
  • What we Are Using in Our Homeschool This Year

    Episode 008

    Track List:

    The Unsung Hero of the Sonlight Catalog
    Record Keeping and Creating Accountability
    Transition to High School Level Work
    Honing Computer Research Skills
    Moving Into Non-Fiction with Higher Level Content
    Raising Fact Finders & Critical Thinkers
    A Non-North American Centric Program

    Listen to the full blog post HERE

    Want the FREE schedule pages? Get them here and read more about creating a schedule that first your homeschool in this blog post.

    Want more information about how I use Sonlight Curriculum in my homeschool? I wrote a year-long series of articles for the Sonlight Blog. You can access 22 helpful articles and more great homeschool tips HERE

    There are many places that provide literature based homeschool curriculums. I created a tool to help you, the Curriculum Guide & Homeschool Reference List is a part of my Home School Quick Startup Guide and that is available as well as our course for homeschool parents at In Due Season. The Homeschool Quick Startup guide contains everything you need to answer your immediate questions and get you a strong start in your first home school year.

    Maybe you're making a transition from public school to homeschool, and you're not quite sure where to begin. This guide has all the answers, plus live  links to any of the locations that I talk about. When we cover a specific curriculum, the link is provided for it in the home school guide so you can click and find everything you need with one simplified resource at your very hands. You can download it today for $15 and find all of your homeschool start up questions answered.

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  • Why Now is the Best Time to Study China in Your Homeschool

    In Due Season

    Episode 007

           Track List:

    Intro to Episode 007
    Digging Deeper Into the Eastern Hemisphere
    Using Hands On Learning Kits
    Why We Need to Learn About China Now
    Learning Empathy Through Story
    The Importance of Adding Biographies to Your Homeschool
    Keeping the True Geography of the World in Perspective
    Celebrating 30 Years of Sonlight

    Early in 2020, China was at the top of every news story. As shut downs from the Covid-19 outbreak began, we looked to China for vital first information. Our children were seeing the empty streets of towns and cities they had never heard of before. The problem is that the context was couched in the fear of a dangerous and unknown sickness.

    As adults, it is easy to rapidly move from one news story to the next without changing gears. This influx of news snippets and bold headlines are constantly reshaping our world view under the surface. We combat this slide with the facts that we have stored in our minds. By using EHE this school year to study China, we take the helm and intentionally we begin to shape our children’s view of the parts of the world they cannot see...

    Read the FULL Blog post HERE

    Do you want to learn more about Sonlight’s Hands On History Kits? Here is the link to Hands-On History Kit for World Cultures and Chinese art, calligraphy.

    Hungry for more? Stay tuned for more reasons why I am excited to be using EHE for the third time to study China and more with my homeschool students in EP008 next week.

    In the meantime help Sonlight Curriculum celebrate 30 year of helping homeschooling families discover the bigger world around them. Enter to win prizes all month long HERE. The contest runs now through 9/30/20 with a new giveaway item each Wednesday and the GRAND PRIZE of an All-Subject Package of your choice from Sonlight. Enter the contest weekly for eligibility.

    Find out HOW TO GIVE YOUR STUDENT THE EDGE WITH CURRENT EVENTS RESOURCES with links and examples of what we use in our homeschool HERE

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  • In Due Season Episode 6

    Can you homeschool if you can not afford the latest and greatest tools and tech? When I homeschooled my oldest three students, we were living on a shoestring budget. If I couldn't make it we found a way not to need it. These three kids all earned academic scholarships with their transcript and test scores. A few key educational goals helped us stay on track. I share them in this episode. A great education should not be available to only those who can afford it. It should be the gift every parent can afford to give their kids. Let's talk about how you can do that.

    Topics Covered

    Homeschooling without Tech Tools, on very limited Resources
    Replicating this system as a homeschool Idea
    What did my homeschool start look like?
    Homeschooling without cash
    Be Disciplined to Spend Less, Commit to Commit for the long haul

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  • What is So Scary About Homeschool, High School?

    Episode 005


    High School is Nothing to Fear
    Sharpen Your Skill Sets
    Don’t Lead From Fear
    Inspire a Finish Line Mindset
    Create Community Support
    Relationship Above ALL

    Calls to action:

    ● Sign up for the free mini-course and create your “WHY” page for your Homeschool Road Map

    ● Are you looking for a guide to help you begin your homeschool year? In Due Season is a

    Course to help you destroy the effect of comparison and learn the value of your "Why" as a    map to guide you. Join us at a special Podcast launch price, as we explore five other vital and powerful truths that will ensure that this will be the best year yet.

    My heart’s desire is that you never lose sight of the end of the road in your homeschool journey. We want to help ensure a strong finish by helping you live well in the middle.

    ● I’d love to connect with you. Please follow me on your favorite social media channel, you can find me at 200fingersandtoes FB page, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Be sure to say you found me from the podcast.

    ● Share this podcast with a friend who is considering homeschooling or a homeschooler who would love to share their wisdom with me too! Let’s create a community of support, start by subscribing so you don’t miss the next episode

    For a full blog post transcription

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  • April 3, 2020

    Episode 004; My Top 39 Tech Apps to Help You Homeschool Better & Smarter

    Key Topics & Time Stamps:

    Great Places to Find Books (00:00) Great Courses & Full Curriculum Providers Apps (03:52) Single Classes & Teaching Helps (05:22) Math, Science, Foreign Language & News Apps (07:28) Music, Learning Fun & Mom's Tech Tools (09:09)

    I want to disclose that I am an affiliate for a few of these programs, which means that if you choose to make a purchase I earn a small commission. As a blogger, I only partner with programs I personally use and know are great providers.

    Books: Audio, Physical and Textbooks

    Bridges, Overdrive, Libby - create an account using your library card number

    ITunesU is free and books and courses range in cost

    The Great Courses - The monthly subscription is $19.99, don't miss this Special offer FREE trial & $10 a month!

    Full Online Homeschool Programs

    The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and $5 trial or a full quarter of classes for under $25. 

    DiscoveryK-12 is great if you have a teen who is working independently and you need them to stay on task. 

    Single Classes

    Khan Academy, SkillShare, Craftsy

    TedTalks, YouTube, RightNow Media

    Teaching Helps

    TeachersPayTeachers, Quizlet, PhotoMath, Crambox

    Foreign Lang

    Chineasy, Babbel, Rosetta Stone


    Newsela, World Magazine


    SheReadsTruth, RightNow Media

    and more...

    More about an Audible subscription for your homeschool or yourself

    Sign up for the FREE mini-course created for listeners and build your  "WHY" page for Your Homeschool Road Map

    Are you looking for a guide to help you begin your homeschool year? In Due Season is a course to help you destroy the effect of comparison and learn the value of your "Why" as a map to guide you. Join us at a special Podcast launch price, as we explore five other vital and powerful truths that will ensure that this will be the best year yet.

    ● I’d love to connect with you. Please follow me on your favorite social media channel, you can find me at   200fingersandtoes FB page, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Be sure to say you found me from the podcast

    ● Share this podcast with a friend who is considering homeschooling or a homeschooler who would love to share their wisdom with me too! Let’s create a community of support, start by subscribing so you don’t miss the next episode

    Go to the blog for the full transcript

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  • Episode 003; The Best Resources for a Faster Homeschool Startup

    Key Topics & Time Stamps:

    Who You Can Trust to Help (00:00) Create Schedules & Flexibility (03:52) Kinds of Teaching Programs for You (05:22) Smarter Than You Think (07:28) 3 Reasons We Choose Homeschool (09:09) Train Your Kids for Independence (13:55)

    List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles:

    Home School Legal Defense HSLDA and National Home Education Research Institute NHERI are both good resources to locate your state’s information and begin creating a plan for how to communicate with the appropriate agencies
    Homeschool Iowa is one that should be bookmarked for every Iowa based homeschooler and is a good resource for anyone trying to navigate their first year of homeschooling. They have printable forms and sample documents For over two years, we were reviewing curriculum with The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, so I could serve homeschooling families better. We want you to find your best school year and that means we cover all the tools to find ones that you will love. One easy article that will help you find more reviews in one place is 23 Great Teaching Tools for Language Arts in Your Homeschool. Because I am a working mom of ten and a writer. I have always kept mornings as my personal quiet time and productive hours. You can create a life that fits ALL of your goals. Homeschooling truly is a whole family deal. Sign up for the FREE mini-course created for listeners and build your  "WHY" page for Your Homeschool Road Map

    ● I’d love to connect with you. Please follow me on your favorite social media channel, you can find me at   200fingersandtoes FB page, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Be sure to say you found me from the podcast

    ● Share this podcast with a friend who is considering homeschooling or a homeschooler who would love to share their wisdom with me too! Let’s create a community of support, start by subscribing so you don’t miss the next episode

    Go to the Blog for the Full Transcript and more

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  • What do you do next when you’ve decided homeschooling Is the best choice for your family. Typically, the next question parents usually ask is, "What curriculum should I choose?" That can wait! There are a few points to consider before you want to buy a single thing. A Successful school year needs a little planning and there are two things that will help you more than any others.

    Knowing what you want to accomplish in your first year of schooling as well as how you want to transfer that knowledge will help you to know what kind of tools you are looking for.

    These play a huge role in how we receive information. Knowing more about how your child learns will shape the kinds of materials you will choose.

    There are many goals you might need to address in your plan to homeschool. Some of your goals will be education or academics driven. Do you have a student who is missing foundational skill-sets. This can cause them to have trouble learning in specific areas? Missing concrete reading skills or early math skills can cause learning to come to a halt as soon as the workload excellerates.

    This is not an uncommon occurrence, even with gifted students. Children who can easily navigate the school system with advanced intellect can sometimes need a time of remediation and skill building when they are moved into more advanced course work. I hear from parents whose child is advanced in mathematics, struggling with the transition to higher level math. Often the struggle lies not in math essential knowledge, but instead in the fact that the child is meeting with difficulty for the first time.

    One vital skill to intentionally work on could be building patience with problem solving. Forcing a child to slow down is as vital as excellerating. Education is not a race to the finish. The goal of education is mastery of self and the development of an appetite for learning that lasts the child's life.

    You might need to create a plan for remediation to relearn those important skills. Building foundational skills is going to help in the long run of your homeschool, and sometimes it's important that we take time to lay that firm foundation before we jump into core academics.

    Knowing what skills you plan to work on will help you choose a curriculum and learning tools that address those areas. Especially because there are many tools to choose from. Most curriculum companies have placement tests that you can print or administer online. You could have an assessment test done at a local agency or through your public school. There are skill assessments and guides in many books and online and often you can find these at your public library. In the early years I read many books like Ruth Beechick's Three R's and Language Wars to help me become familiar with common expectations for early childhood learning.

    Surprise! You are now an educator, it is time to get an education of your own as well. There is absolutely no subject that you can not find another parent or expert has written about. I am convinced that there is not another better time in history to be a homeschooling parent. The only drawback is the overwhelming amount of information available to us. If you aren't confident about a subject or topic, start doing your own research. That is how I became confident in my ability to educate my own kids.

    read the full transcript at

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  • March 9, 2020

    Episode 001; 5 Smartest Reasons Parents are choosing Homeschool

    Key Topics & Time Stamps: Struggling Students & Homeschool Renewal (00:30) Homeschool Student’s Learning is Deeper Students Learn About What They Care About (8:48) Social Media Builds Lasting Relationships (10:04) Lack of Cliques and Bullies (10:50) School is Not Set Apart from the “Real World” (12:10)

    List of resources mentioned in episode, suggested reading & social media handles:

    Creating Your Own Road Map for Your Homeschool with a Free Mini-Course. I created to give to my listeners to help get you on a fast track to a great year. Homeschooling During Displacement Help with creating and rebuilding healthy relationships Boundaries By Cloud & Townsend Restoring respect and love with your teens Parenting Teens with Love and Logic Homeschool Marketer: Demographics Report for more stats about homeschool families Business Insider Article: Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century — here are 5 reasons why Outliers; Malcolm Gladwell The ability to dig deeper into specialized learning is one of the factors that Gladwell sites for some of the biggest rising stars of our recent history. Bill Gates and the Beetles are Outliers; not only their unique placement in the right moment in history, but the ability to spend significant time honing their skills led to their successes. Outliers explores the factors that lead to success. Is it simple work ethic, genetic genius or simply a combination of the right place and time? Gladwell breaks down the personal cases of historically significant Outliers to explore this idea. Homeschool Students Well Prepared for College; Kelsey Sheehy, Huffpost 

    Sign up for the FREE mini-course created for listeners and build your  "WHY" page for Your Homeschool Road Map

    Are you looking for a guide to help you begin your homeschool year? In Due Season is a course to help you destroy the effect of comparison and learn the value of your "Why" as a map to guide you. Join us at a special Podcast launch price, as we explore five other vital and powerful truths that will ensure that this will be the best year yet.

    ● I’d love to connect with you. Please follow me on your favorite social media channel, you can find me at   200fingersandtoes FB page, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Be sure to say you found me from the podcast

    ● Share this podcast with a friend who is considering homeschooling or a homeschooler who would love to share their wisdom with me too! Let’s create a community of support, start by subscribing so you don’t miss the next episode

    Go to the blog for transcript

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