you. Join Internationally known voice expert Tracy Goodwin as she shows you how to amplify your authority with her signature methodology Psychology of the Voice® as she shows you how to unearth your voice stories so you speak with confidence, uncover the barriers that keep us from connecting, and unleash the power of your real voice so you captivate the listener from your first word.
Welcome, I knew you would find me, You're HERE on and for a purpose :) You know in your heart that there's more inside of you and the time has come to bring all of your greatness to the table. As leaders, we have a responsibility to continually develop our leadership and self-leadership skills and gifts so we can serve as healthy, courageous & influential leaders in our homes, careers, and community. This world needs us more than ever to show up, serve, and lead in these uncertain times.
I'm Siv Priscilla and I'd love for you to join me as I share experiences, truths, and reflections that'll inspire your personal growth. Take a seat at the table as we explore the secrets of inspiring leaders who challenge us to rise higher. Subscribe to this secret hiding place for inspiration, rejuvenation, and growth.
Don't miss out, subscribe right now and always be the first to hear the Confessions of a Leader.
Enjoy your day | Nyt dagen,
Siv Priscilla -
Vi håper å kunne glede deg med innovasjon på øret. Til vår store overraskelse oppdaget vi at vi har to ører og en munn – og vi som har oppført oss som om vi har to munner og et halvt øre! Men, vi skal gjøre vårt beste. Klaus har vært til opptrening på Moelv bad og rundkjøring, og Sjur er over seg av begeistring over å oppdage at ikke bare har han to ører, men at begge virker!
Bli en bedre markedsfører – én episode av gangen! Hver uke gir vi deg konkrete tips, spennende gjester og smarte verktøy du kan bruke i hverdagen. Hold deg oppdatert på de nyeste trendene eller få praktiske råd som du kan implementere umiddelbart. Ta lønsjen din med oss!
En podcast fra Markedssjefene og MFO.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vi bygger trygge mennesker i alt vi gjør. Vi er menn som snakker om følelser, sårbarhet og alle dimensjoner av å være menneske - ikke bare suksess og høydepunktene.
Til sammen har vi over 20 års erfaring med mental trening og personlig utvikling, og jobben vår er å hjelpe mennesker med å overkomme frykt, følge hjertet og bli tryggere på seg selv gjennom coaching og foredrag.
Det har transformert måten vi lever på, og nå vil vi dele det videre til deg, slik at du kan lede med hjertet og leve ekte i ditt liv. -
I denne podcasten utforsker vi hvordan smarte investeringer kan forandre livene våre på flere måter. Ikke bare økonomisk, men også på jobben og personlig. Her dykker vi ned i de mange aspektene av investering – fra økonomisk frihet og karriereutvikling til personlig vekst og velvære.
Gjennom inspirerende samtaler og ekte suksesshistorier, får du verktøyene du trenger for å oppnå både personlig og profesjonell vekst.
Du kan også lære mer i Stackappen, eller ved å følge oss på instagram.
Målet vårt er å bryte ned barrierer og åpne opp muligheter, uansett hvor du starter fra. Vi ønsker å gjøre kunnskap om velvære og økonomi tilgjengelig for alle, og spesielt bidra til å redusere det økonomiske gapet mellom kjønnene.
Bli med oss og begynn din investeringsreise i dag – fordi den beste investeringen du kan gjøre, er investeringen i deg selv.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vi brenner for å hjelpe folk med å sette fart på sin eiendomskarriere. Mange tror de stoppes av mangel på kapital, men det som egentlig stopper dem er mangel på kunnskap. I denne podkasten lærer Rajeev Lehar fra Eiendomskoden deg hans rammeverk for hvordan du gradvis bygger deg opp innen eiendom.
Slå på støtte for skjermlesere