
  • Happy International Youth Day! Today, we celebrate the power and potential of young people to shape a more inclusive and vibrant future. Our latest episode of the Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham podcast features Kevin Lawler and Rowan O’Grady from the Whiteboard Collective (WBC), who are passionately working to ensure that young people from all backgrounds have access to meaningful job opportunities.

    In this special episode, Kevin and Rowan share their inspiring vision for a society where youth are not only included but empowered to thrive. WBC is a social impact career accelerator dedicated to breaking down barriers and creating sustainable employment outcomes for marginalized communities across Canada.

    Tune in as they discuss innovative career programs and their collaborative efforts with corporate partners to rethink talent acquisition and foster a more equitable society. Whether you're a young professional, an advocate, or an employer, this conversation is packed with practical advice on how to make a real impact.

    Join us in amplifying the voices of young changemakers today!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Insight into our guests’ professional backgrounds and the important work they do at WBC.Unpacking WBC’s vision and their innovative career programs that make it a reality.Ways that WBC works with their corporate partners to promote sustainable employment.The mindset shift required to view diversity as an asset to your organization, not a liability.Challenges that employers face when admitting they have a diversity problem.Careers driving social impact: what goes into putting WBC’s tagline into practice.Inspiring examples of young candidates who have thrived through their programs.What an ideal partnership looks like for WBC, and how you can support their mission.How WBC is collaborating with CCDI’s See Different youth education initiative.Actionable advice for employers looking to improve their DEI outcomes.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Whiteboard CollectiveWhiteboard Collective on LinkedInWhiteboard Collective on InstagramKevin Lawler on LinkedInRowan O’Grady on LinkedInPinball Clemons FoundationsCCDI ‘See Different’ Youth Education InitiativeCanadian Certified Inclusion Professional (CCIP) CertificationCanadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • Episode 6: Show Notes

    This summer, with Canada's natural beauty on full display, we acknowledge and express gratitude towards the original caretakers of this land. Today, we honour them here on the Leader Talks Podcast and reflect on our journey of learning and unlearning for progress. Committed to truth and reconciliation, we've partnered with many like-minded organizations, including the very impressive Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).

    In today's new episode, we are joined by Mohamed El Daly, Director of Outreach and Product Services at APEGA. Mohamed shares insights into the company's work and his role. We discuss APEGA's evolution, the social and business imperatives for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and the importance of cultural awareness and cultural competence in Mohamed's work. Additionally, we explore the organization's commitment to improving representation of women and using research to uplift communities. You will also get a glimpse of other regulatory bodies excelling in DEI and reconciliation. Plus, Mohamed shares helpful tips for integrating DEI into your communities!

    Available at your preferred podcast platform now, or visit:

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Welcoming Mohamed El Daly as he describes APEGA and his role at the company.APEGA's social and business imperatives for EDI and how these have recently evolved.The importance of cultural awareness and cultural competence in Mohamed's work. Why his role as Director of Outreach matters and how he instigates impactful change.Exploring APEGA's multi-year commitment to increase its representation of women. Why the company values research and uses it to improve workspaces and communities. APEGA's five-year plan, and how it aims to achieve its goals. Mohamed's observations of other regulatory bodies that are doing similar great work.Our guest's simple strategies for improving EDI in your workplace and community.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Mohamed El Daly on LinkedInMohamed El Daly on XAPEGACCDI Awards of Success Engineers CanadaCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
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  • June is the perfect month for critical reflection, as the various causes that we rally for and celebrate help us remember our commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable Canada. Today we are joined by one of Canada’s most prominent social entrepreneurs and foremost expert in Indigenous economic innovation and workplace inclusion strategies, Kelly Lendsay. As the Founder, President, and CEO of Indigenous Works (formerly the Aboriginal Human Resource Council), Kelly is geared toward increasing the engagement of Indigenous people in the Canadian economy. Today is all about getting to know CCDI’s long-time strategic partner, Indigenous Works a little better, and we begin with how Kelly developed his passion for all things related to Indigenous inclusion. We explore the organizational setups of Indigenous Works and Luminary - Kelly’s newest ground-breaking initiative – and our guest details the opportunities that await by joining the DreamMakers Council. To end, Kelly reminds us of the important work that still needs to be done for Indigenous inclusion in Canada, and he gives us a glimpse into the upcoming annual Inclusion Works conference.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    How Canada’s water shortage reminds us of the work that still needs to be done.Getting to know Kelly Lendsay and why he’s passionate about Indigenous inclusion. Indigenous Works: what the organization is all about and why this work matters. Kelly’s vision for the new DreamMakers Council.Today’s most pressing issues and emerging opportunities in Indigenous inclusion.What to look forward to at Inclusion Works in October ‘24. The ins and outs of Luminary, and how this work impacts Indigenous inclusion efforts.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Kelly Lendsay on LinkedInKelly Lendsay on XIndigenous Works Luminary: Advancing Indigenous InnovationRotman-ICD Directors Education The Assembly of First Nations Edwards School of Business The DreamMakers Council Inclusion Works ‘24 National Indigenous Economy Strategy Strategic Science FundCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • Célébrons la Journée internationale sans régime! Dans une société où les idées de corps parfait et d'objectifs de remise en forme sont constamment imposées aux gens sous la forme de soi-disant « conseils », elles sont également à l'origine d'un grand nombre de discriminations, de préjugés et d'inégalités sur le lieu de travail. Aujourd'hui, orientons la conversation vers la positivité corporelle et l'acceptation de soi, promouvons une relation plus saine avec la nourriture et rappelons-nous l'importance de valoriser toutes les formes et toutes les tailles.

    Edith Bernier, fondatrice de, se joint à nous pour cet épisode de Conversations entre leaders avec Anne-Marie Pham. Edith Bernier est vulgarisatrice, autrice, conférencière et consultante. Bachelière en journalisme, elle est spécialisée dans la lutte à la grossophobie et dans l’inclusion des personnes grosses. Son second livre, Grosse, et puis? Connaître et combattre la grossophobie, est sorti en 2020 au Québec et en 2022 en Europe francophone chez les Éditions Marabout. Son 2e ouvrage, Grandir sans grossophobie, est en magasin depuis février 2023.

    Rejoignez-nous alors que nous discutons de la dure réalité des pressions sociétales pour se conformer à des normes de beauté irréalistes et que nous entendons Edith partager son parcours personnel avec la grossophobie et le mouvement d'Acceptation des personnes grosses, soulignant la nécessité pour la société de reconnaître que le poids n'est pas une mesure de la valeur d'un·e individu·e. Nous découvrons également comment les gens peuvent devenir des allié·e·s dans la lutte contre la grossophobie et ce que les employeurs peuvent faire de façon pratique pour assurer un environnement diversifié et inclusif pour toutes les personnes.

    Soyez à l'écoute pour entendre toutes les idées stimulantes d'Edith, et bien plus encore!

  • In honour of International Women’s Day, we’re using today’s conversation to take a closer look at women’s rights, and what is being done to elevate women’s voices from all over Canada.

    Joining us in today's episode of Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham is Shari Graydon, an award-winning author, speaker, print and broadcast columnist, and advocate for women’s rights. She is also the founder of Informed Opinions, a social mission project that seeks to amplify the voices of women and gender-diverse people to ensure that their experiences and insights help shape a more equitable and inclusive Canada.

    In today's conversation with Shari, we delve into the current state of the media landscape in Canada, the progress that has been made in terms of gender, diversity, and representation, and what still needs to change. She tells us about the various initiatives that Informed Opinions have undertaken, their impact on women's lives and the conditions that motivated them to step into the political sphere. Shari also shares her recommendations for the media on how to improve gender equality, along with her advice to organizations on how to foster gender equality in the workplace. Be sure to tune in to hear all of Shari's thought-provoking insights, the urgent work being done by Informed Opinions, and much more!

    Key points from this episode:

    Taking a moment to honour International Women’s Day.Introducing today’s guest Shari Graydon, founder of Informed Opinions.Shari’s hopes for the future of gender equality.The experiences that led to her becoming a fierce advocate for gender equality.Examining the difference between equality and equity through a gender lens.Reflections on the media landscape in Canada concerning diversity, gender, and representation; the progress that’s been made, and what still needs to change.Details on the Gender Gap Tracker: its benefits and shortcomings.The mission behind Shari’s organization, Informed Opinions, and the work that they do.An overview of their new campaign, Balance the Power, and how you can get involved.Examples of how women’s lives have been changed by Informed Opinions.Helping women step out of imposter syndrome, and why you don’t have to be “the best candidate” to share your informed opinion.Shari’s recommendations for the media on trying to improve gender equality.Advice on how organizations can improve gender equality in the workplace.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Shari GraydonShari Graydon on LinkedInShari Graydon on XInformed OpinionsGender Gap TrackerEqual VoiceBalance the PowerCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • Getting a job is proving difficult for many who have immigrated to Canada, even for those professionally qualified. More needs to be done to ensure that new and immigrant professionals are given a platform to earn their keep, and the more diverse, equitable, and inclusive those environments are, the better!

    In observation of Black History Month, and to help us dive deeper into this topic, we are joined by Nketti Johnston-Taylor for our new podcast episode of Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham. Nketti is the executive director of the Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council (CRIEC), an organization that connects newcomer professionals to strategies that will lead to successful employment outcomes. After taking a brief look at the history of her home city of Calgary, we learn about her immigration story, how it ties into her professional background, and everything there is to know about CRIEC and the work that they do.

    We discuss Nketti’s mindset during the early years of her immigration and her assessment of the cultural barriers that prevent immigrants from finding work in Canada. She also shares her advice for employers to create more hospitable workplaces, as well as some tips for international professionals on how to find work in a new country. Tune in for all this and more!

    A huge 'thank you!' to Reliance Home Comfort for sponsoring this episode!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    A brief look at the cultural history of Calgary.Dr. Nketti Johnston-Taylor's background and immigration story.Her mindset during her first few years of assimilating into Canadian culture.Why she struggled to find a sense of belonging when she first moved to Calgary. The systemic and cultural barriers that prevent qualified immigrants from finding work. What Canada can do to better support newcomers and internationally-trained professionals.Insight into CRIEC and its various initiatives. Tips for international professionals who are struggling to find work in Canada.Advice for employers to create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Nketti Johnston-Taylor on LinkedInNketti Johnston-Taylor on XNketti Johnston-Taylor on InstagramCRIECMaking ChangesPrairie Centre for Excellence in MentoringCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • What does it take to transform a company from having virtually no diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to implementing a comprehensive strategy that spans the entire organization?

    To help us answer this question, we are joined by Normand St-Gelais for the first episode of season 3 of CCDI’s podcast, Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham. Normand is Director of Corporate Responsibility at Sodexo, a dedicated long-term CCDI Founding Employer Partner. For Sodexo in Canada, his role encompasses Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability, and overseeing their Stop Hunger Foundation.

    We sit down with Normand to discuss his career at Sodexo, the company’s transformative journey on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how they went from virtually no DEI strategy to establishing six well-thought-out resource groups that play an invaluable role in representing the diversity of their organization. We get into the policies that were reviewed and established once DEI became an organizational priority, the impact this has had on company culture, key challenges they experienced along the way, and a whole lot more.

    To hear the full scope of their ongoing DEI evolution along with Normand’s advice for companies starting out on their diversity, equity, and inclusion journey, be sure to tune in for this informative conversation!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Normand’s work at Sodexo and the key role he played in their transformative DEI journey.The six resource groups that were established to better represent the diversity of Sodexo.A breakdown of the policies that were reviewed upon making DEI an organizational priority.Why there was a need for Sodexo’s Council for Indigenous People.How changes in DEI have positively impacted the culture at Sodexo.The importance of including DEI principles in recruitment strategies.Why it’s critical for company leaders to support DEI principles throughout the organization.Some of the pushback and challenges Normand experienced.Unpacking why it’s important to create a space for Caucasian men within DEI.Insights on the connection between DEI and corporate responsibility.How Sodexo has helped clients with their DEI efforts.Normand’s advice to companies at the beginning of their DEI journeys.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    SodexoNormand St-Gelais on LinkedInCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • In today's new podcast episode of Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham, we're delving into the intricacies of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We've noticed the profound impact this war has had on colleges, teams, and workplaces. Sorting through the vast amount of information available is challenging as it's tough to discern the facts from the misleading or inaccurate information circulating.

    Joining us today is Brian Carwana, Executive Director at Encounter World Religions Centre, to help navigate and come to grips with this complex issue. Brian is an esteemed figure in the realm of religious literacy, with a wealth of experience spanning two decades in the field. Brian has actively engaged with diverse sectors, imparting insights and expertise on religious diversity and pluralism.

    In our conversation, we unpack the complexities of the war and its impacts on society and workplaces in Canada. We discuss the history of the war, the nuance factors resulting in an ongoing war, and its overall impact on Canadian society. Gain insights into the different perspectives on the war, the national discourse on the topic, how the conflict is creating tensions in the workplace and more. Brian also provides advice to leaders and employees for navigating the discourse with compassion and how to foster understanding of each other perspectives in the workplace.

    Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions of violence, conflict, and sensitive geopolitical issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be distressing or triggering for some Listeners. Listener discretion is advised.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Overview of the war and where the current issues stem from.Reasons for the immigration of Jewish people into Palestine.Critical aspects to keep in mind when discussing the topic.The role of the British and the United Nations in the conflict's history.How previous suffering on both sides has led to war.Insights into the historical oppression of both communities.He unpacks what each side seeks to accomplish.Brian explains the national discourse in Canada surrounding the war.Problematic ideologies and language used in the national discourse.Discover how the war is impacting people in Canada.Common problems and tensions felt in the workplace about the war.Advice for leaders for navigating the topic within the workplace.Why increasing education around religious minorities is essential.Creating safe environments for robust and honest conversations.Final words of wisdom Brain has for listeners.

    For further resources on the background of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, check out these two blogs here:;

    To delve into understanding Antisemitism, explore this comprehensive blog:

    Additionally, to gain insights into Palestinians and the Muslim Other, visit:

  • Today’s special episode of Leader Talks commemorates Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which is an important observance on November 20th each year to honour the memory of the transgender people whose lives have been lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. To mark the occasion, we are joined by Marni Panas, a Canadian Certified Inclusion Professional (CCIP), human rights champion, and a sought-after keynote speaker who is dedicated to creating safer and more inclusive places where everyone can be their whole selves. Marni believes that the most effective way to reduce discrimination is to get to know the humans behind the labels and identities ascribed to them, and in this episode, she shares some simple and effective ways to increase awareness, be better informed, unlearn our inherent biases, and be better allies to the LGBTQIA+ community. To learn more about centring humanity and compassion and being an up-stander, not a bystander, tune in today!

    Key points from this episode:

    A glimpse into Marni’s personal journey and the many adjectives that describe her.Marni’s commitment to advancing social justice; which she calls a privilege.The hope that she has for young people in the face of rising hatred and transphobia.Why you don’t need to be an expert in gender or sexuality to have compassion.How the simple act of getting to know someone can reduce discrimination.The awareness and education you can achieve on your own as an ally.Reflecting on the significance of Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR).How leaders and employers can be better allies to trans and non-binary individuals.Why centring humanity and embracing discomfort are crucial elements of allyship.Final thoughts on the importance of looking beyond identity.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Marni PanasMarni Panas on XMarni Panas on LinkedInMarni Panas on InstagramTransgender Day of RemembranceCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • Islamic History Month, observed in October, is dedicated to commemorating, enlightening, educating, and fostering a deeper understanding among fellow Canadians about the diverse and valuable contributions of the Muslim community to society.

    In this new episode of Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham, we take a moment to celebrate the contributions of Muslims to Canada and discuss the many issues the community still faces. To help us unpack this nuance topic is Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia. Amira is a prominent journalist and human rights advocate who has made significant contributions to promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity in Canada. She has also worked in communications and human rights within Canada's labour movement and played a key role in promoting the civil liberties of Canadian Muslims.

    We start by delving into some interesting facts about the Muslim community and the state of islamophobia in Canada. Then, we discuss the background of the Muslim community in Canada, the concept of multiculturism, and the progress being made to combat Islamophobia. Amira shares details about her role, the essential work she is doing, and the many challenges Muslim communities currently face.

    We explore the intersection of race and religion in xenophobia, the hurdles younger Muslim generations must overcome, the impact of toxic narratives, common misconceptions surrounding Islam, and more. Tune in and gain a deeper understanding of the Muslim community in Canada with Amira Elghawaby!

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Amira ElghawabyAmira Elghawaby on LinkedInAmira Elghawaby on InstagramAmira Elghawaby on XIslamic History Month Canada (IHMC)Blackfoot ConfederacyCanadian Labour Congress‘Canada's Multiculturalism - Worth Defending’‘Canada’s unions: urgent action needed to end Islamophobia, protect Muslim communities’The Myth of the Muslim TideCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

    *Please note this episode of Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham, on Islamophobia, which was produced before the October 2023 Israel-Palestine conflict, does not reference this conflict and the impact on groups affected. CCDI is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, and we stand against both antisemitism and Islamophobia. We offer valuable resources to employers seeking assistance in addressing these challenges. To learn more about what organizations can do to define and combat antisemitism in the workplace and beyond, visit for CCDI's free webinar: Antisemitism: How to recognize and prevent it in the workplace.

  • Today, we’d like to celebrate the incredible work being done in our country to promote and fight for gender-based health equity. However, this work is far from finished and there is still so much more to do. For instance, Canada is 30th out of 146 countries when it comes to the global gender gap index. While this statistic may not seem immediately harrowing, it still highlights the persistent and systemic barriers against gender equity in the country that require immediate correction. Joining us today are two big players in the fight for gender-based health equity in Canada, Mike Casia and Sharlene Rutherford. Mike is the president and MD of Organon Canada, a global healthcare company focused on women’s health that works very closely with Sharlene and her organizations, the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation and the Women’s Health Collective Canada, which are centred around the same concerns. Our conversation tackles gender equity and health, why women’s health cannot be ignored, the consequences of villainizing conversations around women’s health, and the common health inequalities that are prevalent in Canada today. Mike and Sharlene also graciously explain the great work that their organizations are doing, the various partnerships that they’re involved in to drive the gender-based health movement forward, and what employers and everyday citizens can do to support gender and health equality, plus so much more!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Introducing Mike and Sharlene and today’s topic: Gender Equity and Health.How and why Sharlene became so passionate about gender equality and health equity. Why Mike chose to be a leader in the fight for women’s health. Where health fits into the gender equality conversation, and why it matters. The consequences of making women’s issues taboo. Taking a closer look at the common health inequities that women in Canada face. Why women’s health needs to be normalized and become part of our everyday speech.The work that Mike and Sharlene’s organizations are doing to promote health equity.What employers and the general public can do to support gender and health equality.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Mike Casia on LinkedIn

    Sharlene Rutherford on LinkedIn

    Organon Canada

    Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation

    Alberta Women’s Health Foundation

    Women’s Health Collective Canada

    ‘Global Gender Gap Report 2023’

    ‘Surveying the Silence’

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • Today, we are joined by thought leader and truth and reconciliation program facilitator Salena Starling, who is also the co-owner and president of Community of Big Hearts. Salena has personally been through Canada’s foster care system and, in this episode, she opens up about her journey. We discover how and why the foster care system disproportionately affects Indigenous youth and what needs to change to break stereotypes and address intergenerational trauma. Salena’s story illustrates the implicit challenges that Indigenous youths are born into and what can be done to support reconciliation efforts. Our guest is an exception, having made it out of the system as a healthy, successful individual. Tune in to hear about her efforts to break the cycle and what the rest of us can do to facilitate change.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Introducing Salena Starling, President and Co-Owner of Community of Big Hearts.Salena shares her personal connection to Canada's child welfare system and its challenges.How and why the foster care system disproportionately affects Indigenous youth.The importance of reconciliation efforts to address intergenerational trauma.A reminder that the ‘60s scoop’ didn’t end in the 60s.What reconciliation involves and what needs to be done to support reconciliation efforts.The stereotype cycle affecting Indigenous people; what Salena is doing to break harmful stereotypes.Why it’s important to create safe spaces promoting dialogue and understanding.The role parents play in shaping their children's attitudes toward diversity and reconciliation.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Salena Starling on LinkedIn

    Community of Big Hearts

    CanU Canada

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • Self-care refers to the intentional activities and practices that individuals engage in to nurture their physical, mental, and emotional health. Joining us today to help us understand the importance of self-care is Psychologist and Human Resources Consultant at Invictus Psychology and Consulting, Zuraida Dada. Zuraida is a seasoned psychologist specializing in adult individual therapy. She is known for her ability to create a warm, safe environment and provide empathetic, solution-focused care. Her main objective is to aid clients in reconnecting with themselves, strengthening their resilience, and enhancing their coping strategies. In our conversation, we uncover the importance of self-care through the lens of her personal and professional experiences. We unpack the negative stigmas of mental health, the value of psychoeducation, her positive psychology approach, and the causes of mental health issues. We also talk about safe places and the role of supervisors in mental health and hear invaluable advice on creating healthy work environments. Tune in now!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Zuraida’s experience growing up in Apartheid South Africa.What sparked her initial interest in psychology.The state of mental health in Canada.Common misconceptions and stigmas regarding mental health.Zuraida shares her own mental health struggles.Separating the condition from the personality.Contributing factors to mental health conditions.How to create a safe and mentally healthy workplace.Advice for supervisors to create a healthy work environment.Providing effective support for employees.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Zuraida Dada on LinkedIn

    Invictus Psychology and Consulting

    The Canadian Psychological Association

    The Mental Health Commission of Canada

    International Self-Care Day (ISD)

    Dr. Diane McIntosh

    This Is Depression

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • Today's guest is Kai Scott, and he is here to share his experience and expertise on the subject of pronouns and inclusive language. Kai is the President and Gender Strategist at TransFocus Consulting and has a great amount of insight into diversity in the workplace, with a focus on guiding thoughtful, respectful, and impactful conversations. In our chat, we get into some of the crucial areas of this discussion, including how to respond and react to mistakes, necessary nuances, creating safer workplaces, and more. Kai also unpacks the roots of TransFocus and a little of his career history and grounding in social science. So if you would like some fresh illumination on this important aspect of diversity and inclusion, how to be a better ally, and the ways in which we can all support change within companies, be sure to tune in!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Kai takes us through the personal journey that led him to where he is today.An explanation of pronouns and why they are so important. Examples of pronoun usage in the workplace.Advice for how to approach fruitful conversations regarding gender diversity. Thoughtfulness and nuance in conversations. Kai talks about how employers can create safer workplaces. How to react to the mistakes we all inevitably make and assumptions around damage. Where to find Kai online and learn more about TransFocus and their work!

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Reliance Home ComfortKai Scott on LinkedInTransFocus Consulting TransFocus on LinkedInThe Surprisingly Simple Way to Transcend Differences About Gender TEDx TalkCanadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • In Canadian workplaces, many Asians are forced to grapple with the bamboo ceiling, which is a term that is used to describe how their growth and success within their organizations is hindered because of their ethnicity. Moreover, other harmful stereotypes (like calling Asians the “model minority”) mean that there is still much work to be done for Asians to feel completely welcome in their communities. We continue to highlight extraordinary individuals this Asian Heritage Month, and today’s guest is a stellar example of using strength, determination, and resilience to overcome issues of racism, sexism, and Islamophobia. Introducing Sania Chaudhry, an Employment, Labour, and Human Rights Lawyer and a passionate champion for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Sania joins us today to discuss how DEI work became her life’s focus, how to push through the bamboo ceiling, why the model minority is a damaging stereotype, and how marginalized people can speak for themselves in environments that discourage them to do so. We also explore the role of allies in the workplace, how to diversify the leadership prototype, why colonialism remains ever-present, and so much more!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    A warm welcome to Employment, Labour and Human Rights Lawyer, Sania Chaudhry.Sania’s professional background and why diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) matters to her. Her perception of the bamboo ceiling and examples of how she’s been marginalized at work. The myth of the model minority and why this is a harmful stereotype.What employers and workplaces need to do to address the bamboo ceiling problem. How marginalized people can speak up for themselves in uncomfortable environments. Redefining and diversifying the prototype of leadership.Making work activities accessible and enjoyable for all employees.How colonialism still affects Asians today. Ways that Sania brings forth her concerns at work amid the risk of reprisal.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Sania Chaudhry on LinkedIn Forte Workplace LawUniversity of Calgary Canadian Centre for Diversity and InclusionLeader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham
  • We are thrilled to welcome Brittany Gataveckas to the show as she helps us better understand Canada’s new 50-30 challenge. Brittany is the Manager of Social Sustainability at the UN Global Compact Network Canada, and her expertise as a project design and implantation specialist is critical in her work of helping Canadian organizations advance their gender equality, diversity, and inclusion. In our conversation, Brittany gives us a clear understanding of Canada’s 50-30 challenge and how this work could be a defining factor in improving human rights in Canadian workplaces. We discuss the role of the UN Global Compact Network Canada and other ecosystem partners in the government-led movement, the potential learning paths for participants of the challenge, how to join the 50-30 challenge, and everything you need to know before signing up. And if you are feeling overwhelmed by your involvement in the challenge, Brittany reminds us that it’s okay to start small, as long as you stay committed!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Introducing today’s guest, the Manager of Social Sustainability at the UN Global Compact Network Canada (UNGCNC), Brittany Gataveckas. Brittany’s background, and more information on her company and her current role. How her work encompasses diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Canadian government’s 50-30 challenge and its merits on addressing human rights. Taking a look at the ecosystem partners of the 50-30 challenge, including the UNGCNC.What’s being offered in the 50-30 challenge and the potential learning paths for participants.The steps that employers can take to join the 50-30 challenge. Some things for businesses to consider before embarking on the 50-30 challenge. A reminder that it’s okay to start small, as long as you stay committed to the cause!

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Brittany Gataveckas on LinkedIn

    UN Global Compact Network Canada

    S. Sutton & Associates Inc.

    The 50-30 Challenge: Your Diversity Advantage

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • Women have been undervalued in the workplace for almost a century and a half! Today on the Leader Talks Podcast we are celebrating International Women’s Day with the incredible Kadie Ward to discuss gender inequality in the workplace. This episode is packed with some amazing insights into how women have been undervalued in work over the years, why legislation is essential in closing the gender wage gap, how gender diversity, equity, and inclusion create economic prosperity, and so much more! Kadie even shares some tools for how to make a difference in these issues and tells us how we can play a role in her vision for an inclusive Canada. To hear all this and more, tune in now!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Introducing today’s guest, Kadie Ward. A brief overview of Kadie’s illustrious career and the awards she’s received.Kadie tells us why the need for equality to achieve prosperity keeps her so engaged in work.A history of women in the workplace, how they’ve been undervalued, and how it’s changed. How legislation is closing the gender wage gap faster than human rights. What the economic value proposition of gender diversity is and its economic impacts. Some examples of what we need to do to close the pay gap and some tools we can use.Kadie shares her vision for an inclusive Canada and what role we can play in it.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Kadie Ward on LinkedIn
    Kadie Ward on Twitter
    Kadie Ward on Facebook
    Pay Equity Solution for Small Businesses Toolkit
    Level Playing Field Series
    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • When it comes to women in engineering, Canada’s numbers are surprisingly low. They are substantially outperformed by countries like Panama and Colombia, both of which have near parity when it comes to the ratio of women to men in engineering (despite having to contend with far greater levels of instability than Canada).

    Our guest today, Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve, is uniquely qualified to talk on the topic of women in engineering in Canada, having emigrated from Colombia during her studies and overcoming tremendous barriers to entry in the process. She is also the co-founder, Principal, and two times Chair of the Women in Engineering Summit (WES), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the 30 by 30 Initiative by Engineers Canada.

    In our conversation with Claudia, we unpack Canada’s low enrollment rates, how it varies across the country, and what can be done about it. We discuss the various systemic issues that cause so many women to leave the field of engineering, the major obstacles Claudia has faced in her career, and how she had to fight to overcome them. Claudia also shares her tips for women struggling to navigate their engineering careers and offers sage advice to workplaces on how they can ensure the retention of their female workers. The world needs engineers, and now more than ever, it needs the unique perspective that female engineers have to offer.

    Tune in for this inspiring conversation, where we break down the systemic issues within the field of science and engineering, and the important work people are doing to change it!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    The importance of removing systemic barriers to women entering the field of engineering, and giving them a fair chance to succeed.Claudia provides a breakdown of the seven key obstacles she faced in her career and her studies, and how she had to work around them.Understanding how obstacles force many women to leave the field of engineering.Claudia’s thoughts on the systemic issues that resulted in her pay being lower than her male counterparts and not being considered for management positions.Why needing to negotiate for your salary is an unreasonable expectation for workers.The networking that happens outside of work and how it excludes women, immigrants, and anyone who doesn’t have a close friendship with higher-level executives.Learn about the 30 by 30 initiative and its specific targets for increasing the number of women in the field of engineering by 2030. The percentage of women in Canada who pursue engineering and its low enrollment rates compared to many other countries.Examples of areas in Canada where enrollment rates have improved considerably thanks to grassroots campaigns.Claudia’s tips on how to change your salary, find flexible work opportunities, and thrive in the workplace as a woman.Claudia’s advice for workplaces on how to support women in engineering.The Women in Engineering Summit in 2023 and how women can sign up.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve

    Claudia Gomez-Villeneuve on LinkedIn

    Women in Engineering Summit

    Enbridge Inc

    Engineers Canada

    30 by 30 Conference

    30 by 30 Virtual Conference

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham

  • Canada is one of the most religiously diverse liberal democracies in the world, but unfortunately the level of religious literacy in the country is very low. This lack of understanding of different belief systems is the root cause of the high levels of hate crimes experienced by minority groups. Today’s guest, Brian Carwana (also known as the ReligionsGeek), is passionate about advancing religious literacy through contact theory. In today’s episode, he explains how his organization, Encounter World Religions, explores different religions, creates connections, and facilitates open conversations in order to eliminate harmful biases, discriminatory practices, and acts of hate.

    Key Points From This Episode:

    Introducing today’s guest, Brian Carwana, also known as the ReligionsGeek. Brian explains what religious literacy is. Comparing religious diversity in Canada and the US. Problems that can arise as a result of a lack of religious literacy. Some of the hate crimes that have taken place in Canada in recent years. Examples of religious discrimination (often unintentional) in the workplace.The impacts that religious discrimination and hate crimes have on communities.What research shows about the psychological safety of religious minorities in Canada. The increase in hate crimes in Canada in the past few years.Positive trends in the religious diversity space in Canada. Factors that are responsible for religious-based hate.The goal of Brian’s organization, Encounter World Religions. How you can address the issue of religious bias in your own life.Examples of how to reduce religious bias in the workplace, and resources that will help.The four stages of religious literacy.

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Brian Carwana

    Brian Carwana on Twitter

    Brian Carwana on LinkedIn

    Encounter World Religions

  • In today's conversation with Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo and Linda Espinosa Valencia, we are offered some amazing recommendations and expertise on the reality of working towards a better future. As the co-founders of Ventura Collective and individuals who have dedicated themselves to creating systemic change, our guests are uniquely positioned within the Canadian professional landscape to talk about the challenges we face in making real progress. We get to hear from Linda and Ana Maria about some of the actionable strategies that leaders can and should be using to facilitate more inclusive communities, uplift marginalized groups, and decolonize workplaces. The conversation covers dismantling the actual systems of oppression, how grassroots organizations can play a part, confronting the opportunity and pay gaps, and much more. Key takeaways include the mission at Ventura Collective and the need for a constant re-evaluation of the transparency and accountability at any organization. So to hear all this and much more from these two powerhouses, tune in today!

    Key Points From This Episode:

    An introduction to Ventura Collective and our two guests' involvement in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion.Unpacking the societal contributions from the Latinx communities.Workplace challenges faced by Latinx communities; opening up this important conversation. How Ventura Collective is connecting with Latinx women to confront the issues of the pay gap. The intersectional and plural nature of the Latinx experience. The hangovers from colonialism that need to be shed by Latinx communities. What allyship really means; coming together for systemic change. Top recommendations for the implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion frameworks at companies.The awareness and learning that employers need to foster in relation to their employees. Recapping the key takeaways from today's conversation!

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo on LinkedIn

    Linda Espinosa Valencia on LinkedIn

    Anne-Marie Pham on Linkedin

    Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

    Leader Talks with Anne-Marie Pham