On this episode we speak with Mia Schachter about the interlacing of consent, sex, and spirituality.
Mia Schachter is an intimacy coordinator for film and television, and when they’re not on set, they’re your friendly neighbourhood Consent Wizard. They run workshops that highlight the creativity and magic of consent, so we had to know where that magic lies and how that ties in with sex and spirituality. This episode looks at Mia’s work and philosophy around internal and external intimacy.
Mia Schachter: @consentwizard
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On this episode we talk about what the future has in store for the podcast with some fresh talent that will highlight sex positivity from QT BIPOC perspectives.
This podcast has been going on for over three years and it’s time that I pass on the baton, so to speak, to some fresh and creative voices from the sex positive communities. Isla Carlisle and Jura Hau have a lot to share from within the sex positive communities as QT BIPOC humans. In this episode we discuss their work, what it means for them to be non-binary, and what they want to bring to Intellectual Erection.
Isla Carlisle: @cuddlesluut
Jura Hau: @jurahau
Kink Poc: @kinkpoc
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Fehlende Folgen?
On this episode we discuss everything from dirty talk to polyam communication, jealousy, and compersion with one of our favourite sex educators.
Niki has been on the show several times before to talk to us about consent, sex education, and dirty talk. You will definitely remember her bubbly personality and fun-loving approach to sex ed, and this time it's no different. We dive into all the lovely talk that happens in and around sex, from the things that make it work to the things that make it stop.
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On this episode we get a deep dive into Lola Jean’s work from squirting champ to seven days of domination.
You heard bits of this interview with Lola (@lolajeandotcom) in our “What You Want to Know About Squirting” episode, and here you get the full conversation along with her discussion about sex work and domination (previously unreleased). This is part of a set of two episodes we’ll release this month as we prepare more juicy thematic episodes for you.
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On this episode we talk all about online sex work with some of your favourite humans, Isla Carlisle, Bailey Archer, Camden Peach, Ravyn Alexa, Cam Damage, and Ten Against.
We start this episode by going over the laws, bills, and legislations in North America that attempt to tackle issues of human trafficking and underage porn, while having serious consequences for sex workers, especially in terms of their ability to exist online. Then we discuss the work, challenges, and rewards that go into online sex work with some of our favourite sex workers that we highly recommend you follow.
Isla Carlisle IG @cuddlesluut Twitter @ittybittyisla
Bailey Archer IG @bb.archer Twitter @bbarcher_
Camden Peach IG @camdenpeachxo Twitter @camdenpeach
Ravyn Alexa IG @ravynxalexa Twitter @ravynalexa
Cam Damage IG @notcamdamage Twitter @hannibaldamage
Ten Against IG @ten.against Twitter @tenagainst
Shout outs:
Zenaya Rose IG @ittybittynotitties
Pineapple Support IG @pineappleysw
Vespa IG @latexvespa
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On this episode we find out all the layers of dirty talk, what it’s for, and how to do it from three seasoned sexperts, Alisha Fisher, Marla Renee Stewart, and Niki Davis-Fainbloom.
We had a lot of fun with the research on dirty talk, from all the categories of filth we can say, to the effect it can have on our sexual and relationship satisfaction, to how it works psychologically to arouse us. The sexperts weigh in and give us the basics of dirty talk, guide us through some dirty talk exercises, and discuss some of the most important factors that make this kink work, or fail horribly. We end off the episode with a very special surprise thanks to you, the listeners, who submitted some filth for us to play with.
Song credit: “The Double Up” by Derwatt
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On this episode we speak with sexpert Alisha Fisher, squirting world-record holder Lola Jean, and a panel of humans all about squirting.
The research on squirting is controversial and hardly conclusive. Most scientists want to know if it’s pee or prostatic fluid, how it differs from what’s called “female ejaculation,” and if it relates to urinary incontinence. We want to know how it feels, what it brings up emotionally, how to connects to people’s sex lives, and why it’s so popular now. So, we asked sex and relationship scholar Alisha Fisher (@alisha.jj.fisher) all about the functions of squirting, we asked sex educator Lola Jean (@lolajeandotcom) all about her squirting notoriety, and we got a panel together to talk about the fun, the shame, and the excitement of squirting.
Panelists: @peachbum (Twitter) @miss_obscure @emoxhobbit @imjustadaisy @littlemiss_bee
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Welcome to a new season of Intellectual Erection with a brand new format and new co-host, my partner, Yaz (they/them)! On this episode we speak to sex educators, sex therapists, and a panel of sex positive humans about sex during Covid.
The new episode structure features a research segment where your co-hosts go over some of the academic literature on sex and Covid, followed by interviews with queer sex educator Eva Bloom (@whatsmybodydoing) and sex and relationship therapist Kat Kova (@katkovatherapy). We then ask a panel of sex positive humans, kinksters, and polyamorists what their experiences around sex and intimacy have been like during the pandemic. The episode ends off in Intellectual Erection tradition with some very juicy sexy stories.
P.S. you may have noticed Instagram has taken down our podcast page, so we started a new one. Please follow along on @intellectualerection
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On this episode I speak with Bailey Archer about her experiences as an intersex sex worker and the intersections with transgender identity.
Bailey Archer is very popular on Chaturbate under the Trans category; however, she is actually intersex. Specifically, she was born with Klinefelter Syndrome, which is also known as XXY syndrome because of the extra X chromosome. Bailey was assigned male at birth but has always been a woman. We discuss her experiences with intersex and trans identity, how that intersects with her sex work, and what distinguishes intersex from trans people.
Find Bailey Archer on:
Twitter @bbarcher_
IG @bb.archer
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On this episode you will hear volume 6 of anonymous sexy tales from the lived experiences of fellow sex positive humans. Please send me your sexy stories (audio recording) to intellectualerection@gmail.comto be featured in future episodes!
This episode features sexy, fun, and outrageous stories from listener submissions. It is volume 6 of an ongoing collection of tales meant to help you feel connected during the pandemic. You will hear stories about sex while travelling, risky adventures abroad, a retelling of a sexy tale from volume 4 from the other person’s perspective, a reminder of sunny days at the sex club, and some comic relief. Stay safe and healthy during the pandemic with some arousing stories to make your isolation a little less alienating.
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This is a trailer for the podcast to highlight some of the most fun, sexy, touching, and difficult moments on Intellectual Erection.
Intellectual Erection has been going strong for over three years. This trailer combines some of the funniest, sweetest, hardest, and most educational moments on the show. It is meant to bring some of you down memory lane and to give new listeners an idea of what the podcast is about. Please forward this short trailer to your friends and share it online to increate visibility for the sex positive voices that have shared so much on this platform. Thank you to all my guests and listeners for making this podcast what it is.
Trailer features: @weenerwoman @ms.islacarlisle @lauraxdesiree @bofiguratif @theladyhenry @alisha.jj.fisher @marlonchaplinofficial @yaz.thehuman @nicolledoublel @will.power.lavinia @existentialcarousel @vancehdmn @evanspergel @consentwizard @antuanetteg @goddessstackz @inclusivewithcarling @jadeday11 @notjadesynn @asabovesobehoe @pza.slut @djsofiafly @processofadronment @____nonewideas @theonlyverafox
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Carling is a sex positive therapist specializing in sex and relationship therapy for polyamorous, LGBTQ+, and people living with STIs.
Having worked at an HIV support center and transgender clinic, Carling wants to provide therapy centered around sex and relationships for LGBTQ+ and polyamorous folx. We discuss her work and dive deeply into issues around sex addiction, INCELS, and misogyny, also looking at how toxic masculinity prevents men from seeking therapy
Shout outs in this episode:
Kat Kova (IG: @katkovatherapy)
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IG: @inclusivewithcarling
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On this episode I speak with stripper extraordinaire, Mona Lott about what her vision of an ideal strip club would look like.
We begin this episode talking about squirting because Mona’s been doing it since she was 11! Sex work then came to her quite organically and she’s hopped around a lot of North American strip clubs. With a ton of diverse experience in the industry, Mona talks about why Toronto strip clubs were closed on the pretext of Covid safety while restaurants remained open despite a stronger infection risk. We end the episode by building Mona’s vision of an ideal strip club and talking watersports.
Find Mona Lott on:
@pzaslut (Twitter)
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On this episode I speak with Jade Synn about her kinky gay witch self and how it came to be.
Jade Synn is a BIPOC, queer, witch from the US who started out as an erotica writer before moving into sex work and the sex positive communities. Jade shares some insights on intersectionality and cultural appropriation in spirituality, witchcraft, and the sex positive communities with a titillating personal tale at the end.
Find Jade Synn at:
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On this episode I speak with actor and writer Evan Spergel about navigating the entertainment industry as a gay man.
Evan has known he was gay since he was four. He has also known his strong pull toward the arts, especially in performance and writing. However, the entertainment industry has posed some obstacles in trying to market Evan’s image as sexually ambiguous, if not straight. These issues have inspired Evan’s writing and ambition to produce his own projects that he tackles with sexual energy. He recommends using sexuality in healthy ways like approaching your passion projects with the same sexual energy as you would a potential conquest. This, along with his dyslexia, makes Evan an unconventional and often poetic thinker, which makes this episode especially pleasant to listen to.
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On this episode I speak with a panel of sex workers to create a guide for beginners interested in becoming sex workers.
I have previously interviewed Lola Cheeks in an episode called “Miss Lola Jean the Sex Machine”, as well as LooLoo in an episode titled “LooLoo Sex working Through Tourettes.” Madison Rexx joins us for the first time on the podcast to create a panel of experienced sex workers providing advice for baby sex workers. We cover topics such as setting boundaries, knowing your worth, maintaining safety on and offline, client hygiene, vetting clients, and money matters. Overall, this episode serves to offer some advice for anyone interested in getting into camming, online content creation, massaging, stripping, and some full-service sex work.
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On this episode I speak with Madison Winter about her decision to become an escort and advocate for sex work.
Madison went to school for business and finance and began working in investment banking in the financial district. However, being a desk jockey under fluorescent lights wasn’t cutting it—she wanted something more exciting. So she took her transferable skills in client relations into the “bedroom” and began escorting. Today, Madison Winter is an outspoken advocate for sex work. We discuss whether sex work is subversive to capitalism, how the SESTA-FOSTA bills affect Canadian sex workers, and the humanity behind sex work.
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On this episode I speak with Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey about her therapy, coaching, and trauma work with sex positive humans.
Dr. Bisbey specializes in trauma care and clients with PTSD, because she has experienced PTSD as a survivor of sexual assault. As a member of the sex positive communities, she is able to address the specific needs of clients from the kink, BSDM, polyamory, and sex worker communities. In this episode Dr. Bisbey discusses how her trauma therapy is structured, and how a restorative justice model operates for perpetrators of sexual violence and their victims, in contrast to a “cancel culture” model.
Shout outs in this episode:
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On this episode I speak with Violet Hart about online sex work and foot fetishism. I also discuss the launch of my new Instagram @aesthetic.erection for selling sex positive fine art prints.
Violet talks about how she became involved in the sex positive communities with a very early interest in the fetish community and group play. Eventually she got involved in sex work through online camming and content creation, which allowed her the opportunity to engage in the niche market of foot fetishism. Violet loves the liberty and creativity of sex work where she’s free to express her quirks in porn and live cam shows. Overall, she only wishes she would have gotten into sex work sooner.
Shout out in this episode:
Find Violet Hart on:
IG: @myviolethart
Twitter: @my_violet_hart
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On this episode I speak with DJ Sofia Fly about how cis people can better approach discussions with Trans women around pleasure, intimacy, and their bodies.
Sofia fell in love with music and entered the Queer scene as a DJ to find a place of acceptance where she felt comfortable and ready to transition. As a Trans woman undergoing hormone replacement therapy, she discusses the changes she’s experienced in her body, her arousal, and sexual needs. Sofia talks about dealing with the internalized and misplaced homophobia of cis men in pursuing romantic relationships. We get into some etiquette for cis men around discussions about sexual interest, bodies, and genitals with Trans women. We end off talking about passability in the trans community, Trans representation in media, and Sofia’s music.
Shout outs in this episode
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