Chào mọi người,
This episode introduces how popular online shopping is in Vietnam and things you should bear in mind when you go shopping on Vietnam's most popular e-commerce platforms.
Check out the transcript here:
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Chào mọi người,
Long time no see. This episode brings you to one of my favorite cities, Hanoi, and I'll share some exciting places in Hanoi with you.
I know it's not hard at all to find authentic local food stalls and interesting places to discover around Hanoi. By just putting some keyword sets related to "Hanoi" on Google, it will return tons of relevant information about where to go, and what to eat. So I'm not trying to become a local travel blogger here ^^
Since this podcast is about language learning, I will just pick some of my own favorite spots in Hanoi and introduce them to you. Hope you have fun learning Vietnamese while having more options when you travel to Hanoi.
Check out the transcript here:
P/S: Since my voice in this episode is quite small, please turn up your phone volume to hear it more clearly :D
Fehlende Folgen?
This episode introduces words & phrases that can only be found in real life conversations. Applying these words to your conversations, you can make your Vietnamese levels sound much more natural and cool.
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since my last episode was on air. Not sure if there's anyone still listening to my podcast. I am sorry for making you wait.
I now come back and in this 3rd episode, I want to share with you some little random yet interesting facts about Vietnam that you might or might not know. Come check it out and you can also get the full transcript on my website. Again, welcome back !!!
Let me tell you, honestly even for a native speaker, Vietnamese language is so damn hard.
We've still made spelling mistakes quite a lot. Very often, foreign learners cannot distinguish between:
"chưa" and "trưa";
"dành", "rành" and "giành", OR
"cuốc" and "quốc", and more
How to address yourself and other people in Vietnamese might also take you weeks to remember all the words and use them properly. In this episode, let's summarize how to address in Vietnamese. I will also introduce you some interesting ways of addressing other people that you may not know.
I was born in a Northern province around 80 kilometers far from Hanoi. Since I was a child, I have grown a huge interest for food. Trying new cuisines is my favorite part whenever I travel to a new place. But if you ask me to pick one food topic to talk, no doubt it would be about a Vietnamese typical meal that we have in daily life. It's summer now, so I'm going to talk about a SUMMER MEAL 🤤
Unlike Southern cuisine which tends to prefer sweet and sour flavors, food from the North emphasizes harmony and balanced flavors. We try not to let one taste dominate the others in one dish.
In this episode, let's discover:
What dishes are in our summer meals? Some manners Vietnamese people have in family meals Talk more about foodFor visuals related to Vietnamese dishes, please visit my IG learnauthenticvietnamese
Hi everyone, this very first episode will cover these main points:
Who will benefit the most from this podcast The reasons why I create the podcast How fun is Vietnamese language - Play on some wordsHope you guys find this episode helpful !!!
Reach me at:
IG: learnauthenticvietnamese Email: