Full Moon in Dog (27*29’♊︎) December 18th at 11:35pm EST
-7: Al-Dhira- “The Forearm”
-17° 8' 34'' Gemini â 0° Cancer
-image: man clothed in robes with hands to heaven praying
-elec: increase merchandise, profit, safe travel, increase crops, beneficent sailing, cause friendship/allies, expel flies, destroy officials, favor of kings/nobles
-talis: aquisition of good things
-det: name on breast, sweet smelling things, carry seal: Siely / Selehe
-PGM: Dog
-GV: Sargatanas: Astaroth deputy, seal: moth type insect
-QUI: Exu Veludo, ‘animal hide’, ‘shaggy’, messenger for hunter god, ‘velvet night’, ‘velvet’
New Moon in Virgin (12*20’♑︎) on January 2nd
22: Sa'd al-Dhabih- “Lucky One Of The Slaughterers”-0° Capricorn – 12° 51' 26'' Capricorn
-image: man with wings on feet wearing helmet
-elec: cure illness, cause social discord, servants/captives flee, cause goodwill between allies, captives escape
-talis: binding tongues to prevent evil talk / safety of fugitives
-det: iron ring, mercury incense, / make seal in black wax: Geyel
-PGM: Virgin
-GV: Segal: appears prodigies, monsters, chimeras
-QUI: Exu Gira-Mundo, ‘world turner, world twister”
November 19th, 2021
-5: Al-Haqa- “White Spot”
-21° 25' 43'' Taurus – 4° 17' 09'' Gemini
-image: head without body
-elec: earning, save travelers, return quickly, improve buildings, spousal favor, destroy friendships
-talis: receiving favor from kings
-det: carry seal, put in bed for visions, silver, sandalwood: Cabil
-PGM: Falcon
-GV: Fleruty: Belzebuth deputy, seal: large nose man
Solar Eclipse in DEERvDec 4 2021 2:41 am eastern:
-20: Al-Na’am- “The Beam”
-4° 17' 09'' Sagittarius – 17° 8' 34'' Sagittarius
-image: head and arms of man and body of horse holding a bow
-elec: tame wild/disobedient beasts, road travel and quick return, men to come when you wish, good people join together, firm incarceration, bring evil to allies’ riches
-talis: hunting in fields
-det: tin plate, wolf hair incense, carry image: Queyhuc
-PGM: Deer
-GV: Hiepact: brings people from far away,
-QUI: Exu das Matas, ‘of the forests’, ‘of the bushes’
Fehlende Folgen?
November 4th
NEW MOON IN LEOPARD - 12º 40’’ Scorpio
-18: Al-Qalb- “The Heart”
-8° 34' 17'' Scorpio – 21° 25' 43'' Scorpio
-image: adder holding tail above head
-elec: conspire against kings, vengeance against enemies, build strong buildings, free captives, separate friends
-talis: take away fevers
-det: wax snake, staghorn incense, bury in vessel beneath house or carry if ill: Egribel
-PGM: Leopard
-GV: Clisthert: day/night, light/dark and the pleasures of either there of
-QUI: Exu Tronqueira, Exu Offertory Niche, ‘dark sanctuary’
November 19th, 2021
-5: Al-Haqa- “White Spot”
-21° 25' 43'' Taurus – 4° 17' 09'' Gemini
-image: head without body
-elec: earning, save travelers, return quickly, improve buildings, spousal favor, destroy friendships
-talis: receiving favor from kings
-det: carry seal, put in bed for visions, silver, sandalwood: Cabil
-PGM: Falcon
-GV: Fleruty: Belzebuth deputy, seal: large nose man
-QUI: Exu Tiriri, messenger of Ogum, uncrosses hexes & rights injustices, most dangerous, chief deputy
NEW MOON IN CAT - 13º 25’’ Libra
-16: Al-Zubana- “The Claws”
-12° 51' 26'' Libra – 25° 42' 51'' Libra
-image: man on throne holding scales
-elec: destroy merchandise, destroy harvests/plants, discord in love/friendship, destroy women, impede journeys, liberate captives
-talis: making profit in selling/buying,
-det: plate of silver, splendrous odors, leave out under stars 7 nights
-PGM: Cat
-GV: Khil: earthquakes on houses and towns
FULL MOON IN BULL - 27 º 26 Aries
-3: Al-Thurayya- “Many Little Ones”
-25° 42' 51'' Aries – 8° 34' 17'' Taurus
-image: seated woman with right hand over her head
-elec: safe sail, alchemy, works of fire, hunt, love, firm incarceration
-talis: aquisition of good things
-det: musk, camphor, mastic, aromatic oils, wrap in cloth: Annuncia
-PGM: Bull
-GV: Agliarept: Lucifer Deputy, seal: horned man
For our upcoming lecture SNAKES & GATES: The Nodal Zodiacal Layer of the 28 Shapes go to:
New Moon at 14*38’ Virgo - September 6th, 2021 at 22:21
KID GOAT (4*17 to 17*08’ Virgo)
-13: Al-Awwa- “The Wings”
-4° 17' 09'' Virgo – 17° 08' 34'' Virgo
-image: man desiring coitus with woman
-elec: increase trade/profit, harvests, good journeys, complete buildings, freedom of captives, bind nobles for favor
-talis: unbinding of men impotent with women, love between man and woman
-det: red wax, white wax, embracing, amber and lignum aloes, wrap in white silk, wash in rose water, write desired person’s name, carry: Azerut
-PGM: Young-Horned-Goat
-GV: Bechaud: storms, tempests, rain, snow, hail, winds, frosts thunder, rain of blood /toads/ etc., weather in general. offering of a walnut
-QUI: Exu dos Ventos, ‘of the winds’
Full Moon at 28*17’ Pisces - September 20th, 2021 at 21:24
KEY (17*34’ Pisces to 0* Aries)-28: Batn al-Hut- “Belly Of The Fish”
-17° 8' 34'' Pisces – 0° Aries
-image: Fish (wishing fish?)
-elec: increase merchandise, besiege cities, increase harvests, get rid of things, destroy area, destroy treasure, safe road travel, spousal peace and concord, firm incarceration, evil to sailors
-talis: for congregating fish in one place
-det: brass, name on, sea fish skin incense, tie string on and put in water: Abliemel
-PGM: Sphinx / Key
-GV: Huictigaras: causes sleep or insomnia
-QUI: Exu Maraba, ‘crossbreed’
-9/22/21: 3:21pm: Autumn Equinox: 0* Libra
-Baboon, Baboon-Ox axis
-8/8/21: 9:50am: New Moon 16* 14’ Leo: She-Goat: 11th shape
- -11: Al-Zubrah- “The Mane”
-8° 34' 17'' Leo – 21° 25' 43'' Leo
-image: man riding lion holding lance in right hand, lion’s ear in left
-elec: rescue captives, trade and profit, safe journey, stable buildings, increase allies wealth, besiege cities
-talis: pride and receiving good, people fear and respect you, favor of kings
-det: table of gold, name in front: Necol
-PGM: She-Goat
-GV: Claunech: riches, treasures, merchandise, wares, wealth wisdom
-8/22/21, 8am: Full Moon 29* 36’ Aqu: Heralds Wand: 26th shape
-26: Al Fargh al-Awwal- “Fore-spout of the Water Bucket”
-21° 25' 43'' Aquarius – 4° 17' 09'' Pisces
-woman washing and combing her hair
-elec: bind in mutual love, safe travel by road, strengthen buildings, firm incarceration, cause evil to captives
-talis: creation of love
-det: white wax, mastic, pleasant odor: Tagriel
-PGM: Camel / Heralds Wand
-GV: Morail: make you or anything invisible
July 9th at 21:16 (EST) - NEW MOON AT 18º 01’ CANCER - SERPENT
-9: Al-Tarf- “The Eyes”
-12° 51' 26'' Cancer – 25° 42' 51'' Cancer
-image: man with hands covering eyes
-elec: destroy crops, unfortunate journeys, evil, division, hatred, defense from attack
-talis: causing infirmity
-det: lead, name on neck, pine resin: Raubel
-PGM: Serpent
-GV: Astaroth: 3rd chief, black in human shape, gives favor of kings and lords
-Venus/Mars conjunction July 13 in She-Goat:
-11: Al-Zubrah- “The Mane”
-8° 34' 17'' Leo – 21° 25' 43'' Leo
-image: man riding lion holding lance in right hand, lion’s ear in left
-elec: rescue captives, trade and profit, safe journey, stable buildings, increase allies wealth, besiege cities
-talis: pride and receiving good, people fear and respect you, favor of kings
-det: table of gold, name in front: Necol
-PGM: She-Goat
-GV: Claunech: riches, treasures, merchandise, wares, wealth wisdom
July 23rd at 22:37 (EST) - FULL MOON AT 1º 26’ AQUARIUS - LIGHTENING
24: Sa'd al-Su’ud- “Luckiest Of The Lucky”
-25° 42' 51'' Capricorn – 8° 34' 17'' Aquarius
-image: woman breastfeeding
-elec: increase merch, profit, spousal goodwill, soldiers report victory, not meet official, destroy money
-talis: increase herds
-det: ram horn, mundatura (clean part of horn), hang from neck of ram, (in bull horn if cow herds): Abrine
-PGM: Lightening
Ox -- Key: 6/3/21--6/30/21
JUNE 10t at 6:52am EST : Solar Eclipse @ 19º 47’ Gemini : DOG
-7: Al-Dhira- “The Forearm”
-17° 8' 34'' Gemini â 0° Cancer
-image: man clothed in robes with hands to heaven praying
-elec: increase merchandise, profit, safe travel, increase crops, beneficent sailing, cause friendship/allies, expel flies, destroy officials, favor of kings/nobles
-talis: aquisition of good things
-det: name on breast, sweet smelling things, carry seal: Siely / Selehe
-PGM: Dog
-GV: Sargatanas: Astaroth deputy, seal: moth type insect
JUNE 24 at 14:40 EST: Full Moon @ 3º 28’ Capricorn : VIRGIN - Solstitial Gate of the Gods
22: Sa'd al-Dhabih- “Lucky One Of The Slaughterers”
-0° Capricorn – 12° 51' 26'' Capricorn
-image: man with wings on feet wearing helmet
-elec: cure illness, cause social discord, servants/captives flee, cause goodwill between allies, captives escape
-talis: binding tongues to prevent evil talk / safety of fugitives
-det: iron ring, mercury incense, / make seal in black wax: Geyel
-PGM: Virgin
-GV: Segal: appears prodigies, monsters, chimeras
LZ FORECAST 5/7/21--6/3/21:
5/11/21, 3PM eastern, New Moon Scarab, 21*18’ Taurus
-4: Al-Dabaran- “The Follower”
-8° 34' 17'' Taurus – 21° 25' 43'' Taurus
-image: armed man riding war horse holding snake in hand
-elec: destroy cities, marital discord, destroy fountains, destroy treasure seekers, kill and bind reptiles and venomous animals
-talis: obtaining hostility
-det: red wax, red myrrh, storax: Assarez
-PGM: Scarab
-GV: Tarchimache: Belzebuth deputy, Lucifuge Rofocale (light flee-er)
-5: Al-Haqa- “White Spot”
-21° 25' 43'' Taurus – 4° 17' 09'' Gemini
-image: head without body
-elec: earning, save travelers, return quickly, improve buildings, spousal favor, destroy friendships
-talis: receiving favor from kings
-det: carry seal, put in bed for visions, silver, sandalwood: Cabil
-PGM: Falcon
-GV: Fleruty: Belzebuth deputy, seal: large nose man
-QUI: Exu Tiriri, messenger of Ogum, uncrosses hexes & rights injustices, most dangerous, chief deputy
5/26/21, 7:15am eastern: South Node Lunar eclipse in Deer, 5*26’ Sag
-20: Al-Na’am- “The Beam”
-4° 17' 09'' Sagittarius – 17° 8' 34'' Sagittarius
-image: head and arms of man and body of horse holding a bow
-elec: tame wild/disobedient beasts, road travel and quick return, men to come when you wish, good people join together, firm incarceration, bring evil to allies’ riches
-talis: hunting in fields
-det: tin plate, wolf hair incense, carry image: Queyhuc
-PGM: Deer
-GV: Hiepact: brings people from far away,
NEW MOON 4/11/21:
-2: Al-Butain- “The Little Belly”
-12*51’ Aries-25*42’ Aries
-image: crowned king
-elec: dig wells/streams, treasure, planting crops, destroy buildings, set people against one another, firm incarceration
-talis: removal of anger
-det: white wax, mastic, form crown king, lingam aloes: Enedil
-PGM: Vulture
-GV: Satanachia: Lucifer deputy, seal: horned bird or insect
FULL MOON 4/26/21:
-17: Al-Iklil- “The Crown”
-25° 42' 51'' Libra – 8° 34' 17'' Scorpio
-image: monkey in iron seal holding head above shoulders
-elec: deception, besiege cities, firm buildings, safe travel by water, lasting friendship/love,
-talis: thieves not enter or plunder house
-det: iron seal, monkey hair and female mouse hair incense, wrap in monkey skin, bury in house: Adrieb
-PGM: Lion
-GV: Mersilde: transport, teleportation,
We welcome artist and magical practitioner JM Hamade to join me and astrologer Elodie St-Onge Aubut in an ongoing discussion about the cross of creativity, the imagination, the spirit world, the post mortem state, art, aesthetic philosophy, image making, and lunar astrology. Elodie and I are amidst an ongoing collaboration focusing on the Lunar layer of astrology which explores the functions, potentials, philosophies, shapes, implications, uses, magic, myth, history and spiritual inhabitants of the Lunar Zodiac. We center our work around the axis of a list of 28 Shapes Of The World mentioned in the Greek Magical Papyri and with that as a matrix and nexus we explore outward from there. Over the past year our discussions together are emerging into the public now as we embark on a dialogue with other practitioners, thinkers, astrologers, and artists with the mission to embody the shapes as they have been since the dawn of human remembering and as they are continuing in becoming today.
JM Hamade caught my attention a while back with his approach to art and spirit engagement and as a fellow practitioner who pays attention to the Mansions and the role of the Moon he is the perfect person to spark off this series of conversations.
Check out J and find his art and lectures at or on IG @starnightdwell
Check out our work with the 28 Places Of The Moon here:
Follow our oracular Lunar dailies at @atavisceral.comFind me and my astrology on IG at @maresnest and Elodie @9th_house_astrology
Magician and teacher Samuel McCabe joins me to discuss practicing goetia, grimoires, transmission of occult knowledge, bringing ritual into the community, and where when and how spirit practice intersects with many facets of life and lived experience. Samuel is a teacher at Ritualcravt shop and school in Denver in Colorado where he also holds reading groups in exploring magical texts as well as leads the community in regular rituals. -
We go over Augusts transits and configurations which enjoy an eclipse free lunation and an abundance of planets in fire signs then even more in earth signs by the end. Mercury is newly direct, planets are squaring Uranus, Venus conjoins the Sun, everything in Leo is trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. Things could not be more different from June and July. A lot to be excited about, and perhaps downright manic.
Astrologer Gray Crawford joins me to discuss planets in fall and how we might think about them and where we might look to find stories that help us in better understanding their condition. We dive into Apuleius' hilarious masterwork 'The Golden Ass' within which the Psyche and Eros myth is embedded, and talk our way through mystery traditions, initiatory experiences, magical procedures, the underworld, the celebration of life, bestiality, JK Huysmans, Jack Parsons, the Daimon, fate, fortune, and much more. media: -
Herbalist Suzanne Stone of Moon Of Hyldemoer Herbals joins us to discuss her suggested plant allies for July 2019's astrology: Purple Loosestrife, Oxeye Daisy and St. Joan's/John's Wort. We hit on medicinal, magical, astrological, folkloric and cultural points of the plants while navigating the current transits. NOTE: I was attempting to record this in a live webinar format and it being Mercury's RX station conjunct Mars and squaring Uranus between the eclipses the audio came out terrible, with volume spikes and drops, cut outs and background noise that was impossible to remove. The talk is still worth it and listenable for those who dare!
Suzanne suggests a few titles on the topic of so-called "invasive species" :
The New Wild by Fred Pearce
Beyond The War On Invasive Species by Tao Orion
Invasive Plant Medicine by Timothy Lee Scott -
July 2019 Astrological forecast where we discuss this summer's eclipses in the Cancer Capricorn axis, oppositions to Saturn and Pluto, Mercury's retrograde in Leo then Cancer, Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus' ingress into Leo and trine with Jupiter in Sagittarius, aspects to Uranus in Taurus and more.
Diana Rose, card reader, diviner, astrologer, massage therapist and energy worker joins me to discuss what is divination, why we use it, why its helpful, what it does, how it might work. We talk tarot history, tarot future in the face of upcoming astrological and technological shifts, working with story in the cards and seeing life as storylines, not lying to ourselves, the importance of the imaginal, and how we pose ourselves to assemble and disassemble meaning from our own language postures and much more.
St. John's Newfoundland astrologer Elodie St-Onge-Aubut a.k.a. Elodie Miaow discusses living rural as an astrologer and astrological language and worldview. We talk about seeing astrology in the entirety of the natural world around you and how that's different from seeing effects or influences of transits in people's behavior and media synchronicities, the digital age and access to virtual community from far flung places, the inherent magic of lunar and planetary cycles, the art and practice of writing forecasts and much more. Enjoy. via @wordpressdotcom
We discuss June's action packed aspects and what they might mean for you, how to best navigate and hopefully get something useful from them and keep on track as we go down the brutally bumpy road of toward Summer Solstice listening to motivational soundtracks and taking in inspiring vistas along the way. This month's soundtrack was composed by the supergroup Cream Candles.
Maralie Armstrong-Rial joins us to discuss this era's particular astrology and what that might mean for virtual space, multiple realities, and digital drugs. You may know Maralie from the music, movement, sound and light duo Human Beast or performing and recording as Valise. We touch upon Uranus in Taurus and then in Gemini, the drug consumption habits of the Neptune in Aquarius generation, generational astrology in contemporary times generally, the transition from Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions from occurring in earth signs to air signs, and passed precedents that might reveal what kinds of trends extend into our unknown future; considering digital drugs, brain training games, multiplicity as a paradigm, the dissolve of binaries and dualism, morality coding, haunted AI, and the very real possibility of speaking to the dead through computers.
Maralie can be found here: reference the work of Dr. Adam Gazzaley who's projects can be seen here: then this piece by Frederik Heyman entitled Virtual Embalming: - Mehr anzeigen