
  • Do you struggle with money? Does money not seem to stay in your bank account? Then this episode is for you!

    Money plays a massive role in all of our lives. We all need money. However, so many women are struggling with their relationship with money and it's not their fault - it's within their lineage.

    In the past, women were made to not feel safe with money and that's why it's so important to heal your money story. When you heal your money story - you heal your lineage's story. Money can feel safe if we choose to shift our persepective. Money is energy. It's something we can all attain.

    On the episode we talk to Money Coach, Hanna Bier, who helps ambitious women recreate their relationship wiuth money in a life-affirming, positive and loving way.

    In this episide Hanna and I share...

    Our money stories and how our childhood stories with money affected our views on money Why women struggle with money and how they can reclaim their power How money is our guide and teacher for us to be abundant Why just meditating won't solve your money blocks How to shift your perspective on money How to feel safe in your body regarding money And so much more!

    Learn more about Hannah here:



    Free Gift: The Money Bliss Subliminal:

    Hanna's new book: Wealth From Within:

    Gurds details:

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

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  • Do you feel betrayed by others? Do you find it hard to forgive others? Then this episode is for you!

    Betrayal has played a massive role in my life. In fact, I had betrayal myself without even realising it until I kept attracting people who would betray me! When I looked from within I started to realise how I these patterns kept happening for a reason and I had attracted these situations!

    It doesn't matter how much inner work you have done, relationships teaches us our biggest lessons and healing moments. They teach us how to heal and met ourselves.

    In this episide I share...

    My death and rebirth and what I've learnt along the way

    The importance of understanding betrayal of self and how to heal this

    Why holding boundaries is key to keep people in your life

    The power of healing chaos to create inner peace

    How to reclaim your power from within

    The power of healing the nervous system

    And so much more!

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

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  • Do you struggle with letting go of your fears? Do you find it hard to move forward with your life? This is what I share in this weeks episodes!

    Resistance has played a huge role in my life. Ever since 2012, when my life changed. I had no choice but to surrender and let go of my fears. After being in a job that brought me no joy, the universe forced me to surrender and dive in deep to find the real me.

    12 years later, I am no helping women to transform trauma and learn to trust themselves, so they can powerfully move forward in their life. This would have never happened if I didn't let go of resistance.

    In this episide I share...

    How being made redundant was the biggest blessing of my life The importance of surrounding yourself with likeminded people
    Why overcoming your fears will set you free
    The power of putting yourself first
    The power of the full moon
    Tools to overcome your resistance
    And so much more!

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:
    Order My Book:

  • Do you struggle to self-regulate? Are you feeling constant fatigue? Then this episode is for you!

    We all have an inner child within us that deserves to be loved, seen and heard! When you acknowledge back she then feels held and nourished! Remember you are your biggest healer and teacher. Let your inner child be loved!

    This month we are discussing the theme of Resistance and up first is Kymber Maulden who resisted change until she healed her health and wellbeing. ❤️‍🩹

    On the Inner Light Project Podcast we talk about our personal health journey’s, how healing the nervous system was so important, the power of self-healing, self-regulating and self-nourishment. 🙏

    We explore …

    How to soothe your nervous system

    Kymber’s journey of health transformation

    How powerful our bodies are

    The power of somatic healing

    How emotions are stored in the body!

    The power to change your life around

    And so much more!

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Why do you struggle to let go of addictions and surrender? Is it linked to our generational patterns? This is what I share in this weeks episode!

    For me, the power of being sober happened organically, but it wasn't until I changed my environements that everything shifted. It wasn't until my mid 20's that I started to question my reasons for drinking and how it was impacted my mind health and emotions.

    In this episode I share...

    How I walked away from drinking for 11 years

    The importance of surrounding yourself with likeminded people

    Why healing from addictions will set your free

    The power of standing up for yourself and ignoring people's opinions

    The power of the full moon

    Embracing your true self with ease

    And so much more!

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • This is a special episode on the topic of soberity with spiritual teacher Kate Manser.

    We unpack the power of sisterhood, what it means to walk away from a life that you didn't choose to coming back home to yourself.

    In this beautiful episode on the Inner Light Project Podcast, I am joined by Kate to talk about women and soberity, marriage, divorce, career to walk away from labels that society has given you.

    In this episode, Kate and I explore…

    Healing from marriages/relationships

    How your environment shapes everything

    The importance of sisterhood and support

    The attachment process and how to let go

    Letting go of alcohol to find yourself

    Doing whatever makes you happy

    Burning man

    You might die tomorrow movement

    Allowing yourself to have more joy

    And so much more!

    Connect with Kate here - FBK:



    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

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  • Are you thinking of becoming sober curious but not sure where to start? Then this episode is for you!

    For me, I'm 11 years sober this month. It was the biggest gamechanger as I went on my journey of deep healing. Becoming aware of how alcohol affected me, taught me that it was a tool to numb my emotions.

    On this week’s Inner Light Project Podcast, I am joined by Amanda Kuda to talk about sober curiousity, the courage it takes and how your life will expand beautifully after soberity.

    In this episode, Amanda and I explore…

    The drinking culture we live in

    How world health organisations have changed their view on alcohol

    How to change your relationship with alcohol

    How to quit drinking

    The power to look from within

    And so much more!

    Connect with Amanda here - FBK:



    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

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  • Have you experienced a deep traumatic situation that's taken over your life? Did you see/experience something that no one should ever see? That's what happened with our guest this week!

    I know for me, I've had to radically accept myself even during my hardest moments. But having that sheer compassion for myself, always set me free and back to my inner peace.

    On this week’s Inner Light Project Podcast, I am joined by Radha-Metro-Midkiff to talk about radically accepting yourself and allowing yourself to surrender in your hardest moments. We talk about how self-healing can lead to a beautiful experience and following your purpose.

    In this episode Radha and I share...

    How seeing the World Trade Centre collapse affected her life

    How she overcome adversity

    The power of coming back home to yourself

    Healing from trauma

    How yoga saved her life

    The power of having tools to set yourself free

    And so much more!

    Grab Radha's FREE GIFT -

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Why do women struggle to let the past go and surrender? Is it linked to our mothers or patriarchy? This is what I share in this weeks episode!

    For me, the power of surrendering didn't come easy, I wasn't taught this and my environment didn't show me how to forgive. It wasn't until my mid 20'st that I allowed myself to surrender and forgive myself and others.

    In this episode I share...

    My horrific trauma and how I healed this

    The importance of surrendering and forgiving yourself

    Why healing patriarchal patterns is so important

    The power of speaking your trauma

    How the moon affects our emotions and feelings

    Embracing the unknown

    And so much more!

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

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  • This week on the Inner Light Project Podcast, we embark on a journey of what the psychology texbook theory is regarding trauma and who they 'think' are more likely to have trauma.

    We delved into my guests personal journal of self transformation, despite being a psychologist and how spirituality healed her to rebirth her identity.

    In this episode, we are joined by Rathika Marsh's to talk about trauma, what it means, how cultural trauma affects us, identity crisis, spiritual by passing and how women in the world can heal and take their power back.

    In this episode, Rathika and I explore…

    The definition of trauma in the psychology world

    The power of being the black sheep in the family

    Healing the good-girl energy

    The power of embracing your feminine energy

    Spiritual bypassing and what it means for women of color in the spiritual world

    The power of putting yourself first

    What sensuality means to us

    And so much more!

    Connect with Rathika here -

    Grab Rathika's FREE GIFT -

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Why is it that women give their power away easily? It’s linked to patriarchy and the patterns our mothers face growing up.

    To me, we heal when we take our power back - we heal decades of generational trauma that’s in our lineage and we release patriarchal patterns that have been holding us back through time.

    On this week’s Inner Light Project Podcast, I am joined by April Roberts to talk about taking our power back and healing wounds and why women find it difficult to leave toxic relationships. We talk about how strong women are and how you can finally put yourself first.

    In this episode, April and I explore…

    Healing from toxic marriages/relationships

    How to take your power back

    The importance of holding strong boundaries

    Why receiving is super important for women

    The power of embracing your feminine energy

    Healing generational patterns

    Listening to the universe

    And so much more!

    Connect with April here -

    Grab April’s FREE GIFT -

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • In my journey of healing I realized how our upbringings affect the relationships and environments we are in. What we saw in our childhood can shape the type of partner we attract into our life.

    In this episode there are gems about how our self-worth is connected to our childhood and how our relationships mirror how we love and respect ourselves.

    I spoke with Jana Wilson on this week’s Inner Light Project podcast episode to share how we can heal our inner child’s and set ourselves free.

    In this episode Jana and I talk about…

    Healing childhood trauma

    The difference between a baby, young and old soul

    How to thrive after growing up in a toxic environment

    How our self-worth is connected to our childhood

    Healing your inner child will set you free

    And so much more!

    Connect with Jana here -

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • I’ve realized that our astrological charts can teach us so much about the lessons and patterns that we are here to learn in this lifetime. It can also help us open the door to whatever stagnates our growth.

    To me, astrology is truly fascinating and it’s changed my life knowing how my sun and moon affects my life and behavior. It’s helped me to understand myself and my emotions better.

    I am here with Brad Williams on this week’s Inner Light Project Podcast episode to dive into how astrology affects our lives and how it teaches us to take our power back.

    In this episode Brad and I talk about…

    Growing up in difficult childhoods

    The power of astrology

    How astrology can help us to ground ourselves and find our purpose

    Understanding your chart and how the planets affect our personality

    Embracing our feminine and masculine energies

    And so much more!

    Connect with Brad here -

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Recently, I have noticed how some of us will continue to allow others to disrespect us, which happens a lot within our personal relationshsips. The toxic pattern between patriarchy and how a woman should behave due to societal expectations, has left some of us thinking and believing if I give them one last chance, "they will change" but usually it's the opposite. We are left feeling burnout, confused and angry.

    On this week's Inner Light Project Podcast, I am bringing you a lady who lived through a 20 year abusive marriage to living her best life. Mary Armendarez is all about taking women taking their power back and making it easier for them to heal from fear and anxiety. Mary has a strong connection with Angels.

    In this episode, Mary and I explore..

    The power of letting go of the victim story

    Understanding your energy

    How Father and Mother God are linked

    How you can clear past trauma within within your lineage

    And so much more in this powerful episode!

    Connect with Mary on Instagram here

    Learn more about Mary here

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Often the reason we are not living our truth is because we have forgotten our true self, the one that resides within us all - the inner medicine.

    I am so excited to have Kerri Hummingbird on Inner Light Project podcast who teaches about the power of becoming one with mother earth and how this is key for the survival of humanity.

    In this episode, Kerri and I dive into...

    The power of coming back home to yourself...

    What a modern medicine woman looks like...

    How Mother Goddess is here to help us heal

    The 5 things that will help you rewrite your story

    Why you need to take your power back

    How to meet yourself

    And so much more!

    This episode is pure magic!

    Connect with Kerri on Instagram here

    Grab Kerri's free gift

    Grab my FREE Journal "Discover #1 Block Holding You Back Right Now" here -

    Follow me on social media here:

    Order My Book:

  • Imagine thinking you're in a safe relationship for years to realising it was toxic from day one! This is the reality of many women across the globe regardless of their education status. You can be the most educated woman in the world and still end up in a toxic relationship - this can be linked to past trauma and ancestoral patterns.

    Many women are giving their power away on a daily basis to people who have narcissistic tendancies. But the definition of gaslighting and narcissism can be confusing.

    On the show, I speak with Nicole Chrisite the founder of Tulla Productions and former employee of Microsoft about her journey of healing her traumatic past, recognising how her health conditions were linked to her ex husband and how she finally took her power back to be her real, authentic self.

    Learn more about Christie here:

    Thank you for listening to this episode. If you're ready to transform your trauma and learn to trust yourself, so you can powerfully move forward in your life, then book a complimentary call with me here:

    Also want to heal from you root cause? Grab my Free Awareness Journal to discover what's holding you back:

    All my love

    Gurds Xo

  • Are you tired of being treated like a doormat? Or does your powerful nature intimiate men? Then this episode is for you! In this episode, we spoke with Relationship Coach, Sami Wunder about the power of standing in your light, not lower your standards and getting the man of your dreams by rotational dating and polarity.

    I'm not going to lie, I learnt a lot from Sami a few months back which changed my dating relationship and how I'd like to be treated. So many women are being taught that we need to lower our standards in order to be a match for men, but that's a load of rubbish, the truth is we need to raise our standards higher and attract man through our feminity and let men help us.

    Sami shares her own dating journey to marrying the man of her dreams, 10 years of marriage and two babies! She has helped thousands of women to Get The Ring and enter healthy relationships where men adore their women!

    Learn more about Sami here -

    Thank you for listening to this episode. If you're ready to transform your trauma and learve to trust yourself, so you can powerfully move forward in your life, then book a complimentary call with me here:

    Also want to heal from you root cause? Grab my Free Awareness Journal to discover what's holding you back:

    All my love

    Gurds Xo

  • Ever wondered what your astrology meant? Not sure how to read your chart? Then this episode is for you! On the showm I speak with Astrology, Writer and former accountant, Yael T.W. about the power of understanding your chart, what each sign represents and what you came here to do!

    I was blown away by my chart and how I'm here to teach others to find balance and heal their inner child from within. This has been my life's mission! Want to learn more? Tune into the show!

  • Do you find that your religious background isn't making you feel super spiritual and you're craving for a deeper meaning? Then this episode is for you! On the show, I speak with Deepa Parekh the founder of My Elemental about her personal spirutual awakening, why she created My Elemental, the struggles of cultural upbrining, divorce and identity. As well as Ayuerveda, the power of understanding crystals, your astrology and affirmations.

  • Do you feel tired all the time? Hold resentment in your heart? Can feel other people's energies but can't seem to shift them? Then this episode is for you!

    Kristine Glein is the Chief Growth Officer for Nutritional Frontiers and the founder of Soul Intelligence Method, an energetic alignment system linked to bioenergetics. She helps clear stuck energy and emotions in the bod without forcing someone to relive past traumas.

    In this episode, we talk about her personal journey of coming out of the spiritual closet, how she heard cervical cancer, discovered bioenergetics, the importnace of healing childhood patterns and what happens when you allow them to store in the body. How to be emotionallly, physically and mindfully free.

    Here are Kristine's Freebies:

    Healer Restoration Kit

    Free Masterclass

    Info of her course:

    30 minute exploration call:

    Thank you for listening to this episode. If you're ready to transform your trauma and learve to trust yourself, so you can powerfully move forward in your life, then book a complimentary call with me here:

    Also want to heal from you root cause? Grab my Free Awareness Journal to discover what's holding you back:

    All my love

    Gurds Xo