
  • This week I am sitting down with someone who I have wanted to speak with since deciding to launch the podcast – Mary Haddock-Staniland, a globally recognised Diversity & Inclusion Executive, keynote speaker, and thought leader.

    Mary shares her compelling journey as a trans woman who has overcome numerous challenges to become a leading advocate for equity and inclusion.

    She offers profound insights into what it means to be truly authentic and self-accepting, both personally and professionally.

    By tuning into this episode, you will gain valuable perspectives on how to foster inclusive environments and lead with empathy and authenticity.

    In this episode you will also learn:

    What the true meaning of inclusion is and what it takes to be seen and heard for who you genuinely areDiscover the signs of living an inauthentic life and the emotional and psychological impacts it can haveStrategies to help you embrace your true self and cultivate internal self-acceptanceInsights into the critical actions leaders must take to build truly inclusive and accepting workplace culturesHear Mary’s top three recommendations for stepping into authenticity and self-acceptance, so you can make meaningful changes in your life

    We would love to know what you thought of this episode. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn, or if you wish to reach out to Mary please use the links below. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life? Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with Mary:
    Facebook: Mary Hadstan
    Instagram: @maryhadstan
    LinkedIn: Mary Haddock Staniland

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • This week I share five essential steps to take before making your next career move, with an emphasis on being intentional in your decision-making and understanding your strengths and gaps.

    Becoming an effective leader involves assessing your readiness, developing your value pitch, outlining an action plan, and networking to build your personal brand. Networking and personal branding are key to unlocking more career opportunities and showcasing how you want to be seen and known. I dive into all of this in the episode, and introduce a really great quiz that you can take to assess if you’re ready to step into a leadership role.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Five essential steps to take before making your next career moveWhy leadership should be an intentional choice, not an accidental movementHow to cultivate necessary skills for leadershipThe importance of considering how you want to be known as a leader and the impact you want to have on othersHow you can unlock more career opportunities through networking and personal brandingHow to intentionally showcase your desired image, build awareness, authority, and credibility


    What were your key takeaways from this episode? I would love to know. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP3 - Unleash Your Awesome by Using Your Strengths with Daria Williamson
    EP47 - How to Stand Out From Everyone Else
    ‘Are You Ready to Step Into a Leadership Role?’

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life? Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

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  • Can you believe we are already halfway through the year?! Now is the perfect time to reflect and reset for the remainder of 2024. This week, I discuss how examining emotions, mindset shifts, and successes can provide valuable information to guide your thoughts and focus moving forward.

    I will cover strategies for staying on track, including mindset reminders, reframing negative thoughts, and leveraging support and accountability.

    I will also provide you with prompts throughout the episode for reflection, AND I have a special offer for listeners to help you achieve your goals.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How to align goals and intentions with desired feelingsHow you can use challenges and unsettling experiences as information to guide youThe importance of celebrating successes, both big and smallWhat you need to do first when setting goalsHow to set yourself up for successWays to reframe negative thoughts and leverage support to stay on track


    I would love to know if this episode helped you to reflect and reset. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP45 - 3 Keys for a Success Mindset

    Success Kick Start:
    If you’re unsure how to move forward with your vision or goals for the rest of 2024, check out my success kickstart offer. It includes a 75-minute coaching session and two weeks of ongoing coaching support. Find out more HERE. 

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life?
    Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

  • In this week’s episode, I share insights on how professionals like you can stand out from everyone else and remain valuable, especially given the rise of AI.

    I cover the importance of developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-management skills that AI cannot easily replicate and introduce a value pitch framework to help you recognise and leverage your unique genius strengths, perspectives, and ability to deliver impactful results.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    What standing out really means and why it’s more important than everHow to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-management skills that AI cannot replicateMy value pitch framework that helps you stand out amongst the restWays to identify and focus on your genius strengths to deliver great resultsHow to own your unique perspectives and mindset to add immense value to projectsHow to create an impactful value pitch to stand out and advance your career


    What was your key takeaway from this episode? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP3 - Unleash Your Awesome by Using Your Strengths with Daria Williamson
    EP4 - The Mindset Reset: Rewiring Your Thinking for Positive Change

    Sign up:
    V.I.P Leaders Programme

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life? Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

  • This week, I am joined by Richard Westney, a seasoned HR professional with over twenty years of experience.

    We discuss the importance of mentorship in career development, when and how professionals should seek out mentors, how you can take ownership of your career path, and more.

    Richard shares insights from his extensive career journey, which includes working with a diverse range of industries and roles across multiple countries. You’ll get his top tips for how to proactively manage your career trajectory and leverage mentorship as a tool for growth and advancement, as well as gain practical strategies for initiating mentorship connections, whether within or outside your current workplace.

    In this episode you will also learn:

    What mentorship is and how it empowers career growthThe foundations of a successful mentoring relationshipHow to seek out the right mentorships for youWhat impact talent development programs have on organisationsWhy it’s important to advocate for your development needs within the workplace


    We would love to know what you thought of this episode. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn, or if you wish to reach out to Richard please use the links below. If you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

    Sign up:
    V.I.P Leaders Programme

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life? Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with Richard:
    LinkedIn: Richard Westney
    Twitter: HRManNZ

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • With the inundation of external influences from social media, news, and everyday conversations, it's easy to let our minds wander aimlessly. By intentionally directing our thoughts and focusing on what we want to experience, we can regain control and create resilience.

    This week I discuss why setting up our mindset is critical and explore three simple keys to feeling more successful, regardless of external circumstances.

    In this episode you will learn:

    How your brain highlights what you focus onStrategies for directing your mindset towards what you want to experienceWhat ‘bright spotting’ is and how it helps you foster creativity and problem-solvingPractical techniques for setting clear intentionsWays you can positively influence areas of your lifeHow to let go of situations that drain energy or hinder progressWays you can cultivate resilienceThe potential long-term benefits of adopting a success mindset


    What was your key takeaway from this episode? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Success Sessions:
    Success Sessions have officially kicked off! This is a free monthly workshop for ambitious and skilled professionals like you. Do you want to enhance your thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your relationships, and effectively show up in both your professional and personal life? Join me for the next one HERE.

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

  • While saying “no” is frequently emphasised in discussions about boundaries, in this week’s episode I talk about the often overlooked art of saying “yes”, and explore a more nuanced approach to both.

    Drawing insights from works like ‘The Coaching Habit’ by Michael Stanier and ‘Essentialism’ by Greg McKeown, I share a strategy that fosters alignment with personal values and goals.

    Mastering the art of saying “yes” and “no” is essential for personal and professional growth. By aligning your decisions with your values and goals, you can navigate life's complexities with confidence and clarity.

    In this episode you will learn:

    The strategic importance of saying “yes” and “no”Why clarifying questions are key for making aligned decisionsWhat to do before committing to a “yes”How to say a “yes” that supports youWhat you can do to say “no” effectivelyWays to navigate difficult conversations with ease


    Was this episode helpful? I’d love to hear your feedback and what stood out for you the most. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn. Also, if you know someone else would benefit from listening to this week’s episode, please pass it on.

    Success Sessions:
    Are you interested in my free monthly Success Session workshops? Find out more HERE

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

  • Many people (including myself) have a sensitive relationship with feedback, but feedback isn't just about criticism; it's about uncovering blind spots and fostering improvement. I run workshops on this a lot for companies and it’s always a key part of my coaching programmes, so today I wanted to shed light on why feedback is pivotal for growth and success, yet often triggers deep-seated insecurities.

    Throughout the episode, I'll provide you with a clear roadmap for giving feedback, share actionable tips for receiving it openly, and mindset prompts that will help you to transform your relationship with it. This will all help you to shift your perspective on feedback; from being a source of anxiety, to a catalyst for personal and professional development.

    In this episode you will learn:

    What feedback is and the role it plays in growth and successWhy giving and receiving feedback can be so challengingThe simple framework to give feedback clearly and effectivelyHow to receive feedback openly and constructivelyHow your mindset shapes feedback interactionsMindset prompts to improve the feedback experienceInsight into the importance of developing feedback skills for career success


    Thank you for tuning in to today's episode. I’d love to know your key takeaways from this episode, and what you’ve chosen to work on going forward to improve your relationship with feedback. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    If you feel someone else would benefit from listening to this episode, please pass it on.

    Success Sessions:
    Are you interested in my future Success Session workshops? A free monthly workshop for you if you are a technical or subject matter expert looking to enhance your strategic thinking, grow your influence, strengthen your leadership mindset, and effectively balance your professional and personal life.  (

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you

  • This week I dive into the world of part-time work with Belinda Morgan, an author, coach, and flexible work specialist. Belinda has seen firsthand how cultures that glorify overwork and prioritise profits above all else can be highly damaging to people’s wellbeing, productivity and results.

    Belinda shares insights from her personal and professional journey, highlighting the benefits of part-time work for individuals, organisations, and the economy. She discusses the barriers to embracing part-time work and offers practical advice for both individuals and organisations looking to make the shift towards flexible arrangements.

    In this episode you will learn:

    Insights into the current state of the workforce and why we're at a critical pointThe biggest obstacles individuals face when considering part-time workCommon doubts and fears that may arise when pursuing part-time workHow individuals, organisations, and the economy can benefit from flexible arrangementsHow to make part-time work successful for youStrategies for people leaders and organisations to embrace part-time roles

    As always, we would love to know what you thought about this episode. Feel free to get in touch with myself or Belinda via the links below. Alternatively, submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, your support will help push the podcast out to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!

    Sign up to the next Free Success Session. This session focuses on 'Success Planning,' introducing you to effective methods for setting and achieving your strategic goals.   

    Connect with Belinda: 
    LinkedIn: Belinda C Morgan

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • There’s so much uncertainty prevalent in today's world, both at home and at work. Companies are making a lot of changes, the government is shaking things up, and the “normal” life feels like it’s going out of the window.

    There have been many moments where I have become really overwhelmed when things have felt uncertain – feeling like I couldn’t control anything. Like when I was made redundant, when my work dried up, when my in-person work completely stopped due to the pandemic. In all of these situations I’ve had to come back to a few key principles that have helped me navigate them, which I want to share with you today.

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Understanding uncertaintyWhat causes a false sense of securityHow your brain responds to uncertain situationsWhat you can and can’t controlFive key principles for building inner certaintyWhy choosing the right people to be around is crucial


    What are you going to focus on to build inner certainty? Let me know which one you choose, I’d love to know what stood out for you the most in this episode. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple or Spotify if you’re enjoying the podcast, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP4 - The Mindset Reset: Rewiring Your Thinking for Positive Change
    EP27 - Strategically Plan for Clarity, Confidence & Energy

    Success Sessions:
    Join us in our upcoming Success Sessions, where we dive deeper into implementing the five key principles for building inner certainty across various aspects of life. Find out more HERE.

    Learn more about the V.I.P Leaders ProgrammeConnect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse

  • I have a bit of a different episode for you this week, one where I share what I’ve been navigating recently, and I am sure there are some things in there that you will definitely be able to relate to.

    I want to open up about my recent journey with self-doubt and overwhelm, whilst also recognising what I am proud about and excited for. I'll be reflecting on the last financial year, discussing what's been successful, what hasn't, and my focus going forward. Additionally, I'll delve into the mindset work I've been honing in on, sharing strategies that have helped me stay grounded amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

    Doubt, overwhelm and excitement has been prevalent not just in my own life, but also in conversations with clients, observations in programs, and interactions online. It's a shared experience many of us face, and I believe discussing it openly can provide insights and support to others navigating similar challenges.


    Thank you for tuning in to today's episode. If you found value in this discussion, don't forget to subscribe and share it with someone who might benefit. I’d also love to hear from you if you’ve been navigating similar emotions and what your focus is going forward. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP2 - Embracing Your Unique Version of Success
    EP10 - Overwhelm Buster: Taking Control of Your Stress and Worry

    Join now: 
    V.I.P Leaders Programme

    Success Sessions:
    Are you interested in my future Success Session workshops? Please get in touch via the links below to find out more.

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse


  • In this week's guest episode, I sit down with Emma-Louise Parkes, who was my coach for over a year, to delve into the unique strengths and challenges of introverts and highly sensitive individuals in the professional world.

    Emma-Louise shares her non-traditional career path, from being a flight attendant with no clear career direction to becoming an air traffic controller for 17 years, to turning coach, podcast host, and business consultant for ambitious introverts – and more recently, Success Coaching.

    With 14 years of experience and over 3000 coaching hours, various certifications and accreditations in NLP and Energy Psychology, her unique blend of strategy and energetics helps clients build their very own introvert empires.

    I was so excited to record this episode and it’s one of my favourites to date. If you identify as being introverted, or highly sensitive, I know you’re going to get so much out of this!

    In this episode you will learn:

    Common misconceptions about introversionWhat it means to be highly sensitiveHow to manage your environment and embrace your uniqueness capabilitiesStrategies for thriving in the corporate landscapeThe value of introverts in organisationsWhy introverts should not feel compelled to compete with extrovertsThe importance of embracing alone timePractical lifestyle tips for being more present and maintaining balance

    As always, we would love to know what you thought about this episode. Feel free to get in touch with myself or Emma-Louise via the links below. Alternatively, submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, your support will help push the podcast out to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!

    Resources Mentioned:
    [Book] ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’, by Dr Elaine N. Aron
    Take Dr Aron’s Self-tests HERE

    Sign up:
    V.I.P Leaders Programme 

    Connect with Emma-Louise: 
    Instagram: @emmalouparkes
    Podcast: Listen HERE

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • This week I dive deep into the often-avoided territory of dealing with “difficult” people and situations. Inspired by a poignant message from a podcast listener, I share why addressing these challenges is crucial, especially as you climb the professional ladder.

    I dissect what makes these interactions feel difficult, and explore how you can approach courageous conversations so that you can move from discomfort to growth, ultimately paving the way for greater understanding and collaboration at work and in life.

    In this episode you will learn:

    What makes people or situations difficult / where it stems fromWhat drives avoidance of courageous conversationsHow to distinguish between genuine problems and differencesActionable strategies for tackling challenging interactionsWays to foster authentic communication and understandingWhat builds unity and serves as a foundation for collaborationMindset reminders that will help you emerge stronger when facing discomfort


    If you know that your mindset is blocking you from dealing with difficult situations or people, and having courageous conversations, please reach out. I can help you move through those barriers with 1:1 Coaching. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    Are you enjoying the Lead With Less podcast? You can leave a review on Apple or Spotify, or submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you! 


    Resources Mentioned:
    EP34 - The Coaching Approach; Essential Skill #3 for Professionals
    EP35 - Cultivating Strategic Thinking; Essential Skill #4 for Professionals

    Sign up:
    V.I.P Leaders Programme


    Connect with Tash:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • In this episode of Lead With Less, I explore the fifth and final essential skill that professionals need: Emotional Regulation – the ability to recognise, understand, and manage your emotional and energetic state.

    I was never really good at this, but as I stepped up in my career and tried to outgrow very unhealthy personal life behaviours, I relied heavily on emotional regulation and my ability to do it, especially in really hard situations

    If this is something that you’re struggling with too, today’s episode will provide you with practical strategies to help you start increasing your emotional regulation, leading to positive change and a greater sense of control.

    In this episode you will learn:

    Why emotional regulation is so importantWhat the connection is between emotional intelligence and regulationThe role self-awareness plays in stress managementWhy you need to create space for reflection and responsivenessHow to notice bodily sensations and emotional shiftsWhat it means to expand emotional vocabulary What reduces your emotions power over reactionsWays to create sustained happiness, resilience, and fulfilment


    I would love to know what your key takeaways were from this episode, and what action you are going to take to create meaningful change. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    If you’re enjoying the Lead With Less podcast, you can leave a review on Apple or Spotify. Alternatively, submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you! 


    Resources Mentioned:
    Energy Fillers Guide
    Boundaries Workshop 

    Sign up:
    V.I.P Leaders Programme 

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • In this episode, I sit down with Jacob Lawrie, a marketing, brand, and people leader who shares openly about his career journey and the transition from being a team member to a leader. 

    Jacob currently leads Marketing at Projectworks, a software startup that serves the professional services industry. Prior to that he's held a combination of strategic, people, and functional leadership positions across marketing & design. He describes himself as an accidental marketer, but his desire to solve problems, connect meaningfully with people and to grow is what keeps him there.

    If you’re navigating your career path towards a leadership role, or seeking to enhance your leadership skills, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice. 

    You will learn about:

    Jacob’s background in marketing, brand management, and people leadershipThe fundamental factors that shaped his career pathObservations and reflections on transitioning into a leadership roleWhat key skills and qualities are required for professionals making this transitionThe most rewarding aspects of stepping up into leadershipWhy building a support network is so importantJacob's additional tips and advice for aspiring or current leaders


    We would love to know if you found this episode helpful, or if you have any questions for Jacob make sure you reach out to him on LinkedIn (link below). 

    If you’re enjoying the Lead With Less podcast, you can leave a review on Apple or Spotify. Alternatively, submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you! 

    Learn more about my V.I.P Leaders Programme 

    Connect with Jacob:
    LinkedIn:  Jacob Lawrie

    Connect with Tash:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse


  • This week, I cover the fourth essential skill that professionals need for career growth and success – strategic thinking. This was key for me to step into senior roles and people leadership roles, and gave me the ability to think bigger than the immediate tasks. Strategic thinking also helped me to connect how things fit together, and ultimately deliver on a goal that was further in the future.

    I am share with you the key traits of strategic thinkers and practical strategies for developing these skills, whilst also offering you actionable guidance that will help you navigate your career path more effectively.

    The final episode in the mini series on essential skills for professionals will conclude on 27th March, so make sure you also come back for that one.

    In this episode you will learn:

    Why strategic thinking and decision-making are vital for for career advancement and successWhat strategic thinkers do differently – 8 key traitsHow you can practice key strategic thinking traits in daily activitiesWays to implement weekly planning for intentional time managementWhat it means to foster curiosity and a growth mindsetThe benefits of shadowing proficient strategic thinkersWhy it's important to proactively create opportunities for growth and development


    What key trait are you going to focus on first? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    If you’re enjoying the Lead With Less podcast, you can leave a review on Apple or Spotify. Alternatively, submit a question in the Q&A section on Spotify and we’ll get back to you!

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP27 - Strategically Plan for Clarity, Confidence & Energy
    EP29 - The Power of Deciding

    Learn more about the Confidently Thriving Programme

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • In this episode, I talk about the importance of adopting a coaching approach in professional interactions. I explore why coaching is a powerful skill, the tension between being a manager and a leader, the essential steps to implementing a coaching approach, and mindset reminders for success.

    This is the third part in the mini series on essential skills for professionals, helping you to expand in your career without stress or overwhelm.

    To check out the past episodes, see the links below, and make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you’re notified when essential skill #4 and #5 are out.

    In this episode you will learn about:

    The definition of coachingWhy coaching is essential and what it can help you achieveHow coaching addresses workplace challengesWhat the four main styles of coaching areHow to have powerful coaching conversationsWhy it's important to embrace trial and learning in the coaching processWhat the key attribute is for effective coaching


    What is your current experience with coaching? I would love to find out if you’ve had coaching across your career, or if this episode helped you think about how you want to lead the people around you. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    If you’re enjoying the Lead With Less podcast, you can also leave a review on either Apple or Spotify. Your support here will help push the podcast to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!


     Resources Mentioned:
    EP31 - A Solid Mindset, Essential Skill #1 for Professionals 
    EP33 - Building Trust & Respect, Essential Skill #2 for Professionals

    Sign up:
    Confidently Thriving Programme 

    Connect with me: 


    Instagram: @tash_pieterse 

    LinkedIn: tashpieterse 

  • This week’s episode is the second in the mini series on essential skills for professionals, and today I am talking about trusting relationships.

    Building trusting relationships is a foundation for sustainable career growth. By fostering trust and respect, professionals like you can unlock commitment, navigate challenges, and create a fulfilling and successful career path.

    If you’re looking to enhance your professional relationships and advance in your career, this episode will provide you with actionable insights to help you get there.  

    You will learn about:

    How to build trusting relationships and why this is an essential skillThe consequences of a lack in trust and respect in the workplaceThe importance of courageous conversations within teamsWhat positive outcomes can arise from clear definitionsHow to gain transformative results within your teamThe key component to thrive in the ever-evolving professional landscape

    I would love to hear from you if you’d like to share your reflections and insights from this episode with me, feel free to get in touch via Instagram or LinkedIn

    Over the next few weeks I will be diving into more essential skills for professionals, so make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you know when each episode is out.

    You can also leave a review on either Apple or Spotify. Your support here will help push the podcast to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!

    Resources Mentioned:
    EP31 - A Solid Mindset, Essential Skill #1 for Professionals

    Sign up:
    Confidently Thriving Programme


    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • This week I am joined by Brittany Wilde, a seasoned Brain Health Practitioner, High Performance Coach, and Strength & Conditioning Coach with over 15 years of experience. Brittany shares the journey that has shaped her into the expert she is today, including the pivotal moments, challenges, and insights that led her to work with individuals using applied neuroscience.

    Brittany opens up about how high-performance living has transformed her life, providing concrete examples and actionable recommendations that you can apply to your daily routine. 

    You will learn about:

    What it truly means to be elite and living a high-performance life How this way of living can help those grappling with overwhelm, burnout, and self-doubtThe signs and signals that indicate a need for changeWays you can be more purpose-driven and achieve higher levels of fulfilment Valuable insights into aligning with your vision and goalsBrittany’s tops tips to kickstart your transformation towards a high-performance life


    I would love to know what your key takeaways were from this episode. Feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    Don’t forget to leave a review on either Apple or Spotify. Your support here will help push the podcast to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!

    Connect with Brittany:
    Website: and 
    Instagram: @iambrittanywilde

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse

  • Are you looking to expand in your career without succumbing to stress and overwhelm? This week I’m talking about the first essential skill to cultivate for professionals seeking growth without sacrifice – a solid and curious mindset.

    This episode is the start of a mini series on essential skills, so make sure you tune into the other upcoming episodes where I dive into more valuable practices.

    Today you will learn about:

    Why mindset is an essential skillThe tole an unexamined mindset may take on youWhat makes up a solid & curious mindsetThe difference between a fixed & growth mindsetHow to lay the foundation for self-trust, empowered relationships & moreHow to start building a robust mindset


    What did you take away from this episode and how will you start being more curious and open to learning from diverse sources? I’d love to know! 

    After listening to this episode feel free to get in touch with me via Instagram or LinkedIn.

    Don’t forget to leave a review on either Apple or Spotify. Your support here will help push the podcast to a wider audience and help even more confident professionals thrive in their careers and lives!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ep6 - Busting Leadership Myths & Embracing Your Inner Leader
    Ep27 - Strategically Plan for Clarity, Confidence & Energy
    [Book] ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck

    Sign up:
    Confidently Thriving Programme 


    Connect with me:
    Instagram: @tash_pieterse
    LinkedIn: tashpieterse