Why do we always aim the sharpest words at the people closest to us? It's because only those closest to us have the opportunity to accumulate prejudices. As for those with whom we have little interaction, it's very easy for us to show the noble side of our character. Prejudices stem from trivial matters in daily life. It could be just an unpleasant conversation or a disagreement over a travel plan. These minor differences in opinions can directly affect our subconscious minds and lead us to accumulate prejudices.
For example, at work, we tend to reject the requests of colleagues we don't like, even when those requests are reasonable. In an intimate relationship, we might oppose any small suggestions put forward by our partners later just because of a previous quarrel. In the family, we may gradually become silent due to an unpleasant communication, even if the other person has the right to know certain thingsSimilarly, this kind of prejudice is mutual. In an intimate relationship, both parties with prejudices against each other will feel terrible, because the source of prejudice is based on facts. That is to say, the more prejudices the other person has accumulated against us, the more we will feel completely exposed. And at this time, the person who feels exposed often needs to find a relationship without prejudice to make themselves feel good. That is, they may have an affair.
真正的自我力量并非来源于对物质、人际关系和社会认可的否定,而恰恰是建立在这些基础之上。 通过积极参与社会标准下的生活,例如努力学习、追求外貌提升、体验深刻的爱情,来积累经验和认知。 这种通过生活体验获得的自我认知,比单纯依靠网络观点更能塑造坚实的自我。
Why do I seem to live more like a "failure" the more I study feminism?
Why can't the feminist chicken soup we've followed cure your mental burnout?
There is a huge gap when it comes to implementing feminist theory. This stems from the arrogance of intellectuals: "The Second Sex" teaches you about "patriarchal oppression", but doesn't teach you how to use Excel to fight for a budget in a male - dominated department; "Breaking the gaze" is very romantic, but it won't tell you how to turn "being unmarried at an older age" into an advantage in blind dates. When grabbing coupons in a live - streaming room, remember the host's urging words, which is the "scarcity manipulation" taught by merchants.
True self - power doesn't come from denying material possessions, interpersonal relationships, and social recognition. Instead, it is precisely built on these very foundations. By actively participating in life under social standards, such as studying hard, pursuing physical appearance improvement, and experiencing profound love, we can accumulate experiences and knowledge. This kind of self - awareness obtained through life experiences can shape a more solid self than simply relying on online viewpoints. -
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翻译:本集播客探讨了人际关系中付出与价值之间的复杂关系。 文章指出,人们常常困惑于为何无条件的付出并未换来相应的珍惜。 其核心观点在于,人类天性倾向于不珍惜轻易获得的事物,这一特性深植于基因之中。 道德规范虽旨在约束这种本性,但其作用往往受限于是否带来实际的利益或损害。 因此,仅仅依靠付出衡量自身价值,可能会产生偏差,因为人性往往战胜道德约束
Why Is "Short - term Withdrawal" More Effective Than Permanent Self - discipline?
摆脱功利与物质束缚:资本主义主导下,无休止的战争与资源掠夺多源于对利益的过度追逐,消费主义则刺激人们不断追求物质占有。而庄子主张 “至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名”,倡导超越功利与对物质的执着。当人们陷入为财富、权力不择手段的怪圈时,借鉴庄子思想,能让人们审视内心真正需求,不被物质欲望驱使,减少因争夺资源引发的冲突,回归精神富足。例如,在消费主义诱导下,人们常购买大量非必需物品以彰显身份。若以庄子观念思考,便会明白真正的满足并非来自物质堆砌,从而摆脱消费主义枷锁。 坚守自我与平和心态:在资本主义引发的混乱环境中,舆论易被操控,人们易受外界评价左右。正如《逍遥游》中 “举世誉之而不加劝,举世非之而不加沮”,提醒人们保持独立思考,不被外界喧嚣干扰。面对战争宣传、消费主义洗脑等外界影响,不盲目跟从,坚守内心道德与价值观,维持平和心态,避免因外界动荡陷入焦虑与疯狂。比如,在舆论鼓吹战争正义或消费至上时,能够冷静分析,不被煽动。 顺应自然与和谐发展:中国古代哲学强调顺应自然,如道家 “道法自然”。资本主义对资源过度开发,破坏生态平衡,引发各种危机。而顺应自然思想启示人们,人类发展应与自然和谐共生,不过度索取。在资源利用上,秉持适度、合理原则,避免因资源争夺战争。例如,发展可持续能源,遵循自然规律,实现人与自然、人与人和谐,走出资本主义带来的困境。 -
不婚不育比结婚生子更难,因为它要求一个人在没有传统家庭支持的情况下,依然能够找到属于自己的生活方式,并为之负责到底。 不婚不育的人需要具备强大的内在力量,包括执行力、终身学习的能力、修正观念的勇气、对孤独的深刻理解、对社会压力的抵抗以及对生命意义的主动探索。结构分析1. 不婚不育的内在要求 第一,强大的执行力和终身学习的能力
终身学习的能力让人保持与时代的紧密连接,维护动态的人际关系。 第二,修正观念的勇气和智慧
在面对生死时,能够确定自己的选择是正确的,并为之负责。2. 结婚生子的“简单化”与不婚不育的“复杂化” 结婚生子:
结婚生子为人们提供了一种“社会认可的脚本”,减少了自我探索的焦虑。 不婚不育:
这种不确定性可能会让人感到迷茫和焦虑。3. 单身的挑战与陷阱 单身的人可能会因为害怕孤独而陷入消费主义或短期关系。 如果没有找到真正热爱的事情,可能会丧失对生活的热情。 寻找自己、认可自己需要更多的内在资源和物质条件。4. 不婚不育的深层意义 不婚不育的人需要对生命的意义有更深刻的思考和探索。 他们无法依赖家庭来赋予生活意义,因此必须主动寻找属于自己的意义。 只有这样,才能避免被岁月吞噬,活出属于自己的精彩人生。总结不婚不育的人必须主动寻找生命的意义,才能避免被岁月吞噬,活出属于自己的精彩人生。
1. 对人际关系的重塑
Dating app 等平台使人们越来越缺乏耐心去建立和维护长期关系。人们一边抱怨“爱情已死”,一边却不愿意付出真心。
2. 对消费文化的异化
3. 对文化和社会意识形态的转向
- 信息消费的片面性:人们更容易被情绪化、偏激甚至低俗的内容吸引,导致网络环境极端化,这也是网络暴力的重要来源。
- 工具理性对价值理性的压制:社交媒体和短视频平台的崛起,反映了工具理性(追求效率和即时满足)对价值理性(追求意义和深度)的压制。
- 文化工业的延伸:这些平台通过标准化、娱乐化的内容生产,塑造了一种新的文化消费模式,改变了人们对世界的认知方式。
When faced with verbal bullying in work and study, we can choose to resist or ignore it.
Resisting means directly pointing out that the other person's words make you uncomfortable and demanding more objective, fair and equal communication. This approach requires you to respect your own feelings and have the courage to face conflicts. You can regard it as an opportunity to exercise your conflict-handling ability.
Ignoring is applicable when you think the current work or study task is very important. Don't let the other person's words define you, and don't doubt yourself because of any attacks. This requires you to clearly understand your own strengths and have self-confidence.
Here are some tips for dealing with verbal bullying:
Confide: You can confide your grievances to a friend, but don't repeat them over and over again. Repeating them is equivalent to pulling out the knife that others stabbed into you and stabbing yourself again, which is a form of self-attack.
Empathy: Try to view those who habitually use verbal violence from a higher and more merciful perspective. They usually engage in repetitive work for a long time, especially in the field of training. They are trapped by this work pattern and often output negative emotions outwardly, unable to perceive the impact of their words on others.We can also view ourselves from a broader perspective. The current experience is just a small part of our lives. We shouldn't be trapped in the present by those who are trapped in the present. Instead, we should keep in mind that our goal is as vast as the sea of stars.
"Book Review of 'Life 3.0'
How do housewives achieve self-demotion? People need their own careers. They need to obtain a sense of identity and a sense of accomplishment from their jobs or the things they are creating. However, being a housewife means cutting off the broader sources of a sense of accomplishment. After becoming a housewife, if even for just a second, you regard gaining your family's satisfaction as the goal of life or obtain recognition from it, you will automatically be demoted to a maid. Your family members will subconsciously find fault with your "work". They will shift from being originally grateful for your efforts to judging them. They may start to compare your work with the standards they've seen from other channels. For example, at first, they thought the meals you cooked were delicious, but later on, they gradually began to think that the meals you cooked were not nutritious or healthy enough, even though they didn't have to do the cooking themselves. Or they might think that the cleaning you did wasn't clean enough. The difficulty here is that once you become a housewife, it's almost impossible for you to receive positive feedback from anywhere outside the family. Inevitably, you will put yourself in the position of a maid. And your family members will gradually regard you as a maid based on the signals conveyed by your daily behaviors, taking a clean and tidy home environment and delicious meals as the assessment indicators for you. All these changes in mentality occur subconsciously, and it's difficult for both sides to notice them.
In the context of an intimate relationship, when we discern that the behavior of our partner exhibits manipulative tendencies, we are often inclined to question the nature of such manipulation - whether it is a conscious and calculated act or an inadvertent occurrence. There is a common propensity to rationalize or defend the other person by presuming the latter. However, a more incisive analysis reveals that, irrespective of the intention behind the manipulation, the consequences and implications are equally deleterious.In the case of deliberate manipulation, it signals certain underlying character deficiencies. Primarily, it denotes a lack of self-assurance and a frail internal sense of self-worth. Such an individual operates under the fallacy that the retention of those in their proximity can only be achieved through manipulative stratagems, thereby neglecting the fundamental tenet of reciprocity in human interactions - that giving is essential for receiving. It is not inconceivable that their purported affection for the other person is, in fact, a guise for their enjoyment of the power dynamic that manipulation affords them. Individuals of this ilk are statistically more likely to engage in infidelity in the subsequent course of the relationship.Conversely, if the manipulation is unintentional, it is symptomatic of a profound deficit in empathetic capacity. These individuals are incapable of discerning the ramifications of their actions on others. Their utterances are often spontaneous and unfiltered, bereft of any consideration for the potential harm they may inflict on those in their social sphere. Regrettably, the paucity of empathy in such cases is a trait that is notoriously resistant to modification in later stages of life.
In an intimate relationship, there are some deliberate manipulation tactics. For example:
Verbally claiming to attach importance to you but refusing to communicate with you in depth. This is to cause cognitive dissonance in you. Unconsciously, you will increase your emotional investment in this relationship. Eventually, these emotions will transform into affection, leading you to fall in love with someone who originally did not meet your requirements. Maintaining overly close contact with other people of the opposite sex and insisting that they are just ordinary friends, and deliberately praising other women in front of you. This is to make you unconsciously enter into competition with others and feel that you can never securely possess this person no matter what. Since you completely lack a sense of security, you are forced to verify your partner's love from some very trivial matters. For example, you start to demand an instant reply to messages and other things that you didn't originally care about. Therefore, if we find ourselves in a relationship asking our partner to do these trivial things, please pause for a moment and think about why. Why do we need him to reply to messages instantly? Are we trying to confirm our own value? If you don't realize this, these small demands of ours will eventually become the handle by which the other person blames you, accusing you of being a control freak who demands him to do many small things that he cannot do. Because these manipulation means are very concealed and only target you, when you quarrel with the other person over these small things, the other person immediately accuses you of being selfish and petty. You have been in a state of extreme lack of security and self-doubt for a long time, resulting in an extremely unstable mental state. -
The strange development of e-commerce in China.
真相是:大脑在失恋时可能存在的 “欺骗” 现象,即利用对对方的情感回忆作为逃避现实挑战(如学习、晋升等重要且困难事务)的手段,看似沉浸在对某人的爱中,实则是回避更具难度的成长任务所带来的压力与不安,类似的大脑动态有:忍受贫穷的苦对大部分人来说很容易,甚至人们会通过一些理论来美化自己吃的苦,这种任务对于大脑来说非常熟悉,甚至是小菜一碟。但是,如果要求这个人通过学习或者迎接挑战来改变现状,会得到他们的排斥,因为大脑存在这种这种趋易避难的本能倾向。
I. The Origin of Women's Territorial Consciousness
In the matriarchal society, women held a dominant position and the family centered around the mother. This ancient family power structure pattern enabled women to develop a natural territorial consciousness. Home became an extension of their spiritual world, and only when the home furnishings, tools and so on were all chosen by themselves would they gain a sense of satisfaction with the home.II. The Root Causes of the Contradictions between Mothers-in-law and Daughters-in-law
Both mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law consider themselves to be the hostesses of the family. It is easy for the two sides to have contradictions regarding living habits, values, communication methods, resource allocation and economic issues. The contradictions mainly stem from their feeling that their own boundaries have been violated. They have a natural hostility towards each other and find it very difficult to put themselves in the other's shoes, because putting oneself in the other's shoes means giving up power.III. The Influence of Giving up Power
Sacrifice and Trade-off: Giving up power means having to make sacrifices, and when making sacrifices, one has to consider whether it is worthwhile and what rewards can be obtained. Psychological Imbalance and Consequences: Psychologically giving up power is likely to lead to psychological imbalance, which is not conducive to the long-term stability of the family. It will give rise to feelings of grievance, make one's own value unrecognized, and then trigger a trust crisis, plunging the relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law into a vicious cycle. Moreover, this state of losing power often lasts for a long time, leaving many women in a cycle where they are unable to seize power, yet reluctant to lose power, and can only keep complaining. -
This episode of the podcast explores the psychological mechanisms behind people's bad behaviors. Cognitive dissonance, that is, the gap between the ideal self and the real self, can lead those who are psychologically immature to adopt evasive strategies, such as self-deception and rationalization. This "convenient" coping pattern will be strengthened into a deep-rooted thinking pattern, affecting all aspects of life. An individual's intelligence level and early education will influence their ability to detect self-cognitive biases. People who lack reflection are more likely to be troubled by this pattern for a long time, and the situation will intensify as they grow older.
This episode of the podcast mainly elaborates on three important aspects of improving network literacy: Comment cautiously to avoid cyber violence, and it is necessary to distinguish the authenticity of information; Consume rationally and resist impulse shopping, and you need to identify your own needs during online promotions; View online influencers critically and carefully consider the rationality of their values, the purposes of their live broadcasts and their consumption suggestions. In short, it emphasizes that in the online world, one should maintain independent thinking and critical thinking and avoid blindly following the trend and impulsive behaviors.
Regarding the acquisition of marital resources and self-inflation:In a marriage, if a man can obtain stable life care and emotional support, he is very likely to achieve positive improvements both physically and mentally.It is somewhat reasonable that a wife may find it difficult to continue to serve as a projection carrier after marriage. When a wife remains stagnant for a long time, in the eyes of her husband, she may gradually lose the space that allows him to fantasize and endow her with idealized traits. Therefore, a man may seek a projection object outside the marriage. Because projection requires a sense of mystery and unpredictability.Men who are indulged in this kind of projection will experience cognitive dissonance. When a man projects his ideal image onto a certain woman, in order to maintain the rationality and continuity of this projection, he will often selectively ignore or whitewash the problems existing in that woman and only be willing to see the side that conforms to his imagination.
本集播客探讨了当代男性爱的能力下降的现象,指出其原因在于:年轻男性依赖“拜金”行为逃避付出;社交媒体助长了利用和操控人际关系以获取利益的不良风气, ;社会对“花花公子”的推崇扭曲了爱情观;便捷的社交软件导致男性沉迷于短暂关系,缺乏建立深度情感的能力;以及, 男性主动选择了这种轻松的路径 。
This episode of the podcast explores the phenomenon of the decline in contemporary men's ability to love, and points out that the reasons are as follows: Young men rely on "money-worshiping" behaviors to avoid making efforts; Social media has fueled the bad trend of exploiting and manipulating interpersonal relationships to obtain benefits; Society's admiration for "playboys" has distorted the concept of love; Convenient social apps have led men to be addicted to short-term relationships and lack the ability to build deep emotional bonds; Moreover, men have actively chosen this easy path.
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