
  • The Song From Today's Episode: Vibratory Feeling

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    My service is to provide energetic support to the artist. The prayer before the art session. The prayer that turns the art session into natural meditation. I plug you in, and you bathe in bliss while making art. That is consecration. Living, emanating words that point to God. Sacred objects as living artifacts of life beyond the veil—windows to God.

    These are just words, and words don’t matter. The words point to a state of pure being. That state is beyond the senses and unfolds naturally in your heart by frequency. If the frequency is in you, you match that frequency.

    What you are in that state of pure being is a consecrated piece of life yourself. You become the consecration and emanate life. You, yourself, become the vessel of truth and naturally awaken ripe hearts. And what you create in that state comes alive and holds a seed for the ripe perceiver of the art to consume alone, as it was conceived alone. You pull the perceiver into that state, and they sit in their soul deep within and taste life.

    Today, I unfold with you the science of consecration of art.

    At age 15, I started writing songs. Songs popped in and did not knock; I obeyed and, unbeknownst to me, embarked on a spiritual journey. Music was my patient friend as one life challenge after another arose. My family went through bankruptcy, my mother suffered and passed from cancer, and I started a new life several times from zero after losing all my money in business ventures rather foolishly. All the while, life chipped away at my ego, my sense of strong and rigid identity loosened, and I surrendered to outer circumstances. Along the way, I started to notice that perhaps I could observe my inner reactions and learn from the happenings in my life. That shifted my whole perspective. I sat and observed how I felt, and by separating myself from the pain, I was no victim of the pain anymore; I was its witness. And so I witnessed a lot of pain within and surrendered those layers to God. Life started to change as I changed. I realized that the world was a mirror of my state of being. A learning ground that perfectly, beautifully reflected my torment back to me. And when I chose to learn I freed myself of that pattern repeating in my life.

    Life is a harsh teacher. Life is the best teacher.

    When you listen and learn, growth becomes imminent. Shifts occur, and life starts transforming. I call that ‘pulling roots’ instead of masking pain. I cannot control the outer world, but I realized I can become the master of my inner world. I can harbor a beautiful space that I love inhabiting.

    I tell you this to show you that art was merely a vessel for the divine to unfold in my life. Art connected me; art was my reconnection to creation, to life itself—a portal to the divine. Slowly, I became a vessel for creation to shine through. Evolution doesn’t stop, but now I have the tools to free myself of what I’ve collected.

    In time, I realized I was that state of pure being, not my accumulated past. I realized that by freeing myself from my pain, I come alive, and I come free. I also realized that I was free all along; I had merely forgotten. It’s very easy to get lost and forget the inherent love that we are beyond forms and names. We remember when we taste it. Only direct experience relays scriptures. Words that are dead will never relay God. Consecration means giving a taste.

    For artists, art can be the way home. And here I find myself in my life’s task to share that opportunity with you. You know this opportunity very well. All I can do is gently remind you of it.

    Now that we’ve established that the journey of art and the spiritual journey are synonymous, I can tell you that my art used to reflect torment as I was in a state of torment. Art is a mirror of my state of being, I’ve realized. And the purer I become, the more my songs capture love.

    Consecration of art always happens. Your work always emanates you. So the question becomes, who are you? Your art is your state of being. What do you share? What do you represent? What do you perpetuate? The question is not how to consecrate but what to share with the world. You can only share what you are. What do you currently share through your art? Is that what you want to share? Look at your art, and you see yourself.

    Creation is always looking for a pure vessel to shine through. When you empty your cup, you find yourself there. ‘You’ do not create art from that state. When you are no more, that state uses you to create. You cannot claim to have created anything. Creation creates itself. That is the birth of divine artifacts. Windows to God, if you will. And a spiritual journey takes you there. You will melt in the face of God. What you create will come alive. You yourself become a consecrated piece of life, and what you touch turns to gold.

    Feel free to use each podcast episode as a primer to jump into your art sessions. A prayer before you jump into the meditation of art. That is how I can best serve you. I plug you in.

    I want to gift you something. I crafted a community for artists to walk The Spiritual Path Of Art side by side. You will be initiated into The Spiritual Path Of Art, and you will create art in meditation and share it with us in the community. I will offer you energetic support. You may join for free today. The community will be a paid product soon.

    I realize this podcast is merely an opportunity for me to share my consciousness explorations with you in complete openness and authenticity. I humbly explore and share some findings that I’m excited about. This is my greatest joy, and I want to thank you for being at the receiving end of it all. This work means a great deal to me. It is my salvation. The road that leads me home to myself and home to God. With each step I take toward unfolding my life’s work, I melt into my work and am more free with each step I take. In a sense, I am documenting the journey of unbecoming through my work. I couldn’t be more excited about what this project is turning into. I just wanted to thank you.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Artist Bird

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Creation plays by its own drum, balancing the scales. I am but a speck on my isolated road. There’s the world’s heartbeat, but mine beats differently. I am selfish; is that where I go wrong?

    Art restores my connection. Art reminds me to be humble. Art is my gift of union. When there is art, there is but one collective being. And I am it. And I am nothing. When I swim in art, I drown and am the water and its waves.

    Artist = Instrument Of Creation; Art = Window To God

    Today, I want to explore God with you. God through your being. Personal identity collapsing into the unity of life. A bridge to the living. A door to the divine. And creating art as the tool, as the portal. Art as the extended helping hand.

    In a state of flow and deep work, the most fulfilling time is spent. You dive in, are all consumed by your work and you are no more when you create. Creation happens through you. Such states invoke immense joy and pleasure. Such states are most desirable to create things of value in the world. But a select few access these states naturally. Even fewer retain them.

    Some use alcohol to induce a free state. Some use sexual energy and power. Others use drugs. Some master a field to the point that instinct takes over, and they train themselves to let the ego go and let God take over. Some fall into meditation through grace and conceive the most divine artifacts. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to cultivate a state of pure being, supreme intensity, full involvement of body and soul, and train oneself to leave the ego at the door? I maintain it is. And not just that. I will unfold with you the how.

    Being alive in a sea of death, being the eye of the storm, being the water deep in the sea where all the movements subside is where God resides. The ego cannot enter. One must enter uncloaked, empty their cup, and humbly surrender. One is no more when one is with God. I cannot be with God. But I can be. That is the riddle. The ‘I’ will never exclaim to know. The journey of the ‘I’ is confusion that leads to ultimate surrender.

    The road disappearing before your eyes. The apparent journey of surrendering the past and trauma step by step until there is no journey, no destiny. And that is the destiny. Your work becomes the death of you. Through your work, you heal, and you will end in God. That is the part of the art. To make you commune and be no more.

    You can only know life by becoming life itself. You are this, or you are that. Real artists are life itself. Real artists create with God. Real artists, through creating art, remove the residue of the past. Real artists create living art as they come alive through their art. And living art nurtures as it emanates God. Real art is infused by grace, an opportunity that plants seeds in the perceiver of the art as it was conceived alone. As it was conceived alone, such art is consumed alone.

    Such art gives a taste. A direct experience of the state of pure being. And hence that is what I gift you here. I cannot explain in words but I can take you there. Let me. The highest act of an artist is to give direct experience of life to the dead. Make the dead come alive momentarily.

    Once you taste your state of pure being, you know that is you. From that stance, you may embark on a spiritual journey. See, the problem is that when you bathe in bliss and are whole in God, you are that, but the world pokes you into dispersion. Your consciousness projects into the world. Why is that? There are hooks that pull you out of the state of pure being that is your inherent being. These hooks are outer stimuli that mirror your inner state back to you. The world is a mirror of your state of being. Be grateful to these hooks. You may see your trauma and surrender these layers to God. Come conscious, catch emotional responses, and choose otherwise. That is the spiritual journey in a nutshell. You reprogram your nervous system. It takes work, and it’s painful.

    The more you free yourself, the more pleasurable your inner experience becomes. You will feel supreme joy, and through that state, you may create beautiful art and show others what it means to heal and come alive. That is the task of the artist. But in this age of death, artists have forgotten their task in the world. Art today is a mirroring of trauma. A resonance of past pain. A poking of some emotional need or want. And art will not change until the artists change. And artists are starting to change right now.

    Your art is a mirror of your state of being. As you release layers of past trauma, your art will shine brighter and brighter. The meditation practice of an artist is making art. The spiritual path of art is unbecoming through art. Using art as a divine tool for soul healing. Your work is your salvation, not a perpetuation of past trauma and ingraining of layers of falsehood. Free yourself, and don't reaffirm your prison. Come alive.

    And I will help you. I crafted a community for artists to walk The Spiritual Path Of Art side by side. It’s the most powerful tool I’ve built, and today, you may join for free. Free for a lifetime if you join now. The community will be a paid product soon.


    Artists are dried up, thirsty, and starving as they lost their connection to the divine. They long to be plugged in, reconnect, and cultivate that connection. I am a conduit. I infuse my words with grace through a state of pure being. I plug you in.


    Become an instrument of creation through spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is the practice of surrender & release of layers of accumulated past (fabricated protection mechanism in response to trauma: identity structure/ false self) that results in complete alignment with life through uncovering the authentic self, your life's task, and direct experience of God.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

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  • The Song From Today's Episode: Artist Bird

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Every morning, I ask myself: How can I best serve the world today? What needs to be said through me today? I want to serve the world uniquely, expressing my soul authentically. By projecting my soul into the world, I attract like-hearts and gradually build a community of like-minds.

    Who are you? Who are you, and what can you uniquely provide? Entrepreneurship means creating a business around your authentic soul expression. It begins and ends with self-knowledge.

    When you ask me what I do, I say, 'I make sleeping artists roar.' But to arrive at that took me fifteen years. Fifteen years from the day I picked up the guitar to the day I wrote the 'God And Art' book series.

    My journey became my gem. I love spirituality, artistry, and entrepreneurship. I have always built businesses and worked for myself. Spirituality is at the core of my being and worldview. Through that lens, I have faced life challenges and evolve daily. My art is a living, breathing representation of me—a snapshot of me frozen in time, an artifact of me. My business is an extension of me and is evolving. I am what I create, and what I create evolves with me.

    To come to your answer might take you another few years. The fastest way to explore your life's work is to keep making art and exploring your interests fully. Follow your joy, and it will lead you to where you are needed.

    Your thing will be a unique-niche-little thing, not a broad thing. How does one make money with that? The internet has vastly extended job opportunities, and most people have not realized this yet. The internet is the great equalizer. You need no permission from anyone. Anyone with a niche interest may explore it, build an audience around it, serve their tribe, and eventually create products for them. This is not just possible; it is the future.

    Don't use force to uncover your life's work. Your life's work will find you like water finds the hole in your roof. Be patient, make art, and don't stop walking.

    Once a hazy outline of your soul's work appears, you may further explore it by exploring it publically. You choose a media channel and create content. This has multiple advantages. By creating content, you see if you enjoy the topic, the topic naturally evolves with you, and you get feedback from the world from which you then iterate, all the while you slowly build an audience. This is the fastest way I know of to arrive at serving the world by evolution in time. You can't go wrong by modeling the best system that exists, nature. Natural selection is how the world evolves. Natural selection is how your ideas and interests evolve.

    Taste and genre are downstream effects of exploring your passion publicly. You will learn everything you need by yourself on the road from real-world action that leads to real-world feedback that leads to the proper iteration that leads to proper outcomes.

    A common pitfall is the noise on the internet. Choose one media channel and ignore all others. This step is about allowing your thing to find you, not about amassing an audience. You might even shoot yourself in the foot by gathering an audience around the wrong thing. Tinker with ideas and interests and see where they lead you.

    Naturally, over time, you will see signals in the form of emails, comments, and shares that a certain group of people likes the value you provide. This is my current state. I recently started receiving emails from subscribers thanking me for the content I create and sharing how it impacts their lives. A lady shared my work with her audience. An artist sent me his artwork. My early supporters turned into pen pals, and pen pals turned into friends. That's pretty cool.

    These signals are invaluable. Something in you shifts when you realize that what you do is needed. That you are valued. That you do have a place in the world. That there are people that understand you! To me, that was a revelation. There are like-hearts out there, after all. I just had to share my authentic voice with the world. It took all my courage to do so, but it was worth it.

    I strongly remember how scared I was to be me on the internet. I always hid my spiritual side from friends and family, and now everyone sees I'm this weirdo on the internet. I remember struggling a lot. Likely, you will, too. But let me tell you. After you get feedback from your people, that all melts away. You do it for them and no one else.

    You cannot miss resonance. If you are unsure, things have not clicked yet. Be patient and work on this step with real-world action, feedback, and iteration—evolution in time, with pain faced. Natural selection will take you to where you are needed. Don't stop walking.

    Now, before you create any product, answer the following. What is your audience's current state, and what is their desired state? How will what you create get them from their current state to their desired state? Your solution is your product.

    Once you have a rough idea of your solution to their problem, you write a Call To Action (CTA) and add it to the end of every content piece you share. Mine was something along these lines: 'I am thinking of creating a community about X. Please let me know if you are interested by commenting or emailing me.' Keep it short and ask for feedback. Do this until you have a good idea if people like your idea and what they like about it.

    No matter what product or business you want to create online, I suggest that you let the product evolve out of a community. That doesn't mean that the community is the product. It could be a vehicle that takes you to your product. Through a community, you will understand what the members need, and you will create that. It could be a service, courses, events, or products like books. For example, a paid community with community-only content, perhaps live calls, or some form of coaching.

    The key is not to build something just because you want to create it. The key is to let the right thing form from a true need. You will workshop your product with members.

    I suggest you create a Skool community and set it up. I love this software. This is the software I use to host my community. Your first version is your scrappy first try that will evolve with the members. Take a few hours to set up an environment for the first members to join. Don't overthink this step, as the community will evolve fast to better versions with real-world feedback from members that you collect by offering personal guidance.

    Personal, one-on-one guidance is crucial. I am offering personal guidance currently to the first members who join my community. You may join for free today if you like! I'll link the community in the show notes. We walk the spiritual path of art side by side, and I initiate you into the spiritual path of art. It's the most powerful tool I've built. And it's free if you join right now. It stays free for you if you engage and help me build it.

    Now, know that not everyone will be interactive, but the few that are shape the world you intend to create. Those members are the lifeblood and heartbeat of the community. They feel involved and create this world with you. As they do, they'll stay for life and be your greatest advocates.

    Have fun, and give this step time to unfold. Never force the community to be something. You are merely another member! Your community is not about you but about them. They are the center of attention. Behave like a member, don't be the know-it-all, and stay behind the scenes. Encourage members by liking posts, but don't lead any conversation in any direction. Natural selection, not breeding.

    How do you get the first members to join? Create a CTA at the end of every content piece, introducing the community briefly and stating that the community is free to join now. State that you offer personal guidance to the first members who join. If you have content-audience resonance, members will join quickly.

    Here comes the magic! You will workshop your ideas for paid products with your members. Ask them what they want and build that. Ship a minimal solution to their problem and evolve it with feedback. Let a few members test it for free. This step is unique to your own passions and community needs. A product-passion fit is necessary for you to enjoy the business you are building. Build the business that you will love to run!

    As you have already guessed, I have created this framework for myself. I am building this very business in 2025. Today, I set myself the goal of replacing my monthly expenses through my business this year. I am placing a CTA at the end of every piece of content I share. I am also increasing the frequency of my podcast episodes.

    Building a business is like pushing a stationary train, but once it moves, it's hard to stop it. This framework is the best way I know to build a cash-flowing business with viable products for real customers. Subscribe to see me build it. And join the community!

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: I'm The State Of The World

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    I am a writer. Writing ritualistically every morning is my discipline. My daily routine is ingrained in my being. Synapses fire, and I produce pages without much effort. I train myself to fall into a trance. I submit to my task at hand. My task is all that exists; the world falls quiet.

    I start by reciting my morning prayer. I realized writing is not about me, you see. It is not about my business, money generated, or eyeballs captured. It is about serving the world in my own way, in the best way I can. Writing is how I serve the world. And I give my entire being to my life’s work.

    How can I best serve the world today? How can I be of service today? What needs to be said through me today? What does the artist need to hear? Who am I serving? How can I serve them right now, right here? I submit and humbly serve. I am but a vessel. This paradigm shift causes a change in my heart. I write out of joy, and I write for you.

    Writing is an area I want to master. I enjoy the difficulty, the strain of deliberate practice, and the challenge of extending myself to my limits each day. I put in the hours. I also face the resistance I feel before I fall into trance. Once in flow, pain melts away. I am proud of myself.

    Beauty in writing is to say what needs to be relayed and no more. Beauty is simplicity and eloquence. Beautiful prose reads like a poem. Uniqueness comes from the fragrance of my soul. Only I can say these words. These words need to find expression through me.

    Beauty in an area of life comes from strain and personal discipline. Once the artist extends herself beyond her limits and submits herself fully to her work, all effort melts, and the work is left. On the road to mastery, the artist becomes the road itself. As long as there is ‘me’ in my work, I have failed. When you see yourself in my work, I have succeeded.

    A master puts aside her ego and works for the people she serves. A master faces herself every day to be of service. That is her gift to the world. She puts aside her own comfort, and in that act, she comes alive in her work. Her secret is that her work works on her as much as she works on her work. Her work heals her session by session. She flows with life and comes alive. Her work emanates beauty.

    Once in flow, the work is untouched by the vessel. Once in flow, the work works itself out. The artist observes the work being birthed through her hands—a divine artifact of collapsing individuality into God. Many years of strain will eventually lead to an experience of greater creation. At the edge of mastery lies God.

    A genius lets the divine do it all. Takes credit. Knows he’s a fool. The more one tries, the less genius one is. The more one surrenders, the more intelligent one becomes. Life is intelligence. Geniuses don’t stand in the way of life.

    My work is my meditation practice. The meditation practice of an artist is creating art. I trust life. Life shows me what I need to see, gives me what I need to have, and takes what I need to let go. I trust the process. Let me share it with you.

    The Infinite Game Of Making And Sharing Art

    I play the infinite game of making and sharing art. When art is created, I grow, but my world stays the same. When my art meets the world, I grow, and the world responds. That feedback loop is the game I play. I suggest you play it too.

    Make art, be courageous enough to ship it, and repeat. That is every successful artist’s little secret. Meditation is you being you to the brim. What overflows is art.

    I call my process ‘The Infinite Game of Making And Sharing Art.’ Let’s break it down.

    Infinite: Collecting compound interest for life internally and externally.

    Game: Fun, has levels, never ends, sucks at times, hurts, and brings unmatched joy.

    Making: Where the work and magic happen, evolve or die, rebirths and struggles.

    Sharing: Find the courage to share devotional work and enter a life of service.

    Art: Take an artist and put them into meditation; let them meet God. What overflows is art.

    I play the infinite game of making and sharing art. That is my recipe, my sanity, and my muse. This is the only proven way. The only equation that works. Evolution with time, pain, iteration, and suffering makes you the artist you are born to become. Meet your full potential by understanding the equation. It is up to you to live up to your potential. God creates. His children create when they know him. His children are created in his image. He loves and overflows, so he creates his children and lets them play and evolve freely, making decisions and learning from real repercussions. He lets them walk alone, and he lets them choose to return to him. Freedom is his name. Create, birth, and become. Struggles shall mend your soul and make you pure to see the world as it is—Alive in your rays.

    I am an artist, and that means I live the life of an artist.

    I am the artist type. I love freedom. This might not work for you. Maybe it will. Listen closely.

    The Life Of An Artist

    I keep my options open. Right now, I am writing this podcast episode. But I have no plans beyond that. Plans are mostly useless, except for social commitments and dental visits. Furthermore, they stand in the way of life. Very literally, they take you layers away from reality. I believe in optionality. I believe that new information comes at me daily and that I cannot possibly know what I prefer tomorrow and even less what happens tomorrow that affects my future. Probabilistic knowledge and projections are fine; plans set in stone are against our nature. Things change. Life is to be lived intelligently in the moment with options and information at our disposal. The podcast episodes surprise me; I discover them just as you do. While you explore the words, I explore the words. I never know what I will write until I do. Surprisingly, it works out well, and everything runs smoothly. How can that be? I used to force life, and nothing worked; all was complex, and I had stressful nights and even more anxious days. How will I provide for myself and make my business run? —Forcing myself onto life in full force. The knowledge available to our ego is very limited. When you make yourself available to real creation, something much vaster takes over that knows the best action, and you take it. You learn to obey and let life work itself out. You trust that this is exactly what you need right now, and you better learn from it to free yourself of this pattern coming at you in the future. You learn that life has its plans, and you better listen. You also learn that when you listen, good things happen. Intuition is a fine organ. Petty ignorance is futile. Nature is highly intelligent; we stand in the way of life. How ignorant of us to think we operate best with our limited knowledge. We are part of a connected intelligence that we swim in. We can use that to your advantage. Life is more fun that way, too. Creative living, spontaneous living combined with intelligent use of the intellect and still keeping social commitments and filing taxes seems like a great life—the life of an artist.

    I meet the day fully. No plans or schedules. Pure unfoldment.

    It’s impractical when you don’t know yourself—the best life when you do.

    I have an opportunity for you. I crafted a community for artists to walk The Spiritual Path Of Art side by side. It’s the most powerful tool I’ve built, and today, you may join for free. Free for a lifetime if you join now. The community will be a paid product soon.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: I'm The State Of The World

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    The world is a mirror. I see my past reflected in my beautiful face. I see the world not as it is but through the filter of my past, as my traumatic responses to outer stimuli. Once I surrender those traumatic responses, the outside world will not poke and bug me as much; my inner world will be serene to see reality as it is. I don't see the world; I see my past. I don't see my partner; I see my past. I don't see my art; I see my past. I don't see God; I see myself.

    Relationships are for spiritual growth. My partner mirrors my trauma back to me. I don't see them; I see my projections. Lucky me! Now, to heal, I face my trauma on the path to genuine relating.

    When my partner bugs me and pokes me, I watch my emotional responses. I take full responsibility for my internal world. Chances are, my past is what bugs me, not the person that I love. I conditioned my nervous system to respond in a particular way. Is that useful? It feels nasty inside; shall I perpetuate my misery? Shall I project that nastiness to my partner? Is that nice? I take full responsibility and choose otherwise!

    Patience, humbleness, and acute self-awareness are the ingredients for facing the past to free the future. Collapsing past wounds into resolutions of love brings partners close and encourages future resolutions in love. Both partners have to be able to take responsibility for their reactions and see the other person's perspective.

    In romantic relationships, open communication in complete vulnerability leads to dissolving trauma responses into love. Such resolutions collapse distance and unite in love. The romantic partner is the greatest teacher. I don't see her; I see my past trauma reflected in my beautiful face. I don't blame her, but instead, I sit, resolve my pain, and communicate in complete truth, openness, receptivity, and vulnerability. Such resolutions of genuine love can only be met with love. Miracles and wonders of love will permeate the relationship.

    Relationships are not meant for joy solely; how could they in my current state? Pain naturally arises as past layers of trauma appear, and that trauma causes distance and coldness between me and my partner until the trauma is resolved with responsibility in humbleness alone. Then, distance collapses as both partners share their conclusions in love.

    Picture a sinus wave that grows more and more toward the center as time goes on. Image HERE

    After each trauma response, distance arises between the partners. The partners look into the mirror and resolve their traumatic responses with complete responsibility. Then, in complete vulnerability and open communication, love collapses the distance, and growth in love happens. Such is the journey to union here on earth. Growth in love is but natural in partnerships where traumas are faced acutely and consciously. Soul growth is recognized as the main purpose of the partnership. Coldness and distance are but natural in partnerships where the spiritual growth component is ignored.

    Grow in love with your partner, or marry your trauma and live with it. Or hop from partnership to partnership only to get the same trauma reflected on your beautiful face. Your soul wants to free itself. The world is a mirror. Divine partnerships are the way home. Awaken genuine love in your heart by working on your trauma responses, and in time a like soul will enter your life by frequency, and you can both share the growth journey and collapse pain to unite in love.

    Love Can Only Be Met With Love

    No one can reject an authentic & honest resolution in total vulnerability. Resolve like that.

    No one can reject an authentic & honest relationship in total vulnerability. Love like that.

    No one can reject an authentic & honest song in total vulnerability. Make art like that.

    Let your natural expression — Be the miracle.

    Frauds & Images

    When people are relating, they are relating through images. I have an image of myself. You have an image of me. They are not one. I have an image of you. You have an image of yourself. They are not one. I am not my image. You are not your image. People never meet.

    When you start shedding layers of your image, you feel like a fraud. The new and the old image collide. You know this; others notice. It's painful until you notice that no image is you. You are beyond any image, holy or otherwise. Good or bad. Then, refinement becomes simple.

    Refinement is necessary. Create a freer, more habitable image, but shed that image also. Love can only be met with love. You don't need to hold an image of yourself. Your soul is free in total vulnerability and complete self-expression (no filter through any image). Then you are not a fraud but yourself.

    Refinement is endless; evolution doesn't stop. You get closer and closer to who you are and get to know your essence, God, and creation deeper through inner knowledge. You unfold knowledge within your heart and gain insight by refining yourself. It feels like you are becoming yourself again, yet you never were anything but your soul. You remember, learn, grow, and humbly share some of the gifts you uncover within yourself. With time, your world starts changing, and you experience love around you. Life becomes beautiful as you become beautiful.

    I am that I am—the moment you cloak the 'I Am' in an image, you seemingly cage your essence.

    Let's conclude: People never meet. It is impossible to meet in the land of images. Without images, souls meet in genuine love. Then, you can start the journey of authentic relating. You will emanate love and naturally attract a like soul.

    'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Exodus 20:4

    When I blame the world for how I feel inside, I am a victim of circumstance. I take my power back by observing my reactions acutely and surrendering them to God. The real me is my soul, that is completely free of the image that I've assumed and perfectly capable of surrendering my past to God. When I meditate or make art, I am free of my pain. I know the experience of utter freedom, yet the coat of past, the identity I've assumed, holds me prisoner. It's time I choose otherwise. It's time I take my power back. It's time I recognize lessons for what they are: manifestations of outer stimuli that poke past wounds for me to purge the past for good. I stop running. I am grateful for the world that mirrors myself back to me. All I see is me until I see God. All that I witness is me (my past). The world is me. Beyond the world lies God. The unity that I am looking for lies beyond my past, lies beyond my pain, lies dormant for me to find myself standing where I stood all along: one in love, at home with God.

    If words resonate, join 'The Road For Artists' Community, linked below, where we walk The Road side by side, and I initiate you into the Spiritual Path Of Art!

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: House Of Glass

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    I don't conceal; I sing my soul; I fly like a bird. My art is unapologetically me. I am most free in my art. My art is my direct soul expression. Frida Kahlo is her art. Picasso is his art. And so I, too, must become my art.

    I experience utter freedom expressing through art; I flow. I unbecome in the act. The act remains; I am no more. Selflessness. To disappear into the act, to become the act itself. I don't control the art but it sure controls me. My art owns me and I obey. I go where it takes me. I may become life but I cannot own it. I am that or I am not that. I am art or I am not. Being art is an art form! The greatest artists become art; become beauty itself. Engaging in the act of art they surrender themselves to God. They let go of themselves and trust in life, and so life happens through them.

    I am autonomous in my art. I am independent, sitting in my soul, concealed from the world but reentering life—in the world but not of the world. I am my art! Am I policing myself?

    I become great through creative output, facing pain in time. I become a master by unlearning it all. The world put me in a fine box—constraints that aid, they say. Art doesn't bloom in a box—art blooms in freedom. Art blooms in living souls.

    I must die to myself, to my collected past, to all that I think I am, to the shape I've assumed—an inorganic, robotic, mimicking, fragile artist seeking solid ground. Art has no ground. Art is alive. Art flows. There is no shape to cling to.

    I die to all that I have accumulated, to all that was taught, to art that came before me, and to art that I think I should and could create. I surrender it all. Who am I? I'm to find out. Dying to the accumulated me as mastery requires death. I learn to free fall. I don't paint by a frame given to me. Where is the frame? Tell me. There is no frame.

    Speed. Motion. Creative output. Picasso painted a painting a day; what do I do? Ferocious advancement through facing pain in time. One painting at a time. One song at a time; freeing my little soul. Authentic soul expression is art. Where is authenticity in a box? I am scared of the unknown. Where is the 'I' in art? Not knowing who I am, how could I create what I am? How does one make art as their authentic soul expression? Well, I must find out who I am, to begin with. And I start by demolishing all that I am not.

    By facing my current self, which dies to my emerging self, I set my future free. I set myself free. A clean slate; an empty canvas. Come to the canvas empty. I empty my cup. I don't assume. I give myself completely to my art.

    The voices in my head and heart scream, are confused and wrestle with me. I look at them. For the first time, I accept them and witness them fight. Who are they fighting with? What are they fighting for? I don't know. It sure seems foreign to me and a little amusing, to tell you the truth. I smile. I walk to the canvas and paint the most atrocious thing I ever painted. But I don't quite mind. It's something new and fresh. No one ever taught me to paint that! So ugly yet so beautiful. Nothing planned; everything unplanned. Every stroke, a completely fresh moment in time, never lived before. The painting takes shape, and I see a bird, and then the bird turns into a forest, and the forest into a bird. The mistakes merge into an ocean of green, and the experience feels like I am taking off an old, heavy, dusty coat.

    I want to soar like a bird. Art is alive. Am I alive? How can death create life? The dead create dead art for the dead. I think it's about coming alive. Coming alive through art. And so I come alive through my art and let my art come alive through me. That is the highest potential of a blooming artist. I come alive and bring the world with me.

    I want to learn to live aligned with life. I don't want to fight anymore. I lived through enough pain alone, shielding myself from life and love. I am done walking alone. Perhaps there is more.

    And I fall to my knees.

    'Today I serve you, God, show me the way. Today I'm yours, God, show me the way. Today, I listen; today, I serve to bring the greatest joy to the world, the greatest joy that I can bring. Take my fate, work miracles through me, and show me the way.

    Today, I don't walk alone to sing my songs on my own; today I sing my songs for you. Today, I don't walk alone to write my words on my own; today, I write my words for you.'

    I learn to taste life, eat it whole, digest it, and become life itself. When I make art, I am my art. I am life itself. I cannot claim it; I can sure ride the wave. I can bathe in bliss while making art. My dusty self of past is waiting for me like a good dog when I exit my studio, nothin' to fear. The coat of past will wait for me.

    I can be in a state of love while in the presence of God when I create art. I heal through my art; every art session is a purge. My past falls off me like it was never mine. Pain melts in the face of God, and I come alive. I dance with life, and life dances through me. Who creates the art? Where am 'I' in all of this? I feel most alive when I leave myself at the door. The art needs me whole. The art demands I submit myself completely. The art demands to create itself. The art demands that I am a willing participant. The art demands my soul paints. I am a vessel, no more, no less. My soul takes the stage, and I am healing. Maybe I am my soul, you see. Maybe I am that, you know? The being that paints. But it sure feels too divine for me to say that. Perhaps life is intelligent and plays me a fool. Yet I am very happy she plays me a fool! I am hers and I create for her alone. That is a secret. I don't know very much. That is the secret. I come alive. Death is not art. Art is alive! Slowly, I come to believe that I, too, might be alive. In the little moments when I forget myself, that is. What I forget might be simply what I've gathered. And what I've gathered cannot possibly be me. When I drop my coat of past I stand alone.

    I move through the air as much as the air moves me. I hear the birds outside my window and slip into a spell that emanates love from my heart in the form of art. Time flies by, and when I look up in utter amazement at the art that I could have never created alone, it birthed itself through my hands. Is that mine? Was that me? I emerge from my art session with newfound freedom. The path of art is the path of the soul. Painting the past to free the future. Singing the song to be free of the pain.

    Transforming the old into the new until love is left. Torment turns to love. And living art pokes life into stale hearts. I make art to heal myself until the scales tip and the art heals the world.

    Masters emanate bliss, burst with life, and beam fruitful art effortlessly. Effort is only required creating through the filter of the past. When there is no more past, there is no more filter. When the 'I' collapses into the piece of art, that piece of art comes alive and emanates God. Without a filter, the art creates itself. Art is a tool to surrender layers of restrictions of authentic soul expression. Art is a path that ends in God. Art is divine as it takes you home. Don't stop walking. Melt your pain and bring love to the world.

    'I've no idea where any of this just came from.'

    That's the magic of art: it makes us commune with God through it. That's the kind of magic I enjoy so much: To enter flow and let the work work itself out. That's the pleasure of creating art: it creates itself.

    If words resonate, join 'The Road For Artists' Community, linked below where we walk the road side by side, and I initiate you into the Spiritual Path Of Art.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: I'll End In My Heart

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Mastery in an area of life is you dying to yourself in that area of life. You've surrendered yourself to your work and are no more when you create. You freely create without the mask of identity boxing you in. You are your soul when you create. You enter the flow of life and disappear into the work.

    The resistance you feel creating and mastering any field is the past self dying to itself. The past gets surrendered, and you are free of that layer of the past. The past comes up as emotional turmoil, and with each step toward your goal, you burn it away. Eventually, you sail freely and create without the past, without the mask of identity. That is mastery. You walk the road until you become the road.

    When Picasso paints, he paints like a child. He paints in utter freedom. He paints without knowing what he'll paint; he just paints. He absorbs into the painting, and the activity of painting is left. There is the painter, the activity of painting, and the physical object (the painting). But perhaps there is just God. All collapses into the flow of life. You are the dance itself, and you submit. You leave your intellect at the door. Your ego cannot enter the dance. Your past burns in the face of God.

    The painting dictates Picasso's every move. I watched him paint a cubism painting in five minutes (see the video in the show notes HERE). He has no clue what the painting is going to be but paints, and the painting comes together. Magically, the moves fall together in one effortless dance of painting. The painting starts one thing and ends quite unexpectedly, embodying an entirely different shape and character. What's the mystery of Picasso?

    He learned from the greats, learned technique, imitated, and replicated. That phase I call 'The Box'. Then, he rebelled, broke all rules and norms, and developed his own style and character. Let's call this phase 'Breaking The Box'. But the past burns in the face of mastery. The identity melts, and the ego is surrendered to the act of divine creation. Now there is no more box left, only art. And that is art. Death is not art; art is alive. Art created free from the past, without the mask of identity, comes from a deep, intuitive space. Making art becomes meditation and an ecstatic expression of the soul for its own sake. That state gets captured into the piece of art, and that piece of art comes alive and emanates God. That is art. Death is not art.

    In mastery, the voices subside, and the intellect submits. All moves are dictated by the art. A very high level of intuitive action arises at the right time, and the art births itself. It is a very divine experience. It is action that tastes like non-action. You merely submit and observe the art being birthed through your very hands. You enter the flow of life and come alive.

    A master has to unlearn everything to be free to create art as his authentic soul expression. Authenticity is art. But to establish self in authenticity is hard. To get good, the artist accumulates, assimilates, and replicates. But to be authentic, he has to die to himself and to everything he has accumulated. The firm ground he established needs to be demolished. It is scary to face the unknown. The ego is terrified to surrender to God.

    This is way beyond intellectual capacity. It is meditation. A direct expression of the soul for its own sake. It is yoga, union, the yoga of action (non-action)—the merging of artist, art, and creation into the flow of life. Art conceived alone. The result of such work is potent work—alive, emanating work that gives a taste of God as it was created with the soul. The road to mastery is the inner battle of the identity dying to the soul. Art becomes beautiful when it is created without the filter of identity. Art is beautiful when it emanates God. Art gives a taste; direct experience of the state the artist is in when creating art. Living art is holy art. Death is not art.

    You die to yourself until you are your work. You become your work. To make art or to be art? To be or not to be? (Shakespeare) That is the question.

    In other words, the past self dying to the emerging self. The past self screams through thoughts and emotions until those thoughts and emotions exhaust themself to resolution and fall away. You have emerged freer and lighter than before—each art session—a purge. You transmute your past through your painting, molding, and singing. Your pain becomes an artifact. When the pain is burnt, your joy becomes an artifact. I am currently reading a biography of Frida Kahlo. She suffered most of her life tremendously from polio, first and then from an automobile accident. She was bedridden and painted her pain. Her paintings are her autobiography. The life she craved to expel by tasting life, she expelled and encapsulated in her paintings. Her paintings ooze and emanate life even to the blind, novice observer. The intensity in her paintings is undeniable. Her paintings are her; there is no division, and she lives through them. She comes alive in her paintings, more alive than in everyday life. Her soul soars while she paints, and the extremely fortunate perceiver of the art tastes her life. Her fierce stare, her confidence, beauty, and character—all that she is and all that her paintings assume—is the state she paints in, is her expression in the world. She is that, but unfortunately, her body cannot relay what she is fully. But her paintings can. The state she paints in is the state we plunge into when we absorb into her paintings. What a delight. Picasso is the embodiment of his art. Frida Kahlo is her art. There is no separation.

    Pain transmutes until the pain is gone, and the state of joy gets encapsulated into the art. If the artist holds torment, then torment is on the canvas. If the artist is bliss, then the canvas is bliss. The spiritual path of art is healing through art creation by creation. The past transmuted to free, authentic, healthy, natural soul expression. The past burning in the face of God.

    Make art to heal yourself until the scales tip, and your art heals the world. You free yourself of your past creation by creation. Eventually, you flow with life and come alive through your work. When the past keeps knocking, you surrender it to God. You observe the self screaming until it falls away. You observe friction until the act is left. Your past self and the self you are becoming are at war. Who will win? Who are you becoming?

    I try to relay through direct experience the state of pure being. You can nurture that state by making art. It is my wish that you bathe in bliss while making art and plant seeds to make that state your every waking moment. I just launched 'The Road For Artists Community' and clarified selflessness to a member: 'Selflessness is the state you create works in. It is you in flow, reentering the stream of life and creating in stillness free from layers of the past restricting your self-expression (art). It is meditating through art. All videos are mere expressions of the same flow of life in different words, all pointing to the same truth/love/God. The state I write in is deep meditation, and I hope to relay in direct experience that state of non-duality. If the words pull you and resonate, read the books (I was referring to the 'God And Art' Book Series) with an open heart, and perhaps the experience dawns on you. That is the initiation. A direct experience of the words relayed. Witnessing the thoughts collapse into stillness and sitting in a state of pure being. From that state, you experience non-doing and get lost in your art. You surrender layers of restrictions of authentic self-expression by making art. That is The Road. Have you ever tasted life before? Have you experienced that divine moment when art created itself through your hands?'

    In the show notes, you find my 'God And Art' book series. If you would like to dive deeper into the spiritual path of art, those are good starting points. If you would like to be initiated by me into the spiritual path of art, join 'The Road For Artists' community linked below.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: A Higher Choir

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Complete self-expression is the key to success.

    Actions that are complete cast no shadows. Complete actions arise as spontaneous, natural expressions of the soul without any filter through the image we hold of ourselves. When such work meets the world, authenticity shines through and connects naturally with the hearts that it is for. Limiting self-expression by trauma responses is the root of unnatural, sporadic, and distorted manifestations of that expression in the world. The world is your state of being. Once falseness is shed, your natural self-expression naturally occupies its niche and nurtures you and the right hearts. Entrepreneurship is but a natural autonomous expression of being. Our past and our traumas cloud that expression of the soul. When you create freely and share your work, watch your emotional responses acutely and withhold opposing currents and resulting opposing actions. Don't delete your work; let it be, and work on your inner responses instead. Free yourself, creation by creation, and manifest your destiny. The destiny that is meant for you. You are your destiny! Don't be ugly and add to the ugliness, but be a source of light and bring love to the world by becoming love yourself. Face your falsehood, face resistance, and choose your soul. You are that. Who will take it from you but you? No one is a victim of circumstance. The world is not cruel. It's simply inside-out, not outside-in manifestation. Understand that, claim back your power, and fight for your soul. Don't play cat and mouse. You are playing alone.

    Why do I say, 'You Are Your Destiny?'

    Well, I also say you are your art. You are your business. Your authentic soul expression in the world is a manifestation of the authentic you in the world. It is very hard to project forth your authentic self as layers of past (accumulated identity) infringe and obstruct the light of your soul. When you face those layers of falsehood and surrender them to the flow of life you become more organic and free in your expression. Eventually, what is left is your effortless, flowing, natural soul expression in the world, and you become your art. You are your business. You don't copy and imitate but you are you. That is the only action that casts no shadows. All other actions are derived from your collected past. You are in a box, inorganic, and your creations are ugly. Creating from your soul feels like you are reentering the dance of life. You paint in ecstatic divine meditation. You experience non-action. You submit yourself to the painting, and you become the painting.

    To make art or to be art?

    Isn't that the question? You can either be meditation or your accumulated past, which becomes your prison. Lighten the load by shedding the past by making art. Remove all layers of obstructed, inorganic self-expression by making art. Face your screaming emotions and share your art. No one cares about your art just yet, so what? Do it to free your little soul. No one cares because you create work from your accumulated past and not with God. Moments of great art will eventually slip through. Stay humble and make art to free your authentic soul expression. Use art as your spiritual discipline.

    Fierce freedom.

    I don't judge others. Consequently, I don't judge myself and create in utter freedom. My self-expression is not dampened by my fears as I am melting them in my heart. I am free as I am freeing myself of my past. I am free as I walk without my given name. Can fierce freedom be named? How can the world mask freedom? How can the world put freedom in a box? I am not a mask; I am not a box.

    Crystal clear clarity.

    Clarity means I know what to do and how to do it. The only thing keeping me from the action is my past conditioning that I need to face along the way in the form of opposing thoughts and emotions. Intelligence means awareness. The more aware one is, the more one sees reality as it is and can make decisions independent of one's identity (past conditioning). Clarity truly is intelligence. Your identity keeps you from seeing reality as it is.

    The ocean.

    The still water is clear. The moving water is cloudy. Clarity is stillness. Movements cloud clarity. The ocean's surface is wild and unpredictable. The deeper we sink into the ocean, the more stillness and potent silence we find. Only the surface fragments; stillness collapses the many into one. The deeper we sink into ourselves, the closer we are to truth and God. The further we disperse, the more fragmented we are.

    To see or not to see.

    Reality is always different from one's personal distorted view. The bigger the distance between reality and distortion, the more neurotic and less sane the person. The closer you match your filter with reality (best take it off from time to time), the clearer you see and the smoother you move within your little world. To be or not to be. To see or not to see. You are not your filter.

    Projecting one's authentic self naturally leads to abundance.

    Work on the only right thing (projecting your authentic self into the world) by facing layers of who you are not. Share your portfolio of work, build products that are an extension of who you are, create media that represents your truth, and align it all with joy. If it's not natural to you, it's not aligned with you. If it's not a joy to build, and you are not proud of it, something is not aligned right. Meticulously sail towards soul alignment. By simply being you, beyond the pain you have yet to look at, you can delight yourself and the world. Your greatest joy also happens to be the world's greatest joy.

    My definition of freedom.

    I don't do anything for anybody's projection/perception of me (including my own).

    You find my 'God And Art' book series in the show notes. If you would like to dive deeper into the spiritual path of art, those are good starting points. If you would like to be initiated by me into the spiritual path of art, join 'The Road For Artists' community, also linked in the show notes.

    To make art or to be art? Tell me

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Unapologetically Me

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    I used to think that hard work was the root of great work. That force was necessary to create work worth sharing. I have come to a different conclusion.

    I realized that when I am aligned with my authentic/natural being, work flows effortlessly. I realized that when I force, I am not in complete alignment. Forced work pales in comparison to work created naturally.

    We are diverted and perverted and as far from our soul as it gets. Every soul has a unique fragrance and a unique gift to bring to the world. Self-discovery lies at the root of uncovering the soul and its inherent gift. Most are not aware of their dilemma.

    When perverted and twisted into an image, everything takes effort and great force. When shedding layers of falsehood, the right work eventually finds and nurtures us. The more in alignment, the less effort the creation takes. Through the work, we uncover our part, and by carefully sailing towards soul alignment (natural being—no effort—authentic self-expression), we eventually arrive at our part. And our part is unique to us. That part is direct experience of the soul in complete self-expression (total vulnerability); hence is created effortlessly like a flower emits its fragrance.

    In total vulnerability (without images/ direct experience of soul), I speak the truth confidently, my songs carry themselves, and I disappear into the words. The work meditates on me as much as I meditate on the work. I disappear into the act, and that is Yoga. That is devotional work. The result of that selfless act is potent work.

    Potent in the sense that it was not created by an image but by direct experience. Bathing in meditation, I create work, and that work comes alive. That potent work draws the right hearts naturally. Neither the creation nor the distribution of the work takes effort.

    A potent song eventually finds its audience. Think ‘Sound Of Silence’, by Simon And Garfunkel.

    The song was a flop until it slowly caught on. A potent song takes you from the busy world, and your neurotic mind right to the core of you. It shocks to silence. A song composed in deep meditation captures sanity and directly relays sanity to the listener. Such a song is alive and lives on its own. Such a song in time will find its audience. Such songs appear effortlessly and the artist feels he has not touched the work, simply brought it to the world.

    To create in such fierce freedom the young artist has a long path ahead of him. He has to face himself with each creation. Each creation is a purge of the past and a step towards greater creation. The past keeps the artist from creating freely. Past restrictions of authentic/ natural self-expression keep the artist from creating freely. Today’s restrictions are purged by making art and surrendering emotional blocks to God. Layers of, ‘What will others think of me?’, ‘What is deemed okay to share and within acceptable parameters?’, ‘Who am I to create taste and stand for something?’ and all further robotic expressions of self are to be surrendered and faced. Artists are sitting in boxes of their own making. A sad thing really.

    Break the box! Art is not created in a box but in total free fall. Forget the rules and your education and make art with your soul. Face every emotion in the way of pure authentic self-expression. It will be easier to create in meditation with each shedding of a layer of past. In time you’ll witness that the you in meditation is the true you, as the you in pain melts in the face of God. Your spiritual practice of surrendering your ego to God is making art. Making art is scary and sharing art? Even more so. It is the fastest path I know of to carve an artist into an angel. Long hard looks in the mirror in darkness with only God to lead. You know the path, you’ve walked it. Keep walking and don’t stop.

    The part of me that forces, wants to grasp, understand, dissect, rationalize, have control, and take credit - I surrender to God. What takes over when I release the layer of petrified control-seeking is a deeper part of me. My ego fights and creates problems and complexity and yet when I sit in my soul the words form naturally. Quite a paradox to surrender and leap into the unknown and not intellectually understand and be in control. It is scary but that fear I surrender also. Staring at a blank Google doc my ego has no control, knows not what to do, feels stuck, and cries for firm ground. Then I close my eyes and meditate and surrender all force to find myself in the flow of life and after my session, a wonderful podcast episode typed itself through my very hands. How incompetent the little ego compared to my soul sailing in wild freedom. That is my honest experience of creation. I believe that what you are most suited to do you have no idea how you do, for it simply happens through you. And that is what you should do. You should sing your song and no one else's. And on the way to that creation surrender yourself (who you think yourself to be; force; agitation) to your soul and God. That is my philosophy of creation. Your soul has inexhaustible access to creative energy. Dramas cloud the light. Creation sneaks up on you, plays you a fool, and makes you die to yourself with every creation. I am born again with every writing session. I remember who I am with every song written, with every podcast episode typed and read.

    And now my hero (Paul Simon) and his moment of complete alignment:

    ‘ The experience of writing it was unique. I was in my late 20s and I wrote it in a night. The music and lyrics came completely naturally. It was like a gift. Because I hadn’t experienced one with that intensity before I didn’t think anything of it other than, “That’s unusually good for me.” It was better than I usually write. Even in terms of the chord structure, I was using chords that I didn’t usually use, diminished chords and the length of the melody is 14 notes. That’s kind of a long phrase.

    At the time I didn’t think it was about a spiritual experience. It would have been something I recognized later but I didn’t know it then. To write something that effortlessly and that quickly is a very unusual kind of inspiration. It’s happened to me a few times in my writing career and “Bridge Over Troubled Water” is one of the notable examples of that. It was definitely one of those experiences that separated itself from the rest of my writing.

    Then the odd thing that happened was I gave it to Artie (Garfunkel) to sing and transferred it over to (session pianist) Larry Knechtel to play. So in a strange way, I felt disconnected from that song for a long, long time ...decades. I hardly sang on the record; I sing a little bit of harmony on the last verse and I didn’t play guitar on it. I’ve reconnected with the song and have sung it many times now in different forms, piano versions. I played it with just me and an acoustic guitar. I’ve sung it with other people. I sang it with Artie where we swapped verses on the Simon & Garfunkel tour. I sang it with Luther Vandross and Jennifer Holliday once as a trio. I’ve sung it all over the place. But I still feel in some ways as if I almost didn’t write it. It was one of those songs that people describe it as coming through you. ‘

    And a little riddle from Bob Dylan:

    ‘ It's like a ghost is writing a song like that, it gives you the song and it goes away. You don't know what it means. Except that the ghost picked me to write the song. ‘

    I am thinking of creating a community where members walk the spiritual path of art side by side; creating art as a spiritual discipline with like-minded artists. I would love such a space to be but a member and share my journey with you, and witness yours unfold all the same. A space where we can support each other. Please let me know if you would be interested in such a space! I’d be honored to host it and be a part of it. I’ll link my ‘God And Art’ book series below if you would like to dive deeper into my perspective on the spiritual path of art.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: The Tale Of Times

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    The spiritual journey of art has its ups and downs; is unpredictable and non-linear. Weeks of struggle and force accumulate to a revelation, the surrender of obstructions, and an experience of greater creation. Pain humbles with each successful or failed attempt; the lesson is the point. As the artist grows, so does the art. The art becomes beautiful in an artist's hands that are clean. A clear vessel creates great art. It is the artist that needs to change; the art is available to all; grace surrounds and encompasses all artists. Some are just tuned to grace well. The tuning is so fine that it is missed by most. Taking part in the dance of creation by submitting oneself to it fully and giving oneself to the art completely is the ultimate goal and purpose of every artist— self-dissolution into the work. Karma jog. The yoga of action (non-action), service, and giving. An artist gives gifts. First, he gives misery, as all he knows is misery. In time, by washing the clothes of his past, he gives light. That light will awaken hearts and be visible to hearts tuned to the light. Such is the journey of the arts—the journey of the soul.

    To break the mold of the past, the artist purges by creating art. The great purge happens when art, artist, and grace meet. Meditation is the merging, the dissolution of the artist into the art. The great three are but one. The art, the creation, and the artist flow with life and emanate grace. That grace gets captured in the work of art, and that work of art comes alive. Living art is holy art. Holy art is a sacred object infused with grace. Grace awakens, grace nourishes, and lets the receiver meet God through the art, through you. You are the introduction. You are the friend that opens the door—be a good friend—That is the highest act, the non-act, the meeting as one through art conceived alone.

    When the artist grows internally by facing pain, that growth is reflected in the art. Making art causes growth by showing and mirroring the artist’s state back to him. It is the perfect learning tool: undeniable, solid personal proof that the process works, that love is the way, that God is the truth; his work changes, and he will witness it; he will feel the change internally; he will be freer, more joyous and light; the world will not be such a dark place anymore. The change is undeniable; hence, grace becomes a reality, not a distant dream.

    All obstructions can be cleared, and genuine talent uncovered. With ease and like magic, the right action at the right moment arises. Great hits of inspiration, spontaneous speaking, writing, composing, and collaboration happen. When bathing in grace, even the mistakes sound beautiful. The book writes itself, and the arrangement falls into place.

    Meditate to experience who you are and meditate through art to express who you are. Meditation is an exceptional first step. Most spiritual journeys start with a meditation practice. The meditation practice of an artist is making art. The goal of the practice is to disappear into the art: Non-doing/meditation or supreme flow.

    I’ll link my book ‘The Road For Artists: It Starts Within’. It will guide you to create your meditation practice and is an art journal that offers space for you to document 70 Art Sessions.

    And so the big question: Where is my muse? There is no muse. Look within. Meet God through your own being in your flesh and live religion, then make art.
    Art is your spiritual discipline, your way home. Home to God, home to yourself. Making and sharing art is devotional work and work that, when created selflessly, lets you enter into a bond. That bond is a life of service where you shall disappear. Engaging in the infinite game breaks the chains of your selfishness and lets you return to your Father. You made up a dream and played many roles and devotional work, and work that flows without your involvement puts you into deep mediation; great art springs forth from you, and great riches are bestowed, but you, dear reader, disappear. That is the part of the art: to make you commune and be no more. Let the illusion end. And make art.

    Art is one layer away from God. But when it is done right—it is God.

    Meditation: Meditation is not forced. Meditation happens to the seeker naturally. When one relaxes into oneself, one meditates. It is natural, but worldly dramas create a person that lives in his head. That is the only barrier. Sit and be. But the person in his head has no idea what I mean. To overflow and create art in total absorption is meditation. Full involvement lets you enter into union, into yoga, into liberation, even if just momentarily or while you get lost in your work. The term ‘Flow’ (Csikszentmihalyi) was coined for such occurrences when time disappears and the act flows naturally. The practitioner is in his own way. Total-freedom-self-expression is what makes a great artist and keeps one creative—Ever wondered why the muse leaves artists that are stuck in their heads? They call it writer's block and blame the world. They did not lose the spark; they made their dramas cloud the light, the ray of creation. They have forsaken God. As soon as they humbly return having mended their worldly affairs, pure creation can flow freely. Don’t push aside the dirt for an hour to make art; live meditation by mending your past. Don’t use alcohol and drugs to induce a ‘free’ state, but unplug and let the dirty water escape the drain, and then meditation and making art take care of the rest. The only spiritual discipline you need is making art. Dramas arise in the artist's life; along the way, pain comes in the form of people, money, circumstances, etc. Through pain, we grow. Face everything, and do not run away. Be truthful and forgive. Shed your past by making art.

    To keep it short and sweet: The spiritual discipline of an artist is the removal of the residue of currents opposing complete self-expression by creating art. In short: The spiritual practice of an artist is making art.

    Spirituality is: The practice of surrender & release of layers of accumulated past (fabricated protection mechanism in response to trauma: identity structure/ false self) that results in complete alignment with life through uncovering the authentic self, your life's task, and direct experience of God.

    I am thinking of creating a community where members walk the spiritual path of art side by side; creating art as a spiritual discipline with like-minded artists. I would love such a space to be but a member and share my journey with you, and witness yours unfold all the same. A space where we can support each other. Please let me know if you would be interested in such a space! I’d be honored to host it and be a part of it. I’ll link my ‘God And Art’ book series below if you would like to dive deeper into my perspective on the spiritual path of art.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: The Water Of Life

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    The best artists have no walls to creation; no curtain of self; no fear of perceptions of others. They are in direct communion, and so their art vibrates with life and emanates God. When artists create, they free fall. Creation is dampened by, 'What will others think of me and my art?' Creation is boxed in by, 'Is this okay to share?' Creation is halted creating through the mask of identity. When all perceptions cease, creation creates itself. That I call free fall.

    This episode we explore Picasso. The prolific genius that destroys the old and invents the new. We’ll explore the madness of his creative output, his selfishness and ego mania as a trap on the spiritual path of art, and examine the unlearning of everything to become a child again. In Picasso’s words: ‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when he grows up.’

    Picasso was born and raised in Spain in the 1880s. He learned painting from his father at a very young age. The myth goes he painted before he could talk. First, he learned realism and painted with marvelous accuracy only to destroy all norms, and rules, and invent his own style of painting. To pour his soul onto the canvas. You can only create what you are and he was his paintings. His most immediate and authentic soul expression was his art. That divinity is what we can still marvel at today.

    In his 91 years, he created anywhere between 20,000 to over 30,000 creations (sources differ). That is almost one creation per day for the entirety of his life. He painted a painting each morning. That puts art into perspective for me. When was the last time I wrote a song a day? And there I thought my ‘song a week’ was impressive. I am astonished by Picasso’s prolific creative genius. It almost seems like an obsession; a deep internal need to express his soul through painting. I imagine that when he created art he felt most like himself. Perhaps his world wasn’t the ease of flow that painting offered. Painting, being his communion with God.

    The rest of his life (from multiple sources states) he was an egomaniac and used people for his career advancement and women for creative energy and pleasure. If that is true he mistook the vessel for God. He called himself ‘God’ many a times. But the vessel is just a vessel, not God. He accessed God in one area of life and failed to bring it to the rest of his life. Egoism is the greatest trap. To take the divine and attribute it to oneself, brought unhappiness to the rest of his life. I marvel at his creative output and his divine creations but I wouldn’t want to experience his life.

    I revere his shattering of the old. His bravery to birth his soul's expression regardless of all the resistance his early modern paintings were met with. It takes guts to break the rules and invent the new. The crowd didn’t yet know what it wanted and he invented taste. Yes, he shaped the future of art. He followed his instincts throughout. He stayed true to himself. He was unapologetically, Picasso.

    By painting every day, painting became Picasso’s identity. He could relax into his work more and more until, finally, he disappeared into his work, and the painting was left. To flow with life and give oneself fully to the task at hand is meditation, non-action/ non-doing. Life takes the lead and you are the witness to the divine unfoldment through your hands. Painting, painting, painting. Gain mastery, then forget it all and paint. Learn from the best then break the mold and paint like your soul paints. Paint like a child! Step aside and meditate deeply through your work.

    If I have learned one thing in my 15 years of songwriting it’s this: I am not supposed to make art but be my art. My work is not an accumulation but my practice of dissolution. To master my skill, then give it back to God and let life work through my hands in divine alignment. My work meditates on me. It is my greatest joy and my salvation. With each creation I heal and those creations seem to impart that healing to the world. The experience of meditation and love seems to rub off on people. That is the true value of art.

    When I give my life to serve others I heal through my work and add beauty to the world. I dissolve my ego through my work, and my work saves me. It heals my soul and liberates me from my accumulated crust of past. Each creation I am a little more soul and a little less past. My work truly is my salvation. By delighting myself, I delight the world. The world responds to my sharing my soul through authentic self-expression. Love can only be met with love. The right people get attracted and the wrong people are repelled. My work of making and sharing art is my spiritual discipline.

    Hide it all in your art. Conserve it with your heart. Let it enter the world. And repeat. Create living artifacts. And create a lot of them.

    Upon reading books on Picasso I asked myself: Why did Picasso become the most famous artist in the world? He certainly was the richest artist on the planet in the later part of his career. My answer: his creative output. He painted until painting became his identity. What is my identity? Will I claim it? Of course, there are many other factors but the factor of creative output is entirely up to me. I can choose to get up and write a song, distribute it, and leave my mark. I as an artist am but a collection of songs, my portfolio; that is my representation as an artist in the world. My work of art is the accumulation of my artifacts of me (my soul-expression) in the world.

    Having studied Picasso for the past two months I gained great perspective as to what is required to make divine art. The path to mastery is a long road and ends in God. Art takes one to God if one doesn't stop walking. And every artist becomes a philosopher when they walk long enough. But humbleness is required to bring grace to the rest of my life. By being humble and creating selflessly I may learn through my art and heal myself and my group of people that I serve selflessly. Without humbleness, I mistake myself (the vessel) for God and my ego grows to destroy my life. What a ride it’s been to study the great master, Picasso. These are my lessons and my perspective. Study him yourself and see what unfolds for you. I’ll link the books I read below in the show notes.

    Always remember: You can only create what you are. Your work is not an accumulation but your practice of dissolution. Don’t make art; be your art.

    And because it sounds so sweet let me read it once more: You can only create what you are. Your work is not an accumulation but your practice of dissolution. Don’t make art; be your art.

    I am thinking of creating a community where members walk the spiritual path of art side by side; creating art as a spiritual discipline with like-minded artists. I would love such a space to be but a member and share my journey with you, and witness yours unfold all the same. A space where we can support each other. Please let me know if you would be interested in such a space! I’d be honored to host it and be a part of it.

    I’ll link the ‘God And Art’ book series below if you would love to dive deeper into my perspective on the spiritual path of art.

    The biography I read about Picasso (1)

    The biography I read about Picasso (2)

    The biography I read about Picasso (3)

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Only Me As I Am

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    The Secret To Immortality

    Divine River Of Life

    Will you carry me?

    Divine Ocean Of Bliss

    Will you bury me?

    Divine Water Of Knowledge

    Will you reveal to me?

    The Secret To Immortality

    Hail, River Divine

    Your stream sounds so pure

    Hail, Ocean Supreme

    Shall I just let me go?

    My splintered, scattered self

    At once, your waves devour

    I am just a tiny bird

    Painted on your sky

    I am just a loyal slave

    Your one and only wife

    You stripped me of my sanity

    Now, I forgot my name

    A minute drop of blood

    Wipe away the stain

    Now I'm drinking of your holy wine

    You are all I see

    A drunken fool in ecstasy

    A leaf upon your tree

    With nothing left to do

    But playing dead with you

    Until you kick me out

    To write a song or two

    A Little Story Painting The Value Of Art

    You have your house, and it’s firm.

    You live in it as if it were your kingdom.

    You cherish it. It’s all you know.

    An artist comes along and opens a window.

    The rays of the sun peek in and poke you gently.

    With time, you, the inhabitant, notice the light.

    Is there more outside of your house?

    More time passes, and you realize that life is found outside of your house.

    What you’ve built is not your kingdom but your prison, and your prison keeps you from life.

    You demolish your house fiber by fiber.

    There was no house to begin with; there is just God, and walls are made of clay.

    God is the world. Grace is the sun.

    The house of clay is the poor state of the lost inhabitant.

    By the grace of God, an artist opens a window.

    If you were to put a price tag on it, how would you value such an act? You forgot your part. Just maybe you forgot who you are. Who, and who as an artist. Incalculable is the value of potent art in the world. Incalculable is the value of a living artist. An artist that has tasted God, bathed in love, embraced love in the flesh—brings God to the world.

    When you bathe in bliss like Rumi you write poems of bliss. When you are divine love like Milarepa you sing poems of eternal love. Rumi and Milarepa are my favorite poets for their poems are alive. I call that ‘Poetry Of Dissolving Identity’. When words take you from individuality to the collective being. When you disappear into the work of art, that is art. That is the task of the artist: to become whole and to heal through art. Death is not art. Art is alive.

    Words that point to God. You give a taste. That is art. The poet gives a taste and the poem comes alive in you.

    When you are alive you create living work; work that lives on its own. Work that plants seeds in the receiver of the art. That is how art enlivens the world. A window from God to individual souls.

    Why is art beautiful? Because it rings true. Somewhere in your heart, you feel the love that connects you with individual souls through the thread of God.

    Art emanates the state the artist is in when creating art. In deep meditation you are life, and what you create in meditation is the representation of life itself. It points to life; life that cannot be claimed but lived. Art conceived from the collective state of being brings that very state to the world. An artifact of God. Living Artifacts. That is art. Death is not art.

    The highest potential of a living artist is to create living art. The journey is long and internal. The journey of art is a spiritual journey to your soul. I will write more on spirituality and shedding the past through making art in further episodes. For now, know that your art is a representation of your current state of being. The more you shed your past, traumas, and restrictions of authentic self-expression the more potent your art becomes. Self-discovery lies at the root of it all.

    Through the spiritual path of art, you may awaken to love and, in time, awaken through your art. Demolish your house and permeate love. Potent art will make you abundant within and in time without. Once you know yourself, you know your part in the world.

    By uncovering who you are by demolishing layers of falsehood, you uncover your soul. By uncovering your soul, you uncover your unique part. By serving that part, you will generate money for yourself. Falseness breeds falseness. Love can only be met with love.

    The truth is simple. Uncover who you are, uncover your part, and humbly serve. Your greatest joy also happens to be the world's greatest joy.

    This podcast is about the spiritual path of art. It will lead you to consciously face yourself and uncover the truth of your being by gently and patiently making art. Your art is a mirror of your state of being—a wonderful learning tool! In time, you uncover the gift your soul holds, and by sharing that gift, you will support the world and yourself.

    Everyone, as they truly are, beyond delusions, has a part to serve by being their authentic self. That part is unique as you are, but one. There is just one authentic you. Uncover that and serve your unique God-given gift. Delight the world by delighting yourself. Surprise yourself with the love you are capable of being and the love you are capable of giving.

    The most beautiful works of art are not made through corrupt hands. Beauty is a selfless expression of the soul through art for the delight of the world. The world looking at itself. A divine artifact of collapsing individuality into God.

    The spiritual path of art is the artist dissolving through art into God.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Darkness Can't Touch Me

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Cogs to artists. Tribes were connected and held sacred as one big family. Once a tribe was too big to call a family, it split in two, and one tribe moved to a different location and established another settlement.
    The Industrial Age connected the world and made it rich and fruitful, but that feeling of a familiar bond beyond the family vanished. The Big Fish had the power; most humans were mere cogs in the system. The Information Age brought us the internet and connection online. Production and distribution are available to all. Cogs turn to artists. And artists connect the world.

    Where will you hide if there is nowhere to hide? The information age, with the leverage of the internet, puts production and distribution at your fingertips. Power is scary; it is safer to hide behind ‘it is impossible’ or ‘I don’t know.’ That game is long over. The internet removed all the middlemen. The record labels, the bookstores, the art galleries, the venture capital, and the news channels. You’ve got the microphone. You own your art. To ignore and hide is almost a sin.

    As long as you are searching, you are not finding. If you must write, you must write.
    If you must express, you must express. There is no other way. Pick an outlet, pick a craft, and practice every day. Find the courage to share your work. Then do it again. If you do not know who your work is for, share your work selflessly, and your people will find you. What you seek seeks you. Just take action. Find an outlet and create what you must create, then share your creation in one or more forms on the internet, not to participate in being social but to establish your identity as an artist; as you believe in yourself more, you will share more easily of your craft.
    The best (purest) works are the hardest to share; doubt kicks in, and you run away and perhaps delete everything and come back anew when the storm has settled. Eventually, you stop running and share your work because that is what you do, and that is who you are. Welcome to the life of an artist.
    Feedback at this stage is futile. God is the way; call it a gut feeling. Pure work pops in and does not knock. The only feedback that will be of use is from the group you seek to delight. Ignore all other opinions. Sometimes, ignore their opinions, too.
    Who you create for will be established by sharing your most intimate works. As long as you are searching, you are not finding.
    You must put your creations into the world. You must take action. You must poke the universe. Your creations are your meditations. Your disciplines. Your ritual. Let’s call them ‘meditations of an artist’.

    Meditations of an artist. Put your point of view on display. Stand for something. Be specific. Genre matters. Delight someone.
    Not everyone.
    What is the gift you bring to the world? Once you know why you exist, everything becomes simple. The noise subsides, and you can quietly serve your people. Always remember, as long as you seek, you shall not find. Do and become. Create and learn. Find and serve.

    A life of service. It is not about you. And as you focus on serving others, you uncover more and more of yourself. Perhaps it was all about you to begin with. Serving others is your way home. As you serve others, you heal the world.

    What a delight. The Industrial Age is over. The Big Fish are dying. You own the means of production.
    You own the means of distribution.
    No one can stop you but you. No gates. No keepers.
    What will you uniquely provide? Who will you uniquely delight?

    The choice is yours. Every emotion/mood is a problem; the answer is the album/ the body of work. Art is for the recipient. A specific someone. One you seek to delight with your specific work. You intend to cause change to a specific someone. You choose who you serve, but you need to choose. Selfish art, on the other hand, has no intention to serve or help. It is created selfishly without the purpose of delighting someone specific. That work will find no footing and fade away in all the noise. It won’t give money or fame to the creator of the art. Selfish artists often crave money and fame but fail to notice their selfishness is precisely why they get left behind. Selfish work is about the creator of the work. Selfless work is for the person the artist seeks to change. The choice is yours.

    Real commerce is gift-giving. Give gifts. That’s the game.
    The more you give, the more you become the artist you seek to be. Your songs, your works of art, your paintings, and your pamphlets are gifts. Gift-giving is real commerce, given that the gift is complete work. When creating complete work, you give and you get at the same time. When complete work finds its host, it appears effortlessly. The host simply steps aside. The host feels he has not touched the work, simply brought it to the world. The host steps aside and conceives the gift. The receiver steps aside and consumes the gift. There is no commerce. And that is real commerce.
    As gifts are received and consumed alone, they need no advocate. Complete work always finds its way to where it is needed. Real artists perhaps call that helping hands.
    It is important to understand that selfish artists will never touch complete work. Instead of gift-giving, they participate in hole-filling. The work is about them and their story. From their art, they hope to get something. By that, the gift eludes them, and they grow bitter making art. Perhaps what they make is not art at all.
    The intention behind your creation matters. Simply give your gift to God and choose a life of service. Your art can be your gift. Serve the world instead of filling holes. The only spiritual discipline you need is gift-giving.
    Real artists give gifts. They have come to heal parts of themselves that make them available to real creation. Real creation is complete creation, the healing arts.
    Gifts don’t leave the world. They are recognized as gifts by everyone; hence, they are cherished.
    Real art is. God is. And real commerce is gift-giving.

    Fame. It’s just a collection of songs that makes an artist. It’s just a body of work that makes an artist. It is not the pictures of your dogs. Look at the channels on the internet as your radio stations and art galleries. They serve a function to connect you with the right hearts. You can either win on quality or fame. But fame follows quality in time. In other words, quality gets you fame; fame doesn’t get you quality.

    And it’s free. There is no better marketing than creating and sharing your work. More work leads to better work, which leads to drawing & understanding your audience, which leads to serving your audience better still. Along the way, emotions settle, and you become the artist you seek to be.

    Break your chains and make great art. As you tone it down to make your father feel more comfortable. As you tone it down to make your friends not laugh. As you tone it down to keep the voices quiet. As you review your work in all its quirks, the strong points, and the solid stance—you realize you will offend someone—perhaps you were too vulnerable. Before you rub out all the beauty, consider my friend that it’s not for them.
    Great art rarely comes with a feeling of safety. Great art always cuts people the wrong way. Some, that is. But for the ones it’s really for—it heals their wounds and mends their hearts. Break your chains and make great art.

    That is as close to god as you can get down here. The only spiritual discipline you need is a life of service to others. Your work changes when the work is not about you anymore. You give yourself fully to your work, and you disappear. That is as close to god as you can get down here.

    God, and art that teaches. Music teaches me to create through being. I found my canvas in songs and my heart paints. When it paints, I plunge into the music, and the music carries me. The act of creating music is the greatest joy and gift that I get to experience. Oh, and the joy of sharing it, that intimate experience, when real touches real, and I disappear. I believe in art, the artist disappears. Because of this, the art can come alive in the receiver of the art because it was conceived alone. It is like it takes you somewhere, and you trust it enough to leave yourself at the door. You don’t meditate; it meditates on you. But that only happens if the artist is not while creating art. Art creates itself. Creation births itself. Poetry is God’s laughter and the afterthought of laughing rings in my ears as I write these words. The laughing is not writing the words, but the words are surely laughing at the reader who got lost in them. Creation itself creates. Creation creates itself. It doesn’t need a creator to play with itself. The playing is the play, and the child and the father all in one laugh. There is no joke told or joke heard because there is neither the joke nor the joker. And That is precisely the joke of existence — the riddle of riddles. Holy Ghost’s laughing in unison. The arts’ purpose, therefore, is to knock on your head so hard that the knock itself is ringing through one ear and out the other. Teaching, or art that teaches, is the art of describing what is underneath the question, and it might plunge you into the answer because the goal of the true teacher is to take away the question and leave you vulnerable in God.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: The Inevitable

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

    Podcast Transcripts

    There is a shift that happens when you don't do it for yourself anymore but you do it for them.

    Duty. No matter your mood. No matter the circumstance. You show up for them. When you are scared to show up, you face those fears for them. By healing them, you heal yourself.

    Your dedication is serving your people. And as your good aligns with the world’s good, you are helped and supported. When selfishness turns to selflessness you get what you want as you don’t need it anymore. Great selfish force turns to actions for somebody else’s sake, turns to flow and joy of service. When own energies wane, a new surge of energy carries you to the next day. The greater good is the only good. In such alignment, the world helps you get what you want because it is what the world wants. The people you serve will help you as you help them.

    Selfless service is performed in a selfless state. You disappear into the work and the work flows effortlessly from your being. Selfless work is potent and emanates the state the artist is in when creating the work. The path is from selfish to selfless, dissolving the ‘I’ into the work. That is how your real work heals you. It sheds the past with each creation. That is how your work heals others because it points to the truth; love; God.

    Who you are is your gift. That gift is God-given and inherent in your soul. Your task is to uncover that gift and share it with the world. You are your path. You are your task. You are your destiny. By walking your path you return to yourself. When all shadows fall and you stand in your soul, you are life itself.

    I would love to introduce you to a hero of mine: John Coltrane.

    Little John lost his father very young and grew up in a time where his skin color and impoverished upbringing restricted the free natural unfoldment of his beautiful little soul. He found music, or rather music found him—his saving grace; his only love. In all of his free time, he practiced the saxophone. Day and night he played and that dedication led him to play with Jazz bands around America. He wasn’t exceptional, but he practiced every waking hour. He didn't have his own sound, he imitated his heroes.

    Soon he played on stage backing his heroes. His life started to reflect his hard work. By his own hands, he now played and recorded with the greats. But he himself was not a star, not a legend, not a hero, but a heroin addict. His life started falling apart. It wasn't until he surrendered his gift to God that Coltrane became the beacon of Jazz. I recently read his biography and here are my takeaways:

    I. The Spiritual Path Of Art

    Coltrane surrendered his struggle with Heroin and his music to God. His 'Spiritual Awakening' led him to live a life of service. He now existed to 'make people happy through music.' I directly attribute his purity of performance (transmission) to his surrender. He became a vessel for the greater good. His personal identity melts in the face of God, and that purity is captured in the recording. His music puts tears in my eyes.

    I will link one of my favorite recordings of his in the show notes; just listen. He puts me in meditation instantly. The purity of his performance is divine. He is no more when he plays. He is the music and the music carries him. And so when you listen, you are no more. The music carries you. There is just God.

    Why is Jazz so divinely beautiful? Because there are no multiple players. Jazz is one.

    John Coltrane: My Favorite Things (Stereo, 2022 Remastered)

    II. The Carving Of One's Place In Art

    A box is a beautiful frame until it becomes my prison. Mastery requires demolition, undoing, and liberation. Masters fly like birds, and so I, too, must let go and fly. Coltrane received great resistance upon innovating music (finding, and establishing his sound). First, it was messy, then it turned to divine. He followed his instincts throughout. 'If I was going to put anything on record, then it ought to be me.' - John Coltrane

    III. The Road To Mastery

    Private art and public art are two different worlds. Private art is comfortable growth at one's own pace, while public art is compressed, pressured growth, leading to leaps in artistic development if not abandoned by facing pain publically. Mastery is establishing one's voice through one's chain of art (portfolio) and, by that, carving one's place in the history of art.

    Who are you as an artist?—You are your portfolio of work. Media compounds and is a leveraged flywheel. Put all your art on the internet. The internet is magical, removes all middlemen and distribution is at your fingertips. I will write more on my contemplations on this subject in further episodes.

    Back to Coltrane: By his own hands he became excellent at playing the saxophone. After he surrendered to God he became a master. I will add a recent diary post of mine here so you feel mastery from a non-dual perspective:

    Hard work is required to gain the skills. A master then unlearns everything to become a child again. He learns to surrender to the divine. He learns to be life; not force it but to let it unfold through him. He learns to trust in life and knows he’s a mere tool of creation. He obeys and respects the art that comes through. He sees the brilliance of the art and recognizes that he is a mere fool and the work is untouched by him; hence the art captures divinity he could never create alone. Great effort turns to non-effort for the master who has walked the long road that ends in God. He dissolves into his work and smiles when the world cherishes his art. It is not his art, it's the world’s. He quietly communes and serves. He became an artist by his own hands; then at the edge of mastery, he let go and let God do the rest.

    And so, each day I give my gift and soul to God as it’s his soul and I’m his song.

    This is the prayer I recite every morning. Feel free to use it for yourself!

    Show Me The Way

    Today, I serve you, God—show me the way.

    Today, I am yours, God—show me the way.

    Today, I listen.

    Today, I serve.

    To bring the greatest joy to the world.

    The greatest joy that I can bring.

    Take my fate, work miracles through me, and show me the way.

    Today I don’t walk alone to write my words on my own, today I write my words for you (fill in with your creative pursuits).

    Today I don’t walk alone to sing my songs on my own, today I sing my songs for you (fill in with your creative pursuits).

    My public diary is linked in the show notes. All podcast episodes are written diary posts.

    Each of us serves in an interconnected web everyone at the right place and time and each service adding to the one great ripple of love. Your ripple, indistinguishable from the one wave of change and progress. Individual work, melting into the one great piece of art (love/God). Many hands into one. The one selfless work of each soul.

    No one can take me from my destiny as I am my destiny.

    No one can take my part as I am my part.

    Uncover your soul to uncover your part. It is you that you are looking for. Who are you as an artist? What is the unique part you bring to the world? Then, give your God-given gift back to God. Your gift is inherent in your soul. You are made to explore your gift and bring it to the world. No one else will bring that gift. Will you rob us of that gift? Your destiny is not yours, it is the world's as much as it is yours. It is your duty to uncover who you are and that natural soul expression will delight the world and heal you as you shed the past to become your little soul again. As you heal, you heal the world. Your authentic soul expression will free you from your accumulated crust of past. Your pain is shed with each work of art, with each expression of soul.

    Your destiny is the destiny that belongs to the world. It is not yours. You living your destiny is the gift of individual experience. And by walking it you become the road and disappear back to love, back to your soul, and back to God.

    Your real work is the death of you. A birth cloaked as death. It’s sweet to die alive.

    My work burns me. It burns away my past. And that is each podcast episode to me. My journey of unbecoming. My journey of remembering who I am. I am honored to do my work in the world.

    The biography I read about John Coltrane If you would love to dive deeper!

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Where Does My Suffering Come From?

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    When my little soul came here it was alive, pure, playful, bold, intelligently knowing and being love; giving, and emanating divinity within. I don’t know exactly when the cloud of misery dawned on me. It must have been in High School, with the onset of puberty. Protecting myself from the great mean world I created a crust around my soul, a functional one; acceptable, and normal. That crust solidified along the way and I knew myself as rigid, boxed in, and half-alive.

    Thankfully, the Gods blessed me with music. Inherent in my soul is song and its expression, my salvation.

    I did not realize that every song was healing me. Eventually, I couldn’t deny seeing my crust as a lie. When I wrote songs (engaging in authentic, natural soul expression), I was free. The mask slipped on when I reentered the great mean world.

    I walked the path of art for fifteen years now. Every art session, a purge. Every sharing of art, a manifestation of the true me in the world. From divinity to multiplicity to divinity. From being my soul to taking on false form, to dissolving the form back to my soul. A masquerade. The Gods must have been bored alone.

    Art is a tool to free authentic soul expression. Art is a tool to become a child again. Art starts in misery. Art starts with a desire for fame, attention, glory, respect, money, sex = longing for love. Art ends in God. Artists are selfish until they burn away their crust of pain. Beyond the pain lies God, a selfless expression of soul for its own sake.

    Art is a healing modality. Karma Yoga in nature. The Yoga of Action (non-action). Performing the act so completely that one gives himself entirely to the work and disappears into the act. That moment of pure surrender is meditation. An act that flows naturally without one's involvement is active meditation. The meditation of action (non-action). Where life takes over. Where God plays you a fool. Where you let life carry you. Where you observe the divine play through your very hands.

    Such work heals and nurtures the soul engaging in creating the work (non-creation) and the soul receiving the work (non-receiving). Such work is created and consumed alone. There is no commerce and that is real commerce (gift-giving).

    I will now read a part of my book ‘God And Art: From Pain To God Through Art’. I link the ‘God And Art’ book series in the show notes. Experience the non-duality of what is said with your heart.

    Real commerce is gift-giving.

    Give gifts. That’s the game.

    The more you give, the more you become the artist you seek to be. Your songs, your works of art, your paintings, and your pamphlets are gifts. Gift-giving is real commerce, given that the gift is complete work. When creating complete work, you give and you get at the same time. When complete work finds its host, it appears effortlessly. The host simply steps aside. The host feels he has not touched the work, simply brought it to the world. The host steps aside and conceives the gift. The receiver steps aside and consumes the gift. There is no commerce. And that is real commerce.

    As gifts are received and consumed alone, they need no advocate. Complete work always finds its way to where it is needed. Real artists perhaps call that helping hands.

    It is important to understand that selfish artists will never touch complete work. Instead of gift-giving, they participate in hole-filling. The work is about them and their story. From their art, they hope to get something. By that, the gift eludes them, and they grow bitter making art. Perhaps what they make is not art at all.

    The intention behind your creation matters. Simply give your gift to God and choose a life of service. Your art can be your gift. Serve the world instead of filling holes. The only spiritual discipline you need is gift-giving.

    Real artists give gifts. They have come to heal parts of themselves that make them available to real creation. Real creation is complete creation, the healing arts.

    Gifts don’t leave the world. They are recognized as gifts by everyone; hence, they are cherished.

    Real art is. God is. And real commerce is gift-giving.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Take Me Home

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    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    With each step I take towards my destiny I am a little less pain and a little more soul.
    With each step I take, I fight the perpetuation of my past (identity) and fight my battle against myself to shed that coat of past by creating and sharing art.

    Each creation and sharing of art is accompanied by a release of past restrictions of self-expression, toward greater self-expression. With every step I take I am more free in my expression, more vulnerable, authentic, and more me. I find my voice! I stop mimicking other artists and bloom into the artist I am meant to be. I have my place in art after all!

    The journey from rigidity to my authentic soul expression is my healing journey. My work is my salvation, and as I walk my road I establish my identity as an artist and return to my soul.

    I recently watched the movie 'The Matrix'. Neo is and always was Neo, yet he considers himself Mr. Anderson. The Oracle tells him, 'Kid, you've got the gift but it looks like you are waiting for something'. Behind Neo is a sign: 'Know Thyself'.

    I believe the soul's choiceless path is to enter the world of images, take on form, and then undo and shed all identity to return to the inherent love within (the soul). That journey appears to take place, yet the soul was and always is the soul—never an image, never incarnate, just views transformation from an individual rigid thing to returning to life itself. Melting and shedding, and taking off the coat of accumulated past. Art is the tool to free natural soul expression by purging the past (creating art). Facing self and ending in God. Authenticity is the way home.

    My work is my salvation and as a by-product, it heals the world. My work is an extension of my current state of being. Holy art points to truth; the more the artist sheds the past the more potent the art becomes. And so art heals the artist until the scales tip and the art heals the world. Such is the journey of the arts—the journey of the soul.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Until Love Becomes My Name

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    The road.

    Sometimes, other people hear your voice before you do.
    Sometimes, other people see a light you don't.
    And they tell you it shines from you.

    And you don't believe them; how could you?
    For you don't see that light.
    But you've been looking.

    But you've been looking in the wrong places.
    Treading carefully along a path well-lit.
    But no path worth walking is well-lit.

    No path well-lit is worth walking.
    The path that's for you is pitch-black.
    And by walking it, you disappear.

    Your road wants you naked.
    By walking it, you unclothe.
    And by getting to know the road, you are getting to know yourself.

    And when the road knows you, and you don't know the road.
    Others have jumped before you.

    And with every step, you are a little less you and a little more road.
    And there will come a step when there is one last foot you and one fresh foot road.
    And when you take that final step, you become the road.

    Your real work is the death of you.
    A birth cloaked as death.
    It’s sweet to die alive.

    That’s three letters we sing in one song.
    But from your lips this time.

    Mastery And God

    Hard work is required to gain the skills. A master then unlearns everything to become a child again. He learns to surrender to the divine. He learns to be life; not force it but to let it unfold through him. He learns to trust in life and knows he’s a mere tool of creation. He obeys and respects the art that comes through. He sees the brilliance of the art and recognizes that he is a mere fool and the work is untouched by him; hence the art captures divinity he could never create alone. Great effort turns to non-effort for the master who has walked the long road that ends in God. He dissolves into his work and smiles when the world cherishes his art. It is not his art, it's the world’s. He quietly communes and serves. He became an artist by his own hands; then at the edge of mastery, he let go and let God do the rest.

    a genius

    Let's the divine do it all
    takes all the credit
    know he's a fool

    The more one tries
    the less genius he is
    The more one surrenders
    the more intelligent one becomes

    Life is intelligence
    geniuses don't stand in the way of life

    You can’t police the divine like you police yourself

    I never know how
    The song writes itself
    I never know how
    The book writes itself
    I sit by myself
    And I feel I ought to write
    I get up and grab my guitar
    And the most beautiful little piece comes my way
    Through my hands
    Effort is not a word I’d use
    Floating perhaps
    Stepping aside
    Bathing in bliss
    The work works alone
    And in that divine moment
    I feel I am the work
    A window
    I obey

    There is no need to collect or consume anything. It's all within the soul. Unbecome. Melt all you collected. Be who you are. Create with your soul and delight the world. All is within. You came complete. Just see that, be that, and express that. It's the most natural, and effortless soul expression that you are longing for. Spontaneous unfoldment of who you are for your brothers and sisters. It’s all within. Create in meditation, bask in God, and share by direct experience. What you create emanates the state you are in when you create the work. Share God in all you do. Measure your work not by effort and time spent but by the emanation and frequencies that you delight the world with. Take care of yourself and enjoy the freedom and time you have. Watch with your own two eyes what two hands and God can create together.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Our Time Has Come

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    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    What makes art beautiful?

    Living, emanating art holds captured beauty. The artist creating in a state of beauty, captures beauty. The artist in torment, captures torment. The artist dictates the manifestation of the art. Torment is not art. Art is beauty. The source of the art’s beauty is the artist.

    What makes an artist beautiful?

    Living souls are beauty, and emanate beauty. In a state of free flow of self-expression, in the present moment without the burdensome past, the artist emanates natural beauty. With a drink or two, in pleasant company, on a romantic date falling in love—the artist is beautiful. In agony, the artist seems small and fragile. On a sunny day when all goes well the artist shines. Natural beauty is a fragrance of the soul. The beauty of the physical body without emanation of beauty is half the charm. Charm is authentic self-expression in a natural free flow. The accumulated past obstructs free expression.

    Why does the past obstruct the artist’s natural, living, emanating expression of self (beauty)?

    I am my soul, free and divine. But life taught me otherwise. Life taught me to be stiff and careful, boxed in and robotic. Natural expression is dimmed by past experiences held dearly. Paying attention, entertaining, and nurturing past patterns keeps them engaged and alive. Surrendering patterns to God melts them in love. Awareness is seeing patterns unfold and gently telling them ‘You are not inherent in my soul; I am looking at you; I held you dearly but now I give you to God’. In time the patterns fall away.

    How does an artist cultivate awareness to surrender all that is not beauty?

    The soul is inherently beautiful. The soul is inherently aware of itself. The soul is awareness. The soul is witnessing unfoldment. The soul is witnessing the world. A slight change of focus inwardly is all that is required. From that meditative stance, patterns are seen, recognized, and gently released. The release is accompanied by relaxation and peace.

    How does a corrupt artist create beautiful art?

    While in a state of corruption, bothered by the past, restricted in natural self-expression: through meditation, and in states of flow or through alcohol and drugs, the artist communes and makes art. In states of happiness and relaxation, the artist creates freely. When patterns of restriction arise the artist surrenders them and with newly gained freedom creates art more beautiful than ever before. The only lasting creative flame comes from releasing patterns of restriction of self-expression. Authentic art is beautiful art.

    The corrupt artist may also purge the patterns by creating art upon traumatic patterns and capturing the release of that pattern in the art. Such art holds resolutions and hence is beautiful, deeply emotional, and freeing to the receiver of the art going through similar energetic unfoldment in their life.

    Drugs and alcohol are but a shadow of divine creation and are no lasting solution to greater self-expression. Learn to witness, observe, and gently release restrictions of self-expression. Often traumatic events from childhood become deep-rooted patterns that when released allow the artist to express naturally.

    The only way out is in. Honey is made from within. The world is a reflection of the internal state of the artist. The art is a reflection of the artist's inner state of being. What a wonderful learning tool! Solid, undeniable captured pieces of self, suspended in time to witness the divine process of dissolution into art. Dissolve your patterns into the light and create greater and greater art. Delight the world with your art. Free yourself to create beauty. Show your true authentic self, uncover it by creating art, and witness the progress. Be selfless. Selflessness is beauty itself.

    The most beautiful works of art are not made through corrupt hands. Beauty is a selfless expression of the soul through art for the delight of the world. The world looking at itself. A divine artifact of collapsing individuality into God.

    The spiritual path of art is the artist dissolving through art into God.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Kiss My Lips Red With Love

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    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    The young artist is fragile in many ways. Making himself available to real creation, he leaves himself vulnerable. Vulnerable to judgment, doubtful, and susceptible to feedback or lack thereof. The young artist’s journey is that of fighting with himself for himself. His character is marked by and built through struggles, hurdles, and pains to overcome. The young artist finds himself in many trials, mostly of the making of his mind. Who is he to be, the artist his heart claims to be? Who is he to lead and stand for something? Who is he to help and nurture with his art and words and taste and courage?

    Trials by fire are many for the young artist. His old ways are at odds and in stark contrast with his emerging self. He transforms into an artist by facing each pain (often reluctantly after much suffering). Being an artist does not come easy or free of charge. It is one of the most challenging journeys of all. It is the journey of the soul. From darkness to light, if you will. Hardships are many, and almost in secret, the young artist’s ego fights until it relinquishes its selfish stance, turning an artist into an angel. Long, hard looks in the mirror. Moving in the dark, with only God to lead. Intuitions get sharpened with each failed or successful adventure. It is all the same: the lesson is the point.

    Selfish artists create ugly work, full of themselves, wanting money and fame from the art, not creating for others but for themselves. Selfless artists, pure of heart, create work that shines and holds light, like the sun — shining on its own. Not for its own sake but to bring life to the world. Nourishing others but being full all the same. Not of need to give, but their very being is a ray of giving of the highest order. But angels have once all been men. The journey then is from selfish to selfless — from men to angels.

    You and I are angles. But angels in the making. We have many hurdles to overcome with ourselves. Like yesterday when you did not share your work or deleted your last article. Or when you wrote a song only to put it in the drawer accompanying all your other songs, collecting dust. The light is dim and barely visible to the young artist, and ignorantly, he still follows it. He knows it’s his only way, his only choice — not a choice, maybe — but his destiny.

    The young artist has something in him that wants to bloom, and he obeys. He has no choice in what wants to bloom — he lets it. Often, he resists the work that wants to come through, and he is scared to share it. It is so different, so peculiar, so odd, so strange. He knows not what to do with it. The obvious answer is to share it. That work is clearly not meant for himself alone. Art is only art when shared. That peculiar-strange kind of art always has funny ways to find itself in the right hands at the right time.

    So then, I write these lines to conclude that I am a clueless artist, very young at heart with a long journey ahead, but willing and able. And I hope you join me in our shared ignorance.

    Art is only art when shared.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

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    Lila Tace

  • The Song From Today's Episode: Straw Man, Sail To The Moon

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    There are 3 acts of every artist’s journey.

    Act 1: Asleep
    Act 2: Awakening
    Act 3: Awakened

    Act 1:

    You create work as a selfish artist at home. You think your work is exceptional and are owed money and fame. You may hoard your work in your drawer or under your bed. You are bitter that other artists are famous, but you are not. You are just as good as them but poor and unhappy.
    Your work is about you and your struggle to wake up. You create work about your heartbreaks, bad parents, and the unfairness of life and mimic songs of love and devotion. And you dare to call that art.*
    Eventually, you have enough and want to collect what is owed. You realize that no one will discover and pick you. You know that no one will come and make you rich and famous. Now, you take matters into your own hands. You use social media to show yourself and your work. You follow the rules to get the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But no one wants your selfish work. It is ugly.
    So now you try and force that ugly work onto people, perhaps with ads and shouting, pretty makeup, dancing, screaming, and showing your beautiful life in pictures and videos. ‘Look at me!’ you say. But they look away.
    You realize that something does not rhyme. You spent your entire childhood chasing a dream, and it eludes you. You put in the 10,000 hours, for God’s sake! Where is your price? So, you start to contemplate your approach. Who is your work for? Who are you delighting? You think perhaps you are selfish. And you are.
    You consume content about online business, marketing, and entrepreneurship. You explore what artists have done that ‘made it.’ You get into self-development and perhaps meditation. You feel that this approach lightens the grips of selfishness, and you relax into your work. Your work starts to change.
    You learn that commerce is about solving problems. You understand that to solve your issue of acquiring money and fame, you need to get money and attention from someone. You know that for someone to give you money, you must provide them value. You understand that for someone to pay attention to you, you must help them get what they want. Your work starts to become about others and not about yourself.
    You struggle to monetize your art as it is not made for such commerce. Art is gift-giving, and your awakening artist’s heart knows that. So you explore creating products and services around your art to make money so you finally have time to make art. Perhaps you start teaching or coaching, create courses and communities, and maybe make money.
    You know this cannot be it. This is not what you signed up for. You signed up for art, artistry, and the life of an artist. Yet you make barely any art. Perhaps you make barely any money. Maybe you are lost in money making. Either way, you do need money. Keep your business alive for now. Keep your part-time job even if it is unbearable.

    The only way out of your dilemma is to enter Act 2.

    *Express any topic! The intention behind the work is what matters. The state you create works in matters. Topics are dances of creativity. Sex and joy are as sacred as god and love.

    Act 2:

    A life of service and gift-giving awaits you, which is quite joyous. It is what artists do, and you are an artist.
    You pick a group of people and delight them with your art. You are specific! You decide to devote your life to them through art. This is scary as you are now exposing yourself to that group, and they respond. You get feedback, and that hurts. Perhaps your work is not as good as you thought it was.
    You take all your might and keep making and sharing your work because that is what you do now. You often feel so much pain that you repeatedly run back to Act 1 until you eventually stop running. You use feedback from your people and ignore all other opinions. You simply serve and want to delight them with what you create selflessly. It is not about you anymore; it is about them. They start to appreciate you for it.
    Your work now becomes your gift. It becomes good enough for your fans to love and share it. Positive feedback and word of mouth kick in slowly. This is not the overnight success you dream of, but you are delighted and happy serving your fans. This is different from the breakthrough success, dollar signs, or amount of attention you wanted; for some reason, you are content. You keep serving your fans.
    Perhaps you get the reward of money with your art, but that is not why you do the work. You do it for the sake of doing it. Perhaps you build a selfless business around your craft out of joy. You overflow, so you give of yourself, perhaps as a product or service. Maybe you just share, and people want to give back to you. You can choose to monetize your craft. That is up to you.

    Sneakily, you mature into Act 3.

    Act 3:

    You lost yourself in your work, and that is good. You are no more when you create your work. You flow with life, and the wind is in your back. You are not fighting anymore; you are living. You have surrendered yourself to your work and to your fans and God. Creation flows through you. You realize that making art and delighting your fans is your spiritual discipline. Perhaps you never considered yourself spiritual, and the words don’t matter, but you feel God through your work. You are absorbed when you create it, and that is meditation. You have no words for it, but you are delighted to participate in the dance that life has planned for you. You feel you have a mission, and you do.
    You need no guidance at this stage; you will be helped and guided. You realize that your work spreads naturally to the right hearts, and you awaken them. Not because you intend to but because your work holds the truth of the universe. It is beautiful. While you create your work, you disappear; there is only the creation of the work. The creator and the art do not exist, only the dance of creation. There is God, the artist, and the work of art. But perhaps there is just God.
    You do not claim ownership of your creations; how could you? You did not create them. You are simply a vessel of truth and light. You dance with life. You, of course, live your life and return to live in the world, talk from your separate self, and connect to others as usual. Your identity shifted, and you are gracious in the way you interact. But you keep your relationship with God quiet. You simply commune and do your work. To speak of God is to dilute the message. Your work of art talks enough.

    The journey of the arts mirrors the journey of the soul. Art is your way home. And it’s your time.

    'The Road For Artists' Community 📿

    The 'God And Art' Book Series

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    Lila Tace