
  • Can you believe we're already at the 201st episode of Leading You? It feels like just yesterday that I hit the record button for the very first time, and I’m so grateful for the support I get from each of you.

    This milestone has made me reflect on just how much we’ve uncovered about leadership—what it truly means to lead oneself and others effectively.

    Today I want to share the seven truths that have stuck with me the most from these past 200 episodes. Whether you’re new to leadership or a seasoned pro, these insights will help elevate your leadership to new heights.

    The Power of the Pause
    You've heard me talk about this endlessly, and for good reason. Pausing before reacting is a leadership superpower. It allows us to assess situations, make informed decisions, and communicate more clearly. This space for reflection helps avoid emotional responses, fostering a more thoughtful leadership style. One of our guests, Shivani Gupta, shared an excellent example when she stepped away from her business for six months to figure out her next move. This intentional pause allowed her to think about what truly fuels her purpose. Self-Care Fuels Success
    Effective leadership starts with looking after yourself. Prioritising your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is crucial for preventing burnout and sustaining long-term success. Leaders who model self-care not only maintain their health but also encourage a healthier work culture within their teams. It's easy to put self-care on a backburner while we focus on busyness, but it’s important to remember that self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for effective leadership. Vulnerability Strengthens Resilience and Trust
    Vulnerability is no longer seen as a weakness but as a powerful leadership tool. Leaders who openly admit their mistakes and share personal challenges build deep trust with their teams. Through my own experiences and those shared by my guests, I've seen how being authentic and vulnerable fosters stronger connections and more collaborative environments. Empowered Choices Drive Growth
    Leadership is about making conscious, empowered decisions. Whether it's navigating tough conversations or setting boundaries, intentional choices significantly shape how effectively a leader can grow and inspire their teams. It’s about being proactive rather than reactionary. Making empowered choices sets the tone for growth and purpose, not only for you but for your team as well. Emotional Intelligence Builds Strong Leaders
    While high IQ can make you the smartest person in the room, it’s emotional intelligence (EQ) that makes you an effective and influential leader. High EQ involves self-regulation, recognising how your emotions impact others, and understanding what motivates you. Leaders with high emotional intelligence inspire loyalty and cohesion within their teams, resolving conflicts more effectively. I’ve seen this in guests like Catherine Duncan and Adam Rouse, who demonstrate strong EQ in their leadership practices. Resilience Comes from Self-Mastery
    Resilience is a great tool for any leader, because it helps you to stay composed under pressure, adapt to challenges, and maintain focus on long-term goals. Unfortunately, as Peter Baines shared when I spoke to him, you can’t build resilience in your comfort zone. You need to face challenges head-on, learn from setbacks, and stay grounded in your purpose. It's about leading yourself through difficulties with the tools to overcome and grow from those experiences. Adaptability is Essential
    Adaptability is one of the most important traits a leader can possess. Flexibility and openness to change allow leaders to respond proactively to new challenges. Carlo Pagano’s episode on relevance underscores this perfectly. Leaders who embrace change and guide their teams through uncertainty thrive in dynamic environments, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective in leading both others and themselves.

    These seven truths, gathered from hundreds of conversations and personal experiences, have been instrumental in shaping my leadership style and I hope they can do the same for you. Thank you for being an essential part of this incredible journey. Your support has been invaluable, and I look forward to continuing this adventure with you.

    Remember, leadership starts with you and the choices you make today will define the leader you become tomorrow. So, lead with intention, lead with heart, and keep growing.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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    Instagram: @juliehydeleads


    Episodes Mentioned:

    #153 - The Importance of Inclusion and Why It's Needed with Shivani Gopal:

    #82 - An Unconventional Life and the Question to Stop Asking with Michelle Cox:

    #129 - The Key to Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Workplace with Adam Rowse & Catherine Duncan:

    #154 - Building Resilience: Not letting today be defined by yesterday with Peter Baines:

    #200 - Resilience and Real Talk: Patrina Jones on Thriving Through Life’s Challenges with Patrina Jones:

    #163 - How to Adapt to Change and Remain Relevant with Carlo Pagano:

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  • When you hit your 50s, you reach a point where you just don’t care what other people think. With so much life experience under your belt, you know what you want, you know who you are and you’re ready to show the world what you’ve got.

    I recently had the pleasure of sharing a raw and real conversation with Patrina Jones, a woman who personifies this essence.

    Patrina is a multi-award winning and highly accomplished journalist with a long and successful career in radio and television. Starring on top-rating shows for more than 30 years, Patrina is currently a leading personality and News Presenter on the No 1 Christian O’Connell Show on Melbourne’s Gold 104.3 and is a regular guest on Channel 9’s Today Extra. She won the coveted ‘Glenn Daniel’ Award, Best News Presenter FM in 2023 and has been nominated again this year.

    As a woman in a male dominated industry, working ridiculous hours and weekends, Patrina gave her all to the industry because she truly loves what she does. It’s this passion that has fuelled her to keep going and find resilience through life’s challenges.

    One of the most striking moments in our discussion was about how menopause can affect women’s professional lives. Imagine working for decades honing your skills, climbing the corporate ladder, only to find yourself battling the symptoms of menopause with no support. Patrina shared that 25 percent of women going through menopause will actually leave their roles because the symptoms can be so challenging.

    What makes it even harder is the sheer volume of responsibilities we juggle—careers, family, friendships. “We’re told that we can have everything, aren’t we?” Patrina said. “But we’re bloody knackered.” It summed up the sentiment perfectly.

    Towards the end of our conversation, Patrina shared her sage advice to not let anyone tell you who you are or what you can or cannot do. Stand in your power, be yourself and don’t worry what other people think.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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    Podcast: Rage Against The Menopause


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  • For many of us, the beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world are so deep-set in our subconscious that we’re not even aware of them - or their limiting power over our lives.

    They usually date back to our childhood, where our experiences taught us to think certain ways and act in accordance in order to survive.

    Too often, we carry these beliefs into adulthood and our ways of operating are often dictated by them.

    I had the pleasure of speaking with the incredible Rena Harvey, a renowned healer, speaker, teacher, reiki master practitioner, sound therapist, holistic counsellor and author of The Formula of Life: Go Deeper, Rise Higher.

    With her incredible insight on transforming limiting beliefs - gained from her personal 30-year journey of healing - we talked about the amazing potential we all have to heal our wounded child and set ourselves free.

    We dive into how limiting beliefs present, the process of reprogramming childhood wounding and the power of manifestation to create a new reality for our lives.

    Talking with Rena was incredibly inspiring, and it reaffirmed the power we each hold to transform our worlds. Her message is clear: by understanding our wounds and dedicating ourselves to a life-long journey of healing, we can begin to truly take control and redefine what's possible in our lives.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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    Book: The Formula of Life: Go Deeper, Rise Higher

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  • As we leap into spring, my favourite season of the year, I want to talk to you about making empowered choices for your mindset.

    Spring is a magical time of growth, fresh starts, and new beginnings. It’s an ideal season to make some powerful decisions about how you show up in life, what you need to let go of, and how you want to carve your path forward. The choices we make now can set the tone for how we finish this year and start the next. So, how can we harness the energy of spring to empower our mindset?

    An empowered choice is one made with intention and awareness. It’s about being proactive rather than reactive, taking control of your decisions, and by extension, your life. When we make empowered choices, we choose to live a life aligned with our values, goals, and the person we aspire to be.

    The Connection Between Empowerment and Mindset

    Our mindset is like a lens through which we view the world. It shapes how we interpret experiences, respond to challenges, and perceive opportunities. By making empowered choices, we choose the lens through which we see our reality. We can see challenges as opportunities for growth, setbacks as lessons, and every experience as a step closer to our goals.

    Personally, I had to make empowered choices when I was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma cancer. It wasn’t the ideal situation, and my initial misdiagnoses made things worse. I had the choice to fall into a victim mentality or to be a victor. I chose the latter. I decided that cancer wouldn’t define me and chose to lead myself through it with hope and resilience. This mindset allowed me to share my journey and help others facing similar battles.

    Spring Cleaning for Your Mindset

    Why spring? Spring is synonymous with renewal. Just as we clean our homes and get rid of clutter, it’s essential to clear out mental clutter: negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and unproductive behaviours. Mental clutter can weigh us down, cloud our judgment, and keep us stuck. Spring is the perfect time to make space for new, empowering thoughts and beliefs.

    Ask yourself, what thoughts are holding me back? What beliefs do I need to release? Maybe it’s the belief you’re not good enough. Acknowledge it and choose to let it go. Consciously choose a new narrative and plant the seeds of positivity.

    Think of your mind as a garden. What will you plant today to ensure it flourishes in the future? One way to plant seeds of positivity is through gratitude. Start each day by acknowledging three things you’re grateful for. This shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant.

    Set intentions for what you want to achieve this spring. Who do you want to be? Write it down and revisit your goals regularly. Even a small empowered choice, like taking a 10-minute break to clear your mind when feeling overwhelmed, can have a significant impact on your mindset.

    Meditation and mindful breathing, even just for a few minutes, can center your mindset and relieve stress. This spring, align your goals with the theme of renewal. Take this opportunity to learn something new, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace growth.

    My challenge for you this week is to make one empowered choice that aligns with the person or leader you want to become. It doesn’t have to be big; start your day with a positive intention. Make that choice with intention and purpose and watch how it impacts your mindset.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • There are now five generations in the workforce.

    With that comes a broad set of values for leaders to navigate, and all at a time where the pace of complex change continues to increase.

    So how do we most effectively grapple with the evolving dynamics of a multi-generational workforce?

    I had the pleasure of discussing just this with Dr. Paige Williams, an organisational psychologist, keynote speaker and honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne. With a wealth of experience and a knack for asking the right questions, Paige is a world leader in positive psychology and author of six insightful books on leadership.

    Her passion for systems and organisations, specifically in leadership, led her to become one of the small team that introduced the science of well being, positive psychology to Australia.

    She now works alongside leaders and teams to help them find how to be exceptional in their work and create cultures that encourage others to do the same.

    Join us as we explore the fascinating psychology behind the unique worldview of Millennials and why it may differ to that of their Gen X and Gen Z counterparts.

    Paige also takes us through practical strategies for engaging, leading and empowering Millennials to not only effectively navigate the generational divide, but to foster a thriving and dynamic workplace.

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    Book: What Does Good Look Like?

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  • Imagine a workplace where every team member is not just doing their job but is passionately engaged and thriving. Seems like a dream, right? But it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies and mindset, you can make this a reality!

    I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Shivani Gupta an award-winning entrepreneur, coach, and author who has transformed not just her own life but also the businesses of many leaders globally. In our conversation, she shares some of the strategies from her latest book “Getting Your People to Step Up,” on how leaders can more effectively motivate their teams.

    One of my favourite parts of Shivani's book is the “Passion Model.” Instead of assuming work needs to be their top priority, Shivani encourages leaders to understand what truly motivates their employees. This means you can tailor roles and incentives to align with what truly drives their team members. For example, if an employee's number one passion is health and fitness, providing a gym membership as part of their package can be a huge motivator. By tapping into what your employees care about most, you can foster a more engaged and productive workforce.

    Another chapter we dive into is around the importance of creating inclusive and diverse workplaces. As an immigrant and a woman of colour working in male-dominated industries, Shivani is passionate about fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated. Whether it's gender, ethnicity, or cultural background, diverse teams can offer unique perspectives and innovative solutions. Shivani encourages leaders to be proactive in hiring individuals from various backgrounds and creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included. By doing so, businesses can cultivate a richer, more dynamic workforce.

    Finally, we discuss a challenge that many leaders face today, how to motivate younger workers, who have different values and expectations than previous generations. Today's employees seek flexibility, quicker advancement, and a work-life balance that previous generations only dreamed of.

    Shivani advises leaders to be open-minded and flexible in their management styles. For example, allowing part-time work for roles traditionally seen as full-time can attract high-quality candidates who value their work-life balance. By setting clear KPIs and being outcome-focused, leaders can ensure productivity while catering to the different needs of their team members.

    With Shivani's wisdom, you can turn your workplace into a powerhouse of talent and productivity.

    Ready to see what your team can achieve?

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    Book: Getting Your People to Step Up

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  • What if you could apply the winning strategies of elite athletes to your leadership style?

    Picture yourself leading not just with authority but with the precision and resilience of a champion. Sound good? Well, stick around, because I’m sharing six lessons from the world of sports that can help us lead ourselves and our teams to victory.

    Rest: Athletes know that rest is essential for recovery and injury prevention, and similarly, leaders need to recognise the importance of downtime. Taking time to rest allows us to recharge, avoid burnout, and return with renewed energy and perspective every day. This doesn’t have to be a big commitment, stepping away from your desk during the workday to give yourself a micro-break is proven to boost productivity.

    Visualisation: Top athletes use visualisation to mentally prepare for success. They see themselves crossing the finish line before the race even starts, knowing their game plan every step of the way. As leaders, we can apply the same technique to our goals. Visualising successful outcomes and the steps needed to get there can enhance focus, build confidence, and make our objectives more tangible.

    Patience and Persistence: Success, whether in sport or leadership, doesn’t happen overnight. Take Jessica Hull, an Australian middle-distance runner who won silver at the Olympics. Her journey to success wasn’t immediate; it came with time, patience, and consistent effort. As leaders, we must remember that sometimes pushing too hard isn’t the right option. Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Resilience: Whether you’re an athlete or a leader, you’ll need resilience to reach success. Just like Michelle Jenneke, the Australian hurdling champion, who fell during a crucial race but got up to finish it, resilience in leadership means bouncing back from failures, learning from mistakes, and staying committed even when the path gets tough.

    Compromise: Professional athletes often have to make compromises, adjusting strategies mid-game or balancing training with personal life. For leaders, compromise is about finding the balance that allows you and your team to move forward while considering diverse perspectives and needs. It can’t always be our way, we need to consider what’s most important for the greater good, which creates better outcomes for everyone.

    Feeding Your Body Right: Proper nutrition isn’t just for athletes; it’s critical for leaders too. Our roles demand a lot from us, and a leader who takes care of their body is better equipped to handle these demands. Eating good food, along with proper sleep and regular exercise, will lay the foundation for high performance!

    Bonus! Your Mindset: The most important lesson we can learn from athletes is to cultivate a strong mindset. In addition to their bodies, they train their minds to stay focused, positive, and resilient. For leaders, a growth mindset—one that embraces challenges and views failures as opportunities for growth—can be the difference between success and stagnation.

    So next time you face a challenge, think like a pro athlete: stay focused, stay resilient, and don’t forget to celebrate the small wins along the way.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • Have you ever wondered what sets truly great leaders apart from the rest?

    Is it their charisma, their decision-making skills, or perhaps their vision?

    According to Chris Smith, an expert in leadership and aviation counselling, it’s something much simpler yet profoundly impactful: humility.

    Recently I was lucky enough to sit down with Chris, and he shared some wonderful insights from his book Leadership at 43,000 Feet on how humility shapes effective leadership.

    Chris has had a broad and winding career, trying multiple paths before finding his true calling in aviation. From this experience, Chris saw that the best leaders he encountered weren’t driven by personal gain, instead they were motivated by something bigger than themselves. He references respected leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Barack Obama as individuals who demonstrate remarkable humility.

    Respect plays a crucial role in leadership. Chris shared that whether in the cockpit or managing a company, treating people with respect ensures they feel safe enough to communicate openly. Now this isn’t something you can buy. It’s built through consistent, respectful actions and a genuine concern for team members. If you can earn that respect then people will continue to follow you, even through challenging times.

    Towards the end of our conversation, we spoke about legacy which is not only is it a major theme of Chris’ book but his main reason for writing it. He wanted Leadership at 43,000 Feet to give his children and grandchildren a deeper understanding of who he is beyond just ‘Dad’ or ‘Grandad’.

    He also opens up about living away from family due to work commitments and urges us to find a balance between career ambitions and our personal lives. In the long run, what truly matters is maintaining close personal relationships, as the time lost cannot be reclaimed.

    Leadership is complex, and often, we overlook the simplest but most profound qualities that make the best leaders stand out. So, take a moment today to think about your own leadership journey. Are you leading with humility? Are you respecting the people you work with? These small shifts can create lasting changes, not just in your professional life but in your personal life as well.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • When was the last time you did something for the first time? You probably felt awkward and uncomfortable and perhaps anxiety started creeping in about what people might think. What if you fail?

    It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s something we all face.

    Brené Brown calls these moments FFTs, which stands for "Fucking First Times" and I couldn’t think of a better way to put it. Today I’m sharing my recent FFT and how to face these moments with courage instead of shying away from doing something new.

    After a long time of procrastination and excuses, I finally took the plunge and attended my first spin class at a new centre. Being at a fitness level that I’m not happy with, it felt like I was starting from the beginning and my mind was flooded with excuses not to go. I was nervous about not knowing anyone, about whether I could set up my bike properly and felt like everyone would be watching me with judging eyes.

    But, I put my big girl pants on and kept reminding myself of all the things I coach my clients on: embrace discomfort, step outside of your comfort zone, and understand that growth happens there. For me, it was a spin class, and maybe for you, it’s going to the gym, a networking event, starting a new project or having a conversation.

    Whatever FFT you’re facing, Brené says the best thing to do is to name the discomfort. Naming what’s causing you anxiety makes it real and approachable. Here are three steps she recommends, which I found incredibly helpful:

    Normalise It: Understand that everyone experiences discomfort every time they do something new. It’s perfectly okay to feel awkward, nervous and anxious because brave people feel uncomfortable. Put It into Perspective: Realise that the feeling is not permanent and doesn’t mean you’re bad at everything. You’re in the middle of an FFT around this ONE thing. Reality Check Your Expectations: Understand that you won’t crush it right away. Acknowledge that it will suck for a while, but it will get better with time.

    I also added a fourth step: Just Do It. Whether it’s booking a class, walking through a door, putting your hand up, or searching Google for tips on how to start your own podcast, taking that first step is crucial.

    So did I crush my spin class like I was hoping to? No. My legs felt like lead and I was the last on the leaderboard. I had to remind myself: this was an FFT.

    BUT, I did end up knowing someone in the class, which made me feel more comfortable and the instructor was incredibly welcoming and helped me settle in. After the class, I felt proud of myself for just showing up. That FFT was done and next time, it will be easier.

    I believe we should all face FFTs more often because growth happens outside our comfort zones. Whether it's writing a book, applying for a new job or attending a networking event, these first times pave the way for growth and confidence.

    So, if you’ve been putting off something that feels awkward or completely outside your comfort zone, I hope my recent experience gives you the courage to take that first step. You have a choice to do it or not, to chicken out or do the hard thing, to avoid it or to be proud of yourself. It’s as simple as that.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • Did you know the way your voice sounds matters twice as much as the content you’re speaking on?

    Our guest today is Rachel Pietsch, a multi-award-winning vocal coach and accredited voice function expert who guides both speakers and singers to bring ease, protection and longevity to their voices.

    In our conversation, Rachel shares her fascinating insights into vocal mechanics and the impact a confident and well-projected voice can have on our leadership.

    The Journey to Vocal Mastery

    Rachel's journey to becoming a voice coach is nothing short of inspirational. Initially a piano teacher, Rachel transitioned into voice coaching and over the course of 15 years, has studied various pedagogies, achieving advanced accreditation and mastering the technical expertise required to train voices effectively. She shares how this journey not only ironed out the issues in her own voice but also equipped her with the tools to help others achieve their vocal goals.

    Voice as a Tool for Leadership and Public Speaking

    Rachel emphasises that the way a leader's voice sounds can significantly influence their effectiveness. As leaders, we often have many people looking up to us and seeking our direction. A voice that exudes confidence can help them in building trust and receiving our words in the way we intend.

    Rachel explains that with proper training, including strengthening and coordination exercises, anyone can improve their vocal quality. For public speakers, additional performance aspects like intonation, pacing and vocal dynamics are crucial.

    Practical Tips

    To combat nerves and improve vocal projection, Rachel shares some practical exercises involving breathing and specific sounds that can help to relax the vocal cords. She takes us through the concept of breathing low into the diaphragm to reduce strain and enhance sound quality.

    Rachel’s own experience and transformation serve as a testament to the power of dedicated practice and proper mechanics in achieving a confident, impactful voice. She encourages us to believe in our potential to become influential through our speech and that with the right guidance, anyone can develop a confident, resonant voice.

    So join us in this fascinating conversation and get inspired to embrace the power of using your voice in your leadership journey!

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  • Imagine balancing the demands of your career and your family, and then adding the role of a caregiver into the mix. Sounds overwhelming, right?

    Well, it’s something that most of us go through when we become responsible for the care of our aging parents. That’s exactly what happened to me in the last few years. So, today I want to share my experiences and offer advice to those who might be going through something similar.

    For the past few years, I've been deeply involved in looking after my elderly parents. My father battled cancer for three years before passing away, leaving my mother to manage on her own. Dad had always looked after everything, leaving mum unaware of how to pay bills, use a credit card, or even access cash. When he passed, I became responsible for managing her finances, which was both time-consuming and emotionally draining.

    Thankfully, I had already helped my parents switch banks and sort out their direct debits a year before my father passed away, so I was somewhat prepared. But the entire experience highlighted just how unprepared I was for the reality of aging parents.

    I’m not alone in this. Many of my friends are going through similar experiences with parents who have Alzheimer's, dementia, or other severe health conditions. One close friend is navigating this difficult journey as an only child. His mother is regressing with dementia and is now in an aged care facility. The impact on his life is significant, both emotionally and financially, as he also supports his father through this tough transition.

    For those of you approaching this stage, taking the time to get legally prepared can save you a lot of hassle later on. Here are the top steps I recommend taking:

    Make sure your parents have an updated will in place. I helped my parents draft theirs only a few years ago, and I’m incredibly thankful I did. Secure an enduring power of attorney. This covers almost everything, including financial matters. I make most financial decisions on mum's behalf now, and having this in place made the process much simpler. You also want to have a medical power of attorney set up for unexpected medical situations. Finally, you want to register yourself as a nominee with your government's relevant social services agency. Here in Victoria, Australia, it's an SS 313 form, but it varies by locale. This will simplify bureaucratic processes immensely.

    Spend Time, Start Conversations

    Beyond the legal and financial prep, it’s important to have conversations with your parents about their wishes if they pass away suddenly or are involved in an accident. It may be an uncomfortable conversation, but it’s far better to know what they want when the time comes, rather than scrambling to choose for them.

    Also, encourage them to talk about their lives! It’s something I wish I had done more with my dad. It was only when preparing his eulogy that I realised how many questions I still had about his life. So, spend as much time as you can with your parents. Trust me, you'll cherish these memories when they're no longer here.

    Financial Awareness
    It’s important to have some knowledge of your parent's finances before you have to take responsibility for them. Talk to your parents and get clear on their position. It’s equally important to have a solid understanding of your own financial situation.

    Women in their fifties and sixties are the largest demographic of people facing homelessness in Australia. This is due to a lack of financial literacy and preparedness. So, make sure you’re vigilant about your financial health, know it inside out, and actively participate in it.

    Caring for your parents isn’t easy, but being prepared can reduce the emotional, physical, and financial challenges that come with it. If you’re already in this situation, know that I see you, I hear you, and I send my love your way.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • The hustle and grind mentality is more pervasive in our society than ever, and is showing no signs of slowing down in this post-COVID world of ours.

    The latest research from Mercer HR shows that 8 out of 10 people will experience burnout symptoms in the next 12 months.

    It begs the question: how are we actually living? What are we doing that causes this level of pressure day in and day out?

    On the podcast today, I’m joined by Danielle Colley, a coach, speaker, facilitator and author of the book The Chocolate Bar Life.

    As a former journalist and a struggling solo parent of two children, Danielle understands how hustle and grind impacts our ability to live a rewarding life that is free from anxiety, overwhelm and burnout. Known for her unique approach to balancing the various aspects of life, Danielle shares her insights on how to manage work, rest and play.

    In our conversation, we explore how to adjust these balances seamlessly through different seasons of life.

    Understanding Life's Balance

    Danielle introduces the idea that life's balance isn't always about equal proportions. Just like the layers of a Mars Bar, the ratios of work, rest and play aren't always equal. She explains that understanding this variability is key to finding harmony. Each day, week or season of life might call for a different mix, and that’s perfectly okay. The essential aspect is to recognise and adapt to these shifts as they come.

    Choosing the Pace of Your Life

    With the pace of the world continually speeding up, there’s often the feeling that if you don’t keep up, you’ll get left behind. Danielle explains that it takes intentionality to choose the pace for our lives, knowing when to push and when to find rest. She encourages us to make choices for ourselves rather than get stuck running like a hamster on a wheel.

    Practical Application

    Danielle provides practical tips to help us find that healthy balance for our lives, knowing that the ratios can vary depending on our season of life. She shares simple, adaptable strategies such as setting boundaries at work, making time for more play and how to find rest beyond just getting a good night’s sleep. By tailoring these practices to fit our unique life's rhythm, we can find a more sustainable and enjoyable way to live.

    This conversation is a wonderful reminder to slow down and be gentle with yourself, and a valuable guide to those feeling dissatisfied with their lives to reach their full potential.

    Connect with Danielle:


    Instagram: @iamdaniellecolley

    Book: The Chocolate Bar Life

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • Critical conversations are an inevitable part of our lives, both personally and professionally. And while they’re often necessary, they can make us want to run and hide in fear of things going truly pear shaped.

    However, as leaders, it’s our responsibility to have those difficult conversations when required - not only for the betterment of the individual, but the organisation as a whole.

    It’s from my own challenging experiences that I’ve come to realise that while we can’t control how others will react, we are in control of our own actions and the way in which we lead.

    Today, I’m going to share with you my top tips for navigating critical conversations and creating the positive outcomes we aim to achieve from them.

    Get Prepared

    Giving someone feedback or constructive criticism can be challenging - especially if the person you’re dealing with gets emotional or defensive. In this scenario, things can go off track quickly if you’re not adequately prepared. I encourage you to write down what you’re wanting to say in order to stay on point and bring the conversation back to where it needs to be. Equip yourself with the tools to have a productive conversation, and you’ll give yourself the best chance of navigating it with confidence.

    Choose the Right Time and Place

    I am a big believer of public praise and private criticism. Pulling someone up in a public setting is risky, and not entirely respectful to them. Rather, have the conversation privately - perhaps taking them out of the workplace and onto even ground.

    Additionally, be aware of when you’re asking to have the interaction. There’s nothing worse than grabbing someone at 5pm for a discussion when you’re both a little worn out. Ideally, schedule a time and place that suits you both.

    Actively Listen

    Often, when we're in a critical conversation, we're so focused on getting our point across that we forget to truly listen to the other person. Active listening involves not just hearing the words but also understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. This means asking open-ended questions, reflecting back what you’ve heard, and validating the other person's feelings. By doing so, you demonstrate respect for their perspective, which can help de-escalate tension and foster mutual understanding.

    Be Clear and Concise

    Being direct yet respectful is key when you’re leading a critical conversation. Provide specific examples of what you are talking about, whether it’s around performance or behaviour, ensuring they’re relevant to the outcomes you want to achieve. I also recommend using "I" statements instead of "you" statements, focusing on how the actions affect you and others, rather than blaming the other person for their bad behaviour.

    Watch Your Language

    It’s important to avoid using accusatory language when having a critical conversation. Rather than defaulting to “you did this” or “you did that”, try reframing things to be about what you’ve “observed”. Asking open-ended questions can completely change the dynamic, enabling the other person to think about their response, rather than react defensively.

    Remember, it’s natural for emotions to run high during a confronting interaction, but staying calm, respectful and in control can help keep the dialogue productive.

    Navigating critical conversations doesn’t have to be daunting, and I hope this episode provides you with the tools and confidence you need to approach your next one with more ease.

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  • Disruption is often seen as the big scary monster under the bed. We've all been there, facing unexpected changes and challenges that throw us off course. But what if I told you that the right mindset could help you not only cope with disruption but turn it into a powerful advantage?

    Professor Martin Bean is so passionate about this, that he literally wrote the book on it. I was lucky enough to sit down with him to discuss the principles outlined in his book, "Toolkit for Turbulence," and how an adaptive mindset can make all the difference.

    The Importance of Mindset
    When faced with disruption, many people have a natural response to become defensive in hopes of minimising risks. In contrast, an advantage leader shifts their perspective and views adversity as a chance to push through barriers and accomplish things they wouldn’t normally be able to.

    Think about it: when things go smoothly, there's often little motivation to rock the boat. However, disruption forces us out of our comfort zones, compelling us to innovate and adapt. This perspective shift is the foundation for turning challenges into opportunities.

    Resilience through Adaptability
    After recognising disruption as a catalyst, the next step is adaptation. According to Martin, leaders must recalibrate both themselves and their teams. Often this means creating new tools or processes that fit the new normal.

    However, it's not enough for a leader to adapt; the whole team must be on board. To make this possible, leaders must foster a culture that embraces change and views disruption as an integral part of growth. This collective mindset shift ensures that when the next wave of disruption hits, everyone is prepared to not only survive but to thrive!

    As you reflect on your own leadership style, consider how you respond to disruption. Do you see it as a threat or an opportunity? Is your team equipped to use it to their advantage?

    Remember, the aim is to lead with resilience and creativity, because change isn’t going anywhere. We can’t fight it, or ignore it, but with the right mindset and tools, we can turn it from a roadblock to a stepping stone.

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  • We’re hitting the middle of the year and it’s the perfect time to check in on your business. Today I’m going to share 7 essential checks that will help you elevate your game and achieve success over the next six months.

    Your Operating Rhythm:
    How are you operating day to day? Do you have a clear, structured way of working that aligns with your priorities and goals? Or have you fallen into the "busy trap," getting distracted and running around in circles? Your Wellness Strategy:
    Following on from question one, consider how well you’re looking after yourself. Are you managing the metaphorical juggle of professional and personal responsibilities, or is it managing you? Consider factors like your morning routine, sleep quality, nutrition, exercise, and hydration. Your Goals
    Are you focusing on the activities that will get you the results you need, or are you stuck in the details? Are your efforts translating into tangible results? Review your KPIs, P&L statements, and goals to see if you're hitting your targets. If you aren’t you may need to adjust your approach or try something entirely new. Self-Limiting Behaviors
    Where are you holding yourself back? Are you stuck focusing on the negatives? Are you experiencing imposter syndrome? Are you inventing excuses to avoid necessary actions like networking or updating your CV? Reflect on your self-limiting behaviors and how you can overcome them. Your Positioning
    How are you showing up as a leader? Remember, leadership isn’t defined by a title—it’s about how you present yourself and interact with others. Are you empowering others? Are you leading by example? Are you building connections in your organisation? What about outside of it? It’s important to build a network of people you trust and can collaborate with that extends outside your workplace. Focusing on What You Can Control
    Are you focusing on the factors you can control? It’s easy to get caught up in worry, focused on things that are outside of our control. This consumes time and energy that would be better used directly addressing challenges. A Relationship Check
    Are your relationships where they need to be? It’s so important to spend quality time with your loved ones, and if you aren’t, why not? Are you being consumed by work? Also, consider the health of your professional relationships. Make sure you’re investing time in your top performers and building trust within your team.

    The Stop, Start, Change, Continue Exercise

    Now that you've rated yourself in these seven areas, it's time to take action. I recommend an exercise called Stop, Start, Change, Continue.

    Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper vertically, and another line horizontally.

    Label the four quadrants (Stop, Start, Change, Continue) and fill them out. I recommend only picking three items for each category to avoid overwhelm.

    Stop: List habits or actions that are not serving you.

    Start: Identify new habits or actions that will help you achieve better results.

    Change: Note things you’re doing well but could be tweaked for better outcomes.

    Continue: Recognise practices that are working well and should be maintained.

    Taking the time to reflect and recalibrate can lead to immense growth and success. So, I hope this episode has provided you with actionable steps to drive your success in the next six months If you enjoyed it, please share it with others and let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to cover in the future.

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  • Infertility is something that affects many women around the world, yet it remains a subject shrouded in silence, especially in the workplace. We’re joined today by award winning executive fertility coach Louise to discuss the importance of addressing fertility issues at work and how organisations can create supportive environments for their employees.

    Louise's journey to fertility advocacy began with her own six-year struggle to conceive, which included emotional and physical lows, and numerous failed pregnancy attempts. Her moment of transformation came when she decided to focus on her mental and physical health at her specialist's advice. This experience gave her profound insights into the emotional and mental toll that infertility can take, and she is dedicated to changing how fertility is perceived and managed in the workplace.

    The Role of Workplace Support
    Workplace culture plays a significant role in an individual's fertility journey. Based on her experience in the legal transcription industry, Louise highlights the lack of understanding and support she encountered. She strongly believes that retaining good employees and supporting them through their fertility journey benefits both the individuals and the organisation.

    Raising Awareness and Normalising Conversations
    Louise emphasises the importance of normalising conversations about infertility to create a safe space for those affected. By bringing awareness to the workplace, organisations can foster a culture of support and understanding. This begins with acknowledging infertility as a legitimate health issue, much like any other medical condition. When people feel safe to share their struggles, they are less likely to suffer in silence.

    Supportive Policies and Practices
    Another key step towards building a supportive workplace is to implement policies that consider the needs of employees undergoing infertility treatments. Flexible work hours, time off for medical appointments, and mental health support are essential components. Employers should also ensure that their health insurance plans cover fertility treatments, reducing financial burdens on affected employees.

    Empowering Women in the Workplace
    Both Louise and Julie, stress the importance of women supporting each other and prioritising their mental and physical wellbeing. By giving themselves permission to rest, address stress, and seek joy, women can improve their overall happiness, which can positively impact other areas of their lives, like their fertility.

    Addressing infertility in the workplace is not just a compassionate move—it’s a necessary one. By breaking the silence and building supportive workplaces, employers can foster a culture of empathy, inclusivity, and mutual respect.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • Have you ever wondered what separates an average leader from an exceptional one?

    I’m back from a magical holiday in central australia, and I want to get started again with five transformative strategies that will level up your leadership skills. Whether you are an experienced leader or an up-and-coming one, these actionable tips will empower you to unlock your full potential.

    Step One: Invest in your Wellbeing and Growth
    Your health is your responsibility. It’s crucial that you prioritise rest, maintain good sleep strategies, eat well, and allow your brain to reflect after the chaos of the day. By role-modeling this well-being—both physical and mental—you show your team what is possible for them.

    Step Two: Enhance your Emotional Intelligence
    Emotionally intelligent leaders are more effective than those who rely solely on IQ. Emotional intelligence involves self-regulation, self-awareness, social awareness, and managing relationships. This is beneficial not only for your role as a leader but also in your personal life, whether you are a parent, friend, or peer.

    Step Three: Effective Communication
    Communication is fundamental to the success of any organisation. The way you communicate can make or break your culture, performance, and relationships. It is important to articulate your vision clearly and to actively listen to those around you. Remember, it's not just about what is being said, but also about what isn't being said.

    Step Four: Empowering and Delegating
    Micromanaging stifles creativity and trust. It’s important to trust your team with responsibilities and provide the necessary support. This not only boosts their motivation but also encourages them to grow and take on new challenges. Delegation is not abdication—implement a process to ensure accountability and completion of tasks.

    Step Five: Continuous Learning and Adaptation
    The best leaders continuously seek to learn and adapt to new ways of working, thinking, and leading. Invest in learning, attend workshops, seek peer advice, and listen to inspiring podcasts. This curiosity and willingness to adapt will fuel your leadership potential and keep you ahead of the game.

    By implementing these five strategies, you can level up your leadership game. If you found today’s episode helpful, please leave a review or rating and share it with others. Winter in Australia can be a reflective time—use it to assess your leadership skills and determine which of these strategies you can adopt to elevate your capabilities.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you in the next podcast episode.

    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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  • Are you striving to become a leader but keep getting shut down for no reason? Are you feeling stuck or undervalued? If so, then today’s episode is for you!

    I want to share something that has genuinely changed my life. It's an exercise born out of a challenging time that turned into one of my most powerful personal growth tools, branding exercises, and leadership strategies.

    The "Three Words" Exercise
    First, you need to write down three words that you believe best describe yourself. We don’t want “I’m nice” or “I’m a good worker”, go deeper and come up with answers like “I’m great at communicating or solving problems”. These words serve as a mirror reflecting how you perceive yourself in various aspects of your life, whether it be in your career, leadership style, or personal brand.

    Then, I challenge you to seek out three people who can give you the three words they think best describe you. Make sure you’re asking people you trust and who’ll be honest. Avoid people who sugarcoat things or who you’d feel uncomfortable with. I know reaching out for help with this is scary, I’ve been there. But trust me, the insights you'll gain are priceless. When I did it, I was surprised—and a little shaken—by what I heard. But that discomfort? It was the push I needed to bridge the gap between how I saw myself and how others saw me.

    My Experience
    The first time I did this exercise, it wasn’t intentional. I thought I was ready for a leadership role, but my boss didn't see it that way. I confided in a friend looking for comfort but instead, he told me the truth. At work, I was seen as laid back and fun- a good employee but not necessarily leadership material. It was hard to accept but eventually, I realised he was right and got to work changing things. It wasn’t easy, change never is, but at least now I knew the way forward. And it paid off! A year later, I landed the leadership role I’d been after.

    So, here's my challenge to you: try the "Three Words" exercise. Use the feedback to fuel your growth and become the best version of yourself. And remember to embrace the discomfort because that's where the magic happens.


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  • Did you know that your mindset can be your superpower? Never have I experienced the truth of this more than when I was diagnosed with cancer. Facing an enemy within, I’ve had to fuel and protect my mindset with intention. I believe in the power of mindset so much that I dedicated an entire chapter to this in my book, You Always Have a Choice.

    Today, we’re exploring how you too can harness the power of your mindset to achieve the success that you’re after.

    Firstly, l take you through a short quiz to help you determine which of these two mindsets you have:

    Fixed mindset Growth mindset

    While a fixed mindset may keep you stuck in your ways and adamant that your way is right, a growth mindset is one that is open to change, learning and embracing others’ perspectives. I talk about the importance of developing that growth mindset, so you can stand in resilience and succeed no matter what challenges may come your way.

    We’ll explore Ernest Hemingway’s iceberg model, which states that while people usually only see our 10% - being our results and outcomes - our real power lies in the 90% below the surface. This refers to our behaviours, decisions, attitudes and beliefs that shape who we are.

    So what is happening for you in the 90% below? Is there something you need to change in order to adopt a healthy mindset that will help you grow? I take you through some practical strategies to help you influence your mindset and in turn, your actions.

    The good news is, your mindset is malleable. And it needs to be if you are going to adapt to change or grow in life. So, join me today and get inspired to truly look within and create that solid foundation for the success and happiness you so desire.


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  • There’s a tendency for so many leaders to constantly want more, do more and strive to be more. But what happens when we continue to forge ahead without ever slowing down?

    I know firsthand how operating like this can lead to burnout. So today, I’m talking about an incredibly important yet undervalued strategy that will get you the results you want: taking pause.

    While it may seem counterintuitive to stop and breathe in the midst of all the busyness, it’s often the very thing we need to be able to keep going - and improving. I talk about the benefits of pressing the pause button, such as giving your brain a break from overthinking, enabling yourself to process the chaos and reducing overwhelm.

    By stepping back from the constant busyness in our work and personal lives, we create space for self-awareness and enhance our capacity for growth. I encourage you to develop a daily practice in setting aside time to breathe, reflect and reconnect with your centre.

    A simple breathwork practice can work wonders to calm your nervous system, and I take you through a breathing technique you can implement in your routine to ground yourself when you’re in overwhelm.

    I also share with you 5 practical tips to effectively press the pause button:

    Pick your quiet time Set the length of time for your pause Find your solitude Remove distractions Sit with the silence

    Taking pause is not just a valuable strategy to enhance your performance and that of your team; it’s a mindset shift that will empower you to choose how you show up in the world, both as a leader and an individual.

    So join me today and learn the tools and techniques to help you become the most resilient and effective leader you can be.


    Order My New Book “You Always Have A Choice” here

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    Instagram: @juliehydeleads


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