
  • In this episode host Dustin Plantholt speaks to Joe Foster, a name you may not recognize although it’s been in his family for generations. It might surprise you to learn he’s built a multi-billion-dollar global company, whose name you’ll know as well as your own. The reason you may have never heard of Joe Foster is because his business was never about him. It was about being the best in sport shoes. Does the name Reebok ring a bell?

    Foster tells the fascinating story behind how the company got started and how he named it. The shoe business wasn’t new to him. In fact, his grandfather’s eponymous British company dating back to 1895 became famous for pioneering the spiked running shoe and outfitting the world’s best athletes. Wearing shoes made by JW Foster & Sons, Harold Abrahams and Eric Liddell won Olympic Gold Medals in the 1924 Paris Olympics and were later immortalized in the Academy Award-winning film Chariots of Fire.

    But after he and his brother Jeff served in the UK’s National Service and went to “footwear college” in the evenings, the brothers struck out on their own, opening Mercury Sports Footwear in an old brewery.

    Discovering that name was already registered, Foster did his first pivot, choosing the name of a small South African gazelle to represent a running shoe company. Two weeks later the name became Reebok.

    Some 20 years later, after many failed attempts to break into the American market, they capitalized on an opportunity to make shoes for a new exercise craze sweeping the 1980’s—aerobics. When the celebrity queen of aerobics, Jane Fonda herself, donned a pair of the new buttery soft leather shoes in her workout video the brand exploded. Globally.

    In five years, Reebok grew from nine to 900 million dollars. For the next four years they focused solely on product delivery to keep up with demand. With solid movement into the American professional sports market, the street followed, and Reebok became a four-billion-dollar company.

    Foster credits his success to enthusiasm, optimism, and the willingness to look for what he calls “the white spaces.” Those white spaces, or gaps in the market, give you the opportunity to create something new, perhaps something you never had in mind. Changing the feeling of a sports shoe, made of pliable garment leather for aerobics is a great example. Reebok’s coveted pump shoe is another one.

    The 87-year-old tells wannabe business owners, “To be an entrepreneur you’ve got to have optimism.” If you can look at the problem and turn it into a challenge, you can think differently about solutions, often ending up in a better position.

    Foster’s book, Shoemaker: The Untold Story of the British Family Firm that Became a Global Brand is available on Amazon. Check out his website to learn more Joseph William Foster.

    To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of inspiring podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • In this episode of “Life’s Tough—YOU Can Be TOUGHER!” host Dustin Plantholt talks to David Green, Founder of Hobby Lobby as he shares his unconventional leadership wisdom and his billion-dollar success story.

    In 1970, David Green and his wife borrowed $600 to make miniature picture frames out of their garage. Two years later their small home-based arts and crafts business was making enough money for them to afford a modest commercial space, and thus Hobby Lobby was born.

    Green recalls in the early years how they were struggling to survive. They stayed the course one day at a time and over the next 50 years turned that tiny $600 loan into an $8 billion debt-free business, with nearly 1,000 locations and 43,000+ employees. Green says he has “the sense” that they can get to ten billion. Right now, that’s what he’s working on.

    No successful business enjoys longevity without making a lot of mistakes and Green says Hobby Lobby is no exception. He believes that everyone has God-given gifts, and one of his is not hiring people. He’s learned to look for folks with integrity, who are hardworking, but he also looks for something else that’s important – he looks for people who are smarter than he is.

    Many remarkable leaders have touted the same philosophy from Confucius to Tony Robbins: surround yourself with capable people and allow them to do their jobs. Green says being the CEO is the easiest job he’s had so far because he has such great leaders on his team, many of whom have been with Hobby Lobby for decades.

    “I’d like to think we learn from each other,” says Green of his relationship with the executives helping to steer the ship. It’s another of his success tactics—listening to others.

    Coming from humble means, Green hails from small town Oklahoma, the son of a Christian pastor. This self-made man didn’t have a trust fund or the benefit of a fancy education, he says money has never been his motivation. What does motivate him is being the very best. He quotes a verse from the Bible’s Book of Ecclesiastes as inspiration, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” In fact, the 80-year-old CEO aims to follow biblical principles in everything he does, at work and at home. Even back when he was the manager of a five-and-dime, he always put his marriage and his family first. He does, however, still go to work six days a week, but now if his wife wants him to herself on a Saturday, he gladly complies.

    His faith continues to serve as the bedrock of his life. His family relies on prayer to help get them through challenges. And big companies don’t come without them, like the $40 million monthly rent bill during the pandemic when no money was coming in. Being flexible and adjusting to change are also hallmarks of his success.

    Green recently made headline news when he talked about how true ownership of Hobby Lobby belongs to God, a decision that was easy for Green to make. Green now defines himself as a steward, rather than an owner, with the voting stock in a stewardship trust. He’d like to see more business owners do the same.

    He still oversees the company and its growth, which affords him the privilege of giving back. The company invests 50% of its profits to fund charitable ministries all over the world and has been doing so for the last 22 years.

    Because he’s done so many things differently, Green’s new book is titled, Leadership Not by the Book: 12 Unconventional Principles to Drive Incredible Results.

    No one can argue with his results.

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  • In this episode host Dustin Plantholt speaks to Rabbi Elie Abadie, MD, spiritual leader, renowned international lecturer, gastroenterologist, husband and beloved father and grandfather about what it means to truly embrace diversity and how to balance our many roles in life. This is really a conversation on how to have a beautiful life, and if anyone is qualified to summarize such a topic, it’s Rabbi Elie.

    Although he knew he wanted to be a doctor by age five, because in the Sephardic Jewish tradition it is common to have a dual career of both rabbi and any other profession, Rabbi Elie first became a spiritual leader. It was perhaps a normal course, having begun studying the Torah at age three at his father’s knee and moving on to memorizing the Bible by age 15 or 16. Born in Lebanon, raised Mexico, he moved in the United States to study medicine at 18 to fulfil his dream of being a physician.

    Rabbi Elie credits the rich two-thousand-year-old Jewish traditions of both serving humanity and God with helping him to find balance. In his tradition, rabbis are obligated to get married and have children. It’s a religious imperative. Otherwise, how would a rabbi be able to effectively help other families in the community with marital and child-rearing issues? His wife is a “helpmate” as the Bible says, and as such plays an equal role in working and raising children. Children grow up helping in the congregation, observing their parents, and entertaining guests in the home. In this simple way, they grow up valuing their parents’ interactions with society at large.

    It is this fellowship that can break down walls that divide human beings. And this is precisely why Rabbi Elie and his wife chose in 2020 to move to the United Arab Emirates. He’s lived in many countries, speaks seven languages, and has never felt more welcome anywhere. Incredible, considering he’s still somewhat of an anomaly—a Jewish rabbi living in a country where there are almost no Jews.

    It was an easy transition for him to move from New York City to Dubai, both international mega-cities. He points out that Dubai is amazingly clean. There are no homeless people in the streets. There is no hateful speech. No disrespect. There is no crime—that was the shock.

    But it’s not the pretty things that he loves about the UAE. It’s the fact that it is a country where elders are respected; tradition is revered. All religions and races are respected. God is lived. All of this brings stability to the country, its communities, and families. “It’s important to live in a society that you know you are respected, and you are expected to respect others…It’s a society that lives in peace.”

    So, how does he help others to embrace unity? It’s not about changing how people feel, or even their opinions. It’s really a matter of respect. If we can learn to respect others, we can move on to seeing the beauty in other traditions and appreciate the differences not just tolerate them.

    His parting blessing is a plea to recognize that all humans are created equal, by one Creator. If we accept that, we can work together for the good of one another and the planet.

    To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of inspiring podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • In this episode host Dustin Plantholt speaks to Chinwe Esimai about her new book, Brilliance Beyond Borders: Remarkable Women Leaders Share the Power of Immigrace (a word she coined to represent an immigrant’s expression of her highest purpose and potential). Much like the women she profiles, Chinwe too is a trailblazer in her field who immigrated to the U.S. from Nigeria as a teenager.

    Growing up outside of the culture allows immigrants to bring a fresh perspective to whatever they do. Talk around the dinner table in Nigeria was centered on world events and she began to ponder and discuss how to make the world a better place. Her journey to become the managing director and chief anti-bribery officer at Citigroup, Inc., the first person to hold this title in the bank’s history, is an inspiring one to say the least.

    One strategy Chinwe uses to excel in her own life is to not focus on the borders, any potential barrier to moving forward. Although immigrants' cross physical borders, there are other borders that can be impediments to success, including the ones we impose on ourselves. By shining a light on immigrant women who have honed the traits that shaped their success, she hopes to spread the message that we all possess a unique genius and can create incredible legacies.

    Prior to joining Citigroup Chinwe spent five years at Goldman Sachs in various regulatory risk-management roles and served as a law professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. She was fortunate to have mentors who helped to build her confidence so that when the time came, she could step into a new role that, in many ways, was meant for her, even though she was taking a risk. “Readiness doesn’t mean you have all the answers. There will still be challenges when you step into it.”

    What does it take, specifically for immigrant women, to go from surviving to thriving? Oddly, failure is an essential ingredient to their success. Many immigrant women have faced trauma, but the ones who move forward seem to use any rejection they face as a call to action. Other ingredients include…

    (1) The ability to go within and be thoughtful about what you are uniquely suited to do. What frustrates you? Where are you passionately curious? Begin with reflection and determine to honor your unique talents and gifts.

    (2) Commitment to innovate over time. Learn to pivot and seize opportunities that come your way.

    (3) Take ownership of your decisions. Some people want mentors to feed them answers. Keep in mind a mentor doesn’t have to be someone like you—have the same gender or lifestyle.

    “The journey of life is about growth. It’s about ongoing examination, reexamination…honoring and finding the time and space to listen to that inner voice,” adds Chinwe.

    Her mission in writing the book is to democratize genius because we are all geniuses. Each section of the book concludes with a step-by-step guide to help readers achieve to their own extraordinary results, as well as an Immigrace Journal, a guide on how to serve the world and build a remarkable legacy.

    Brilliance Beyond Borders by Chinwe Esimia is now available wherever books are sold. Connect with Chinwe on social media on LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of inspiring podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • In this episode of “Life’s Tough—YOU Can Be TOUGHER!” host Dustin Plantholt talks to Denise Ilitch, an owner of Ilitch Family Companies and President of Ilitch Enterprises, an empire begun by her parents when they opened their first restaurant in 1959— Little Ceasar’s Pizza Treat in Garden City, Detroit.

    The oldest of seven children, Denise learned early to serve and to speak up. With humble beginnings she saw her parents build success from the ground up. Neither of her parents went to college or had formal business training. She says they were “incredibly bright and gifted all on their own.”

    In addition to be being signed by the Detroit Tigers, her father sold pots and pans door-to-door to make ends meet in the early days. He claimed this was how he learned about marketing, by listening to people decide how to spend their money. His love of Italian food led him to try different restaurants when he was traveling with the farm team, all of which led him to start his own.

    Much of what Denise learned about success she attributes to spending time with her father and she eagerly sought out opportunities to be by his side. Through his mentorship she was able to apply what she learned to her own life. Her first principle of leadership? Do the work. Recovery and moving forward post-pandemic will require adaptability, but work ethic is important.

    Now she wants to help others to use the same lessons. She says she still aims to make her dad proud, carrying on his legacy of treating everyone equally, learning from others and doing good. She stared her own podcast, The Denise Ilitch Show, to pay it forward. She’s observed that all successful people have courage, confidence and a ‘can do’ attitude and her guests reflect those qualities.

    “The more you invest in others the more you’ll get back.”

    Listen to the Denise Ilitch Show wherever you get podcasts. If you have a great story to share on the podcast, she’d love to hear from you @thedeniseilitchshow.

    To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of inspiring podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • In this episode of “Life’s Tough—YOU Can Be TOUGHER!” host Dustin Plantholt talks to Erik Weir, one of the most sought-after wealth advisors in the Unites States, whose clients range from celebrity recording artists and professional sports icons to those on the Forbes World’s Billionaires list. Erik shares with listeners his story, his philosophy and wisdom for achieving goals despite obstacles, something he knows all about.

    When he was just five years old, Erik was in a traumatic automobile accident. Police rushed to the scene and told him to stay in the car, although he was terribly frightened that he wasn’t safe there. That same evening, he started to stutter, something he’d never done before. It was debilitating and he suffered a lot of bullying at school because of it. A therapist gave him a choice: become a recluse and a failure or push through the difficulty to succeed and learn a skill you can use forever. He chose the latter, leaning into his disability and using it as an opportunity, a process he’s repeated in many areas of his life since.

    His idea for the title of his new book, “Who’s Eating Your Pie?” came from a lesson he was trying to teach his son. Not quite grasping what his dad was saying about taxation, Erik reached over and took a big bite out of his son’s dessert, warm apple pie with ice cream. He explained to his son, that’s what it means when others take a piece of your “pie,” a metaphor for all our finite resources. Needless to say, his son got it!

    Erik shares with listeners his Five F’s that shape his daily priorities: Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances and Friends. Balance is key, recognizing that at different times in our lives we may put more emphasis on building one area over another. And he shares details on the four things he thinks about every day: Vision, Mission, Legacy, Impact.

    “No one will ever hold you back more or keep you down more than your limiting thoughts or your judgement on yourself.” Forgiving yourself and others, is also a key. Harboring anger or resentment only bring us pain and keeps us from moving forward. Erik encourages everyone to give grace to others.

    Turns out having a rich and rewarding life has little to do with money.

    To learn more about Erik and to preorder his book, “Who’s Eating Your Pie? Essential Financial Advice That Will Transform Your Life” visit The book will be available wherever books are sold starting March 22.

    To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of inspiring podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • Dustin Plantholt’s Life’s Tough: YOU can be TOUGHER! podcast this week features Cheryl Miller, Owner of Quantum Consulting and Training.

    During her interview with Dustin, Cheryl Miller tells of her past personal challenges as a homeless single mom with two kids born into the welfare system. With the help of others along the way, Miller managed to overcome many uphill battles and obstacles—eventually graduating with a Bachelor's and a graduate degree.

    Miller had become a teacher and then worked for over 18 years in the nonprofit sector before opening up her own business, Quantum Consulting and Training. Through her company she helped other women who were former addicts or victims of domestic violence, experienced poverty or homelessness, or were incarcerated or had exited from the sex industry, to find meaningful careers to transition back into the normal paths of society.

    Miller also co-authored with Shannon Deer the recently published book, Business Doing Good: Engaging Women and Elevating Communities. Through her book, Miller hopes other businesses will follow suit and step up to their plate and hire these special groups of women, who make up a large percentage of the nontraditional workforce.

    "When you give people an opportunity, especially those who are ready to change, ready to do something different, you are not only impacting that person's life but also impacting generations to come.” Says Miller.

    Join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: YOU Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough, YOU Can Be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Coach Rob Mendez, head coach of the Prospect High School (CA) junior varsity football team.

    During his recent interview with Dustin, Coach Mendez tells of his lifelong passion of football and coaching the sport—even though he has no limbs at all.

    Born without arms or legs due to tetra-amelia syndrome—a rare congenital disorder that prevents the formation of limbs during embryonic development—Rob Mendez was never able to play football, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his passion for the game as a coach. Yet he was always inspired and encouraged by his father Robert Mendez Sr. to not see himself as "special" but as "unique," and "never to focus on what I couldn’t do but rather on what I could do."

    "I am grateful for the work I get to do every day. Coaching my team fills me up in a way unlike anything else. The purpose and fulfillment we get from our jobs positively impacts our lives and our communities." Says Coach Mandez.

    Coach Mendez is also the author of his recently published book, Who Says I Can't? The Astonishing Story of A Fearless Life. Besides coaching football, Mendez is also a busy and accomplished motivational speaker, and has been the subject of dozens of profiles in national media, as well as the ESPN documentary short feature, "Who Says I Can’t? " He will also be partnering with Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin & Metro Chicago in support of their mission to help individuals with disadvantages and different abilities overcome obstacles, find jobs, and achieve their goals

    To learn more about Coach Rob Mandez, follow him on social media @coachrobmandez and listen to the full episode on the “Life’s Tough” podcast network.

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • In this episode of Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!”, host Dustin Plantholt interviews Her Royal Highness Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In this episode, Queen Diambi, whose name means “the bearer of good news,” shines her best light and shares important truths about the African continent.

    This engaging interview begins with the story behind Her Royal Highness Queen Diambi’s full name. Then, we learn more about the beauty and diverse history that Africa embodies—along with a section debunking misconceptions about Africa. In so doing, Queen Diambi delves into the “Two Africas.” There is the 1885 Berlin Conference vision of Africa in which Europeans sought to cut Africa into pieces for exploitative means. The Africa that Queen Diambi emphasizes is the Africa of the People—the Africa that is over 200,000 years old.

    From this perspective, Queen Diambi talks about how Africa is where the true history and true accomplishments of civilization took place and continues to take place. In other words, Africa is the birthplace and foundation of civilization—and far more than the mere categorization of “cradle.” As Queen Diambi says, “We only left Africa 70,000 years ago. If humanity is 100, you leave Africa when you are 60…You didn’t leave a cradle.” Queen Diambi also reframes the way Africa is portrayed by using an extended metaphor of Africa as our wise mother who we ought to realize our interconnected relationship with and show her the utmost respect for raising and supporting us.

    Additionally, when you think about major concepts in mathematics, sciences, coding systems, philosophy, and architectural feats—all of this originated in Africa, too. So why is this history not taught in western schooling? As Queen Diambi reflects, it is about the so-called winners of history who “creat[e] an artificial narrative to justify why they treat Africa the way they do.”

    Throughout the episode, we learn about the ways “Africa is our home, and that history belongs to our community” because African history is human history. And in the wise words of Queen Diambi, “We are all human. Our wealth reside[s] in our diversity because the more diverse we are, the more creative we can be when we have to find solutions. However, our strength lies in our unity. And unity doesn’t mean unicity--unity means you are different, and I love it, because your difference will complete me. Your difference will supplement me—complement me. So, when we change that and we give everyone the opportunity to shine their best light, then how lit will we be together.”

    If you are someone who enjoys learning accurate history of the world, understanding the reality behind common misconceptions, as well as discussions about how to create healing between countries and bridge the gap between communities—tune into the “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast featuring highly esteemed guest, Her Royal Highness Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata of the Democratic Republic of Congo. For more information, visit and follow our social media @LifesToughMedia.

  • The latest podcast episode of “Life’s Tough—YOU Can Be TOUGHER!” is about David Vaskevitch, former CTO (Chief Technical Officer) for Microsoft and founder of Mylio, a product that digitizes and organizes a lifetime of memories.

    From a childhood with his head in the books to a young adulthood in the 1960s surrounded by the latest computer technology, David taught himself how to program and was hired as “Employee 901” at Microsoft under Bill Gates’ advisement. In this episode, David shares his life experience and details how his innovative spirit propelled him further in his career.

    If you’re wondering how to start a company, how to create to a product you are proud of, and/or how to brainstorm new ideas, tune into this episode of “Life’s Tough: YOU can be TOUGHER!” featuring business visionary, entrepreneur, and innovator David Vaskevitch.

    To learn more about David Vaskevitch and his company Mylio, check out To discover more from Life’s Tough Media’s expansive collection of podcasts and services, follow our social media @LifesToughMedia and visit

  • The latest episode on the “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast, hosted by Dustin Plantholt, features guest Sean Callagy with a priceless perspective to all listeners. Sean is the business owner and operator of Callagy Law, founder of the UNBLINDED movement and UNBLINDED Results Formula, ambassador for the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), as well as an internationally recognized public speaker and business coach.

    Growing up with grandparents, aunts, and high school coaches who are rich in love, values, and mentorship, Sean delves into how he was blessed by the successful people around him. Modeling their behaviors from a young age, he developed the life skills necessary to succeed the most challenging of circumstances.

    During his undergraduate college career at Columbia University, Sean began to feel the impact of his degenerative genetic eye disease. Pivoting from his dream to go pro in baseball, he decided to apply to law school for financial stability and self-sufficiency as he would soon become fully blind. However, after working at a top firm post-law school, he realized that pursuing law was no longer his dream. Dissatisfied with his position, he looked around at the office and realized that most people complained about the work while only a small few were happy and empowered leaders. Wanting to feel a similar sense of agency and growth, Sean educated himself about business and gained mentor figures in his life—including Tony Robbins and Jay Abraham.

    What got Sean out of this undesirable cycle? Actively releasing his fears of rejection and failure. Prioritizing what matters. Integrity. Grit. Devotion to life-long learning. Sean attributes a major part of the growth in his businesses to reading books such as How to Make a Fortune from Public Speaking by Dr. Robert Anthony and Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. From thereon out, Sean forged a new path for himself as the founder of Callagy Law, a highly successful law firm, and UNBLINDED, a personal and professional development company.

    Once he embraced the boundless possibility his future held, Sean “started generating clients and went from $100,000 in debt to a 40-person law firm in 2 years.” He also started asking challenging questions about how to grow and build structures using his gifts and talents to become a business owner who focuses on what fuels him. From sales meetings and what Sean coined as “ecosystem merging” through communication with niche client ecosystems, he prioritizes his life with integrity and passion. “I love growth. I love challenge.” Sean Callagy affirms, and through creating new opportunities and sharing his story, he encourages all of you to do the same. Because while Life’s Tough, YOU can be TOUGHER!

    Do you want to access Sean’s formula to becoming more free, happy, empowered, and in leadership? Do you want to learn how your weaknesses can be your greatest strengths and ignite a “why” that propels you? Have you been letting fear of rejection and failure prevent you from taking risks and truly living your life? By listening to Sean Callagy’s journey and the steps he took to get to where he is today, you will not only witness a powerful and moving episode, but a motivational talk that transforms the status quo.

    To delve more into Sean Callagy and his blockbuster-worthy story, check out and his social media @SeanRCallagy.

    For more information about Life’s Tough media and our host, Dustin Plantholt, visit our page at and platforms via @LifesToughMedia on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Pastor Neil Tomba, Senior Pastor of Northwest Bible Church of Dallas, Texas, who cycled nearly 3,000 miles across the country from California to Maryland on his quest to reach out and listen to people and sharing the Jesus he loved through conversations with others.

    During his recent interview with Dustin, Pastor Tomba shared how he had "met 150-250 people" in total—and had "116 recorded conversations" about faith and Jesus in 30 days—with people from all walks of life. Some of these total strangers were very open—and others very skeptic about this cycling preacher—shared with Tomba "their life experiences, griefs and struggles, while others wanted to give back" to their communities. Some even openly discussed with him about faith, their experiences with the church, and matters of the soul.

    Tomba also learned how "true connection is possible when we truly listen to others, instead of rushing to judgment or trying to provide answers to their questions. This provided him a chance to learn of these people' search for and substance by listening to their stories without judgment, and to lead conversation out of curiosity and love,” adds Tomba.

    Pastor Tomba's incredible and physically stressful month-long journey was captured by a professional film team led by Jonathon Link and became a documentary series in 2020. This remarkable story and what he learned about the power of listening was also documented in his newly published book earlier this month: The Listening Road: One Man's Ride Across America to Start Conversations About God.

    To learn more about Pastor Neil Tomba, visit, and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Dr. Lawrence Krauss, an American-Canadian theoretical physicist and cosmologist who was a former professor at Arizona State University (ASU). Dr. Krauss also founded ASU's Origins Project, now called ASU Interplanetary Initiative, to investigate fundamental questions about the universe and served as the project's director.

    During his recent interview with Dustin, Dr. Krauss explored the fundamental questions about the universe and its origins—contrary to the opinions from those with faith—about life and its purposes. Dr. Krauss's childhood fascination about science motivated his lifelong passion to search for the ultimate answers once he reached adulthood.

    "Do what you enjoy...If you don't enjoy it, you won't do a good job; if you don't do a good job, you won't find the answers." He also discussed why it's important to find out about things: ask questions and you will learn. "Energy is the capability of doing work...when one has fear, fear will prevent one from learning and finding out about the truth".

    Dr. Krauss is an advocate for public understanding of science, public policy based on sound empirical data, scientific skepticism, and science education. He currently serves as President of The Origins Project Foundation and as host of The Origins Podcast with Lawrence Krauss.

    To learn more about Dr. Lawrence Krauss, visit and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Steven Strombeck, Founder and CEO of SafeHandles, who developed a uniquely superior product that not only keeps commonly touched surfaces clean but germs-free 24/7 for at least six months.

    During his recent interview with Dustin, Steven Strombeck tells of how his personal encounter with a random individual's hygienic behavior spearheaded his determination to partner with his creative team to create a product that "has been tested to not only eliminate germs but also solve problems for a long time."

    His mission? To keep our families safe. Three things in life matter more than ever before—health, purpose and the people we love. And SafeHandles' unique products can continuously reduce the growth of certain microbes to ensure the product is clean and durable, thus killing germs on the common surfaces people touch 24/7 so they don't get sick from that.

    A problem-solver with a strong passion for helping people, Steve is also the current Chairman of the Board for Redwood Teen Challenge and is a founding director of Redwood Capital Bank. In addition to his business and charitable pursuits, Steven partners with multiple non-profits around the world and spearheaded two thriving companies, Strombeck Properties and Strombeck Construction.

    To learn more about Steven Strombeck, visit, and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Don Wood, Founder of Inspired Performance Institute and CEO of Team Energy Inc., developed the TIPP method after spending years researching how atmospheric conditions affect minds and impact lives. Dr. Wood designed this cutting-edge neuroscience approach to "remove the stigma of trauma." When it eliminates the effects of disturbing or traumatic events in a person’s life, their performance improves both personally and professionally.

    During his recent interview with Dustin, Dr. Wood shares how things at home hit him on a personal note. “Both my wife and daughter experienced childhood trauma and I saw how it affected their life, including their health. They both had developed autoimmune disorders.” In his search for answers for them, Dr. Wood made the connection between trauma and their health issues. In addition, he recognized the daily stress they lived with and the only solutions provided came from medications. His experience with his family provided the determination required to develop a cutting-edge neuroscience approach.

    Dr. Woods is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and an avid author on neuroscience and a frequent podcast guest favorite. He has appeared on over 100 podcasts and many times has been the top 20% listened to show.

    To learn more about Don Wood visit, and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Dr. Christina Rahm, artistic scientist, researcher & worldwide consultant in various areas of holistic health and wellness.

    During her recent interview with Dustin, Dr. Christina Rahm shares how she first got into healthcare and wellness. After battling Lyme disease in her twenties, and surviving multiple cancers in her thirties, Dr. Rahm made a vow to help people find their own paths of empowerment, by ridding them of the negative environmental and personal forces that prevent them from living a healthy and meaningful life.

    She is currently writing a book - Cure The Causes, that combines her own personal experiences and health challenges with extensive scientific education, bringing us a book to enable happier, healthier lives! Cure The Causes weaves us through why illness can happen to all of us, and how healing can happen by focusing on the cause instead of the symptoms. Dr. Rahm offers a thorough insight into how everything is connected, affecting our health and well-being. “Don’t let a doctor or anyone else tell you what to do with your body! You’re in charge of your body, so own it!” says Dr. Rahm.

    Dr. Rahm has an M.S. in Rehab Counseling, PhDs in Education Counseling Psychology with emphasis in NeuroPsych and Strategic Science. She has done postdoc work at Harvard and has taught CME courses for numerous Universities including Johns Hopkins University. She has also spoken and lectured at environmental, health and medical conferences in 78 countries and all fifty U.S. states.

    To learn more about Dr. Christina Rahm and her upcoming book, Cure the Causes, visit, and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be TOUGHER! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Greg Laurie, American author, Evangelist and Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, staying active in remote campuses across California and Hawaii.

    In a recent conversation with Dustin, Pastor Greg Laurie says that taking time to connect with others has always been a driving force in his life. He has been an evangelist and pastor for 40 years, authored 70 books, including The Upside Down Church, raised 2 children and now he and Cathe, his wife, enjoy life with their 5 grandchildren. He encourages listeners not to put him or any other pastor or leader up on a pedestal, but to remember that we’re all just human. He says, “At the end of the day, we all put our pants on one leg at a time and we all need Jesus just like everyone else.”

    Growing up, it was Greg’s dream to become a professional cartoonist, but God had a different plan for his life, and Greg says he’s glad! At a very early age, Greg found himself asking the big questions: What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What will happen after I die? And at the age of 19, under the supervision of his Pastor, he was given the opportunity to lead a Bible Study and the church that formed from this Bible Study group has grown to become one of the largest churches in the United States - Harvest Christian Fellowship.

    To learn more about Pastor Greg Laurie visit join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be Tougher! right here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Josh Nielsen, founder of Zencaster — a web-based tool that helps podcasters easily record their guests, getting the same high-quality audio as in studio.

    In a recent interview with Dustin, Josh Nielson explains how it all started for him, chasing his story back to his very first job and detailing the beginnings of his groundbreaking podcasting platform. Recognizing that podcasters faced significant challenges recording their shows and collecting the audio from remote guests, Josh decided to employ some of the skills he’d been learning on previous projects to build something that would solve this problem.

    No longer do podcast hosts have to cross their fingers, hoping the internet connection doesn't fail them! Josh designed Zencastr with first class options and an arsenal of professional tools, allowing podcast producers to quickly and painlessly record their guests.

    Why Podcasting?

    Josh says that podcasting is a great way to connect with people who might otherwise be difficult to get 10 minutes with. By providing value to an entire audience though a podcast interview, everyone wins. “It’s a lot easier to say - ‘come be on my podcast my audience will really benefit from you’ than saying - ‘can I please have some of your time’. And the audience just love to be a fly on the wall for those conversations as well.” Josh says.

    Josh dropped out of college with one semester left, took a job at a startup and learned more working there for 3 months than he did in his entire University program. He quickly caught the entrepreneur bug and moved to Boulder, CO spending a summer working as a developer for Techstars.

    To learn more about Josh Nielsen and Zencastr visit and join us for new episodes of Life’s Tough: You Can Be Tougher! here on the “Life’s Tough” channel!

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Dr. Gary Onik, a visionary medical Doctor and adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, working closely with his colleagues to develop the next generation of cancer fighting technologies.

    In a recent interview, Dustin asks Dr. Gary Onik to share about what has inspired him to explore these groundbreaking medical treatments and the lessons he’s learned from the ups and downs of his career. Dr. Onik admits that he doesn’t need the recognition from his peers or the public, saying, “That has helped me push the envelope and go against the standards.”

    Dr. Onik’s is turning the world of what is considered untreatable cancers upside down with his medical cancer treatments. Driven by compassion towards his patients, Dr. Onik says, “My criteria for accepting a patient is whether I believe they can walk out of the hospital cancer-free.”

    Dr. Onik was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of an accountant and homemaker. By age five his family had moved to Coney Island, and he already knew he wanted to be a doctor. One of the first science books Gary ever read was a picture book about Louis Pasteur. He was intrigued. But his dreams of becoming a doctor disappeared when, at eight years old, his father died unexpectedly, and he saw his mother struggle to make ends meet.

    It took a high school mentor and Harvard professors to inspire Gary to go on to Medical school. Gary graduated New York Medical College in Manhattan at the top of his class and has gone on to pioneer some of the most astounding medical breakthroughs in history. To learn more about Dr. Onik and his work visit

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story, saying, Dustin says “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”

    Disclaimer: Dr. Onik is an adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and the chief medical officer of a biotechnology company that is conducting clinical trials and developing new cancer technologies. He also has a private medical practice treating cancer patients. He may have a financial interest in some of the topics he will be discussing

  • Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough—YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast this week features Rebeccah Silence, known for bringing her clients "back to life”, owner of Inspired Results, radio personality, highly sought-after keynote speaker and corporate trainer, specializing in "Emotional Release" coaching for individuals, families, life purpose, and healing.

    In her conversation with Dustin, Rebeccah walks us through her 5 steps for healing. She has an online program called, Healing Is Possible, and during the 5-week course, Rebeccah has helped countless people overcome a painful past and break through the patterns than keep you stuck. “It’s simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy,” says Rebeccah.

    After years studying, processing & integrating, Rebeccah has built a roadmap to freeing yourself from emotional pain. Courage, Wellness, Inspiration, Faith and Power are the 5 steps she believes are critical for healing. “If you feel stuck or held hostage by your emotional pain,” Rebeccah coaches, “if it’s keeping you from truly shining your light and becoming the person you're destined to be, this course might be right for you!”

    Rebeccah put the pieces of her life back together after leaving an abusive marriage and again when she survived cancer, getting her initial diagnosis while she was pregnant with her youngest daughter. She is committed to helping others heal their childhood traumas and her work includes support for sexual, physical and self-harm disorders.

    Rebeccah has spent the past 13 years helping her clients heal through their emotional pain stemming from dark & unimaginable trauma. She believes that we are all born exactly who we are supposed to be and as life happens to us, we drift, hide, numb and lose ourselves in our journey to adulthood. Through her work, she empowers others to choose their best self and claim the power to be who they were created to be.

    Dustin Plantholt is founder and CEO of Life’s Tough. Surviving a traumatic childhood and now raising a family of his own, he is dedicated to helping others find their voice through sharing their story. Dustin says, “Together, we are sparking a movement and changing the world, one heart at a time. It’s life … life is tough … but YOU can be TOUGHER!”