And that's a wrap on season 1! If you liked the show, we'd love you forever if you'd give us a five star rating and glowing review. That will help spread word about the show to more people.
And do let us know what you'd like to hear from season 2! We look forward to delivering that later in 2024.
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This episode is for anyone who has experienced trauma in their lives and is looking for a better understanding of how it might be impacting their experience of visibility.
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Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode I talk about receiving visibility-related wisdom from the subconscious. I also remind you of the place to start when your mind is whirling around, trying to find the best way forward.
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In this episode I speak about the kinds of people who are most likely to be affected by visibility blocks and why.
The episode is drawn from a conversation I had with Shantini Rajah during the Spiritual Rebel Retreat she convened in 2023. Shantini is a Writing and Business Manifesting Mentor for conscious entrepreneurs. Here's where you can find out more about Shantini and you can connect with her here on Instagram.
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If you're feeling put off by the idea of being visible because the dominant form of visibility you're seeing is not a way you'd like to be visible, listen in. This episode is for you.
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In this episode, I share Bayan's experience of finding and losing and finding her voice again as she moved away from home and back again. Bayan Qutub is the founder of B-Equitable, a Saudi consultancy specialising in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Here's where you'll find her website and here's where you can connect on LinkedIn.
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In this episode I touch on why women's experience of visibility is different and one of the ways that plays out when you're building a business. I talk about the link between enthusiastic consent and marketing practices and if you're keen to learn more about that, there's a blog post here you'll want to check out.
You'll also hear from Kim Banks in this episode. If you'd like to hear more from Kim and check out her work on micro businesses, jump on over here.
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In this episode I speak about matching your nervous system with your visibility efforts so that you don't dysregulate yourself and sabotage yourself on the path to realising your intentions.
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In this episode I speak about the kind of problems you can create for yourself when you're not firmly anchored into your vision for your business. I also share a lesson I learned many years ago about trusting a vision even when you're not sure how it's all going to unfold.
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In this episode I speak about the difference between the visibility challenges you face when you're operating in an established organisation or industry and those you face as the founder of an organisation, business, or movement. I also speak about the path of peaceful visibility that's absolutely achievable for all founders.
You'll also hear from Christey West of Just People's and if you'd like to check out the great work they do there, here's where you'll find them.
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In this episode I talk about how easy it can be to get caught up in someone else's way of being visible and miss the signs that are guiding you toward a way of being visible that suits you best.
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In this episode, I speak about shifting from talking about your topic and being knowledgeable about your topic, to becoming a living, breathing expression of it.
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"You might've heard that old saying Do as I say, not as I do. The learning around embodying your message is shifting from that to Do as I do, be as I be.
There are many ways that we can move into that:
First of all, thinking differently. Sometimes that's enough to start to change the way we do things.Often we need another layer of habit change, where we deliberately focus on habits, understanding how they work, and understanding how to shift them.But the fastest way that I have ever come across for creating change - permanent lasting change - is by sitting with somebody or being in the presence of somebody who is embodied in what you're trying to move toward."
Listen in for more!
In this episode, I share a concept that I have found extremely useful when thinking about how to talk about my body of work in a way that wasn't confusing to myself or others and wove together a whole lot of interests and ideas that seem unrelated.
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"I came up with this concept first of all for myself, because I found after working many years in a very A-type personality style and with very unhealthy masculine traits of pushing and not really listening to my body and really trying to work in a very logical, and factory-like manner, I got very sick.
As a consequence, I decided I would never work that way again. So the first many years of my business were about exploring what working looks like if it doesn't look like that. I relied very much on intuitive guidance and intuitive nudges, and I relied on the wisdom of my body."
Listen in for more!
In this episode, I share the four different influences impacting on your experience of visibility and potentially causing blocks that need to be cleared if you wish to feel at ease with speaking up and being seen and heard.
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"Then we have the intergenerational experience, which is about your specific lineage - your ancestors and then also your descendants, the people who may come after you in your ancestral line. That lineage carries its own story of visibility... Let's say you have an ancestral pattern where the women in your family did not get the chance to live the lives of their dreams. Where they were in some form of servitude to other people. Where they were considered secondary players in their home or in their societies.
By connecting with that lineage and then doing work to heal the wounding associated with showing up on your own terms, being powerful, or expressing yourself in a way that feels authentic to you feels true to you."
Listen in for more!
In this episode, I take you through the 3 x 3 visibility matrix system that I developed to support students in expanding their reach without overwhelm, or confusion, or getting distracted by unhelpful shiny objects.
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"Within each focus area - raising awareness, communicating value, building connection - we ask the same set of questions. The first is what is my strategy? The second is what habits do I need to build or eliminate in order to implement my strategy effectively? And the third is what blocks do I need to clear in order to be sure that I follow through and not get stuck or sabotage myself?"
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In this episode, I share the ten lessons I learned from running Women Speaking Up - a year-long program - over the last four years with chronic illnesses. The lessons were;
I followed my energetic rhythms.I watched for resistance and cleaned it out rather than trying to push through it.I aligned my program delivery with my best skillsets.I pulled a small team of teachers around me to support the live elements of the program.I created a business model, that matches my best way of being visible.I worked to reduce friction in the program.I set clear boundaries.I took advantage of programmatic rhythms.I opted for simplicity and automation over delegation.I consciously brought him joy, wherever possible.EPISODE LINKS
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"When I found that people were coming in, who were feeling very scattered or very busy, or they weren't feeling very grounded and so couldn't focus or be consistent with their strategies. I went back to a lot of foundational stuff and I worked on coming into the body and developing habits around consistency and slowing down.
I looked at nervous system support because of the ungroundedness and because visibility work can be so triggering. I was aware that the work can activate our nervous systems and so sometimes I had to really focus on stabilising that element before we could continue."
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This first episode introduces you to the concept of visibility. It tells you what you can expect from this first season of the show.
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Here's a snippet from the episode;
"A lot of the visibility we see online cuts one way. It's about people trying to gain attention. It's about vanity numbers and impressing rather than connecting. But I'm interested in the kind of visibility that builds connection, and understanding that brings an experience of peace into our lives because some of our core needs are being met. Those of feeling heard and feeling witnessed."
Listen in for more and to find out what you can expect from season 1 of the podcast!