
  • We are back after missing last weeks episode, Pixie was sick but she feels much better now.

    Tumblr bought again (0:36)

    If you remember we covered when Tumblr decided it didn't like smut on it's platform any more and has been systematically removing it. The large community that has grown around Tumblr thanks to it's open policies has left in droves thanks to it's decision to "clean up" it's platform.

    Turns out the plan hasn't worked out so well and this week it was sold to the company that owns WordPress. It sold for $3 Million. Down from it's valuation a few years ago of $11 billion.

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    Hacking buttplugs is easier thank you think (4:10)

    This week there was a great talk at DefCon about how easy it is to hack a connected buttplug. Not only hacking the plug itself but every aspect of the product from the client that ran on the computer, to the network it used to talk to other people, to even being able to update the hardware in the plug itself and install other software.

    Watch the video

    Songs of praise to show its first gay wedding (19:26)

    Songs of Praise. A show running in the UK for 58 years shows it's first gay wedding.

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    The baker who refused to make a cake for a gay man going to European Court of Justice (21:45)

    A baker who refused to make a cake for a gay man becuase he disagreed with the message on the cake is going to the European Court of Justice after a UK court rulled it wasn't discrimination to deny the man the cake.

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  • Trigger warning: This weeks episode is talking about rape and the laws around it. Please don't listen if you are affected by such things.

    Theranos goes on trial next year [0:30]

    As we have previously talked about the Theranos court case starts next year and it is going to be very interesting to see how that plays out.

    Chatholic church paying victims with conditions [2:30]

    The Chatholic church is helping out victims of abuse even when their cases are out the normal window for being taken to court. Sounds wonderful only it is being used to save the church hundreds of millions in damages and as a way to silence its victims.

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    Sex toys will be allowed at next years CES [7:56]

    As we have previously talked about there was a blow up when one of the winners from this years CES was disqualified because it was a sex toy. CES seems to have seen the error of their ways and will be allowing sex toys as a category at next years event.

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    Forced penetration isn't classed as rape in the UK [9:01]

    Did you know what in the UK a man being forced to have sex with a woman isn't classed as rape? A new study highlights the real problem that affects hundreds of men in the UK and the shocking revelation that it isn't classed as rape.

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  • We missed last week simply because we did the interview then I forgot to record an intro. Work got in the way then before you know it it's the weekend again.

    Discussion with Sluts & Scholars

    Sluts & Scholars is a sex education podcast where they talk to amazing people from all over the spectrum about sex and life. They have some amazing interviews and you need to check them out.

    Find them:

    Twitter Apple podcasts Podcast feed Patreon

    We talk about how they got de-platformed from Apple. For anyone who doesn't know Apple is the main index for all podcasts. If you are not on there chances are no one is going to find you.

    Getting de-platformed means they won't appear on peoples devices so how will they find new listeners?

    After a fight they were eventually able to talk to someone and it turned out Apple didn't like that they had used rude words in their titles and descriptions. After making changes to all their posts and trying multiple times to get someone to look at it again they were finally able to get back onto the platform.

    But this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is happening all the time and companies like Apple are able to effectively silence things they don't like for any reason they want.

  • We missed last week because we were at Pride, but this week we are back.

    Puppy Pride [0:17]

    We missed last weeks episode because we were at Pride with Puppy Pride and Pups Out. They invited us along to their event so we could run the mini-flogger workshop for the pups. Loads made their own mini-flogger and I think they ended up being used for crowd control.

    It was a lot of fun.

    New Zealand charing an entry fee [7:12]

    Who does New Zealand think it is charging an entry fee to come into the country.. outragious.

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    Ice creme truck against "Influncers"

    An Ice Creme truck has started charging inflencers double for their Ice Creme. They are sick of these so called "Influencers" asking for free ice creme they have decided to take a stand.

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    Should you erase the past? [11:17]

    This week it was reveled that one of the post credit scenes from Toy Story 2 has been removed from the film. The scene features one of the characters talking to a pair of Barby dolls and suggesting that if they come back to his trailer he can get them a part in the next film.

    So this has sparked a discussion, is it OK to earse parts of the past you now find offensive?

    James Bond is a prime candidate

    I have been watching a lot of the old Rodger Moore ear James Bond and there is a lot there that is very hard to watch now. So should those parts be cut out or are they a look into the views of the time?

    Woddy Allan and Roman Polanski

    Two highly controveral figures who no matter what you think of them in real life have made ground breaking and important films. Should those films be scrubbed from history because the people who made them are problematic?

  • This week it is hot here in the UK, we are baking and if we can complain about it we can.

    Pork bellies about to go up [1:10]

    Want to get us to talk about something all you have to do is ask. This morning @DomSigns asked us to talk about pork bellies so happy to oblige. Turns out there are serious cases of swine flu in China and it looks like port prices are going to rise 40% soon and continue well into 2020.

    Get your money in now if ou are an investor, if you love bacon.. sorry but it is going to get much more expensive.

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    Drag Queen Bingo [2:06]

    The amazing Sparkling Queens of Drag are being attacked by a Christian group for holding fund raising bingo events in the US. The group which holds charity fund raising events at local community run fire houses has raised huge amounts of cash. But the Christian group doesn't like

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    End of End-to-end encryption? [7:33]

    The US is considering outlawing end-to-end encryption applications like WhatsApp and iMessage because they are proving too hard for police forces to deal with. The move would be a huge blow for public privacy.

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    Stonewall Riots and Pride [12:36]

    What do you know about how pride started? A great article on the BBC has made us think about how pride got started and the effect it has had on the world. Most recently there has been questions about how large companies have started to co-opt the event to advertise themselves while not actually giving back anything to the community.

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    We will be at London Pride supporting the Puppies [20:19]

    We are going to be at London Pride by supporting the Pride Pup Party. Book your tickets to what is going to be a super fun event at Draft House, Chancery in London.

    We will be running our mini-flogger workshop from 9am - 1:30pm. Totally free, anyone can come along and make their own mini flogger. Then stick around and play with the pups.

    Book your tickets now

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  • Everything in the UK seems to be falling apart so we are going to do our best to fix that... well, talk about it at least.

    UK to delay Age Verification on Porn sites [1:37]

    The UK has delayed it's roll out of age verification checks for an unknown amount of time. There has been no word on what is actually going on, only that it is going to be delayed for some time. Who knows how much. If they can't sort this out how the hell are they going to deal with Brexit. 76% of people in the UK still don't know it could even happen.

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    Did you know your ISP in the UK records every site you go to and reports it to the government? [5:30]

    Since 2016 your ISP is collecting every website you go to and storing it to be reported back to the government if they ask for it. Doesn't matter what you have done they collect it. If you are not using a VPN to protect your web browsing you are Internetting wrong in the 21st century.

    UK MP assaults peaceful climate change protestor [10:00]

    MP Mark Field is shown in a video assaulting a peaceful protestor. Pushing against an pillar then grabbing her by the neck and frog marching her out of the room. There was no cause to do this and he should be fired from his job.

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    Birmingham Catholic Church covered up child abuse

    An inquiry into the cover up of pedophile priests by the Catholic church has found that they did it systematically for years with their only concern being how they would be seen by the public.

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    Sex toy company sues over refusal to run ads

    Sex toy company Dame is suing the Metro Transit Authority (MTA) over it's refusal to run ads on the network. The company claims the MTA's view are victorian. Digging a little deeper reveals the MTA doesn't allow any company to run ads for sex toys and never has. It will only run ads for FDA approved medicines and medial devices.

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  • LovingBDSM back on the air [0:30]

    The great podcast LovingBDSM are back on the air and well worth listening too. They have some great kink puns. This weeks episode was all about playing when you have no privacy.

    LovingBDSM Podcast

    US embassy's banned from flying the pride flag [2:20]

    US embassy's have been banned from flying the pride flag this year. But it isn't as effective as the Trump government wanted.

    Roman catholic bishop says catholics shouldn't support pride [6:40]

    A roman catholic bishop says catholics shouldn't support pride because it is harmful to children.

    Ecuador legalises same sex marriage [8:30] Nottinghamshire police offers abuse victims blunt knives [11:10] New Zealand Air change rules to allow staff to show tattoos [16:50]
  • Show some love for the people making some of our kinky paracord items. @Curious_Kitt and @Beacon_ropes made some amazing things, check them out. If you want to make your own kinky things check out or YouTube page and start making. I will be adding the next course soon.

    Check out @Curious_Kitt's own podcast @TrySexuals.

    This week I have been listening to "Against the rules with Michael Lewis" podcast, really interesting and well worth a listen.

    Is it OK for rugby players to say gay people should go to hell? [5:50]

    RFU player Israel Folau put out a post this week saying all gay people should go to hell. Our question is why does this person still have a job?

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    UK government wants to start fining tech companies that allow "harm" on their platforms [16:45]

    The govenment has put out a white paper looking to create a watchdog in the UK what will police the Internet and bring companies that promote "harmful" material will be punished, including jail time for directors if needed.

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    BDSM practitioners report less sexual problem than the general population [28:37]

    New research from The Journal of Sex Medicine indicates that people who practice BDSM are more open and able to talk to their partner about their sexual health. This leads to more satisfaction and less dysfunction.

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    Consent condom [31:19]

    A company has come up with the design of a condom that requires four hands to open the packaging. Namely the man and the woman to agree to open the package. Completely missing the point that consent comes from discussion and is flexible.

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  • Check out the new podcast by @GGGBPodcast on the 9th April. All about spanking, and who doesn't love that.

    Fat shaming with a great twist [1:20]

    A teenager was fat-shamed as she went into a bakery, her solution to the fat shaming was to bu every cake in the bakery. As she went into the bakery we hear voices behind her say "Let's hope this fat bitch doesn't buy all the cupcakes". So rather than buy the 6 she planned she bought every one in the shop.

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    Grindr exposes national security secrets [2:50]

    The US is forcing a Chinese company to sell the American made Grindr app on national security grounds. It seems that based on the information Grindr collects from it's users it is possible to identify not only the individuals but where they work. From that they were able to identify secret military outposts around the world.

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    Mums make porn [6.45]

    A series has aired on UK TV about a group of mums who didn't like the port that was available on the Internet as they felt it didn't show anything close to realistic. So they set out to film their own porn. View it on Channel 4

    Brunei introduces death by stoning for gay sex [15.14]

    The Sultan of Brunei is imposing more strict sharia laws around all sorts of things in the country. Including amputating hands and feet for theft and stoning to death for anyone engaging in gay sex.

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    Sign the petition to revoke the Sultan of Brunei's honorary degree

    Brimingham school being protested for talking about LGBT rights [28.30]

    A primary school in Birmingham is in the middle of a row with parents over its teaching them about LGBT rights. Protestors were concerned about the "No Outsiders Programme" which taught children about diversity and quality.

    Lead campaigner Amir Ahmed says "morally, homosexuality is not a valid sexual relationship".

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  • No time for pleasantries this week, we have a lot to cover. A shout out to Beacon_ropes, someone I talk to often they have just been invited to their first event and they are over the moon. Check them out on Instagram, they are from the homeland so Pixie is happy.

    First ever all female spacewalk cancelled

    In the news this week there was a lot of discussion about the all female spacewalk that got cancelled. With the fingers pointing back at NASA saying it isn't right that there isn't enough equipment up there for the astronauts. But the actual story of the spacesuits and why they couldn't be used is a lot more interesting.

    Check out this article where they discuss the EMU (spacesuits), when they were made, and what they were really for.

    UK obscenity laws have been changed for the better [8:23]

    The obscenity law in the UK used to be ridicules. To the point where you could film yourself doing certain acts then possession of that video of yourself was a crime. The acts included spanking, face sitting, female ejaculation.

    Fortunately after a lot of work the law has been changed to allow any act between consenting adults, where no serious harm occurs, or where no other criminal act happens, and as long as the intended audience is not under 18. This opens up the UK law to basically allow anything between consenting adults. A much better stance and a win for freedom of speech and expression.

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    UK porn age verification checks coming into force [12:12]

    The UK is about to bring into force a new law that will stop anyone in the UK looking at porn unless they can prove their age. This will affect any site on the Internet that can be viewed in the UK. The government will be able to instruct ISP's to block the site so it cannot be accessed.

    In order to prove your age you will need to supply either:

    A credit card Your passport Your dirving license A valid AgeID Or buy a PornPass from local shops

    Only 76% of the country know this happening, of the people who say they use porn sites 53% know nothing about it.

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  • We have just finished another Eroticon and being around so many creative fun people makes it hard not to want to be doing something with them again. So while it is still really hard to find the time we do want to bring back the podcast because there is so much to talk about.

    New Zealand Shooting [8:10]

    Our thoughts go out to everyone involved in the violence that has happened in New Zealand.

    Eroticon 2019 [10:10]

    Another year and Eroticon has come and gone, and it was as much fun as ever. Though next time we have to stay in a better hotel. It was great to see a lot of new faces at the event. We have been going for the last 5 years and while there are so many amazing people who go it's fantastic to see new people finding the event as well.

    The beauty of Eroticon is you can do it how you want to, if you are a quiet person then you can sit and take it all in at your own pace. But if you need some help you can always talk to one of the ambassadors. This year they were CandySnatch and SubBee.

    No time for the amazing speakers

    One of the problems with loving working at Eroticon is you miss all the amazing talks that are going on. We missed CandySnatch talking about the crazy things she has had to deal with, we missed @KaylaLords doing what was an amazing talk (in her awesome accent). Bianca from @HelensToyBox. So many more.

    LovingBDSM's return from Eroticon

    Then there was a really sad blog post from @LovingBDSM about what happened when they got back from Eroticon. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially a couple who are so nice and caring.

    Mistress taking her sub for a walk in a crowded station

    Here is the actual twitter post from the Mistress in question taking her sub out in London. I think the British public can take this in their stride, it is just a shame the laws are not as forgiving.

    Monty Python Judges Find out more about us Check out the website Follow us on Twitter @KinkCraft Find us on on Pinterest @KinkCraft Talk to us on Facebook Follow us on instagram Send us an email podcast [at]
  • This week we are talking about Souther Sir's article about how he came to terms with his kink and learned it was OK to hit someone if they asked for it.

    For those who don't know Souther Sir is one half of LovingBDSM a podcast where he and Kayla Lords discuss everything Kink and BDSM related. It is a brilliant show and they are well worth checking out.

    Rants Centre Parcs pulls ads from the Daily Mail over homophobic column

    Centre Parcs has pulled adverts from The Daily Mail after Richard Littlejohn wrote a homophobic article on how he couldn't accept it was normal for two men to parent a baby.

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    Florida shootings

    There is no specific article to point to here just the sensless loss of human life that was the shooting in Florida. Our hearts go out to all the families involved and we hope this is the turning point that will make American politicians see there needs to be change.

    How I learned it was OK to hit a willing submissive

    This is a really great article from Southern Sir on how coming to terms with what you like isn't always straight forward and even when you do accept it, sometimes your feelings take a while to catch up. But with a little education and understanding you can push past your problems and be who you want to be.

  • I was in my mid-twenties when I first dipped my toes into kink. At that time I had no idea there was a name for BDSM or that there was a community devoted to it. What I did know is that there were things I liked that were outside the norm of what I perceived relationships to be. What I wanted was wrong or deviant, but certainly not normal.

    During the mid-eighties I discovered I loved tying up my then-wife. I used whatever I had handy at the time - scarves, neckties, and even the tie from my bathrobe. I had a pair of handcuffs in the nightstand next to my bed. Playing like this with my wife allowed me to express a certain freedom, and we both reveled in it. Sadly a year and a half later our marriage fell apart, and it was a rather rough breakup.

    I blamed the kink for a big part of the demise of that relationship. Because of that, I turned my back on my kinky feelings and desires and decided that they were wrong and not normal. For many years I buried those feelings way down deep where they would never see the light of day and toed the line with strictly vanilla relationships.

    Discovering BDSM

    For a long time burying my desires seemed to work well for me, but underneath the surface I always felt there was something wrong. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I never quite felt complete or whole. Fast forward to my late thirties early forties, I was doing a websearch on the Internet which was still in it’s early days at that time. At this point I don’t even remember what the search was about but I do remember what came up in the search results.

    It was a website called Leather and Roses. The name caught my eye immediately, and I clicked on the link. It was a BDSM site and warned viewers that only those of legal age should enter. Entering the website caused a dam inside me to burst. Soon I was digging through the site reading all the articles on Dominance and even on submission that the site contained. I couldn’t get enough.

    All the feelings and desires I had hiydden away and denied for all those years came back to the surface waving a gleeful flag. It was a major revelation for me that I wasn’t alone, and there are others that had the same feelings for these things. Even better there was a name for what I wanted and enjoyed.

    One would think that from there it was all easy peasy. I embraced my kinky side and all was well with the world. Right?

    Not quite.

    From the discovery of that site I began researching more about this thing called BDSM. It was fairly easy for me to embrace my Dominant side as that was a natural part of who I am. There was another side of this that wasn’t so easy for me to embrace.

    Realizing I’m a Sadist

    BDSM is made up of several things: bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. The bondage aspect I already loved, having explored that years before. The power exchange of Dominance and submission was new to me but I grasped the meaning of it and what it entailed fairly easily.

    Then came the sadism and masochism part. In my digging and learning, I also discovered the visual aspect of BDSM and found myself drawn to images of people being not just tied up but also spanked, flogged, caned, and whipped. What really threw a wrench in my gears was the excitement I felt looking at these images. My mind raced and my blood boiled in a new and exciting way.

    I’d also found the Gor books by John Norman - a science fiction series that takes place on an alternate Earth where men are dominant and women are sexual slaves. I dove into the series, reading voraciously and basking in this world where men just took what they wanted from women. (Note: even while reading these books, I understood I couldn’t behave like the characters in the book. The excitement was in the fantasy.)

    Even so, it created a conflict of who I might be and who I thought I was supposed to be. I’d been raised in a fairly religious family that taught me from a very young age you never, ever under any circumstances raise your hand to a woman for any reason. Never.

    Finding Other Kinksters

    Here again I found myself in a tailspin and a contradiction of terms. This kinky thing was drawing me in and yet it went against everything I was taught to believe in. I stood at a precipice once again. Do I walk away from it like I did when I was younger and bury these feelings and desires away from the light of day once more? Based on my upbringing it might sound like the right answer, but the thought didn’t sit well with me.

    Since that internal dam had burst open during this discovery of BDSM, I felt more like the me I was meant to be in a way I hadn’t felt in a very long time. I continued reading what I could find on the web and learning as much as I could. I found out about something called a munch - a local gathering of people who lived and enjoyed BDSM and met once a month to talk and socialize.

    That got my gears turning again. Does this exist here in my local area? Could I go to a munch and meet other people like me? Again I searched online. Finding a group in my area took time - remember, the internet was still fairly young at the time. Not everything could be found with a single Google search. But eventually, I found my local community. When I attended the munch, I was welcomed by a rather large group of friendly people. The first time there I was rather reserved and didn’t talk much but everyone was very friendly and open.

    Asking Questions to Understand

    As time went on and I got to know people in the community I began to make friends. An internal battle still raged within me. How could I really hit someone? I became friendly with a submissive woman at the munch. I mustered the courage to ask her about being spanked. I explained my feeling to her about my conflict in regards to hitting and spanking someone. It sparked an interesting conversation which went a long way to help me understand consent and gave me an eye opening look into the mind of a masochist.

    She explained to me how she actually liked and in many cases needed to be spanked. How being spanked freed her mind from other concerns and while I couldn’t grasp it at the time she did her best to explain subspace - that floaty, out of body experience some submissives experience during a particularly intense scene. In telling me this she also explained that it wasn’t just anyone that could spank her but only someone that she trusted and knew when to stop and not take it too far.

    Listening to her explanation was was an epiphany for me. Spanking or hitting someone wasn’t abuse. By providing it (under specific circumstances), being hit fulfilled a need for them, giving them something they wanted and in some cases, genuinely needed.

    It wasn’t long after that I met my first submissive and she brought up the topic of spankings. I was a bit trepidatious. Instead of refusing her, we talked about it in detail and eventually I spanked her. We both thoroughly enjoyed the moment and talked about it at great length afterwards. She was also the first person I ever struck with a paddle and a riding crop.

    From that moment, I felt fully complete, like all parts of who I am were in place and I was on the path I was meant to be. The shame I felt all those years ago as a young man vanished as I found that there are others like me who enjoy BDSM. I was able to move past the last (important) hurdle of the stigma of hitting a woman and move forward on my journey into the BDSM lifestyle.

    To get to this point, I had to educate myself, embrace the idea I liked and wanted things outside the norm, and be willing to ask questions and listen. Thanks to a conversation at a munch with someone that was able to explain the consent, communication and trust required for spankings I was finally able to become the person I was meant to be and embrace the life I desired. What’s the lesson here? Don’t ignore your feelings and ask questions. Learn as much as possible. And embrace who you really are.

  • It has been a while but we are back and things are a little different. No article this week just catching you up on what has been going on and what is coming

    Pixie praise [3:30]

    New Zealand police have shown off a police car repainted in pride rainbows rather than the normal blue and white. They are showing they support the LGBTQ community and are keen to help and understand where they can.

    As an organisation we look to enocourage staff to use who they are, not loose who they are when becoming a police officer

    Rants Leading head teacher says pupils will be expelled if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend [6:10]

    The head master of a private school doesn't think his pupils should date or have sex in any way, and to back it up he says he will expel any students who are found to be in a relationship. Read more

    The pope accuses sexual assault victims of slander [10:06]

    The pope has been in Chilli to try and help smooth over problems caused by a priest being accused of multiple sex abuses against children. Rather than calming tensions the Pope has accused the victims of slander. Read more

    Things are changing [14:49]

    Things are changing for Kink Craft this year. Part of the time off over the last few weeks has been about rethinking what we are doing.

    Kink Craft as a company selling things isn't going to carry on this year. It has been a lot of fun and we have ennjoy every moment of it but sometimes you have to face reality and look at what is working and what isn't.

    Amazing companies

    We get to work with some really amazing companies who really want to change the world like Sheets of San Francisco, Godemiche, and others.

    We would never have been able to spend time with them and have so much fun if it hadn't been for KC.

    Amazing bloggers

    That has let us meet some of the most awesome people I could ever want to meet. Bloggers like Girl on the Net, Emmeline Peaches, Candysnatch, and so many more.

    We would not have been able to meet them if it weren't for KC and being out in the amazing community talking to some of the best people you could ever want to meet.


    The courses are not going to vanish, they are all going to go up on YouTube so everyone will have a chance to give them a go if they want to.

    The content and the podcast

    We really enjoy doing the content and being part of the amazing sex blogging community. Right now we just don't know what we want to do.

    We love putting the content out and talking about it, talking to others about it, and having new ideas and discussions because of it.

    The future

    Right now things will carry on, we have a fair bit of content ready to go and we really don't want to loose that. So we will be putting it out in the coming weeks.

    Something I would really love to do is a monthly panel discussion between a number of bloggers each month. Would be so interesting to hear them discussion things rather than just writing on their blogs.


    We will be at Eroticon in the middle of March. We are looking forward to being there and making things with people.k