In this special Q&A episode, Juli answers your questions about sex and marriage. You’ll hear answers to questions like, why did God make us sexual when it causes so much pain? Does sex matter in marriage? And, is it possible to be too focused on sex in marriage?
Join Juli and Hannah for a brief exploration of good biblical theology on sex and marriage.
Co-host: Hannah Nitz
Hannah’s Website:
Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz
Blog: Overcoming Sexual Shame and Fear in Marriage
Blog: Help! How Much Sex is “Normal” for Married Couples?
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
How can women overcome fear and shame around their bodies and embrace the beauty of God’s design for sex?
Whether from purity culture, other messages, or poor experiences, many women don’t see their bodies and sex as good or beautiful. Francie Winslow, host of the podcast “Heaven in Your Home” went through her own struggle with this, and joins Juli to explain how she is learning to embrace the goodness of God’s design.
Guest: Francie Winslow
Instagram: @franciewinslow
Strong Foundation To Starting Well: Claiming A Healthy Vision For Married Sex
Pleasure & Orgasm: Passion & Practicals Of A Wife Receiving Pleasure
Java with Juli: #550 What to Do When Sex is Painful
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Fehlende Folgen?
When a marriage is in crisis, it can be hard to know what the next step should be. Is divorce the only option? Are there other steps available that couples often miss?
Dr. Greg Smalley, Vice President of Marriage and Family Formation at Focus on the Family, joins Juli to talk about some of the options couples can explore.
Guest: Dr. Greg Smalley
Focus on the Family Website
Java with Juli: #489 Thinking About Divorce? You Might Want to Listen to This First
Java with Juli: #519 Why we Need to be Better at Caring for Divorced People in the Church
Blog: Why and How to Pursue a Healing Separation
Blog: Is Divorce the Right Answer?
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
It’s reported that 20-30% of marriages have a higher-desire wife and lower-desire husband.
This means that while many women may wish their husbands requested less sex, there are also many women who experience the opposite. For the woman who wants her husband to want sex a little more, Sheri Mueller, LCPC, author of “I Want Him to Want Me”, joins Juli to share insights, wisdom, and encouragement.
Guest: Sheri Mueller, LCPC
Sheri’s Website:
Sheri’s Instagram: @growthtrac
Book: I Want Him to Want Me by Sheri Mueller, LCPC
Blog: Why Christians Need to Care About Sex
Missed last week’s episode? Listen to it here.
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
What secret are you keeping?
Many of us keep secrets to protect ourselves. But secrets also hide us from others. They can prevent us from being fully known and fully loved.
Jason VanRuler, author of “Get Past Your Past”, joins Juli to share some insights about secrecy and why it’s worth us living in the light.
Guest: Jason VanRuler
Instagram: @jason.vanruler
Book: Get Past Your Past by Jason VanRuler
Java with Juli: #539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Sexual pain makes sex challenging, stressful, and a source of tension rather than a source of pleasure. Sadly, it’s a very present reality for many couples, and one that can quickly erode sexual intimacy for years or even decades.
Many women are told to ‘watch porn’, ‘drink wine’, or ‘relax’, with no clear diagnosis found and no real solution given. Today’s guest, Jess Setiz, knows this reality all too well. Now a trauma-informed pelvic health practitioner, Jess struggled through painful sex for 8 years before she and her husband were able to find a solution that really worked. She joins Juli to share what she learned, and how she’s helping other women enjoy pleasurable, pain-free sex.
Guest: Jess Seitz
Instagram: @painfree.intimacy
Facebook Group
Java with Juli: #547 How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex
Check out more resources on sex in marriage
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
How many men and women consume porn on a regular basis?
How common is porn use within the church?
How is porn affecting us?
Nick Stumbo, Executive Director of Pure Desire Ministries, unpacks the surprising results of a recent study conducted by Barna on pornography use, and shares potential solutions.
Guest: Nick Stumbo, Pure Desire Ministries
Instagram: @puredesirepdmi
Beyond the Porn Phenomenon Report
Java with Juli: #542 A Pastor, His Porn Problem, and How His Church Restored Him
Missed last week’s episode? Click here to listen to it!
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
What does it take to have good friendships, healthy family relationships, or a strong marriage?
John Van Epp, creator of the RAM theoretical model, has some strong and well-researched ideas about what it takes to make your relationships stronger than ever.
Guest: Dr. John Van Epp
John’s Website:
Book: Endgame: The Church's Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America by John Van Epp and J.P. De Gance
Book: Becoming Better Together by John Van Epp
Java with Juli: #539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Talking about sex and sexual issues with your spouse can be intimidating. Dr Corey Allan breaks down why discussing sex can be challenging for married couples, and what husbands and wives can do about it.
Corey’s Website:
Corey’s Instagram: @sexymarriageradio
Explore more resources on sex in marriage!
Java with Juli: #528 The 3 Superpowers Your Sex Life is Missing
Java with Juli: #534 Four Surprising Things Killing Your Wife’s Sex Drive
Blog: How To Talk to Your Spouse About Sex
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Juli and Hannah answer your questions about sex and singleness in this week’s special Java with Juli episode.
Hannah’s Website:
Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz
Explore resources on Singleness and Dating
Check out our online book studies!
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Raising your kids to love and know Jesus has never been easy, and in a culture saturated with messages about human sexuality, it can feel next to impossible to raise your kids with biblical values and a Christian sexual ethic.
How do we effectively disciple our kids?
Dr. George Barna, founder of the Barna Group and America’s foremost faith and culture researcher, joins Juli to talk about his new book, “Raising Spiritual Champions”, and what parents can do to equip their kids with a robust faith.
Book: Raising Spiritual Champions by Dr. George Barna
Trying to teach your kids about Christian sexuality? Check out our free resource, “10 Questions and Answers Your Child May Ask About Sexuality”
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
How do you know you’ve started menopause? Can you get pregnant during menopause? What happens to your sex drive during menopause?
Experts Dr. Debra Taylor, LMFT and Dr. Michael Sytsma, CST, CPS, join Juli to share some crucial information about menopause, options for easing symptoms, and how husbands can be sympathetic supporters at this pivotal moment in a woman’s life.
Guests: Dr. Debra Taylor, LMFT and Dr. Michael Sytsma, CST, CPS
Debra’s Website:
Mike’s Website: Mike’s Instagram: @buildingintimatemarriages @drsytsma
Find out more about our Online Book Study groups!
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Was the God of the Old Testament less benevolent than the God of the New Testament? Or are too many of us missing the greater truths and narratives woven into a beautiful, historic text?
Dr. Sandra Richter, author of The Epic of Eden, joins Juli to bring a rich and refreshing perspective to women, God, and the Old Testament.
Guest: Dr. Sandra Richter
Sandra’s Website:
Sandra’s Instagram: @sandralynrichter
Book: The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament by Dr. Sandra Richter
Book: Deborah Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges (Epic of Eden) by Dr. Sandra Richter
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
What should a pastor with a porn problem do? How should his church respond?
Pastor Garrett Kell joins Juli on the podcast to talk about his years-long struggle with porn, coming clean, and how his church responded to his sin.
Garrett’s Instagram: @j.garrett.kell
Book: Pure in Heart: Sexual Sin and the Promises of God by J. Garrett Kell
Donate to Authentic Intimacy on Giving Tuesday!
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Purity culture taught a lot of unhelpful things and left a lot of questions unanswered for believers. While it’s clear a new approach is needed, it’s challenging to know how to leave legalism behind and teach a true-to-scripture vision of sexuality.
Noah Filipiak, the author of Beyond the Battle, joins Juli to share where he sees a need to educate today’s youth, and why he wrote his new book, “Needed Navigation”.
Guest: Noah Filipiak
Book: Beyond the Battle by Noah Filipiak
Book: Needed Navigation: A Teen’s Guide to His or Her Identity in Christ in a Sex & Porn-Filled World by Noah Filipiak
Java with Juli: #535 What Men Weren’t Taught About Sex (with Sam Jolman)
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Knowing what God’s word says about a topic and walking that out in a way that honors Him and dignifies others are two very different things. So how do we move in love and integrity towards friends and loved ones struggling with gender dysphoria?
Pastor Sam Ferguson joins Juli to get practical about loving the hearts of hurting people while staying rooted in God’s Word.
Guest: Sam Ferguson
Book: Does God Care About Gender Identity? By Sam Ferguson
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
We all experience shame, and for many of us that shame is deeply connected to our sexuality. “Why am I drawn to sinful things?” “Will I ever overcome my addictions?”
When it comes to addressing shame, few of us know how to address it effectively, so Curt Thompson, MD, author of “The Soul of Shame”, joins Juli to help explain what it is, where it comes from, and what to do with it.
Guest: Curt Thompson, MD
Curt’s website:
Curt’s Instagram: @curtthompsonmd
Book: The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson, MD
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
buse so often warps our sense of self and our sense of who God is. How do you lose the lies and rediscover your faith?
Author and adventurer Ryan George joins Juli to talk about how he disentangled the manipulation and abuse of his past and discovered who God really is.
Guest: Ryan George
Ryan’s Website:
Ryan’s Instagram: @ryplane
Book: Hurt and Healed by the Church by Ryan George
Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Why did God design our bodies the way He did? Is our gender more than our bodies? What does it look like to live out our male and femaleness?
Dr. Abigail Favale, author of “The Genesis of Gender”, joins Juli to talk about why our bodies matter and how to cultivate a deep and rich theology around sex and gender.
Guest: Dr. Abigail Favale
Abigail’s website:
Book: The Genesis of Gender by Dr. Abigail Favale
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
When we struggle with sexual sin, what is God’s ultimate hope for us? Is it that we stop our sexual sin? Or does it go beyond that to addressing our sinful nature and hearts, bringing us to a place of submission and surrender?
Jackie Hill Perry shares how God drew her to Himself and brought her out of a lesbian lifestyle.
Guest: Jackie Hill Perry
Book: Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry
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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
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