
  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : The OECD's Work on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : The OECD's Work on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Laura Kreiling, Policy Analyst, OCDE

    The presentation consists of three parts, the first focuses on the OECD Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology [OECD/LEGAL/0457] and presents its development and context, as well as implementation efforts. The second part highlights recent OECD work on the governance emerging technologies that the OECD Neurotechnology Recommendation informed, notably the recently published Framework for Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies. The presentation concludes with a live demonstration of the recently released OECD Neurotechnology Toolkit, a central implementation resource of the OECD Neurotechnology Recommendation.

    Laura Kreiling is a management scientist with a PhD from University Paris-Saclay, France. She is passionate about the intersection of academia and industry and worked in the private sector as project manager in the automotive industry and in strategic healthcare management before her academic research on managerial practices and context of innovation intermediary organisations in Europe. At OECD, Laura Kreiling is Policy Analyst and works on topics related to the governance of emerging technologies, including the implementation of the OECD Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology.

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  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Ethics: A Global Compass for Responsible Research and Human Rights – Insights from OECD and UNESCO Perspectives

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Hervé Chneiweiss, Research Director au CNRS, Neuro-Oncologist à l'Hôpital Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière, Président du comité d'éthique de l'Inserm

    Since 2015, the OECD has convened a panel of experts to develop a framework for responsible research and innovation in the field of neurotechnologies. This effort culminated in Recommendation 457 in 2019. In France, this recommendation has been implemented through the development of a Charter, which is poised to become European-wide. Additionally, an interactive toolkit has been recently introduced. Concurrently, the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee released a report in 2021 on the ethical implications of neurotechnologies. These findings serve as the foundation for ongoing efforts to adopt a recommendation in 2025, which will serve as legislative groundwork for member states. We will compare and contrast the approaches of both organizations, in which we have actively participated.

    Hervé Chneiweiss (MD-PhD) is a neurologist and neuroscientist, senior scientist at CNRS, he has been involved in neurogenetic research on diseases such as cerebellar ataxias and then the molecular mechanisms involved in astrocyte phenotype and plasticity, and the development of brain tumors, their epigenetic and metabolic drivers. Technical approaches include proteomics, metabolism, epigenetics, cell cultures, animal models, single cell. He has published over 170 original scientific papers (h=55, i10 112). He is currently director of the Neuroscience Paris Seine-IBPS research center (CNRS/Inserm/Sorbonne University). Hervé Chneiweiss is also involved in bioethics, adviser for life sciences and bioethics to the Minister of Research and Technology (2000-02), member of the Scientific Council of the French Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Techniques assesment (2003-16), member of the French National Ethics Committee (2013-17), member and chairman of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (2014-21), member of the WHO committee on Human genome governance (2019-21), expert for OECD on neurotechnology (since 2015), and currently as chairman of the Inserm Ethics Committee, EMBL Ethics Board, EBRAINS EESC and co-chair AHEG UNESCO for recommendation on neurotechnologies. Former editor in chief of Medicine/Sciences (2006-16). He has published several books for the general public (latest: Notre cerveau, L'Iconoclaste, 2019).

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Navigating Ethical Translation of Neurotech that Benefits All

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Karen Rommelfanger, Director, Institute of Neuroethics Think and Do Tank & CEO, Ningen Neuroethics Co-Lab

    In this talk, Dr Rommelfanger will highlight the promise and ways forward to address some of the more pressing value conflicts that can arise in the development of brain technology. She will provide examples of promising medical applications and delve into the unique issues that arise related to personal identity, agency, and privacy. In addition, she will address challenges related to long-term responsibility for these devices, including who is accountable for their ongoing functionality and how experimental devices are maintained over time. The talk will also explore the increasingly blurred lines between therapeutic and nonmedical applications of brain technology and the implications of this trend. Dr Rommelfanger will provide overview of the global landscape of national and international governance efforts related to protecting citizens and societies. She will conclude by inviting consideration of how a cross-sectoral and diverse community perspective can better assist in designing a future of neurotech that benefits everyone.

    Dr Karen S. Rommelfanger is a leading neurotech ethicist and strategist. She founded the Institute of Neuroethics (IoNx), the first think tank focused solely on neuroethics, promoting trusted neuroscience across various sectors. Through her consultancy, Ningen Neuroethics Co-Lab, she works on applied neuroethics and strategy. Dr Rommelfanger is also a professor at Emory University, with expertise in neurology, psychiatry, and behavioral sciences.

    Her research has been published in prestigious journals like Nature and Neuron, and she co-edited the Handbook of Neuroethics. As the first neuroethicist editor at Neuron, she has held key roles with the American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience and the International Neuroethics Society.

    In recognition of her contributions, Dr Rommelfanger was appointed to the US NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics Working Group, DARPA's ELSI Neurotechnology Panel, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's group on responsible neuroscience innovation in Southeast Asia. She has also consulted for the OECD and the Council of Europe, advocating for responsible neurotechnology innovation and neurorights. Dr Rommelfanger co-chaired the Global Neuroethics Workgroup of the International Brain Initiative and served on the World Economic Forum's Global Futures Council. She is a recognized commentator on neuroethics, neurotech innovation, and policy in national and international media.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Scaling Neurotechnologies: The Interplay of Ethical, Regulatory and Market Dynamics

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Olivier Oullier, Co-founder, Inclusive Brains & Chairman, Institute for Artificial Intelligence by Biotech Dental

    As neurotechnologies transition from research labs to mainstream markets, they encounter a complex array of ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics. The ethical and regulatory responses to the swift deployment of AI-powered neurotech are continually evolving. In this presentation, Oullier will build on his expertise in academia, policymaking, and business to champion proactive engagement with all stakeholders. This approach aims to ensure that the commercial expansion of neurotechnologies aligns with societal values and ethical principles, enhancing human capabilities while safeguarding fundamental rights. Additionally, he will address the risks posed by unregulated commercial practices as well as by poorly informed individuals involved in ethics and regulatory initiatives who are making non-evidence-based claims that could hinder both research and business progress in AI and neurotechnologies.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Learning from Experience: Integrating Effective Community Engagement into Neurotechnology Development

    Innovating Responsibly: Neurotechnology Standards and Societal Ethics

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Jennifer French, Executive Director, Neurotech Network

    In today's ever-evolving landscape of neurotechnology, the intersection between technological advancements and community engagement holds significant importance. This is especially evident in the context of groundbreaking first-in-human clinical trials. As we embark on the exploration of effective community engagement in neurotechnology development, we will discuss insights that have the power to shape the future of this field. In this discussion, we will delve into the essence of community engagement, its essentiality in the realm of neurotechnology, and the established frameworks for its implementation, as well as introduce Collaborative Communities and that recently established for Implantable Brain-Computer Interface, iBCI-CC.

    She is the founder and executive director of Neurotech Network, a nonprofit organization that focuses on education and advocacy of neurotechnologies. French has helped launch successful divisions is such organizations as Bombardier Capital and Connection, as well as nonprofit organizations and community/patient engagement programs. She serves on several boards including the Institute of Neuroethics, OpenMinds platform, BRAIN Initiative MCWG & NEWG, and the American Brain Coalition. She is also a faculty member for the NeuroTech Course. Together with Drs. Lennerz & Dr. Hochberg, she recently launched the Implantable BCI Collaborative Community (iBCI-CC), a multi-stakeholder forum dedicated to advancing regulatory science in iBCIs. As a result of a snowboarding accident, French lives with tetraplegia due to a spinal cord injury. She is an early user of an experimental implanted neural prosthesis for paralysis and is the Past-President of the North American SCI Consortium. She is the author of On My Feet Again and is co-author of Bionic Pioneers. Jen is also an avid sailor. She is a silver medalist from the 2012 Paralympic Games and is the 2012 Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year; the first woman with a disability to receive this distinction.

    Her latest TED talk is available:

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Panel Discussion

    Patient-Centered Neurotechnologies: Navigating the Innovation Landscape

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Karen Rommelfanger, Institute of Neuroethics.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : For Us and with US

    Patient-Centered Neurotechnologies: Navigating the Innovation Landscape

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Brandy Ellis, Lived Experience Advocate

    The journey of a clinical trial participant turned advocate, exploring the transformative power of neurotechnology in treating depression. Through personal anecdotes and insights, discover the importance of patient-centric approaches in research, advocating for inclusion, support, and empowerment throughout the innovation process.

    Brandy Ellis is a passionate lived-experience advocate for neuromodulation, clinical trial participants, and mental health. Her remarkable journey as a patient-participant in implanted neural device clinical trials has garnered international attention, with her story and insights featured in radio interviews with the BBC, podcasts, articles, and presentations at prestigious institutions. In 2011, Brandy bravely enrolled in a subcallosal cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) study at Emory University, marking the beginning of her transformative journey towards remission from treatment-resistant depression. Her advocacy work reflects her genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, serving as an inspiration to all who encounter her journey.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : How to Build a Neurotech Startup and (Almost) Survive

    Patient-Centered Neurotechnologies: Navigating the Innovation Landscape

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    André Mercanzini, Entrepreneur, Aleva Neurotherapeutics

    Neurotechnology holds immense promise for revolutionizing the treatment of neurological disorders which are globally the most economically burdensome indications. This talk follows the entrepreneurial journey of translating research into successful neurotechnology startups, focusing on two case studies: a venture-funded deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy for Parkinson's Disease, and an innovative Stereoencephalogram (SEEG) solution for epilepsy – both with roots at EPFL in Switzerland. We will cover a toolkit for Academic and/or Physician medical device entrepreneurs with best practices for successfully translating their potential therapies and setting them up for venture capital or strategic partnerships.

    A healthcare entrepreneur passionate about improving patients' lives through the innovation of new medical therapies. Currently: Founder of AngelWave Medical, developing non-invasive brain stimulation therapies using Focused Ultrasound; Founder of AirCurve Medical, developing automated anesthetic ventilation methods. Previously Founder of Aleva Neurotherapeutics, led the development of directional electrodes for Deep Brain Stimulation to treat Parkinson's Disease, conducted three successful human clinical trials, achieved CE-Mark and commercialization in Europe, FDA IDE, and raised over $75MUSD in Venture Capital. Was Co-Founder and Chairman of Adept Neuro, acquired by Dixi Medical SAS in 2022, aimed to improve neurosurgery outcomes in Epilepsy using next-generation SEEGs. Was Co-Founder and Executive Director of deepCDR Biologics (Basel) the first company to use Deep Learning to discover antibody therapies, acquired by Alloy Therapeutics in 2021. BS in Engineering Physics from the University of Toronto, MS in Management Science from Stanford University, PhD in Biomedical Engineering from EPFL, Post-Doctorate at the Department of Functional Neurosurgery, Lausanne University Hospital. Published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Controlled Release (2010 cover story), Neuromodulation. Principal inventor on 15 patent families (totaling over 100 issued international patents) in healthcare technology.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Key Lessons from Journeys into Neurotech Innovation

    Patient-Centered Neurotechnologies: Navigating the Innovation Landscape

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Michel Decré, Directeur, Ishinden

    Based on 20 years of experience in the field, we will review the best practices, retrospective patterns, and specific challenges of leading neurotech startups from ideation to market introduction, at the interface between technological breakthrough, therapeutic innovation, and business creation.

    An engineer in applied physics from the Free University Brussels (1992), Michel Decré obtained his PhD in physics at the ENS Paris in 1994. After a post-doc for the ESA at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Brussels, he joined Philips Research in Eindhoven (NL) in 1996. There, he contributed to the development of the Blu-ray disc and the micro- and nanocontact printing now marketed as SCIL by Suss Microtech. From 2005, he started and lead the Philips Research implantable neurotechnology programme, and in 2010 he initiated its Healing Environment programme. In 2011, he left Philips to spin-off Sapiens Steering Brain Stimulation as its founding Chief Technology Officer. After Medtronic acquired Sapiens, he became Director of Research and Technology at the Medtronic Eindhoven Development Center. In 2017, he co-founded Salvia Bioelectronics and has been an independent consultant for neurotech and medtech startups since 2018. He currently devotes most of his efforts to the destiny of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics (Barcelona, SP). Michel Decré was a visiting professor at the Mechanical School of Leeds University, UK, from 2003 to 2013; he co-authored 23 peer-reviewed articles and is the inventor of 20 US-granted patents.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Designing Brain Interfaces for Pediatric Applications

    Patient-Centered Neurotechnologies: Navigating the Innovation Landscape

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Timothy Denison, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

    The emerging field of bioelectronics provides a novel alternative to pharmaceutical intervention by using electronic hardware to intelligently sense and stimulate the nervous system.

    I will summarize the challenges and opportunities of translational bioelectronic systems face when bridging basic science, regulated technology, and health care economics – particularly for applications in paediatric medicine. This assessment motivates an innovation framework that leverages the unique capabilities of bioelectronic platforms -- from designing implantable scientific instruments that enable novel clinical neuroscience, to applying the resulting science to prototype new therapies. To provide an illustrative example of the platform and innovation framework, I will highlight experiences from the "Picostim-DyNeuMo," which is a collaborative, investigational research tool developed jointly by industry and academics. This system is targeting first-in-human clinical studies exploring challenging neurological disorders such as epilepsy, chronic pain, and disorders of consciousness, and the talk will emphasize the innovations required specifically for addressing paediatric epilepsy.

    Professor Denison holds a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Engineering Science and Clinical Neurosciences at Oxford, where he explores the fundamentals of physiologic closed-loop systems in collaboration with the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit. Tim serves as an advisor to several governments and industry boards on the field of translational medical devices; in particular, helping define strategies for mapping scientific discovery to product development roadmaps within the regulatory and economic constraints of medical systems. To support translation to the clinic, he is a director and chief engineer of Amber Therapeutics, which designs, manufactures, and distributes the Picostim-DyNeuMo investigational research system that is active in four first-in-human trials. Prior to joining Oxford, Tim was a Technical and Bakken Fellow at Medtronic PLC and Vice President of Research & Core Technology for the Restorative Therapies Group, where he helped oversee the design of next generation neural interface and algorithm technologies for the treatment of chronic neurological disease. In 2015, he was elected to the College of Fellows for the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He has an MS and PhD from MIT in electrical engineering, an AB in Physics and MBA from the University of Chicago.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    Colloque - La neurotechnologie : Welcome and Introduction

    Colloque coorganisé par Stéphanie Lacour, chaire Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt et Mme Karen Rommelfanger.


    Stéphanie Lacour, Directrice de l'institut interdisciplinaire Neuro-X de l'EPFL, professeure invitée du Collège de France

    Le colloque est une rencontre interdisciplinaire et spécialisée qui réunit des chercheurs, des entrepreneurs, des patients, des cliniciens et des éthiciens impliqués aux domaines liés à la neurotechnologie. L'objectif principal de ce colloque est d'examiner et de discuter des promesses et des défis liés à l'adoption de la neurotechnologie dans le domaine médical et de la santé.

    Les participants présentent leurs dernières recherches et innovations technologiques. Les sujets abordés incluent la conception et le déployment de nouveaux dispositifs implantables pour l'homme, les interfaces cerveau-machine, l'engagement des patients, l'analyse des données neuronales et la réglementation des neurotechnologies.

    Suite aux présentations scientifiques, une table ronde permettra aux intervenants d'échanger des idées sur les questions de viabilité et de croissance, de sécurité et de fiabilité, de coûts, d'acceptation par les patients et de collaboration entre les différents acteurs du domaine pour des neurotechnologies répondant aux besoins thérapeutiques et attentes éthiques.

    La conception et le développent de ces éléments nécessitent une approche multidisciplinaire impliquant neuroscientifiques, ingénieurs et cliniciens.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    08 - La neurotechnologie : Neurotechnologies implantables. Systèmes implantés


    Les neurotechnologies implantables sont des systèmes composés de plusieurs éléments qui leur permettent d'interfacer le système nerveux de façon programmable et autonome. Elles comportent des électrodes, un processeur, une batterie, des connecteurs et câbles, des antennes de communication, le tout encapsulé dans un boitier et matériaux hermétiques pour les protéger les éléments électroniques et prévenir les interférences extérieures.

    La conception et le développent de ces éléments nécessitent une approche multidisciplinaire impliquant neuroscientifiques, ingénieurs et cliniciens.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    07 - La neurotechnologie : Biointegration


    L'insertion d'un implant dans le système nerveux s'accompagne d'une réponse immunitaire du tissu biologique. Un tissu cicatriciel se forme autour de l'implant et souvent interfère avec le bon fonctionnement de l'implant en entravant les signaux électriques et réduisant son efficacité.

    Le cours couvrira les techniques de fabrication et d'implantation d'électrodes en mettant l'accent sur leur biocompatibilité, et explorera les avancées récentes dans la conception d'électrodes pour améliorer la stabilité et sensibilités des enregistrements neuronaux.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    06 - La neurotechnologie : Au-delà de l'électricité


    Des alternatives à l'électricité offrent de nouvelles opportunités pour la neuromodulation et la recherche en neurosciences, permettant des approches plus ciblées et parfois moins invasives.

    La stimulation magnétique utilise des champs magnétiques pour induire des courants électriques dans le cerveau. L'optogénétique combine la génétique et la lumière pour activer ou inhiber sélectivement l'activité neuronale. La neurostimulation acoustique utilise des ondes sonores ou ultrasons pour moduler l'activité ou permettre une ablation localisée d'une zone du cerveau sans endommager les structures adjacentes.

    Ces alternatives requièrent la mise au point de nouvelles technologies miniaturisées et multimodales.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    05 - La neurotechnologie : Neurotechnologies implantables. Systèmes implantés


    Les neurotechnologies implantables sont des systèmes composés de plusieurs éléments qui leur permettent d'interfacer le système nerveux de façon programmable et autonome. Elles comportent des électrodes, un processeur, une batterie, des connecteurs et câbles, des antennes de communication, le tout encapsulé dans un boitier et matériaux hermétiques pour les protéger les éléments électroniques et prévenir les interférences extérieures.

    La conception et le développent de ces éléments nécessitent une approche multidisciplinaire impliquant neuroscientifiques, ingénieurs et cliniciens.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    04 - La neurotechnologie : Électrodes – Partie II. Stimulation neuronale : conception et propriétés électrochimiques


    Dans la seconde partie du cours, l'attention se tourne vers les électrodes conçues pour la stimulation neuronale, une technique cruciale pour moduler l'activité nerveuse dans des contextes thérapeutiques et de recherche. Comme pour l'enregistrement de l'activité neuronale, les principes électrochimiques électrode-tissue guident la conception d'électrodes pour assurer une stimulation efficace et sécurisée. Nous nous concentrerons sur le dimensionnement des électrodes, le concept de focalisation et la réduction des effets indésirables. Une revue des matériaux et techniques de fabrication de ces électrodes sera également présentée.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    03 - La neurotechnologie : Électrodes – Partie I. Capturer l'activité cérébrale : avancées en électrodes d'enregistrement


    Ce cours en deux parties vise à fournir une compréhension holistique des électrodes d'enregistrement et de stimulation neuronales, de leur conception à leur application pratique, et de souligner l'importance de l'ingénierie et de la science des matériaux dans l'avancement de la recherche neuroscientifique et des applications cliniques.

    Cette première partie se concentre sur les technologies et des principes qui rendent possible la capture précise des signaux neuronaux. Nous commencerons par une exploration approfondie des propriétés électrochimiques qui définissent l'interface entre les électrodes et le tissu cérébral, soulignant comment ces interactions influencent la qualité et la fidélité des données enregistrées. Nous aborderons ensuite les critères essentiels de conception des électrodes, y compris leur dimensionnement et leur forme, pour maximiser la sensibilité. Nous mettrons en lumière les défis et les solutions dans la fabrication d'électrodes, des techniques traditionnelles aux méthodes de pointe telles que la microfabrication, en insistant sur l'importance de choisir des matériaux adaptés qui offrent une excellente conductivité, une biocompatibilité à long terme, et une durabilité. Enfin, nous discuterons des avancées récentes dans le domaine, y compris l'intégration de matériaux innovants comme les polymères conducteurs et le concept d'électrodes actives, ouvrant de nouvelles voies pour l'amélioration de la performance des électrodes d'enregistrement neuronal.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    02 - La neurotechnologie : Neurotechnologies cliniques


    Les neurotechnologies cliniques sont des avancées médicales utilisant des dispositifs et techniques innovants pour diagnostiquer, traiter et améliorer les conditions neurologiques et psychiatriques. Elles incluent des méthodes telles que l'IRM fonctionnelle pour l'imagerie cérébrale en temps réel, la stimulation du nerf auditif dans la cochlée pour pallier à la surdité sévère ou profonde, la stimulation cérébrale profonde pour traiter les troubles comme la maladie de Parkinson, ou encore l'électrocorticographie pour cartographier avec précision les zones épileptogènes du cerveau.

  • Stéphanie Lacour

    Collège de France

    Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt (2023-2024)

    Année 2023-2024

    01 - La neurotechnologie : Introduction. Anatomie et physiologie du système nerveux


    Une compréhension approfondie du système nerveux est essentielle au développement de la neurotechnologie. Cela implique l'étude des neurones, des synapses, des réseaux neuronaux, ainsi que les processus biochimiques et électriques qui régulent la communication entre les neurones. Ce réseau complexe de communication orchestre la perception, la coordination des mouvements et le maintien des fonctions vitales.