
  • Can you imagine a world where your mind, body, and spirit operate in perfect synchronicity, like a finely tuned orchestra? Brace yourself, 'cause this episode is about to take you on a mind-expanding journey with Dan and Elise from the Deep Life podcast. These two have walked the walk, transitioning from personal struggles and corporate rat races to become holistic lifestyle coaches on a mission to help others thrive.

    Elise bares her soul, opening up about her 12-year battle with an eating disorder and how she finally found freedom by embracing a holistic mind-body-spirit approach. Her raw vulnerability is a powerful reminder that we're all interconnected beings. Dan shares how this experience expanded his perspective beyond just physical fitness, realizing true well-being stems from nurturing the whole ecosystem that is the human body.

    Together, they'll let you in on the game-changing holistic strategies they use to help clients break free from physical and emotional pain. You'll discover:

    The profound impact of self-love on catalyzing healing and personal growthWhy optimal gut health is the foundation for vibrant livingHow your thoughts shape your reality (and how to rewire for the better)The transformative power of living with purpose and love

    If you're ready to ditch the old you and embrace a life of radiant well-being, this insightful conversation is a must-listen. Dan and Elise's wisdom will inspire you to transcend limiting beliefs, realign your mind-body-spirit, and unlock your true potential for thriving. Don't miss this holistic odyssey into self-discovery!

  • Can you relate to constantly battling aches and pains, feeling like your body is waging war against you? You've tried every remedy under the sun, but nothing seems to provide lasting relief. Well, my friend, get ready to have your mind blown wide open!

    In this eye-opening episode, our host Rob Renee shares five jaw-dropping revelations that flipped his perspective on natural pain relief upside down. Brace yourself, because these surprising discoveries are about to shatter everything you thought you knew!

    For starters, who knew our emotions could be so deeply intertwined with physical discomfort? Rob unveils the mind-blowing connection between unresolved feelings and bodily aches, and how one practitioner helped a patient overcome knee pain simply by addressing emotional baggage. Mind = blown!

    But that's just the tip of the healing iceberg. Rob also dives into the cutting-edge world of nutrigenomics, where genetic testing paves the way for personalized nutrition plans and custom-made supplements tailored to your unique needs. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches!

    Here are a few more game-changing insights you can expect:

    • The hidden toxins lurking in your home (and the humble houseplants that can detoxify your space)

    • How chiropractic care can actually heal you remotely (no, this isn't science fiction!)

    • Simple, free habits that can profoundly impact your well-being (like grounding yourself in nature)

    As if that weren't enough, Rob also shares some real-talk wisdom he's picked up on his journey. Like the fact that gut health is the foundation for full-body healing, and how something as basic as drinking enough water (even tap water!) can work wonders.

    So, are you ready to ditch the quick fixes and embrace a natural, faithful approach to lasting pain relief? Join Rob as he unpacks these mind-blowing revelations and more in an episode that's equal parts informative and inspiring. Your path to a pain-free existence starts here!

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  • Can you really heal from chronic illness and reclaim your vibrant health? Absolutely, says Dr. Jenny Tufenkian—but you need to address the root causes. In this riveting episode, she shares her own powerful journey of overcoming chronic fatigue, severe pain, and profound loss to become a true beacon of hope.

    Through her deeply personal experiences, Dr. Jenny intimately understands the fear, frustration, and feeling of hopelessness that come with chronic conditions. Yet she also discovered life-changing techniques to activate the body's innate healing ability. Now, she's on an inspiring mission to guide others towards lasting vitality.

    With remarkable clarity, you'll dive into the five core root causes that often underlie chronic fatigue, long COVID, and other persistent illnesses. From hormone imbalances and chronic infections to mitochondrial dysfunction, toxic exposures, and the role of the limbic "danger" brain, Dr. Jenny breaks down each factor. Her insights into calming this primal response to create a mindset for healing are simply fascinating.

    Here's what you'll gain from this can't-miss episode:

    • Understand the pivotal mind-body connection in chronic illness

    • Identify which of the 5 root causes may be impacting your health

    • Learn practical strategies to activate your body's natural healing ability

    • Discover techniques for rewiring the limbic "danger" brain

    • Gain a fresh perspective on overcoming chronic conditions naturally

  • Imagine waking up each day feeling vibrant, energized, and free from nagging aches and pains? It's totally possible when you work with your body's natural healing intelligence instead of just treating surface-level symptoms.

    In this fascinating interview, Dr. Linell King shares his eye-opening journey from traditional to functional medicine after a heartbreaking family tragedy. You'll discover why gut health and proper nutrition are the foundation for true wellness (hint: over 70% of your immune system is in your gut!). Dr. King also reveals the secrets to mastering inflammation, balancing hormones naturally, and cultivating the right mindset for unstoppable vitality.

    Listeners will discover:

    • Why conventional medicine often falls short for chronic conditions

    • The vital role of gut health and how to optimize yours

    • Simple nutrition tips to reduce inflammation and boost healing

    • A step-by-step process for detoxing your body naturally

    • Mindset strategies for lasting motivation and well-being

    As Dr. King wisely states, "Pain is a blessing - it's your body's way of telling you to pay attention." Listen to this episode to finally address the underlying causes of your health issues instead of just band-aiding symptoms. You'll walk away empowered with an actionable plan for unlocking your body's natural healing potential!

  • Can you imagine harnessing the divine light of God to heal chronic pain and life-threatening illnesses naturally? No pills, no chemicals, just pure energy from the Creator Himself. Sounds far-fetched, doesn't it? Well, get ready to have your mind blown by the incredible world of scalar energy healing!

    In this fascinating episode, we dive deep into the groundbreaking work of Tom Paladino, a pioneer in tapping into the limitless healing potential of Christ's light. Tom's journey began with an insatiable curiosity about Nikola Tesla's research into scalar waves – a new branch of physics that promises to revolutionize how we understand and utilize energy.

    Brace yourself as Tom unveils his revolutionary approach to natural healing. You'll be amazed to learn how he can pinpoint viruses, bacteria, and even negate debilitating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and HIV – all by analyzing a person's photograph and energy field! No in-person contact required, just the power of divine light working its magic.

    Here are a few key takeaways you can expect from this mind-expanding conversation:

    • Understand the profound connection between scalar energy, lightning strikes, and the limitless potential for clean, renewable energy sources.

    • Discover how Tom's innovative technology can improve sleep patterns, boost memory, and alleviate chronic pain – without relying on pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures.

    • Gain insights into the transformative power of Christ's healing light, as evidenced by thousands of testimonials from people worldwide who have experienced remarkable recoveries.

    Whether you're a devoted believer or a curious skeptic, this episode will challenge your perceptions and leave you craving more knowledge about this cutting-edge science. Tom's passion for bringing faithful, side-effect-free healing to the masses is truly infectious and inspiring.

    So open your mind, and get ready to experience the extraordinary world of scalar energy healing. After hearing Tom's incredible story, you'll never look at a simple photograph the same way again! Keep an open heart and mind as we explore the boundless possibilities of God's divine light.

  • Have you ever struggled with mysterious symptoms and pain that doctors can't diagnose? Dr. Diane Mueller knows that agony all too well. She once suffered from such severe pain, it felt like her legs were being "sawed off." Conventional medicine failed to uncover the root cause or provide relief. However, her torturous health crisis catalyzed Dr. Mueller's journey to becoming a leading expert in stealth infections.

    In this gripping episode, Dr. Mueller reveals how hidden factors like Lyme disease, toxic mold exposure, heavy metals, and a distressed nervous system can wreak havoc in the body. She explains how these stealth "infections inflame our nerves, even causing them to die." This neurological dysfunction disrupts pain signaling, leading to agonizing yet perplexing symptoms.

    Dr. Mueller emphasizes the importance of proper testing and diagnosis. She exposes how "standard Lyme disease tests used by most doctors have a 67% chance of a false negative." Getting inaccurate test results prevents people from accessing the right treatment. To get to the bottom of unresolved pain, she urges patients to advocate for themselves and find practitioners who understand advanced testing.

    Listeners will discover:

    • Insight into how infections, toxins and neurological imbalance cause mysterious chronic pain

    • What cutting-edge tests can detect stealth infections and conditions standard labs miss

    • Strategies to advocate for proper diagnosis and find helpful practitioners

    • Ways to reduce neurological inflammation and rebalance the nervous system naturally

    • Inspiration and hope from Dr. Mueller’s story of overcoming her own health crisis

    At the end of this enlightening episode, Dr. Mueller leaves us with a simple yet profound truth: "Healthy nerves, happy life." Her wisdom and experience offer practical solutions for those still searching for answers. Join us as we unravel the mystery of chronic pain and chart a pathway to healing.

  • Facing a devastating diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at age 30, Elizabeth's world was turned upside down. Her neurologist delivered crushing news - predicting she'd likely end up wheelchair-bound by 40 as the disease ravaged her body and nervous system. He offered her a false choice - either take the toxic drugs he prescribed to simply slow the inexorable decline or do nothing and deteriorate faster. Neither seemed much of a life raft. Refusing to accept the life sentence handed down, Elizabeth radically transformed her diet and environment - eliminating all processed foods and chemicals. The impact was remarkable - within 3 years, her MS stopped progressing entirely and her symptoms had disappeared.

    Now running an online academy, Elizabeth shares the hard-won wisdom from her 25 year journey studying nutrition and fighting inflammation. Her inspiring story proves we all have power over our own health - simple diet and lifestyle changes alone can transform outcomes even in the face of daunting diagnoses.

    Tune into this enlightening conversation to discover:

    • New hope - MS and chronic disease progression can be halted through natural means

    • How to address inflammation at the root - the driver of nearly all symptoms

    • Steps to remove environmental toxins and processed foods causing inflammation

    • Elizabeth's empowering message that we can overcome limitations and thrive amid adversity

    "What I've learned is that most, if not all, symptoms are due to inflammation," explains Elizabeth. Isn't it time we reclaim the power to heal ourselves? This uplifting story may motivate you to take control of your own health today.

  • Does this sound familiar? Have you been struggling with chronic health issues and trying everything you've been told, but still not seeing results? It's frustrating, right? You're not alone. But what if I told you there's a natural, proactive approach that can equip you with the knowledge to take control of your health and understand the root causes of inflammation? Say goodbye to ineffective actions and hello to a healthier, pain-free life. Let's dive deep into the inflammation equation and redefine what it means to live a healthy life.

    My special guest is Dr Tom O'Bryan

    Dr. Tom O'Bryan is a leading authority in the field of chronic inflammation and its impact on overall health. With decades of groundbreaking research, Dr. O'Bryan has delved into the intricate ways everyday choices, from diet to environmental factors, influence our well-being. His work in identifying and addressing the hidden triggers of chronic conditions has revolutionized the approach to health and wellness. Dr. O'Bryan's expertise extends to the intricate connections between inflammation and various chronic diseases, shedding light on proactive measures for prevention and overall well-being. His insights and knowledge are invaluable for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of inflammation and its effects on health.

    It's the environmental triggers that activate your immune system trying to protect you, that are responsible for 14 of the 15 top causes of death. - Dr. Tom O'Brien

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Uncover hidden triggers of chronic inflammation for better health.Combat chronic conditions naturally with proactive approaches.Understand the root causes of health issues for a holistic approach to wellness.Learn about environmental factors affecting your health and how to mitigate their impact.Detoxify your home to create a healthier living environment.

    Uncover Root Causes of Health Issues

    Exploring environmental factors that contribute to health issues is essential for addressing root causes. Uncovering the underlying triggers of health problems allows for targeted solutions that promote long-term health. By addressing root causes of health issues, individuals can prevent chronic diseases and improve their quality of life.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to register for the free nine-day event The Inflammation Equation launching on May 13th.Access the entire interview with Fran Drescher as a gift when you register for the event at and order comprehensive tests using silicone chip technology at to understand inflammation triggers and take the results to your doctor for discussion.Text the word pain free to 417-246-3733 or visit to access a free three-episode private podcast series called Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain Free Existence.Learn more about pain relief solutions and access valuable resources by visiting or texting pain free to 417-246-3733.
  • Dive into the transformative world of iCryo with our hosts, Justin Miles and Tracy, as they unravel the power of holistic healing therapies. This episode, "Chilling Secrets to Healing: iCryo's Revolutionary Pain Relief Unveiled," explores groundbreaking treatments like ozone therapy, which has shown remarkable effects on autoimmune symptoms, and the synergistic benefits of red light therapy. Discover how iCryo is pioneering a movement away from conventional medicine toward all-natural pain relief solutions that empower your health and wellness journey. Whether you're battling chronic pain or seeking to enhance your overall vitality, tune in to learn how these innovative therapies can pave the way to a naturally pain-free life. Join us and step into a world where your health transformation awaits.

  • Cryo Success: From A Tragic Accient to Helping Others Achieve Pain-Free Lives

    Have you heard these myths about natural pain relief? Myth 1: Cryotherapy is just a fad. Myth 2: Lifestyle changes won't make a real difference in chronic pain. Myth 3: Natural therapies can't replace pharmaceuticals. But I'll reveal the truth behind these myths without giving away the strategy. Stay tuned for some eye-opening insights!

    My special guest is Travis Ala

    Travis Ala, a man of many talents, brings a wealth of experience to the podcast. From his background in the Marine Corps to his successful career in law enforcement, Travis has transitioned into the health and wellness space with a passion for natural pain management. As the owner of Icryo, he has firsthand experience in the benefits of cryotherapy and other natural modalities for chronic pain relief. Travis's personal journey of overcoming health challenges and his commitment to holistic therapies make him a credible and inspiring guest. His story reflects the power of lifestyle changes and the potential for transformation in pain management and overall well-being.

    It all comes down to the decisions you're making. Pain is connected in all those mental, spiritual, physical ways. Our negative self-talk or our actions, our lack of action or lack of movement, all these things, time to get tied together. We feel the pain. Right. But, you know, it may feel in our elbow, it may radiate from the shoulder blade. Right. So life is that way. So it's always more than just the pain I'm feeling. It's. It all gets connected down to, like, the decisions you're making. - Travis Ala

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the surprising benefits of cryotherapy for managing chronic pain.Explore effective strategies for transitioning from pharmaceuticals to natural therapies for pain relief.Uncover the powerful impact of lifestyle changes on overall health and wellness, especially in managing chronic pain.Hear inspiring success stories and testimonials from individuals who have found relief through cryotherapy.Learn practical and natural strategies for reducing inflammation and managing chronic pain.

    Surprising benefits of cryotherapy

    Cryotherapy offers surprising benefits beyond pain relief, such as improved energy levels, enhanced mood, and increased athletic performance. This form of therapy can also boost metabolism, aid in weight loss, and promote overall well-being. The episode highlights the diverse advantages of cryotherapy that extend beyond addressing chronic pain.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Text the word pain free to 417-246-3733 to access a three-episode private podcast series called Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain-Free Existence for free.Visit to instantly access the private podcast series Beyond Pain for free. This series is packed with expert interviews, resource vault, and secrets to guide you to live pain-free naturally and faithfully.If you're in Frisco, Texas, visit Icryo in Frisco for cryotherapy, red light therapy, IV infusions, vitamin shots, and other wellness solutions tailored to your specific needs.Stay tuned for the opening of new Icryo facilities in addition to the existing ones in Frisco and Scottsdale.Understand that the key to being pain-free starts with making decisions to address the root cause of your pain. Consider lifestyle changes and tailored wellness solutions to achieve long-term pain relief.
  • My special guest is Kim Ressler

    Kim Ressler, the founder of SNP Neutrogenomics, is a prominent figure in the realm of personalized nutrition based on genetics. With a strong focus on optimizing health through genetic-based nutrition, she brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Her organization's pioneering work in revolutionizing the approach to health and wellness has garnered significant attention within the industry. Kim's in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the intersection of genetics and nutrition make her a highly credible resource for individuals looking to enhance their well-being through personalized nutrition.

    Give the body what it needs, the body does what it needs. - Kim Ressler

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how personalized nutrition based on genetics can revolutionize your health and well-being.Uncover the powerful influence of nutrigenomics on your overall health and wellness journey.Learn how to identify actionable SNP's to optimize your health based on your unique genetic makeup.Explore the significant impact of genetic testing on customizing your supplement regimen for maximum effectiveness.Understand how genetic insights can help address chronic health issues and pave the way for a healthier future.

    Taking Action to Optimize Health

    Optimizing your health through personalized nutrition requires proactive steps based on your genetic insights. By taking action on the information provided by genetic testing, you can tailor your diet and supplementation to support your genetic optimization. This personalized approach can lead to better health outcomes and overall well-being.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to access genetic testing and learn more about personalized nutrition based on genetics.Use the coupon code painfree at checkout to receive a $25 discount on genetic testing at SNP Nutrition.Explore the blog at for valuable information on understanding genetics and personalized nutrition.Join the SNP Nutrition community for education and training on personalized nutrition based on genetics.Access the private podcast series Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain-Free Existence at for expert interviews and resources on living pain-free naturally and faithfully.
  • How an MD Blends Eastern and Western Medicine to Unlock the Body's Healing Potential

    Do you want to achieve effective integration of eastern and western medicine for holistic pain relief? Discover the solution to seamlessly weave these two approaches for a unique tapestry of healing. Let's unlock the transformative potential of feeling health through a lens that transcends conventional boundaries. Together, we'll explore the power of acupuncture, functional medicine, and traditional medical practices to bring balance and relief. Get ready to experience the best of both worlds in pain relief!

    My special guest is Dr Shiroko Sokitch

    Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, an MD and acupuncturist, has been at the forefront of healthcare for over 30 years. Based in Santa Rosa, California, she seamlessly integrates traditional Chinese medicine with western practices, particularly functional medicine. Her journey stems from a childhood tragedy, igniting her passion to save lives and seek out holistic healing solutions. Dr. Shiroko's unique approach blends acupuncture, functional medicine, and conventional medical practices to address chronic pain and complex health issues. Her expertise lies in listening to the body, identifying root causes, and using acupuncture to alleviate pain by restoring energy balance. As a visionary in holistic health, she emphasizes the importance of treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, offering a transformative perspective on wellness that transcends conventional boundaries.

    So the whole idea is pain is usually because pain energy is not moving in a certain location.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the power of integrating eastern and western medicine for a holistic approach to pain relief.Hear inspiring success stories of pain relief through acupuncture and functional medicine.Learn how to bridge holistic health practices with traditional medical approaches for comprehensive pain management.Explore a personal journey to becoming a holistic health practitioner and the impact it has on patients.Understand the profound connection between emotional healing and its impact on physical well-being.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit Dr. Shiroko's website to access her book, learn about her services, and explore the hyperbaric oxygen clinic and infrared sauna treatments.Text the word pain free to 417-246-3733 to receive access to a three-episode private podcast series called On Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain Free Existence.Explore the exclusive private podcast series at to access expert interviews, resource vault, and valuable insights on living pain free naturally and faithfully.Connect with Dr. Shiroko remotely for holistic health solutions, even if you're not in the Santa Rosa area.Embrace love as a guiding principle and consider how it feels to be loved as a way to approach life's challenges.

    Social Media
  • Uncover the shocking truth about the spine's impact on your overall well-being. Doctor Ryan Wohlfert's revolutionary approach to spinal health, the EATN method, is a game-changer that marries exercise, lifestyle adjustments, traction, and nutrition.

    But here's the kicker - did you know that your spine's condition can predict your longevity? Doctor Wohlfert's personal journey from chronic health battles to optimal wellness is awe-inspiring and a testament to the power of holistic health practices.

    Imagine the impact on your life when you realize that your spine holds the key to not just daily comfort, but potentially adding years to your life. Dive into this eye-opening episode and discover how simple adjustments to your daily routine can lead to improved spinal health and sustainable pain relief.

    But that's not all - Doctor Wohlfert's insights and practical tips are just the beginning. Get ready to be amazed by the unexpected impact of spinal health on your overall well-being. It

    My special guest is Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, DC

    Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, DC is a leading expert in chiropractic care, with a passion for holistic health practices, corrective spine exercises, and the impact of nutrition on spinal health. His revolutionary approach, the EATN method, integrates exercise, lifestyle adjustments, traction, and nutrition to optimize spinal health and provide sustainable pain relief. With a deep understanding of chiropractic biophysics, Dr. Wohlfert's journey from battling chronic health issues to helping others achieve optimal wellness showcases his dedication to improving spinal health and overall well-being. His insights and practical tips are invaluable for individuals seeking natural pain relief solutions.

    The spine is the central piece of our body. It's the foundation of our strength and our neurological function because of, you know, one. It gives us our posture, keeps us upright and erect. It's not. And I'm pRobably going against a lot of people, like, muscles don't create your posture. - Dr. Ryan Wohlfert

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how chiropractic care can transform your spinal health and relieve pain naturally.Uncover the surprising benefits of holistic health practices for sustainable pain relief and overall well-being.Learn corrective spine exercises that can improve your posture and alleviate discomfort.Explore the vital role of nutrition in maintaining a healthy spine and managing pain effectively.Dive into the effective techniques of chiropractic biophysics for long-term spinal wellness.

    Master corrective spine exercises

    The episode delves into the significance of mastering corrective spine exercises for optimal posture and pain relief. Dr. Wohlfert's expertise in chiropractic biophysics highlights the effectiveness of specific spinal adjustments and traction in reshaping the spine. By learning and implementing these exercises, individuals can take proactive steps towards enhancing their spinal health and overall well-being.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    To access the exclusive three-episode private podcast series Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain-Free Existence, simply open your text messaging app and send the word pain free to 417-246-3733. Alternatively, visit to access this valuable resource for free.If you're interested in learning more about the QE Strong method and how to implement it into your life, visit and sign up for the spinal hygiene mini-class. This class will provide detailed explanations and demonstrations of the exercises and techniques involved in the EATN method.For personalized guidance on spinal health and corrective care, reach out to Dr. Wohlfert through his website, Whether you're seeking virtual assistance or
  • Hey friend! I recently had an insightful chat with holistic chiropractor Dr. Erik Robbins. His journey into natural healing started with witnessing his mother's health struggles and her shift towards natural remedies. He was inspired to explore beyond conventional medicine, which often prioritizes prescriptions over understanding illness root causes. Dr. Robbins' revelation is about the interconnectedness of our health and the natural world. His epiphany - that true healing means treating the whole person (mind, body and spirit) rather than just symptoms - grew from his and his mother's experiences. As he delved deeper into holistic practices like chiropractic care, nutritional advice and emotional wellbeing technologies, he discovered the profound impact of gut health. In this uplifting talk, we discuss insights into the importance of the gut, the power of beliefs and emotions in healing, and the necessity of a holistic approach to health. This episode serves as a bridge for those deciding between conventional or holistic medicine, providing an empowering new perspective. Let me know your thoughts and experiences on this topic! I appreciate you taking time to watch.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the holistic approach to gut health for improved overall well-being.Uncover the benefits of chiropractic care in natural healing for a healthier gut.Explore the impact of nutrition on emotional and mental health, and its connection to gut health.Learn techniques for addressing chronic pain naturally, promoting gut health and overall wellness.Understand the importance of detoxification for achieving optimal gut health and well-being.

    My special guest is Dr Erik Robbins

    Dr. Erik Robbins, a dedicated chiropractic practitioner in Frisco, Texas, brings a wealth of expertise to the realm of holistic healing. His journey into natural remedies and alternative medicine was sparked by his mother's health struggles, igniting his passion for a more comprehensive approach to well-being. Through a fusion of chiropractic care, nutritional guidance, and emotional wellness, Dr. Robbins emphasizes the pivotal role of gut health in achieving overall balance. With a commitment to treating the root causes of illness and promoting holistic healing, he offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Robbins' approach underscores the transformative power of addressing the whole person, fostering improved physical, emotional, and mental wellness.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:00:00 - Introduction to Natural Healing

    00:02:49 - Importance of Gut Health

    00:06:38 - Holistic Approach to Health

    00:08:43 - Gut Health and Chronic Pain

    00:12:40 - Leaky Gut and Naturopathic Medicine

    00:13:15 - Frequency Medicine and Biofeedback

    00:15:18 - Pain Management and Neurological Perspective

    00:18:28 - Holistic Approach to Health

    00:22:17 - The Impact of Nutrition on Health

    00:24:50 - Understanding Parasites and SIBO

    00:25:36 - Impact of Toxicity on Health

    00:26:27 - Importance of Proper Detoxification

    00:27:27 - Addressing Emotional Health

    00:28:00 - Harnessing the Power of the Mind

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    To access the exclusive three-episode private podcast series Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for Pain-Free Existence, simply open your text messaging app and send the word pain free to 417-246-3733. Alternatively, you can visit to unlock this valuable resource for living pain-free naturally and faithfully.If you're interested in scheduling an appointment or have questions about the services provided by Dr. Erik Robbins at Well Within Chiropractic Wellness Centers in Frisco, Texas, you can visit their website at or contact...
  • Hey friend! I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Jen Taylor, an upper cervical chiropractor based in Plano, Texas, for my podcast. Her incredible journey both personally and professionally led her to this specialized field of chiropractic care that focuses on the top vertebrae of the neck. I was fascinated to learn how this approach goes beyond just spinal adjustments to unlock the body's innate healing abilities. Dr. Taylor explains how correcting misalignments in the upper neck/cervical area can provide lasting relief from chronic conditions like migraines, vertigo, and tinnitus. She shares the step-by-step process of assessments she does before making precise adjustments using specialized instruments. Patients often feel immediate changes in muscle tension, leg length, and more! The difference can be remarkable.Dr. Taylor is so passionate about this transformational work. It's a call to rethink our conventional ideas about pain management and consider more holistic healing. I feel inspired and hopeful hearing patient success stories. If you struggle with recurring pain or want to learn about this upper cervical approach, have a listen! We dive into the science behind it and why it targets root causes for many common health issues. Let me know your main takeaways in the comments! Dr. Taylor also shares her website and a directory to find specialized chiropractors near you. Wishing you improved wellness on your journey to a pain-free life!

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the natural pain relief and holistic healing benefits of chiropractic care.Unlock the potential benefits of upper cervical chiropractic for improved well-being.Learn effective natural pain management techniques for a healthier, pain-free lifestyle.Uncover how chiropractic care can help overcome chronic migraines for long-term relief.Explore the importance of posture improvement and spinal health for overall well-being.

    My special guest is Dr Jenn Taylor

    Dr. Jenn Taylor is a leading upper cervical specific chiropractor, specializing in holistic healing and natural pain relief. With a passion for treating the whole person, she brings a unique approach to chiropractic care, focusing on unlocking the body's innate ability to heal itself. Dr. Taylor's expertise lies in the cranial cervical junction, where she has helped countless individuals overcome chronic pain, migraines, and postural issues. Her dedication to wellness and vitality has led to transformative results, offering a pathway to lasting relief and improved well-being. As a pioneer in her field, Dr. Taylor's personal and professional journey embodies the power of holistic healing and the potential of upper cervical chiropractic care.

    The key moments in this episode are:       

    00:00:00 -  The Importance of History in Examination         

    00:00:25 - Exploring Holistic Healing and Chiropractic Care         

    00:01:42 -  Rethinking Health and Traditional Medicine         

    00:06:06 - Dr. Taylor's Personal Journey and Approach to Pain Relief         

    00:14:03 - The Influence of Peers         

    00:14:25 - How to Find Dr. Jenn Taylor         

    00:15:28 - Symptoms of Upper Cervical Issues                

    00:16:46 - Free Access to Pain Relief Solution         

    00:17:55 - Unlocking Exclusive Content         

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit to learn more about Dr. Jen Taylor's specialized upper cervical specific chiropractic care and to make an
  • Hey friends! I'm back with a mind-blowing new episode of the I Am Pain Free podcast. If you deal with chronic pain or want to understand holistic healing, you need to hear this chat with Dr. Chris Lucchese. With over 20 years as an osteopathic physician, Dr. Chris pioneers blending precision surgery with the art of holistic care. He looks beyond symptoms to heal the whole person - mind, body and spirit. In this episode, we tear down walls of conventional medicine. Dr. Chris shares why pain can lie to you, how big pharma band-aids fail, and the power of holistic treatment. Dr. Chris also has a passion for senior care. He brings dignity and comfort to hospice patients in their final season of life. From trauma to chronic pain to end-of-life care, his stories and insights inspire hope. If you're ready to understand your body's power to heal naturally or want a new perspective on pain management, don't miss this show. Let me know your biggest takeaways from this enlightening chat with Dr. Chris! What holistic solutions have worked for you? Share your thoughts below.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the holistic approach to pain management for comprehensive relief and improved well-being.Learn about the limitations of pharmaceutical pain solutions and explore alternative options for effective care.Explore the smooth transition to long-term care facilities with a focus on comfort and support.Combine traditional and alternative medicine for a well-rounded approach to pain management.Gain insights into financial planning for senior care to ensure a secure and comfortable future.

    My special guest is Dr Chris Lucchese

    Dr. Chris Lucchese, an osteopathic physician for over 20 years, has an incredible background in general and trauma surgery, specializing in acute and chronic pain management. With a unique blend of holistic healing and surgical precision, Dr. Chris brings a comprehensive approach to treating patients, delving into the mind, body, and spirit to offer holistic care. His extensive experience in wound care and hospice care further emphasizes his dedication to providing comprehensive pain relief and improved overall well-being. Dr. Chris's expertise and passion for treating different types of pain make him an invaluable guest for healthcare professionals seeking to explore holistic approaches to pain management.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:00:00 - The Limitations of Big Pharma in Pain Management

    00:00:32 - Introduction to Dr. Chris Lucchese

    00:02:00 - Dr. Chris's Diverse Medical Background

    00:07:00 - The Role of Holistic Medicine in Pain Management

    00:15:16 - Unique Aspects of Hospice and Chronic Care

    00:16:29 - Limitations of Medicare

    00:17:40 - Frequency-based Solutions for Pain Relief

    00:20:11 - Planning for Senior Care and Transition

    00:23:23 - Holistic Approach to Senior Living

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    To access the exclusive three-episode private podcast series Beyond Pain: The Triple B Blueprint for a Pain-Free Existence, simply open your text messaging app and send a text.  Send "pain free" to 417-246-3733. Alternatively, you can visit to access the private podcast series instantly at no cost.If you're interested in the Quantum Energy Pain Relief product mentioned in the conversation, you can find more information and purchase the product at those interested in learning more about senior transition services and obtaining a free copy of digital books on the topic, visit you want to get in touch with Dr. Chris Lucchese directly, you can reach out via email at [email protected] those interested in learning more about transitional healthcare, visit the transitional healthcare website for...
  • What options are there for you if you are looking for a Pain-Free life that doesn't require you taking addictive painkillers to get through your day?


    Find out more about what we are doing to help people live pain-free by visiting

    I'm Rob Rene, host of the 'I am Pain Free' podcast, and today I'm chatting to Dr. Rick Guerrero to understand the power of Scalar Technology and Bio-Photonic Energy. 

    His Energy Enhancement System was invented by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and generates multiple bio-active, health-promoting energy fields, including a proprietary blend of multi-active frequencies like scalar waves, bio-photonic fusion, and pulsed electromagnetic fields. 

    As a chiropractor, Dr. Rick was able to find his way to a more holistic approach to healing. By exposing ourselves via screens to these scalar waves, we are able to diffuse negative frequencies, heal our bodies, and address our spiritual distress.

    Please join me as we learn how you can deepen your prayer in a Recharge Studio where, by exposing yourself to this amazing positive energy, you can find medical solutions that don't mean taking a nasty pill! Please join us.

     Help is just a download away! Live a better, pain-free life with Rob Rene and

    "We start to realize there's a lot of negative frequency and radiation going on." ~ Dr. Rick Guerrero

    In This Episode:

    - How Dr. Rick Guerrero found a more holistic approach to medicine through chiropractics

    - Understanding your spiritual malaise when you present with an affliction

    - How to deepen your prayer by inviting in positive energy fields

    - How does Scalar Technology work? 

    - Connecting to the energy system in your body by exposing yourself to waves of positive energy 


    Text "Pain Free" to 417-246-3733 to unlock exclusive content. You can access this private podcast series instantly, at no cost.

    🌟 This isn't just any podcast series. We call it “Beyond Pain: The Triple-B Blueprint for a Pain-Free Existence.” It's a treasure trove of Secrets, Expert Interviews, and a Resource Vault, all aimed at guiding you to live Pain Free naturally and faithfully. It's a rare and value-packed resource that we're thrilled to share with you.

    Connect with Dr. Rick Guerrero:

    - Website -

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  • 'There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people'. These are the wise words of Dr. Howard Cohn, a Chiropractic Kinesiologist and Founder of the Cohn Health Institute.

    Find out more about what we are doing to help people live pain-free by visiting

    I'm Rob Rene, host of the 'I am Pain Free' podcast, and today I'm chatting to Dr. Cohn to explore the power of our minds and our body’s innate healing possibilities to enjoy a pain-free life!

    For Dr. Cohn growing up, the concept of health was the pills that were kept in the medicine cabinet for when you got sick. I’m sure lots of us can relate to that!

    As a doctor,  he has learned to approach pain and healing from the inside out – otherwise, it's like mowing the lawn and expecting the weeds to die! 

    Dr. Cohn is bursting with knowledge that he shares today on just WHY pain can be a liar as we look to understand a deeper root cause that perhaps relates to our body's organs, or something emotional that we are holding onto. 

    This impactful episode of 'I Am Pain Free' lays down some important philosophies on how we can approach our health so that we can get the most out of life. Faith, Hope, and the power of our minds are cornerstones to living pain-free. Please join us. 

     Help is just a download away! Live a better, pain-free life with Rob Rene and!

    "Your body is designed to heal itself. As long as we feed it what God intended us to have. And then protect it from the things that (quote unquote) Man has allowed us to interfere with the original design." ~ Dr. Howard Cohn 

    In This Episode:

    - Learning to treat from the Inside Out 

    - Why Health is NOT the Absence of Symptoms

    - Appreciating that ‘Pain is a Liar’ 

    - How our organs have emotions that are related to them

    - The Power of our Mind to Impact our Healing 

    - Hope is the Most Powerful Drug

    - Unique Methods for Pain Relief

    - It's not What You're Doing, but rather the Philosophy Of What You're Doing

    - What is Quantum Neurology?

    - Miracle Stories, Miracle Patients 

    - ‘The Doctor's Goal is To Teach’


    Text "Pain Free" to 41-7246-3733 to receive Rob’s free audiobook, "Unlocking Natural Relief: Your Guide to a Pain-Free Existence"

    Connect with Dr. Howard Cohn:

    - Website - Cohn Health Institute

    Connect with Rob Rene:




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  • How can we simplify our own cleansing process so that we can raise our consciousness and live in a future filled with light, love, health, and happiness?


    Answering that question today is Dr. Edward Group, a healer and alternative health advocate in the field of natural health who is dedicated to helping others. 

    Find out more about what we are doing to help people live pain-free by visiting

    Starting with discerning between what is bringing our energy down externally, and what is causing us toxicity internally, Dr. Group is offering us a masterclass on full body cleansing to free up our hearts and minds. 

    Today we discuss what lies in wait for you on the other side of pain and trauma, and how to assess our external environment. We also chat about the future of pharma and nanotechnology and all the good work that Dr. Group is doing with his company, Global Healing. 

    For those of you who are perhaps stuck in your own pain at the moment and can't see the light, please join us. This conversation could be just the elixir you need! Thank you.

    Help is just a download away! Live a better, pain-free life with Rob Rene and!

    "It takes pain and trauma and suffering to wake people up sometimes. And that's exactly what we're going through right now." ~ Dr. Group

    In This Episode:

    - How did Dr. Group get into his amazing healing work?

    - What is bringing my energy down? External factors

    - How to cleanse your organs (after you cleanse your gut) 

    - Where Pain and Trauma can lead you to (the good news)

    - The Power of Simplicity

    - Why Doing The Right Thing feels Good!

    - Nanotechnology and the Future of Pharma

    - Becoming a Seeker of Truth and Knowledge


    Text "Pain Free" to 41-7246-3733 to receive Rob’s free audiobook, "Unlocking Natural Relief: Your Guide to a Pain-Free Existence"

    Connect with Rob Rene:




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  • What happens when you're hit by a big truck, again? And this time the oncoming lights are mainstream media and the medical cartel!

    Find out more about what we are doing to help people live pain-free by visiting

    I'm Rob Rene, host of the 'I am Pain Free' podcast, and today I am sharing with you my insights on WHY I started I Am Pain Free. 

    I'm a proud American who started doing his own independent research on our medical system and the mainstream media perpetuating its agenda. I was shocked at how ‘free’ our country actually is!

    I believe I've now found a multi-sensory solution to chronic pain management that you won't read about online, as the medical cartel historically seeks to discredit those offering alternative medicine (with a more holistic approach) as "quacks"! 

    I would love for you to join me on this walk of faith as we recover from chronic pain, together, by staying off the big pharma drugs! 

    If you're tired of what stories the media is feeding you, if your suspicions were raised during the COVID pandemic, and if the opioid crisis is real for you, then this show, my website, and our products are for you. Your Pain Free life starts here and now. 

    Live a better, pain-free life with Rob Rene and! Help is just a download and a listen away!

     "The passion I have for helping others has stemmed from this period of my life. I really wanna get people off big pharma drugs!" ~ Rob Rene

    In This Episode:

    - Why Rob started I Am Pain Free 

    - The power of learning to think for yourself

    - What is Mockingbird Media?

    - Learning about the medical cartel that exists 

    - "Quacks" and the demise of holistic alternative medicine

    - A new, multisensory solution to pain management!

    - Why toxicity in our body is causing inflammation

    - Getting our bodies back in balance


    Text "Pain Free" to 41-7246-3733 to receive Rob’s free audiobook, "Unlocking Natural Relief: Your Guide to a Pain-Free Existence"

    Connect with Rob Rene:




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